Peach jam with orange for the winter. Peach jam with orange

03.04.2019 Vegetable dishes

For jam, they took whole fruits or cooked it from halves, slices. Someone added apples or apricots, and someone - pieces of pear. The jars covered with plastic lids were placed in the refrigerator. Either rolled up metal lids for long-term storage... Today you can choose any cooking method or try different ones in turn.

Benefits and contraindications

Beautiful golden color delicate taste, pleasant aroma... However, homemade peach jam is not only pleasing to the eye and taste, but also beneficial. Due to the content of vitamins, fruit acids, pectins, peach dishes have a beneficial effect on the human body:

  • improve the activity of the brain;
  • stimulate metabolism;
  • relieve nervous exhaustion;
  • serve to prevent heart disease;
  • strengthen blood vessels;
  • increase immunity;
  • counteract the development of anemia.

No particular harm from peach jam was noticed, with the exception of individual allergic reactions. However, the high sugar content of the product can be harmful to people with diabetes mellitus and overweight... To reduce the calorie content, it is recommended to make preparations without sugar or with a minimum content.

During pregnancy and lactation, peaches themselves are not contraindicated. According to reviews, they have a beneficial effect on digestion, relieving constipation, which is frequent at this time. Vitamins and trace elements of fruits are useful for the future or newly born baby. As for the jam, then with breastfeeding sweets should not be overused. It is better to choose a treat with a low sugar content.

It is advisable for young mothers to eat that jam where peaches were used without the skin, it is she who has a high allergenicity. It is better to give up five-minute jams and a product cooked without boiling. These dishes contain more vitamins, but they can cause fermentation in the baby's intestines, which is fraught with colic.

Rules for the selection and preparation of fruits

Peaches for sale different varieties and the degree of ripeness. Which ones are better for jam, and how to properly prepare the fruits for cooking? We follow six rules.

  1. Ripeness. It is best to make jam from ripe fruit. They should keep their shape well, but be slightly soft, sweet. Overripe fruits are good for jam. For jam in pieces, it is better to take those that are firmer, slightly unripe.
  2. The size . If you plan on making whole fruit jam with pits, use medium-sized peaches. And preferably a little immature to keep their shape.
  3. Blanching. Hard, whole peaches require blanching. It is necessary to lower them into hot water, hold for five minutes. Then cool under running water. For better syrup penetration, you need to make several holes in each berry with a toothpick.
  4. Peel. Whether or not to delete it depends on the desire of the hostess. Without the skin, the mass will be more tender. To remove the skin, you need to dip the fruits in boiling water for a minute. Peeled peaches won't darken when put in water citric acid.
  5. Bones. If you need to remove them, it is better to use a knife. Or with a sharp spoon, since this procedure is not too ripe fruits hard. They do not try to pull out the bone, but simply cut it out.
  6. Combinations. Peaches in jam can be combined with the most different fruits... These are their closest relatives apricots, apples and pears, citrus fruits - lemon, orange. Some people like exotic options with the addition of banana, grapes, figs. A vegetable can also act as an additive - in particular, pumpkin, this is a favorite treat for babies. As additional ingredients nuts and spices are introduced into the workpiece.

If desired, they prepare jam from pitted peaches, with seeds, wedges, slices, cubes. You can boil the mass to the state of jam or make confiture. The workpieces are stored both under iron lids and under polyethylene ones.

Seedless Peach Jam Recipe for Winter

Peculiarities . This is the easiest one, basic way making peach jam with added sugar. Three times short-term cooking makes it thick, viscous, preserving tastes and aromas. And also allows you to do without sterilization. Such a recipe for peach jam in slices or halves is best used if the fruits are moderately hard, not overripe.

You will need:

  • large peaches - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg.


  1. Sort peaches, rinse.
  2. Cut in half or into slices, removing the pits.
  3. Fold into a cooking container - a saucepan or multicooker bowl.
  4. Sprinkle each layer with sugar.
  5. Leave for five to seven hours, you can overnight.
  6. Turn on to the lowest temperature, bring to a boil.
  7. Boil for three minutes and turn off.
  8. Cool, repeat the cooking procedure.
  9. Let it cool again and boil again.
  10. Pour hot into sterilized jars, tighten with metal lids.
  11. Store in a cool place.

