Funny and stylish gingerbread stencils. Christmas gingerbread and cookie templates: photo

10.09.2019 Restaurant notes

The New Year is very soon, so I want to show you how you can make beautiful Christmas gingerbread cookies with icing. Painted gingerbreads can then be given to relatives, friends and acquaintances as a lovely present. And the most important thing is that your drawing will be unique, made with your own hands and with a soul, and such gifts are very much appreciated.

Today I will show you exactly how to paint gingerbread in the form of Santa Claus and a snowman, and how to do it without special molds and stencils. In the same way, you can draw any other gingerbread that you like. 2018 is the year of the dog, but this does not mean that DIY New Year's gingerbread should be made only in the form of dogs. And the more and more varied you make them, the more interesting your gifts will be.

The shelf life of gingerbread can be up to a year, so it is possible to make them in advance and not worry that they will deteriorate or dry out. This is very convenient, since on New Year's Eve, not everyone has a lot of time to paint.

New Year's painted gingerbreads are suitable for decorating any holiday cake, if you stick a long wooden skewer into the freshly baked gingerbread. This design has become popular not so long ago, but many people really like it, so I advise you to try it. I also advise you to look more if you do not know which one is better to make them.

It is necessary:

  • Gingerbread dough
  • Powdered sugar - 150 g
  • Egg white - 1 pc.
  • Lemon juice - 0.5 tsp
  • Food dyes - 5 colors

Christmas gingerbread painting

I do not have stencils for New Year's gingerbread, but this is not a problem, because I found the necessary drawing on the Internet, redrawn it on paper and it's done. Then I cut it out. I roll out the finished dough in an even layer, about 5 mm thick. Then I sprinkle it with a little flour, put a drawing on top and cut it along the contour with a knife.

I do the same with the second workpiece. You can make them in any quantity and any size.

Next, I spread the blanks on a baking sheet with parchment or foil, at a distance from each other and bake at a temperature of 190 degrees, 6 minutes or until golden. it is important not to overexpose them in the oven, otherwise they will be hard. After baking, remove them from the baking sheet, transfer them to a wooden board and leave to cool.

Now I will briefly tell you a recipe for gingerbread icing at home. I drive one protein into the mixer bowl, add lemon juice and powder. Then I beat all this at the lowest speed of the mixer, 2 - 3 minutes. The mass will become thicker, whiter, but at the same time there will not be many bubbles in it, which will spoil the icing. Then I divide it into as many parts as you need for the drawings. I have one white color, which I leave that way, without adding dye and 5 others. I add dyes of the desired colors to each part of the glaze and stir until uniform so that the dye is evenly distributed. The consistency of the glaze should be medium in order to fit both the outline and the fill. Sweep a spoon over it, this trace should disappear in 10 seconds, if it does not go away for a long time, then you need to add a little water to make it a little more liquid.

Before painting the Santa Claus gingerbread, I put a leaf on top of the gingerbread and with a toothpick I outline all the contours for filling with different colors. To do this, it is simply enough to pierce the leaf in the right places without moving it.

I do the same with the preparation for the snowman, puncturing the necessary lines.

The technique of painting gingerbread with glaze is not difficult and you yourself will see for yourself now. First of all, I fill in the bottom of the coat, the beard, the lapel on the sleeves and the bubo on the hat. Never fill two adjacent parts, they will simply merge into one.

When the white color has dried for about 10 minutes, I fill in the red color evenly, and this is a hat, sleeves, mittens, coats and pants. And I make his face beige. Be sure to remember that after pouring each part, you need to shake the gingerbread to evenly distribute the fill.

When the main parts are a little dry, and this is another 15 minutes, I finish painting all the other small details, such as a mustache, eyebrows, nose, eyes, buttons and boots. Here is such a cutie gingerbread Santa Claus turned out. The photo shows that all the details were filled in gradually, because there are contours, and the drawing did not merge. Now I leave it to dry, and it takes from 12 hours to a day in time, at room temperature.

