How to put homemade bread kvass. The best homemade kvass recipes on breadcrumbs

02.05.2019 Vegetable dishes

Hello again. Today it will be about very interesting, tasty and healthy drink, about kvass. After all, as soon as summer comes, in all cities you can see barrels with this draft liquid. And people, fleeing the heat, buy a sharp and refreshing kvass.

But no purchase option can compare to a home one. Moreover, making intoxicated juice is not at all difficult, and it requires few products. But how pleasant it is to drink! And if you also crumble, then in general beauty, and the soul rejoices. šŸ˜‰

Such a drink is made from top-class bread and sourdough, either ready-made or made on your own. Moreover, the wort is either yeast or not.

Someone likes this drink darker and stronger, while someone, on the contrary, prefers white and not very sour. Here you need to decide on the cooking method and adjust the time allotted for fermentation.

In addition to amazing taste, bread juice is also very healthy. Earlier, in the old days, it was used in hospitals, using it as a liquid to quench the thirst of the sick and for the speedy recovery of the wounded, because it was considered a healing drink.

Before introducing you to cooking recipes homemade kvass, I want to tell you a little more about it benefits and harms.

The composition contains the following important vitamins: PP, E, B1, B2. Thirst quenching occurs due to the content of dairy and acetic acids... And the carbon dioxide present helps in the good digestion of food, its absorption and raises the appetite.

Also, bread juice relieves pustular skin diseases, thanks to yeast; strengthens the enamel of the teeth and enhances potency; has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system.

There are no harmful substances in kvass, but there are still contraindications for people who suffer from cirrhosis of the liver, gastritis and hypertension.

Well, now to the main thing. If you are preparing the leaven yourself, then do not throw it away, but put it in another jar and put it back to ferment.


  • Black bread - 1/2 roll;
  • White bread - 1/2 roll;
  • Fresh yeast - a small piece;
  • Sugar - 2 tbsp. l .;
  • Water - about 3 liters.

Cooking method:

1. First you need to cut the bread. Make the pieces so that they pass freely into the neck of a 3-liter jar.

Fill the jar 1/3 full with the prepared pieces.

2. Now break the yeast into small pieces and place in a deep bowl, pour in some warm water and add sugar.

3. Stir the yeast so that there are no lumps left and pour them over the bread in the jar. Add room temperature water to the jar so that you have 2-3 cm of empty space on top. Mix everything well and leave for three days in a warm place.

Stir the liquid once a day with a spoon.

4. Do not forget that at this time our drink will actively ferment, so it is best to immediately put it on a tray, and cover the jar itself with gauze or a clean cloth. Do not close the lid, otherwise it will rip off.

The exposure time of course depends on your taste preferences, if you like sour, then keep it longer, and if on the contrary, then keep it for less. After the time has elapsed, strain the drink through cheesecloth or a fine sieve, cool and drink to your health.

Recipe for making kvass without yeast

The next option can also be attributed to the recipes of our grandmothers. After all, the drink is obtained from a barrel, with great taste, aroma and color.


  • Warm boiled water - 1.5 liters;
  • Black bread - 150 gr.;
  • Sugar - 2 tbsp. l .;

For starter culture:

  • Black bread - 75 gr.;
  • Sugar - 1 tsp

Cooking method:

1. Prepare the starter first. Take a jar with a capacity of 0.5 liters, place finely chopped pieces of bread in it. Then add sugar and pour warm boiled water... Mix everything well and place in a warm place for fermentation for 24 hours, covering the jar with gauze.

Determine the readiness of the starter by its cloudy color and sharp taste.

2. Pour the prepared starter into a 3 liter jar. Now add chopped bread and sugar, pour in water, but leave a little empty space. Stir everything with a spoon. Cover with cheesecloth and place on a plate. Remove the contents in a warm place, such as a windowsill, where the sun is shining. Insist on the drink throughout the day.

3. At the end of the day, taste the juice. If everything suits you, then 2/3 of the total volume must be drained and filtered. Add raisins to taste and refrigerate.

The remaining 1/3 of the fermented bread can be left in the jar and filled with water again, adding sugar and fresh crackers. Then again put on fermentation for a day and get a new portion of the drink.

Making a drink for a 3-liter can of rye bread

In preparing kvass, I certainly advise using black breads, it is thanks to it that you can get a sharp juice. Also, do not forget to add raisins for better fermentation.


  • Rye bread - 400-500 gr.;
  • Fresh pressed yeast -10-12 gr .;
  • Sugar - 0.5 tbsp.;
  • Raisins - 5-10 pcs.;
  • Lemon - 1/4 pcs.

Cooking method:

1. Dried bread must be folded into a 3-liter glass jar and pour boiling water over. Leave the bread in this state for 8 hours.

2. After 8 hours, strain our liquid through cheesecloth, while squeezing the bread.

3. You have strained wort. Crumble fresh yeast into it.

4. Add sugar.

5. And add slices of lemon with zest, but without pits. Stir the consistency, place on a plate and cover the neck with cheesecloth. Place in a warm place to ferment for 8 hours.

