Vietnamese dish pho bo recipe. Greetings from Vietnam

25.04.2019 Healthy eating

Appearing in the 1920s back in a colonial country, Fo soup changes the specifics of the regions. In the north, they serve with wider noodles, big amount green onions and a minimum of aromatic additives, southerners prefer sweeter - with fresh herbs(basil, mint, cilantro) and bean sprouts.

In addition to the broth version with pieces of beef or chicken, Pho soup is boiled with fish, with seafood, and also add noodles from rice flour... We will risk trying the overseas food at home, especially since grocery chains contribute to this. Vietnamese Pho Soup, a chicken recipe, is sure to make a favorite list of favorite and cozy homemade soups.

Cooking time: 90 minutes / Servings: 3-4


  • chicken (pieces with bone) 600 g
  • rice noodles 300 g
  • ginger root 30 g
  • chili pepper 1 pc.
  • celery root 30 g
  • garlic 1/2 pc.
  • carrots 1 pc.
  • onion 1 pc.
  • lemon 1/2 pc.
  • cilantro, green onions taste
  • star anise, cinnamon, salt, fish sauce taste

How to make pho soup with chicken

In Asia, broth - beef or chicken - is cooked for a long time, about six hours or more. Along with the meat, they throw all sorts of entrails on the bones. Tails with veins, offal are boiled for maximum concentration and rich aroma of Pho soup. In my adapted recipe chicken thighs and drumsticks. If you use only lean poultry fillets, the desired richness will not work. Therefore, in about 1.5 liters of boiling water, we lower a clean carcass, cut into large chunks or quarters, then load the roots - carrots (whole or in cubes, like mine, at the end still filter), a fragment root celery, garlic cloves, spices (star anise and a cinnamon stick), ginger and onions, a few branches of fresh cilantro, you can Bay leaf... I read that in some regions, the cut ginger root and onion are pre-charred. This gilds the brew and additionally flavors. Before cooking, my onions and ginger spent 15 minutes under the grill in a hot oven and then they were thrown into the broth.

With a low boil, cook chicken broth for Pho soup for at least an hour and a half. Indeed, spices and charred additives impregnate not only with a strong smell, but also color. During this time, the chicken meat itself separates from the bones, and shiny pools of fat float on the surface. Salt, pepper if necessary, drip fish sauce, taste. We catch the chicken and disassemble the soft, sprawling meat, put it in a separate container or immediately distribute it into portioned bowls. Before pouring, be sure to pass the hot and deliciously smelling liquid through a fine sieve - filter and remove all the garbage.

15-20 minutes before the end of cooking chicken broth at the same time we are doing rice noodles. Read the instructions carefully, there may be discrepancies in the cooking technology or recommendations. In any case, we first immerse the rice flour noodles in cold water, I kept it for 10 minutes, as indicated on the package.

Drain the cold water and transfer the slightly swollen rice noodles to boiling water (not to broth !, another saucepan). We boil the recommended 4 (for me) minutes. We discard it in a colander, like other pasta, rinse it, shake it off well - letting excess moisture escape.

All difficulties are over. It remains to fill the plates. You can mix, you can lay out in segments - part is occupied by tender chicken meat, part is assigned to snow-white rice noodles. And then pour in the rich aromatic-spicy-spicy strained broth.

Then we act according to our own taste - we squeeze out as much lemon juice as we want and love, pour it directly into the Pho soup, cut off a couple of circles of lemon for decoration, chop fresh cilantro, feathers of a juicy green onion, a little hot chili.

We serve homemade soup Pho to the table is good warm or hot. Bon Appetit!