Now the next step is to paint a gingerbread snowman. The first step is to fill in white, namely the face, arms and torso. But the gap between the arms and the body should be at least 5 minutes, otherwise they will simply merge into one continuous part.

After 10 minutes, I fill in the lapel of the hat, the bubo and part of the scarf, which are red. Let me dry again.

After that, I fill in the hat, draw a star on the tummy, then finish the scarf and carefully draw the mouth and eyes in black.

Then I make a neat carrot, and on the hat and scarf, using the thinnest paintbrush, I paint snowflakes with white dye or a small amount of glaze. The snowman gingerbread is also ready, so I leave it to dry.

These are such cute New Year's gingerbread cookies with icing, I hope you liked my master class and you can also make them. As you can see, there is nothing difficult in drawing with glaze, the main thing is to fill it gradually and in parts, so that the details have time to dry out a little. Good luck and more inspiration!

Gingerbread cookie recipe + stencils today for everyone! Just a little more time, and a magical and fabulous holiday will come - New Year. How I love Christmas and New Year! A better holiday could not be imagined. I really like to prepare for it, look after gifts, choose Christmas tree decorations and garlands! Already on the sly, pre-holiday chores are beginning to gain momentum.

It is necessary to finally approve the 2015 New Year's menu and choose New Year's salads, New Year's snacks and New Year's desserts.

Do not forget about gifts, souvenirs and presentations for family, friends and colleagues. The traditional one with candied fruits, nuts and raisins is already baked, gaining taste and aroma and is waiting for its finest hour for New Year and Christmas. If you haven't baked this fragrant Christmas miracle yet, you still have such an opportunity, I highly recommend it.

And today we will discuss the recipe for gingerbread cookies. Where to buy gingerbread cookies? How to bake gingerbread at home? This year I decided to make sure to bake it, hang it on the tree and give it to friends in beautiful little boxes. Last year, I did not dare to cook this New Year's miracle - I kept an eye on everything, but chose the recipes. And then I was scared that I could not beautifully paint such gingerbread. Today I returned to this topic again, chose the recipe for gingerbread and decided. This is the result I am showing today.

How to make gingerbread cookies at home? How to decorate a gingerbread cookie? How to make a gingerbread frosting recipe that is sure to be successful? And where to get stencils for gingerbread? All these questions immediately arose in me, so today I will try to answer them. And then you will have the most delicious and beautiful gingerbread in the world! It is not at all difficult to make New Year's gifts bright and elegant, it all depends on your imagination and desire. These handmade edible souvenirs will certainly delight your guests. It is always nice to receive such a thing as a gift, and with it you will convey both a festive New Year mood and best wishes.

Of course, you will have to tinker a little, but these are such pleasant chores! But the biggest compliment will be when you are asked whether you yourself made your own New Year's cookies or they are purchased. Children must be taken as assistants, who will be happy to help you paint it.

The cooking process can be conditionally divided into three "series".

  • making gingerbread dough, gingerbread stencils and carving figurines
  • baking gingerbread
  • gingerbread frosting and gingerbread painting

I can say that the first two stages are easy and simple - the dough is kneaded easily, and baked even easier.

But with the decoration you will have to work hard, especially if this is your first time doing it. Next year I will cope with the decoration even faster, because now I know all the secrets and subtleties.

And one more tip, it is better if you bake one day and decorate the next day. It's easier and more convenient this way.

Well, you and I just have to prepare the necessary products and start the duties of a magician - we will create a New Year's miracle - masterpieces.

