Apple juice recipe from Antonovka. Apple juice: useful properties and methods of harvesting for the winter

Calorie content: Not specified
Cooking time: Not specified

Agree that it is time to stop buying juices in tetrapacks at the store. What do they put in them, what are they made of? Whether it's natural juice. They harvested apples in their favorite garden, boiled enough jam, jam and marmalade, prepared drying for the winter, it's time to close the apple juice. It will turn out tasty, healthy and pamper your body with vitamins. Apples contain enough a large number of iron, which will help ensure the correct level of hemoglobin in the blood. The process of harvesting apple juice for the winter is not difficult. The main thing is to have good juicer... So, let's harvest apple juice for the winter through a juicer.


- apples - 5 kg;
- sugar - 0.5 kg.

Recipe with photo step by step:

1. Rinse apples well, remove damaged and sore spots, core with seeds.

2. Cut the fruit into slices and pass them through the juicer. This will produce a large amount of foam. It's okay, just go ahead and delete it.

3. Pour the resulting juice better into aluminum pan or a basin, put on medium fire and bring to a temperature of 90 degrees. Watch carefully, the juice should not boil. When the desired temperature is reached, turn off the heat and add sugar. Adjust the taste to your liking. If your apples are already sweet enough, then you can add less sugar, if the apples are sour, then increase the amount of sugar.

4. Prepare the jars or bottles into which the juice will be poured. To do this, rinse them thoroughly. Heat the oven to 100 degrees, put bottles in it and hold for ten minutes until all the water on the walls evaporates. Pour the juice into bottles, filtering it at the same time through cheesecloth, and seal with lids previously scalded with boiling water.

5. Turn the cans over and let them stand upside down until they cool completely (this is done to better seal the lid with the can). You can store such juice in pantries when room temperature, but it's better still in the cellar or basement.

This is how apple juice is simply harvested for the winter through a juicer, we advise you to write down the recipe with a photo so as not to forget the subtleties and secrets until next year.

- for harvesting juice for the winter, apples of more late varieties they are juicier;
- to measure the temperature of the juice, use a special thermometer for conservation;
- it will still be more use if apple juice is combined with other juices in a 1: 1 ratio and drunk in the morning for breakfast (for example, carrot, beetroot, peach or pumpkin);
- apple juice is useful in the treatment and prevention of kidney disease, unfortunately a lot of juice cannot be drunk by those who suffer gastrointestinal diseases(especially gastritis and pancreatitis).

Apples- they can rightfully be called a real pharmaceutical factory. They contain vitamins B, E, P, carotene, pectins, sugars, organic acids, minerals: potassium, iron, manganese, calcium. Apples improve appetite, and low calorie content allows you to use them for obesity diets. Useful for edema of various origins. since they have a diuretic effect, and only for those who have been trying long and hard to get rid of salt deposits, urolithiasis and gout, they are completely irreplaceable.

The southern varieties contain more sugar and less acids than the northern varieties, but the latter is richer in vitamins. Doctors recommend eating apples during the recovery period after a heart attack, and sour varieties are recommended for diabetes. Therefore, everyone chooses for himself the kind of apples that he considers the most delicious or those fruits that are more beneficial to health.

And again today we will talk about how to stock up tasty preparations for the winter for future use, so that in winter there was something to remember, there was something to treat your home or visiting guests. Therefore, we will procure delicious homemade apple juice from our apples. It’s a pity that excellent apples disappear, fall and lie under the tree. And we will make the most excellent, wholesome apple juice from them and with great pleasure we will drink it on cold winter evenings and gain vitamins. Therefore, we are in a hurry for apples and get ready for conservation.

Would need:

  • Apples - you choose the quantity yourself - from about 1 bucket of apples, we get 4-5 liters. fresh apple juice.
  • Vanillin - 5 liters. juice - 1 pack (1 gr.) - to taste. You don't have to add it at all.
  • Sugar - to taste - about 5 liters. - 2-3 glasses of sugar. Again, the amount of added sugar depends on whether your apples are sweet or not. Usually we make for 1 can of 3 liters. - 1 cup of sugar.

How to make delicious apple juice for future use:

We collect apples. Wash them thoroughly. We cut it in such a size that they fit well into the opening of the juicer. Now we need to skip the apples and get the delicious apple juice.

While we skip the juice, you can sterilize the washed jars and lids. Thus, we will simultaneously do two things ...

