How to cook seedless apricot jam? Amber jam from apricot slices - delicious and beautiful.

01.10.2019 Egg dishes

Not only experienced housewives, but also those who are just getting acquainted with the intricacies of home canning, will certainly like apricot jam slices, the recipe of which will allow you to keep the shape of an apricot without losing taste and aroma.
The method of preparation and the speed of implementation are captivating: you will have to spend a total of 20-30 minutes at the stove. Despite the unpretentiousness of preparation, as a result, the jam will delight the whole family with its exquisite look and incomparable taste. Just imagine, neat apricot slices of the color of old gold, lying in a thick and transparent syrup, reminiscent of caramel ... Pure bliss!

Taste Info Jam & Jam


  • Apricots? 2 kg;
  • Water? 1?1.2 l;
  • Sugar? 2?2.2 kg.
  • Soda solution ingredients:
  • Water? 2 l;
  • Soda? 2 tbsp

How to make apricot jam slices

First, wash and sort the apricots. It is better to postpone overripe and rumpled ones, because such slices are unlikely to retain their shape. Unripe fruits will not work either. Even if their dense pulp retains elasticity, the taste will leave much to be desired.

Carefully divide the sorted fruits into halves, maintaining the integrity of the skin, and free from stones.

So that the slices do not turn into a homogeneous mass when boiling or stirring the jam, soak the apricots in a soda solution: it will give the fruit pulp elasticity and make it suitable for cooking in syrup.
Preparing a soda solution is very simple: dip the soda into cold water and stir. And then immerse the slices there for 15-25 minutes.

Then remove and wash the apricots. Now you can proceed to the heat treatment of the slices: the chances of turning them into gruel are close to zero.

Prepare syrup: boil 1-1.2 liters of water in a saucepan suitable for making jam, add 2 kg of sugar, stir until dissolved. Cook for 2 minutes, then turn off.
Important: to keep the syrup clear, be sure to remove the foam! And you should refrain from stirring after dissolving the sugar: this is fraught with crystallization of the syrup, the appearance of lumps.
Immerse the apricots in a thick syrup, stirring, wait for the boil.

Repeat the procedure three times: with an interval of 2-3 hours, bring the apricots to a boil.

After the third approach, when the slices are properly saturated with thick syrup, they become slightly transparent, and the syrup itself turns a beautiful amber color, the jam will be ready for conservation.

Fill them with jars, while not turning off the fire under the saucepan, roll up. Wrapping them with a blanket is not worth it: prolonged heat retention can adversely affect the shape of the slices.

Slightly transparent from thick syrup, canned apricot slices in winter are suitable both as an independent dessert and for making sweet pastries, fruit drinks or cocktails. They can also serve as a decoration for ice cream or a cake - in a word, there are a lot of options for using them!

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And if you want to try something unusual, experiment with flavors and surprise your home, you can make another apricot jam from the remaining fresh fruits: with walnuts. This interesting mix will undoubtedly find its fans.

Such a jam exudes a delicate aroma and looks royally chic: the nuts, glossy from the syrup, are beautifully shaded by the rich orange halves of the apricot and just ask for it in your mouth. It makes a great tea party!

Apricot and walnut jam

  • Ingredients:
  • Apricots? 1 kg;
  • Are the walnuts shelled? 300 g;
  • Sugar? 600


In the evening, wash the apricots, break them into slices and remove the pits. Then put the fruits in a bowl, add sugar and mix, then leave overnight to give juice.
The next day, put the jam on a small fire and boil for a quarter of an hour. Turn off the stove, leave the apricots for half a day, then boil again a little. Once again, set aside to cool completely and repeat the procedure a third time. With interruptions, cooking jam can take a couple of days.
Next, sort out the nuts, see if the shell is left somewhere. If the kernels are very large, cut in half. Put the jam on the fire for the fourth time, add the nuts, mix the mass well and boil for 20 minutes.
Then spread the hot jam in prepared jars and roll up.
Important: canned jam should stand in the pantry or cellar for some time so that the taste of apricots and nuts becomes harmonious and full. You don't have to eat it right away.

Today we propose to figure out how to properly cook tender pitted apricot jam for the winter for long-term storage. The consistency of the sweet dessert will be thick. Therefore, consider step-by-step recipes on how to make a treat quickly and tasty.