Gingerbread cookie recipe,

we need:

  • Butter (soft) - 100 grams
  • Chicken egg - 1 pc.
  • Sifted wheat flour - 200 grams
  • Honey - 3 tsp
  • Sugar - 100 grams
  • Baking powder - for the amount, see the recommendations on the pack. If nothing is written, then 1.5 tsp.
  • Vanilla sugar - 1 packet
  • Lemon - 1 pc.
  • Ground ginger - 2-3 tsp
  • Ground cinnamon - 2-3 tsp
  • Cardamom, nutmeg - optional, I did not add

Gingerbread frosting recipe (decorating cookies with protein cream):

  • 1 white (homemade egg) + 250 grams of powdered sugar
  • Food colorings
  • Various confectionery sprinkles

Gingerbread recipe with photo:

  1. This gingerbread cookie recipe is my favorite. I tried other recipes, but the baked goods ended up being too hard. After a couple of days it was almost impossible to bite off, but imagine what will happen in 2-3 weeks! And according to the recipe below, the baked goods are crumbly and do not stale to the extreme.
  2. Decide in advance on the molds.
    If you have ready-made forms, then no problem. But if you do not have such molds, then you will have to cut them yourself from thick cardboard. I showed you the stencils, now you can copy, enlarge and draw for yourself.
  3. Making gingerbread dough. To do this, heat a little honey so that it becomes liquid (I heated it in the microwave). Rub the soft butter with sugar, add honey and one egg. Rub the lemon zest and squeeze the juice out of half the lemon. Beat everything with a whisk or mixer.
  4. In another bowl, mix the sifted flour, all the spices and herbs (hence the name - gingerbread dough). Don't forget vanilla sugar and baking powder.
  5. Now add the dry flour to the butter-egg mixture. And quickly knead the soft plastic dough. The flour may not go all the way, the dough should not be tight and dense. You see that there is enough torment - stop.
  6. You do not need to knead the dough, otherwise the butter will melt from the warmth of your hands and spread. We wrap the gingerbread dough in a bag and put it in the refrigerator for an hour.
  7. Cover the baking sheets with parchment paper so that the cookies can be easily removed. We take out the dough, divide into 2-3 parts. We work with one, the rest are waiting in line in the cold. Remove the paper from the baking sheet and roll the gingerbread dough right on top of it. Add flour quite a bit, or rather, dust the surface with it.
    Roll out the dough about 3-5 mm thick and cut out the shapes you have chosen. Remember to make a hole in the figurines (for example, with a drinking straw) if you are going to hang them on the tree.
  8. When all the paper is full, simply transfer it to a baking sheet. We bake the figurines in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for literally 5 minutes. As soon as you see that the edges are just a little browned, immediately remove and lay on a towel. The biscuits will appear very soft and not baked at first, but then they will harden. Overexpose, get crackers.
  9. The cookies are ready, let them cool and you can decorate. If you just circle its edges with icing, then you can do it in one day. And if you decorate using different colors, then it is better to postpone the decorating process to the second day. So to speak, "with renewed vigor."
  10. For decoration, we make icing - a dense protein cream that dries in literally 10 minutes. To do this, take a protein (homemade egg, because we work without heat treatment). Stir it in a bowl (do not beat!) And gradually add the icing sugar to it. Powdered sugar must be purchased, it is of a finer grinding and sugar particles will not interfere with you when decorating. Add 200 grams of powder to get started. If necessary, add another fifty. Stir vigorously until all the powder is added. At the very end, squeeze out a few drops of lemon juice to make the mass whiter. Icing is ready and can be stored in a sealed container for 3-4 days in the refrigerator.
  11. Painted gingerbread. Take a disposable pastry bag, just a cut-off bag or a pastry syringe, fill it with icing and decorate the cookies as your heart desires, and as your imagination suggests.
  12. In order to circle the edges, such a protein cream is suitable, and if you draw thin patterns in the center, the icing should be diluted with a few drops of water to a more liquid state. See for yourself according to the situation, if the cream is not squeezed out, then dilute with drops of water. If the cream, on the contrary, is liquid, then add powdered sugar, and it will become thick again. There is only practice and experience.
  13. If you want to work with flowers, then mix a small amount of icing with the food coloring of the desired color and stir. On the cookies, you first need to draw the dense outlines of the future drawing with white icing. Then, with a more liquid color icing, fill in the space inside the contours. I poured colored icing (it just pours) inside the outlined contour and stirred it with an ordinary toothpick. Then the surface hardens even and uniform.
  14. Store cookies in a glass jar with a lid or a tin box with a lid on the balcony.