Delicious variations of a flavored treat

Experimenting with the addition of other fruits, nuts, spices, it is better to start with a small portion of such a preparation. And then, if you like everything, add the proven cooking method to your favorite recipes.

Whole fruit

Peculiarities . The preparation will be interesting in taste, in which the seeds are not removed from the fruit. The main thing is to cook such a jam from peaches so that they do not boil. To do this, you need to choose slightly unripe small fruits and cook in syrup. Ready delicacy better to sterilize.

You will need:

  • medium-sized peaches - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 900 g;
  • water - one glass;
  • mint - several branches.


  1. Rinse the peaches, remove the stalks.
  2. Fold in a colander, immerse in boiling water for three minutes.
  3. Remove, hold under a tap with cold water.
  4. Allow to dry slightly.
  5. Prepare syrup from water and sugar.
  6. When the syrup boils, add whole fruits to the container.
  7. Mix gently, bring to a boil.
  8. Reduce heat to low, then simmer for five minutes.
  9. Gently arrange the fruits in jars, pour over the syrup.
  10. Add a mint branch to each jar.
  11. Sterilize, covered with lids, in boiling water or in the oven. Sterilization time for liter cans- 20 minutes, for half-liter - ten.
  12. Twist, cover, after cooling, put in the cold.

Citrus platter

Peculiarities . The combination of citrus aroma and taste with the delicate pulp of peaches gives a rather pleasant effect. Peach jam with oranges and lemons can also be made as jam. To do this, you need to boil it longer or just grind it with a blender. The recipe for peach jam with lemon and oranges can be changed - you can do with just one type of citrus or increase their amount.

You will need:

  • peaches - 1 kg;
  • lemon - one;
  • oranges - two;
  • sugar - six glasses.


  1. Prepare peaches - rinse, cut into slices, removing pits.
  2. Fold into a cooking container, cover with sugar.
  3. Rub the lemons with a grater or cut the zest thinly with a knife.
  4. Peel the orange peel and white films.
  5. Squeeze the juice out of the lemon.
  6. Boil peaches with sugar, stirring constantly.
  7. Cool, add orange pulp, zest, bring to a boil again.
  8. Pour in lemon juice, boil for five minutes over low heat.
  9. If desired, break up the fruit pieces with a blender.
  10. Cool, arrange in jars, cover with plastic lids.

Jam with apples

Peculiarities . Almost any jam can be made with apples. Often this is done to reduce the cost of the workpiece, increase its volume. The combination of apple and peach gives quite a pleasant result in terms of taste. You can make peach jam with apples, partially replacing them with pears. The addition of pectin, gelatin, agar-agar or zhelfix will allow you to make from regular jam beautiful delicious jam.

You will need:

  • peaches - 1 kg;
  • loose apples - three pieces;
  • sugar - six glasses;
  • gelatin - three tablespoons.


  1. Sort the fruits, wash, dry.
  2. Peel the peel from the apples, cut into slices, remove the core.
  3. Put apples in a saucepan or multicooker bowl, add half a glass of water, simmer for 15 minutes.
  4. Dip the peaches in boiling water for two minutes.
  5. Hold under cold water, peel the skin.
  6. Remove seeds, cut into pieces.
  7. Cover with sugar, bring to a boil.
  8. Cool slightly, add apples, grind everything with a blender.
  9. Put on fire again, cook for five minutes.
  10. Soak the gelatin in a glass of water in advance, when it swells, warm it up in a water bath or in a microwave until it dissolves.
  11. Remove jam from heat, pour in gelatin, stir, pour into jars and close.

Instead of gelatin, you can use other gelling ingredients, following the instructions and proportions indicated on the package.

With pumpkin and dried apricots

Peculiarities . This jam tastes unusual. It is prepared in the fall, when it comes time to harvest the pumpkin. Often fresh peaches are no longer on sale, so canned are used in the recipe. And dried apricots are taken - that is, in the form of dried apricots. With all this, the jam turns out to be very tasty and healthy.

