How to make wine from sour jam. from jam at home

14.08.2019 Healthy eating

Each of us, if you conduct an audit in your cellar or closet, you can find several jars of old, possibly already fermented, jam, which no one will eat anymore, but do not rush to throw out such a find, it can still be given a second life. Old fermented jam is an excellent raw material for making homemade wine. We have already told, now it is the turn to satisfy the needs of people who prefer less strong drinks, and to tell a few simple recipes on how to make wine from jam at home.

Old jam wine recipe

We need:

  • 1 liter of jam;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • 100g. raisins.

Very often people ask which jam is better to use, there is no definite answer, because there is no comrade for the taste and color. You can take any: apple, raspberry, apricot, plum, strawberry and other fruits. The only thing that should be said, well, you need to mix different types of jam, as the wine will lose its original taste and aroma.

We will use raisins as yeast, because bacteria live on its surface, which help fermentation. It is not advisable to use ordinary yeast, in which case we may get not wine, but ordinary mash. There are special wine yeasts on sale, but they are very difficult to find and raisins are an excellent alternative. The most important thing is not to wash it before adding it, as we will wash off all the bacteria we need.

Lovers of dessert wines should also include sugar syrup in this recipe, which must be added to the wine just before the fermentation itself. Sugar syrup is prepared in the proportion of 250 grams of sugar per half liter of water.


Sugar Free Jam Wine Recipe

If you do not want to wait long and the recipe described above does not suit you, we suggest you prepare another, relatively quick recipe for wine from old jam without added sugar. Its preparation will take about a month and a half.


  • 3 liters of any old or fermented jam;
  • 5 liters of water;
  • A handful of raisins.


Mix water and jam and simmer over low heat for 3-4 minutes, stirring constantly. Remove from heat and let cool, then pour into a container in which fermentation will take place and add raisins. We fill it in such a way that the fifth part remains empty.

To block the access of oxygen to the wine, we put a water seal or put on a rubber glove with a hole. During the entire time of fermentation, and this is about a month and a half, we do not open the container. As soon as the glove deflates or air stops coming out of the water seal, this is a clear sign that fermentation has ended and our wine from the old jam is ready. We just have to carefully drain it from the sediment and bottle it.

It should be noted that, unlike a water seal, a medical rubber glove is a disposable device and must be new every time you make wine.

Homemade yeast jam recipe

  • Old or fermented jam -1 l
  • A glass of rice;
  • 20 g - fresh yeast;
  • Boiled water -1 liter.

How to cook:

The process itself differs little from the first recipe, only the ingredients are slightly different.

  1. We prepare a three-liter jar: with my soda, scald with boiling water.
  2. Add rice (alternatively, you can use millet, but rice is still preferable), yeast and fill with water.
  3. We put on a glove or a water seal and put it in a dark warm place for fermentation.
  4. As soon as the sediment falls out and the wine becomes transparent, we drain it from the sediment and put it in the refrigerator for 2-3 days, after which the wine can be considered ready.
  5. If the drink is not very sweet, then you can add a little sugar to it, at the rate of 20 g per liter.

We wrote above that it is highly undesirable to use yeast for making wine, but this recipe is quite often found on the Internet, although I myself have not yet had time to test it. So if you do, I'd love to see your feedback under this article.

Tips for making wine from jam at home

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Experienced housewives can turn any product into an exquisite dish. Fermented jam left in the pantry for a long time is no exception. Do not rush to throw away sweet preparations, in which a lot of work has been invested - they will make an excellent dessert wine.

The natural drink at the outlet will amaze you with its rich berry taste, aroma and excellent taste characteristics.

The process of making wine does not differ in any delicacies, but it requires strict adherence to technology.

Here are the points that you definitely need to consider when making a drink:

  • Choose an enamel or glass container that is the right size. It is worth abandoning the use of iron or plastic dishes so as not to spoil the taste of the future drink. A glass bottle that is sterile and dry is ideal.
  • Do not use tap water, it is better to use spring or bottled water.
  • In the case when the wine is made from jam, granulated sugar can be omitted or added a little, focusing on the initial sweetness of the raw material and the desired taste of the drink.
  • Young wine needs aging. At least 3-4 weeks the container should be kept in a dark place, waiting for ripening.
  • Unwashed raisins enhance fermentation. Black varieties should be used.

