Apple cider vinegar recipe at home. The easiest apple cider vinegar recipe

Homemade apple cider vinegar is natural and very healthy. I will give several recipes for cooking with your own hands.

Apple vinegar has a variety of healing properties... It is widely used for treatment, obesity, and even skincare. Not surprisingly, many people are wondering how to take and prepare it properly.

Apple cider vinegar recipe at home

Making quality apple cider vinegar at home is easy. You just have to stock up on patience and time. I recommend using sweet apples for cooking.

When fermentation takes place, a useful foam appears above the liquid, which is called "vinegar uterus". I do not recommend removing it, on the contrary, it needs to be mixed with liquid. The vessel should not be rearranged, since carelessness can damage the useful "vinegar uterus". Now let's talk about cooking recipes.

As a raw material, I use fermented cider that does not contain sugar. Under normal conditions, bacteria in the air convert alcohol to acetic acid. According to the described technology, preparation takes about two months.

Another helpful tip. If you don't have fermented cider, use apple juice to make it. Fresh apples can be found at any time, but I recommend using fruits harvested in the fall.


  1. I cut and crush my apples in a mortar. I put the resulting mass in a saucepan and add sugar. For one kilogram of sweet apples I take 50 grams of sugar. If the fruit is sour, I double the amount of sugar.
  2. I pour the resulting mass boiled water... It should be several centimeters taller than apples. I put the pan in a warm place. I mix the mass several times a day.
  3. After 14 days, I filter the liquid and pour it into large fermentation containers. It is important that the top is about five centimeters, as our liquid will rise during the fermentation process. In another half month, my vinegar is ready.

Video recipe

How to make apple cider vinegar with yeast


  • boiled water - 1 liter
  • apples - 800 grams
  • honey - 200 grams
  • black bread - 40 grams
  • yeast - 20 grams
  • sugar - 100 grams


  1. Carefully sort the apples, cut out the damaged parts and pour over clean water... After that, finely chop, mince or rub.
  2. Place the resulting mass in a bowl, add brown bread, water, yeast and honey. Mix everything well. You do not need to cover the container with the mixture. In this state, the resulting mass should stand for ten days. I recommend stirring the mass several times a day.
  3. Transfer the contents of the vessel to a gauze bag and squeeze well. The resulting juice, re-filter, pour into a bowl with a wide neck and add sugar. After thorough mixing, leave the mass to ferment for 50 days.

Note that the apple cider vinegar will begin to lighten over time. This means that he is ready. I pass it through cheesecloth, and then bottle and cork it. It can now be used in cooking recipes.

Video of making real apple cider vinegar at home

Skin and body care with apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar has long been my favorite natural food. All because this substance retains beneficial features raw materials - apples.

  1. Hair . I use vinegar to rinse my hair. It makes hair silky and shiny, eliminates brittleness and nourishes the roots. I add a tablespoon of vinegar to a cup of water and rinse my hair after washing.
  2. Teeth . This excellent natural remedy can whiten teeth and remove stains from them. After brushing my teeth, I first rinse my mouth with vinegar and then clean water.
  3. Hand skin. If you mix equal amounts of apple cider vinegar and olive oil, you get a tool that will get rid of the roughness of the hands. In the evening before going to bed, I rub it into my hands. Then I put on fabric gloves for the night.
  4. Fight sweating... Even a high-quality therapeutic deodorant cannot always cope with increased sweating. However, apple cider vinegar does it. I take a shower initially. After that, I wipe my armpits with a towel soaked in vinegar diluted with water. This agent destroys bacteria that cause bad smell, and restores the acid balance of the skin.

Wellness and detoxification with apple cider vinegar

According to qualified nutritionists, apple vinegar is highly effective against excess weight. I believe they are right. Dilute a tablespoon of vinegar in a cup of cool water and take it daily on an empty stomach. I do it in the morning.