Delightful gingerbread cookie recipe + gingerbread stencils today for all readers of my delicious site. And most importantly, only you will have such cookies, because they are hand-painted, which means they are unique and exclusive! There is no second such! Pack it several pieces in a beautiful box and give it to friends and colleagues as a New Year's souvenir. And accept admiring exclamations and surprise!

After all, you did it yourself! All the pre-holiday mood, and if you have any questions, ask them in the comments, I will definitely answer with pleasure. Subscribe to our new recipes in the subscription window.

Come visit again, New Year's recipes are just beginning!

Gingerbread cookies for the New Year's holiday, toys for the Christmas tree or a unique do-it-yourself gift

For the production of quality blanks or so-called molds, you need a little time and a creative approach. To date, you can find ready-made templates on the Internet, and you can download them in a matter of seconds. But you can make templates for the new year with your own hands. In this case, you will not need to spend a lot of time.

Working on a variety, especially when it comes to cooking, is inspiring. You can dream up and make themed cookies or gingerbread cookies that will delight you with their appearance. Children with great pleasure will devour the fruits of your culinary skills. But first you need to dwell on how to make figures for cutting out cookies from dough.

There are three main ways:

1. Using cardboard templates
2. Self-made tin molds
3. Buying ready-made blanks in the store

All three techniques are effective and do not require much skill. If you are going to cook cookies, then first knead the dough so that it is infused, and then get to work. In fact, it is very easy to achieve the desired result. Both presented methods have advantages and disadvantages, so you can choose the best option for yourself and implement it.

Making cardboard molds

At the initial stage of preparation for the New Year, the issue associated with finding the best baking options stops at cookies. In this case, it is easy to make, you do not need to spend a lot of time, and at the same time you can approach the tasks in a creative way. Today, gingerbread cookies are very popular, which you can make yourself. You just need to make stencils.

This will require:

Ready template

Stencils for begin to be made based on the templates used. They can be easily found on the web, as there are many sites where you can download them. Everything is presented completely free of charge.

1. First, cut out the template from paper. You can draw your own sketches and cut them out as well.
2. Next, using a stencil, we apply the contours to the cardboard and also cut it out.
3. As a result, we get ready-made silhouettes of future cookies.

How to use the resulting stencils

Having prepared the stencils, you need to start making cookies. Roll out the prepared dough, after it is infused. Next, put stencils on top of the resulting cake and cut out cookies along the contour with a knife. Next, lay out on a pre-greased baking sheet and send the baked goods to the oven. This kind of cookie cutter will last for years. The only problem is that you have to cut everything by hand. With metal molds, you can do everything much faster.

Delicious gingerbread cookies or gingerbread cookies, cooked in a new exquisite form, will be perceived with a bang. So don't miss your opportunity to experiment with stencils and create something pretty interesting. Almost all gingerbread stencils can be printed at home if you have a printer.

You can use any package for storage. Cardboard does not require specific conditions, so it will be perfectly stored anywhere. It is worth remembering that you can make this kind of blanks yourself at any convenient time.

How to make metal molds

Metal molds for gingerbread can be easily purchased at any grocery store or supermarket. In fact, they are also not difficult to make with your own hands. In this case, you will save a lot and will be able to make such blanks that are not available in any store. In order to make metal molds, you will need to complete all the previous steps, including downloading templates. The main materials will be: nails, a wooden block, a tin strip about 3 centimeters wide, cardboard, a hammer.

1. Cut out the downloaded template and transfer it to cardboard. In this case, you will need to cut a similar sketch from cardboard.
2. Next, we put the resulting cardboard stencil on a block.
3. We hammer nails along the contour of the resulting model of the workpiece, only in the bending points.
4. Use a tin tape and bend the resulting shape along the contour.
5. Tap with a hammer at the bend points to shape. The cookie cutter is ready.