Important!Brewer's or bread yeast is not used in recipes with wine made from jam, use raisin sourdough, or buy special wine yeast.

It is better to cook homemade wine from jam made from only one type of berries, this will fully reveal the taste of the finished drink. If you plan to use several types of jam, combine sour and sweet varieties. So that their tastes complement each other.

The fermentation process when using old jam is more vigorous than when using other types of raw materials, which allows you to get wine much faster, and it will have a richer taste.

Manufacturing steps

  1. The prepared container must be rinsed and rinsed with boiling water. Otherwise, the bacteria remaining on the surface will actively multiply and spoil the workpiece.
  2. Then add all the necessary ingredients, cover with a clean cloth and take the container to a dark place with a temperature of 20-25 C.
  3. Over the next five days, the contents should be stirred from time to time with a wooden spoon.
  4. After this period, the infusion is filtered and poured into another bottle, also sterilized.
  5. After that, young wine is left for final fermentation for 30-50 days, placed in a warm place.

Important!At this stage, do not fill it by more than 70% - foam and bubbles will appear during the fermentation process, you need to leave space for them.

How to install a water seal?

An important point is the need to protect the wort from the influence of oxygen, while allowing carbon dioxide to be freely removed from the container.

reference! If this is not done, bacteria that feed on alcohol when interacting with oxygen will actively release vinegar, destroying the alcohol.

To do this, you can use a special device - water stopper, which is installed on the lid of the fermentation tank. As the pressure increases, the accumulated gas exits through the water, which prevents oxygen from entering.

The odor trap will also protect the wine from the ingress of foreign microorganisms from the environment that can spoil the product. You can buy such a device in specialized stores, its price fluctuates from 100 to 500 rubles.

You can often find home-made water locks.

The most popular designs are:

  • A thin glove with a hole made by a needle, worn over the neck of the bottle.
  • A tube dipped into a jar of water.
  • Disposable syringe design.

reference! When the fermentation process is over, the device stops emitting hiss and the wine can be bottled. In the final container, it is aged for three to five months, during which it fully reveals its taste and gains richness.

How to make a water seal with your own hands is described in the video:

Step by step simple recipe

This recipe will help you process spoiled jam with the best results.


  • fermented jam - 1 liter;
  • water - 1.5 liters;
  • raisins - 100 grams.


  1. Warm water to room temperature and combine with fermented jam and unwashed black raisins.
  2. Place the mixture in a container well cleaned and scalded with boiling water. Fill the container by 2/3 and install a water seal.
  3. Leave the workpiece in a warm place for 20-30 days.
  4. Filter the resulting liquid, evaluate the sugar level - if necessary, at this stage, you can add the required amount, and leave for another 10 days for additional fermentation.
  5. Transfer the resulting wine to bottles so that the sediment remains in the old container and put it in a cool room to ripen.

How to cook from fermented compote?

Canned compotes, carefully prepared in the warm summer, are liked by everyone, without exception. However, it happens that the seal is broken in the can and the drink begins to ferment.

The taste of such compote changes, excessive acidity and astringency appears.

There are nuances of making wine from a fermented drink:

  • Sour compote is not suitable for making homemade wine; choose raw materials that do not have a sharp sour taste.
  • Use a decoction that has just begun to ferment. The bad smell will disappear after processing.
  • In order to enhance the fermentation, light raisins or grains of white rice are added to the compote made from light berries and fruits.
  • Black raisins are added to drinks brewed from dark ingredients.

Important! Wine made from compote is prepared using the same technology as wine made from fermented jam.

How to make wine from a fermented cherry compote is described in the video:

Yeast free


  • Compote 3 liters.
  • Granulated sugar to taste.
  • Raisins.

The fermented compote is filtered and poured into a saucepan, raisins are poured into it, mixed and put on fire. Sugar is poured into the mixture heated to 30 degrees, stirring it with a wooden spoon.

The resulting infusion is closed with a water seal and left for a month for fermentation, gently stirring it once a week.

Important!If you see that the fermentation is not intense enough, add more raisins.

Filter the resulting wine, being careful not to disturb the sediment at the bottom. After that, the closed bottles are sent to a cool room for 2–4 months.

Storage conditions

Storage rules:

  • Use clean, sterile utensils at all stages of preparation. Glass is preferable to select a dark color.
  • Storage temperature is about 12 degrees.
  • Do not neglect aging - the process lasts at least 3 months and fully reveals the taste of the wine.

What is the best to use with?

Homemade wine goes best with cheese, a variety of desserts and sweet dishes. It also goes well with meat dishes cooked over an open fire and mushrooms.

Avoid combining young wines with products containing vinegar, olives, chocolate, and citrus fruits.

It is quite possible to make an excellent wine from old jam with a unique taste and aroma.

A bonus will be confidence in the complete absence of chemical additives and dyes in the drink. By following all the recommendations, you will receive an exclusive drink, which will not be complete without a family celebration.

Sometimes it happens that, once in a humid environment, the jam prepared for the winter began to ferment.

This is a fairly common situation that every housewife has encountered at least once. And what a pity to throw away a product that took so much time and effort to prepare!

It is believed that fermented jam is no longer suitable for human consumption.

But it turns out that it is not at all necessary to throw it away, since this product can still be used - to make delicious and noble wine.

The process of creating this drink from fermented jam is incredibly simple, and the result is impressive, while anyone can make such a wine at home.

How to make wine from fermented jam, recipe

Any jam can be suitable for making wine, but the best result will be if you use apple, cherry, currant and blueberry jam.

But it is important to remember that you can only use fermented or old jam. It is strictly forbidden to use a product that has become moldy in the process of making wine!

Firstly, the wine itself from such a jam simply will not work, and secondly, it is dangerous to health.

Also, only glass containers should be used as a container for preparing and storing wine, not plastic.

A classic recipe for homemade wine from old jam

For cooking, you need one and a half kilograms of any fermented or old jam, a glass of sugar and a tablespoon of raisins, and another 1.5 liters of warm boiled water.

First you need to boil the water and cool it to a warm state - no more than 40 degrees. Then mix the liquid with the jam and add the raisins, and then the sugar, but not the prepared portion.

Sugar is added at will to add sweetness to the wine. The main thing to remember is that the wort should have a slightly sweet taste, not sugary, so the amount of added sugar directly depends on the sweetness of the jam itself.

It is also important to know: raisins are needed not for taste, but to start the fermentation process, since there are wild wine yeast on the surface of these berries. Therefore, you do not need to wash the raisins, so as not to wash off this yeast.

Everything is poured into glass containers, which must first be washed and sterilized. Ideally, five-liter bottles are used, but many take the classic three-liter cans.

If you plan to use a jar, then you need to remember that you need to fill the container in half, at most 2/3, in order to leave room for foam and carbon dioxide.

Now it is worth making a cork of well-compacted cotton wool wrapped in gauze, which closes the neck of the bottle or can. Some, however, use a medical glove, as it is easier and more convenient.

It should be noted that the use of cork will give the wine the best taste. If a glove is put on the neck, then a small hole must be made on one of the fingers with a needle, which will serve as a gas outlet.

After that, transfer the jar or bottle to a dark and warm place, or you can put on a t-shirt made of thick fabric. The storage temperature should be 18-29 ° C. In this position, the container should be left for 4-5 days, then add half a glass of sugar. To do this, pour 100 milliliters of liquid through a thin tube and sweeten, and pour the resulting syrup back into the container.

After another 4-5 days, you will need to add the second half of the sugar, using the same technology as the first.

Leave the wine to ferment for a period of 25 to 60 days. The duration of the process directly depends on the sugar level, yeast activity and temperature. Therefore, it is difficult to predict how long it will take.

But if after 55-60 days the fermentation process does not stop, it will be necessary to drain the wine from the resulting sediment into another container and close it again. When fermentation stops, this will be seen by the fact that the glove has deflated or the cork has stopped making sounds.

Then the drink will need to be thoroughly filtered through cheesecloth. Some, at will, add more sugar or vodka for strength, up to 15% of the total amount of wine.

Now the drink needs to be poured to the top into a jar or bottle and tightly closed with a cork. Then put for 2-6 months in a dark and cool place with a temperature of 6-16 ° C for aging. A refrigerator or basement is ideal for this. True, if before that more sugar was added, then for the first week and a half it is better to put a water seal instead of a cork.

Longer exposure improves the taste of the wine, but periodically it will be necessary to pour the liquid into another container, through a tube, thus removing it from the sediment. At first, such a procedure will need to be carried out every 10-15 days, then once a month, and then even less often. When the aging stage is completed, the wine is bottled and hermetically sealed.

If stored properly in a cellar or refrigerator, homemade wine made from fermented jam can be consumed for two to three years.

