Green beans with nuts. How to cook green beans lobio in Georgian

03.04.2019 Soups

Lobio -popular dish in the Caucasus is national dish Georgia, Armenia and Abkhazia. There are many options for its preparation. And although it is prepared either from green beans or from boiled red beans, the taste is different housewives, or may differ in different cafes. It depends on what spices and what herbs you added, whether you used nuts. Added tomatoes or tomato paste... How much liquid was added, or not added at all. In some places, rather spicy dish, it contains bitter bell pepper... And somewhere they cook without adding pepper and tomatoes at all, but add adjika.

In general, what is prepared in Georgia from beans is called "lobio", because the translation of this word is the same.

Unfortunately, we do not often cook this dish in its traditional version, that is, in Georgian. And it would be worth it, a decent, tasty dish. unlike any other. Very useful! You can use it both hot and how cold appetizerand also as an independent main course. Beans are very nutritious, tasty, rich in proteins and carbohydrates. True, the latter is less true for green beans. But still, if you add nuts to the dish, then it is quite possible to do without meat. And if you can't go without meat, then just use lobio as a side dish. Beans go well with any meat and poultry.

When we lived in Uzbekistan, we also cooked this dish there. It was cooked with meat or chicken, with enough big amount liquids. And they cooked like this until I got to Georgia and tried it classic version... I immediately asked for a recipe, wrote it down in detail, and since then I have been preparing this dish in “ georgian performance”, Although I don’t forget the“ Uzbek ”version. By the way, here's it.

Today we will prepare a recipe according to the Georgian version. I have kept this recipe in my cherished notebook for 25 years, or even more. I share it with you. It is a pleasure to cook with it. Just started - already finished! In short, the mistress's dream! It takes about an hour to prepare and prepare a dish. Direct cooking takes only 20 minutes.

How to cook green beans lobio in Georgian

We need:

  • green beans -1 kg
  • walnut - 100 gr.
  • onions - 2 pcs.
  • tomato - 1 - 2 pcs.
  • bulgarian pepper - 1 pc.
  • garlic -3 cloves
  • greens - parsley. cilantro, basil - bunch
  • spices - paprika, cumin, thyme, oregano, hops-suneli
  • salt, ground black pepper
  • paprika and peppercorns
  • vegetable oil -4-5 tbsp. spoons

Preparation of ingredients

The cooking process should be divided into two stages. The first is preparation, the second is preparation itself! The dish will cook very quickly. We will only interfere and lay following ingredients... Therefore, we will immediately wash everything, cut it and put it on the table. Because in a hurry it is very easy to forget something.

1. The longest time is to peel the beans. If you have it frozen, and you can also use it, then of course there is no hassle with it, it is already cleaned and completely ready for use. I have fresh product... I was lucky to buy it at the wholesale vegetable market. Now only the end of June, usually it appears later. But good luck, I went to the market for one thing, I saw another! It was a sin not to buy! Fresh beans make the dish especially tasty.

Here it is not entirely green, but with purple veins. But during the cooking process, the color will become more uniform.

2. The vegetable must be thoroughly rinsed in running water. Then, leaving it in the water and pulling out one pod at a time, we cut off its tail. And if there is a side rigid vein, remove it too by pulling from one edge. My pods are still young, practically without beans, and the tough vein has not yet had time to form. So after washing it and cutting off the tip, I cut it into two halves. The pods are long enough, and it will not be very convenient to eat them. Length 4-5 cm, it will be what you need.

3. While washing, clean and cut the pods, put water in a saucepan on fire. And we bring it to a boil.

4. Prepared pieces are dipped in boiling water and boiled for 10-15 minutes. Cooking time depends on the condition of the pods. If you removed hard veins from the sides, then cook for 15 minutes, if there were no veins, then it will be enough to cook it for 8-10 minutes. No need to salt. All legumes are salted almost at the end of cooking.

When preparing dishes from red beans, they are pre-soaked in water for 8-10 hours. And green beans must be boiled. This is done so that oligosaccharides dissolve in water when soaked and boiled. This is the sugar found in beans and is not digested in human body... It is he who causes gas formation, and of course, complicates the digestion process.

After boiling, drain the water through a colander. And leave the product to cool down a little.

5. While the beans are boiling, you can chop the onion. I take two large onions. I like it when there is a lot of onions. Any dish with it becomes more juicy and tasty. We cut it into cubes, not small, but not large either. Not more than 1 cm in size, it can be smaller.

So that the onion does not eat our eyes, we moisten the halves and the knife cold water... I always leave the tail of the onion. Holding on to it, the onion will be much easier and thinner to cut.

6. You also need to put the kettle on in advance. And pour boiling water over the tomato. If you have a large specimen, 250-300 grams, then just take one. If less, then prepare two.

IN winter period time when tomatoes are greenhouse, you can use tomato paste and tomato. Or just tomato paste. Or take adjika instead. This will only slightly change the taste, but the essence will remain the same.

7. Holding the tomato for 20-30 seconds. in boiling water on one side, turn it over for the same time on the other side. Then the tomato must be peeled. To do this, pick it up with a knife, pull by the edge and the skin will easily fall behind.