When the juice is passed, we put it on gas and begin to boil. While boiling, add sugar and vanillin to the juice. Of course, you do not need to add vanillin at all, but in our family this is how it is - we always add it when preparing juice from apples.

When the juice has boiled, let it boil for 5-7 minutes and start pouring into prepared jars.

If you have enough thick juice, it can be poured into cans by filtering through a sieve. This time we did just that - so the juice will be lighter with less sediment.

After filling, we immediately roll up the turnkey jars or close them with screw caps.

We turn the cans upside down and keep them in this position until they cool completely. You can cover the jars with a blanket (blanket). Here is such a wonderful juice we got.

I think it will be very pleasant and tasty when you open a jar of apple juice for a home celebration or just like that. After all, it was made by hand, everything is tasty and natural, not something from a store - believe me!

Bon appetit, Svetlana wishes everyone and my homemade, the most delicious kulinarochka2013. ru!

Making homemade preparations for the winter is healthy and tasty. Among other things, it is also very practical, especially in a year rich in a certain variety of vegetables or fruits. For example, it is almost impossible to “fight” with a bountiful harvest of apples in the orchard solely by eating the fruit. It is much more useful and more correct to prepare apples for the winter in jars by making jam, jam, compotes and juices. By the way, about homemade apple juice - this is one of the most useful ways canning fruits. Especially if you prepare apple juice for the winter with pulp through a juicer or juicer without added sugar. Also apple juice is excellent basis and combines well with other gifts of autumn, such as pumpkin or carrots. In our today's article, you will find step-by-step recipes with photos of both classic apple juice and its original pumpkin-carrot options. All recipes are fairly easy to prepare and require no special culinary skills. Therefore, we can safely recommend them to all lovers of homemade canned apple juices!

How to make apple juice for the winter at home through a juicer - a step-by-step recipe with a photo

The juicer is an indispensable assistant when you are going to make apple juice at home, including for the winter. A dramatic difference that will be reflected in taste finished workpiece, in whether it will be a manual juicer, auger or centrifugal, there is practically no. Therefore, to make apple juice for the winter at home through a juicer, you can choose any version of this kitchen assistant that you have.

Essential ingredients to make apple juice for winter at home

  • sweet apples - 5 kg
  • sugar - 1/4 cup

Step-by-step instructions on how to make apple juice for the winter through a juicer at home

Delicious apple juice for the winter at home through a juicer - recipe step by step

There is nothing easier than making delicious apple juice for the winter at home in a juicer! The finished drink is transparent, delicate and very aromatic. And all that is required from the hostess, who decided to prepare delicious apple juice for the winter using a juicer at home, is to properly prepare the fruits for further processing.

Essential ingredients for delicious apple juice for winter via a juicer at home

  • apples of any kind in any quantity
  • sugar to taste

Step-by-step instructions for a delicious apple juice recipe at home in a juicer for winter

  1. So, first you need to properly prepare the fruits for further heat treatment... To do this, wash the apples thoroughly and cut off all the spoiled places. We cut each fruit into about 6-8 pieces, depending on the size, and remove the insides.
  2. We send apples prepared in this way to a juicer. At the same time, you do not need to remove the peel, since during the cooking process it will go away along with the excess pulp.
  3. If your apples are sour, then at this stage you can add sugar to taste. But with sweet varieties of fruits, this can not be done - the juice will turn out to be healthier.
  4. Close the lid of the juicer tightly and send it to the stove for about an hour. At this time, we are sterilizing containers and lids.
  5. An hour later, open the lid and mix well the contents of the juicer. This will help separate the remaining liquid from the pulp. We remove from the stove, substitute the pan and open a special tap so that the stack finished product.
  6. Since the ready-made juice is hot, we immediately pour it into sterile jars and seal it. After that, turn the workpiece upside down until it cools.

How to prepare delicious apple juice for the winter at home - step by step recipe

V following recipe, which will reveal another way of making delicious apple juice for the winter at home, a juicer will also be used. But unlike the first option, the technology for making juice from apples will be slightly different and will significantly facilitate the process of preparing the workpiece. Read more on how to easily prepare delicious apple juice for winter at home in the following recipe.

