How long is cabbage cooked in cabbage soup. Cook sour cabbage with sauerkraut, a step by step recipe

24.04.2019 Restaurant notes

An article about how long it takes to cook different types of cabbage in order to preserve all the useful minerals, and it is not digested.

Now it is impossible to imagine dishes without cabbage. Any cabbage: white, colored, red, broccoli is very popular among the population. This is not surprising, because cabbage is very useful for adults and children. And in order to preserve the beneficial vitamins as much as possible, you need to know how to cook it.

How to cook white cabbage after boiling?

   How much do you need to cook white cabbage

It is very important for white cabbage not to digest it, because in the digested form, it loses almost all the vitamins and becomes not attractive.

Consider the options:

  • A large head of white cabbage for chop, chops  cut into several parts, but it should be remembered that the less we cut, the less benefit. Cook for about 30 minutes, then we get it out of the water and cut it in strips or squares, season with salt, pepper, dried herbs, and cook cutlets, chops, or you can use boiled cabbage as an independent dish, pouring it with a sauce of butter, raw egg and lemon juice.
  • We cook a whole cabbage stalk for cabbage rolls for about 5 minutes after boiling, remove the top, after cooking, become flexible, leaves of cabbage.
  • Lower the finely chopped cabbage for soup and borscht 5-10 minutes before the end of cooking.

Note.  Boiled cabbage can not be kept in broth, so many vitamins are lost, after boiling it you need to immediately get it from the broth. Vitamins are also lost when reheating cabbage dishes, so you need to cook a side dish of cabbage for 1 time.

How to cook fresh and frozen Brussels sprouts after boiling?

  How much to cook brussels sprouts

Heads of fresh brussels sprouts  boil very fast about 5 minutesif cooked longer, useful trace elements are destroyed.

Boil Brussels sprouts in salted water, remove from boiling water, let drain water, and can be baked in sour cream sauce or fried in batter.

Frozen Brussels Sprouts  you need to boil about 10 minutes after the water boils.

How to cook fresh and frozen broccoli cabbage after boiling?

  How much do you need to cook broccoli

Broccoli  very similar to cauliflower inflorescences, only green. Fresh cabbage  boiled in salted water 5-7 minutes from the moment of boiling. If you bought frozen broccolithen it needs to be cooked longer 12-15 minutes.

The following spices are suitable for boiled broccoli:

  • Mustard
  • Suneli hops
  • Ground black pepper and paprika
  • Basil
  • Thyme
  • Rosemary

The following sauce is also good for boiled broccoli..


  1. In the pan in 100 g butter  fry 2 tbsp. tablespoons of flour  until golden brown, dilute 1 cup broccoli broth.
  2. Add to sauce salt, ground black pepperto your taste   4 sprigs of finely chopped dill,  and let it boil for about 15 minutes.
  3. 3 egg yolks  beat with a fork, pour into sauce, heat, but do not boil so that the eggs do not curl, and serve with broccoli.

How to cook sauerkraut after boiling?

  How much to cook sauerkraut

In sauerkraut  all vitamins and minerals are preserved in the same way as in fresh. In addition, sauerkraut is low-calorie, and people who want to lose weight can eat dishes from it.

Most often, sauerkraut is used as a salad, but you can cook different dishes from it, you just need to know how to cook sauerkraut correctly.

Sauerkraut, if it is very acidic, first rinse in cold water, and then cook. The cooking time of sauerkraut depends on the variety of cabbage, if the cabbage is hard, then it will have to be cooked for up to 40 minutes, softer cabbage will be enough for 20 minutes.

Most dishes of sauerkraut are cooked without boiling it first, but immediately they are thrown into a pan and stewed or fried all together. Dishes with sauerkraut are most often cooked with fatty pork. This is a Polish dish - bigos with fresh and sour cabbage, German - pork legs with sauerkraut. In Russian cuisine, pickled potatoes are made from pickled cabbage, potatoes and pork.

From sauerkraut, you can cook cabbage soup with meat or lean cabbage soup.

