Crispy pastry for pasties on water: proven recipes. Crispy pasties: step by step recipes for filling and dough

12.10.2019 Buffet table

Cheburek with meat is the most delicious pie if it is prepared according to all the rules! This dish is especially appreciated for its crispy and thin dough. It is unusually tasty, ruddy, ennobles any filling. Collected here are step-by-step recipes for the most crispy pasties.

It's time to pamper your household!

Crispy pasties - general cooking principles

Traditional pastry for chebureks is made from ordinary flour and water. That is, as for dumplings. But more and more often there are recipes for eggs, with vodka, kefir or milk. Other ingredients can be added to the dough, the main thing is the consistency. The mass should be thick, even steep. The dough is allowed to rest well, only after that it is rolled thinly. If you roll out the base thickly, then it will turn out to be rubbery, but not crispy.

What the filling is made of:

Chopped meat;

Onion garlic;

There are recipes with potatoes, cottage cheese, and various other additives, but they cannot be called traditional. Real pasties are in the shape of a semicircle, they are thin, so the minced meat needs to be smeared.

Pasties are fried in a regular frying pan in deep fat. Usually only 21 pieces fit at a time. This dish does not like to be reheated, it is better to cook it immediately before use. When cold, it not only loses its taste, but also loses its crispy crust. The dough will soften, it will become a little stringy.

Crispy pasties: a step by step vodka recipe

Vodka is added not only to the dough for brushwood. This ingredient gives a special crunch, makes the products very appetizing and beautiful. This step-by-step recipe for crunchy minced pasties uses pork and beef. But if you wish, you can add chicken, turkey, lamb. The only condition is that the product should not be too lean.


420-450 grams of flour;

200 ml of water;

1 tbsp. l. ordinary vodka;

2 tablespoons of oil;

Salt, sugar.

Filling for pasties:

200 g of pork;

200 g of lamb;

100 g onions;

In addition, you will need about 400 ml of vegetable oil for frying or a mixture of fats.


1. You will need to add a pinch of sugar to the dough so that it will brown beautifully, but it is undesirable to add more, otherwise the crust will burn quickly and the meat filling will not have time to cook. We mix the prescription water with a pinch of granulated sugar. Add an incomplete teaspoon of salt and pour in vodka. You can use moonshine. Stir thoroughly.

2. Add flour and mash the dough until smooth. In the process, add vegetable oil. We make a steep mass, as for making dumplings.

3. As soon as the mixed unleavened dough with vodka begins to come off your hands, put it in a bag, let it rest for half an hour.

4. Doing stuffing. We twist or chop both types of meat in a food processor, chop the onion. You can use any spices at your discretion. A mixture of peppers is especially successfully combined with minced meat, you can add a little chopped parsley, do not forget to salt. Stir thoroughly.

5. We take out the prepared dough, divide into small pieces, depending on the desired size of pasties. In the classic version, such pieces are made, from which you can roll out a flat cake the size of a saucer.

6. Roll out a flat cake from each piece, spread the meat filling on one half. Cover with the free side. For the strength of the seams, you can additionally press the joints with the teeth of the fork.

7. Pour oil into the pan. Diet pasties do not exist. Of course, you can cook them in a dry frying pan, but that won't be the same. There should be enough oil so that the products float freely and do not touch the bottom of the pan.

8. Put the pasties in the heated fat, it is very important that the dough does not absorb it. Fry on both sides until golden brown and crispy.

9. We take out the pasties on paper napkins, cover them on top for a few seconds to remove excess fat.

10. Done! Pastries according to this step-by-step recipe are crispy, ruddy, incredibly aromatic. We eat right away, until they get cold.

Crispy pasties: a step-by-step recipe on mineral water with lamb

Traditional step-by-step recipe for crispy pasties with aromatic minced lamb meat. It can also be made from goat meat, which is also very tasty. We will knead the crispy dough in mineral water. We use water with gases. If it is very salty, for example, Essentuki, then we take this into account when adding salt.


A glass of mineral water;

0.5 tsp Sahara;

0.5 tsp salt;

400 grams of flour;

1 spoonful of oil plus for deep fat (how much it will take).