Then you can start making delicious cookies and according to your recipe. In fact, this technique has the broadest application. Even many workshops use such options for the production of molds for culinary companies. Recently, the cost of blanks in stores has increased several times and not everyone can afford to buy molds for gingerbread cookies. In fact, with a little bit of desire and dexterity, you can create the best stencils.

The first method is optimal, since you won't be making cookies every day. Thus, by cutting out the required models or cookie options, you can remove the cardboard stencils and apply them again. The most delicious biscuits and gingerbread come from when you experiment and try to make things beautiful. Therefore, try using the first method and please the children for the New Year with cookies in the form of Santa Clauses, snowmen and other fairy-tale characters.

Gingerbread is a popular piece of confectionery art in many countries. Everyday gingerbread is a simple geometric shape with white or colored glaze. Holiday, New Year's, Christmas, Easter gingerbread cookies are made of various, sometimes the most intricate forms, for example, gingerbread houses and castles. You can print stencils for gingerbread on a home printer, copied from a book, postcard or your baby's favorite toy.

Gingerbread is prepared from a specifically kneaded dough, into which spices, nuts, raisins, candied fruits and / or thick jam (jam) can be added for the "richness" of taste. In the form and with those components with which gingerbread is prepared to this day, they began to bake in the XII-XIII century. It was then that spices reached our region from the Middle East and India: nutmeg, ginger, cloves, chicken, star anise, coriander, mint, anise, vanilla, black and allspice, cardamom, etc.

In Russia, burnt sugar, dried and chopped cranberries, raspberries, bird cherry, and mint were added to the gingerbread dough to add color.

Interesting! Gingerbread in Russia was not just a confectionery. It was a truly "status", expensive gift for Forgiveness Sunday, before Lent, which was not even shameful to present even to the emperor himself. And the higher the status of the gifted person, the heavier the carrot was. The "Imperial" version of this delicacy was transported on a specially built sleigh, and this is a historically recorded fact.

Gingerbread "Kozuli"

These traditional gingerbread cookies are baked in the Pomeranian Territory - in the Arkhangelsk Region of Russia. Recipes have been stored and inherited literally for centuries. Gingerbread stencils need to be printed, the drawing should be transferred to cardboard and cut out.

Important! If you cut out a stencil for gingerbread with your own hands from cardboard, use only the one in which food products were packed: boxes from sweets, pasta, juices, etc. Shoe boxes or packaging from household appliances are not suitable for these purposes - they have an unpleasant smell.

Ingredients: 200 g of butter and sugar, 2 glasses of flour, 1 egg, 2 tsp. soda, 100 gr. powdered sugar, 2 tbsp. lemon juice. Spices: 1 tsp each cardamom and crusty, 2 tsp ginger powder.

  1. Rub the soft butter with sugar, add the egg.
  2. Put soda and spices in the flour, combine with the butter-sugar mixture, knead the dough. We put it in a cold place for half an hour.
  3. Next, roll out the previously prepared dough with a layer of 5-7 mm.
  4. Print stencils for gingerbread, cut out figures of snowflakes, angels, snowmen, gingerbread men, birds, bells, etc. Rationally, in order to get as little dough waste as possible, put gingerbread patterns on the dough, cut it out with a sharp knife.
  5. We transfer to a baking sheet covered with baking paper, bake gingerbread.
  6. On cooled roe deer, we apply a drawing with white glaze, or colored, using natural or food dyes.
  7. White icing for gingerbread is prepared from 250 gr. powdered sugar and 1 raw chicken egg white. With a fork or spoon, these components are intensively mixed for 10-12 minutes until a homogeneous mass is formed.

Readiness is checked as follows: draw a line on the surface of the glaze with the device used for whipping. The surface of the finished glaze will return to its previous appearance within 10 seconds. If the consistency is too thick, you can correct it by adding cold boiled water drop by drop. Add a little icing sugar to too thin icing.