Food poisoning- a common phenomenon, the fight against the consequences of which is sometimes very difficult. However, this natural remedy will quickly fix the problem. For one liter of water I take two tablespoons of the product. Mix well and take throughout the day.

So my article has come to an end. Now you know the recipes for making apple cider vinegar at home, how to use it to take care of your appearance, and how it helps your body heal.

All tips related to the use of apple cider vinegar in medicinal and preventive purposes are given for informational purposes only. Before using vinegar, you should consult your doctor.

Homemade apple vinegar is not only delicious, but also healthy. It can be used not only for its intended purpose, that is, as food product... In folk medicine, acute aromatic vinegar made from apples has a very wide range of uses. It is used for oral administration with medical purposes, preparation of rubbing and compresses.

Understandably, store-bought apple cider vinegar has little to do with a product you can make yourself. Firstly, it has a higher acid concentration (6%), whereas a self-prepared product does not exceed 4%. Secondly, sometimes the manufacturer simply adds to table vinegar apple flavoring. In any case, it is safer and more useful to do natural vinegar from apples at home.

Apple vinegar at home - general cooking principles

Homemade natural vinegar is made from real ripe apples (as opposed to industrial vinegar, which is based on apple waste: peel, cores). There are two main cooking methods: from apple pulp or from juice. Sweet apples are best suited for making vinegar. Based on sour apples more sugar will have to be added. Fruit must be ripe, overripe fruit is allowed and even encouraged. You can take a carrion, but only if there are no signs of decay on the apples.

It is sugar that is the second essential component of vinegar.(although there are recipes without sugar). Granulated sugar can be replaced with honey. Also, some homemade apple vinegar recipes include live or dry yeast, rye rusks or black bread.

Vinegar is made by fermenting apple juice. After the resulting alcohol is completely fermented, it turns out acetic acid... During natural fermentation, a foam or film is formed on the surface of the wort, resembling tea mushroom... This is a vinegar uterus and should never be removed.

It is convenient to cook vinegar in a three-liter glass container. However, glass bottles are also acceptable. It is easier to fill their necks with paraffin in order to preserve the finished product for a long time.

Homemade apple vinegar with sugar "Fast"

Within one month, apple cider vinegar will be ready for this simple recipe. In addition to apples, only sugar is required, there are no other components. The amount of sugar is indicated for sweet fruits. If only sour apples are available, then the sugar feed should be doubled.


Three kilograms of sweet apples;

150 grams of granulated sugar;

Cooking method:

Wash the apples thoroughly and chop very finely. You can additionally crush the pulp with a crush.

Place the apple base in a saucepan (preferably enamel).

Add sugar.

Heat the water so that it becomes hot, but does not boil (the ideal temperature is 70 degrees).

The amount of water should be enough to fill the apples by about 4 cm.

Put the pan in a warm place, but make sure that direct sunlight does not fall on the wort.

Twice a day, the apple mass must be mixed, preventing the top layer from drying out.

After two weeks, strain the contents of the pan using a gauze filter (fold a piece of gauze three times).

Pour the fragrant liquid into large glass jars.

Important: to ensure a normal fermentation process, you need to leave at least five, or even seven centimeters from the surface of the liquid to the top of the container. The fact is that during fermentation, the liquid level will rise.

You need to keep the future vinegar in jars for two weeks.

Ready homemade vinegar from the apples, it remains to carefully pour into suitable clean bottles. Be sure to leave a space between the neck and the vinegar level.

At the bottom of the container, there will be turbidity, sediment, which does not need to be shaken. It can then be filtered through 4-5 layers of gauze and refilled into bottles.

Close the bottles well or make paraffin stoppers and store in the room, tucked away in a dark place.

Jarvis Homemade Apple Vinegar

The American doctor Jarvis's prescription suggests the use of additional ingredients when making apple vinegar at home. It will take a long time to cook the product, but its composition will be very useful.