In the summer, the main occupation of most housewives is canning vegetables, fruits and berries. After all, there is nothing better than opening a delicious jam or a fragrant salad, a snack in late autumn or winter.

Apricot jam: a classic recipe for the winter

This cooking option involves the use of apricots along with the seeds. Consider how to cook delicious jam with health benefits.


  • fresh fruit - 1.4 kilograms;
  • granulated sugar - 2.2 kilograms;
  • filtered liquid - 0.6 l;
  • citric acid - 4 g.


For cooking, fruits should be chosen fresh, ripe and without external signs of rot. Remove stems, rinse thoroughly and pat dry.

Pour water into a capacious container, bring to a boil and place the fruits in boiling water. Cook for 2-3 minutes on medium heat. Drain in a colander, cool under cold water. Leave until excess moisture drains completely.

Using a wooden toothpick, pierce each berry in several places.

Pour the required amount of liquid into an enameled, food basin, pour sugar. Set on the stove, boil and cook with regular stirring until the grains are completely dissolved.

Put apricots in hot syrup, add citric acid and bring to a boil again. If foam forms on the surface, carefully remove it. Remove the container from the fire.

Cover with gauze and wait 8 hours to cool. Repeat the boiling and cooling procedure. Do not forget to stir the mass otherwise it will burn and spoil the whole taste of the dish.

After the second cooling, boil the jam for another 5-10 minutes and check for readiness. Drop on a saucer and, if the drop does not spread, then the dessert is ready. Otherwise, continue cooking.

Cover the container with sweetness, cool and arrange in sterile jars. Place a small piece of parchment paper on top, tie with twine or simply close tightly.

Apricot fruits will be cooked in 3 stages. Previously, the product must be pitted. The process of preparing a dessert helps to preserve most of the nutrients, taste and aroma of the berry. The color of the finished product is natural.


  • apricots - 2.4 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 2.4 kg.

How to make pitted apricot jam for the winter?

Sort the berries, remove spoiled fruits. Rinse, dry, divide into 2 parts and carefully remove the bones.

Put the prepared product in a capacious pan, add sugar. Gently stir, cover and leave for 8-10 hours. During this time, the ingredient will give the required amount of berry juice.

Put on the stove, boil, reduce heat and heat for 3 minutes. Cover and keep on the kitchen table for 8 to 11 hours.

Berries are completely saturated. Set back on fire and boil. Remove from the stove and cool again for 10-12 hours.

On the third day, again bring the composition to a boil, warm for 5 minutes. When foam is formed, carefully remove it, otherwise the composition will be bitter. Arrange in sterile jars, close tightly and turn the lid down. After cooling, remove to the cellar.

This video will show you how to cook pitted

Apricot jam with pits royal recipe

The second name is royal. Its appearance is magnificent, and for lovers of gourmet food, it’s just a godsend. It also has a simple cooking method. It is allowed to cook with whole fruits, but first carefully remove the bone. So, let's consider a detailed cooking option.


  • Apricots - 1.7 kg;
  • Sugar - 1.7 kg.

How to cook?

Sort out the main component, remove the stem. Rinse under running water. Put in a saucepan, pour boiling water over it and wait 2-3 minutes. Drain in a colander, pat dry and carefully remove the pits, but don't throw them away.

Put the prepared product in an enameled container and cover with sugar.

Gently mix, cover and keep on the kitchen table for 2 hours to release the fragrant juice.

Extract grains from the seeds, which will be used in the future.

Place the container with the fruits on the hob, boil, lower the heat and cook for another 40 minutes. Do not forget to mix the composition from time to time and remove the resulting foam.

After the time has elapsed, pour out the kernels, stir and cook for another 5 minutes.

The jam is not only beautiful, but also very tasty, fragrant. Pour hot into sterile jars, close tightly. Check if the contents are leaking from under the lid of the jar.

Turn over, cover with a warm cape and leave in this form until completely cooled.

Be sure to check that nothing runs up, otherwise it threatens an unpleasant situation after a while. Here is such a magical mixture you should get. Tasty discoveries and achievements!