Colored gingerbread icing is obtained by adding a little food coloring to the white one. If there is a “handy” man in the house, he will make molds for you from dense food tin according to stencils. For this, jars of canned peas, corn, pineapples, mushrooms, etc. are suitable. Detailed information, videos and master classes contain numerous network resources.

To use more than once, gingerbread stencils can be printed and cut out of plastic, simple figures can be made from cans of drinks and beer, molds for making sand cakes can be very interesting (just do not forget to wash them thoroughly).

To make unusual gingerbread and cookies for the New Year, you can find or come up with your own templates; there are a considerable number of sites on the Internet that provide interesting options for making New Year's gingerbread. In fact, there are two main ways to make these stencils.

One of which is simpler and cheaper, the other requires a more professional approach.
Nowadays, good stencils can be made without any particular problems. To do this, you need the material and the desire to get your way. The dough that is rolled out for cookies has a thin layer, so certain figures can be easily cut out of it, you just need to make a stencil out of cardboard.

  • Cardboard stencils

Cardboard stencils

It is very easy to create stencils or so-called cookie figures at home. You only need a little patience and as a result, you will achieve the optimal version of the blanks. The following is instructions on how to do and how to use cardboard blanks. They are done in a matter of minutes.

1. To implement the task, you will need to use special templates. On any site dedicated to the New Year's theme, we find suitable options and print them. If you want to do something creative, you can draw your templates on paper yourself.
2. Next, the resulting sketch is transferred to a thick cardboard from under food products. We cut out the resulting figure and our stencils are obtained. You can use them for several years.

By and large, New Year's stencils for gingerbread and cookies can be printed right at home, you do not need to go anywhere for this. Therefore, prepare the dough and start producing these stencils. In fact, the work is not difficult at all, you just need to be good at scissors.

It is rather inconvenient to use such received templates. Everything is connected with the fact that you need to cut out cookies with a knife for each individual template. In this case, the technique is suitable if you want to make some large and one-time options for gingerbread. But for the constant use of stencils, you will need to use the second production method.

Metal stencils for New Year

On New Year's Eve, we begin to think about how to make such a tasty treat and please the children. In this case, cookies are great, but you need to approach work with enthusiasm. The stores sell a wide variety of stencils that you can buy, if you do not want to spend money, then we can advise one fairly simple method of making. In this case, you need a husband.

To make stencils you will need:

Wooden block
Thin tin
Future cookie template

The presented materials can be found at home without any particular problems. If you ask your husband to help you, he will gladly agree, since the New Year is a family holiday. Currently, you can download templates for making online.

1. Everything is done quite simply. Pre-prepared cardboard templates, put on a bar.
2. Then we hammer in the carnations along the bends. Thus, we get a volumetric model.
3. From a tin we make a strip, about 3 centimeters wide. We carefully bend around all the carnations.
4. We get a ready-made stencil for the production of cookies or gingerbread. For convenience, you can process the edges of the resulting workpiece so as not to cut yourself.

Using the resulting gingerbread stencil, you can easily make delicious cookies. In this case, the resulting metal blanks do not require maintenance. You can wipe them with flour and hide them until next use. In some families, these stencils are passed down from generation to generation, thereby emphasizing the value of the product.

Professional blanks for gingerbread

Many people may not like these methods. You can also use a third method if you want to create your own cookie cutter size. Today you can contact a specialized workshop, where professionals will make interesting stencils according to your proposed sketches. In fact, their methodology will not be too different from the previous one, so it is best to entrust the work to your husband. At the same time, the cost of the services of a master will cost more than these templates cost in the store.

Today, there are a considerable number of sites on the Internet that provide a variety of gingerbread cookie stencils at the best prices. By ordering products through them, you can save your energy and time. Just in time for the New Year, your stencils will be delivered by mail at below market value.

New Year is a holiday for children, which should be filled with sweets. If you have never made various gingerbread or cookies, then you should start doing this. In this case, using our advice, you can make a variety of stencils for cookies. Your children will be satisfied and will ask you to cook them gingerbread or cookies using stencils over and over again.