Pho bo soup Quite widely known and this is a wonderful first course - original and versatile, hearty and healthy. Many professional chefs consider it ideal option, allowing you to make the first acquaintance with the national cuisine of this country. The broth, cooked with spices, acquires a very unusual taste... By the way, you can prepare the broth in advance (as some Vietnamese do), and then the cooking itself will take no more than 15-20 minutes

Pho is the most famous dish Vietnamese food... It was invented at the beginning of the 20th century in the northern part of Vietnam by Chinese street vendors. Pho soup gradually became popular throughout the country. Now it is a part of culture, national self-identification; poems and philosophical treatises are written about pho. Every family, every restaurant has its own, special recipe pho. Thanks to the Vietnamese diasporas, pho is cooked all over the world. OMZh publishes instructions on how to make this soup at home.

Traditional Pho soup

There are many varieties of Pho soup, but one of the most popular is Pho Bo, which has three main ingredients:

  • pho-noodles,
  • meat,
  • bouillon.

Pho in professional kitchens is prepared by hand; at home, you can use ready-made noodles bought in a store. For Pho Bo - a variety of Pho with beef, that is, the most traditional version - they use exclusively the muscles of the hind leg of the cow, since in this part there is more tenderloin and the meat is softer.

Pho Bo soup is usually served with lemon, fresh pepper(or lychee sauce), bean sprouts and salad as an addition.

Specificity of preparation and use

Just like cabbage soup for rgaspacho for a Spaniard, lagman for an Uzbek, so pho soup is the main first dish for any Vietnamese. A plate of soup gives energy and energizes the whole working day (many Vietnamese prefer to eat this dish in the morning - but this does not matter). It is served not only in restaurants, but also on the street - it is poured in portions from large pots.

Soup is, according to statistics, one of the most bought in the world: the third place after miso and minestrone. And to cook it yourself, you need to buy ingredients that are available in any supermarket or in the market, which are inexpensive. Cooking features: the dish is made mainly on the basis of beef, but some cook pho soup with chicken. Beef, for example, can be both boiled and raw, cut into small thin slices, which come to readiness, filled with boiling broth (cooked with anise, ginger, and other spices). Rice noodles are used for the dish. By the way, some seafood can also be used as additives.

They cook very tasty soup Pho bo according to the Vietnamese recipe.

There are 3 types of similar dishes:

  • Pho bo - with beef,
  • Fo ha - with chicken
  • Fo ka - with fish.

Today I bring to your attention a classic Vietnamese soup Pho, which is loved by all Europeans - with well-cooked beef. Classical northern recipe Vietnamese pho soup is made from rice noodles with the addition of a large amount of green and onions and served with herbs and lime.

Pho soup, along with Miso and Minestrone, is one of the three most popular first courses in world cuisine.

Mysterious taste of rich and extraordinary aromatic dish won the hearts of many gourmets.

The history of the emergence of the soup goes back centuries and is shrouded in many secrets and secrets. But, despite this, the dish can be easily prepared at home and surprise relatives with culinary knowledge.

Pho soup - general cooking principles

The basis of the dish is a rich broth. V classic recipe beef is used for its preparation. There are also several options for preparing Pho with fish, poultry and seafood. In Vietnam, it is often served with raw, thinly sliced ​​pieces of meat. But we will not risk it and we will heat all the products.

What else is Pho soup made of:

Rice noodles;

Fish sauce;

Hot peppers;

Soy sauce;


Special attention in the Vietnamese dish is paid to spices: different types of pepper, coriander, cinnamon, cloves. Ideally used ready mix, also called Fo. But you can replace it with individual ingredients, ready-made sauces.

Recipe 1: Classic Beef Pho Bo Soup

Recipe classic soup pho from beef. Ideally, in addition to meat, you will need an ox tail and a marrow bone for cooking. It is these ingredients that add richness to the broth, the base of the soup.


800 grams of beef sternum;

500 grams of ox tail;

One brain bone;

2 onions;

20 grams of ginger;

One parsnip;

1 jalopeno pepper;

Pho spices (cinnamon, cloves, anise);

20 grams of Thai fish sauce;

Cilantro greens, basil.