8. Cut the vegetable. You can do this in any way you want. Can be cubes, can be rings or half rings. I cut into long slices so that the chopped vegetables in the dish are about the same size. Long beans and tomatoes of appropriate length and shape.

9. Cut the bell pepper in the same way. It is sometimes replaced with hot peppers. But we are not big fans of spicy food, so I limit myself to bell peppers and a piece of red capsicum.

10. Divide the garlic into slices, wash. Put it on the board and crush each clove with the flat side of the knife. Then we remove the peel and cut it arbitrarily into small pieces... I have young garlic, and its cloves are very small. Therefore, instead of the 3 cloves written in the recipe, I took 4.

11. Chop the greens. Today I use parsley, cilantro and basil. But in general, you can use dill, and celery, and celery root. Mint is also added. But my husband is totally against mint in any dish. Therefore, I do not add it. Especially. that my spices have oregano. Greens, already in a chopped state, turned out to be about two handfuls.

12. Prepare spices in advance. I already ready mix spices, including paprika, coriander, rosemary, thyme, oregano, herbs, dried ginger - this is a versatile mix of spices that can be used for any dish. And I additionally cook zira (I can't live without it), and khmeli-suneli is a Georgian dish.

13. Thoroughly sort through the nuts, removing the jumpers and debris of the peel. Then grind into small crumbs in a blender.

They also add adjika, but we will not do that today. However, if you have adjika and want to add it, then it will not hurt.

And so everything seems to be ready. She wrote longer than she cooked! Well, let's cook!


1. Pour oil into a frying pan, warm it up and add chopped onion. Fry it until golden brown for about 3 minutes. The fire is not the maximum, but also not the average. That is, somewhere in between.

2. I do not like it when onions are felt in the dish, so I add a little more than half a glass of hot boiled water... I don't dim the fire. After 2-3 minutes of vigorous boiling, all the water has evaporated, and you can move on.

3. Add the chopped tomato. With stirring, fry it also for 3 minutes.

4. Now it's turn bell pepper... It is enough to fry it for 2 minutes, also not forgetting to stir.

5. Now add herbs, garlic and spices. And also a slice of red hot pepper and allspice peas. Count how many peas you plant. After the dish is ready, preferably both peas and spicy pepper remove. If they get caught by someone, it will ruin the feeling of the dish as a whole. Fry, stirring constantly for 1 minute, so that the spices and garlic “dissolve” all their aroma.

Do not be afraid of the smell of cilantro, put it safely. IN ready dish it will not be felt at all.

6. Now it's time for the beans. Do not forget to add salt. Salt should be added a little less than half a tablespoon. We reduce the heat to minimum. Cover and simmer for 5-7 minutes. During this time, it must be completely ready, and everything else, even more so!

7. The final finishing step is the addition of the nuts. Add them, mix, cover and turn off the gas. We give the dish an opportunity to stand and infuse.

8. Serve with plenty of fresh herbs and fresh vegetables... Serve well with cilantro, spinach, fresh tomatoes and cucumbers. If a radish has grown in the garden, it will not be superfluous either. We cut vegetables in large pieces, put the greens whole. So that in the process of eating, you can eat both!

You can serve the dish in the form in which you want. You can eat lobio hot, you can cool it down and eat it as a cold snack. If you want to cook meat for it, then cook either, or whatever you like.

As you can see, our dish today turned out to be quite thick. This is exactly what the classic version of the recipe provides. If desired, you can add a little liquid during cooking. And in this case, you will have a dish with sauce.

And I want to tell you, if you have never cooked such a yummy, make sure to cook it. And I am sure that this dish will become not only frequent, but also a favorite on your table!

Enjoy your meal!

Lobio (Lobio) - the general name for dishes from beans, translated from the Georgian language means "beans". Every time you cook lobio from different varieties beans, the taste will vary.

There are hundreds of recipes in georgian cuisine, they are inherited with the proportions of "secret" ingredients.

What spices and seasonings are used to make lobio? Dry: black pepper, coriander, Imeretian saffron, hot red pepper, fenugreek, savory, bay leaf, marjoram, cloves, cinnamon; aromatic herbs: cilantro, parsley, celery, mint, basil, dill, savory; onions, nuts, tomatoes, garlic.


Green beans - 1 kg

White onions - 3 pieces

Tomato, ripe, large - 3 pieces

Sweet red pepper - 2 pcs

Pungent leguminous red and green pepper - 1 piece

Garlic - 6-8 cloves

Walnuts - 1 tbsp

Fenugreek (utskho suneli) - 1 tsp

Coriander - 1 tsp

Imeretian saffron - 1 tsp

Red hot pepper - 1/2 tsp

The black ground pepper - 1 tsp

Vegetable oil - 3-4 tablespoons

Salt to taste

Parsley and cilantro for serving

Cooking method:

Stage 1.

Let's prepare the green beans. Wash, cut off the petioles, cut the pods 3-4 cm long. Bring the water to a boil, add salt, boil the beans until al dente. Throw in a colander.