Advice! Steam the lemon in advance with boiling water for 5 minutes so that the kvass does not turn bitter later.

6. After the time has passed, strain the liquid through cheesecloth.

7. Then add the raisins.

8. Pour the drink into clean jar and close the lid tightly. If bubbles appear, that is, with a new fermentation of the liquid, put the jar in a cool place for 3-4 hours or more. Then pour into glasses and quench your thirst.

Homemade kvass without yeast on breadcrumbs

I want to note that most often sourdough is made from dried bread or rusks. Moreover, it is not necessary to buy croutons, you can collect pieces from lunch, even crusts will go. Then simply fry them in the oven or in a frying pan.

I suggest you great recipe with the addition of crackers and dry kvass.

Recipe for bread kvass with yeast that you can drink after 6 hours

But I found interesting way cooking with coffee. Honestly, I haven't tried it myself. But I was intrigued by the fact that such a drink can already be drunk after 6 hours. So it will have to try this summer.


  • Water - 2 l;
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp.;
  • Ground coffee - 2 tsp;
  • Citric acid - 1 tsp;
  • Yeast - 1 tsp

Cooking method:

Take a 250 ml container and pour boiling water into it. Add sugar, coffee and citric acid. Stir until dry food is completely dissolved. Then pour this mixture into a bottle or jar, add cool boiled water. Pour yeast into a container, mix. Close the bottle or jar with a lid and leave in a warm place for 6 hours. All is ready. It remains to cool the juice.

Video on how to make wort from dry kvass

If we are talking about ready-made sourdough, then the preparation time of the liquid of course decreases. But remember that you need to buy a quality dry product. And here's another version of this cooking method.

Recipe for yeast-free kvass from white bread

The next recipe also has a place to be, because White bread goes into action. And the drink turns out to be transparent and sharp, as if from a barrel.


  • Water - 1500 ml;
  • Ready sourdough - 0.5 l;
  • Bread - 200 gr.;
  • Raisins - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • Sugar - 3 tbsp. l ..

Cooking method:

1. Cut the bread into cubes and dry in the oven, put in a jar. You can fry the bread until black, so your drink will have a richer color and taste.

Choose bread carefully, with additives and "rubber" will not work. The best way- homemade bread.

2. Add sugar, sourdough and raisins to the bread crumbs. Pour everything with boiled water at room temperature. Cover the jar with gauze or a napkin and leave for a day or two in a warm place to ferment.

You can see the readiness of the drink by separating the bread into two parts: upper and lower.

3. Remove the upper part and transfer to another jar. Strain the rest into a clean container, discard the thick. Refrigerate and cool.

A new portion of kvass can be prepared from the deferred bread mass. Only his readiness will be much faster.

Making kvass at home from rye flour

In addition to bread and sourdough, you can also use rye flour. The benefits of such kvass will only increase. True, this liquid takes much longer to prepare, but the result is worth it.


  • Rye flour - 8 tbsp l .;
  • Sugar - 3 tbsp. l .;
  • Water - 2 tbsp.;
  • Unwashed raisins - 30 pcs.

Cooking method:

1. Dissolve flour in water to a consistency like thick sour cream... Add sugar and stir everything.

2. Put in the raisins.

You don't need to wash the raisins!

3. Cover the mixture with a clean towel and leave in a warm place for a few days. As soon as the leaven has a sour taste, then it is ready.

4. Remove the raisins from our wort and pour into the jar. Fill in cold water and add another 2-3 tablespoons rye flour and sugar. Cover the jar and set aside. room temperature.

5. After two to three days, the drink will be ready. Strain it into another container and refrigerate.

It turns out this is such a beautiful white kvass.

Cooking bread kvass for okroshka

Well, in the end, there is another simple recipe that can be used both for drinking and for pouring into okroshka.


  • Croutons from rye bread- 300 gr.;
  • Water - 3 liters;
  • Sugar - 100 gr.;
  • Yeast - 30 gr ..

Cooking method:

1. Boil water and cool. Dissolve yeast in warm boiled water. Yeast water pour into a jar, add croutons and sugar. Fill everything with prepared water.

2. Cover the jar with gauze or a lid. Leave to mature in a warm place for 4 days. Then strain the drink and refrigerate.

Kvass of course amazing drink... You can drink it both sweet and sour, the main thing is that it is cold and preferably sharp. Store options cannot be compared to homemade ones, so do not be lazy, but make your own healing bread kvass.

All recipes are simple, the main thing is to stock up on time and patience, and everything will work out.

Kvass is an original Russian traditional drink. It is used not only as a thirst quencher, but also as a main ingredient in some dishes, especially cold soups. Homemade drink unlike the industrial one, it turns out to be more tasty, aromatic and natural, and everyone can cook it, because there are several simple recipes.

Kvass on rye bread always turns out to be very tasty and aromatic, and its color can be from light brown to almost black. It all depends on the original color of the bread, as well as the degree of its dryness.

It is important to choose high-quality bread, in the manufacture of which the manufacturer did not use any artificial additives. Only in this case, you can get really useful, aromatic and delicious kvass.