Apricot confiture is prepared quickly and easily. The jam itself turns out to be thick, since no liquid is used during cooking. Dessert can be used when serving pancakes, pancakes, as well as for baking.


  • apricots - 1.6 kilos;
  • sugar - 0.7-0.8 kg;
  • pectin (thickener) - 45 g.

Procurement method

Sort fruit fruits, rinse, cut into 2 parts and remove the stone. Pour boiling water over and put in a blender bowl. Grind to a puree-like state.

Pour the resulting mass into a saucepan with a thick bottom, add granulated sugar and a thickener 40 grams. Stir, put on the stove, boil and pour the rest of the sweet component. Bring to a boil and cook for another 5 minutes. Remove from stove.

Pour the finished dessert into clean sterile jars. Close tightly, turn over and wrap with a warm blanket. After cooling, put in a cold place for the winter.

This jam goes well with:

  1. Lush pancakes on kefir

Apricot jam with citrus fruits (with orange)

Jam with the addition of citrus fruits is obtained with a delicate, pleasant smell and taste of orange. To obtain a thicker consistency, a gelling component is used.


  • apricots - 900 gr;
  • apples - 600 g;
  • orange - 250 grams;
  • sugar - 1.4 kilograms;
  • red currant - 150 g;
  • "Jelfix" - 1 sachet.

Harvesting from apricots for the winter

All fruits and berries must be carefully sorted, washed and removed the seed box, seeds, stalks. Chop the orange peel finely on a grater. Chop all ingredients into small cubes.

Put in a large, capacious container and add granulated sugar, thickener. Close for a while on the kitchen table.

After set on the stove, boil and cook for 7 minutes on medium heat. When foam forms, it must be removed regularly.

Then pour red currant berries, continue cooking for another 5 minutes. Remove from heat, cover with cheesecloth until cool.

After the time has elapsed, wait until it boils and cook for 10 minutes. When hot, spread in sterile containers, close tightly, and after cooling, put in the refrigerator.

Ready jam is similar in consistency to honey or marmalade.

Apricot jam recipe in a slow cooker

To prepare a delicious dessert quickly, a “miracle oven” will help, or to be more precise, a slow cooker.


  • apricots - 1.7 kilos;
  • granulated sugar - 1.3 kg;
  • filtered liquid - 80 ml.

How to cook?

Sort fruit fruits, remove the stalk and rinse. Cut into 2 parts and remove the bone. Put the prepared fruits in the multicooker bowl.

Pour in sugar and mix. Pour the indicated amount of liquid, apricots in sugar should be 2-3 hours.

After the specified time, put in the slow cooker on the "Extinguishing" mode. Gently stir, warm, and after 5 minutes open the lid. And after 10 - remove the foam and turn off the heating of the oven.

Leave the apricots in syrup for 12 hours in the slow cooker itself. Rinse and dry the jars in the oven, and boil the lids.

Then the jam is brought back to a boil and boiled for another 5 minutes, in the "Extinguishing" mode. Pack in clean, sterile jars and close tightly, turn over and wrap with a warm blanket. Store in a cool place.

Apricot jam with peaches

On the hands of a large number of exotic fruits and you do not know what to do with them. Then we suggest you make delicious jam so that the fruits do not disappear. In winter, it will be nice to open a jar and remember the taste of summer.

What do you need

apricots - 1 kg;

peaches - 1 kg;

nectarines - 500 g;

granulated sugar - 2.5 kg.


Sort all purchased fruits, remove the stalks, seeds. Apricot kernels do not need to be thrown away, as they will be useful in the future for cooking.

Chop prepared fruits into pieces of any size. Place them in a large bowl and sprinkle with sugar.

Set the container with the contents on the stove, turning on the slow heating. It is allowed to add a little water to prevent burning. While stirring, bring the mass to a boil, but do not boil.

Remove from heat, cover with a lid and leave on the counter to cool. After 10-12 hours, the procedure of boiling and cooling is repeated.

Peel apricot pits, cut into several pieces and put in jam. Bring to a boil, pack in clean sterile jars, close tightly, cool and put in a cool place.

Apricot confiture - jam with gelatin

This delicious dish is prepared without problems - quickly and simply. Instead of gelatin, gelfix on natural ingredients is used. With it, you can quickly make any preparations for the winter.