Sugar-Free Fermented Jam Wine Recipe

The cooking procedure is very similar, but three kilograms of jam will require five liters of water.

The jam will need to be mixed with water and boiled over low heat, stirring for 3-4 minutes. Then cool and pour into bottles or jars, leaving 1/5 or 2/5 free. And only now you can add raisins.

Close the neck with a glove and do not remove it until the fermentation process takes place, which should take 45-50 days.

When the gloves are deflated, and the liquid becomes completely transparent, this will mean that the wine from the old jam is ready.

Often, a diligent hostess does not know what to do with stocks of jam, which for years have been gathering dust on the shelves of the basement or pantry, starting to be sugared or fermented. Meanwhile, they can be used - to make homemade wine from jam. For them, ordinary jam, and candied, and even products with signs of fermentation are perfect.

What you need to make wine

Before making wine from jam at home, you need to prepare a fermentation vessel. Its volume depends on how much product you plan to process. On average, the same amount of water is needed per liter of jam. Adequate space must be left in the container for foam and carbon dioxide emissions. It is desirable that the container is glass, as homemade wine reacts with metal and polymers, acquiring the smell of plastic or iron. A glass bottle with a capacity of 3 or 10 liters is best.

Looking ahead, I must say that you need to pour homemade wine from old jam into glass bottles or. It is best to prepare cork corks for sealing such wine. With them the wine "breathes" and stabilizes most reliably. Since the best homemade wine made from jam, the recipe for which is given below, is stored in a dark place, it is better to select bottles for bottling it from dark glass.

Without which it is impossible to make wine from jam, it is without a water seal, which:

  • serves to remove carbon dioxide from the fermentation process;
  • prevents oxygen from entering the container;
  • is an indicator for moving to the next stage.

You can buy it at a hardware store, or you can do it yourself. Types of water locks:

When all the preparations are complete, you can think about how to make homemade wine from the jam.

Cooking steps

The raw materials from which homemade wine is made must be mold-free. This is the only required requirement, since in this case a quality product simply will not work. You can put wine on jams made from different types of fruits and berries, this assortment will enrich homemade wine from old jam with original taste and aroma.

The technology for making wine from jam at home is quite simple. It consists of several stages:

  • 1.Add sugar to a mixture of an equal amount of jam and warm boiled water (1: 1) and stir everything. The amount of sugar is a glass for 6 liters of the mixture.
  • 2. Add a couple of handfuls (200-250 g) of unwashed raisins or the same unwashed grapes to this solution. A special wine yeast on the surface of the berries triggers the natural fermentation process, which spreads to the jam.
  • 3. The container with the mixture is placed in a dark and warm place.
  • 4.After all the mash rises upward, it is carefully separated, and the wort is filtered into a clean bottle or jar. The classic recipe for homemade wine from jam involves adding the same amount of sugar to the wort at this stage.

  • 5.A water seal of any available design is installed on the neck of the bottle.
  • 6. Fermentation continues in a warm and dark place at t + 25 + 27⁰C. Its completion can be judged by the fact that the bubbles of carbon dioxide have ceased to evolve.
  • 7. Trying not to disturb the sediment, the resulting product is carefully poured into bottles using a thin tube. For finer cleaning, you can use a filter.
  • 8. Bottles are sealed with corks and left to ripen their contents for another 2 months in a cool dark place.

The process of making wine from jam at home can be considered complete.

And if it fermented?

How to make homemade wine from fermented jam? Wine on fermented jam turns out
no worse than on regular or candied raw materials. Knowing how to make such wine, you can not throw away the defective product, but creatively recycle it.


  • Any fermented jam - 3 liters;
  • Warm boiled water - 3 liters;
  • Granulated sugar - 400 g;
  • Raisins, fresh grapes - 100-200 g.

With a smaller amount of raw materials, the amount of the remaining ingredients is proportionally reduced.

Homemade wine from jam cooking recipe:

  • 1.Mix water, jam, raisins and half the sugar.
  • 2. We put on a water seal and send the fermentation container to heat for a couple of weeks.
  • 3. Strain, separating the pulp, add the remaining sugar.
  • 4. Put on a water seal, set it back for fermentation for 2-3 months.
  • 5. Strain, bottle, seal.
  • 6. We send for aging in a dry, cool room for a couple of months.

