Gooseberry and blackberry jam. Blackberry jam is a "sweet" helper in the fight against vitamin deficiency! Blackberry jam with whole berries and lemon

12.04.2019 Egg dishes

They say that blackberry jam cures colds as well as raspberry jam. To preserve more useful properties, housewives strive to cook five-minute jam for the winter. Minimum time hot working will allow sweet preparation become not only delicious dessert, but will also provide a healing effect on the body.

The delicacy is prepared from forest and garden berries... There is no fundamental difference in cooking. However, it is believed that the forest beauty is more useful.

How to cook blackberry jam for the winter - five minutes

Secrets of cooking delicious winter dessert Little. The main thing that most housewives achieve is to keep the berries intact. To do this, cook the blackberries immediately after assembly. And do not wash, as a rule, the berries of the bush are rarely dirty.

If you want to set off the taste of the preparation, add lemon and orange during cooking. Blackberries are very friendly with their closest relative - raspberries. If you have late-ripening raspberries, make a couple of jars of the joint healing treat.

Here is the simplest recipe for cooking in 5 minutes.

  • Take:
  • Berries - a kilogram.
  • Granulated sugar - a kilogram.
  • Lemon juice - 50 ml.


  1. Rinse the berries under running water. Throw in a colander to allow the liquid to glass.
  2. Sprinkle with sugar. Stir gently to avoid crushing the blackberries.
  3. Leave to soak for an hour or two and let the juice flow. Usually this time is sufficient.
  4. Put it to boil. Heat the contents of the pot slowly. After the first sign of boiling, it is necessary to mark the time.
  5. Boil the dessert for exactly 5 minutes. Pour in lemon juice. Let it simmer.
  6. Turn off the heat, immediately fill the pre-sterilized jars. Roll under iron cover, turn over and cool.
  7. Lemon will act as an additional preservative, so the jam will stand well and will not ferment. For reliability, keep the workpiece cool.

Blackberry jam-five minutes for the winter with whole berries

  • Berries - 1 kg.
  • Granulated sugar - 1 kg.

Cooking a delicious treat:

  1. Wash the fruit, put it on paper napkin to remove excess liquid.
  2. Cover with sand, cover with a towel. Let stand for 5-6 hours.
  3. Pour the resulting juice carefully into a saucepan. Put on slow fire.
  4. When the syrup boils, cook it for 5 minutes.
  5. Put the berries in a saucepan, let it boil. Cook for five minutes.
  6. At the end, fall asleep on the tip of a knife citric acid.
  7. After boiling violently, fill the jars, twist.

Video with a recipe for a healing five-minute blackberry with leaves

Enjoy your winter teas!

Blackberries are delicious and useful berry, the preservation from it turns out to be unforgettably fragrant, especially the jam, in fact, which we will talk about today.

In this article, I would like to reveal a few interesting recipes blackberry jam, which should be in the piggy bank of any good housewife.

But first, let's understand what this berry is, it is a close relative of raspberry, it looks similar, only the color and structure differ. Blackberries are very tasty, sweet berry and quite juicy, there is a slight sourness. Blackberries have been on the tables of people for a long time, they grow in the form of a bush not too tall in growth.

The berry is not only very tasty and aromatic, but also very useful, it contains those components that are very necessary for our body to be always healthy and beautiful.

Blackberries are loaded with ingredients such as magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, manganese, iron and many others. The composition also contains vitamins such as A, PP, C, E and all vitamins of group B. There is much more to be said about the benefits of blackberries, but our main task is to cook delicious homemade jam, so let's get back to the recipe all the same.

To make blackberry jam, we need the following ingredients:

  • Blackberries - 1000 grams;
  • Water - 900 milliliters;
  • Granulated sugar - 1500 grams.

The ingredients are presented for one serving of jam, but you need to build on the number of berries.

First of all, you need to thoroughly rinse the berry, here you need special approach, since the structure of the blackberry is very delicate, you need to wash it as carefully as possible so as not to crush the fruits. I advise you to do this in a colander under low pressure. cold water, without the intervention of hands, just with the help of water. Accordingly, it is desirable that the berry is not very dirty and dusty.

In a large enough bowl, saucepan or pot, pour water, add sugar and put on the stove, bring to a boil. You need to boil the syrup until the sugar is completely dissolved, about 4 minutes.