To prepare a yeast-free drink, you must use a special starter culture. To prepare it you will need:

  • 500 ml of warm boiled water;
  • 15 g granulated sugar;
  • 3 slices of rye bread with crusts.


  1. The bread is cut into small cubes and dried in the oven until golden brown, then it is poured into a small container, poured with water and sugar is added. Leave the wort for fermentation for a couple of days. His readiness will be indicated by a cloudy color and pronounced sour aroma.
  2. While the wort is infused, another handful of rye bread cubes is dried in the oven and placed in a three-liter jar. Another 60 g of granulated sugar is added there, ripened and strained wort is added. Then add warm boiled water until it takes up 2/3 of the container volume. Cover the top with a light cloth and leave in a warm place for 2 to 3 days to ferment.
  3. When the liquid has a taste and aroma characteristic of kvass, it is filtered and bottled. Kvass is left warm for several hours to stop the fermentation process. As soon as the bottles are hard to the touch, they are placed in the refrigerator and left there for another day. After the specified time has elapsed, you can start tasting.

Reference! To give the finished drink more pronounced Brown color, sugar, before adding to the jar, together with the remaining breadcrumbs and water, you can pre-burn. Then not only the color will change, but also the taste of kvass - it will become softer and sweeter.

With yeast

However, if you do not want to waste time on self-cooking homemade sourdough, you can make kvass according to another recipe, where it is replaced with ordinary baker's yeast.


  • 5 g dry yeast;
  • 5 liters of water;
  • 500 g rye bread;
  • 0.25 kg of granulated sugar.


As in the first recipe, the bread must be turned into toasted croutons. To do this, it is cut into cubes and placed in the oven, stirring occasionally so that the crackers are browned on all sides.

While the crackers are drying, the water must be brought to a boil and removed from the heat so that it cools down to room temperature. When the preparatory work is completed, you can proceed to the direct production of kvass:

  1. In a fermentation tank, mix water and crackers, cover the container with gauze and put it in a warm, dark place for two days. At the end of the specified time, strain the liquid and squeeze the crackers. Add 200 g of granulated sugar and yeast, previously diluted in a small amount of water, to the resulting wort.
  2. Cover the surface of the container again with gauze and leave to ferment for another 15 hours in a warm place.
  3. Then add the remaining sugar to the liquid, mix everything thoroughly and pour into bottles, so that there is a free space of 3 - 5 cm to the edge of their neck. Leave the kvass for another 4 hours in a warm place, and then place it in the refrigerator for cooling.

Attention! The amount of sugar in the recipe can be changed upwards, while adding it to larger volume is possible only on final stage before bottling.

Kvass prepared according to this recipe will differ from the previous drink not only in its speed of preparation, but also in its characteristic alcoholic smell.

With raisins

it delicious drink cooked with additives such as raisins has a milder taste and pleasant aroma. You can cook kvass with raisins with or without yeast.

In the first case, raisins are added directly to the bottles, where the drink will be poured for further storage and use. On average, 1 - 2 raisins are taken for every half liter of liquid.

If kvass with raisins is prepared without yeast, then the procedure will be as follows:

  1. Crumbs (200 g), granulated sugar (50 g) and raisins (100 g) are placed in a container. Pour all this with three liters of water and leave to ferment for three days.
  2. Then another two liters of warm water are added to the container and another spoonful of sugar is poured into the container and again made up for fermentation for 48 hours.
  3. Strain the finished kvass, pour it into bottles and incubate for three hours at room temperature, and then send it to the refrigerator.

In this case, the raisins cannot be washed, since they act as live yeast, while the kvass prepared according to this recipe does not have a characteristic alcoholic aroma.

Yeast selection

From correct and correct choice this ingredient will largely depend on the success of the entire preparation of kvass, as well as the quality ready-made drink.

It is best to give preference to special beer or fresh yeast... Active microorganisms quickly react with other ingredients and do not allow kvass to turn into mash.

Dry yeast often gives the finished drink not only an alcoholic smell, but also an alcoholic taste, which not everyone may like.

Not a bad option is considered and wild yeast, that is, microorganisms living on the surface of raisins. But here it is never possible to say in advance whether there are enough of them in the product and whether the fermentation with their use will be of high quality.

When purchasing yeast, you need to carefully study their shelf life and production date, you should purchase the freshest products possible. The packaging itself must not be damaged in any way and must be completely sealed. And, of course, you should strictly follow the manufacturer's recommendations for their use.

Following these simple tips, as well as the strict implementation of all the actions specified in the recipe, guarantees the receipt of high-quality, natural and tasty kvass from rye bread.

Video: making a drink with your own hands

Watch a video on how to make delicious bread kvass on rye bread and leavened yeast:

In old Russian times, kvass was stronger than beer... Intoxicating contains many vitamins, minerals and organic acids necessary for the full functioning of a person. The benefits of kvass for digestive system due to the presence of microorganisms in the composition, the activity of which contributes to the digestion of food masses.