Two kilograms of apples;

Two liters of water;

Two hundred grams natural honey(plus about another hundred grams in the second phase of fermentation);

Twenty grams of live yeast;

Forty grams of dried rye bread.

Cooking method:

Grate the washed apples on the coarse side of the grater, without removing the peel, bones and partitions. You can simply mince the fruit.

Divide the puree into suitable glass jars and pour over the norm of water. Instead of glass containers you can take an enamel pan.

Add honey, yeast and crackers - they will speed up fermentation.

Cover the dishes with a cloth and place them in a warm, dark place. It is desirable that the air temperature is 30 degrees.

The preliminary fermentation period is ten days. Stir the wort three times a day with a wooden spatula or spoon.

Strain the future vinegar through a gauze filter and weigh.

For each liter of base, put fifty grams of honey or sugar, mix, cover with gauze and put away again in a warm and dark place.

The fermentation process will be long, at least 50 days. Its completion will be signaled by transparency. finished product.

Homemade apple cider vinegar

Another option for apple vinegar at home involves the use of juice, not apple pulp. The number of apples is approximate, it can be changed depending on the right amount finished product.


Two kilograms of apples.

Cooking method:

Chop sweet ripe apples into large pieces and leave on outdoors for oxidation.

When the pieces darken, squeeze the juice out of them using a juicer. You can simply grate the apples, fold into cheesecloth and squeeze.

Pour the resulting juice into glass bottle, put on a medical rubber glove on the neck.

Keep the bottle in a dark place at a temperature of 30 degrees.

The gas will inflate the glove. When it swells to the maximum, it needs to be removed. How long you have to wait, you can't tell in advance. The process can take from a week to one and a half months.

Pour the wort together with the vinegar uterus into a wide bowl, preferably made of clay or wood. With a large area of ​​contact with air, fermentation will go faster. There should be about 10 cm between the surface of the liquid and the top of the dish, at least seven.

Cover the surface of the container with a cloth or folded gauze.

Wait until the end of fermentation (homemade apple vinegar will become transparent, boiling will stop completely). The approximate period is from one and a half to two months.

Filter, bottle and store in a cool place, you can in the refrigerator.

Simple homemade apple vinegar with honey

A simple vinegar recipe that resembles the famous Jarvis apple cider vinegar, but without the use of black bread.


A kilogram of sweet apples;

A liter of chilled boiling water;

Two hundred grams of honey;

One hundred grams of sugar;

Twenty grams of dry yeast.

Cooking method:

Grate apples or mince.

Fold into the fermentation vessel applesauce, add honey, yeast and pour in the rate of water.

Mix everything well and leave to ferment in a warm place for ten days in a warm place. Do not close the lid (you can cover it with gauze), stir twice daily.

Strain, squeeze the apples through cheesecloth and combine both liquids.

Pour into a jar with a wide neck, add sugar and send again for fermentation for one and a half to two months.

Once the vinegar is light, you can consume it.

Homemade apple vinegar with sugar

Making apple vinegar at home is simple. The main thing is to provide warmth and create necessary conditions for fermentation.


Two kilograms of ripe apples;

Two hundred grams of sugar;

One and a half liters of chilled boiling water.

Cooking method:

Purée the apples together with the core and rind.

Put in a jar or saucepan, add half of the sugar and cover with water.

Stir, cover with a napkin and leave to ferment for three weeks. Stir 2-3 times daily.

Strain, add the second half of the sugar, stir and pour into jars.

Leave to ferment for about two months.

Once the liquid is clear, the ready bite is filtered and used.

Homemade apple vinegar on yeast dough

With yeast, vinegar ferments faster. If there is no bias against this ingredient, try this recipe for vinegar.


One and a half to two kilograms of apples;

A teaspoon of sugar;

A quarter teaspoon of active dry yeast;

A few spoons warm water.

Cooking method:

Squeeze the juice from the washed apples and pour into a glass or clay container.