For filling:

350-400 g of lamb;

5 sprigs of parsley or cilantro;

2 onion heads;

1 clove of garlic;

Black pepper, salt.


1. Measure the mineral water, add salt and sugar, add vegetable oil, stir and immediately add flour. Quickly knead the unleavened dough until the gases evaporate from the water. We crumple until smooth, put it under an inverted bowl or put it in a regular plastic bag, let it sit for about half an hour.

2. We wash the lamb, wipe it with napkins, no water drops are needed in the filling. We twist it through a meat grinder. Although, Asians simply chop meat with two large knives. It is believed that such a filling is tastier.

3. Finely chop the onion, add salt to it, pepper, mash with your hands or a pestle to extract the juice. Pour over to the twisted mutton.

4. The final touch is greenery. A delicious filling is made with cilantro. Those who don't like it can add parsley. Grind the garlic clove immediately.

5. Put all the ingredients in a bowl of lamb, stir thoroughly. If the minced meat is prepared in advance, then we put it in the refrigerator, let it ripen.

6. We take out the dough, divide into several parts. Each piece must first be rounded by hand, then rolled into a thin cake. To prevent the rolling pin from sticking, lightly sprinkle the tabletop and the piece on top with flour.

7. Now we lay out the filling in the usual way, stretch an even layer with a fork. We pinch the edges of the cheburek.

8. Heat deep-frying vegetable oil in a large skillet or a convenient saucepan.

9. Lay out the pasties. Cook until golden brown on one side, and then on the other.

Crispy pasties: a step-by-step recipe for choux pastry

A step-by-step recipe for crispy choux pastry. For the filling, you can use any minced meat you like.


1.5 tbsp. Boiling water;

3 tbsp. flour;

3 tablespoons of oil;

1 tsp sugar sand.


500 g minced meat;

2 onions;

Additional oil for deep fat approx. 250-300 ml.


1. Measure out the required amount of boiling water, add sugar, salt, add three tablespoons of vegetable oil and add one glass of flour. Stir quickly, cool slightly, continuing to stir.

2. Add the remaining flour, knead a very tough dough. It will lie down a little, become softer. We put it in a bag, put it in the refrigerator, leave it for half an hour.

3. While you can start cooking the filling. We twist the meat, if the minced meat is not already chopped. Chop or twist onions, combine with meat. Season with salt and pepper. Stir.

4. Remove the dough from the refrigerator and place it on a floured table. Divide into pieces, roll out thin cakes.

5. Lay out the filling, form the classic-shaped pasties, carefully pinch the edges so that the meat juices do not flow out.

6. Pour oil into a frying pan. We make the thickness of the deep fat at least two centimeters, so that the pasties float freely, heat them up on the stove.

7. We spread the formed pasties, fry on the fire slightly above average for several minutes on each side.

Crispy pasties: a step by step puff pastry recipe

The easiest step-by-step recipe for crispy pasties. We buy puff pastry without yeast. We use absolutely any meat for minced meat.


Dough pack (0.4-0.5 kg)

250-300 g minced meat;

Onion, spices;

Deep fat frying.


1. Get the dough in advance, defrost it.

2. Chop the onion, mix with minced meat, add spices to the filling, you can chop a little greens. Stir well.

3. Take a piece of dough, put it on the table, sprinkle it with a little flour on top and roll it out as thinly as possible.

4. Chebureks can be made of classical shape, for this we attach a saucer, cut it off. Or we sculpt rectangles so that it is not a waste.

5. Regardless of the form used, spread a layer of minced meat on a half and spread.

6. Lubricate the edges of the cakes with water, which will stick together. We make pasties.

7. We heat up deep fat, lower the formed products.

8. Fry pasties in oil until tender. They are not very ruddy from puff pastry, since there is usually no sugar in it, but they are very tasty and crispy.

Fatty pasties are tasteless, so the oil must be warmed up well so that it is not absorbed, and after frying, be sure to lay out the finished products on napkins.