Lenten cabbage soup with mushrooms


  1. 50 g dried mushrooms  wash and soak in 3 l of cold water  for 3 hours, and then boil the mushrooms in this water for 30 minutes.
  2. Filter the broth with mushrooms, finely chop the mushrooms and dip them again into the broth, and continue to cook.
  3. Also drop in the broth 4 medium potatoescut into cubes.
  4. 500 g sauerkraut wash in cold water, squeeze the water and put the cabbage in a frying pan with vegetable oil (1-2 tbsp. tablespoons), simmer for 30 minutes, stirring, and then spread in the broth.
  5. 1 onion  finely cut 1 carrot  grate and fry on 2 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oiland then lower to the remaining vegetables in a pan.
  6. On the 1 tbsp. a spoonful of vegetable oil  fry until golden 1 tbsp. a spoonful of flour, we dilute the flour with broth and pour it into the pot for vegetables, salt, pepper  and cook until vegetables are ready.

How much and how to cook fresh and frozen cauliflower in soup and before frying after boiling?

  How much should you cook cauliflower

Cauliflower  boiled differently than white.

How to get a delicious cauliflower?

  • To prevent cauliflower from darkening, and to enhance the taste, you can add a few drops of lemon juice directly into the water where the cabbage is cooked. Lemon juice can be replaced with citric acid or 1 tbsp. a spoonful of vinegar. You can also add milk to the water for this purpose.
  • So that cooked cabbage turns out to be snow-white, the pan where the cabbage is cooked is not covered with a lid.
  • The less water you add during cooking, the cabbage will be tastier, but still the water should cover the cabbage.
  • The broth after boiling the cabbage does not need to be poured, because there are many vitamins, you can make soup on it.

Cauliflower for roasting. We sort cabbage into inflorescences, and soak in salt water so that insects crawl out and emerge, then cook in salted water about 15 minutes after boiling, we get from boiling water, and then you can already fry in butter or vegetable oil, sprinkled with breadcrumbs.

Frozen Cauliflower. Usually frozen cauliflower is already prepared and cut into inflorescences. Dip in hot water and cook a little longer than fresh, 15-17 minutes.

Cauliflower in the soup. From cauliflower with the addition of other vegetables in broth or water, you can cook a delicious soup.

Cauliflower and Vegetable Soup


  1. 2 potatoes  clean, cut into cubes and lower into a pan.
  2. We disassemble into inflorescences 700 g cauliflower, the washed cabbage is also lowered into the pan.
  3. 2 small carrots, washed, three on a grater, 1 onion  cut into small cubes, and fry in a pan 40 g butterand then add the fried vegetables to the pan.
  4. Pour the pot with potatoes, cabbage and frying hot water or broth  so that the water is a few centimeters higher than vegetables, and cook for 10 minutes.
  5. Add to the soup 1 bell peppercut into strips salt, ground black pepperto your taste, and cook another 10 minutes.
  6. Serve to the table, sprinkled parsley, dill, and adding 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sour cream or cream.

How and how much to cook seaweed?

  How much do you need to cook seaweed

If the seaweed was frozenfirst fill it with cold water, and then cook for about 15 minutes, drain the water and repeat cooking twice more to remove a specific smell.

Canned seaweed  cook for long about 5 minutes.

Soak dried seaweed first for 12 hoursand then cook about half an hour.

How much and how to cook Chinese cabbage?

  How much do you need to cook Chinese cabbage

Chinese cabbage  very tender and juicy, it is more suitable for salads, but you can also make soups, borscht, cabbage rolls, and even stew from it, and so that the cabbage does not digest, it put in a saucepan at the very end of cooking, bring to a boil and turn off.

How to cook cabbage for soup, borscht, cabbage soup after boiling?

  How much you need to cook cabbage for soup, borscht and cabbage soup

Finely chopped white cabbage for borscht, soups, cabbage soup  throw in a pan at the end of cooking and cook about 10 minutes.

It should be noted that some people in borscht love so that the cabbage is crispy. It will turn out like this if you throw the cabbage into the pan after frying, where there is tomato paste, and cook for 2-3 minutes.

How to cook cabbage on cabbage rolls?

  How much do you need to cook cabbage for stuffed cabbage

To prepare cabbage for stuffed cabbage, take small heads of cabbage (cabbage leaves will also be small from small cabbage leaves).

From a whole head of cabbage we cut out a stump (in this form, the leaves will be easily pulled out of boiling water). Put the cabbage in boiling water and cook for 5 minutes after boilingwhen the cabbage loses its crunchy properties, it will be easy to bend, but not yet soft, pull it out of boiling water one sheet at a time, as the cabbage is cooked.