Essential ingredients to prepare apple juice for the winter at home

  • apples
  • sugar

Step-by-step instructions on how to make apple juice for winter at home

  1. Cut the washed apples into small pieces, remove all wormholes, seeds and partitions. The rind can be left on.
  2. We pass the resulting slices through a juicer. Then we filter the finished juice through several layers of gauze in order to separate the liquid from the pulp.
  3. Pour out pure juice into a saucepan and add sugar. For sweet apples, the sugar should be about 1 tbsp. l. with a slide per liter of liquid.
  4. Over medium heat, constantly stirring and removing the foam from the surface, bring the juice to almost a boil - 80-90 degrees. We keep in this temperature conditions literally 3 minutes and remove from the stove.
  5. We immediately pour hot juice into sterile glass bottles or cans and seal tightly.

Homemade apple juice without sugar through a juicer - a recipe for the winter

To prepare homemade apple juice for the winter using a sugar-free juicer, you need to use exclusively sweet varieties such as Gala or Golden. At the same time, it is desirable that the fruits were not the first harvest - late apples are more juicy and rich in vitamins. Learn more about delicious and healthy homemade juicer-free apple juice in the winter harvest recipe below.

Essential ingredients for homemade apple juice without sugar juicer for the winter

  • apples are sweet

Step-by-step instructions for making apple juice without sugar through a juicer for winter

  1. Cut clean apples into small slices, which will be convenient to pass through a juicer. We must cut off internal partitions, bones and damaged places.
  2. Skipping apple slices through a juicer and pour the resulting juice into an enamel pan.
  3. We filter the juice from apples through cheesecloth folded in 2-3 layers. This method helps to get rid of the pulp well.
  4. Ready juice in enamel pot put on fire and bring to a boil. We remove the foam from the surface with a slotted spoon.
  5. Keep the juice boiling for literally 2-3 minutes and then remove the pan from the stove.
  6. Pouring ready drink on pre-sterilized containers - jars or bottles. We seal, wrap in warm and leave it until it cools completely.

Delicious apple juice for the winter without pulp at home - a simple recipe

Another simple and at the same time delicious recipe apple juice for the winter without pulp at home you will find below. Unlike the previous version, this recipe uses sugar and an aromatic spice. Find out which one from the description of delicious apple juice without pulp for winter at home below.

Essential ingredients for a delicious, pulp-free apple juice for winter at home

  • apples - 5 kg
  • sugar -3 tbsp. l.
  • ginger root - 1 pc. about 5 cm.

Step-by-step instructions for a recipe for apple juice without pulp for the winter at home

  1. To make this tasty and healthy apple juice, you need to use a juicer. Thanks to her, the juice will turn out without pulp and will preserve the maximum vitamins. The first step is to cut the apples into slices.
  2. Peel the ginger root and cut into small pieces. Can be grated on coarse grater.
  3. We put in a juicer apple slices and ginger. If necessary, add granulated sugar and send it to the stove.
  4. We cook the juice for an hour and a half, after which we remove the juicer from the heat and drain the juice through a special tap.
  5. We pour immediately hot drink on sterile jars and close with lids.

How to make homemade apple juice without a juicer for winter - a simple step-by-step recipe

Do homemade juice from apples for the winter according to the following simple recipe it is possible without the presence of a juicer. This drink turns out to be quite thick, since the pulp is present in it. Details of how to make homemade juice for the winter without a juicer in a simple step-by-step recipe below.

Essential ingredients to make apple juice without a juicer for the winter

  • apples - 5-7 kg
  • sugar - 0.5 kg

Step-by-step instructions on how to make homemade apple juice without a juicer according to a simple recipe

  1. Finely chop the apples, removing all internal partitions. Pour in water so that the liquid completely covers the fruit.
  2. Put on fire and bring to a boil. Boil for 10 minutes, remove from heat and cool.
  3. Grind the cooled mass through a sieve.
  4. Add sugar to the resulting puree, mix well and bring to a boil again.
  5. Remove from the stove and pour into sterile jars, roll up.

How to prepare apple and carrot juice for the winter - a recipe for canning at home

If you want to double the dose of vitamins, then by all means prepare apple-carrot juice for the winter at home canning recipe below. Adding carrots will not only make the taste more interesting and the composition healthier, but will also enhance the color saturation of the drink. Read more about how to prepare apple and carrot juice for the winter in the description of the home canning recipe below.

Essential ingredients to prepare apple and carrot juice for the winter at home

  • apples - 5kg
  • carrots - 1.5 kg
  • sugar - 300 gr.