Apricot jam is prepared in several versions and it turns out very tasty, fragrant. Especially if all proportions are observed.

It is difficult for gardeners and amateur gardeners to live. First, they, armed with a chopper, a shovel and a bucket of fertilizer, are waging a stubborn fight against the weather and pests for the crop. And then you have to "fight" already with the generous gifts of nature, born in the beds and in the garden - to think about how to keep them longer and attach them more reliably. What to do with KAMAZ potatoes and what to do with 15 boxes of tomatoes, I won’t tell you. But I know how to prepare for the future a couple of buckets of apricots, harvested with my own hands or bought on the market - it doesn’t matter. In addition to the bright orange fruits themselves, you will need nothing at all - sugar, jars, lids and a large basin. And, of course, a place in the underground or pantry to store delicious, golden-sunny apricot jam in slices for storage until winter. The recipe provides for several five-minute cooking approaches, and the apricot halves in syrup can “rest” for up to several days. Therefore, you can cook yummy "raids" at any time convenient for you.


Exit: 1 liter of preservation.

How to make apricot jam with slices and prepare it for the winter (recipe with photo):

It will be possible to keep the shape of the halves only when using hard (slightly unripe) fruits with dense pulp. Soft apricots are guaranteed to boil. Put aside fruits that are crushed and starting to rot, you can’t make jam from them. Wash the rest of the apricots. Dry on a towel or wipe with a tissue.

Divide the apricots into wedges. I usually cut in half along the groove and take out the pit. If the fruits are large, you can make quarters from the halves.

Do not rush to throw away the bones. Chop them with a kitchen hammer and take out the nucleoli. They will give the jam a light taste and aroma of almonds. Add the kernels before the last stage of the boil. But such jam can be stored for no more than 1 year, since the seeds contain hydrocyanic acid (in a small amount). And over time, it will accumulate in the product, which can lead to poisoning.

Lay a layer of apricot slices cut side up in a deep bowl. Pour some sugar on top (the sand will need to be evenly distributed). Repeat layers until you run out of ingredients. Cover the bowl. Put in a cold place for about a day. It is advisable to shake the container every few hours to speed up the dissolution of sugar.

Apricots will secrete juice, which will mix with grains of granulated sugar. A concentrated syrup is formed. If you prefer a thick, rich jam, limit yourself to this liquid. For lovers of liquid treats with slices floating in it, I advise you to additionally use water. You will also have to add some water if the juice from the apricots is not enough.

Put the apricot slices in a heat-resistant dish with a thick bottom (basin, stewpan). Fill with syrup. If necessary, add water in the right amount. Turn on moderately high heat. Cook the jam from the moment of boiling for 5 minutes. Switch off the burner. Let the workpiece cool completely. Usually it takes 3-5 hours. To prevent the surface from becoming covered with a dry film, cover the basin with gauze or a clean waffle towel. Halves of apricots will be saturated with syrup, become translucent, as if glass.

Boil and leave to cool the jam 2 more times. Perhaps, to obtain the desired consistency, the duration of the 3rd set of cooking will have to be slightly increased. During boiling, especially in the first two stages of cooking, a white foam forms. To facilitate its removal, rock and shake the pelvis. The foam will settle on the walls, from where it is easier to remove. Stirring the jam is undesirable so as not to deform the slices. In a short cooking time, the “five-minute” will not have time to burn.


You can cook such jam in one approach for 30 minutes. But with this method, the syrup can burn, and the fruit pieces can boil slightly.

How to determine the readiness of jam? Drop some syrup onto a cold plate. If it does not spread, you can lay out the workpiece in banks. Readiness is also assessed visually. When the foam ceases to appear during boiling, the jam is ready.

Prepare jars ahead of time. It is better to use a small container with a capacity of up to 750 ml. Prepare it ahead of time. Sterilize in a convenient way (in the oven, microwave, over hot steam). Dry. Boil the tin lids for the typewriter and dry them too. Warm the screw caps in hot water. Divide jam among jars. Stopper. It is not necessary to wrap. After cooling, hide the jam in a cool place where whole apricot slices in a clear thick syrup will wait for the winter. Or they won’t wait if you decide to try conservation earlier.