1. Thoroughly rinse the bones and ox tail, fill with water and boil for 10 minutes. Then we drain all the liquid, rinse the meat again. Add the beef sternum. Fill with water and cook for an hour.

2. Peel the onion and ginger, cut into several pieces, add pho spices and heat in the oven or on the grill for about 10 minutes. Then add to the broth in a saucepan and continue to cook.

3. After another hour add the parsnips and fish sauce. Stir, boil for half an hour. We take out the beef breast, catch the vegetables and leave the broth to cook for another 2 hours with the ox's tail and marrow bone.

Wrap the cooled beef in cling film and put it in the refrigerator.

5. Chop greens, lime, pepper, leftover onion.

6. Strain the broth, salt and pepper. We take the meat from the tail and put it on plates.

7. Cut the beef from the refrigerator into large but thin slices. We also put it on a plate. Add pepper, herbs, lime pieces. You can add some soy sauce if desired.

8. Fill with hot broth and serve.

Recipe 2: Pho Soup with Rice Noodles and Beef

This recipe uses rice noodles to make pho soup. Do not try to replace it with regular pasta or spaghetti, it will not work at all.


1.5 kg of beef bones;

1.5 kg beef tenderloin;

700 grams of rice noodles;

½ hot pepper pod;

400 grams of soybean sprouts;

5 cloves of garlic;

5 onions;

Parsley, lettuce, cilantro;

Soy sauce.


1. Cook strong beef broth from meat products and 3.5 liters of water. Add the onion, chopped hot peppers... Then we filter the broth, cut the pulp into pieces, return to the broth. We throw away the bones.

2. Put the broth on the stove again, season with soy sauce, spices, add chopped garlic and soy sprouts.

3. Dip the rice noodles in boiling water for 15 seconds, then rinse cold water.

4. Cut the lettuce and the rest of the greens.

5. Put rice noodles, herbs, lime slices in a plate and fill with broth with beef slices.

Recipe 3: Pho ga soup with chicken

A lighter version of Vietnamese pho soup that cooks much faster classic version... It is advisable to use poultry or farm poultry, which will give a good broth. In addition to chicken, you can similarly use a turkey or other bird, but not very fatty. The essence of the dish is a rich, boiled broth without fat.


Large chicken;


A slice of ginger, half a finger in size;

A pinch of cinnamon;

Soy sauce;

2 carnation stars;

2 onions;

chili pepper.


1. We wash the carcass well outside and inside. Fill with cold water so that it slightly covers the bird. Add the onions cut into 4 parts, carrots cut into large washers and cook for 30 minutes. When boiling, remove the foam, periodically get rid of the fat on the surface.

2. After half an hour, add chopped hot peppers, thin ginger rings, cloves, cinnamon to the pan and cook until full readiness about another hour.

3. Take the bird out of the broth, cool it, free the meat from the bones and put it on plates.

4. Strain the broth through a sieve to get rid of boiled vegetables and spices. Then season to taste with salt, soy sauce, cinnamon.

5. Fill fragrant broth plates of chicken, sprinkle generously with herbs and serve. For pungency, you can add more peppers, pods or ground. For the scent, put in a circle of lemon.

Recipe 4: Vietnamese Fo ka soup with fish

More precisely, with fish balls. For cooking national soup pho you can use absolutely any fish. But preferably one that does not have a large number of bones, since you will need to cook minced meat.


2 kg of fish;

200 grams of rice noodles;

Soy sauce;

2 onions;


Green onions;

A raw egg;

Any oil;


1. Cut the fish into fillets. We put the heads, fins, bones, ridge in a saucepan. Fill with cold water, add chopped onion, pepper pod and boil for 50 minutes. Then we filter, season with soy sauce.

2. Grind the fillet with a meat grinder, add salt and an egg. If the minced meat turned out to be liquid, then you can pour in a little rice flour.

3. Form meatballs from minced meat, fry in oil in a pan.

4. Boil the noodles for 15 seconds, rinse.

5. Put fish balls, noodles on plates, add herbs, a slice of lemon and fill the contents with boiling broth. Serve hot.

Recipe 5: Pho Soup with Seafood

We conquer this soup with its extraordinary aroma, and is popular in world cuisine. In Vietnam, it is prepared for breakfast and consumed early in the morning. It is believed that such a start to the day only bodes well. From seafood you will need shrimps, mussels, squids, you can take an octopus.


400 grams of seafood;

150 grams of rice noodles;

A piece of ginger, about the size of a little finger;

Hot peppers;

Green onions and cilantro;

5 peppercorns;

Carnation asterisk;


2 cloves of garlic;



1. Peel the onion, ginger, carrot and raw shrimp.

2. Cut onions, carrots, ginger and fry in a pan. Put in a saucepan, add shrimp shells and boil for 30 minutes. We filter.

3. Put all the seafood in the broth, peppercorns, chopped spicy pod, cloves and boil until tender.

4. Boil the noodles separately, put them on plates.

5. We take out the seafood, send it to the noodles. Strain the broth, salt, pour the contents of the plates.

6. Sprinkle chopped soup green onions, cilantro. Garlic and put a slice of lemon. Lime can be used in a similar way.

Recipe 6: Fried Fish Pho Soup

Another variation of pho soup with fish. For cooking, you will need two types of product - selected pieces of fish for frying and illiquid parts for broth. The broth will turn out to be more saturated if you use heads, tails, fins.


2 kg of fish for broth;

500 grams of selected fish for frying;

150 grams of rice noodles;

A piece of ginger;

Green onions;

Spice mixture;

Fish sauce;

Flour for breading;


1. We wash fish pieces for broth, pour cold water, boil for 2 minutes. Drain the broth. We wash the fish well again, fill it clean water, add onion, ginger and cook for an hour.

2. Strain the broth, salt, season with pepper, aromatic spices and fish sauce. We take the pulp from the bones, add to the soup.

3. Boil the rice noodles, rinse and place on plates.

4. Cut selected pieces of fish into small pieces, about 3-4 cm each. Then add salt, sprinkle with any spices, roll in flour and fry in oil in a pan. We also lay out on plates. For each serving 3-4 slices.

5. Add chopped green onions, a slice of lemon or lime.

6. Fill with hot broth.

Recipe 7: Pho Soup with Rice and Sprouted Beans

You don't need to use noodles to make Vietnamese pho soup, you can use rice. It is better if it is unpeeled and long. You will also need sprouted beans, which are often used in national cuisine Vietnam. For cooking, you just need to pour the washed beans with water, stand for two days until sprouts appear.


900 grams of beef;

100 grams of sprouted beans;

150 grams of rice;

2 onions;

20 grams of ginger;


Green onion;

Bay leaf;


Cinnamon, mint, lemon - to taste.


1. Fill the beef with water, add the whole onions, 5 peppercorns, ginger and cook for 2.5 hours. Then put the bay leaf on and turn it off. Strain the broth, cool the meat.

2. Boil separately long rice, rinse well, drain the water. We lay out in plates.

3. Grind the chili pepper. You can simply cut or scroll with a blender, put in broth, salt and mix.

4. Cut chilled beef into slices, put in a plate with rice.

5. Add the sprouted beans.

6. Chop green onions. Add a mint leaf, a lemon circle, and a little cinnamon if desired. We send to other ingredients.

7. Fill with broth and serve.

Recipe 8: Pho Soup with Mushrooms

An exotic first course made with Vietnamese woody mushrooms... But if there is a shortage, you can take any others, pickled or fresh. It turns out great with mushrooms, oyster mushrooms.


1 kg of beef;

400 grams of mushrooms;


Soy sauce;

20 grams of ginger;


Spices, herbs.


1. Cut the onion into 4 parts, ginger and carrot into slices. Fry in a pan for a minute and put in a saucepan. Add chopped beef, fill with water and cook a rich broth. Then we filter, cool the meat and put it in the freezer.

2. Cut the mushrooms into slices, fry in a pan until almost cooked. If you are using a pickled product, you can skip this step.

3. Add salt, fried mushrooms to the broth, boil for 10 minutes. At the end, add other spices: pepper, coriander, bay leaf.

4. Take out the frozen beef, cut into thin slices, put in plates. Sprinkle with a teaspoon of soy sauce.

5. Put chopped greens, fill with broth with mushrooms and serve. Optionally, you can add a lemon wedge, basil, cilantro leaves and mint.

To prevent the rich broth from becoming cloudy, do not let the soup boil actively. You can also cook a dish in a second or even third broth. For this, the main product is poured with water, boiled for 10 minutes. Then the liquid is drained, pure boiling water, spices are added and the broth is prepared according to the recipe.

The greens intended for dressing the soup can be pre-mash with your hands or a pestle along with lemon juice and salt. Such aromatic additive will make the dish even tastier.

You can not boil the rice noodles, but simply pour boiling water over, let stand for 3-4 minutes, then rinse under a cold stream of water and let the excess liquid drain.

Instead of salt, pho can be added soy sauce... With it, the first course will be tasty, rich, the broth will acquire a dark color.

December 16th, 2014

Like all oriental cuisines, Vietnamese gastronomy is balanced and nutritious. Many of its traditions are borrowed from China and India, but they are not devoid of their originality. The most revered product is rice. The cereal is used in boiled, in the form of noodles, desserts. Particular attention is paid to greenery. Here it is used in the preparation of most dishes.

Vietnamese are very fond of soups. Most famous traditional soup has a very simple name - Pho. The most unusual delicacy can be called, which has already formed plumage, beak and cartilage. Before serving, the delicacy is simply boiled.

Let's take a look at something less exotic ...

The length of its borders and coastline has led to Vietnam's historic openness to foreign influence. It seems that virtually every aspect of Vietnamese culture has absorbed elements of foreign influence to one degree or another. And Vietnamese cuisine is no exception. It is an original blend of Chinese, French, Khmer and Thai traditions, while remaining completely unique and distinctive.

The period of Northern dependence - vassal relations of Vietnam from China (111 BC - 938 AD) lasted for more than a thousand years. And of course the influence of Chinese culture
Vietnamese people share the Chinese concept of "five tastes": the food should be balanced between salty, sweet, sour, bitter and spicy. As in ki Thai cuisine, one of the central roles in Vietnamese cuisine is played by vegetables and herbs. However, the Vietnamese prefer to consume more of them in fresh... When frying, Vietnamese use less oil than Chinese. The main principle and goal of Vietnamese chefs is lightness and freshness. Buddhism, which also came partly from China, introduced vegetarian food into Vietnamese culture.

Following China in the 10th century, Mongolian shepherds came to Vietnam, who taught the Vietnamese how to eat beef.

More southerly nations have also contributed to the mosaic of Vietnamese culture. Indianized Cambodia has significantly expanded the range of Vietnamese cuisine: thanks to it, they have become quite common in Vietnam Indian spices and seasonings. The Vietnamese accepted them, but adapted them to their taste, using them mainly to add aroma to the dish, and not fiery taste. Vietnam borrowed a whole bunch of aromatic herbs from Thailand and Laos, such as lemongrass, mint, basil, chili.

The French, who came to Vietnam in the 19th century, brought their food philosophy, an important part of which was attention and respect for high quality ingredients and the correctness of their use. In addition, they also enriched Vietnamese cuisine both in terms of technology (it was from the French that the Vietnamese taught how to cook sauté), and in terms of content: asparagus, avocado, corn, tomatoes and wine appeared in Vietnam thanks to the French.

They also brought in bread (baguettes), beer, coffee with milk and ice cream. Now on almost any street you will see either elderly old women or boys with baskets full of baguettes. And "sandwiches" made from a cut baguette stuffed with pate, lettuce, etc. with chili sauce or traditional Vietnamese fish sauce, popular throughout the country and sold at any time of the day.

Vietnamese cuisine has absorbed the influence of many cultures and, apparently, continues to do so. However, it remains unique. The Vietnamese love to compare their country to a house with a wide-open window in each of its four walls. Winds can blow from all four directions and even move furniture in the house. But any wind, having flown in, then always carried away, leaving behind all the same chairs and table. Vietnamese love to mix simple components, getting new, unusual combinations.

The staple of Vietnamese cuisine is rice. the Vietnamese is huge. In terms of food, from China, Vietnam learned to use sticks, fry (sauté) vegetables and meat, eat noodles and tofu (bean curd).

The Vietnamese word "cơm" has two meanings: " boiled rice"And" food ". A Vietnamese meal is always rice and something else. Rice for Vietnam is not just food. This is history, culture, cult, self-awareness of the nation. Many legends and myths are associated with this plant. In Vietnam, dozens and dozens of types of rice, ranging from ordinary (familiar to us) and ending with glutinous or very exotic black or red rice.

The choice of fish and seafood in Vietnam is also huge: shrimp different sizes and coloring pages, cuttlefish, octopuses, etc. etc. However, the Vietnamese eat meat with pleasure: beef, pork, poultry (chickens, ducks ...). In Vietnam, there is practically no lamb, and goat meat is sold in special restaurants with a certain specific set of herbs.

There are also restaurants in Vietnam that serve the meat of exotic animals - turtles, forest (wild) deer, roe deer, wild boar, etc. However, for the Vietnamese themselves, this is more exotic than a daily meal. Snake restaurants, where you will be offered to choose a snake yourself and in front of your eyes will play a whole performance with its preparation (up to 10 dishes from one snake, a little bit of everything: fried, boiled snake, etc.), are located in separate quarters. The pleasure is not the cheapest, but interesting, exotic and, in general, delicious.

It should be noted that the cuisine of Vietnam, following the climatic and cultural differences of the three parts of the country - North, Center and South, has its own regional differences. For example, it was in the North, where the Vietnamese civilization was born, that the most popular dishes(such as pho soup), and northern cuisine is considered more traditional and more strictly adhered to original recipe Vietnamese dishes. The cuisine of South Vietnam was significantly influenced by immigrants from China and therefore in the South they prefer to give dishes more sweet taste, moreover, this cuisine is more exotic and saturated with a variety of seasonings from Thai and Khmer cuisine. In the center of Vietnam, they prepare the most unusual and different from the cuisine of the rest of Vietnam, using their own special seasonings and offering many variety of snacks to the main course.

Vietnamese soups are a typical dish national cuisine, different types soup is eaten in different time days. For example, phở (read "pho") - in the morning or closer to night, bún chả (read bun cha) - at lunchtime, other soups - more often in the evening.

Some of the most common soups are crab soup with asparagus and crab soup with maize. A fish soup with pineapple, which, like other soups, is served at the end of a meal, has the extraordinary property of promoting digestion after a large meal as a result of an almost inevitable desire in Vietnam to taste all the local delicacies.

Vietnamese cuisine uses a large number of spices and seasonings. The main ones are lemon grass, basil, ginger, lime, cilantro, coriander, mint, pepper, dill, limnophila, hautunia, etc.

One of characteristic features Vietnamese cuisine is fish sauce nước mắm (read "nyok mam") with its specific, at first seemingly sharp, unpleasant odor... However, it is only worth trying dishes with fish sauce, as he will reveal his so well suited to national dishes taste. Fish sauce, which is also used in Thai cuisine and is prepared there from anchovies, is made from shrimp in Vietnam. It replaces salt like soy sauce in Japan. The largest fish sauce production facilities are located in Muin and on about. Phu Quoc, a dark red fish sauce from Phu Quoc Island known for its high protein content. In addition to fish sauce in Vietnam, they prepare shrimp sauce (mắm tôm - read "mam tom"), but because of the pungent smell, not all foreigners dare to try it.