Step-by-step instructions on how to prepare apple and carrot juice for winter using a canning recipe

  1. Wash apples and carrots, cut them into small pieces.
  2. We send fruits to the juicer first, and then chopped carrots.
  3. Mix both juices and filter through layers of gauze or thick cloth. If you like juice with pulp, then skip this step.
  4. Add sugar and set over medium heat. Bring to 90 degrees and boil for 10 minutes, until all the sugar is completely dissolved.
  5. Pour the ready-made juice into a sterile container and tighten the lids.

How to make apple-pumpkin juice for the winter at home - a step-by-step recipe with video

Apple juice for the winter at home it turns out to be even more tasty and vitamin-rich if you cook it with carrots or pumpkin. It is these two ingredients that are most organically combined with homemade apple juice as flavor and color enhancers. In the next video, you will find a recipe for how to make apple-pumpkin juice for the winter at home using a juicer. You can also use a juicer to prepare it, but then the canned juice will turn out without pulp. As for sugar, whether or not to add it to a recipe can be decided based on the sweetness of the apples. Read more on how to make apple and pumpkin juice at home for winter in step by step video recipe below.

When else prepare apple juice for the winter, if not in August ?! It was during this period fruit trees are at the very peak of their ripening, and contain a maximum of vitamins in each fruit. As for apples in particular, they are rich in iron, and may well be preserved for a long time without spoilage for their own taste and useful properties. But, like everything, the term for storing fruit data also comes to a logical end. And this can happen in December, and in February ... How to be? After all, it is necessary to replenish the body with a vitamin set during the entire cold season (especially during spring beriberi). And just quench your thirst with a delicious drink.

It is important not to make a mistake when selecting a product for a workpiece. After all, the summer apple harvest, or rather early varieties due to the presence of a small amount of moisture, they are suitable only for mashed potatoes, jam or for drying. Late ones, on the contrary, are very juicy and just suitable for making. And do not get too carried away, canning a drink in large displacement. Better as a minimum, so that the stock is no more than two years ( optimal time storage).

Apple juice for the winter: juicer preparation

It is extremely convenient to use a juicer for distilling fresh juice: quickly and efficiently. In addition to this device you will need: the apples themselves, of course, gauze, seaming tin lids, glass container, a seaming machine, a thermometer for temperature control, a slotted spoon and tweezers. And, having received a ready-made concentrated and saturated liquid, it must be poured into an enamel container of a suitable volume and placed on the stove for sterilization. "Apple juice for the winter" recipe in no case does it boil (with rare exceptions)! This Golden Rule home blockage. It only warms up over moderate heat up to 90 C; and the degree of heating is brought to the desired mark according to a thermometer placed in the container. What is this precision for? So that all useful substances do not "die" in the liquid. And also boiling leads to a deterioration in taste.

Can you refuse the offered glass of juice? I am not, because both fruit and vegetable juices not only very tasty, but also healthy. Home-made natural juices can be prepared for future use and drunk all year round... How pleasant and useful it is to open a jar of apple or cherry juice self-made... And the process of preserving juices is quite simple. Juices squeezed from fruits, berries or vegetables are heated, poured into jars, hermetically sealed and pasteurized in hot water... Juices prepared in this way are perfectly stored in a cool dark place, for example, in a cellar. Nothing complicated, but there will be much more pleasure and benefit from such juice.

Juice canning at home can be done in two ways: pasteurization and hot filling. The pasteurization method involves heating the juice to almost boiling and pouring it into sterile jars, after which the jars are covered with sterile lids and pasteurized in a water bath at a temperature of about 90 ° C for 20 minutes. Then the lids are sealed up. The hot filling method has recently become much more widespread, since the preservation process is much faster. The juice is heated, then boiled over low heat, poured to the top in sterile jars, immediately rolled up with sterile lids. Turn the cans upside down, wrap them in a warm blanket and leave them until they cool completely.

Juicing at home is obtained by squeezing fresh, fully ripe, high-quality and healthy fruits, berries or vegetables. When squeezing or pressing, together with the juice, all the most valuable and useful substances for the body are extracted from them - fruit acids and sugars, mineral compounds, vitamins and essential oils... Therefore, such 100% natural canned juices especially useful for both children and adults.

First of all, to make your juice tasty and survive storage well, select for it only whole, fresh and untouched by various pests fruits and vegetables. You don't need to think that, for example, fruits and berries that are not suitable for jam will easily do for juice. In fact, fruit to be juiced should be free of wormholes, rot, or mold. The fruit should be ripe, but again not too ripe.