Stage 2.

Cut the onion into half rings, red bell pepper - cubes, hot pepper - slices, chop the garlic, chop the nuts (chop in the processor), chop the Imeretian saffron. Peel the tomatoes and cut them into cubes.

Stage 3.

In vegetable oil, fry the onions, bell peppers in vegetable oil until the onions are golden brown. Add the tomatoes and cook for 2-3 minutes, stirring occasionally. We send the prepared beans to the tomato mass, mix. Cooking for 5 minutes.

Stage 4.

Add fenugreek, red and black pepper, coriander, Imeretian saffron, walnuts, garlic. Stir, season with salt. Leave the lobio for 2-3 minutes, then add hot peppers and herbs. After mixing, let it sit for 15 minutes.

Stage 5.

Green bean lobio with walnuts (Lobio) can be served hot to garnish with meat dishes... Chilled, like a salad or a snack, beans cooked in this way are just as interesting.

Enjoy your meal!

Green beans - delicious and nutritious product, from which you can prepare a lot of interesting and original dishes, for example, or.

Today we are preparing tasty dish, which can be served alone or as a side dish with meat or poultry.


green beans 300 g

walnuts 50 g

large onion 1 pc.

garlic 2-3 cloves

butter 20 g

vegetable oil 2 tbsp. l.

lemon juice 1 tbsp l.

dill a few twigs

salt to taste

pinch of ground black pepper

Servings: 2 Cooking time: 30 minutes

Calorie content of the recipe
"Green beans with walnuts" per 100 g


  • Carbohydrates

It turns out very interesting. Vegetables and legumes are saturated with spice aromas and become especially tasty. Be sure to try this recipe again, it will not leave you indifferent!


    Step 1: chop and boil the legumes

    We'll sort out the legumes and wash them. Cut off the ends, cut the beans into 3-4 centimeters long segments.

    Pour into a saucepan cold water, add salt and put it on fire. When the water boils, we pour our blanks into it and boil them for 5-7 minutes, depending on the type of beans.

    Then we will merge hot water and put the beans in a colander. Let's fill it up ice water and leave for 5 minutes. Thanks to this, the legumes will retain their beautiful green color and remain juicy. If you are using frozen green beans, you do not need to defrost them first. It is enough to pour over it warm waterso that the ice comes off.

    Step 2: chop and fry vegetables

    Peel the large onion and cut it in half. Let's cut it into thin half rings. Peel the garlic cloves and wash them.

    Place the non-stick skillet on medium fire... Put a piece in the pan butter, add odorless vegetable oil. When the butter is melted, put the chopped onion in a frying pan and sauté it over low heat until a golden hue is obtained.

    Then add the garlic cloves passed through the press. Fry vegetables together for a minute.

    Step 3: add chopped nuts

    Nucleoli walnuts grind. This can be done with a blender or knife. You can also pour the nuts into a dense plastic bag and detail the kernels with a rolling pin.

    When the onion and garlic are fried and gilded, add chopped walnuts to them. Heat the ingredients together for 1-2 minutes.

1. Tear off the ends of the bean pods, removing the veins. Break into pieces 2-2.5 cm in size, rinse under cold water. Pieces can be blasted in boiling water for four minutes before stewing and put on a wire rack to let the water glass. But you can do without blanching if the pods are very tender.

2. Peel and chop the onion into small pieces.

3. Put the onion on a tray of the airfryer, add vegetable oil and stew.

4. Put the washed pods directly into the bowl of the airfryer, but it is better to put them on a special heat-resistant dish and put them on a low wire rack. Add to stewed onion, the remaining butter and leave to simmer until the bean pods are tender, that is, for about half an hour. Set the temperature in the airfryer to 180 degrees.

5. Cut each tomato in half and cut into coarse grater grate. In this case, the tomato skin will remain in the hand, and the tomato mass in the plate. Add the tomato puree to the beans and season with salt and stir. Continue simmering for another 15 minutes. Anyone who loves the aroma of sweet pepper can add it by cutting into strips.

6. The special secret of the recipe for a dish of beans in pods or green lobio in Georgian is a special set spicy herbs... The aroma of cilantro and garden savory goes well with this dish, purple basil and dill. Tear off the leaves from savory and purple basil and use only them. You need to finely chop all the greens, peel and chop the garlic and hot pepper... You can add a few green onion feathers. If there is no fresh greens, then you will have to replace them with dried ones.

7. At the very end of cooking, put the herbs, mix everything, keep on fire for another two minutes, and the dish is ready.

Green lobio can be eaten hot, but is most commonly consumed cold. This dish is used as a standalone snack, it contains a lot of protein and fiber, but can be used as a side dish. Lobio is perfect for vegetarian menu and for those who comply low calorie diet... You can reduce its calorie content by reducing the volume vegetable oil... You can cook in an airfryer practically without it, laying all the products, except for greens, at the same time.

Video recipes for green beans in Georgian

1. Georgian recipe green lobio with nuts:

2. Preparation of green beans lobio: