How to make delicious peach jam: four ways - make peach jam for the winter. Just Lick Your Fingers: Learning to Make Peach Jam

Fruits and berries


Peach jam- European sweet preservation, which must be in the pantry of every housewife. There are several reasons for this: peaches are incredibly tasty and very healthy fruits, their texture is ideal for various dessert purees and jams. If you have never tried to prepare such a winter treat, then use the step-by-step photo recipe for peach jam presented below and see how fast and easy it is. Cooking confiture cannot be compared to the multi-day cooking of the jam we are used to. Despite the fact that a large amount of sugar is also added to such a preparation, the confiture retains the bright original taste of the main ingredient, in our case, a peach.

Also, a distinctive feature of any jam is the presence of spices and lemon (in the form of juice or zest). Just imagine how delicious a tender, bright and very concentrated mass of crushed peaches with sugar, lemon juice and vanilla will turn out to be. We will not completely grind peaches during the cooking process, so after opening the canning, you can also enjoy the original taste and texture of these fruits. Such a blank is suitable in order to prepare mousses, diet cheesecakes or homemade cakes from it.

Let's start cooking at home a delicious and delicate peach confiture for the winter according to the simplest and most intuitive recipe with step-by-step photos.



    It is very important to choose the right peaches for cooking such jam at home. What does this very definition mean? First of all peaches should be ripe, but not too soft so that they do not turn into porridge during cooking... The ripeness of peaches can also be determined by how quickly and easily the ribbed stone separates from the pulp. We thoroughly rinse all collected or purchased peaches, then wipe them with a kitchen towel, cut them in half and remove the seeds. It is also best to remove the peels from the peels, especially if they are very tough and dense. To create this blank, we need about 10 ripe and fairly large fruits.

    Cut the peach pulp into neat small cubes as shown in the photo and put them in a deep enamel pan, add all the prepared granulated sugar there and pour in the lemon juice, which you can simply squeeze out of the citrus half directly into the pan. With a small sharp knife, carefully cut in half the fragrant vanilla pod and send it to the peaches. Gently mix all the ingredients together with a wooden spoon.

    We put the pan on the stove and bring the mass to a boil, after which we begin to gradually reduce the heat. Thus, we prepare the base for the peach jam for about 10 minutes. After turning off the heat completely, carefully pour about a tablespoon of fragrant bourbon to the peach mass: this way the smell and taste of vanilla will become even more expressive. For another 10 minutes, we continue to cook the peaches over medium heat, observe how the mass thickens and turns into jelly, along the way we continue to stir it with a wooden spoon. After the specified time has elapsed, turn off the heat and let the peaches cool slightly.

    During the preparation of the jam, you can also have time to prepare glass jars, which are best sterilized in the oven or in the microwave. When the peaches are ready, they can be poured hot together with the syrup into the selected container, and then immediately rolled up or screwed up with lids. An appetizing dessert in color will be very bright, almost caramel with a golden hue. The taste of the workpiece will be completely unique, delicate and deep at the same time. Homemade delicious peach confiture, prepared in pieces according to the simplest recipe, is ready for the winter.

    Bon Appetit!

Peach jam turns out to be thick and is perfect for fillings in pies and other homemade cakes. With the help of a recipe with a photo and a step-by-step description, you can easily prepare it.

Time: 60 min.

Yield: 750 ml can.


  • peaches - 750 g;
  • sugar - 750 g;
  • lemon juice - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • water - ½ tbsp.

How to make peach jam for the winter

To make peach jam, take ripe and overripe peaches. The more ripe the peaches, the better. Such peaches are very aromatic, which means that the jam will also be more aromatic. In addition, overripe fruits will boil better and give a uniform consistency.

We wash the peaches, remove the skin from them. Overripe peaches are usually peeled off easily. If the peel is difficult to remove, then we lower the fruit in boiling water, and then transfer it to cold water. The skin will now be easier to remove.

Carefully cut the peaches to extract the seeds. If it turns out that the peach pits do not separate from the pulp, then we cut out such pits with a knife. We take the seeds out of the fruit and discard them.

Cut the peach pulp without skin and seeds into small pieces.

Pour the peach slices into the cooking utensils, pour boiling water according to the recipe. We put the peaches on the stove, cover with a lid. Boil the peaches under the lid for 15 minutes.

Leave the boiled peaches to cool.

When the mass of peaches has cooled, grind it.