The Vietnamese love to use mushrooms, which are added to soups and main courses.

On tours to Vietnam, usually only breakfast is offered, since a varied and cheap food can be easily and conveniently found on any excursion routes.

In hotels for breakfast you will be offered a choice, at your request, a European breakfast (coffee, scrambled eggs, toast, etc.) or traditional Vietnamese. Typically, for breakfast, Vietnamese eat hot dishes: pho soup (phở), glutinous rice (with corn or peanuts) (xôi ngô, xôi lạc), steamed rice flour pancakes (stuffed with fried onions and minced pork) (bánh cuốn), porridge made from rice flour (with meat or fish, etc.) (cháo thịt, cháo cá…).
From morning to late evening, delicious and inexpensive food can be ordered both in restaurants and cafes of the European type, as well as in Vietnamese specialized restaurants (for example, where they cook only pho soup, or only seafood, or only fish, etc.), or buy it on the street. However, it is worth remembering that despite the fact that in many points Catering designed for foreigners, you will be served at any time of the day, the most delicious and fresh meals will be ready by "breakfast time" - from 7 to 8 am, by "lunch" time - from 12.30 to 13.30, after which most Vietnamese rest until 15 o'clock, and dinner will be ready from 19 to 21 o'clock.

It is quite safe and convenient to buy groceries on the street, since the Vietnamese maintain cleanliness and take care of the freshness of food in a tropical climate. However, one should not forget about elementary rules hygiene (wash hands before eating, do not buy food in questionable places, etc.). Usually, baguette sandwiches are bought on the street, which are made from small French rolls with the addition of vegetables, sausage, eggs or other ingredients at the request of the buyer.

The freshest and cheapest fruits (pineapples, bananas, etc.) are sold on the streets, and bargaining is an integral part of the purchase.
Particularly noteworthy is the cult ritual "royal" dinner in the city of Hue, especially for tourists, during which, completely, both in dishes, in ritual ceremonies, in clothes, and in the spirit of the ceremony, you plunge into a past era, surrounded by your retinue, enjoy exquisite dishes ancient Vietnamese cuisine accompanied by the enchanting sounds of a folk song.

If you do not know how to eat with chopsticks, a fork is always served along with other appliances in Vietnam. If you want to try eating with chopsticks, you should not stick them vertically into a bowl of rice or other food, this gesture has a mourning color. Also, chopsticks usually do not divide large pieces into small ones - there is a spoon or a knife for this. The sticks are usually held with the hands farther from the ends with which they take food, and one should try to ensure that only the food, and not the sticks, touches the mouth.

Rice is usually served in one large bowl, each serving rice big spoon in your little bowl. Vietnamese dishes from meat, fish, poultry in the Chinese manner are placed in large plates, and everyone also serves himself. You can't eat right from a large plate: first you need to put the pieces into your bowl, and only then send them into your mouth. Soup is served at the end of the meal and is usually poured from a large bowl into a small bowl from which they ate rice. It is permissible to drink the soup over the edge of the bowl after the pieces of meat and noodles have been fished out of the broth with chopsticks.

According to Vietnamese customs, the elders or the hosts offer and serve meals to the younger ones or those invited, so if you are invited, your host will himself put food into your bowl.

We all love soups. Eat liquid dishes needed daily for proper nutrition and digestion. If you are already tired of traditional cabbage soup, lagman and other soups, then try making the national Vietnamese Pho soup. The recipe for this dish is simple, there are several ways to prepare it with different meat ingredients... Today we will introduce you to traditional options this soup.

Introduction to Vietnamese Pho soup

Vietnamese Pho soup, the recipe of which every citizen of this country knows from early childhood, is the main component daily menu Vietnamese. This soup is preferred for breakfast to recharge the energy for the whole day.