Now carefully pour our blackberries into the syrup we have prepared. Try to do this as carefully as possible so as not to spoil the wholeness of the blackberry.

Bring the mixture to a boil, cook for about 5-7 minutes over medium heat. Then turn off the jam, cool and let it brew, at least six hours. It is advisable that the jam is in a cool place.

We will make the second cooking run after 6 hours of infusion. Put the saucepan on low heat and slowly bring to a boil. We will cook the blackberry jam, this time for ten minutes. We cooked for ten minutes and cool it again and let it stand this time for less time, about three hours.

For the third and last time, we will cook again for only 10 minutes, follow the same scenario, bring it to a boil over low heat, cook and turn it off. This time, it is not necessary to completely cool the blackberry jam, so slightly. We pack the jam in clean jars and close the lids, the lids must first be steamed in boiled water.

Blackberry jam is that sweetness that is really worthy of attention, if you try to cook it at least once, you will no longer be able to live without it. Therefore, the recipes you already have, there is little left to do, have a little patience and cook ahead.

To somehow embellish your idea of blueberry jam we suggest a few more delicious recipes of this jam. I think you will definitely like at least something from this collection.

Before we start looking at other recipes, one more little introduction.

One of interesting products which is sure to please both kids and adults is the blackberry. Thanks enough interesting taste it provides opportunities for culinary fantasies, as well as for the confectioners themselves. It should be noted that this berry is a direct relative of raspberries and has a rather interesting, pronounced taste. It contains mainly sweetness, but at the same time it also has a sourness, which makes this product quite original. Due to the important characteristics of this berry, the jam, which can be easily prepared at home, turns out to be very interesting and will be sold like hot cakes on your table. You can simply smear a slice of bread with such jam and return to childhood, thanks to the native taste.

Also one of the indisputable fact is that blackberries have great amount various positive effects. For example, it strengthens blood vessels, improves immunity, lowers temperatures with acute respiratory infections, helps fight colds.

By the way, this product is widely used in restaurant business, because all kinds of desserts are made from it, such as cheesecakes or soufflés. Blackberries are also used in muffins and other more sophisticated dishes.

And so, let's move on to the recipes for blackberry jam themselves.

Ordinary or classic jam from blackberries.

The main ingredients that will be used in the preparation of this jam are: 1100 grams of blackberries, and the same amount of granulated sugar.

Your first step in making delicious blackberry jam is sorting the berries and then removing the spoiled blackberries. After that, you wash the blackberries and tear off the stalks. Next, you give the blackberry time, in terms of the fact that it should drain from the excess liquid. Your next step is to place all the whole berries in a large-diameter pot or bowl that will be used to make the blackberry jam. You sprinkle all the blackberries with sugar and then mix very carefully, while trying not to damage the berries so that they are whole. After that, you need to wait a while for the blackberries to release juice for about an hour. Next, you must heat slowly while mixing this substance. The boiling process takes about half an hour. After that, you pack the blackberries in sterile jars and seal them tightly.

Recipe 2. "Five minutes"

Your ingredients for making the jam are 970 grams of blackberries, 3 grams of citric acid and 820 grams of sugar.

And so, the first step towards cooking interesting jam are the bulkhead, washing and removal of the stalks from the berries. After that, sprinkle on pre-lined paper for draining excess water with berries. Next, place the blackberries in layers in a bowl, which must be enameled or a pan with a wide diameter, sprinkling with sugar in parallel. Your next step is to wait 5 - 5 and a half hours, during which the berries will release required amount juice. After that, we begin to slowly boil, not forgetting about the foam that will form on top, removing it. After that, you should steam the blackberries for about 5 minutes, and one minute before the end of the cooking process, pour citric acid, and then stir. Next, you move the jam to clean banks and store under plastic covers in a cool place.

Blackberry jam with red sister, raspberries

The main ingredients that will be used in the preparation of this jam are: 950 grams of blackberries, 950 grams of raspberries and 1900 grams of sugar.