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Now we weigh the chopped peach mass. For every 1 kg of peach puree, take 1 kg of granulated sugar. If there is no kitchen scale, then you can measure the volume of peach puree and take the same amount of sugar, that is, take 1 liter of granulated sugar for 1 liter of peach puree. Add lemon juice to the peach mass with sugar, send it to the stove. Bring to a boil over low heat and then cook the jam for about 20 minutes.

Calorie content: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

Tell me, is there peach jam on your list of must-have homemade preparations for the winter? How is it - no? Absolutely in vain! You can't even imagine how delicious it is! Peach jam is good as an addition to sweet mornings, as a filling for pies, as an interlayer for biscuit cakes. And how it goes well, for example, with pancakes. Peach confiture is not as capricious as one that makes too many demands: both the syrup must be transparent, and the peach slices must retain their shape ... In peach confiture, everything is much simpler and faster, but also tasty and very fragrant. So be sure to cook it while peach season is in full swing to enjoy it in winter.

Recipe of the Day: Peach Jam.

- 1 kg of peeled peaches;
- 300-400 g of sugar.

Recipe with photo step by step:

For the jam, we need very ripe peaches, even slightly mashed ones. They are more fragrant and easier to clean.

Wash the peaches well with cold running water.

We carefully cut off all the cracked places, bumps on the peaches, in general, we remove all damage. We remove the seeds and cut the peaches into small pieces - we cut each half into 4-8 pieces (they can be of any shape). We weigh the pulp that we got - this is necessary in order to understand how much sugar we need. We put the pulp of the peaches in a wide saucepan, in which we will cook the confiture.

Fill the peaches with the required amount of sugar on top, trying to distribute it over the entire surface.

Cover the pot with peaches with a clean towel and safely forget about its existence for 3-4 hours. During this time, the peaches should let the juice go, and a fairly large amount.

Put a medium pot of peaches on the heat, bring to a boil. Remove foam, reduce heat to minimum and cook for 20 minutes. Stir 2-3 times during cooking.
Remove the pan from the heat, set it aside to cool slightly.

We filter the future peach jam with a colander.

In the pan, we will have a liquid part with small pieces of peach pulp that have not yet boiled.

But in the colander there will be skins and larger pieces.

Grind them with a blender.

And then add the peach confiture to the main mass in the pan. And here we begin to try to finally determine the amount of sugar.

Put the confiture on the stove again and bring it to a boil over medium heat, and then boil it for another 20-30 minutes on a minimum, stirring every 5-7 minutes. In the finished jam, the syrup will have a jelly-like consistency and will not spread.

Close it immediately with a dry lid - screw it up or roll it up. We turn the jars upside down and soak until they cool completely. Store the peach jam prepared with this recipe out of direct sunlight to prevent it from losing its color. You don't have to leave it in the fridge - a basement, pantry, or just a cupboard in the kitchen will do just fine.

Tips and tricks:
We carefully select peaches for confiture - rotten, moldy ones cannot be used (even after cutting off rotten places well, one cannot be completely sure that all bacteria are removed, which means that the confiture can become moldy). Crumpled, cracked, irregularly shaped peaches are fine. They just have to be already ripe (maybe even overripe). If you use unripe peaches, pieces of fruit will be noticeable in the finished jam, it will be less aromatic, it will take more sugar.
By the way, about sugar. Its amount depends on the sweetness of the peaches. There are varieties that are not very sweet even when overripe - they will need more sugar, of course. But in any case, to begin with, use the minimum amount of sugar - you will always have time to add it during the cooking process, but it is unlikely to remove it.

Do not try to skip the point in which the peach jam is strained with a colander, and immediately start chopping it with a blender. The fact is that there will already be too much liquid in the jam, so in this case you will not achieve the desired result with a blender. But if you separate the harder part and grind it separately, then you will succeed just fine.
Do not overcook the jam the second time you put it on the stove. Remember that it will be slightly thicker and more jelly-like when chilled than when hot. So if you want to check if it's time for you to stop and stop cooking the jam, just place a spoonful of the jam on a saucer. Such a small amount will cool down very quickly, and you can assess its condition - whether it has thickened enough.

Jars and lids should be well washed and sterilized. We sterilize the jars either steamed or in the oven - whichever is more convenient for you. We keep the lids in boiling water for 3-4 minutes - this will be quite enough. The volume of cans depends only on your preferences. If you know that you will open a liter jar, and your family will destroy it in a couple of days without any problems, then feel free to close it in jars of such a volume. If you close the peach confiture just for yourself, your beloved, then in order to occasionally pamper yourself with morning toast for coffee, it is better to use small jars.

The sterilization procedure must be carried out immediately before pouring the jam - the jars must be hot so that they do not burst from getting inside the boiling jam.

Step-by-step recipes for making peach jam with and without gelatin: options for peach jam with oranges, cherries, apricots

2018-07-21 Oleg Mikhailov





In 100 grams of finished dish

0 gr.

0 gr.


37 gr.

148 kcal

Option 1: Peach Jam - The Classic Recipe

Excellent filling for pies and pancakes, it is difficult to think of the best sweetness for toasts. And how appetizing the peach confiture melts on the croutons, still sizzling with butter, just removed from the pan! Still hot, crispy loaf - with what to serve it to a glass of ice-cold milk? And just a bite, to tart black tea with lemon, you can't find sweets better.


  • four hundred grams of sugar;
  • exactly a kilogram of peeled peach pulp.

Step-by-step recipe for peach jam

Only the ripe peaches are suitable for jam, but you do not need to choose extremely hard fruits. Even slightly creased ones will do, in a way they are even better, since they are easier to peel off from them.

First, we inspect the fruits and manually remove all litter from the fluffy surface, then rinse one by one with running water. Cut out too large crumpled parts, do the same with all places where damage is noticeable. Modern peach varieties tend to have a rather soft rind that can be left on.

Depending on the variety, peach pits can be removed very easily or, conversely, held firmly by the pulp. In any case, remove the seeds, and cut the peaches into medium-sized pieces of arbitrary shape.

Weigh the pulp and put it in a wide saucepan, calculate and add the required amount of sugar to it. You don't need to stir the peaches, just sprinkle the sugar evenly over the top. Cover the container with a dry, clean cloth, leave for four hours, this is enough for the peaches to release a sufficient amount of juice.

We move the pan to the stove, turn on moderate heat under it. After boiling, collect the foam, lower the temperature to the minimum. After stirring several times, cook for twenty minutes, leave from heat and let the mass stop.

Strain out the sweet mass using a regular colander; all large parts of the peach should remain in it. Transfer them to a suitable container, grind with a blender and mix with the rest of the mixture. Try the jam for sweetness, turn on the heating under it, just as before, reduce the temperature to boil. Stirring every five minutes, cook for up to half an hour.

Ready-made confiture is excellently stored at a low temperature, it can also be rolled up in sterilized jars. Turning upside down, soak until cool, then store in a closet, away from light.

Option 2: A quick recipe for peach jam with gelatin

Such confiture is usually stored for future use, canning in half-liter jars. Larger containers are used less often, it is not so convenient for thick mass.


  • a kilogram of white sugar;
  • 850 grams of ripe peach pulp;
  • small bag of gelatin.

How to quickly make peach jam

Be sure to wash the fruit for the confiture, you can let them drain slowly or blot quickly with a cloth. Break the fruits, remove the seeds, and weigh the remaining pulp.

From the specified amount of sugar, take two tablespoons and mix with gelatin. Finely chop the pulp of the peaches, along with the skin. Assemble in a saucepan or a suitable pot, turn on slow heat under it and add the mixture of gelatin and sugar.

While stirring while heating, let the juice come to a boil, then add the remaining sugar. After the second boil, we boil for a short time, just a minute. Without stopping stirring, turn off the stove, collect the foam from the surface of the jam. Quickly fill the mass into prepared dry jars and seal.

Option 3: Fragrant peach jam with orange

Mint is enough and five to six leaves, but the authors of the recipe insist that there should be at least a dozen of them. Do at your own discretion, but keep in mind that an excessively strong mint aroma is unlikely to improve the delicate peach jam, and although the mint bitterness will add spice, it will sharpen the taste.


  • a couple of large ripe oranges;
  • 1500 grams of sugar;
  • 1300 grams of peaches;
  • a handful of fresh mint leaves.

How to cook

Wash oranges, scald with boiling water and rinse again. Finely peel off one of the fruits with a grater about two-thirds of the zest, and remove the rest with the peel. Peel the second orange completely. Disassemble the citrus into slices, make sure that there are no seeds left in them, then squeeze all the juice out of them in any convenient way.

Pour sugar into a small pot, pour orange juice, turn on medium heat under it. As soon as bubbles begin to float to the surface of the syrup, lower the temperature still, stirring, cook, completely dissolving the sugar.