Now that high-quality fruits have been selected, they need to be thoroughly rinsed under running water (you can use a shower for this purpose), then cleaned of seeds and stalks and chop them so that they better give off juice when pressed. Soft berries, such as strawberries or raspberries, can be crushed by hand using a pusher, while denser fruits can be minced with a large wire rack. Some fruits, for example, plums and black currants, hardly give up juice, so they
can be folded into a saucepan and heated in a water bath. To squeeze juice, you can use both an electric juicer and a hand press.

Some juices are clear on their own. Very good clear juices are obtained from cherries, raspberries, black and red currants. The rest of the juices are usually cloudy, as they contain suspended particles. To get rid of them, you need to filter the juice through a thin cloth and let it settle in a cold place. Previously, the hostesses tried to clarify the juices at any cost, for which they filtered through several layers of fabric, defended and drained from the sediment. Modern nutritionists argue that juices with pulp are the most beneficial for the body, especially such as, for example, pumpkin, tomato, plum, apricot, peach, pear and others. They, among other things, store fiber and pectin substances, which lower blood cholesterol levels and normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

After squeezing, the juice is poured into an enamel pan and heated to 80-95 ° C. It is important to heat the juice almost to a boil, but not to boil it. Then the juice is filtered and heated again. On the second heating, sugar can be added to the acidic juices.

Hot juice is poured into jars, which must first be sterilized by holding for about a quarter of an hour over hot steam or roasting in the oven. You need to pour it almost to the top, so it is less likely that the juice will go bad. Then the jars are sealed sterilized metal lids... Juice jars are pasteurized in hot water for about 15-20 minutes.

Now about the hot filling method. To do this, the squeezed juice must be heated to 70-75 ° C, filtered, brought to a boil and boiled for 2-3 minutes, and then poured into sterilized jars and rolled up. Immediately after this, the jars should be placed upside down and covered with something warm, such as an old rug or blanket.

After cooling, the jars can be turned over and placed in a dark place at room temperature for a week. During this week, cans with low-quality juice will "show" themselves: their contents will become cloudy and ferment. For storage in a dark, cool place, only quality juice... You can store canned juice at home for no more than a year.

Well, you already know how the preparation of juice at home goes, which means it's time to move on to the recipes.

Apple juice

Apple juice has long and firmly won the people's love. It not only tastes good, but and is extremely useful. This drink will bring you to your senses after hard day, relieve fatigue. It will give you vigor in the morning, even if you have not slept well. And if you have a headache after yesterday's fun, its refreshing taste will quickly revive you. Apple juice can be mixed with other juices to make your own drink. Pear-apple, apple-cherry, apple-mountain ash, currant-apple, etc. are good.

Apples of autumn varieties, juicy and not overripe, are most suitable for juicing. Wash sorted raw materials, remove seeds, cut and pass through an electric juicer or wring out a manual one. Then pour the resulting juice into an enamel pan, add sugar (for 0.5 liters of juice 1 tbsp. L. granulated sugar). Place the pot on the stove, heat until boiling, stirring all the time. Do not boil! Remove from heat immediately after boiling. Then pour the juice into clean, carefully pasteurized jars, roll up the lids, turn the bottoms up and put it like this for a day, wrapping it in a blanket. Then you can turn them over and remove the finished juice in a dark, cool place.

Plum Juice

All varieties of late-ripening plums are suitable for obtaining this juice. Sort out the plums, rinse, remove the pits and heat for steam bath before the release of juice. After that, place the plums under a press and squeeze out the juice. Pour it into prepared dishes and pasteurize from 15 minutes (0.5 L cans) to 30 minutes (1 L cans) at 85 ° C. Alternatively, heat the juice to a temperature of 90-95 ° C, pour it into a prepared dish and seal it.

Strawberry or strawberry juice

Put the prepared berries in enameled dishes, mash, cover and leave for 3-4 hours. Then add water at the rate of half a glass of water per 1 kg of berry mass and squeeze out the juice. If the juice separates poorly, then heat the mixture to a temperature of 60 ° C. Then pour the juice into clean banks, seal and pasteurize from 15 minutes (0.5 L cans) to 20 minutes (1 L cans) at 85 ° C.

