Mushroom stuffing for pancakes. Pancakes with mushrooms and cheese: heavenly delight

08.05.2019 Restaurant notes

In our family, everyone is very fond of pancakes, but until recently I cooked them only with classic fillings: pancakes with meat, chicken and mushrooms, cheese and mushrooms ... and that's it. Therefore, one day I decided that I would gradually master new pancake fillings.

There are so many fillings recipes that at least every day you can cook pancakes with new filling... I have already prepared most of the pancake fillings presented below, so I can safely say that pancakes with these fillings are 100% delicious.

In this article I will write about unsweetened toppings for pancakes, but there will be a separate article about sweet fillings.

Filling for pancakes with eggs and green onions


  • 4 eggs,
  • 50 gr. green onions,
  • 5-10 gr. dill,
  • salt.
  • vegetable oil


Boil the eggs and chop finely. Mix with finely chopped green onions and dill. Season with salt and water a little vegetable oil... Mix well and you can fill the pancakes!

Filling for boiled sausage pancakes


  • 200 grams of "Varenki" sausage,
  • 0.5 tablespoons of mustard
  • 50 gr. sour cream,
  • 100 g cheese.


Pass the boiled sausage through a meat grinder, grate the cheese on a coarse grater, add 0.5 teaspoon of mustard, and 50 gr. sour cream. Mix everything, the filling is ready.

Mushroom pancake filling


  • 500 gr. mushrooms,
  • 2 pcs. onions
  • salt pepper,
  • sour cream.


Chop the mushrooms and fry, when the water from the fried mushrooms has evaporated, add the finely chopped onion and fry everything together. At the end of frying, season with salt, pepper and add 2 tablespoons of sour cream. Stuffing pancakes with this is very tasty.

Liver pancake filling


  • 500 gr. liver (chicken or veal),
  • 2 onions
  • 1 carrot,
  • 3 eggs, salt. pepper.
  • mayonnaise


Cut the liver into plates and fry until tender. Fry the onions and carrots separately. Boiled eggs grate on coarse grater, salt and black ground pepper taste. Cut the liver into strips (or in a meat grinder, as you like), mix with carrots and mayonnaise with onions.

Filling for ham onion pancakes


  • onion
  • ham
  • vegetable oil
  • salt pepper


Cut the ham into strips.

Wash and chop the onion.

Salt, pepper and fry the ham and onion.

Cool the finished filling.

Put 1 tablespoon of filling on each pancake, roll it up with an envelope. Fry the prepared pancakes on both sides in a frying pan greased with ghee.

Pancakes stuffed with carrots


  • carrot
  • onion
  • vegetable oil


Wash carrots, peel, grate on a coarse grater.

Peel the onion, wash, chop.

Fry carrots and onions in vegetable oil.

Hard-boiled eggs, chop finely.

Mix carrots, onions and eggs.

Put the filling on the pancakes, roll up an envelope and fry on both sides in the remaining vegetable oil.

Serve pancakes with sour cream.

Zucchini pancake filling


  • zucchini
  • bell pepper
  • tomatoes
  • vegetable oil
  • salt and allspice to taste


Wash the zucchini, peel, cut into small cubes and fry in vegetable oil.

Wash the bell pepper, remove the stalks and seeds, cut into strips, fry in vegetable oil.

Wash the tomatoes, cut into small cubes.

Combine zucchini with tomatoes and bell pepper, salt, season allspice and simmer for 3-5 minutes. Cool the filling.

Put the filling on the pancakes, flatten. Fold the pancakes in four, serve with sour cream if desired.

Pancakes with cabbage and fish filling


  • fresh cabbage
  • canned pink salmon
  • hard boiled eggs
  • parsley
  • vegetable little
  • salt and pepper


Finely chop the cabbage and fry in a little vegetable oil. Boil eggs, peel, chop finely.

Salt and pepper the cabbage, add eggs and chopped canned pink salmon, to stir thoroughly.

Wash the parsley, dry it, chop finely, add to the cabbage and fish filling.

Put the filling on the pancakes. Roll up the pancakes with an envelope. Serve with sour cream.