Sort peaches, removing only too overripe. Scald with boiling water and completely remove the thin fluffy skin. Break the fruits and remove the seeds, finely chop the pulp.

Wash the mint leaves, finely chop and add to the syrup, followed by them, send the zest and chopped peaches there. With the syrup simmering very slowly, cook the jam until the peach pieces are almost the same color as the syrup.

You can store the confiture both canned, in hermetically sealed jars, or put it in a glass container designed for nylon lids. In the second case, put the jars in the common compartment of the refrigerator.

Option 4: Delicate confiture of peaches with apricots

In the midst of harvesting apricots, early varieties of peaches ripen, the confiture from their combination comes out thick and very sweet. By the time the more fragrant peaches ripen, mostly small wild apricots remain, the jams from such fruits come out more fragrant.


  • nine hundred grams of apricots;
  • 1500 grams of beet sugar;
  • a kilo of small ripe peaches with a red skin;

Step by step recipe

Recommendations for choosing peaches for confiture boil down to picking juicy and sweet fruits that can be easily peeled and pitted. With apricots, everything is much simpler, the fruits are suitable for any color, size, and even slightly unripe. When selecting them for jam, make sure only that there is no damage to the pulp.

We will start preparing the fruits with peaches, sorting them out, and removing the spoiled places. Using a slotted spoon with a long handle, dip the fruits in boiling water for a few seconds, and put them on a spacious flat dish. Gently peel off the peel with your fingers.

In places where the fruits are facing the thick branches, the flesh is quite dense and the skin is poorly removed from it. In these cases, use a knife and just cut it off.

Similar to peaches, we sort out the apricots and rinse, but this time the water should be cold. Break the pulp, discard the seeds, inspect the apricots in the middle. The pulp should be dense and absolutely clean, if the pest has been inside the fruit, traces in the form of brown grains remain after it. Part of the pulp of such an apricot will have to be cut off or the halves of the fruit must be removed completely.

Having prepared the fruits, lay them in layers in an enamel pan, sprinkling with sugar. We keep it in the refrigerator for up to ten hours. During this time, enough fruit juice will stand out, place the pan on the stove, turn on the slow heat. After boiling, turn off the burner, mix the mass and let it cool.

We repeat the heating and cooling process three times, and the last time the jam must be brought to readiness. Checking its condition is elementary: drop a few drops of syrup from a spoon on a flat porcelain plate, if they spread quickly, we continue cooking. If the droplets remain round, the jam can be packaged and rolled up or cooled and offered for tea.

Option 5: Cherry jam with peaches

Cherries are suitable for this jam of any kind, but only ripe ones. The sweet-sour taste of the confiture is further emphasized by the bitterness of the lemon peel and the spicy vanilla aroma.


  • equally, four hundred grams of ripe cherries and peaches;
  • four tablespoons of dry gelatin;
  • 750 grams of sugar;
  • small bag of vanilla sugar;
  • grated zest from a small lemon.

How to cook

Dissolve the gelatin strictly according to the instructions on the package, we will need a little more than seven full large spoons. We sort and sort the peaches: let the unripe peaches lie on the window, they are still ripe, use too soft for compote, only dense but ripe fruits are suitable for confiture.

Cut off the damaged areas with a sharp knife, carefully examine the peaches from the side of the stalks. Sometimes there are dried fragments of twigs, be sure to remove them.

After boiling about a liter of water in a saucepan, alternately lower the fruits into it for a few seconds. Take out, quickly peel off the skin, breaking it into pieces, remove the bones. If they stick tightly in the pulp, you will have to arm yourself with a knife and cut it off in parts.

Cut large pieces into smaller pieces, in a large saucepan or pot, not less than three-liter volume, fold the pulp of the peaches and cover with sugar. Add gelatin, rub the zest from about half the surface of the lemon there. After adding vanilla sugar, mix thoroughly, cover the container and put it in the refrigerator for at least twelve hours, leave the cherries separately for now.

Moving on to cooking the confiture, we sort out the cherry berries and wash them, remove the seeds from them, put them to the rest of the products for about an hour. The jam is cooked very quickly. Turn the stove on to moderate heat, stirring slowly, boil for four minutes at a boil. Arrange hot jam in sterile jars, seal tightly and stand upside down until cool.

Juicy peach jam is a favorite winter dessert of most sweet lovers. It is very easy to prepare it, no serious skills and complex ingredients are required. This makes a very tasty treat. It is suitable both for tea drinking and for preparing other sweet dishes.