How much and how to cook cabbage on baby puree to feed the baby?

  How much you need to cook cabbage and which for baby food

For feeding infants give cauliflower and broccoli.. This is the most suitable lure. These types of cabbage are easily absorbed by the body, and do not cause bloating, like white cabbage.

Cauliflower for babies


  1. 100 g cauliflower inflorescences  boil in a saucepan until soft, about 30 minutes.
  2. Drain the broth, and add 1 to the cabbage   Art. teaspoon of boiled milk and half a teaspoon of vegetable oil.
  3. Beat with a blender to a puree state, if the mashed potatoes are thick, you can add a decoction of cabbage in which it was cooked.
  4. Here, in mashed potatoes, you can add breast milk, milk mixture, but you no longer need to boil.

How much and how to cook young cabbage after boiling in borscht, for cabbage rolls?

  How much do you need to cook young cabbage

As soon as spring appears young cabbage, first we often make salads from it, then we switch to borscht and cabbage rolls. But do we know how to cook it properly in order to preserve the vitamins so necessary in the spring as much as possible.

We lay the young cabbage in the borsch after adding the frying, let it boil, add the greens and turn it off.

Young cabbage for stuffed cabbage  cooked minutes 2, no more, and if you have already separated the leaves of cabbage from the head of cabbage (with young loose cabbage this is possible), then they can be kept for several minutes in hot, just boiled water, and they will be suitable for wrapping the stuffing for stuffed cabbage in them.

The time of cooking is also dependent on different types of cabbage. Now we know that we need to cook cabbage from 2 to 40 minutes.

Video: A quick way to cut cabbage for stuffed cabbage

A well-known proverb says: cabbage soup and porridge are our food. Behind this saying lies the main first dish of Russian cuisine - cabbage sauerkraut. In the old days, a dish was cooked in an oven. You can cook delicious cabbage soup and on the stove, from this the dish will not become less tasty.

Before cooking, listen to our tips:

  • use homemade sauerkraut for boiling cabbage or buy in a store. It is clear that a dish will come out tastier from a home product;
  • soak cabbage in water if it is too salty. You can rinse it under water from a faucet in a colander. The salty product will ruin the cabbage soup;
  • take beef for boiling cabbage soup - this is the best option. But poultry meat and not too fatty pork will do. Want to get saturated broth - take fatty meat;
  • during cooking, watch the stove burner fire. The cabbage soup should boil slightly and the temperature inside the pan is maintained the same all the time. After adding fresh vegetables, increase the heat to a simmer, and then tighten.

  Cooking sauerkraut cabbage soup - a traditional recipe


  • 1 kg of beef with bone;
  • 1 kg of sauerkraut;
  • 2-3 tbsp. tablespoons of rye flour;
  • 2 onions;
  • 1 carrot;
  • some butter;
  • 4-5 potatoes;
  • bay leaf, parsley and celery root, pepper and salt.

Cook the meat broth. Put a whole piece of beef in a pan, fill with water and cook for two hours. After boiling, remove the foam, and send the whole onion and celery roots with parsley to the meat. Further, the process of cooking cabbage is as follows:

  • stew sauerkraut with butter in a pan while preparing the broth;
  • take the finished meat out of the pan and after it has cooled, cut it into portions and send to the broth. Remove the onion with the roots, which were cooked with beef, too, they will no longer be needed;
  • put stewed cabbage, rye flour and diced potatoes into the broth;
  • fry the grated carrot and the second onion, chopped into small cubes, in fat from the broth;
  • add vegetables to cabbage soup and mix;
  • add salt, pepper and add bay leaf;
  • cook for 5 minutes and remove the cabbage soup from the heat.

Leave the dish for half an hour to brew and serve for lunch. Season the cabbage soup with sour cream or mayonnaise as desired.

  Cooking sauerkraut with chicken

Chicken cabbage soup has few calories and is suitable for a hearty, but light lunch. Prepare:

  • 600 g chicken;
  • 0.5 kg sauerkraut;
  • 6 potatoes;
  • one carrot and one onion;
  • 1 sweet pepper;
  • 1 tbsp. l tomato paste;
  • spices, green onions.
  • some vegetable oil.