The first thing you need to do is sort the raspberries and blackberries separately from each other, after which it is washed, and the stalks come off from it. Next, you put blackberries in one bowl, and raspberries in the second. You fill both bowls with an equal amount of sugar, 950 grams each. Next step is gentle mixing without deformation of the berries. Next, you will need to wait by placing the blackberries in a cool place, such as a refrigerator, for 11 hours. Juice that will stand out for the given time, and sugar that will not dissolve, put it in another saucepan. Further, you heat and stir this pan in order to completely disappear granulated sugar. The next step is to pour the blackberries and raspberries into this saucepan and simmer for about 6 minutes. After that, it will be necessary to remove the foam, and allow the contents of the pan to cool. Next, you must boil the contents of the pan again and continue this action for about 5 minutes and can be filled into clean jars.

4th recipe. Blackberry and apple jam

The ingredients that will be used in the preparation of this jam are: 1020 grams of blackberries, 980 grams sour apples, 18 grams of butter, 3 grams of cardamom, 280 milliliters of water, 1550 grams of sugar, and 135 grams of lemon. You can also add 90 grams of berry liqueur, but this is optional.

The first steps to making jam are washing the apples, peeling and removing the core. Then the apples are cut into small layers. Your next step is to sort the blackberries, and wash them for canning. Combine the chopped apples in a saucepan with water, then pour over heat treatment fruit until tender, which will take about 10 minutes. Next, squeeze the juice from the lemon into a container and pour out the blackberries. After that, cook for 11 minutes until re-boiling, add sugar and stir until it is completely dissolved. After that, quickly heat the whole mass and boil for about 10 minutes. Your next step is to add liqueur and cardamom, after which you need to boil for 3 minutes. Next, you remove the pan, add oil and remove the foam from the surface. After that, you need to chill the jam, and in fact you can roll up with plastic lids, before placing parchment on the neck of the jar.

5th recipe. Blackberry jam with lemon

The ingredients to be used in the preparation are: 980 grams of blackberries, 980 grams of sugar and 140 grams of lemon.

When preparing this jam, your actions are to wash the blackberries, and sift out the defective berries, after which the process of tearing off the stalks takes place. Next, the lemon is washed, after which the yellow zest is rubbed. After that, sprinkle with sugar, lightly crushing the berries in order to quickly release the juice. Next, squeeze juice from the lemon into the resulting substance, or rather from its pulp, and begin to slowly heat and stir regularly. After the disappearance of sugar, you add fire, boil and stir so that there would be no burning. Next, we give time for the jam to thicken and move the resulting mass into a clean glass container. We put this container, it is desirable that they were jars, before that, covering them with lids, into a deep saucepan, pour water up to the shoulder of the container and sterilize for about 10 minutes. The final step is to seal the cans.

6th recipe. Blackberry jam with oranges

And so, the main ingredients are: 1050 grams of blackberries, 1070 grams of sugar, 120 grams of lemon and 380 grams of oranges.

The first step when making jam is washing the citrus fruits, after which the orange cover and the white part are removed from the orange. Next zest yellow color thin stripes mode. After these steps, juice from the orange is squeezed out into a saucepan or bowl, which should be enameled, sugar and chopped rind are poured. Your next action is to heat this mass in order to dissolve the sugar, after which we let the substance we received cool completely. Next, we wash and sort out the blackberries and move them into chilled juice. You will have about 2 hours of time while all this is infused. After waiting, you will need to boil, stirring in parallel, the contents of the pan we received for about half an hour. At least 7 minutes before the end of cooking, you will need to squeeze into your future jam lemon juice, then stir and let cool. The final step is packaging in ready-made, clean cans.

7th recipe. Blackberry jam cooked in a slow cooker.

The main ingredients that will be used in the preparation of this dish are: 750 grams of blackberries and 750 grams of sugar.

The first step to jam is sorting the blackberries and picking out the whole berries. Then it is washed, and at the same time you should try not to damage it. Then the blackberries are dried, leaving them in a colander or on paper. The next step is to put the blackberries in the multicooker bowl and sprinkle them with sugar, then let them just lie down without heating. After the appearance of blackberry juice, put the "stewing" mode for 20 minutes. You will also need to turn the steam valve to let the steam out and at the end of 20 minutes open the lid, letting the mass cool for about 20 minutes. Your next step is to select the same mode for 40 minutes, and during cooking you will need to stir the contents of the bowl several times. If you increase the amount of ingredients, then the lid from the multicooker must be left open, after which the resulting dessert is poured into jars and corked.