Dissolve yeast and sugar in 2-3 tablespoons to get a dough.

When the dough foams and grows a little, send it to apple juice.

Put on a rubber glove on the neck and leave the vessel alone for four weeks.

Remove the glove and continue fermentation with oxygen access.

The vinegar will be ready in about two months.

Homemade apple vinegar - tricks and tips

    Vinegar uterus need to be protected to be used to get a new bite more quickly. It speeds up the fermentation process, makes the finished product taste better, and most importantly, increases the benefits of apple cider vinegar.

    You can use apple cider vinegar in case of poisoning, high temperature, cough, bruises. You can add the product to massage mixtures. In addition, natural apple vinegar helps to relieve excess weight... However, with gastritis with high acidity, ulcers, hepatitis, pyelonephritis, urolithiasis ingestion is prohibited.

Apple vinegar became so popular that in almost all stores you can find several different types of this product. Just a few decades ago, the situation was different; those who wanted to use this highly multifunctional product had to prepare it on their own.

And today, many people prefer to use homemade apple cider vinegar, as it is softer and contains a lot of nutrients.

From apple juice

Apple cider vinegar can be made from apple cider juice. This is done in 2 stages, first they prepare Apple juice... They take about 5 kg of apples, wash and cut into 4 parts, use a juicer to get juice and pour it into a glass or ceramic container, you can add a little cold boiling water. Pour 100 ml of warm boiling water into another container, add ¼ part of a teaspoon of yeast and 10 g of sugar, and when the yeast starts working and the dough increases in volume, pour everything into a container with juice. An additional piece of rye bread can be thrown there to enhance fermentation.

Fix a medical rubber glove on the neck (without powder, otherwise all the powder will then be in solution!), Leave in a warm place for a month. The evolved gas will gradually fill the glove. After a month, pour the liquid from a glass container into a wide, shallow vessel, so that 1/3 of the vessel remains empty. At this stage, to complete the formation of vinegar, air is needed, the vessel must be covered with gauze or linen cloth. The process takes place at a temperature of 25-29 degrees. After 1.5-2 months, apple cider vinegar will be ready, you can find out about this by changing the smell. Strain the finished vinegar from the sediment, pour into bottles and close.

How to Make Jarvis Apple Cider Vinegar

From juice

Drinks made from fruit juices using airless fermentation can be used as raw material for vinegar. High quality edible vinegar can be made from fruit ciders by fermentation now in the presence of air.

From apples

The recipe allows you to cook vinegar with both sugar and honey. Wash the apples, cut off the rotten and wormy areas, chop with a grater along with the core. You can use the peel or cake that is not needed in the manufacture of cider, jam or compote. Put this gruel in a container suitable for the appropriate number of apples, add cooled boiled water in the following ratio to the apple mass: for 0.4 kg of apples, 0.5 liters of water. Add 3 tablespoons of honey or 0.5 cups of sugar for each liter of water used, 10 g baker's yeast and 20 g of dry rye bread.

The container with this mixture is kept open, providing air access, in a room with a temperature of 26-29 degrees Celsius without access to light, but it must be covered with gauze, since the smell attracts insects. The container should be glass, wood or enamel. The first stage lasts 10 days, during which time the mixture must be stirred daily. After 10 days, transfer this mass to a linen bag and squeeze. Pour the resulting juice into a wide container. At this stage, you can again add 1-2 tablespoons of honey or granulated sugar and stir until completely dissolved.

Then cover the container with gauze and put it in a warm place. When the liquid stops fermenting and becomes transparent, the process can be considered complete. Depending on the conditions, the second stage lasts 1.5-2 months. Then pour the resulting vinegar into glass bottles, seal and store.

Yeast-free cooking

For this recipe you need to take ripe apples... Apples must be washed, cut into pieces, put in enameled dishes and pour granulated sugar... For sweet varieties, take the ratio of 50 g of sugar per 1 kg of apples, for sour apples - 2 times more sugar. Then you need to fill them with hot (about 70 degrees) water so that the water completely covers the apples and its level is 3-4 cm above the level of the apples. Place the container in a warm place for 2 weeks. Mix the mass 2 times every day.