Wash the chicken and chop into small pieces. Pour water into the pan and lower the meat there. Cook until boiling on the stove, removing the foam. Wring out cabbage from excess liquid. Further your actions are as follows:

  • take care of the vegetables until the broth boils. Chop onions finely, cut the carrots into strips, sweet pepper - as you wish;
  • fry the onion in a pan with butter until it is transparent. Add pepper and carrot to it. Stir and fry;
  • before cooking, put tomato paste in a frying pan in the pan, mix and remove the pan from the heat in a minute;
  • cut the potatoes into cubes or strips;
  • in a boiled broth put potatoes, salt and cook until half cooked;
  • send cabbage and fried vegetables to the pan
  • boil for 10 minutes and turn off the heat.

In chopped cabbage soup, put chopped green onions and spices. Let the dish infuse for twenty minutes under a closed lid and proceed to the tasting.

  We cook cabbage sauerkraut in a slow cooker

A slow cooker allows you to get a taste of cabbage, close to cooking in an oven. Cooking method:

  • cut 500 g of any meat into cubes;
  • pour vegetable oil into the bowl of the appliance and put the meat. Fry for 30 minutes in the appropriate mode;
  • add grated carrot to the meat, finely chopped onions;
  • set the "Extinguishing" mode and cook for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally;
  • put a spoon of tomato paste 5 minutes before the end of the stew;
  • put 4 potatoes, diced, 300 g squeezed sour cabbage into the appliance and pour 2.5 liters of water;
  • cook soup for 90 minutes in the "Stew" or "Soup" mode.

Yesterday's cabbage soup is tastier than just cooked. Leave a tasty soup the next day and eat with sour cream and whole grain bread.

Cabbage has always been part of the diet; it is the most popular vegetable in many countries. The beginning of its "journey" as an integral part of the daily diet, cabbage starts from the Mediterranean countries. Then it gains popularity in Europe and wins an undoubted “victory”, firmly rooted in the north of a vast and vast Russia. The inhabitants of Siberia are very fond of cabbage, in the traditional cuisine of Siberians it is found in abundance. Many researchers believe that cabbage was first grown in Russia for the first time, possibly due to the fact that all favorable conditions have been created in our country for its growth.

Useful properties of cabbage

Cabbage is just a storehouse of vitamins. This vegetable is saturated with vitamins A, B and C, cabbage contains a lot of calcium and potassium, iron, fluorine and phosphorus, iodine, copper, magnesium, as well as sixteen free amino acids. It must be remembered that almost all vitamins can be present in freshly squeezed cabbage juice, therefore, unfortunately, in such dishes as cabbage soup, stewed cabbage, cabbage cutlets, many vitamins are lost.

The most common cabbage dishes

From cabbage, you can cook a wide variety of dishes, each of which will be unique in its special taste and will occupy a separate place in your culinary treasury. Here are just a few of them:

  • borscht;
  • stewed cabbage;
  • cabbage cutlets;
  • sauerkraut;
  • salted cabbage;
  • bigos (pork and vegetables: cabbage, onions and cucumber);
  • pies / pies with cabbage;
  • casseroles etc.

Of course, cabbage soup is the most popular dish. This is only one species from the whole variety of soups, hot first courses. Cabbage soup has an indescribable aroma, refreshing sourness in taste. In addition, cabbage soup is delicious, even if the broth is not cooked on meat bone.

Fresh or sauerkraut?

Cabbage soup is prepared either from fresh or from sauerkraut. One of the most basic questions when cooking: "How much to cook cabbage in cabbage soup?" It depends on which cabbage a hot first course is made from. Sauerkraut cooks faster because it is not as stiff as fresh, slightly salted.

So how much to cook sauerkraut in cabbage soup? The answer is simple - ten minutes. Cabbage soup becomes acidic. Nutritionists believe that sauerkraut in cabbage soup gives the dish a certain specific gastronomic feature, and helps to improve the digestion process. If the broth for the first dish was initially very fat, then sauerkraut slightly reduces fat content, thereby making such a dish more “digestible” for a weak stomach.

The process of making cabbage from acidic or fresh cabbage. How to cook cabbage in cabbage soup?