Raspberry, blackberry juice

For this juice, one should prefer varieties that are intensely colored, with a pronounced aroma. These berries are very tender, they should be processed immediately after picking, since even with a short storage, they cake, juice flows out of them, and they can become moldy. Harvested berries clean from stalks and other impurities, rinse quickly in small portions by immersing a colander with berries in water, free from sepals. Then squeeze out on a juicer or load into a juicer. It is better not to add sugar, but to blend sour juice with other, sweeter juices. If you want to mix juices, different berries can be squeezed together.

What could be better in the cold winter season than delicious raspberry juice from his unsurpassed aroma! A great summer reminder for kids and adults!

1 kg of raspberries,
150-200 g of water.

Rinse the berries gently and mash them with a wooden pestle. Heat the water in an enamel saucepan to 60 ° C, put the raspberries in it and heat the berries to 60 ° C with constant stirring. Remove the pan from the heat, cover it with a lid and drain the juice after 15 minutes. Filter it, bring to a boil and bottle or can immediately. Then they can either be sealed or pasteurized at 85 ° C: for half-liter cans or bottles, the time is 15 minutes, for liter cans - 20 minutes, for three-liter - 30 minutes.

Some natural juices no matter how useful they are, they still have to be combined with others in order to improve their taste and aroma. Sour juices from currants, cherries, plums, mix well with pear or apple. Cherry, raspberry, blueberry, cranberry juice, black currant very aromatic. It will be good in combination with apple, pear, or gooseberry.

Black, red, white currant juice

The skin of the black currant is quite dense, so for the best extraction of the juice, the berries must be blanched. To do this, sort them out and rinse them, put them in a colander or a special mesh and for 4-5 seconds and put them in boiling water. Squeeze the berries on a juicer (each type separately or together - if desired), strain the juice, bring to a boil, pour into a prepared dish and immediately close hermetically.

If you want to remember the past summer with its abundance of vegetables in winter, prepare vegetable juice.

1 l. squash juice,
100 g grape leaves
1 PC. carnations.

Wash the zucchini, peel, chop and squeeze the juice using a press or juicer. Grape leaves pour boiling water over and put in prepared jars, put a clove in the same place. Bring the juice to a boil and pour into the jars. Paste the cans for 10 minutes at 90 ° C.

Carrots have long been famous for their healing properties. Carrot juice useful for people with diseases of the liver, kidneys, cardiovascular system. And use it for prevention various diseases just necessary. Carrot juice for the winter can be prepared in such a way that it stays fresh and preserves everything beneficial features on the for a long time... In addition, it is a product that is unique in terms of preservation. Therefore, when preparing it, you need to take into account all the features. Do not use metal utensils.

Take a few fresh and ripe carrots, rinse well, then peel. Grind on a food processor, juicer or squeeze out juice from grated carrots using a press.

Then give the juice a little time to settle. Remove from sediment and strain. Pour the liquid into a saucepan of a suitable size and heat to 85 ° C.
Pour the heated juice immediately into pre-prepared bottles or jars. Don't fill them to the brim. Then seal and sterilize for half an hour at 110 degrees.

Mixed vegetable juices

Recipe # 1

1 l. tomato juice
1 l. carrot juice
1 l. pumpkin juice,
dill seeds, salt to taste.

Mix the juices, add the dill and salt and simmer for 5 minutes. Pour hot into prepared jars and roll up.

Recipe number 2

1 liter of tomato juice,
0.25 l of sauerkraut juice,
salt, sugar to taste.

Mix the juices, add salt and sugar, bring to a boil and pour into prepared jars. Pasteurize half-liter cans for 15 minutes, liter cans for 20 minutes at a temperature of 80 ° C.

By the way, the juice can be frozen in a bottle for the winter. Give it a try, you and your loved ones will love the frozen juices and will love making them every year.

Frozen juice in a bottle

To freeze juice you need plastic bottles which are used for packing drinking water. Fresh Juice pour into the bottle, squeeze the bottle lightly so that the air is squeezed out, and close tightly. Then rinse the bottle, dry it and put it in the freezer. The frozen juice bottle must be removed from the freezer and transfer to the lower shelf of the refrigerator. The bottle will thaw in a day. With this juice, you can cook compote, jelly, prepare sauces and gravies with it. It depends on the type of berries that you juice. But it is better, of course, to drink it.

Making juice at home is simple, tasty and healthy. Enjoy your homemade juices! Bon Appetit!

Larisa Shuftaykina