Infuse after 14 days liquid part into glass containers, without adding 7-10 cm to the edge of the neck, since during fermentation the liquid level will rise. Leave for 2 weeks, carefully pour the prepared vinegar into clean bottles, seal and store.

A quick way to make vinegar with honey

The method allows you to quickly prepare vinegar. To do this, use sweet ripe apples, they must be washed, cut into pieces and chopped with a blender. Measure the volume of the resulting apple mass. For five liters of the resulting mass, add one liter of water and honey. Place the apple mixture, honey and water in a large glass or enamel container and stir. Cover with gauze and leave for 20-22 days, stirring occasionally.


All the recipes are interesting, I had to make vinegar from both juice and apples. Personally, I liked the second method more, and I think it's more useful. How else can you make apple cider vinegar at home? I can recommend another curious apple cider vinegar recipe without sugar and without honey.

For this recipe, use sweet, ripe apples. 1 kg of apples will make 0.5 liters of vinegar. Chop the apples, remove the spoiled parts, leave for some time in the air to darken, then use a juicer to prepare the juice. Pour it into glass jar, put on a glove on the neck. This process takes from 1 week to 1.5 months. When the glove is swollen, pour the juice into a wide glass or enamel bowl.

It is necessary to drain the juice together with the film on its surface, which contains natural fungi that are on all fruits and berries, we need them. This time you need to choose a wide glass or enamel dish to ensure maximum contact with the air. The dishes should not be completely filled, as the liquid will boil. The dishes should be covered only with gauze so that flies and dust do not clog the solution. When the liquid stops boiling, the vinegar is ready. Pour it into clean bottles, close. Store, like any vinegar, in a cool and dark place.


AlbinaApple cider vinegar has a lot good properties- it helps to lose weight, is good for the skin, there are a lot of vitamins and potassium. How to make apple cider vinegar at home?
TunaI made apple cider vinegar according to Jarvis, and used it for varicose veins. It helped me.
AllaAs you used vinegar, I heard that it is good for the heart. How to take it?
MagdaSpoon honey and vinegar into water and drink before meals. And what is the difference between homemade vinegar and store-bought vinegar?
AllaStore-bought is stronger, there is 9% vinegar, and there are no other useful substances there.
MagdaAnd how many percent does the home have?
AllaThere is only 4-5% vinegar, the rest is vitamins, pectins, everything is very useful!

A simple homemade apple cider vinegar recipe allows you to make a truly healthy and tasty product... A liquid with a pleasant sour taste is used simply as useful substance and is also used as an ingredient in canning or seasoning in food. Apple cider vinegar has a healing effect on the whole body: it normalizes bowel function, acid-base balance, stabilizes general health, debugs the absorption of fats, increases well-being etc.

The benefits of homemade apple cider vinegar are: inexpensive product, affordable for any family, hypoallergenic, without side effects on the liver and stomach.

Standard Recipe for Sugar-Free Apple Cider Vinegar

For a simple homemade apple cider vinegar recipe, pick ripe and sweet ones.


During fermentation, a film of acetic acid bacteria forms on the surface of the apple mass, which does not need to be disposed of. It is she who allows you to create such a product.

Homemade apple cider vinegar from pomace

According to the recipe provided, to get about 1 liter of vinegar, you need to prepare 1.5 kg of overripe apples. This description provides for the use of yeast in an amount of 10 grams per 100 grams of mixture.


Video recipe for apple cider vinegar with the addition of rye bread and honey

Yeast-Free Apple Cider Vinegar

Due to the lack of yeast at home or simply unwillingness to use it, a recipe for making apple cider vinegar at home without yeast is provided. To obtain the desired product, the apples must be carefully crushed and a lot of sugar must be added.