You will need:

  • pumpkin - 1 kg;
  • canned peaches- two cans of 500 g each;
  • dried apricots - one glass;
  • sugar - two glasses;
  • vanilla sugar - one packet;
  • cinnamon - a pinch.


  1. Rinse dried apricots, pour boiling water over, leave for an hour.
  2. Peel and seed the pumpkin, cut into small cubes.
  3. Drain the dried apricots, dry, also finely chop.
  4. Combine dried apricots, pumpkin, sugar, add peach syrup.
  5. Boil the mixture for 20 minutes - the pumpkin should become soft.
  6. Increase the cooking time if necessary.
  7. Add canned peaches in chunks, boil for another ten minutes.
  8. Add spices before the end of cooking. All components should be slightly boiled, and the syrup should contain pulp.
  9. Remove the jam from the heat, put it in jars, close it with hot metal lids, or after cooling down with plastic ones.

"Five minutes" with strawberries

Peculiarities . The advantages of this jam are the speed of preparation and, therefore, maximum preservation nutrients... Peach jam "Pyatiminutka" should be stored in the refrigerator, the period - within six months. Adding summer berries and fruit will enrich the taste of the product. For example, it can be strawberries.

You will need:

  • peaches or nectarines - 1 kg;
  • strawberries - 500 g;
  • sugar - six glasses;
  • water - half a glass;
  • citric acid - optional.


  1. Sort peaches and strawberries, remove the tails, rinse.
  2. Dip the fruits in boiling water for two minutes, cool under running water.
  3. Peel the skin, remove the bones, cut into pieces.
  4. Combine fruits and berries in a cooking container, cover with two glasses of sugar, stir slightly.
  5. Combine the rest of the sugar with water, boil the syrup.
  6. Pour the syrup to the fruit and berry mass, let stand for half an hour.
  7. To put on slow fire, stir.
  8. If the strawberries are sweet, add a third of a teaspoon of citric acid to the jam.
  9. Boil the mixture over low heat for five minutes.
  10. Pour into sterilized jars, roll up, turn over, keep warm until cool.
  11. Put away in a cool place.

With grapes and nuts

Peculiarities . Grapes by themselves do not create a good structure, so they practically do not make jam from it. But the addition is not a large number berries makes any delicacy interesting in taste and smell. Grapes must be taken seedless. Another taste nuance of this recipe- nutty. The addition of nuts makes the workpiece richer and more flavorful.

You will need:

  • peaches - 1 kg;
  • grapes - 200 g;
  • walnuts - 100 g;
  • almonds - 100 g;
  • sugar - four glasses.


  1. Rinse peaches, cut into wedges or cubes, remove the pits.
  2. Kernels walnuts hold in a dry frying pan or microwave. Pour boiling water over the almonds. Cool, rub - so the skins will come off easily.
  3. Separate the grapes from the branches, sort out, wash.
  4. Put the fruits in a cooking container, sprinkle with sugar, shake, let stand for about an hour.
  5. Put on fire, after boiling, boil for a couple of minutes.
  6. Cool, let it boil again.
  7. Pour in the nuts, boil for ten minutes at a low boil.
  8. Cool down. If the jam is too runny, you can heat it up and boil it again.
  9. Arrange in banks, cover plastic lids, put in the refrigerator.

There are several aspects to consider when choosing how to make peach jam. It is better for a novice hostess to gain experience on simple recipes... If there is no skill in rolling cans with metal lids, ready-made jam need to cool, only then close with plastic lids. Otherwise, condensation forms from the hot mass and, as a result, mold. Spilled immediately after shutdown and sealed under iron covers the treat will be stored more securely.

On the shelves in supermarkets, you can find not only an abundance of vegetables, but also fruits. In the summer, these products are full. And so I want them to be with us all year round... Both adults and children cannot imagine summer without beautiful, juicy peaches. In them great amount vitamins and minerals. For girls who are used to keeping an eye on their figure, this fruit is a real find. When the season for naturally grown peaches comes to an end, don't be discouraged. After all, you can cook from this fruit, and then a piece of happiness will be in your pantry. Peach jam with oranges for the winter is the recipe of the day.