You can invite guests to taste an excellent product made from home-made waste materials. Try to intrigue them by asking them to find out what you made this drink from.

Knowing how to put the wort from ordinary or fermented jam for fermentation, how to stand it under a water seal, how to strain and store the final product, you can make wine from jam at home

Cooking wine from jam / Saving fermented jam:

If the jam prepared for the winter has fermented, you should not get excited and throw it away immediately. Delicious wine can be made from this raw material. The recipe is simple and does not require rare ingredients. I will tell you how to make wine from fermented jam at home. Not only fermented, but just old jam of past years will do. We will separately consider the issue of wine production from compote, both technologies are very similar.

Attention!You can not use spoiled jam, which is covered with mold, it is better to throw it away immediately. This also applies to compote. To prevent infection of the wort by pathogenic microorganisms, all containers must be sterilized with boiling water and dried.


  • old or fermented jam (apple, cherry, blueberry, etc.) - 1.5 kg;
  • water - 1.5 liters;
  • sugar - 250 grams (optional);
  • unwashed raisins - 1 tablespoon (optional)

The amount of sugar depends on the initial sweetness of the jam, if it is very sweet (sugar content 40% or more), additional sugar is not required. Raisins are needed for fermentation, on the surface of the berries there are wild wine yeast, which will start the process. This is very important in the case of old jam.

Fermented Jam Wine Recipe

1. Mix jam and warm water (25-30 ° C) in a ratio of one to one. Add raisins. The wort should be sweet, but not sugary. If there is little sweetness, add 50-100 grams of sugar.

A glass bottle of 5 liters or more is ideal as a fermentation vessel. You can also use three-liter cans, but then the portion will have to be divided into several parts, and the cans themselves should be filled by no more than 2/3 of the volume, so that there is room for foam and carbon dioxide.

2. Put on an ordinary rubber glove or install a water seal on the neck of the container. If a glove is used, make a small hole in one of your fingers with a needle to drain the gas.

Gloves are inflated - fermentation is on

3. Transfer the container to a dark (can be covered) warm place (18-29 ° C) for fermentation. After 4 days add the second portion of sugar (50-75 grams). It is necessary to remove the water seal, drain 100 ml of the fermenting wort through a thin tube, dilute the sugar in it. Pour the resulting syrup into a container of wine and reinstall the water seal. After another 4-5 days, repeat the procedure for adding sugar (50-75 grams) according to the technology described above.

Fermentation of wine from jam lasts 25-60 days, the time depends on the sugar content in the wort, temperature and yeast activity, it is difficult to predict.

If fermentation does not stop after 55 days from the moment of installation of the water seal, in order to avoid bitterness, you need to drain the wine from the sediment into another container and put it under the water seal to ferment.

4. After the wine has fermented (the glove deflates or the water seal stops gurgling), the drink must be filtered through cheesecloth or drained from the sediment.

If desired, you can add sugar for sweetness or fix with vodka (40-45% alcohol) in an amount of 2-15% by volume. Fortified wine keeps better but tastes harsher.

5. It is advisable to fill the containers with the filtered drink to the top (so that there is no contact with oxygen), tightly close the stopper and put on hold for 2-6 months in a dark cool (6-16 ° C) place - basement or refrigerator. If sugar was added at the previous stage, it is better to keep the wine under a water seal for the first 7-10 days.

The longer the exposure, the better. First, every 10-15 days, then as it appears, for example once a month, remove the wine from the sediment by pouring it through a tube into another container.

6. The finished drink can be bottled and sealed.

Wine made from strawberry jam after fermentation

If stored in a refrigerator or cellar, homemade wine made from jam has a shelf life of 2-3 years. Strength - 8-12% (without vodka fixing).

Fermented compote wine

The cooking technology is identical to the previous method, so there is no point in describing it anew. Only the proportions of sugar and the ripening time will change. All sugar can be added to unsweetened compote at once, and not crushed into pieces. Then do it by analogy with jam wine.

1. Pour 3 liters of compote into the fermentation vessel, add 150-300 grams of sugar (depending on the initial sweetness) and a few raisins (optional).

2. Put on a glove (water seal), leave for several weeks in a warm dark room.

3. After the end of fermentation, filter the drink by removing it from the sediment. After 2-3 months of aging in the refrigerator (basement), the compote wine will be ready for use.

Cherry compote wine

Fortress - 8-12%. The shelf life is 2-3 years.