Apple cider vinegar fermentation is a process in which trace minerals from starch and sugar are converted into ethanol and carbon dioxide. This process is also called fermentation.

A simple recipe for apple cider vinegar at home provides for simple steps, according to which you can make vinegar not only for internal use, but also for outdoor. ethnoscience with confidence in their recipes increasingly shows that apple cider vinegar has a beneficial effect on the body. Its use helps to get rid of lichen, fungus, calluses, corns, scabies, small varicose veins. Also, the liquid in question is an excellent antiseptic. To treat with these methods, you need to know how to make apple cider vinegar, the recipes for which will help you with this.

You've probably already heard that natural apple cider vinegar is very useful product... Although today given view vinegar can be bought in the store, however the quality home product will always be an order of magnitude higher. After all, if you know how to make apple cider vinegar at home, then you can be sure that no chemicals were used in the cooking process, and the resulting product is completely natural.

You can use natural homemade vinegar not only in cooking, but also in personal care, when cooking home cosmetics and even drugs. For example, for sore throat, gargling with diluted apple cider vinegar is very helpful.

Of course, those who have garden plots where apple trees grow first think about the question of how to do it. After all, the crop needs to be processed, and not everyone loves compotes and jams. But even if you don't have a garden, you can make natural apple vinegar from purchased raw materials. Just try to buy apples that have grown in your area, not imported ones. In addition, it is advisable to use fruits that have not been processed during the growth process by various chemicals.

So, here's how to make apple cider vinegar in your kitchen. Apples need to be chopped in any way convenient for you - you can cut them with a knife or grate them. Moreover, peeling apples and even cutting out seed pods is not necessary.

Put the apple mass in a bowl. Ideally, a wooden one, but you can also take a glass or ceramic container. At worst, you can use the usual enamel pan, the main thing is that there are no chips of enamel on its surface.

Now we put sugar on the basis of each kilogram of crushed apples - one hundred grams of sand. Pour apples with sugar hot water(temperature about 75 degrees) so that the liquid is above the level of apples by three to five centimeters.

Now we need to cover our vessel so that the air passes freely, and all sorts of small midges, like fruit flies, could not get inside. The easiest way is to cover the dishes with a thick enough cloth, securing it with an elastic band.

We remove our semi-finished vinegar in a warm and dark place, which, however, must be accessible so that you do not forget to stir the mass twice a day using a wooden (in no case, not a metal!) Spoon. If the mass is not stirred, then the fermentation process will go slower, and upper layer floating apples will dry out.

We leave the mass to ferment for fifteen days, then carefully filter through several layers of gauze. The resulting liquid is poured into jars, without adding seven to eight centimeters to the brim, since the fermentation process will continue and the liquid may "escape" over the edge. Cover the jars with a cloth and leave them in a warm place for another fifteen days.

Now it's time to bottle our vinegar. This is best done with a flexible hose. If you know how to prepare Home wine then this process is familiar to you. And if not, then you have to remember school lessons physics, when the teacher told you about communicating vessels. The sediment that remains after pouring the vinegar must be filtered through a linen cloth and poured into bottles. Now we close the dishes with boiled corks and send them for storage.

How to make apple cider vinegar with yeast? The recipe is simple. For one and a half kilograms of crushed apples, you need to take two hundred grams of honey and twenty grams fresh yeast... We keep the mixture in a warm place for ten days, stirring occasionally. Then we filter the juice through cheesecloth, pour it into a dry jar and leave it warm for another month and a half, covered with gauze. Filter the finished vinegar and bottle it again. It is better to store natural vinegar in a dark place at a temperature of about five degrees Celsius.

Now you know how to make means, you will always have a useful and absolutely natural product... Apple cider vinegar should be used for dressing salads, marinating meat, cooking various sauces... This vinegar is not only much healthier, but also tastier than store-bought flavored condiments.