- peaches - 800 gr.;
- orange - 1 pc.;
- sugar - 200-300 gr.;
- water - 2/3 tbsp.

We choose peaches that are not too soft, since later, during cooking, they did not turn into a homogeneous mass with us. Ingredients are designed for a 0.5 liter can. Therefore, it must be well washed and doused with boiling water.

Put the peaches in a bowl. And fill them with boiling water for 1-2 minutes. This is done to make it easier for us to peel off the peach in the future. As soon as 2 minutes have passed, you need to get each peach, dip it in cold water for 20 seconds, and only then clean.

Cut the peeled peaches into small triangles or cubes.

Now you need to cook the jam. Therefore, first of all, we put a pot of water on the fire and add the specified amount of sugar. We need to wait until the sugar is completely dissolved.

Stir. Bring to a boil. Foam may appear. You don't need to take it off. She will gradually leave on her own.

As soon as the foam appears, you can send the peaches to the pan.

Stir, as it is necessary that all the peach pieces are in the sugar syrup.

In the meantime, another ingredient needs to be processed, namely the orange. It is not washed and peeled. He, in turn, will play very important role in the taste. Cut the orange in half and cut into small slices.

We send orange slices to peaches. And also mix everything thoroughly. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat and cook for 35-40 minutes.

You need to leave the jam to infuse overnight. Here's the jam and you're done. You can already eat it right now along with pancakes.

To prepare for the winter, bring the present jam to a boil again, and pour hot into clean jar and tighten the lid. Place in a warm room and cover with a blanket to cool down. Peach Jam ready, now it remains to wait for winter. And when the cold comes winter evening, just pour yourself a cup of tea and open a jar of jam and your mood will instantly rise, and problems will bypass you. Bon Appetit!
It turns out no less tasty and aromatic

Soft fragrant peach does not need additional advertising. It is used everywhere in canned and fresh... Often, jam, jam and, of course, preserves are prepared from sweet fruits. The delicacy is not only ideally combined with baked goods, but also tones up the body. So, peach normalizes metabolism, relieves nervous tension, strengthens the walls of blood vessels and heart muscle, stimulates the brain.

Features of making peach jam

  1. Choose the right fruit... The peach should be firm, but moderately ripe. The treat is prepared from whole fruits, halves or slices. It all depends on personal preference.
  2. If you decide to cook whole peach treats, choose small ones. Sort first, leaving only firm, slightly unripe fruits.
  3. In the case when the treat is made from peaches hard grade, pre-blanch. Dip the fruit in hot water for 5 minutes, then cool quickly under the tap. Poke some holes with a toothpick to prevent the fruit from cracking.
  4. Peaches are covered with light fluff, so peel the fruit from the skin before the procedure. To do this, immerse them in boiling water for 1 minute. Then soak in citric acid solution to prevent browning.
  5. In almost all peaches, the bone grows tightly to the pulp, so it is difficult to extract it. To ease the procedure, carefully cut with a sharp spoon or knife. In nectarines, the bone is not removed, the peel is not peeled off.
  6. Due to the large amount of glucose, peaches are rarely sour. For this reason, when cooking treats, strictly control the amount of sugar you put in the syrup. Otherwise, the jam will be sugary sweet.

Peach Jam: Traditional Recipe

  • table water - 360 ml.
  • peach - 1 kg.
  • citric acid - 4 gr.
  • granulated sugar - 1.4 kg.
  1. Sort fruits out, excluding any wrinkled or unripe fruits. Rinse under the tap, dip in boiling water. When the peel begins to peel off, remove it altogether.
  2. Chop the fruit to easily extract the pit. Leave in halves or cut into slices. Prepare a solution of citric acid and water (1 in 10), dip the peaches inside (so that they do not darken).
  3. After 10 minutes, transfer the ingredients to a sieve, leave until the liquid drains. Pour into a saucepan plain water, boil, send peaches inside. Blanch for 3-5 minutes. Cool immediately under tap.
  4. Mix drinking water(the amount is indicated in the instructions) with granulated sugar. Put on low heat, cook until the grains dissolve and stir constantly.
  5. When the sweet base is ready, remove it from the hotplate. Send peaches with citric acid inside. Put on the stove again, boil for 10 minutes. Skim off and stir.
  6. After the time has passed, turn off the heat, let the treat stand for 7-9 hours. Then carry out another heat treatment, cool again. Now put the jam to simmer a third time.
  7. After boiling, cook the treat for 20 minutes. Cool directly in the pan, covering the container with gauze. Sterilize containers, pack treats on them. Close the capron or parchment paper, put it in the refrigerator.

