Gingerbread Happy New Year. Christmas gingerbread - step by step recipes for gingerbread and painted gingerbread

12.04.2019 Seafood dishes

In many countries on New Year and Christmas gingerbread serve as a treat and decoration festive table.

Delicious and beautifully decorated New Year's gingerbread is a traditional souvenir of Catholic Christmas in Europe.

In Russia, honey gingerbreads are very popular, they are simple in their preparation. Based on their recipe, many other varieties of gingerbread were invented with the most intricate ingredients.

Christmas gingerbread: the basis of the basics

There are only three ingredients in the recipe - flour, honey and eggs... In two different bowls, beat well honey (400 grams) and whites from 8 eggs (chilled). Whisking both products should turn white, after which they are combined and whipped together. Then sift and add flour (400 grams) and mix until smooth. Ready dough fill the oiled tins and bake in the oven until tender. Gingerbread cookies are often coated with sugar, or protein icing, which is obtained by beating egg whites and sugar.

We bring variety

While stirring the dough - add nuts or raisins. You can divide the dough into portions and add different combinations of ingredients to each portion, such as chocolate pieces and nuts, raisins and cinnamon.

Recipe 1. Christmas gingerbread with filling


oil drain. 100 gr;

honey 3 tbsp. l;

water 50 ml;

soda ½ tsp;

flour 0.6 kg;

sugar 0, 15 kg;

jam 200 gr.


1. Prepare the dough in a water bath: dissolve honey, butter, water and sugar. Carefully pour the resulting mass into flour and mix.

2. Leave the resulting dough to rest for half an hour, then roll it out.

3. Cut into circles with a mold or just an inverted glass. Put jam or other filling in the middle of each, cover with the second on top, blind the edges together. In each gingerbread, pierce a hole above the filling and put on a baking sheet, spreading paper, and bake until tender. It should be borne in mind that when baking, the gingerbread will greatly increase in size.

Recipe 2. New Year's gingerbread cookies on kefir

With the economy of the grocery component, a large output of ready-made treats is obtained.


0.2 kg of sugar;

350 ml of kefir (or yogurt);

honey 1 tbsp. l;

vegetable oil 3 tbsp. l;

soda 1 tsp;

flour 0.8 kg.

For glaze:

sugar 6 tsp


1. Beat 2 yolks and 1 white with honey and sugar. Then pour the resulting mixture into kefir, add butter and beat again. Mix the sifted flour with baking soda and knead the dough.

2. Roll out the dough, cut into circles in a shape or glass, place on a baking sheet so that they do not touch and bake in the oven at 180 degrees.

3. For the glaze, beat 1 egg white and 6 tsp. sugar to strong foam... When the gingerbread cookies are ready, brush them with icing and put back for another 10 minutes.

Recipe 3. New Year's cottage cheese gingerbread


120 g cottage cheese;

butter 70 grams;

80 gr. Sahara;

150 gr. flour;

baking powder for the dough;

orange peel.


1. Grind cottage cheese with softened butter, add egg yolk, salt, sugar. Orange zest grate, pour into the mixture. Stir well and add flour and baking powder.

2. The dough will turn out to be soft, you will need to roll it out and cut out the figures of gingerbread, lay it out on a baking sheet, spread parchment for baking and bake until a pleasant ruddy color.

3. Decorate the finished cooled gingerbread with protein glaze (from any recipe).

Recipe 4. Oatmeal Christmas gingerbread


flour 250 gr;

sugar 200 gr;

oatmeal 250 gr;

oil sl. 50 gr;

soda ½ tsp;

honey, citric acid, salt.


1. Sift the flakes through a sieve, leaving loose particles without oat dust.

2. Add flour, eggs, soda, honey, sugar. Stir, add oil, citric acid, nuts and knead the dough.

3. Roll it into a sausage, cut into equal "koloboks", form a gingerbread from each and bake in the oven until tender.

Recipe 5. Christmas gingerbread with cherries


flour 0.3 kg;

oil 80 gr;

honey 2 tbsp. l;

sugar 0.3 kg;

soda ½ tsp;

cinnamon 1 tsp;

cocoa 2 tbsp. l;

cherry 15 pcs.