Drinks are prepared in different ways, with the addition of the most unexpected ingredients - apples, apricots, beets, elderberry and celandine inflorescences, currant or mint leaves. The classic is kvass made from rusks with and without yeast, ennobled with raisins to improve the taste. Let's learn how to make kvass at home, because the sets of products for each recipe are minimal and are available for every good housewife.

How to make wort crackers

The traditional components of hop are yeast and bread (black, rye, Borodinsky). The loaf is cut into small cubes and dried in the oven or fried until golden brown in a pan. Oil is not used in this case.

Other components of kvass on rye bread crumbs are:

  • Horseradish;
  • Grape drying;
  • Natural honey;
  • Loose sugar;
  • Cool boiled water.

Experts recommend infusing the wort in a glass or enameled dishes... Aluminum and plastic bowls are not suitable for this purpose. Keep finished product preferably in a cool room for no longer than 3 days. Long-term idleness of the liquid is fraught with souring, and you cannot drink peroxidized kvass.

Yeast-free recipe

To make kvass at home from breadcrumbs, but without yeast, you need sourdough. It is obtained from the following products:

Make the wort like this:

  1. Water is poured into liter jar and dissolve the sugar;
  2. Crackers are placed in the liquid and the bottle is covered with gauze;
  3. The leaven is kept in a warm room for 48 hours;
  4. As soon as the liquid takes on a cloudy color and a harsh smell, they begin to prepare the kvass itself.

The composition of the intoxicating drink provides for the presence of ingredients:

  • Sugar - 1 tbsp;
  • Crackers - 100 g;
  • Boiled water - 1.5 l;
  • Non-yeast starter culture - 0.5 l.

Pour the wort into three liter bottle, add sugar and golden bread dryer. Top up a jar of cool water and close nylon cover... Place the container in a warm place for a day.

Take another container and pour 2/3 of the drink into it. In the first jar with the remainder, add boiled water, a couple of crackers and a little sugar. Let the wort ferment for another day. When tasting ready-made kvass, try not to stir up the cloudy sediment when spilled.

On mint and black bread crumbs

Delicious, pleasantly smelling kvass is obtained at home with the addition of mint. Leaves are placed to taste. What else do you need to make a drink?

Dissolve yeast with warm boiled water, breaking lumps. Pour boiling water over clean mint leaves and let the liquid sit while you work with the bread. Cut the loaf into small cubes and dry. Pour boiling water over the workpiece and cool to 30 Ā° C.

Combine the resulting mass with yeast and mint infusion. Tie gauze around the neck of the jar and create warm conditions for the leaven. On the second day, sweeten the composition with sugar and keep the liquid warm for another 2 hours. Pour into a convenient container and refrigerate.

Caraway kvass

Dietary and preventive drink That is useful in the season of colds is caraway kvass. It is prepared from the infusion of crackers, as in the first recipe, only pounded caraway is immediately put together with yeast and sugar. The product is filtered before cooling.

Ingredients of caraway kvass per 20 liters of water:

  • Sugar - 4 cups;
  • Yeast - 50 g;
  • Caraway seed - 60 g;
  • Brown bread rolls - 2 kg.

On raisins and crumbs of Borodino bread

For making kvass from breadcrumbs this recipe you will need 200 g of Borodino bread, 15 g of yeast, a bottle of water, a handful of dark raisins and 1 tsp. flour. Let's consider in detail how to make kvass from Borodino bread croutons.

  1. Cut the baked goods into cubes and dry until crisp;
  2. Pour boiling water over drying and wait 3 hours;
  3. Mix yeast with flour and water (5 tablespoons of liquid is enough);
  4. Pour the mass into the wort and place in a warm room for a day;
  5. Strain the product into a convenient container and toss in clean, dry raisins;
  6. Keep the kvass on the Borodino bread crumbs warm for another 4 - 6 hours.

In the future, kvass is in the refrigerator, but no more than 2 - 3 days.

The strongest kvass

Prepare strong kvass at home from bread crumbs not difficult if you follow this recipe.

  1. 1 kg of crackers is poured into 3 liters of boiling water and the wort is kept for 1 day;
  2. Drain the infusion and add sugar with diluted yeast (100 and 25 g, respectively);
  3. The leaven is allowed to ferment for another day, then it is filtered;
  4. The liquid is poured into bottles of thick glass and thrown into containers of 4 raisins;
  5. The sealed bottles are placed in the refrigerator observing temperature regime+7 - 8 Ā° C.

Northern with black currant leaf

For 1 liter of water you will need:

  • Crackers - 1 kg;
  • Liquid brewer's yeast - 3 tbsp;
  • Sugar - 750 g;
  • Berry bush leaves - 20 g.

Pour boiling water over the bread, sugar and leaves in one bowl and mix. The container is closed with a lid and taken out for 4 hours in a warm place. The mixture is filtered and combined with the starter culture. The wort is kept in the cold for 2 - 3 days, then it is heated and boiled for 6 minutes, removing the foam head. Next, the liquid is filtered and cooled, bottled and sealed. Kvass is kept in cold conditions for 1 day and tasted.