Jam is stored without adding nucleoli for up to several years. With the addition - no more than 12 months.

What is added to apricots when cooking jam to get an interesting taste

  • Mint. Achieving a refreshing mint aroma is very simple. Put a couple of sprigs of mint or lemon balm to the apricots before cooking. Stems should be removed from the finished jam before blocking.
  • Vanilla. Sweetish vanilla note "to face" apricot delicacy. For a kilogram of fruit, take 20 g of vanilla sugar, 2 tbsp. l. liquid vanilla extract or half a natural vanilla pod. Pour in the extract after the first boil. It is better to put sugar a few minutes before the jam is ready. Cut the pod in half, scrape off the seeds and mix them with regular sugar.
  • Walnuts. For the amount of ingredients indicated in the recipe above, 300-400 g of nuts will be needed. Remove shells, membranes. Break up the kernels. Add before the last boil. It is recommended to cook after boiling for at least 15 minutes so that the nuts are well soaked. Therefore, I advise you to pour in water at the initial stage so that the syrup does not boil down to a state of caramel.
  • Lemon juice. If not enough sugar is put in jam, especially apricot jam, it will ferment. But if you do not like sweets, you can balance the taste of the workpiece with lemon juice. By the way, it is also a natural preservative and will help the delicacy safely reach the winter. Add it at the last stage of cooking, after filtering from the seeds and pieces of pulp. Quantity - about 3-4 tbsp. l. or to taste. Juice can be replaced with citric acid.
  • Zest of citrus fruits. Finely grate the top of an orange or lemon peel. In order for the jam to acquire an incomparable aroma, a teaspoon of zest per 1000 g of apricot slices will be enough.

Delicious preparations!

It is believed that apricots came to us from China. It is not known for certain, but now apricots are popular both in Asia and in Europe.

These beautiful round yellowish-red pods with velvety skin and almond-like seeds are not only tasty, but also healthy.

The pulp of apricots contains inulin, fiber, sugars, starch, organic acids. The fruits contain vitamins C, PP, P, B1, B2. But most of all they contain carotene - vitamin A. Apricots also contain magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, iron, cobalt, copper, manganese.

Apricots are an excellent prophylactic for cardiovascular diseases. Dried apricots have a diuretic effect.

These fruits are high in iron. They are recommended for people suffering from anemia and anemia, as they increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood.

Apricots must be included in the diet of people engaged in mental activity, because phosphorus and magnesium are useful for the active work of the brain.

Of course, it is better to eat apricots raw, but in order to enjoy their taste in winter, the fruits are dried and also preserved: they cook compotes, jams, preserves.

There are many ways to make jam. It is boiled from whole fruits, cut in half, into slices. Jam is also prepared with nucleoli, but this option is only suitable if the seeds (nucleoli) are sweet. This jam will appreciate even the most sophisticated gourmet.

Subtleties of cooking

  • In order for the jam to turn out to be of high quality, the fruits must be ripe, healthy and not wormy. Green apricots are not suitable for jam. Such jam will be tasteless and non-aromatic. Broken, wrinkled and overripe fruits are also not used, because they will boil soft. Of these, you can cook only jam and marmalade.
  • The preservation of the shape of the fruit depends on the method of cooking. It must be carried out in stages so that sugar penetrates into the fruits gradually. If apricots are covered with sugar and immediately boiled, the sugar will quickly fill the intercellular space, the juice will turn into syrup and the apricots will boil, turning into porridge.
  • During cooking, the jam must not be stirred, otherwise the fruits will lose their shape. The pelvis can only be shaken slightly.
  • Foam, which will certainly appear on the surface in large quantities, must be removed with a slotted spoon or spoon.
  • In order for the finished product to look beautiful, the apricots must be the same size.
  • If the jam is made from whole apricots, they are first pricked in several places and blanched for five minutes at 80-90 °. Then quickly cooled.
  • When boiling apricots in halves, they are first cut and the pit is carefully removed. Large apricots are divided into two halves and cut into slices.
  • Jars for packing jam should be thoroughly washed, poured over with boiling water and dried well in the sun or in the oven. Do not pour jam into wet jars. Drops of moisture, falling into the jam, can cause mold and spoilage.
  • If the jam is rolled up with tin lids, then it is poured hot, filling the jars as full as possible. This jam is well stored in an ordinary room. The main thing is that the light does not fall on it and there are no heating devices nearby.
  • But most often the jam is packaged in jars in an already cooled form. Then it can be closed with ordinary parchment. This jam is stored in a dark cool place.
  • For cooking jam with seeds, varieties with sweet kernels are selected. The fact is that the bitter kernels contain the glycoside amygdalin. If the jam is stored for a long time, then this substance begins to produce poisonous hydrocyanic acid. Such preparation can cause poisoning. Therefore, jam with seeds or nucleoli is stored for no more than one year.