1. Prepare the dough in a water bath. Put butter, 0.1 kg of sugar, egg and honey in a smaller saucepan, mix everything thoroughly.

2. Add soda and cocoa, keep the mixture in a boiling bath for 3 minutes, then remove and add flour and cinnamon. When the dough has cooled, knead it with your hands.

3. Having rolled out the dough with a sausage, divide 15 parts. Shape each into gingerbread and place the pitted cherry in the middle. Form balls, spread them on a baking sheet with a distance of at least 3-4 cm, since the gingerbread will greatly increase in volume, and bake until tender.

4. Prepare sugar syrup: dilute sugar (0.2 kg) with water and cook for 10 minutes, stirring continuously. Ready gingerbread pour over syrup and cool.

Recipe 6. New Year's gingerbread


flour 175 gr;

oil drain. 100 gr;

sugar 0.1 kg;

baking powder 1 tsp;

cinnamon, cloves, ginger, cocoa powder ½ tsp each;

For glaze:

eggs 1 pc;

icing sugar ½ cup;


1. Sift flour with a slide, add baking powder, cocoa and ground spices to it. Grind this dry mixture with a fork with softened butter, the result should be flour lumps.

2. Stir them with egg and sugar, knead hard dough. Roll it into a ball, wrap it in cling film or a bag and leave in the refrigerator for two hours.

3. Roll out the dough and cut using cutting molds or paper stencils. Sprinkle a baking sheet with flour, spread the gingerbread cookies, brush on top egg yolk and bake until tender.

4. After baking, cool the gingerbread cookies, then start painting with protein glaze. Prepare it as follows: beat the cooled proteins until a strong foam, then pour in a trickle icing sugar... Add 1/2 lemon juice and beat again until smooth. You can color the glaze with food coloring.

Recipe 7. Christmas gingerbread with dates


soft dates 150 - 200 gr;

cottage cheese 150 - 200 gr;

oatmeal 2 tbsp. l;

semolina 2 tbsp;

ginger (root) 2-3 cm;

powdered sugar.


1. Soften the dates with a fork, having previously pitted them. Grate half an apple on coarse grater, a piece of ginger - finely.

2. Stir the dates, apple, semolina, ginger, cottage cheese and oatmeal. If the dough is too thin, add more flakes. If it is thick, then add the grated apple.

3. Form small gingerbreads from the dough, place them on a baking sheet, spread parchment and bake. Sprinkle the finished gingerbread with icing sugar.

Recipe 8. Polish New Year's gingerbread


½ kg of honey;

½ kg flour;

200 grams of margarine;

0.1 kg of sugar;

spices and additives (cloves, nutmeg, cinnamon, ginger, coriander, candied fruits, walnuts);

2 tsp soda, jam.

Cooking method:

1. Put honey and sugar in a saucepan, melt over low heat until caramelized. Boil water in a kettle in parallel.

2. When honey and sugar are completely mixed, add 1 cup of boiling water. It is important to be careful not to get scalded by the hot foam that forms at this point. When the foam settles, add the margarine and spices and stir with a spoon until completely dissolved. Leave the mixture to cool to the side.

3. Peel and chop the nuts. Separate the yolks from the whites and beat the whites with a mixer. As soon as the mixture has cooled, add the yolks into it and mix again, then add flour, spices and soda (you do not need to extinguish). Mix again and add the proteins, stirring gently with a spoon.

4. Pour the dough into two rectangular molds up to half, having previously greased them with margarine. Place in the oven for 50 minutes. Check readiness with a match or toothpick.

5. Remove both halves of the gingerbread from the mold, cover with a towel and cool. Then blind them by folding one on top of the other, having previously missed them with jam. Wrap in foil or oiled paper and let stand for at least 10 hours, or better for a day. The finished gingerbread can be coated with chocolate icing.

6. Preparation chocolate glaze: 200 grams of chocolate, 25 grams of butter, 90 ml of cream, 40 grams of honey. Chop the chocolate and melt it in a saucepan. Add cream, butter and honey to it and stir until smooth. Finished glaze cover the gingerbread, put in the refrigerator.

Christmas gingerbread: gingerbread secrets and gingerbread tips

Exist different ways make the gingerbread cookies soft. The first way: do not add all the flour according to the recipe at once, but do it gradually, making sure that the dough is elastic. The second way: instead of sugar, use honey, partially or completely. Third way: do choux pastry, that is, cook the flour hot sugar syrup... When rolling the dough into a layer, make sure that it does not turn out too thin.

Before making gingerbread with oat flakes sift the flakes through a sieve, separating the particles from the flour suspension.

If the honey is thick and difficult to stir, you can heat it up in a water bath. Warm honey dissolves other ingredients of the recipe better.

Small and thin gingerbread cookies are usually baked for 10-15 minutes at 200-220 degrees, thicker ones from a hard dough are baked for 20-30 minutes at 180-220 degrees.

Details of gingerbread houses can be glued thick icing sugar, which is usually prepared for painting, or melted caramel. The attachment points of the parts are lubricated, temporarily fixed with toothpicks and allowed to dry, after which the toothpicks are removed.

If the gingerbread cookies are not covered with glaze or chocolate, then when ready they can be greased with a mixture of yolk and protein, then the gingerbread cookies will have a shiny ruddy surface.

During the preparation of the glaze, whites are easier to whip if they are pre-cooled. If the eggs are not fresh, you can add salt at the tip of a knife to the whites while beating.

To knead the dough, it is best to use water chilled in the refrigerator.

If, according to the recipe, raisins are added to the baked goods, then it must be prepared: rinse thoroughly from grease and soak for 10 minutes in boiled water... If you put the raisins in the dough dry, then it will take moisture from the dough. If the raisins are too wet, swollen, then they will give off excess moisture and disrupt the consistency of the dough.

For baking, prepare walnuts as follows: peel off excess scales with your hands and break into approximately equal parts. Then spread on a baking sheet without oil in one layer and heat in the oven for 5 minutes. Such nuts will have more rich tastethan raw, and better convey their flavor to baked goods.

You can divide the egg into white and yolk as follows: pierce the egg with a thick needle from opposite sides. The yolk will remain inside the shell as the white flows out through the puncture.

If the dough is not very tough, it will stick to your hands and rolling pin when rolled out. In this case, you can roll out the dough with an ordinary bottle, which must be filled before cold water... In this case, the dough will not stick to it.

When baking gingerbread, do not open the oven for the first 15 minutes, so as not to knock down the splendor of the products.

If the gingerbread cookies are slightly burnt, you can resort to this trick: let them cool, then remove the burnt layer with the smallest side of the grater and sprinkle with powder or cover with glaze.

Glazed gingerbread cookies keep their freshness longer and are better stored.

If during the baking process some part of the gingerbread starts to burn, it is better to cover them with oiled paper.

If the gingerbread cookies are too hard, you can soften them as follows: put the gingerbread cookies together with the chopped apple in an earthenware dish, cover and leave for one night. Then transfer to a tightly closed container.

New Year is one of the most long-awaited holidays, for which adults prepare so carefully, and children expect real miracles on this night.

When concocting treats, many people love to make baked goods, and we will tell you how to decorate gingerbread cookies with New Year's style icing to surprise your loved ones and delight unusual product guests. After all, made from quality products and beautifully designed with my own hands dessert, never beats a store-bought item.

Gingerbread recipe

Traditional new Year's baked goods are considered fragrant, aromatic gingerbread... You can bake a treat according to any other recipe that you like best, but we present classic way preparation of festive gingerbread.

For the test, you will need

  • Ground ginger - 2 tsp;
  • Ground cinnamon - 2 teaspoons without a slide;
  • Star anise (star anise) ground - 1 tsp;
  • Ground cloves - 1 tsp without a slide.
  • Grated nutmeg - 1 pc .;
  • Sugar - 200 g;
  • Honey - 150 g;
  • Butter - 150 g;
  • Chicken eggs 2 pcs.;
  • Wheat flour - 500-600 g;
  • Soda - 1 tsp
  • A pinch of salt.