8th recipe. Blackberry jam for the little ones, i.e. seedless

The ingredients that will be used to make the jam are: 1050 grams of blackberries, 490 milliliters of water and 1050 grams of sugar.

So, the first thing you should do is separate the stalks from the berries and wash them thoroughly. Next comes the selection of good blackberries from unripe or spoiled. The next step is to pour water into a pot and heat it up to 80, and you can even up to 90 degrees. After that, you put blackberries in the water that you cooked earlier and heat them for 3 minutes without boiling. Next, you need to remove the liquid, and transfer the blackberries to a metal sieve and grind. After that, you must heat the resulting blackberry puree using a container that will be covered with enamel inside. Your next action should be sprinkling with sugar, in parallel, I stir the resulting mass, and begin to slowly boil. Next, you must boil this jam to a thick state and after that, you can safely put it in clean jars and roll it up.

9th recipe. Banana and bramble jam

The ingredients that you will use when making the jam are: 1100 grams of blackberries, 1100 grams of bananas and the same amount of sugar.

The cooking process itself begins with the selection of whole berries, which will subsequently be separated from the stalks and washed. Your next step is to let your berries drain from the water by putting them on paper, and then move the berries to a bowl or saucepan. Next, you pour out the sugar and let the resulting mass stand for about 2 hours, with the goal that the berries would start juice. After this timeout, you should quickly heat the blackberries while stirring. And afterwards you have to boil slowly, which will take about half an hour. Your next step is to peel the bananas and cut the flesh into cubes 1 centimeter long and 1 centimeter wide. Next, you pour the chopped bananas into your blackberry jam about 6 minutes before the end of the jam. This completes the whole process and you just have to pack the resulting jam in jars and roll it up. It should also be noted that it is imperative to store the resulting dish in the cold.

And so, you got to the tips for making blackberry jam.

The first thing to note is that cooking a dessert that will smell so delicious and bring you a lot of benefits in life, thanks to its excellent properties, not so difficult. Moreover, it should be noted that almost anyone, even a beginner in cooking, can cope with this task. But when cooking dishes with blackberries, you will need to pay attention to such properties of this berry as the fact that blackberries are very delicate berries. If the recipe says that you need to get whole berries, then this implies that you will need to mix and wash these berries with all the care that you possess.

Also, be sure to note that blackberry seeds are very hard, and if you are preparing these dishes for little sweet tooth, then you will need to either grind the bones or get rid of them altogether, leaving the very minimum.

Also note that blackberries are in harmony with a large number other fruits, such as citrus fruits.

Blackberry is a berry, when making jam, quite interesting seasonings can be used, and this will not affect the taste of the dish. You can add rosemary or cloves with peace of mind.

Summarizing all of the above, it should be noted that blackberries are a berry that has not only an interesting look, but also great taste and smell. It also has a positive effect on the human body, improving immunity. With short methods of cooking jam, you will definitely leave everything in the blackberry important components that will make your life a little better.

Blackberry jam cooking is easy. There are many different recipes... Let's take a look at a few of them.

The classic blackberry jam recipe


  • blackberries - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1.1 kg.


  • Place the berries in a saucepan and add sugar, stir. Leave on for 30-60 minutes.
  • Heat slowly, stir and cook for about 30 minutes.
  • Pour the prepared jam into prepared jars with screw caps.

Jam from blackberry "In a hurry"


  • sugar - 820 g;
  • blackberries - 970 g;
  • citric acid - 3 g.


  • Place the berries in a heat-resistant container and add sugar. Leave to infuse for 5.5 hours.
  • Cook slowly for about 5 minutes.
  • Add citric acid at the last minute and turn off the stove. Let stand for about 1 hour and pour into containers.

Blackberry raspberry jam: recipe


  • sugar - 1900 g;
  • raspberries - 950 g;
  • blackberries - 950 g.


  • Wash and peel the berries, put them separately.
  • Add sugar and stir. Leave on for 11 hours.
  • Drain the juice into a saucepan and heat until the sugar is completely dissolved.
  • Add berries. Cook for about 6 minutes over high heat.
  • Leave on the stove until cool and cook again for 5 minutes.

Blackberry jam with apples


  • sugar - 1.5 kg;
  • water - 4 glasses;
  • cardamom - 3 g;
  • blackberries - 1 kg;
  • apples - 980 g;
  • butter - 18 g;
  • lemon - 2 pcs.;
  • berry liqueur - 90 g (optional).


  • Wash and core the apples, cut into medium slices. Fold down the cooking container.
  • Add water to the apples and leave for 10 minutes. Add lemon juice.
  • Pour in the berries and cook for 11 minutes. Add sugar.
  • Heat and boil for 10 minutes. Add liqueur and cardamom. Cook for 3 minutes.
  • Add oil, stir. Let it brew for about 30 minutes, pour warm into jars.

Blackberry Lemon Jam Recipe


  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • blackberries - 1 kg;
  • lemon - 1, 5 pcs.


  • Mix the sliced ​​lemon and berries.
  • Add sugar and lemon juice.
  • Heat slowly until sugar dissolves. Borrow to increase the heat and simmer for about a quarter of an hour.

Blackberry and orange jam


  • blackberries - 1 kg;
  • lemon - 2 pcs.;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • oranges –3 pcs.


  • Heat orange juice, lemon and sugar until dissolved.
  • Add the blackberries when cool. Leave on for 2 hours.
  • Heat until it boils. Cook for another half hour. At the 23rd minute, add lemon juice. Turn off the oven and pour into prepared jars.

Blackberry jam recipe in a slow cooker


  • sugar - 750 g;
  • blackberries - 750 g.


  • Place the pre-washed berries in a slow cooker and cover with sugar.
  • Cook in the "Stew" mode for about 20 minutes. Leave to cool for 20 minutes.
  • Cook for about 40 minutes more.

Blackberry is a sweet wild berry enriched with a whole bunch of vitamins and more nutrients... It is rich in vitamin A, which normalizes vision. Ideal during colds, as natural remedy, due to vitamins C and B. It has a beneficial effect on the heart and blood vessels, normalizes metabolism due to minerals, magnesium, potassium and salicylic acid.

Jam is made from blackberries, its berries are frozen to add to compotes and pastry, mixed with other fruits and closed for the winter without boiling. Below are the simplest and popular recipes blackberry jam.

Simple blackberry jam for the winter - a step by step photo recipe

From blackberry it turns out delicious and healthy jam... Thanks to the addition of pectin, it quickly cooks and acquires a jelly-like consistency.

Cooking time: 30 minutes

Quantity: 1 serving


  • Blackberries: 350 g
  • Sugar: 250 g
  • Water: 120 ml
  • Lemon acid: pinch
  • Pectin: pinch

Cooking instructions

Jam "Pyatiminutka" with whole berries

This jam got an interesting name not because the cooking time takes only 5 minutes, but because the cooking process takes place in several stages and each of them lasts no more than a few minutes. Thanks to this, in finished product turns out to be gentle thick syrup, and whole berries.

Required Ingredients:

  • blackberries - 1 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 600 g.

Step-by-step cooking algorithm:

  1. We wash the berries under running water and put them in a colander so that all the liquid is glass. If there are ponytails or leaves, remove them.
  2. Put blackberries in layers in the cooking utensils, sprinkling each one with sugar.
  3. We leave it for several hours, or better all night, so that the juice appears.
  4. Cooking takes place in 2 stages. Bring to a boil for the first time, reduce heat to low and cook for 5 minutes.
  5. Let the mass cool down, and proceed to the second stage, which is identical to the first.

Now be sure to let the jam brew for about 6 hours.

After that, we pack it in a sterilized container and roll it up. After complete cooling, we put it in a secluded place for storage.

Delicious harvesting of blackberries for the winter without cooking

Any berry without cooking retains more nutrients. This dessert is irreplaceable during colds and is very popular with children.

You will need:

  • blackberries - 1 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 1.5 kg.

What to do:

  1. Wash and dry the berries thoroughly.
  2. Fall asleep granulated sugar and put in a cool room for 3 hours.
  3. After this time, stir and stand for another 2 hours.
  4. Now grate the berries through a sieve, chop with a blender or simply mash with a fork.
  5. Divide the resulting mass into a sterilized and strictly dry container. Pour 1 teaspoon of sugar on top in an even layer.

On a note! Remember that uncooked preserves can only be stored in a cold room or refrigerator.