Pancakes with cheese and carrots


  • 100 g of hard cheese,
  • 1 carrot,
  • 1 tablespoon tomato paste
  • 1 hard boiled egg
  • 100 g green onions
  • 100 g parsley,
  • 30 ml of vegetable oil,
  • 50 g butter, salt to taste.


To prepare the filling green onions and wash the parsley and chop finely. Wash carrots, peel and grate on fine grater... Peel and chop the egg. Grate the cheese on a fine grater. Salt green onions and carrots, mix with tomato paste and fry in vegetable oil for 3 minutes, then add chopped egg and cheese.

Put the filling on the pancakes, flatten. Roll the pancakes in four and sprinkle with parsley.

Pancakes with pickled honey mushrooms and potatoes


  • 200 g pickled honey mushrooms,
  • 1 onion
  • 50 g mayonnaise
  • 2 potato tubers,
  • pepper to taste.


To prepare the filling, finely chop the mushrooms.

Peel the onion, wash, chop finely. Mix pickled mushrooms with onions and potatoes, pepper, season with mayonnaise.

Put the filling on the pancakes and roll up in an envelope.

Pancakes with fried mushrooms and sausage


  • 300 g champignons,
  • 100 g sour cream
  • 100 g of boiled sausage,
  • 1 apple,
  • 1 bunch of parsley
  • 1 onion
  • 70 ml of vegetable oil,
  • salt and pepper to taste.


To prepare the filling, peel the onion, cut into thin half rings.

Peel the champignons, wash, finely chop. Cut the sausage into small cubes.

Mix everything, salt, pepper and fry in vegetable oil until tender.

Wash the apple, peel, core and cut into small cubes. Wash parsley greens, dry, chop finely.

Combine onions, mushrooms and sausage with parsley and apple, pepper, season with sour cream.

Put the filling on the pancakes, flatten, fold into envelopes.

Filling for mushroom and rice pancakes


  • 100 g of boiled rice
  • 200 g butter,
  • 1 onion
  • 50 g butter
  • 1 bunch of green onions
  • 2 eggs,
  • salt and pepper to taste.


To prepare the filling, peel the mushrooms, wash, and finely chop.

Peel the onion, wash, cut into thin half rings.

Combine mushrooms and onions, fry in butter.

Wash green onions, chop finely.

Hard-boiled eggs and cut into small cubes.

Mix rice with eggs, green onions, mushrooms and onions, salt and pepper.

On warm pancakes lay out the filling, flatten. Roll up the pancakes with an envelope. The dish can be served with sour cream.

Filling for pancakes with pickled milk mushrooms


  • 250 g pickled milk mushrooms,
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 1 onion
  • 3 potato tubers,
  • 1 bunch of dill greens,
  • 100 g sour cream
  • 50 ml of vegetable oil,
  • 50 g ghee
  • salt and pepper to taste.


To prepare the filling, peel the garlic, wash and chop finely.

Peel the onion, wash, cut into half rings.

Wash the potatoes, boil them in their skins, peel and chop finely.

Wash dill greens, dry, chop finely.

Fry the onions in vegetable oil until golden brown. Combine potatoes with dill, mushrooms, garlic and onions, salt and pepper, season with sour cream.

Put 1 tablespoon of the filling on the fried side of the pancakes, roll the pancakes into an envelope and lightly fry in heated ghee.

Filling for cheese pancakes with tomatoes and parsley


  • 300 g of hard cheese,
  • 100 g tomatoes
  • 100 g parsley,
  • 100 g of green lettuce leaves,
  • pepper to taste.


To prepare the filling, wash the tomatoes, dry and cut into small slices. Wash and dry parsley and lettuce leaves. Grate the cheese.

On each pancake, put a little cheese, a tomato slice and a sprig of parsley, sprinkle the filling with pepper. Roll the pancakes into an envelope and put on a baking sheet greased with vegetable oil. Bake in a preheated oven for 10-15 minutes.

Serve with green salad leaves.

Filling for mascarpone pancakes with salmon


  • mascarpone (any other cream cheese)
  • lemon juice, salt, ground white pepper- taste
  • mustard dijon
  • cold smoked salmon


Combine the cheese with diced salmon, lemon juice and mustard, and season with salt and ground pepper.

Filling for cabbage and egg pancakes


  • fresh cabbage
  • boiled eggs
  • greens, salt, vegetable oil - to taste


Chop the cabbage finely and fry on hot skillet with a little oil, no lid. You can immediately put greens with cabbage.

Pancakes - great option dinner for the whole family, especially if you make filled pancakes. I usually cook pancakes for one meal. And only when there are a lot of pancakes, and the family is already full of them, I prefer to fill the pancakes with filling. Can stuffed pancakes send it to freeze - it's very cool when you can reheat previously cooked pancakes with a filling and quickly and satisfyingly feed your family.

Today I propose to cook pancakes stuffed with fried mushrooms and boiled eggs... This filling is quite filling and juicy, which is why I usually make such pancakes for a snack or for dinner.

Prepare products for making pancakes with mushrooms and eggs according to the list. My pancakes are ready-made. I was cooking.

You can make pancakes according to your favorite recipe or use one of the pancake recipes from our website.

Wash and dry the champignons paper napkins... Remove the film from the mushroom caps and cut the mushrooms into small cubes.

Peel the onion and cut into cubes.

Heat the vegetable oil in a frying pan and fry the onions and mushrooms until tender - 5-8 minutes, stirring occasionally.

Add salt and black pepper to taste.

Add finely chopped green onions to the pan and simmer the vegetables for a couple of minutes. Ready vegetables remove from heat and cool for 10-15 minutes.

Boil chicken eggs in water for 9 minutes and drain the water from them. We clean the eggs from the shell and cut into small cubes.

Put the fried mushrooms, onions and eggs in a bowl.

Stir the filling, taste for salt and add salt if necessary.

Put 1 tbsp on one edge of the pancake. fillings and roll up in a way convenient for you - with an envelope or a tube. We do this with all the pancakes and filling. From the prepared amount of filling, 10 pancakes with mushrooms and eggs turned out.

I sent part of the pancakes with champignons to the freezer in the freezer, and fried the rest of the pancakes in a dry grill pan for 2-3 minutes on each side.

Serving pancakes stuffed with mushrooms and an egg, with sour cream.

Bon Appetit!

My family has pancakes with mushroom filling one of my favorite dishes, I cook such pancakes often enough, and large portions, and then I add it to freezer... When there is no time for cooking, these pancakes are a real salvation for me - you need to defrost them in advance and reheat them in a frying pan or in the oven.

Maybe this recipe will seem familiar to you, but nevertheless, I bring to your attention my interpretation of the dish. I can assure you that the pancakes are incredibly tasty and juicy, and absolutely everyone who has tried them will like them.

In advance, you need to bake thin pancakes according to your favorite recipe. Any pancakes will do: on kefir, on milk, on eggs, and even on water. For my recipe, I baked pancakes with milk and eggs.

Pancake ingredients

  • 0.5 l. milk
  • 5 pieces. eggs
  • 2 cups of flour
  • 2 tbsp vegetable oil
  • a pinch of salt

Ingredients for the filling

  • 500 gr. fresh mushrooms(I used champignons)
  • 1 onion
  • vegetable oil for frying
  • salt and pepper
  • 200 gr. hard cheese

Technology: step by step

With the advent of the submersible blender in the kitchen, the whole process of kneading pancake dough takes no more than two minutes. You can also use a blender with a bowl, or, in extreme cases, a mixer.

Beat eggs into a large bowl, add flour, vegetable oil and salt.

Stir everything first with a spoon so that the flour does not dust.

Then add milk and stir again with a spoon.

Turn on the hand blender and beat until smooth. The dough turns out smooth, without a single lump - in 2 minutes!

We bake pancakes in a frying pan

Grease a pan for pancakes with vegetable oil, I do this with a silicone brush. We put the frying pan on fire and heat it well. We reduce the heat and pour the first portion of the dough using a ladle.

A little tip: when pouring the dough into the frying pan, a sound should be heard that resembles the sound of the sea. If you hear a ringing crackle, this means that the pancake pan is too hot, and you need to immediately reduce the heat.

We bake a pancake on both sides. Remove the pancake on a plate and pour in the next batch of dough.

It should be noted that we grease the pan with oil only once - at the beginning, all subsequent times we do not add oil to the pan.