How to make gingerbread cookies for New Year's table

  1. Mix all the spices together in one bowl.
  2. In a cookware that can be put on a fire, mix sugar and honey, put the mixture in a steam bath.
  3. When the sugar begins to dissolve, add spices, oil and a pinch of salt to the mass. stir until sugar is completely dissolved.
  4. Remove mass from heat, cool until room temperature and add eggs, soda, mix well.
  5. Start adding flour gradually. The dough should be moderately steep.
  6. Wrap the finished dough in a film or bag and refrigerate. It is desirable that it lie there for 8-10 hours (it can be longer, it will lie quietly for 2-3 days), so prepare it in advance.

After keeping in the cold, roll out the dough, cut out the gingerbread cookies, put them on a baking sheet covered with baking paper, and bake for 10-15 minutes in an oven preheated to 180º C.

Gingerbread decoration

And now let's move on to the most interesting thing - decorating gingerbread in New Year and Christmas style. For this we need to prepare a special "drawing" glaze called "icing".

Before we move on to the icing recipe, check out some of the rules for making this icing.

  • If you will be using a mixer to whip food, turn on a low speed, otherwise all the icing will splatter.
  • For icing you need very fine powdered sugar. It's best to cook it yourself. But if you do not have a device in which you can grind the product, buy powder at the store and sift it through the finest sieve.
  • It is recommended to use the glaze immediately; if storage is required, it should be kept in a tightly closed container.
  • For pouring gingerbread and drawing, icing of different consistencies is prepared.
  • To prevent icing from freezing during operation, keep the container closed.
  • The drying time of the glaze depends on its quality and density, it can take from 30 minutes to 3 hours.
  • If you need to speed up the decoration of New Year's gingerbread, then the glaze can be dried for 15-20 minutes in the oven preheated to 40ºC.

Icing recipe for Christmas gingerbread

To prepare the glaze, you will need

  • 3 egg whites, chilled;
  • Powdered sugar - 400-500 g;
  • 0.5 teaspoon lemon juice.

How to prepare protein icing

  1. Prepare a container for whipping whites, it must be clean and completely dry. Put the egg whites in it and start whisking.
  2. When protein mass will acquire white color and grows thicker, add to it lemon juice and begin to slowly add the icing sugar, continuing the whisking process.
  3. Beat the frosting just enough to make soft peaks.

Now you can divide the icing into separate bowls to color it in different colors. To do this, use the usual food coloring, diluting it according to the instructions or use a ready-made, liquid one.

If you plan to fill, then separate another part of the glaze for this purpose and dilute it not big amount warm water to a liquid consistency swept away.

To proceed directly to the design of the dessert, you will need pastry bags. Do not be discouraged if they are not there, ordinary plastic bags will come off: put the icing in small bags, tie them up and make small holes in the corner.

Decorating Christmas gingerbread: rules for working with icing

  • To work, in addition to the icing bags, you will need a small spoon and a toothpick.
  • If you plan to fill the gingerbread with a fill, then first outline the borders with a thick icing outline, and then, when the icing hardens a little, fill in the middle.

  • It's okay if the line goes crooked: you can correct it with a toothpick or remove it completely and try again.
  • Don't have artistic talent? Use ready-made stencils of drawings, applying them to the gingerbread and tracing the contours. You can buy them from a store or find them on the Internet, print them on paper and cut them yourself.

  • So that your hand does not tremble and the lines turn out to be straight, be sure to lean on the table, do not keep your hand suspended.

  • To diversify the design, you can use ready-made baking decor: various small colored figures, powders, sparkles. And sculpt them right away, until it's frozen, so they stick well to the glaze.

You can start with the simplest Christmas-themed outline decoration.

Are you ready for some more serious experiments? Then try icing the gingerbread cookies. Do not forget that without the outline, the glaze will spread and go beyond the edges of the gingerbread.