With lemon zest

You can make an unusually tasty kvass at home from a set of products:

Crackers are infused in boiling water for 4 hours. Diluted yeast and sugar are added to the wort. After a day, the foam is removed and mint, oregano are added to the leaven, lemon zest... The mixture is bottled with a little raisins in each. At room temperature, the intoxicated drink is infused for another day.

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An invigorating and refreshing drink prepared at home will appeal to all household members. Despite the wide variety of cooking methods, each recipe for kvass from black bread, for compliance technological process, involves the use of bread crumbs from a rye loaf. Since ready-made crackers are unlikely to be purchased, the hostess must prepare them in advance at home.

To make crackers, you should buy a black loaf of bread without any additives. The optimal cutting of future crackers is 1 by 1.5 cm. Also, do not forget that the more they are fried in the oven, the richer the color and taste of the finished drink can be.

  1. Crackers from half a kilo of "Borodino" rolls are poured into a container for further fermentation and from above are poured with 5 liters of chilled boiled water. After that, the container is covered with a thick cloth or towel and placed in a dark and warm place for 24 hours.
  2. After a day, the resulting liquid is poured into a dry jar through a sieve with gauze. Crackers are carefully wrung out and thrown away.
  3. 200 grams of granulated sugar and 7 grams are added to the wort fast acting yeast... The neck of the container is covered with multilayer gauze or cloth and placed in a dark and warm place for another 15 hours.
  4. After a certain time, the finished drink is drained from the sediment, if necessary, it is additionally sugared, hermetically sealed and removed to cool.

Homemade bread kvass with yeast

  1. In the evening, 100 grams of crackers and 4 tablespoons are taken to prepare the sourdough. Sahara. Everything is poured into a 3 liter jar, and boiled water is poured from above to Ā¾ of the volume of the container taken. The jar is covered with a terry towel to keep the heat as long as possible.
  2. In the morning, 15 grams of fresh pressed yeast is diluted in half a glass of warm water and poured into the breadcrumbs. The neck of the jar is covered with gauze or a napkin and removed for a day or a little more in a warm, sunny place.
  3. The readiness of the starter culture can be determined by the state of the contents of the jar: the soaked crackers will rise to the neck of the container, and the wort itself will completely settle at the bottom.
  4. When the sourdough "ripens", the layer of crackers must be carefully removed with a spoon, and the infusion must be drained into the sink, leaving the yeast suspension inside the jar.
  5. In a clean 3-liter jar, the wort prepared for kvass is transferred, 150 grams of fresh breadcrumbs and 1/3 cup of granulated sugar are poured into it. For lovers of sweet homemade kvass, you can increase the amount of sugar indicated in the recipe several times, guided by your own preferences.
  6. Prepared products are poured with warm boiled water, leaving room for fermentation at the neck. The jar is covered with multilayer gauze or a napkin and left for a day.
  7. The finished drink is filtered through plastic bottles, each of which contains several raisins for carbonation. Tightly closed bottles put in the refrigerator.
  8. For a new portion of the drink, it is necessary to replace Ā½ part of the sour rusks with fresh ones. Add sugar and pour over warm boiled water.

Bread kvass with mint at home

  1. 150 grams of well-fried rye crackers are poured into a clean and dry 3-liter jar, which are poured with boiling water and left to cool to 40 degrees.
  2. 6 tablespoons are poured into the cooled liquid. sugar, 10 grams of fast-acting yeast and 3-4 small sprigs of mint or lemon balm. The mixture is stirred and left to ferment for 10 hours.
  3. The fermented drink is filtered into bottles, each of which is supplemented with 3-5 raisins and, without closing the lids, is placed in the heat for another 3 hours.
  4. At the end of the time, the bottles are sealed and placed in the refrigerator for cooling.

If you put mint sprigs in a jar along with breadcrumbs and pour boiling water, then the finished drink will be more saturated and taste like mint candy.

Recipe for kvass from black bread with herbs

  1. Croutons made from 0.5 kg of black bread are poured into a 5 liter container with filtered or cooled boiled water. The neck is covered with multi-layer gauze, which is fixed with an elastic band. The container is removed in a warm and dark place for 48 hours.
  2. After 2 days, half a glass of your favorite herb or a mixture of herbs is brewed with boiling water and left for 20 minutes.
  3. 50 grams of sugar and 20 grams of raw yeast are diluted in a glass of warm water.
  4. Bread leaven is poured into a dry container through cheesecloth and a strainer.
  5. A strained herbal infusion, yeast suspension and 200 grams of sugar are added to the sourdough. The liquid is stirred until the granulated sugar is completely dissolved, the container is covered with a towel and placed in a dark place for 16 hours for fermentation.
  6. After the time has elapsed, the kvass is drained from the sediment, corked and placed in a warm place to ripen for 6 hours.
  7. The finished drink is put into the refrigerator for cooling.

Homemade bread kvass with raisins without yeast

Despite the fact that homemade bread kvass without yeast does not differ in taste originality, it perfectly quenches thirst and is widely used by housewives for making okroshka.

