Simple recipes for making blackberry jam for the winter. From frozen berries

19.08.2019 Soups

Blackberry is a sweet wild berry, enriched with a whole bunch of vitamins and other useful substances. It is rich in vitamin A, which improves eyesight. Ideal during colds, as a natural remedy, due to vitamins C and B. It has a beneficial effect on the heart and blood vessels, normalizes metabolism due to minerals, magnesium, potassium and salicylic acid.

Jam is made from blackberries, its berries are frozen to be added to compotes and rich products, mixed with other fruits and closed for the winter without cooking. Below are the simplest and most popular blackberry jam recipes.

Simple blackberry jam for the winter - step by step photo recipe

Blackberry berries make a tasty and healthy confiture. Thanks to the addition of pectin, it cooks quickly and acquires a jelly-like consistency.

Time for preparing: 30 minutes

Quantity: 1 portion


  • Blackberry: 350 g
  • Sugar: 250 g
  • Water: 120 ml
  • Lemon acid: pinch
  • Pectin: a pinch

Cooking instructions

Jam "Pyatiminutka" with whole berries

This jam got an interesting name not because the cooking time takes only 5 minutes, but because the cooking process takes place in several stages and each of them lasts no more than a few minutes. Thanks to this, both a delicate thick syrup and whole berries are obtained in the finished product.

Required Ingredients:

  • blackberry - 1 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 600 g.

Step by step cooking algorithm:

  1. We wash the berries under running water and put them in a colander so that all the liquid is glassed. If there are ponytails or leaves, remove them.
  2. In a bowl for cooking, lay out the blackberries in layers, each sprinkling with sugar.
  3. Leave for a few hours, and preferably all night, so that the juice appears.
  4. Cooking takes place in 2 stages. First time bring to a boil, reduce the heat to a minimum and cook for 5 minutes.
  5. Let the mass cool down, and proceed to the second stage, which is identical to the first.

Now be sure to let the jam brew for about 6 hours.

After that, we pack in a sterilized container and roll it up. After complete cooling, remove to a secluded place for storage.

Delicious harvesting of blackberries for the winter without cooking

Any berry without cooking retains more nutrients. Such a dessert is indispensable during the period of colds and is very popular with children.

You will need:

  • blackberry - 1 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 1.5 kg.

What to do:

  1. Wash the berries thoroughly, dry.
  2. Cover with sugar and put in a cool room for 3 hours.
  3. After this time, mix and hold for another 2 hours.
  4. Now grind the berries through a sieve, chop with a blender or just mash with a fork.
  5. The resulting mass is decomposed into a sterilized and strictly dry container. Sprinkle 1 teaspoon of sugar on top in an even layer.

On a note! Remember that jam that has not been cooked can only be stored in a cold room or refrigerator.

Variant of blackberry jam with apples

Blackberries with apples are an interesting combination that has the most beneficial properties and looks very interesting in appearance.

The berry gives a rich color, and the fruit - the structure. For beauty, it is better to take green or yellow apples.

Required components:

  • blackberry - 1 kg;
  • apples - 2 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 1 kg;
  • lemon juice - 1 tbsp. l.

How to preserve:

  1. The berries are washed, dried and the stalks are removed. Fall asleep with sugar and leave for 3 hours.
  2. Wash the apples, remove the core, cut into small slices. Boil without adding water for an hour.
  3. Lemon juice is poured into applesauce and blackberries are transferred along with the resulting syrup. Cook for another 15 minutes over low heat.
  4. The finished jam is packed in containers, hermetically sealed and put away in a cool place for storage.

With lemon or orange

Blackberry combined with citrus gives the perfect vitamin mix. Moreover, this jam has an aesthetic appearance and very unusual taste characteristics.

Prepare in advance:

  • blackberries - 500 g;
  • oranges - 3 pcs.;
  • lemons - 1 pc.

Step by step process:

  1. My blackberries, dry and fall asleep with sugar, leave for 3-4 hours.
  2. We clean the citruses, hit the white membranes and cut into small pieces.
  3. Put the berry that has let the juice on a slow fire and bring to a boil. Immediately add citrus slices, cook over low heat for 30 minutes.
  4. Packed hot in a sterilized container, hermetically sealed. After complete cooling, we remove for storage.

Young housewives may not know some of the subtleties in preparing spins for the winter. The following tips will come in handy:

  1. It is recommended to hold the berries in hot water before cooking.
  2. After washing, the blackberries should be allowed to dry.
  3. In order not to damage the fruits, do not mix the mass during cooking.
  4. Citruses give the jam a unique flavor.
  5. Choose berries at the very peak of maturity, but not strictly overripe or greenish.

Blackberry is a tasty and healthy berry, from which various winter seamings are prepared in the form of jams, jams. It is added to compotes and marmalade is cooked. Unusual properties and rich aroma make it possible to use it in combination with other wild berries and popular fruits - lemon, apples, pears, cherries, etc. It harmoniously complements their taste and increases the number of important elements in the composition of the finished product.

Jam according to the "grandmother's recipe" - a delicious and juicy roll for the winter

The classic recipe for harvesting wild berries is known to many lovers of stocking up for the winter. Processed blackberries have a delicate, sweet taste, great as a filling in various pies, cakes and pastries, or as an addition to pancakes and bread in combination with aromatic tea.

To prepare such a jam, you will need a minimum of products, namely:

  • fresh blackberries - 2-3 cups;
  • granulated sugar - 200-300 grams;
  • lemon juice - 1 tbsp. l.

Blackberries are poured into a colander or on a table sieve and thoroughly washed under running water, and then left to dry for several hours. After that, the berries are transferred to a clean, deep container and crushed with a spoon or a special crusher so that they release the juice.

Sprinkle the resulting mass with sugar on top and pour over lemon juice, leaving to infuse for 2-3 hours. Pour a little water (100-150 ml) into the pan and put on the stove. Lightly sugared, crushed berries are also poured there and brought to a boil, stirring thoroughly, after which they are simmered for another 10-15 minutes.

The foam that forms during the cooking process must be removed with a wooden spoon so that it does not affect the taste of the final product. As soon as the composition becomes homogeneous and thick enough, the hot jam is poured into sterile and washed glass jars, the lids are rolled up and allowed to cool.

After that, they are sent to be stored in a cool cellar or on a shelf in the refrigerator. If you add a little pectin or gelatin, this jam will be stored for a long time at room temperature.

Homemade marmalade - a delicious and natural dessert

The technology for preparing blackberry marmalade is no different from that used in the preparation of other wild berries, such as raspberries, strawberries or strawberries. However, it is from blackberries with the right recipe that you can make a richer, more solid dessert with a harmonious taste and a large number of useful properties.

To make marmalade at home, take the following ingredients:

  • blackberry forest or garden - 1 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 1 kg;
  • food gelatin - 60-80 gr;
  • molds for hardening marmalade slices.

For the preparation of marmalade, both fresh, whole blackberries, and slightly spoiled or overripe fruits that remain after making jam or compote are suitable. First of all, the berries are sorted, cleaned in a colander under running water from pollen, leaf residues and other contaminants, and the water is allowed to drain.

Pure berries are poured into an enamel pan and poured with a glass of water. Sprinkle two cups of sugar on top and let the blackberries lightly sugar for 2-3 hours.

Now put the container on a slow fire and bring to a boil, stirring the ingredients with a wooden spoon to form a thick syrup. Once the desired consistency is obtained, remove the pan from the heat and strain its contents through a fine sieve to filter out all the seeds.

Upon completion of the process, put the syrup container on the stove again and simmer it for 10-15 minutes on very low heat, adding the remaining amount of sugar with a tablespoon.

In 10 minutes. after cooking, add 1-2 tablespoons of edible gelatin, stir it thoroughly and after 1-2 minutes turn off the heat and allow the syrup to cool slightly. Now everything is poured neatly into molds prepared in advance and sent to the refrigerator until completely solidified. The remaining amount of blackberry syrup can be rolled up in glass jars and left until winter.

Harvesting blackberries for the winter - how to freeze berries correctly

If there was a good harvest of blackberries, then part of it can be prepared frozen in order to prepare some delicious delicacy from fresh fruits in the winter. Proper freezing allows you to fully preserve all the taste and useful components of this beautiful and fragrant berry.

The first step is to thoroughly and gently wash the berries with clean water. To do this, they are placed in a colander or on a sieve and kept under the tap for several minutes, shaking the dishes a little or washing them gently with their hands.

Then the blackberries must be dried at room temperature. Spread the berry on a paper towel or wooden surface, such as a cutting board, and let it dry for 1-2 hours.

It is necessary to lay out so that the fruits do not touch each other.

Towels, tablecloths and other cotton fabrics are usually not used, since blackberry juice is very “corrosive” and it is quite problematic to wash it without special tools, unlike the same raspberries or strawberries.

As soon as the berry is washed and dried, proceed directly to freezing. It can be sent to the appropriate chamber both in whole form and in combination with sugar.

In the first case, the fruits laid out on a board or tray are sent for preliminary freezing, left for 2-3 hours at the lowest temperature set in the freezer.

Then the frozen berries are taken out and transferred to plastic bags or containers in layers of 8-10 centimeters high and sent for long-term storage at the optimum temperature.

At this stage, you can add some sugar to the berries. It is believed that this way it will be even better stored. To do this, when laying blackberries in plastic containers, sprinkle each layer with it, then close the lids, shake the container slightly and put it in the freezer.

To get a ready-made puree before freezing, you can crush the blackberries or pass it through a blender, mix well with sugar, add a little gelatin and then send it to the freezer according to the technology.

Assorted Berry Jam with Lemon

Adding lemon to juicy and ripe wild berries allows you to get a thicker and richer texture. In addition, lemon contributes to better preservation and makes the jam taste refreshing.

For cooking, various combinations are used in the form of raspberries, blackberries, blueberries and blueberries. Selected berries are washed with water in one container or separately, removing all impurities.

Lemons are rubbed on a coarse or medium grater to obtain zest, and the juice is squeezed in a juicer or by hand into a separate glass or bowl.

50-100 ml of water is poured into a clean saucepan, then some of the berries are poured, sugar on top, berries again and again granulated sugar to make 2-3 layers. And leave everything for a few hours "candied". When the fruits start to juice, they are sprinkled with fresh lemon zest and part of the citrus juice.

Now all the ingredients are thoroughly mixed, turn on the fire and bring to a boil. After that, cook on low heat for another 30-40 minutes, without ceasing to stir and remove the top foam with a wooden spoon.

When hot, the syrup is poured into sterilized, clean jars, closed with lids, turned over, allowed to cool and sent to the dark shelves in the cellar until winter.

Blackberry wine - a simple recipe for a refreshing drink

Homemade wine is made from various fruits, such as apples or plums. But a properly prepared berry drink has a special aroma and taste. Blackberry, like no other berry, is suitable for making homemade mash due to its unusual structure and very aromatic juice.

To prepare one 5-liter bottle according to the old Russian recipe, you need:

  • ripe blackberries - 2-3 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 1.5-2 kg;
  • natural flower or bee honey - 300-400 gr.

Fresh berries are carefully sorted, if necessary, additionally washed and sorted in a stainless steel container. As soon as they dry, they must be crushed in a blender or potato masher so that they let out as much juice as possible.

Then they are filled with water (1-1.5 liters for the entire volume), covered with clean gauze and left at room temperature on the windowsill or outside for 2-3 days. During this time, natural fermentation of the juice will begin. Meanwhile, water is mixed in a saucepan with sugar and honey, brought to a boil and syrup is prepared for 15-20 minutes over low heat.

Now the liquid from the berries is carefully drained, the wort is poured with chilled syrup and everything is poured into glass bottles, closing them with special lids through which they can "breathe".

In this form, the containers are left for 1-1.5 months, while constantly monitoring the state of the drink. After this period, when the liquid in the bottles becomes a little more transparent, it must be filtered through cheesecloth, poured into new, more compact containers, tightly closed with lids and put away in a dark cellar or cellar for 2-3 weeks so that the wine is properly infused.

The taste of such a drink is sweet, very refreshing, while it is not as intoxicating as, for example, wine made from apples, plums or plum juice.

Blackberry is a tasty and healthy berry, its characteristics are very similar to the well-known raspberries. It has been used in traditional medicine for a huge number of years. Jam made from this berry is great for colds, while compotes normalize bowel function.

Preservation of blackberry compote

This compote is very fond of children. Its slightly sour taste is not boring at all. And its useful properties are even difficult to count.

You will need:

  • purified water - 2 l;
  • fresh blackberries - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 3 kg.

Cooking steps:

  1. The first step is to sort out all the berries, remove the spoiled, damaged ones.
  2. Blackberries are thoroughly washed and dried.
  3. Prepared berries are laid out in pre-washed with soda and sterilized jars. Each jar should be about half full.
  4. The next step is preparing the syrup. To do this, put water on fire and bring to a boil.
  5. Sugar is poured into the boiling liquid and mixed thoroughly.
  6. To prepare the syrup, it is enough to boil the resulting liquid for only five minutes.
  7. The berries laid out in jars are poured with freshly prepared syrup and re-sterilized, which lasts 10 minutes.

The finished compote is rolled up and not touched until it cools completely.

Canning blackberry jelly for the winter

Blackberry jelly can be safely called one of the best options for harvesting for the winter. In addition to the incredible taste, this jelly is also good because you can use it to cook pies and cookies, which are so nice to eat on the coldest days and drink hot tea.

You will need:

  • 5 glasses of blackberry juice;
  • 3 cups of sugar.

Cooking steps:

  1. Ripe blackberries are first sorted and washed, then dried.
  2. The berry prepared for further actions is placed in a deep container, preferably enameled, placed in a warm enough place so that it releases the required amount of juice.
  3. After 12 hours, the entire contents of the container are laid out on gauze and hung over the pan so that all the liquid is glassed into it. The juice should drain on its own, in no case should the mass be squeezed out, do not rush things.
  4. All the necessary sugar is added to the juice, which is eventually obtained, and it is put on the stove. It is brought to a boil and boiled for no more than five minutes.
  5. The finished product is hot poured into pre-washed with soda and sterilized jars.
  6. It remains only to roll up and let the banks cool. There is no need to wrap and even turn them over.

The mass that remained unused during the harvesting process can serve as the main ingredient for making marmalade or jam.

Delicious jam "To health"

Such jam will be an excellent helper in the fight against colds, which are almost inevitable in winter. Children will be happy to eat it even at very high temperatures. And here it is a miracle - the temperature will begin to subside, because blackberries, along with raspberries, are an excellent diaphoretic.

You will need:

  • ripe blackberries - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 6 cups.

Cooking steps:

  1. All berries are sorted and washed. In order not to damage them, it is best to use a shower.
  2. The berries are laid out in a deep container and sprinkled with half of the prepared sugar, after which they are placed in a fairly cool place for a quarter of a day.
  3. After the time has elapsed, the berries are separated from the juice, which was formed during the infusion process.
  4. The sugar that remains is poured into the resulting juice, the mixture is put on fire.
  5. The liquid is brought to a boil and continues to boil until all the sugar is completely dissolved.
  6. The resulting syrup cools down a bit (literally by 10 degrees) and pours into a container with berries.
  7. On a very low heat, the berries are heated and languish for a quarter of an hour until they are boiled down to the desired consistency.
  8. The finished jam is laid out in pre-washed with soda and sterilized jars, rolled up. Additional sterilization is not required.

If larvae are found in the berries, this is not a problem at all. They are easy to deal with. To do this, the affected blackberry must be poured with salt water (dilute a couple of tablespoons of salt in a liter of water and stir). After a quarter of an hour, the larvae will float up and can be removed. The berries themselves after this procedure must be thoroughly washed and dried.

Blackberry marshmallow

It is very easy to prepare such a treat, and thanks to the possibility of storage in jars, it can be stored for a long time.

You will need:

  • blackberries - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 2 and a half cups.

Cooking steps:

  1. The berries are sorted and washed. Dry them out a bit.
  2. Puree is made from prepared berries - a homogeneous mass, which will serve as the main component of the future marshmallow.
  3. The prepared puree is poured into a deep, preferably enameled container and placed on low heat.
  4. Sugar is added to the berry mass in small portions.
  5. The resulting mixture is simmered on fire until its volume is reduced by half.
  6. When the mixture has acquired the density characteristic of jelly, it is poured into a mold and placed in the oven.
  7. Pastila is cooked in the oven at a minimum temperature of about 10 hours.
  8. The finished marshmallow is cut into pieces and sprinkled with powdered sugar if desired.
  9. To prevent the product from drying out, it is placed in dry, clean jars and corked.

blackberry jam

You will need:

  • blackberry - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 5 glasses;
  • purified water - 2 cups.

Cooking steps:

  1. The berries are peeled from the stalks, moved and washed.
  2. Half of the prepared berries are immersed in hot, but not boiling water for several minutes.
  3. The water is drained, and the blackberries are immediately rubbed with a sieve.
  4. The resulting mass is put on fire, water is poured into it.
  5. 5 minutes after the berry mass boils, the rest of the berries and all the sugar are added to it.
  6. The mass is boiled with constant stirring until it is completely cooked.
  7. The prepared jam is poured into pre-washed with soda and sterilized jars.
  8. Banks roll up and cool down.

To make the consistency of the jam thicker, in the process of adding the remaining blackberries, you can add apples, previously cut into slices.

Blackberry jam without heat treatment (video)

There are many ways to harvest blackberries. Some recipes were used by our ancestors, some became known only recently. It can act as the main ingredient, or simply complement other products with its perfection. Craftsmen often combine blackberries with raspberries, currants and even grapes. Each dish is special, but no less beloved for that. This is perhaps the most desired berry on any table - both in winter and in summer.

Blackberry is a very interesting ingredient that opens up the widest field for imagination in front of culinary specialists. It has a bright taste, which is dominated by sweet notes, but at the same time there is also a spicy light sourness, which balances the flavor bouquet. Therefore, it is not surprising that blackberry jam turns out to be very fragrant and you want to eat it again and again. Kids really like to spread it on a slice of fresh bread or just gobble it up on both cheeks, drinking hot tea.

Blackberry jam is a great way to prepare a fragrant berry for the winter.

About the benefits of the product

Before making blackberry jam, we suggest considering what its use will bring us:

  • this berry contains a huge number of vitamins and each of them carries a certain load - vitamin A is responsible for excellent vision, vitamins C and E strengthen the immune system, vitamin PP normalizes the functioning of the heart muscle and regulates cholesterol levels, B vitamins improve the flow of metabolic processes ;
  • minerals, and these are magnesium, potassium, manganese, iron, copper and phosphorus, help prevent the development of oncological diseases, as well as vascular diseases, they normalize the functioning of the nervous system and contribute to the speedy recovery from acute respiratory diseases;
  • with blackberries, intestinal work will be established, as it contains valuable organic acids, including malic, citric, tartaric, salicylic. Thanks to these substances, juice secretion occurs in the gastrointestinal tract and the digestion process is significantly improved.

Important! However, it should be remembered that overripe berries will somewhat weaken the stool, while unripe ones, on the contrary, will fix it.

Subtleties of cooking


So, let's move on to the main thing - recipes for blackberry blanks for the winter.


Prepare ingredients:

  • 900 g blackberries;
  • 900 g of sugar;
  • half a liter of water.

Cooking process.

  1. Separate the berries from the stalks, wash and dry thoroughly.
  2. Pour water into a container and heat it to 90°C.
  3. Put blackberries in hot water and leave for 3 minutes.

    Important! In this case, the gas supply must be minimal so that the mass does not boil!

  4. Drain the liquid, put the berries in a sieve and grind.
  5. Put the resulting puree into a container with a non-stick coating, add sugar and, constantly stirring the dessert with a wooden spoon, boil until thick.
  6. Pour the finished jam into prepared jars and roll up.

Classic recipe

To prepare blackberry jam according to the classic recipe, you need to prepare only two ingredients: blackberries and sugar, which are taken in equal proportions.

Cooking process.

  1. The berries must be carefully sorted out, spoiled and wrinkled, washed and discarded in a colander.
  2. After we shift the blackberries into a saucepan or a bowl for cooking and add sugar.
  3. The berry-sugar mixture should stand for about half an hour - this is necessary in order for the blackberries to release the juice.
  4. Next, place the container on the stove and slowly heat the contents, stirring it constantly.
  5. Boil for 30 minutes, pour into sterilized jars and seal tightly.

Five-minute jam

Five-minute blackberry jam for the winter got its name due to the very fast cooking process.
Prepare ingredients:

  • 900 g blackberries;
  • 900 g of granulated sugar;
  • 3 g citric acid.

Cooking process.

  1. Carefully sort the berries, rinse and drain with water.
  2. In a wide bowl, lay the fruits in layers, sprinkling each with sugar, leave for 5-6 hours.
  3. After the specified time, set the basin on the fire and bring the mass to a boil.
  4. After 5 minutes, add citric acid, after another minute, turn off the gas supply.

With oranges

Blackberries can be prepared for the winter by combining them with citrus fruits, as in the following recipe.

Prepare ingredients:

  • 900 g of fresh berries;
  • 2 oranges;
  • 1 lemon;
  • 1 kg of granulated sugar.

Cooking process.

  1. Sort the berries, separate the pedicels, rinse and dry on a towel.
  2. Wash the oranges thoroughly, cut off the zest and chop it as finely as possible.
  3. Squeeze the juice from the oranges and pour it into a container in which the jam will be prepared.
  4. Add sugar, zest and bring the mixture to a boil over low heat, stirring constantly.
  5. Cool the syrup, put berries in it and leave for 2 hours.
  6. After the specified time, set the pan on a small fire and cook the jam for 30 minutes.
  7. 5 minutes before cooking, add lemon juice.

with apples

Prepare ingredients:

  • 900 g of berries;
  • 900 g of apples, preferably sour varieties;
  • one and a half kg of sugar;
  • lemon;
  • a tablespoon of butter;
  • cardamom;
  • 300 ml of water;
  • 100 g of liquor.
Cooking process.
  1. Rinse the apples well, divide into four parts, remove the core and chop into thin slices.
  2. Place the apples in a saucepan, add water and blanch for about 10 minutes until they are soft.
  3. Squeeze juice from lemon and add to apples.
  4. Put the blackberries and cook the mixture for 10 minutes, stirring constantly and removing the foam.
  5. Add liquor and 3 g of cardamom, boil for another 3 minutes.
  6. Remove the pan from the stove, put the oil, mix the contents, remove the film, cool the jam.
  7. Pour dessert into prepared jars, put a sheet of parchment on the neck of each and close with polyethylene lids.

with bananas

Prepare ingredients:

  • 900 g of fresh berries;
  • 1 kg of bananas;
  • 1 kg of sugar.

Cooking process.

  1. Berries should be washed and cleaned from the stalks.
  2. Place fruit on paper towel to drain excess liquid.
  3. Transfer the prepared blackberries to a saucepan or basin, sprinkle with sugar and leave overnight.
  4. Peel bananas, cut into small cubes.
  5. Bring the blackberry mass to a boil and boil for 30 minutes.
  6. Add bananas and cook for about 5-6 more minutes.
  7. Pour the finished dessert into sterilized jars and store in the cold.

Blackberry jam has a lot of advantages, which include impeccable taste, great benefits, attractive aroma and appearance of the delicacy itself. This dessert is prepared for a relatively short time, which allows you to save valuable substances in full. Compared to traditional strawberries, blackberry is much less common, but in terms of its benefits, it is in no way inferior to them. Prepare a few jars of this fragrant dessert for the winter and be healthy!

All materials on the website are presented for informational purposes only. Before using any means, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!

Blackberry is a tasty and healthy berry that grows in the forest and garden plots. Of course, it will bring more benefits to the body in its fresh form and in desserts, where it is not subjected to heat treatment. But unfortunately, it cannot be kept fresh for a long time, and gardeners involved in the cultivation of this berry need to process it. And in winter, blackberry jams or preserves will be a great addition to tea drinking. Therefore, it will always be useful to know what can be prepared from blackberries. Moreover, the range of desserts is quite wide.

What do berries go with?

Garden blackberries are not only a delicious treat in and of themselves. It goes well with a wide variety of products, which allows it to be used very widely in cooking.

First of all, blackberries are combined with other berries, such as raspberries, strawberries, blueberries, cherries. They can be combined in salads, compotes and desserts. Many fruits are also appropriate next to blackberries. These include apple, banana, pear, orange, peach, apricot.

It is good to add a berry to yogurt, cottage cheese, any pastries, it can be all kinds of casseroles, buns, pancakes, cookies, cakes.

And the combination is possible not only with sweet dishes. Blackberries can also be used in the preparation of second courses. For example, its presence will give a special taste and aroma to meat.

Blackberry Dessert Recipes

You can make any sweet dessert from blackberries - from jam to marshmallow.

  • The most common delicacy is jam. First, the berries need to be sorted out and washed. Then they are laid out in a container in which jam will be cooked. Sugar is poured on top at the rate of 1: 1. It should be borne in mind that blackberries have sourness, so if you want the jam to stand longer, you can increase the amount of sugar. If the berry is not too ripe, you can add a few tablespoons of water so that the sugar dissolves faster. You should not interfere with the berry, otherwise it may be damaged. It is better to close the pan with a lid and shake slightly, repeating this procedure several times. The pot must be put on fire, bring the contents to a boil and cook for forty minutes. After the jam has cooled, you need to boil it again, then boil it again for about twenty minutes.

If you want the jam to be thick, this procedure can be repeated a couple more times.

  • There is another cooking option. For him, you need to make syrup. First, sugar is dissolved in a small amount of water, brought to a boil, and only then berries are immersed in it. The further cooking process does not differ from the first option. In both cases, before laying out the cans of the product, they must be sterilized.
  • It takes a little more effort to make jam. A clean prepared berry needs to be kneaded in a container with a wooden rolling pin, it will be easier to chop in a blender. Then the resulting mass must be rubbed through a sieve. Put on fire, bring to a boil, boil for thirty minutes, then add sugar, mix well and cook until, stirring occasionally, until the mixture thickens to the consistency of jam.

  • You can make confiture. For this, in addition to blackberries and sugar, gelatin is required. For one kilogram of sugar and the same amount of berries - three tablespoons of gelatin. Gelatin is soaked in advance in a glass. The berry also needs to be rubbed through a sieve, mixed with sugar, boiled, then add gelatin, mix, and you can turn off the gas. Confiture can be laid out in clean jars.
  • Mousse is made from different berries and fruits, including blackberries. You can make strawberry-blackberry mousse or raspberry-blackberry mousse. Then it will turn out sweeter. For mousse, you need to beat a glass of sugar with five egg whites. First, the proteins are carefully separated and whipped into a stable white foam, sugar is gradually added and the whipping process continues. After you need to add berries and beat again. Dessert is laid out in bowls, decorated with berries and mint on top.
  • Another favorite delicacy of many is pastille. For her, you also need to rub the prepared and sorted berry through a sieve. The resulting puree must be boiled over low heat for forty-five minutes. Then sugar is added, and the cooking process continues for another fifteen minutes. Then the paste must be dried. To do this, we cover the bottom of the baking sheet with special baking paper, spread the resulting composition and send it to the oven to dry at a low temperature. This process can be lengthy, you need to periodically check the readiness of the marshmallow. When fully prepared, it should come off the paper well and not stick to your hands. After the marshmallow has been separated from the paper, it must be cut into pieces, sprinkled with sugar powder.

Such a product can be stored in clean, dry glass containers in a dark, cool place.

Drink options

You can make a lot of drinks from blackberries at home - refreshing, healthy, nourishing, refreshing.

  • One of the summer drinks that everyone will love is a smoothie. You can make it purely blackberry, or you can add other berries and fruits to make the taste even more intense. Another ingredient that should be present there is milk, ice cream or yogurt. To do this, you need to take a berry, grind it in a blender, add yogurt or milk, kefir is also suitable, you get a dietary and very healthy drink. Everything needs to be mixed well in a blender or with a mixer, pour into a tall glass, decorate with berries on top.
  • To make a delicious blackberry compote, you do not need to digest it. Fresh berries will boil very quickly. It is best to boil water, add sugar. When it dissolves, put the berry and immediately turn off the gas. Berry in hot water and so allocate juice.
  • Blackberry juice is prepared as follows: grind fresh berries through a sieve, add water, sugar, other mashed berries if desired, cool. You can strain again.
  • From blackberries you can make a delicious nutritious jelly. The base is prepared in the same way as for fruit drinks. Starch is diluted in water and added to the prepared berry. You need to pour it out gradually, while constantly stirring the contents of the pan where the jelly is cooked. Then it will turn out a homogeneous consistency without the slightest lumps.

Preparations for the winter

When harvesting blackberries for the winter, many people prefer to freeze them. Frozen blackberries retain all the vitamins, and there are several ways to do this.

The berry must be washed, left for a while in a colander so that all excess water is glass. And then dry it properly on paper towels. Then you need a regular board and enough free space in the refrigerator. The berry is laid out on a board, having previously covered it with a film, then sent to the freezer. When the berry is frozen, it is poured into a plastic container, the same is done with the rest of the batches. When the container is full, you can send it for long-term storage. After defrosting, the berries do not lose their appearance and taste, you can cook any desserts and decorate cakes from them. This type is time consuming, there is an easier way.

Prepared blackberries are poured into a flat container, the reconciliation is covered with a film, and this is done for several floors. When all this is well frozen, distribute it into bags and place it back in the freezer. Another option involves sprinkling the berries with sugar. Then, having thawed it, you can cook compotes, fruit drinks, fillings for cakes and pies.

The secret to making blackberry compote is that the berry does not need to be boiled. It is better to make syrup separately, and then pour the berries. Then they will be whole, and the compote will be delicious. Next, you just need to pour it into a sterile jar and tighten the lids.

Those who want to get just a blackberry vitamin kick in winter harvest the berry in their own juice. The berry is covered with sugar and left for several hours. The juice obtained during this time is drained and put on fire. The berry is placed in sterile jars, after which it is poured with boiling syrup and twisted with lids.

Other cooking methods

There are other ways to use blackberries and cook different dishes.

Blackberry yogurt will become tasty and healthy, you can add, for example, a banana to it. Pieces of fruit and berries are mixed in a blender along with kefir, you can add cinnamon. Such delicious yogurt, prepared at home, is much better than any store-bought.

Another healthy dessert is sorbet. For him, you need to mix three glasses of blackberries, pour juice squeezed from an orange, add a few tablespoons of honey. Then freeze it all in a container. After the composition is frozen, take it with a hot spoon and put it into a bowl in the form of balls, decorate with cream and berries on top.

Blackberries are used in baking - and not only as a decoration for the cake, but also as one of the ingredients. To prepare a shortbread cake with blackberries, mix sugar with flour, add an egg and soft margarine. The dough is well kneaded by hands and divided into two parts, larger and smaller. Most of them are laid out on a baking sheet and crushed well so that the edges are higher, this will prevent the filling from flowing out. Spread berries or blackberry jam on the dough. After that, the remaining ball of dough is rubbed on a grater so that the berry is completely covered with it. The baking sheet goes into the oven for half an hour. Then you need to wait until the cake has cooled and carefully put it out of the mold. Then you can decorate with berries, fruits, cream and grated chocolate.

Not only sweet pastries and desserts are prepared with blackberries, meat will also go well with it. To do this, prepare a sauce from it. The berry is ground, garlic, spices, salt, vinegar and a teaspoon of honey are added to the mixture. All this is boiled for five minutes. It turns out a slightly spicy, sweet and sour sauce that is suitable for beef, pork or chicken.