To make a good product, you need quality fruit. Cooking can take place in a variety of ways, from whole fruits to processed fruits. Much depends on the variety. When cooking, it is important to keep in mind that peaches are quite sweet. In this regard, you need to carefully monitor the dosage of sugar so as not to spoil the jam.

Selection and preparation of fruits

They start by washing the fruit, cleaning it from dirt. They are placed in water at room temperature for ten minutes, and then rinsed.

If the fruits are not ripe, then they are blanched. Before carrying out this event, punctures are made in the peel so that it does not burst. After that, they are dipped in boiling water for no more than five minutes. After that, cool.

From mid-season peaches, the peel is separated raw. To avoid darkening of the core, it is immersed in a solution of lemon juice. If the seed is difficult to extract, then you can use a teaspoon.

How to cook peach jam at home?

We will need:

  • water - 0.2 liters;
  • granulated sugar - one kilogram.

Slowly heat the water, add sugar, stir until completely dissolved. Cook the mass until it thickens. Processed fruits are added to the resulting syrup. Bring to readiness over low heat.

If the peach slices are small, then cooking takes place in one go. If the fruits are large, then several stages will be required when cooking is interspersed with cooling. Cook over medium heat to avoid crinkling. It is necessary to ensure that the pieces of fruit are distributed throughout the mass of the product. Ready-made jam is packed in jars and canned.

A simple recipe for the winter

No additional ingredients are required for this recipe. The fruit is crushed, the seed is removed. For use, the product will be ready after a while, it needs to stand.

To make jam, we need:

  • fruits - three kilograms;
  • granulated sugar - two kilograms.

The fruits are prepared, the seed is removed. Granulated sugar is added to the crushed peaches, they are allowed to stand for up to ten hours. Next, put on fire and boil. This must be done up to three times. The finished product is packaged and canned.

In a multicooker

Cooking in a multicooker oven has a number of important advantages - the jam does not burn, and the design of the oven allows you to evenly distribute the temperature. This shortens the cooking process. At the same time, the taste does not differ from the classic cooking method.

However, it is important to follow the instructions when working with the multicooker.

Vanillin and other spices can be added if desired.

With pectin

Housewives often add pectin powder during cooking, which makes the product thicker, which reduces the time spent on cooking. Pectin allows you to make the jam tasty, even if you put in a little granulated sugar.

For cooking, you need clean, pitted fruit. Pectin powder is added to the crushed mass at a time when it has not yet softened enough. Cook for up to a quarter of an hour. We preserve without cooling. The jam will be ready for use after two days.

With gelatin

Adding gelatin powder makes the jam thicker.

We will need:

  • fruit - two kilograms;
  • granulated sugar - 1800 grams;
  • gelatin granules - one hundred grams.

Preparation: crushed and peeled from seeds, fill the fruits with sugar and leave for up to five hours. We dilute the gelatin powder. At this time, heat the candied fruits and boil for ten minutes. After that, let it cool. Add the gelatinous solution, stir and heat over medium heat, not letting it boil. Remove from heat and preserve.

With zhelix

Zhelfix allows you to make the jam thicker.

The fruits are crushed. The gelatinous powder is mixed with granulated sugar and poured into the fruit mass. We put on fire and add the remaining granulated sugar. We boil for five minutes. Spices are added and the finished product is packaged in cans.


  • fruit - one kilogram;
  • nectarines - one kilogram;
  • lemon juice - 0.15 liters;
  • gelatinous powder - twenty-five grams.

The fruits are crushed, the seed is extracted. Add zhelix and lemon juice. Bring to a boil, cook for a quarter of an hour. We preserve the finished product.

With oranges

The addition of an orange will help to enhance the taste of the made product. The jam will smell better.

Chop the peaches, remove the seeds. Mix with oranges, add granulated sugar. We heat and boil for up to half an hour. After that, we pack in containers and preserve. The jam is ready.

In a bread maker

A homemade bread maker allows you to make jam quickly and without difficulty. Many ovens have the “Jam” setting, which makes it possible to cook the product in automatic mode. It is enough just to prepare the components and place them in a special container. The resulting product is packaged and canned.

With nectarines

Chopped nectarines and peaches are placed in the prepared syrup.

With plums

Grind the dogs and plums, remove the bones. We heat and boil for a quarter of an hour. Add lemon juice and let cool slightly. We pack in containers and preserve.