On a note: With icing, you can decorate not only gingerbread cookies, but also any other baked goods, for example, cakes, pastries, muffins, cookies.

On the Internet, you can find a lot of examples of how to decorate gingerbread cookies with New Year's glaze or embody your own own fantasies... Such a dessert will become not only wonderful decoration festive table, but also an interesting gift for loved ones.

Icing - so much fascinating activitythat once you try it, you'll want to use it over and over again. And most importantly, there is nothing complicated about it: all you need is good mood and a little patience.

Christmas gingerbread with spices are considered traditional treatthat combines the sweetness of a dessert with the originality of a holiday gift. Traditionally, they are baked before the Christmas holidays, presented to friends and relatives, and decorated with a New Year tree. For such New Year's gingerbread cookies, an unusual recipe is used, and with a lot of baking, fragrant spices. The decoration of the products is also festive - they are poured with multi-colored glaze, figures of Santa Claus, snowflakes, Christmas trees and other festive motives are created on the surface of each gingerbread.

Gingerbread pastry count long history... Glazed Christmas gingerbread has been popular since the Middle Ages in Europe. Then even fairs were held where these gingerbread cookies were sold in beautiful holiday boxes. In addition to gingerbread, products of other shapes were also baked in the form of figures of kings, castles, mills, hearts, and so on.

The richer the gingerbread was or gingerbread house, the more expensive it cost. Gingerbread handmade presented as gifts for the New Year and Christmas to the most dear and close people. In the most precious samples, gold was used for painting, the surface was decorated with beads, everything was done by hand. The recipe for New Year's gingerbread was usually kept and passed down from generation to generation.

Today you can make handmade gingerbread cookies with your own hands, and not necessarily on Christmas Eve. Such products will delight children and adults, bring the aroma of holiday and magic to your home. Made with your own hands, such a gingerbread can become a present and decoration for a New Year tree.


For fragrant dough on soft gingerbread you need the following products:

  • 200 milliliters of liquid fresh honey;
  • 2 large chicken eggs;
  • 200 gram pack of butter;
  • 30 grams of cocoa powder;
  • 1 cup of sugar;
  • half a teaspoon of soda and salt;
  • 5 grams each ground ginger, cinnamon, cloves;
  • 2 bags of vanilla sugar;
  • half a teaspoon of nutmeg;
  • 950 grams of white wheat flour.

By the way, you can use fresh ginger in this recipe, grate it finely enough. But don't overdo it, as the ginger root is spicy enough to taste and can ruin your gingerbread dough.

There is no liquid in this test, such as milk or water. Thanks to this, your ready-made gingerbread can be stored for about 1 month and not spoil. Also keep in mind that the painting should harden properly, so start preparing such holiday baked goods in several days.

Cooking process

For a quality gingerbread, cooking takes very little time. The only thing you will have to tinker with the painting to get really beautiful holiday products. Let's start by kneading the dough:

  1. Pour the liquid honey into a large bowl, where mixing will take place in the future. It is also permissible to use frozen honey, only it must first be melted in a water bath or in microwave ovenand then cool to room temperature.
  2. Melt the butter and cool to room temperature, stir it with sugar while it is hot, until all the crystals are dissolved. Combine honey and butter with sugar using a whisk.
  3. Break the eggs into a separate container, stir with a mixer until smooth. Curvy squirrels in this recipe not required, but joining eggs is necessary. Pour the beaten eggs into the honey mixture.
  4. Stir well, enter into this mixture vanilla sugar and spices. Typically, recipes use dry ground spicesbut if you use fresh root ginger, it must be grated on fine grater or crush in a mortar.

  1. Enter cocoa. If the cocoa is a little matted, add one tablespoon of powdered sugar to it and stir, and only then add to the honey mixture.
  2. Add salt and baking soda. You can use baking powder instead of baking soda. In this case, you will need one sachet for 1 kilogram of flour.
  3. Be sure to sift the flour, then pour it into the honey mixture in portions and mix it each time with a submersible mixer.
  4. When it becomes difficult to knead the dough with a mixer, sprinkle the table with flour, transfer to it gingerbread dough and keep kneading it by hand. You must use the entire portion of the flour. The dough should turn out to be very tight and dense, similar to shortbread, even a little harder.