It is important to pinch the edges of the chebureks well, otherwise the juice will flow into the hot deep fat and "shoot". If the edges of the dough are dry, you can first grease them with plain water, so they will stick better.

If the meat or poultry is without fat, then it is better to immediately add a little chopped bacon to the filling.

Dough left? You can fry unusual pasties with salted cottage cheese from it. Cheese and herbs, with simple sausage or ham, potatoes and bacon.

If there is a lot of flour on the pasties, it will burn in oil, burns will appear, and there is a lot of smoke in the room. It is advisable to shake off the surplus before placing the products in deep fat.

They were the “tasty treat” of our childhood. Now the chebureks have been replaced by fast food, which is literally at every turn. But can he beat this juicy meat filling wrapped in a thin and crunchy dough?

They come with various fillings, but the most popular is meat or minced meat. Rarely come with potatoes, cabbage, cottage cheese and even sweet ones. Strange, but it happens. That is, in fact, the dough is used as a regular pie.

Chebureks are also good because they do not have to be eaten hot, they are very tasty and cold, and even on the second day. But for those who have never eaten them before, we strongly recommend trying the first cheburek straight and deep-fried. This is an indescribable taste and aroma! When you try them in this form, you will not be able to refuse cold chebureks.

Today we offer you five different types of dough to prepare and give you time to decide which filling you want more. A lot of tips and secrets from us are guaranteed today!

To prepare the dough, you need the most common ingredients that can really be found in every home. These are mainly salt, flour, vegetable oil and water. It doesn't seem necessary to explain exactly how to choose these products, right?

But eggs are the product that will be needed in four out of five recipes, and you can really write a few words about it. Pick eggs is a snap. This is exactly what many buyers think, but they do not even suspect that they have eaten spoiled eggs more than once just because they did not even try to choose fresh ones. How do you find them?

  1. Try shaking the eggs around your ear first before buying them. They shouldn't make any sounds. If there is still a dull sound, it means that the product has been standing for a long time and has managed to gain oxygen. In addition, the yolk has probably already broken off from its walls;
  2. The next way to buy fresh eggs is with a cardboard box. This is how eggs are often sold, and in this case the time of their sale is indicated on the box. Choose the freshest and remember that the eggs have two to three days after the deadline;
  3. The next method for purchased eggs is to draw on a deep container of water and lower each egg in turn. The lower it lies, the fresher it is.

Now you can start making the dough. Think about the filling yourself. Add whatever tastes better to you. But we told you a couple of secrets about her too. Read below.

Classic pastry for pasties

Time for preparing

calorie content per 100 grams

Everyone loves and knows the classics, therefore, such recipes simply must exist. Moreover, their existence must be supported. Read and play with it!

Tip: to cool the dough quickly, you can put it in the refrigerator. If pasties are prepared in winter, you can remove the bowl with them on the windowsill outside the window.

An equally popular option and, probably, we can say that it stands very close to the classics. Just one more ingredient, but you get a completely different dough and, as a result, different pasties. Here words are superfluous, we must try!

How much time is 45 minutes.

What is the calorie content - 344 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Pour water into a saucepan, add oil and salt to it, mix and remove to gas;
  2. Bring to a boil and add half of the flour, mix thoroughly so that the dough gathers, and a dough crust forms at the bottom of the stewpan;
  3. Remove from heat and let cool slightly;
  4. Drive in the egg and bring the ingredients to homogeneity with a spatula;
  5. Then add the remaining flour in several stages, until you get a homogeneous and smooth dough that can be collected in a ball;
  6. Cover and remove while the filling is cooking, then use as directed.

Tip: if you are short on time, you can immediately add all the flour in the first stage, and then only bring the consistency with a raw egg.

Egg dough with vodka for chebureks

It is believed that if a lot of eggs are added to the dough, then it becomes very tender. The same goes for vodka. So here we get a whole bomb of tenderness, the list of components will include eggs in the amount of four pieces and even vodka! Try it now!

How much time is 50 minutes.

What is the calorie content - 337 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Heat the water, add salt to it and dissolve it completely;
  2. Add eggs, bring until smooth