Preparation of the filling

We figured out the pancakes, now we proceed to the filling.

We wash the mushrooms under running water, dry them, and cut them finely enough, arbitrarily, into plates or cubes.

Finely chop the onion and fry in a skillet until golden brown.

Then add to fried onions chopped mushrooms, stir and simmer until tender, about 15-20 minutes.

Finally, do not forget to salt and pepper the pancake mushrooms.

It's time to remember that we have pancakes not only with mushrooms, but also with cheese, so we take the cheese out of the refrigerator and rub it on a fine grater.

Assembling stuffed pancakes

We spread the pancake on a plate and sprinkle with grated cheese (about 1 tablespoon of cheese).

Then evenly distribute the mushrooms, stepping back from the edges, also 1 tablespoon.

Who, when and where baked the first pancake, no one can say exactly. But one thing is certain - they have ancient history This is evidenced by the fact that pancake dishes are present in all cuisines of the world. They are baked from various ingredients, associated with them folk signs, holidays and events. For example, a long time ago in Russia, a woman in labor had to eat pancakes. Ease of preparation, variety taste, also due to the variety of fillings, have made pancakes one of the most beloved and respected dishes all over the world. Pancakes are versatile dish, they can be served as a stand-alone meal or original appetizer with filling, they are also suitable for a sweet table.

Among all the variety of fillings exquisite taste and the flavor of the filling for mushroom pancakes. There are also a lot of their varieties, since the gifts of the forest are usually used in combination with other products. from mushrooms in combination with potatoes - this is a classic and popular filling option. To prepare it, onion with mushrooms must be chopped in a blender or grated on a coarse grater, and then fried in sunflower oil until golden brown. Then mix with pre-cooked and cooled mashed potatoes. Salt and pepper such a filling should be to taste. For added piquancy, you can add finely chopped and dried onions. Mushroom pancake filling can be wrapped in cooked pancakes different ways... It can be an envelope, tube or triangle, in any case, fried in a pan, heated in the microwave or baked in the oven, such pancakes will be very tasty and nutritious.

They are successfully combined with mushrooms chicken fillet or liver, rice is also suitable, especially with the addition of a large number greenery. Also, the filling for mushroom pancakes can be prepared with the addition of cheese or ham. The use of various spices will be appropriate, but it should only be remembered that everything is good in moderation.

Ham pancake filling goes well with pickled mushrooms. You can add chopped greens to it. The filling for ham and cheese pancakes is very tasty in hot pancakes. To do this, you need to cut the ham into small cubes and mix and wrap in pancakes. Next, put the pancakes with filling on a baking sheet, greased sunflower oil, sprinkle with grated hard cheese on top and place in warm oven before it melts. This dish should be eaten hot.

Pies in Russian cuisine are no less popular dish than pancakes. The smell of freshly baked pies can make anyone give up on any diet. Almost all fillings used in pancakes are also suitable for pie fillings. with mushrooms is prepared from fried chopped mushrooms and onions. If desired, the fried mass is crushed in a blender to a puree state. To receive juicy filling a little sour cream or softened butter is added to it. You can put and mashed potatoes or rice with herbs. are also fine. The filling for pies with mushrooms is also used for puff products from the dough. In this case, it is usually taken without other ingredients or with the addition chicken meat... Very aromatic for cooking big pies is the filling of porcini mushrooms fried in sour cream.

In general, used for both pancakes and pies, they add richness and variety to dishes. As for seasonings, they should only be used for mushrooms with a weak aroma. With a pronounced natural aroma, seasonings should be abandoned.

Do you like mushrooms? Then the recipe for pancakes with mushroom filling will certainly not leave you indifferent. Pancakes with mushrooms have long been a favorite dish of many.

Types of similar snacks are presented great amount, there is a recipe for lean and thin pancakes, lace or lush. Those. everyone can find the recipe that suits him in all respects.

Pancakes with mushrooms can be complemented with sour cream, sauce, and your favorite salty topping. If you cook pancakes with mushrooms and rely on your taste, then you will not find anything tastier at all.

It is only very important to know that each recipe provides for the observance of one simple rule, but very important - the products must be combined correctly.