Apricot jam with pits: the first recipe

  • apricots - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1.5 kg;
  • water - 400 ml;
  • citric acid - 3 g.

Cooking method

  • Select ripe, worm-free fruits. Remove the stems. Wash well.
  • Pour water into a large saucepan and bring to a boil. Immerse the apricots in boiling water and blanch for two minutes at 90°. Then cool under running cold water. Wait for the liquid to drain. Then each fruit must be pricked with something sharp.
  • Pour sugar into the cooking basin, pour water. Put on the stove and boil the syrup.
  • Dip apricots in syrup, add citric acid and bring to a boil, removing foam. Remove from stove.
  • Leave the basin with jam for 8 hours to cool.
  • Then put the jam back on the stove and bring to a boil again. Make sure that it does not burn: cook it over low heat. Remove the jam from the stove for the second time and let it cool for eight hours.
  • For the third time, put the bowl of jam on the stove and cook for some more time. You can check the readiness by placing a drop of syrup on a saucer. It must keep its shape. Also, the readiness of jam can be determined by the foam. By the end of cooking, the foam collects in the center of the basin, and does not diverge at the edges.
  • Cool the jam completely and arrange in jars. Cover with parchment paper, tie with twine or secure with an elastic band. Jam can be hermetically sealed. To do this, spread it hot in dry jars, cover with lids and immediately roll up with a special seaming machine. Cool down.

Apricot jam with pits: recipe two

Ingredients for five 0.5 l containers:

  • apricots - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1.25 kg;
  • water - 2.5 tbsp.

Cooking method

  • Select only ripe apricots without wormholes for jam. Remove the stems. Wash the fruits.
  • Pour water into a large saucepan, bring to a boil. Dip apricots in it and blanch for five minutes at a temperature of 75-80 °.
  • Cool quickly by immersing in a colander in cold water.
  • Prick each fruit with something sharp.
  • In a separate saucepan, boil the syrup from 800 g of sugar and water.
  • Place all the apricots in a bowl. Pour in hot syrup. Hold for 4 hours.
  • Put on fire and cook for 5 minutes at a low boil, removing the foam that appears.
  • Remove from the stove again and leave for 10 hours.
  • Add the remaining sugar, put on fire and cook at a low boil until tender.
  • Cool in a basin, and then transfer to clean, dry jars. Close with parchment paper. If you want to roll up the jars with tin lids, then package the jam hot, filling the container as full as possible. Turn the sealed jars upside down and cool in this position.

Apricot jam, sliced, pitted

Ingredients for six 0.5 l containers:

  • apricots - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1.5 kg;
  • water - 500 ml;
  • fruit essence - 10 drops;
  • vanillin to taste.

Cooking method

  • Wash ripe apricots, remove the stalks.
  • Cut each fruit in half along the groove. Take out the bones.
  • Pour sugar into a saucepan, pour water. Boil the syrup. If it turns cloudy, strain through several layers of gauze.
  • Place the apricots in a cooking bowl with the cut side up. Gently pour hot syrup over. Leave for a day so that the fruits are saturated with them.
  • The next day, pour the syrup into a saucepan and boil. Pour over the apricots again. Leave for one more day.
  • On the third day, put a bowl of apricots on a small fire, bring to a boil and cook until the density you need. At the end of cooking, add the essence and vanillin diluted in a small amount of syrup.
  • Remove from stove. Cool completely. Arrange in clean and dry jars. Close with parchment paper.

Apricot jam "Five minutes"

Ingredients for five 0.5 l containers:

  • apricots - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1.5 kg;
  • water - 400 ml.