Peach jam with raspberries

  • beet sugar - 950 gr.
  • peach pulp (chopped) - 800 gr.
  • lemon seeds - 30 gr.
  • raspberries - 300 gr.
  • table water - 70 ml.
  • lemon juice - 130 ml.
  1. Rinse the seeds of the lemons, dry them, and place them in a piece of bandage. Make a pouch by tying the edges. Prepare heat-resistant utensils for cooking treats.
  2. Put diced peach pulp, washed raspberries and water into a container. Set the burner on a low heat, put the dishes on the stove. Simmer the treat for a third of an hour, constantly removing the foam.
  3. When the allotted time has passed, add lemon juice (filtered) and granulated sugar to the ingredients. Tie a string to a bag of bandage, attach to the handle of the pan and lower it to the main ingredients.
  4. Now continue stirring the mass so that the granulated sugar melts faster. Wait for the bubbling to start, then check the temperature with a pastry thermometer. You should reach the 105-110 degree mark.
  5. Simmer the jam for a total of 20 minutes after boiling. Remove the peeled peach skins throughout the boil to make the treat look nice and smooth (you can skip this step).
  6. When the delicacy reaches the right temperature, remove the lemon pits. Immediately pack the hot drug into perfectly clean and dry containers, roll up with a key. Cool upside down.

  • cinnamon - 1 pod
  • lemon - 1 pc.
  • freshly ground cardamom - 3 pinches
  • apple - 1 kg.
  • peach - 1 kg.
  • granulated sugar - 950 gr.
  • shredded ginger root- on the tip of a knife
  • carnation buds - 6 pcs.
  1. Rinse the apples with peaches, remove the peel and remove the pits, the middle. Chop beautiful slices the same size. Cut the zest off the lemon and squeeze the juice out of the pulp.
  2. Pick up a saucepan with a firm bottom, send fruit, grated citrus peels and lemon juice... Sprinkle with granulated sugar, stir without damaging the fruit.
  3. Cut a piece of gauze cloth, fold it in three. Put cinnamon, cardamom, clove buds inside. Tie a string to the bag, send it to the pan.
  4. Place heat-resistant dishes on the stove until the first bubbles appear. Reduce the power of the burner, cook the treat for a third of an hour. Skim off the foam and stir the contents.
  5. When the specified period comes to an end, sterilize and dry the container. Pour the jam into containers, immediately seal with tin. Let the treat cool, upside down. Put in the cold.

Peach jam with orange in a slow cooker

  • granulated sugar - 1, 25 kg.
  • peaches - 1.6 kg.
  • orange - 5 pcs.
  • drinking water - 120 ml.
  1. Prepare the ingredients and necessary cooking utensils. Rinse the peach, dry it, then dip it in boiling water. Peel off the skin carefully without damaging the flesh.
  2. Cut each fruit into 2 sections, remove the pit. Clear citrus fruit from the zest, remove the bones, remove the whitish film. Chop the pulp into cubes.
  3. Send fruit to the dry bowl of the multicooker, add water and granulated sugar. Do not stir, turn on the “Dessert” function for 10 minutes.
  4. After this time, stir the composition, increase the period to 1.5 hours. Wait for the function to complete. Boil the lids in advance and clean the twist containers.
  5. Pour the hot treat into warm jars. Now pour boiling water into the pan, lower the container with the treat inside. Boil for 7 minutes, then roll up with a key and cool upside down.