In fact, mushroom filling for pancakes is very simple, even beginners in the kitchen can easily cope with this task.

The classic recipe for pancakes with mushroom filling

Components for the dough: 300 gr. flour; 650 ml of milk; 2 pcs. chickens. eggs; 1 tsp Sahara.
Stuffing components: 2 pcs. Luke; a pinch of ground black pepper; 600 gr. mushrooms; 1 tsp salt; 150 ml plant. oils.

You should have 1 hour of free time to prepare the dish. Pancakes with cooked mushrooms will not turn out to be very high in calories, because in 100 gr. there will be 155 calories.

Cooking Algorithm:

  1. I drive chickens into the blender. eggs, pour sugar, flour (only half of the specified portion) and salt into the mass. Beat up the mass. It is necessary to get a thick mass of dough.
  2. I do not stop the whipping process, I add milk. The dough will become larger if left to the side for a while.
  3. I am preparing a filling of finely chopped onions and mushrooms. Fry them in a skillet using only half of the rast. oils. The mushroom mass should turn golden. Do not forget to add salt to the filling.
  4. We need to go back to the test. Beat it for a few minutes until smooth. Strain with a sieve and dilute with a spoon. Mix well.
  5. Spread oil on a skillet to start baking the pancakes. After that, you should not do this, because there is rast in the batch for pancakes. butter. From the specified number of ingredients, about 20 pieces should be obtained. pancakes with mushrooms.
  6. I grease the finished pancakes along the edges of the sl. oil. After that, in each hoard I put st.l. fillings with mushrooms and fold all the edges in the center. Rolling pancakes with delicious mushrooms sausage.
  7. I warm up a few tablespoons. rast. butter in a skillet and fry ready-made pancakes with fried mushrooms for a delicious crust.

Pancakes stuffed with mushrooms and chicken

The recipe can be classified as unique, and all because the filling for pancakes with your favorite mushrooms will be breaded.

Components for the test: 1 tsp. salt; 500 ml warm milk; 4 things. chickens. eggs; 50 ml solution oils; 1 tbsp Sahara; 500 gr. flour; 250 ml warm water.
Components for breading: 250 ml of water; 1 tbsp. bread crumbs.
Components for the filling: 300 gr. mushrooms; 500 gr. chicken breast; 2 pcs. chickens. yolks; onion; salt and pepper.

For cooking, it is worthwhile to allocate about 3 hours of free time. In 100 gr. homemade pancakes stuffed with mushroom filling with chicken breast there will be 156 calories.

Cooking Algorithm:

  1. I rub chickens. eggs and sugar, salt. I add milk. I fall asleep in flour. I pour in the rast. oil and leave for 2 hours. This time will be required for the gluten to begin to stand out and all the components interact well with each other.
  2. During the swelling of the dough, you need to make the filling. For this purpose, I cut mushrooms and onions, fry them for growing. oil. I cook the breast, then grind it into minced meat using a meat grinder. If you wish, you can even achieve a similar goal with a blender.
  3. I combine mushrooms, onions and chickens. ground meat. The filling must be salted. If you like it spicy, you can pepper the filling.
  4. I add yolks to the filling and fry for a couple of minutes over low heat.
  5. After a couple of hours I add water to pancake dough, it should be warm. I mix the mixture well and fry the pancakes.
  6. I put 1 tablespoon in the center of the finished pancake. fillings and fold the dough into an envelope.
  7. I mix chickens for breading. eggs, water. I moisten pancakes and bread in breadcrumbs each. I fry pancakes with ready-made mushrooms a few minutes in a skillet.

The filling will appeal to all lovers of mushroom culinary masterpieces.

Pancake appetizer with egg and mushroom filling

Pancakes with mushrooms and eggs are delicious and satisfying, although some people may be surprised at the strange combination of ingredients.

Components: 200 gr. flour; 5 pieces. chickens. eggs; 250 g mushrooms (boil in advance); 2 pcs. carrots; onion; 550 ml of milk (warm); sour cream, salt, pepper - at your discretion.

The dish is not prepared more than an hour, but that's not all of its advantages. The thing is that pancakes are also low-calorie - 104 calories per 100 g. ready-made pancakes.