  1. Ready-made croutons from 1/3 of a loaf of "Borodinsky" and 10-15 raisins are poured into a clean, dry 3-liter jar.
  2. Separately, 2.5 liters of water is boiled, in which 5-6 tbsp is dissolved. Sahara.
  3. The liquid is cooled to room temperature and poured into a jar of breadcrumbs.
  4. The container is covered with a multi-layer piece of gauze or a linen napkin and placed on a window on the sunny side.
  5. The fermentation process will begin only on the 2nd day. Thus, the drink will be prepared in 3-4 days.
  6. Ready kvass is filtered into bottles and put into the refrigerator for further consumption.
  7. If desired, put re-fermentation, for this, remove half of the soaked crackers from the jar, add a handful fresh croutons, a few raisins and 3 tbsp. granulated sugar. Warm boiled water is poured so that there is room for carbon dioxide to escape.

Recipe for bread alcoholic kvass

As usual, homemade kvass with yeast contains no more than 1.2% alcohol, but for lovers strong drinks you can make "drunken kvass" keeping its traditional taste.

  1. 300 grams of fried crackers are poured into a 5 liter container and filled with 3 liters of boiling water, covered with a lid and left in the room for 3 hours.
  2. The present liquid is filtered into a fermentation container.
  3. The soaked crackers are poured with 2 liters of boiling water and kept for about an hour. After the time has elapsed, the liquid is filtered, the crackers are squeezed out and discarded.
  4. The second infusion is poured into the first, 5 grams of fast-acting yeast or 30 grams of fresh yeast, diluted in a glass of bread liquid, are added to the container. 3 grams are poured there. citric acid and 300 grams of sugar.
  5. The contents are mixed, covered with a towel and left for 10 hours in a warm and dark place. If after 2-3 hours foam appears and a characteristic hissing begins, you can be sure that the fermentation process has begun successfully.
  6. After 10 hours, you must taste the fermented drink. If kvass has a low strength, then another 200 grams of sugar is poured into the container, gently mixed and left for 4-5 hours. The amount of sugar introduced in small portions regulates the strength of the finished drink and can vary from 300 grams to 1.5 kg. Using maximum number, kvass will contain up to 13% alcohol.
  7. The procedure for adding sugar must be repeated until the drink reaches the required strength and sweetness.
  8. Having sustained the kvass for 4-5 hours after the last portion of the added sugar, the kvass is poured into plastic bottles and closed tightly. If you put the bottles in the refrigerator, then the fermentation will stop.
  9. The shelf life of "drunken kvass" is up to 10 days.

A quick way to make kvass

  1. Warm boiled water is poured into the jar, into which 2 teaspoons of fast-acting yeast are poured and dessert spoon citric acid. Everything is gently mixed until the dry substances are completely dissolved.
  2. Pour 200 grams of sugar into a small saucepan, which is brought to a golden brown color over medium heat.
  3. After the sugar acquires the desired color, the fire turns off, and half a glass is poured into the pan cold water and everything is thoroughly mixed.
  4. Sweet water is poured into the yeast liquid.
  5. The neck is closed with a thick cloth and put into heat for fermentation.
  6. After 30-50 minutes, the finished kvass is drained from the sediment in bottles, sealed and placed in the refrigerator.

Homemade bread kvass with ginger

  1. At the bottom of an enameled 9 liter container, 30 grams of peeled and cut into small slices of ginger are thrown.
  2. 12 tablespoons are poured into ginger. granulated sugar and rye crackers made from a whole loaf.
  3. In a separate saucepan, boil 6 liters of water and pour the crackers with boiling water, leaving to cool to room temperature.
  4. When the liquid has cooled, 1.5 bags of fast-acting yeast are poured into it, or "raw" yeast is poured into it (1/8 of a packet, diluted in a glass of warm boiled water).
  5. The contents of the container are gently mixed, closed with a lid and left for a day for further fermentation.
  6. After the required time has elapsed, carefully remove the bread cap from the container using a slotted spoon.
  7. Dry, clean glass containers Carefully pour the kvass through a sieve and cheesecloth, leaving a white suspension of yeast at the bottom of the container.
  8. The container with kvass is closed with lids and put away for 12 hours in a cool dark place so that the drink ā€œgains strengthā€.
  9. For a second portion of the drink, put soaked crackers, removed with a slotted spoon, in a container with a yeast suspension, add 8 tbsp. sugar and pour warm boiled water.

Russian kvass saved a lot of people.
Folk saying

Heat ... Pi-i-it ... Plain water I donā€™t feel like it, but sweet lemonades make me sick, and they donā€™t help with thirst, but I just want to drink even more ... But should we not drink kvass?

It is very easy to make kvass at home, you can see for yourself by trying to make kvass according to our recipes. Moreover, you can buy kvass wort at any grocery store.

Kvass at home can be different: on leavened wort, on rye bread, honey, fruit, berry ... You can just drink it in the heat, without fear for the figure and without thinking about the consequences, and it is also used to prepare okroshka, so beloved in summer.

The fastest and easiest way to make kvass is with ready-made wort. It usually consists of sugar, rye malt, yeast and ground crackers. It is desirable that the kvass concentrate contains no preservatives.