Cooking method

  • Wash ripe apricots that are not damaged by insects and diseases, remove the stalks. Cut in half. Take out the bones. If the fruits are large, cut them into slices.
  • Place the apricots, center side up, in a cooking bowl, sprinkling each layer with sugar. Leave for 6-8 hours (longer if possible). During this time, the fruits will give juice, which will partially dissolve the sugar.
  • After this time, pour water into the basin and place on the stove. If you want to get a thick jam, you can not add water. Bring to a boil over medium heat. So that the jam does not acquire the consistency of jam, do not stir it during cooking. You can only shake the pelvis a little or twist it from side to side. Boil for 5 minutes, be sure to remove the foam.
  • Then remove the basin from the stove and let the jam brew for 3-5 hours.
  • Bring back to a boil over low heat and simmer again for 5 minutes.
  • After 5 hours of infusion, repeat this procedure again.
  • Pour the hot jam into prepared clean and dried jars and immediately roll up the lids. Turn upside down and leave to cool in this position.

Apricot jam "Royal"

Ingredients for three 0.5 l containers:

  • apricots - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 400 g;
  • water - 250 ml.

Cooking method

  • Ripe but strong apricots are suitable for this jam. Sort them out, remove the stalks. Then wash the fruits well and dry.
  • From each apricot, making a small incision along the groove, squeeze out the stone.
  • Break the bones in a way convenient for you. Remove the skin from the nucleoli. So that the skin can be easily removed, immerse them in boiling water and hold there for several minutes. Although you can skip this step and use the kernels in their raw form.
  • Stuff the apricots with seeds, inserting them into the slot instead of seeds.
  • Place the apricots in a cooking bowl.
  • Put sugar in a saucepan, pour water. Boil the syrup. Pour the fruits over them, bring to a boil and remove from the stove. Leave for 10 hours to infuse.
  • Then again put on a small fire, bring to a boil, cook for 10-15 minutes over low heat, remembering to remove the foam.
  • Remove the basin from the stove and leave it to infuse again for 10 hours.
  • Bring to a boil for the last time and simmer for 10 minutes.
  • While hot, place the apricot jam in clean, dry jars. Seal tightly with tin lids. If you plan to close the jars with parchment paper, then the jam must be completely cooled in a basin and only then packaged.

Note to the owner

If you are afraid that the kernels in the jam can harm your health, you can safely replace them with something else: almonds, walnuts or hazelnuts.

In apricot jam, you can add cinnamon, lemon zest, cloves and other spices to taste. But there should not be many of them, so as not to drown out the natural apricot flavor.

Most people make preparations from fruits and vegetables for the winter to get vitamins all year round. One of my favorite treats is apricot jam. It will be useful for every good housewife to find out how to cook it properly.

How to cook apricot jam

This preservation is very popular. Apricots are useful not only fresh, but also processed, dried. They contain a lot of carotene, potassium, vitamins, and other nutrients. Cooking apricot jam in slices is a complex multi-stage process. You need to prepare the container, pick the best fruits, take care of the rest of the ingredients. It is worth talking in more detail about each stage of the preparation of apricot jam slices.

Jars preparation

It is very important to properly process and sterilize the container, otherwise the product canned in it can harm the body. First you need to carefully inspect the jars, make sure that there are no cracks and chipped pieces. Inspect the covers along the way. They should not have a single trace of rust. There are several types of jar sterilization:

  1. For a couple. Take a large saucepan, fill it with water, place on the stove. Place a metal grill or sieve on top. Place as many jars upside down on it as will fit. From the moment the water boils, steam sterilization begins. It should last at least 15 minutes. After moving the jars neck down on a clean towel, wait until all the water has drained.
  2. In water. Place a wooden board in a large saucepan. Put jars on it, and fill the remaining space with water. Between them you can lay nylon covers or rags. Take out the cans a quarter of an hour after you notice the seething of water.
  3. In the microwave. Pour 70-100 ml of water into the jar and place in the oven at high power for three to five minutes.
  4. In the oven. Wash the jars, put them in the oven, heated to 160 degrees. It is necessary to leave them in the oven until all the droplets drain from the walls. Constantly monitor the process, because with this method of sterilization, the jars may burst.