Blackberry Apple Jam Option

Blackberries with apples are an interesting combination that has the most useful properties and outwardly looks very interesting.

The berry gives a rich color and the fruit gives structure. For beauty, it is better to take green or yellow apples.

Required components:

  • blackberries - 1 kg;
  • apples - 2 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 1 kg;
  • lemon juice - 1 tbsp l.

How can it be preserved:

  1. The berry is washed, dried and the stalks are removed. Fall asleep with sugar and leave for 3 hours.
  2. Apples are washed, cored, cut into small wedges. Cook without adding water for an hour.
  3. V applesauce pour in lemon juice and shift the blackberries along with the resulting syrup. Cook for another 15 minutes over low heat.
  4. Ready jam is packed in containers, hermetically closed and put away in a cool place for storage.

With lemon or orange

Blackberries in combination with citrus give the perfect vitamin mix... Moreover, this jam has an aesthetic appearance and very unusual taste characteristics.

Prepare in advance:

  • blackberries - 500 g;
  • oranges - 3 pcs.;
  • lemons - 1 pc.

Step by step process:

  1. Wash the blackberry, dry it and cover it with sugar, leave it for 3-4 hours.
  2. We clean the citruses, hit the white membranes and cut into small pieces.
  3. We put the berry, which has let the juice in, on low heat and bring to a boil. Add citrus slices immediately, simmer for 30 minutes.
  4. Hot packed in sterilized containers, hermetically sealed. After complete cooling, we put it away for storage.

Young housewives may not know some of the intricacies in the preparation of spins for the winter. The following tips will come in handy:

  1. It is recommended to hold the berries in hot water.
  2. After washing, the blackberries must be allowed to dry.
  3. In order not to damage the fruit, do not stir the mass during cooking.
  4. Citruses give the jam a unique aroma.
  5. Choose a berry at its peak of ripeness, but not strictly overripe or greenish.

Blackberries - 1 kilogram
Oranges - 2 pieces
Sugar - 1 kilogram
Lemon - 1 piece

How to make orange and blackberry jam
1. Wash and peel the oranges, cut the zest into noodles.
2. Squeeze the orange juice into a saucepan for making jam, do not use the cake for jam.
3.K orange juice add zest, sugar, mix well and put on low heat.
4. Bring the jam to a boil and cool at room temperature.
5. Sort out the blackberry, wash, put in cold syrup, leave for 2 hours.
6. Put the jam on the fire, cook for half an hour over low heat, stirring occasionally.
7. 5 minutes before the end of cooking, pour in the squeezed lemon juice, then cool the jam and pour into the jars.


- Blackberries are rich in a whole range of vitamins: vitamin A helps to improve vision, C and E strengthen immunity, PP - is responsible for the work of the heart and blood circulation, regulates blood cholesterol. Blackberries contain all the B vitamins, which play an important role in the body's metabolism. In addition to vitamins, blackberries contain a number of useful minerals: potassium, iron, phosphorus, copper, manganese, magnesium. For such a rich composition, the berry is considered medicinal. Blackberries will help you cope faster with spicy respiratory disease, will reduce the fever. It is recommended to use it regularly for the prevention of cancer and vascular diseases... Fresh blackberry juice can help with insomnia.

Blackberries are recommended to eat to normalize the intestines. Berries contain organic acids - citric, malic, salicylic, which stimulate the secretion of juice in gastrointestinal tract and improve digestion. But it is worth knowing that ripe berries can weaken the stool a little, and unripe berries can fix it.

Blackberries can be included in the diet diet food, since it has a low calorie content - 36 kcal / 100 grams. At the expense of a large number pectin substances- good sorbents, blackberry removes salt from the body, heavy metals and radionuclides.

Blackberry jam can be made seedless. To do this, you first need to hold the berries in hot water at a temperature of 80-90 degrees, without boiling, for 3 minutes. Rub the softened berries through a metal sieve - the bones will remain in the sieve, and boil the blackberry puree with sugar.

To keep the berries intact when cooking blackberry jam, you should not wash them before cooking, and while cooking the jam, stir it gently with a large wooden spoon. Better yet, cook the jam in a wide bowl and shake the bowl in a circle instead of stirring with a spoon.

To make the jam thicker and more aromatic, at the beginning of cooking, you can add juice and ground lemon or orange zest to it.