Cooking Algorithm:

  1. I rub the carrots with a grater. A shredded bow in the form of half rings.
  2. I fry the onion so that it is transparent, add the carrots. I mix the mass and fry over low heat.
  3. Fry the mushrooms with another pan for about 20 minutes. Then salt and season with pepper, combine with vegetables. I put it aside.
  4. Chicken. I boil the eggs, chop and add to the mushrooms. I fill the filling with egg and mushrooms with the amount of sour cream.
  5. Making pancake dough. I drive chickens into the flour. egg, it must be beaten. I add milk, sugar, salt. I'm getting in the way. I bake pancakes and cool them down.
  6. I put 1 tablespoon in the center. fillings with egg mushrooms. You can roll pancakes with egg mushrooms into rolls, but the shape of the envelopes in this case will be appropriate. Serving chicken pancakes. egg and mushrooms with your favorite sauce.

Vegetarian filling for pancakes with mushrooms

Its taste is unusual, but at the same time very pleasant.

Components: 50 ml solution. oils; 3 pcs. chickens. eggs; 0.5 tsp salt; 4 tablespoons Sahara; 1.5 tbsp. kefir; 600 gr. potatoes; 500 gr. mushrooms; 2 pcs. Luke; 500 ml of milk.

It will take about an hour to cook, or even less. In 100 gr. the product will have only 114 calories. The recipe will appeal to all lovers of tasty healthy food.

Cooking Algorithm:

  1. Beat chickens. eggs. I add sugar and salt. I stir it. Beat the mass with a whisk. I pour in milk, flour. I mix. I add the rest of the milk and rast. butter. Stir again and leave for 15 minutes. on the sidelines.
  2. I make the filling from peeled potatoes, which I put in food. package and salt. I send it to the microwave for 10 minutes, where it should cook.
  3. I chop mushrooms, onions. I fry, add spices and salt. I skip potatoes and mushrooms with a meat grinder.
  4. I bake pancakes from ready-made dough. They should be thin. I put 1 tablespoon in the center of the finished pancake. fillings with mushrooms and fold at my discretion. Serve warm.

Pancakes with cheese and mushroom filling

Serve such pancakes with delicious mushrooms for breakfast - perfect solution... They are delicious and the mushrooms and cheese go well together.

Cooking algorithm: 500 ml of milk (be sure to heat it up); 1 tbsp. flour; salt; 2 pcs. chickens. eggs; 50 gr. parmesan cheese; ground pepper; 200 gr. mushrooms; 2 tbsp rast. oils; 5 tbsp sour cream (take a higher fat content).

To prepare an appetizer, leave free for 60 minutes. In 100 gr. snacks will be 205 calories.

Cooking Algorithm:

  1. I grate cheese. I chop the mushrooms and fry them until full readiness... Fry on rast. oil.
  2. I stir the mixture.
  3. I mix all the ingredients for the dough and let it brew for about 10 minutes. I bake pancakes.
  4. I put the filling in the center and roll it into rolls. Fry pancakes stuffed with mushrooms on the rast. oil. Top with sour cream. I send it to the oven for 15 minutes. Baking temperature is about 170 gr.

Pancakes stuffed with meat and mushrooms

The filling is very popular with housewives and it is really lovely.

Components for the test: 1 tbsp. milk (heat it); 2 tbsp. warm water; 2 pcs. chickens. eggs; 0.5 tsp salt and the same amount of sugar; 350 gr. flour.
Stuffing components: 1 pc. onion; rast. butter; 350 gr. minced meat; 150 g mushrooms (preferably champignons).

It will take about 50 minutes to make pancakes at home. In 100 gr. product - 138 calories.

Cooking Algorithm:

  1. Milk, salt, sugar, chicken. eggs and the specified amount of water you need to beat, I used a blender.
  2. I add flour and knead. I put the dough aside for a while.
  3. Chop the onion, fry for a few minutes, so that it becomes golden brown. I add minced meat and mix. The component should become crumbly. Season with pepper, salt.
  4. I add mushrooms, fry.
  5. I bake pancakes. Cooling down.
  6. I start with the filling and roll the stuffed pancakes like a roll.

My video recipe