  • At the very beginning, you need to cook the broth. Many gastronomy professionals recommend using only beef pulp. However, it is better to buy meat on the bone. In this case, the broth will be more rich and aromatic. We recommend salting water, meat tastes more juicy and tasty. As soon as the water begins to boil, carefully remove the scum with a spoon. Cook for about an hour and a half. Then get a piece of meat, separate from the bone, cut the flesh into small pieces and add back to the broth. We pass to the second stage.
  • Add potatoes (diced). And, of course, cabbage.
  • How to cook cabbage in cabbage soup? Sauerkraut or sour cabbage cooks twice as fast - about ten minutes. It is recommended to rinse the cabbage under wastewater, squeeze thoroughly and place in a pan. After it was immersed in a pan, it boils much faster. When boiling, foam may appear. It's okay - the cabbage is acidic, and it is this acid that releases the foam.
  • Now consider the option with fresh cabbage. How to cook fresh cabbage in cabbage soup? It cooks much longer - about twenty minutes, because it is much tougher, yet raw, unlike sauerkraut, boils not so fast. Once the set time has passed, we proceed to the next stage.
  • Gradually add vegetables. Onions and carrots, after peeling, finely chopped, carrots can be grated. On the basis of these vegetables make a frying. We heat the pan, add a little sunflower oil, and engage in the onion transfer for about seven minutes. Then add the carrots at the same time. We mix actively, do not let the vegetables burn. Over time, add vegetables to the general pot.
  • Add bay leaf, salt, pepper or other spices to the pan to taste. For flavor, put the garlic passed through the press. Let the cabbage soup languish under a closed lid for about fifteen minutes. Then you can turn it off.

Cabbage soup is tastier not only from the stove, it is better if they are infused. When serving, we recommend putting a spoonful of sour cream.

Cabbage soup is also prepared without meat ingredient. This is a real find in fasting days for believers. Then in this case plain water is suitable instead of meat broth, and mushrooms are added to all vegetables. They add flavor and color to the hot first course. At the end of cooking (before the very process of stewing cabbage soup), several tablespoons of sunflower oil are added to the pan. How to cook cabbage in cabbage soup? Exactly the same. The lean version of cooking does not change time.


Thus, we can once again summarize and repeat all of the above.

The question before you is: "How long does it take to cook cabbage in cabbage soup?" First you need to identify, so to speak, the kind of cabbage you are dealing with. Fresh or pickled. And as the problem arrives, it will be quickly solved.

How long does it take to cook fresh cabbage in cabbage soup? Fifteen to twenty minutes.

How to cook sour cabbage in cabbage soup? Ten minutes.

White cabbage is most often cooked in shredded form. Sometimes it is prepared with whole leaves, for example, for the subsequent preparation of cabbage rolls. There are several varieties of cabbage, each of which implies its own subtleties of cooking. In addition, the dish for which the ingredient is prepared plays a special role.

For different dishes, white cabbage is cooked in various ways.:

  • for salad or cabbage rolls, leaves are poured with boiling water;
  • for cabbage soup or borscht, cabbage is pre-washed, chopped, poured with boiling water and boiled (if necessary, additional ingredients are added, but cabbage must be boiled first);
  • an alternative to boiling water is boiling cabbage for several minutes.

Before cooking, cauliflower should be divided into inflorescences and washed thoroughly. It is recommended to pre-salt and boil water and only after that spread cabbage into the liquid. In addition, soaking inflorescences in salt water allows you to get rid of insects and pollution.

The water temperature at the initial stage of cooking any kind of cabbage is of particular importance. If you put cabbage in a cold liquid, then there is a risk of boiling the vegetable. In boiling water, the leaves or chopped mixture will retain their shape.

Step by step cooking cabbage:

  • you need to choose a container for cooking and pour the required amount of water;
  • the liquid should boil (it is better to bring water to a boil over high heat);
  • cabbage must be prepared (rinse, separate the leaves, chop);
  • cabbage is placed in a container, and the fire is reduced to an average level;
  • you can check the readiness of cabbage for consistency or taste.

How much to cook cabbage

Shredded cabbage is cooked on average 20-30 minutes. If in the future it is planned to use cabbage for stuffed cabbage, then its leaves are boiled for 10 minutes so that they remain dense. Some people prefer not to boil the leaves, but to fill them with boiling water in a deep bowl. In this case, the workpiece is also ready for use after 10 minutes. At the time of preparation of cabbage affects its age. Small heads are boiled faster, large heads are longer. The smaller the heads, the younger the cabbage.