How to choose apricots for jam

Try to buy ripe, but not overripe fruits. If they are too soft, it will be difficult to get the bones. Greenish apricots can give unexpected unpleasant flavors. Such fruits, as a rule, are very hard and almost do not smell. Please note that there are no damages or flaws on the apricots. They should be uniform in shape and color. Then the workpiece will be stored longer.

Fruit preparation

This process is very easy and won't take long. Wash the apricots thoroughly and then dry them on a towel. If you are making pitted jam, then break the fruit into two halves and remove them. You can gently push them with a wooden stick, but it's better to stop at the first method. Then the fruits in the jar will look prettier.

seedless apricot jam recipe

Every hostess can cook such a delicacy. There are many recipes for apricot jam in slices, and for each of them you get a great-tasting and beautiful preparation that will decorate not only everyday, but also a festive table. Before you start cooking, be sure to prepare the dishes and fruits according to the recommendations described above. You can choose a pitted apricot jam recipe from those offered below.

with nucleoli

This recipe for apricot jam slices is called royal. To make this dish, you will need:

  • apricots with pits - 2.2 kg;
  • water - 2 glasses;
  • sugar - 2 kg;
  • lemon juice - 50 ml.

Step by step cooking recipe:

  1. First boil the syrup. Mix sugar, lemon juice and water in a saucepan. Warm on a small fire. Stir continuously until the sugar is completely dissolved. Remove the container from the fire.
  2. Wash the apricots and pat dry. Remove the bones from them and put them in a separate plate. To do this, disassemble the fruit into halves. Gently crush the bones with a hammer, but so that the nucleoli remain intact.
  3. Throw apricot slices into an enamel pan, fill them with sugar syrup. It must be hot. Put the mixture on fire. Bring to a boil, remove the foam. Boil the apricot jam for five to seven minutes. Then you need to set it aside from the stove.
  4. After 10-12 hours, the jam will cool completely. Again, cook the fruit on the fire after boiling for 5-7 minutes. Remove foam regularly. Then leave again for 10-12 hours.
  5. For the third time, add apricot kernels from the stones to the jam. Cook in the same way.
  6. Distribute hot apricot jam into clean prepared jars, tighten the lids. Turn them upside down and let them cool completely. It is allowed to try jam in a day.
  7. Tips: You can change the homemade recipe for apricot jam with slices by adding almonds instead of nucleoli.
  8. Note: you can take any number of fruits, proportionally increasing or decreasing the amount of other ingredients needed for the recipe.

Apricot five-minute jam

It retains many vitamins and brings maximum benefits to the body. For the recipe you will need the following ingredients:

  • apricots - 3 kg;
  • sugar - 1.5 kg.

Recipe for making apricot jam slices:

  1. Rinse and dry fruits. Remove the bones from them by cutting into slices.
  2. In an enameled bowl, sprinkle the fruits with sugar in layers. Leave the slices to infuse for 12 hours. Thanks to this, juice will come out of them.
  3. Put the jam on the stove. When it boils, boil for five minutes, then remove from heat and cool. Repeat the process three times with an interval of 5 hours.
  4. After the jam has completely cooled, pour it into sterilized jars. Put them upside down. When the jars are cool, place them in the dark and cool.

Recipe for apricot jam in a slow cooker

To prepare it, you will need the following products:

  • apricots - 1.5 kg;
  • lemons - 2 medium;
  • sugar - 750 g;
  • almond - 150-200 g;
  • vodka - 4-5 tablespoons.

Slow cook:

  1. Wash the fruit, divide into slices, pull out the bones and discard. Put them in the multicooker bowl. Pour sugar on top of the apricot slices, pour over the juice from the lemons. Leave for a couple of hours.
  2. Pour boiling water over the nuts, leave for a quarter of an hour. After soaking, remove the husk from them and also add to the multicooker container.
  3. Select the "Extinguishing" mode and cook the jam for an hour with the lid closed. It will be liquid.
  4. If you want to make dense thick apricot jam, then set the "Baking" mode. When choosing this program, leave the lid of the appliance open and stir the syrup constantly.
  5. A few minutes before the end of cooking, add vodka.
  6. When the beep sounds, distribute the finished tasty treat into jars and roll up.

Video: recipe for apricot jam with orange