Peach jam with nectarine

  • drinking water - 225 ml.
  • lemon juice - 60 ml.
  • nectarine - 800 gr.
  • peaches - 700 gr.
  • granulated sugar - 1.2 kg.
  1. Fully ripe peaches and nectarines are suitable for this recipe. But choose not overripe fruits, hard specimens are suitable. Remove the peels from the peels: put them in boiling water, wait 2 minutes, immediately dip them under the tap.
  2. Chop the flesh into slices, removing the bone. Now slice the nectarines as well. Boil the syrup out of water and granulated sugar, cool, add lemon juice, bring to 38-42 degrees.
  3. Put slices of peaches and nectarines in the sweet base, let stand for 20 hours. After the allotted time, put the contents on the stove and boil. Insist again for a day, covering with gauze.
  4. Now heat treatment for the third time, bringing the contents to the first bubbles. After that, cook the composition for another 8 minutes before boiling. Stir gently to avoid damaging the slices.
  5. Pack the finished delicacy in perfectly sterile containers. Boil and dry the lids, tighten the hot treat with a special wrench. Cool upside down, put in the cold.

  • chopped cinnamon - 3-5 pinches
  • peach (can be replaced with nectarine) - 450 gr.
  • lemon juice - 45-50 ml.
  • granulated sugar - 230 gr.
  1. Rinse peaches well to remove fluff. You can scald the fruits with boiling water, then peel them off. Then the fruit is cut into slices of the same size, the stone is removed.
  2. Now find a heat-resistant cookware that is suitable for cooking in microwave oven... Place peaches in it, add sugar and lemon juice.
  3. Stir the ingredients gently by hand without damaging the fruit slices. Put the contents in the microwave, set the device to full power. Cook for 6 minutes.
  4. After a given interval, season the composition with cinnamon (you can increase the amount to taste). Stir again, remove the jam to simmer for 4 minutes at a power between maximum and medium.
  5. When the timer rings, stir the treat. Repeat heat treatment for the final time (duration - 5-8 minutes). Cool the finished delicacy, pack it, seal it with parchment paper.

Peach jam with saffron

  • drinking water - 240 ml.
  • peach - 1.1 kg.
  • granulated sugar - 1 kg.
  • chopped saffron - at the end of the knife
  • citric acid powder - 1 pinch
  1. Dip the peaches in a bowl of water, wait 10 minutes, and rinse. Now move the fruit to a container with boiling water, wait 3 minutes. Peel off the skin gently.
  2. To prevent the fruits from darkening, make a solution of citric acid and water (1:10). Soak peaches in it for 10 minutes. Next, cut the fruit into slices, remove the pit.
  3. Prepare a cooking bowl, send chopped fruits into it. Mix the granulated sugar and water separately in a saucepan. Cook the sweet mass.
  4. Pour the syrup over the fruit, leave for 20-22 hours. After the allotted time, drain the sweet mass, bring it to a boil. Mix again with peaches and wait a day.
  5. Third heat treatment carried out over low heat. Place the peaches and syrup on the stove and wait until they boil. Skim off the foam and simmer until cooked.
  6. Add saffron and citric acid 5 minutes before cooking. Rate the quality of the treat: drip the syrup on a saucer and cool. If it does not spread, the treat can be poured into cans and sealed.

Enjoy the peach jam made with traditional recipe... Take a closer look at technologies with the addition of nectarines, oranges, apples, lemon peel, aromatic spices (cinnamon, saffron, cloves). Make a treat in a slow cooker or microwave, vary the amount of sugar.

Video: peach jam with slices

Peach jam with orange for the winter is a pleasant and delicate dessert, which can be served as a separate preparation, or supplemented with any other dish. If you like to experiment and are already tired of the classic recipes, take note of this spicy and unusual option... It turns out very tasty and
Peach jam recipe.
- oranges - 500 kg.;
- peaches - 2 kg.;
- sugar - 1.5 kg.;
- purified water - 2 liters.