Before preparing New Year's gingerbread, the dough needs to stand for at least half an hour. Wrap it in plastic wrap and place in the refrigerator for this time. After that, we start creating holiday baked goods:

  1. Roll out the dough into a layer about 4 millimeters thick, cover it with parchment. Then turn the layer over with the parchment down.
  2. Prepare the stencils in advance according to which you will cut the gingerbread. In addition to paper stencils, these can be special cuttings or molds made of tin or silicone. If you use paper blanks, it is best to make them out of parchment so that they do not stick to the dough.
  3. Now place the stencils on the dough so that they do not overlap. Use a very thin, sharp knife to cut out the outlines. You can use a variety of available tools. For example, cocktail straws are fine for creating small holes.
  4. Now cover the baking sheet with parchment, grease it with a small amount of melted butter. Carefully, using a wide spatula, we transfer all the blanks to the parchment. You do not need to leave gaps between them, since the gingerbread dough does not increase much in volume.
  5. Preheat the oven at 180 degrees in advance, then place a baking sheet with gingerbread there, bake for about 5 minutes, depending on the thickness of the product. The finished gingerbread will darken, at first it will seem very dry to you, but when they cool down, the dough will become softer and juicier.

Put all the gingerbread cookies on a dish in 1 layer and cool to room temperature. Before decorating such products, the dough must be completely cool, otherwise the glaze will not stick to the surface.

A special glaze is required to decorate New Year's gingerbread. We offer the most simple and available recipe glaze for painting:

  1. Separate one chilled egg white and pour it into a clean, grease-free dish. You don't need to beat the protein until fluffy with a mixer in this recipe, just stir it slightly with a fork or whisk.
  2. Then carefully add 200 grams of finely ground powdered sugar to the protein through a sieve, not forgetting to constantly stir the mass. Stir everything until smooth. The mass should resemble cake cream.
  3. Now squeeze one tablespoon of juice out of the lemon, be sure to strain it so that no seeds or pulp get into it. Pour the lemon juice into the frosting and knead for about 3 minutes with a silicone or wooden spatula.
  4. For colored glazes, you need liquid dyes. It is best to use gel, they are thicker, better combine with glazes and creams. Add dyes very carefully to get a natural color.

Now let's get down to the design:

  1. The most difficult thing is to make a voluminous Christmas tree gingerbread. To do this, while the dough is still hot, make an incision from top to bottom about 2/3 of the length of one piece. After that, insert a second flat workpiece into the groove so that both of them are at right angles to each other.
  2. To cover the Christmas tree, you need a green and brown color... Using a pastry bag with a narrow nozzle, apply the brown glaze to the trunk, paint the branches of the Christmas tree with green glaze.
  3. We paint the rest of the flat decorations as desired. You can apply on them various patterns of glaze of different colors, snowflakes, draw deer, stars and other indispensable attributes of the New Year.
  4. In addition, you can decorate gingerbread with a confectionery multi-colored sprinkle, colored coconut flakes, chocolate chips or chips.
  5. Glaze dries in about half an hour, but if you apply a thick layer of glaze, it may take longer to dry.

Christmas gingerbread figures will become a favorite treat for your whole family for the New Year. You can make them the center of the holiday table, as well as decorate your Christmas tree.

Gingerbread - the main treats on the list to help create a festive atmosphere. In addition to the fact that such pastries are tasty and aromatic, they can be decorated with colored icing and powder, and then presented as a gift or used in design by hanging on a Christmas tree.

Christmas gingerbread may well be healthy delicacy, and the following recipe is a prime example of this. Here, under a crispy gingerbread crust hides a slightly viscous core with oatmeal and spices.


  • molasses - 85 ml;
  • margarine - 65 g;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • flour - 155 g;
  • oatmeal granola - ½ tbsp.;
  • sugar - 65 g;
  • soda - 5 g;
  • cinnamon, ginger - 1 tsp.