Homemade kvass from dry sourdough

3 l of water,
125 g dry kvass,
100 g sugar
20 g raisins
6 g dry yeast.

Boil water in a saucepan. Pour dry kvass with one and a half liters of hot, close tightly and leave to infuse for 3 hours. Then strain. Pour the remaining water into the infusion. In a little warm water in separate dishes dilute yeast, pour it into kvass, add sugar, add raisins, cover the pan with gauze and put in a cool place for fermentation. After three days, strain the kvass again and bottle it. Store in the cold for no more than three days.

from dry sourdough and dry malt

To make kvass tasty, like in childhood, you can buy a bag of dry malt for dry kvass and prepare it like this: three-liter jar add 3-4 tbsp. l. dry kvass and 2 tbsp. l. dry malt, Ā½ tbsp. sugar, half a pack of dry yeast and fill it all with a glass of warm water. Leave in a warm place for fermentation, and when the mass comes up a little and rises, add warm water. Add a crust of rye bread and a handful of raisins for better fermentation. When the kvass is ready, strain it, do not throw away the thick. It can be used to prepare the next drink. Store ready-made kvass in the refrigerator.

Kvass from concentrate (main recipe)

3 liters of boiled water,
2 tbsp kvass concentrate,
150 g sugar
Ā½ tsp dry yeast (or pressed, they work faster),
1-2 tsp raisins (black).

Pour the kvass concentrate into a 3-liter jar, add sugar and 500 ml of water and stir thoroughly. Add yeast, cover with a napkin and leave to ferment warm for a couple of days. Taste the kvass, and when it suits you completely, pour it into plastic bottles, put 5-6 raisins in each, screw the lids and leave it warm again to continue fermentation. When the bottles become hard, which indicates a good carbonation of the kvass, put them in the refrigerator. Open with care!
You can diversify the basic recipe by adding various products to improve the taste and aroma of kvass: mint leaves, currants, juice of berries and fruits, grated horseradish (kvass turns out to be spicy, invigorating!) - everything is limited only by your gastronomic preferences.

Homegrainkvassby leaps and bounds

2.5 l of water,
250 g rye bread,
150 g sugar
10 g fresh yeast
a handful of raisins.

Dry the diced bread in the oven on a baking sheet until golden brown. Boil water and cool to room temperature. Pour crackers into the prepared jar, fill them with water, cover the neck of the jar with gauze and put in a dark place for fermentation for two days. Ready wort strain through cheesecloth, squeeze crackers. Dissolve the yeast in a little water. Then pour the filtered wort into a jar, add yeast, 100 g of sugar there and mix. Cover the jar with a loose lid and leave for 16 hours in a dark place at room temperature. Pour the finished kvass into bottles, add a little of the remaining sugar and raisins to each bottle, close the bottles tightly and leave them again in a dark place at room temperature for fermentation and carbonation. Then send the kvass to the refrigerator for 3-4 hours and only then consume it within three days.

Bread kvass without yeast

3 l of water,
250 g rye bread,
50 g sugar
a handful of raisins.

As with the previous recipe, dry the diced bread in the oven. Moreover, the darker your crackers turn out, the more saturated dark color the kvass will turn out. Dissolve sugar in boiled water and cool. Put the crackers in an enamel or glass container prepared for fermentation, add the raisins and fill everything with water and sugar dissolved in it. Insist kvass for 3-4 days, then strain, bottle and put in a cold place. Bottles with ready-made kvass open carefully, being careful not to shake.

By the way, you can use the remaining soaked breadcrumbs, in other words, sourdough, several more times, replacing half with fresh breadcrumbs and adding sugar or honey.

And here is another option for making homemade kvass, used by our housewives for many years - with the addition of mint and leaves black currant very aromatic and refreshing.

Kvass "Babushkin"

2.5 l of water,
200 g rye bread crumbs,
100 g sugar
30 g raisins
20 g yeast
10 g mint
8 black currant leaves.

Dissolve yeast in a glass of warm water. Rye rusks Pour boiling water over and leave for 3 hours. Strain the wort obtained in this way through a cheesecloth folded in several layers, add sugar to it, pour in yeast, add mint and black currant leaves. Insist 10-12 hours, covering with a clean napkin. When your wort is fermented, strain it, bottle it with a few raisins in each bottle, seal and store in a cool place. After three days you can enjoy delicious kvass.

Several following recipes contain yeast starter, which can be prepared as follows.

Yeast starter

Ingredients (for 1 liter can):
black bread, cut into small cubes and dried in the oven,
60 g sugar
15 g dry yeast,

Put the crackers in a jar, filling it halfway, pour boiling water over the contents. Crackers will swell, which means that the amount of water must be calculated so that a thick gruel is obtained. Pour in less water first, then top up if necessary. Do not despair if the sourdough is too thin, just add more breadcrumbs. Add sugar, stir until completely dissolved, then cover the jar with a clean napkin, let it cool to 37-40 Ā° C. Add yeast to the jar, mix well and let the sourdough ferment. An important fact: cover the jar with a napkin, not plastic cover, since carbon dioxide is formed during fermentation. This leaven will be enough for you to make 10 liters of kvass.