Recipe with photo step by step:

1. The two main ingredients we need are peaches and oranges. Try to select the fruit carefully to avoid damage and dents. To make peach jam for the winter, rinse the peaches well and, using a fruit brush, rub the fruit so that it has a smooth, even surface. There is no particular need to get rid of the peel. Cutting the fruit along the line of the groove, we get rid of the stone. Remove the peel from the orange so that the jam does not have an unpleasant aftertaste of bitterness. We cut it into two parts, taking out the seeds.
2. Immediately you need to take time to sterilize banks. To do this, we rewrite them with baking soda or detergent rinsing. We send a capacious container of water to the burner, placing a metal grate on the bottom. We put jars on it, bringing the water to a boiling state, leaving it in this state for 15 minutes. It is also advisable to sterilize the lids by immersing them in hot water for 5 minutes. Dry the container by placing it on a kitchen towel.
3. Cut the peach and orange into small slices, putting them in one container.
4. For cooking aromatic syrup, we collect water in a saucepan, putting it on gas until it boils completely. Once this happens, the right amount We send granulated sugar into the water, stirring gently with a wooden spoon. This process will take about 5 minutes.
5. With the resulting syrup, pour our fruits, putting the pots with them on a slow fire. To avoid damaging the fruit, do not disturb them too much, letting it boil for about 15 minutes. Remove the foam formed on the surface with a spoon.
6. Hot peach jam with orange, emitting gorgeous aromas, pour into the jars, doing it as carefully as possible so as not to burn yourself. We seal with metal twists, turning the container upside down. Wrap it tightly with a warm blanket, leaving it for a day. The workpiece is obtained with exotic and spicy aroma, which is sometimes lacking.
From the blanks, we suggest you look

Ordinary fruit and sugar jams are very tasty and familiar from childhood, but sometimes you want to diversify them with something.

The combination of these two bright sunny fruits will delight any gourmet, as well as make the jam or jam less cloying and keep it longer for the winter.


  • 9 large ripe peaches
  • 3 oranges
  • 2 tablespoons lemon juice
  • 4.5 cups sugar

How to make orange peach jam:

1. Peel the peaches by keeping them in boiling water for a minute and immersed in a bowl of cold water. Cut into halves and remove pits. Cut into pieces and add lemon juice.

2. Remove the orange zest from the oranges, and then remove the white pulp with a vegetable peeler.

3. Orange slices with orange peel chop in a blender.

4. Mix oranges and peaches, add sugar and 1 glass of water, bring to a boil, stirring constantly. Cook for 5 minutes, skimming off the foam.

5. Leave for 8 hours, bring to a boil again and simmer for another 5 minutes. Pour hot jam into sterilized jars and tighten with lids.

Peach jam with oranges


Order an energy saver and forget about the previous huge light costs
  • 5 kg of peaches
  • juice from 2 small oranges
  • juice from 2 small lemons
  • 1.2 kg sugar

Peach Jam with Orange Juice Recipe:

1. Dip the peaches in boiling water for 1 minute, then in cold water and remove the skin. Remove the seeds and slice.

2. Fold into a saucepan, pour in citrus juices, stir and place on the stove, covered with a lid, over high heat.

3. After boiling, reduce heat to medium and cook for 20 minutes, stirring occasionally.

4. Take a hand blender and puree directly in a saucepan.

5. Add sugar, stir and, covered with a lid, cook for another 1 hour at medium temperature, stirring from time to time so as not to burn.

Boiling peach jam pour into sterilized jars and roll up the lids.

Peach and orange jam in a Redmond slow cooker

Ingredients for 2 liters of ready-made jam:

  • peaches - 1.6 kg
  • oranges - 5 pcs.
  • sugar - 800g
  • water - 100 ml

Choose oranges that are small, with a thin skin, they are sweeter and richer.

How to make peach jam in a multicooker with oranges:

1. Peel the peaches. If they are not too ripe, then blanch them in boiling water, dip them in cold water, and the skin will come off easily. Cut in half, remove seeds, chop coarsely.

2. Wash oranges well and scald with boiling water. They are used in this recipe with zest. Cut into very thin slices. Remove all the seeds so that the finished jam does not taste bitter.

3. Put the peaches, oranges, sugar and water into the multicooker bowl. Close the lid and turn on the "Extinguishing" mode for 1 hour.

4. After the beat, open the lid and leave for 10 minutes.

5. Place in sterilized jars and roll up with boiled lids. Flip and wrap. Put away for storage after cooling completely.