In a double boiler, cabbage is cooked for 20 minutes. In a double boiler, she comes to readiness for a similar amount of time. You need to cook cabbage in the "vegetables" mode, after adding salt and spices as desired. In a slow cooker, the vegetable is cooked in the “baking” mode. Cooking time will average 20-25 minutes. The fastest cabbage is cooked in a pressure cooker. In this case, it will be ready in just 15 minutes.

Cauliflower is cooked for no more than 15 minutes. During this time, the inflorescences reach readiness and retain their shape. Cauliflower can be cooked not only in a conventional pan, but also using a pressure cooker, slow cooker or double boiler. In the first case, the cooking time will be a maximum of 7 minutes, in the other two - no more than 10 minutes.

If sauerkraut is very acidic, it can be washed slightly under water, squeezed and added to the broth. Onions and other vegetables in real cabbage soup are never fried! By the way, Pokhlebkin, since I, or rather, on the contrary, I, like Pokhlebkin, lay potatoes after sour cabbage, and not like for how long they tried to assure me in the comments here.

In fairness it should be noted that sauerkraut cabbage soup is a rather specific dish. Of particular note is the fact that sauerkraut dishes differ not only in interesting taste, but also in beneficial properties.

When the broth is almost ready, you need to lay chopped potatoes in it. Cook for about 10 minutes, and then lay all the other ingredients - cabbage, overcooking and, if desired, you can add tomato paste. Cook until tender. An important nuance: cabbage soup is salted after the cabbage is cooked, otherwise, you risk oversalt. Cabbage soup is usually served “in company” with sour cream and finely chopped herbs.

Beef is used as the most suitable meat in cabbage soup, however, if you want to cook greasy cabbage soup, you can use pork. Sauerkraut cabbage soup has been known in Russia since the 11th century and began to cook them in the autumn, when the first sauerkraut was ready for the housewives.

If the cabbage soup turned out to be acidic, the acid can be neutralized by adding soda and sugar. During fasting, you can cook cabbage soup with sauerkraut with barley, beans, canned fish or mushrooms. Heat the pan, pour the vegetable oil, put the cabbage and simmer it over a quiet fire for 30 minutes, stirring.

How to cook sauerkraut cabbage soup

How to cook a salad of boiled cabbage Peel cabbage from contaminated and old leaves, wash, chop. Put the cabbage in a bowl, pour salted boiling water and cook over low heat for 15 minutes. Pound the nuts with the garlic. Wrap the cabbage in cheesecloth, squeeze it well and put in a salad bowl, add the garlic-nut mixture, and grind it well. For cabbage soup it is best to use fatty beef.

Breast cooking time - 60 minutes or more. An hour is enough for the meat to be cooked, but many people like boiled cabbage soup and therefore you can cook beef longer, to the state of stew.

Boiled Cabbage Salad

Since cabbage soup is primarily a sour soup, we will take sauerkraut for our recipe. You need to squeeze the cabbage from the brine. But do not overdo it, cabbage soup should be sour. The amount of cabbage again depends on its taste, but it should not be small, no matter how the main ingredient. We do this - we take out the meat, and put the cabbage.

After cutting, the meat is sent back to the pan. While the cabbage is cooked, prepare the potatoes. If this is not done, then the soup will not only take longer to cook, but will also become less tasty. Cabbage does not need to be cooked for too long, the time spent on peeling and slicing potatoes is enough. Dicing is more suitable for cabbage soup than cubes. Usually tomato paste is added to the passerovka, but for cabbage soup this is not necessary.

Cook for another 5 minutes and cabbage soup is almost ready. For complete happiness it is better to let them infuse for at least 30 minutes. Cabbage soup is usually seasoned with sour cream, but mayonnaise as well. It was a recipe for classic cabbage soup. And now the fun part! Sometimes sorrel is used instead of cabbage. Cabbage for cabbage soup is often pre-stewed separately.

Sauerkraut cabbage soup can be stored in the refrigerator for 4 days in a container under the lid. To the cabbage sauerkraut to taste, you can add finely chopped garlic, and sprinkle them with fresh herbs. Since lean cabbage soup, as a rule, is boiled during Lent, here is a recipe for lean cabbage soup with sauerkraut and dried mushrooms.