  1. Melt the molasses and margarine in a small bowl. Once the mixture has cooled, beat it with the egg.
  2. Combine the bulk components from the list with each other and add portions to the liquids, stirring continuously.
  3. Divide the soft mass into about 30 equal portions and form into balls about 1 inch in diameter.
  4. Simple New Year's gingerbread cookies are baked with their own hands at 190 degrees for 10-12 minutes.

New Year's gingerbread is a recipe that can be easily adapted to suit your diet. Replacing wheat flour spelled, butter - olive, and the sweetener - honey, you will achieve the same texture as in classic version this delicacy.


  • spelled flour - 185 g;
  • baking powder - 5 g;
  • cinnamon, ginger - 2 tsp;
  • honey - 95 ml;
  • olive oil - 95 ml.


  1. While the oven reaches 180 degrees, pass the dry ingredients through a sieve and mix with the rest of the ingredients on the list.
  2. Roll the resulting "bun" to one and a half centimeter thick and cut into a curly cut or a simple mug.
  3. Spread everything out on oiled parchment and bake the sweetness for 10-12 minutes.

You can make beautiful New Year's gingerbread cookies not only for serving, but also for decoration using glaze painting. Buying a cooking bag or tight bag, decorate ready-made baked goods simple patterns or thin lace.


  • flour - 310 g;
  • cocoa - 45 g;
  • a pinch of cloves and nutmeg;
  • baking powder - 1 tsp;
  • confectionery fat - 190 g;
  • cane sugar - 115 g;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • honey - 115 ml;
  • icing sugar - 215 g;
  • water - 25 ml;
  • tartar - ½ tsp.


  1. Using a mixer, combine the first eight ingredients together until you have a firm and smooth dough.
  2. After molding the mixture into a ball, send it to the freezer for an hour, and then roll it to a quarter centimeter thick and cut into shape.
  3. New Year's gingerbread cookies are baked at 170 degrees for 11-13 minutes.
  4. Whisk the icing sugar, water and tartar well for the icing. The latter will help maintain a snow-white color.
  5. After pouring the icing into a bag or bag, paint the baked goods with patterns to your liking.

Painting New Year's gingerbread is an interesting family entertainment. Try to get the kids involved in creating a sweet masterpiece by transforming an ordinary baked dough into your favorite New Year's character - Rudolph the red-nosed deer - with the help of chocolate and sweets.


  • margarine - 180 g;
  • icing sugar - 210 g;
  • flour - 345 g;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • yolk - 1 pc.;
  • chocolate, red candies - for decoration.


  1. Before baking the New Year's gingerbread, the oven is left to warm up to 180 degrees.
  2. Whisk the sweetener and margarine into a fluffy whitish cream, beat in a whole egg and add one more yolk.
  3. Pour the remaining dry ingredients into the mixture.
  4. After 30 minutes "rest" in freezer, the mixture is rolled into a 3 mm disc and cut into circles.
  5. The recipe for New Year's gingerbread at home is almost complete, it remains only to bake them for 10-12 minutes, and then paint with chocolate and decorate with sweets, guided by the image or relying on your own imagination.

Christmas gingerbread with glaze

Why stop at the banal two-dimensional Christmas gingerbread, when you can build a whole three-dimensional structure in the form of a Christmas tree. Despite the seeming complexity, it is quite easy to put the levels of such a structure together, and all you need is an icing and a cooking bag.


  • flour - 360 g;
  • cinnamon, ginger - 1 tsp;
  • soda - 5 g;
  • confectionery fat - 180 g;
  • molasses - 185 ml;
  • icing - 230 ml;
  • milk - 35 ml.


Gingerbread "New Year tree"

Looking to modernize a classic gingerbread treat? Then try experimenting with the design based on any of the recipes above. These minimalistic colored Christmas trees are good as a presentation or replacement for the usual Christmas balls.

Christmas gingerbread "Snowflakes"

To give the shape of a snowflake, cut the rolled dough with a special steel cut, which is easy to find in any pastry shop. After baking, the gingerbread will already look elegant, but a simple painting further details them.