Rusk kvass with horseradish root and honey

2 liters of water
300 g rye bread crumbs,
50 g honey
40 g horseradish root,
30 g sugar
10 g yeast.

Fill in hot water crackers and leave for 2 hours. Then wipe them through a sieve, add yeast and sugar to the infusion and remove in a warm place for 10 hours. Add honey, chopped horseradish root to the finished kvass, leave for 2 hours, then strain and treat yourself to your health!

By the way, instead of crackers for making kvass, you can use wheat bran or of various kinds flour. Try it!

Kvass from oat flour

3 l of water,
750 g oat flour mixed with bran,
40 ml yeast starter culture.

Pour 2 liters of hot water into the flour mixed with bran and put in a warm place for 12 hours, then strain as usual and add the yeast starter and the rest of the water. Withstand the infusion for a day. Store ready-made kvass in a cool place for no more than three days, although, for sure, it will go away from you much earlier.

Homemade kvass from wheat bran

3 l of water,
800 g wheat bran
300 ml lemon juice
70 g sugar
25 g dry yeast.

Pour boiling water over the bran and keep it on low heat for an hour. Then strain the broth, cool it and add yeast and sugar. Insist in a warm place for 10-12 hours, then pour into the infusion lemon juice and stir.

Kvass from rye flour with burnt sugar

3 l of water,
100 g rye flour
35 g wheat flour
100 g sugar
15 g yeast
15 g caramelized sugar.

Pour 50-70 ml of hot water over rye flour and stir quickly until a homogeneous mass is formed, without lumps. In a separate bowl, boil the rest of the water, cool slightly and add the brewed flour into it. Dissolve yeast in warm water, add to it wheat flour and stir. When the yeast begins to ferment, pour it into the rye infusion and add sugar. Leave in this form for 1 day, then add to the drink burnt sugar.

It's easy to cook a burnt: just burn the sugar in a dry frying pan until it melts and a dark color and caramel smell appears. The blacker the burnt sugar is, the richer the color of your kvass will be. To prevent the burnt from turning into a charcoal lollipop, gently pour into the melted burnt sugar hot water, literally drop by drop to get thick syrup... It can be poured into a bottle and kept in the refrigerator.

Red kvass

3 l of water,
250 g sugar
3 tbsp. l. instant chicory,
a bunch of mint
Ā½ pack of dry yeast,
1 tsp Sahara,
2 tbsp. l. water,
lemon acid.

Pour water into a deep container, add sugar, chicory and mint. Boil and leave to cool. Add sugar, water to yeast, stir and leave to cool. When the liquid with chicory has cooled to a temperature of 37-39 Ā° C, pour in the yeast mixture, stir and leave for 3 hours at room temperature. Someone likes kvass mild taste, and someone with a pronounced pungent taste, so after 2 hours taste the drink. Maybe two hours will be enough for you. Add citric acid to an already aged drink to taste and put in the cold.

Apple-coffee kvass

3 liters of warm boiled water,
1 liter of clarified apple juice
200 g sugar
1 tsp dry yeast,
2 tsp instant coffee.

V large saucepan mix sugar and coffee, add yeast to them and stir. Then pour in warm water and juice. Wait for all the ingredients to dissolve and, with a loose lid on the pan, leave the mixture to ferment for 12 hours. When the appointed time is up, strain the kvass, bottle and refrigerate.

Kvass "Invigorating"

3 liters of warm boiled water,
200 g sugar
35 g of compressed yeast,
1 tbsp. l. chicory,
1 lemon with zest.

Chop a lemon or mince it, wrap it in cheesecloth, tie it and put it in a saucepan or bucket of water. Add yeast and sugar there, mix. Squeeze the bag of lemon several times while stirring and remove. When the ingredients dissolve in the liquid, pour the resulting solution into bottles, screw the caps tightly and leave in a warm place, for example, in the sun, for 2 hours. You can check if the drink is ready by pushing on the walls plastic bottles... The bottle is solid and it is no longer possible to press on the walls - it means that the drink is ready. Remember that if you overexpose the drink in the sun, then you will get not kvass, but a mash. Put the bottles with ready-made kvass in the refrigerator, and take a sample the next day.

White kvass from whey

1 liter of whey
2 tbsp. l. Sahara,
10 g dry yeast,
orange peels and raisins to taste.

Whey that remains after cooking homemade cottage cheese, it is the most valuable nutritious dietary product... White kvass with whey is one of the ways to turn useful product delicious. Stir yeast with sugar, cover with whey and place in a warm place for 12 hours. Then pour the drink into bottles, after throwing a few bottles on the bottom of each orange peels and some washed and dried raisins. Close the bottles tightly and leave for 2 days for the drink to fully ripen.

Many may be alarmed by the turbidity of kvass, but for homemade natural product is normal. The sediment, by the way, is also an indicator of the natural origin of kvass.

Bon appetit and new culinary discoveries!

Larisa Shuftaykina