If painting Christmas gingerbread is your hobby, then complicate the task by choosing a more detailed design. Depending on your skills and imagination, the surface of the gingerbread can be covered with fine lace, using several colors of glaze and sweet beads.

Look at my gingerbread herringbone 3d. I did it for the New Year, to decorate the festive table. Such a beautiful Christmas tree can also serve as a wonderful decoration. New year cake, if you make it on a wooden skewer and then just stick it into the cake. I think my master class on the gingerbread tree, on New Year's Eve, will come in handy for many and you will delight your family with such handmade beauty. If you do not know from which test they can be made, I advise you to look at one of my favorite options from which they are obtained.

It is not very difficult to make New Year's gingerbread with your own hands, the main thing is to do everything gradually, not to rush and not to neglect the advice. I offer you a fairly understandable master class on painting gingerbread with glaze, according to which everything will turn out just as beautifully and original. Different templates for gingerbread for the New Year can be found on the Internet, or you can copy them from different children's coloring pages.

It is necessary:

  • Ready-made gingerbread - 4 parts
  • Edible beads - optional
  • Egg white - 1 pc.
  • Lemon juice - 0.5 tsp
  • Powdered sugar - 150 g
  • Water - will go
  • Blue food coloring - 1 - 2 drops
  • Satin ribbon

Master class of Christmas gingerbread with glaze

How to cook delicious gingerbread at home, I will not show it back, as I have done it many times. I'll tell you briefly, I cut out special blanks from the dough, this is the Christmas tree itself, a snowflake ball and a round stand. Maybe you don’t understand why I need both a snowflake and a ball, but I decided to do both the one and the second option, because I could not decide what I liked the most. Therefore, if you like it with a snowflake, leave it, and if with a ball, then take it. Immediately after baking, I make a hole in the ball with an ordinary cocktail tube, and cut the desired hole in the stand. And in order to get a beautiful New Year's gingerbread tree, you need to fill it with white glaze right away. For the glaze, I mix the powder, protein and lemon juice, then beat everything with a mixer at low speed for 3 minutes. Now look at the thickness, if the glaze is thick, then add a few drops of water, mix and check again.

I make the glaze of one medium consistency, if you hold it with a fork, a trace should remain, which disappears in 6 - 8 seconds. Then I transfer a small amount of it to another container, add a blue dye and mix until uniform, the resulting color is also transferred to pastry bag... I outline the contours of the Christmas tree with white icing and fill it. Gently shake the gingerbread several times so that the filling is evenly laid down. I also do it with a stand and a ball. Then I leave them for several hours so that they dry completely, but it is better to wait 12 to 24 hours. Further in blue I draw a wavy line.

Using a brush, gently blend the line and immediately attach the beads there.

I do exactly the same all over the tree to make beautiful snow-covered twigs. As you can see, gingerbread for the new year is not hard to do with your own hands and this is quite an interesting activity.

While it dries, I cover the snowflake with blue, drawing its lines. By the way, to make such a snowflake, I used special plungers that are squeezed out of the dough, different figures... I also make a dotted outline on the Christmas tree, ball and stand in white.

In conclusion, I paint the balloon itself carefully and decorate the stand a little. Now I leave them to dry well, after which you can thread the ribbon into the snowflake and into the ball. Next, I try on both options on the Christmas tree and choose the one that I like best. Do-it-yourself gingerbread tree made of gingerbread is beautiful and rather unusual, especially since it can be eaten.

Here is such a gingerbread herringbone came out for me. And I also like that it is like 3D and will be a wonderful decoration for a festive table or even a cake! If you make a cake with a flat top, then you can put such beauty on top, but then immediately after baking, stick a skewer into the tree to make it easier to install, and then you don't need to make a stand. If you are making Christmas trees for a gift, be sure to wrap them in special bags and tie them nicely with a ribbon. You can also find transparent round boxes for such products in stores. Prepare for the holidays in advance, and if you do not know how much gingerbread is stored, then believe me that this period is more than three months. Inspiration for you in the kitchen!