If you are not yet familiar with the cuisine of this country, then start your acquaintance with the first course, this is the Vietnamese Pho soup. The recipe for its preparation is distinguished by meat components. Another main ingredient is rice noodles, which are sold in any store. A lot of seasonings are the main highlight of the broth.


Vietnamese Fo-Ka soup - a recipe with fish and other seafood. It is not as common as chicken soup. Chicken soup Fo-Ga, vietnamese recipe this option will be appreciated by every amateur chicken meat... There is also Fo-Bo, a beef-based dish.

Which meat is closer to your soul, then choose for cooking. But it's best to try every Vietnamese Pho soup. You will find the recipe for all varieties of this dish in this article. Ingredients can be purchased at any store.

Pho soup: Vietnamese chicken recipe

By the way, this option is the most common, since two types of meat are more popular in Vietnam than the others - pork and chicken. Pho Soup - Vietnamese chicken recipe is also served in luxury restaurants and is sold right on the street at an affordable price for not rich tourists. The recipe and ingredients in the restaurant and the street vendor are the same!

Prepare this dish yourself. Serve to guests or during family dinner- the taste will be appreciated even by the most fastidious eaters.

We start to cook Fo-Ga

To prepare this soup, take a whole chicken, naturally without legs, head and entrails.

Fill with water so that the meat is completely "drowned". Place the onion, cut into halves, and the carrots in large pieces in a saucepan. From the seasonings, take a cinnamon stick (you can also powder - 13 teaspoons), a couple of cloves, a teaspoon of ground black pepper or five peas, half a chili pepper, an star anise star, a small piece of ginger (about a centimeter wide, and no more than a five-ruble coin in size), salt.

Cook for one and a half to two hours, remove the foam and excess fat. When the meat is cooked, remove it from the broth with a slotted spoon and place it in a separate container.

The broth must be well filtered through a sieve to discard any remaining seasonings, onions and carrot pieces.

In order to cook noodles (necessarily rice noodles, otherwise it will turn out not Fo, but his parody), you should soak it in cold water for half an hour. Then boil as usual pasta, drain the water through a colander.

Divide the cooled chicken into pieces, separate the meat from the bones. It should be cut into thin layers and then chopped into strips.

Take lots of greens: green onions, dill, parsley, cilantro and shallot. Cut as you are used to.

Put noodles, meat in deep bowls, fill with broth, sprinkle generously with herbs. The base of the taste is lime. Cut it into halves and squeeze the juice into the broth with the calculation: one lime half for two servings of soup.

Fo-Ka soup

As we said, this is Vietnamese Pho soup with seafood. The recipe for its preparation is notable for the fact that such a dish is prepared much faster than its other varieties.

Take squid, shrimp, octopuses, any fish. Clean from entrails, scales, shells, films. Fill with water. Cut the onion into halves, the carrots in large pieces - we only need them for the broth, from which it will be easier to remove them in large pieces.

We take all seasonings that are available: black pepper (5-6 peas or ground - a teaspoon), a piece of ginger, mint, cinnamon (stick or 13 teaspoons), two cloves, one little star anise, salt. Cook for no more than half an hour (if there is shrimp, then pour them in five minutes before cooking).

Strain the broth, cut the seafood into small pieces. Soak rice noodles for half an hour, then cook for no more than three minutes, drain the water.

Put the noodles, seafood in the plates, pour the broth, add more fresh herbs (shallots and greens, parsley, dill, mint leaves, cilantro), squeeze the juice of a quarter of lime into each plate. You can also put halves of cherry tomatoes or ladies fingers, they will give more bright taste fish soup.

Pho soup: Vietnamese beef recipe

This Fo-Bo is the most satisfying of all of the above. We need about a kilogram of beef pulp, the same beef bones... Bones, chicken or beef, are the basis for the preparation of broth, you cannot live without them!

Cook meat and bones for at least three hours, skimming off the foam. The broth should also contain large pieces of onions and carrots, seasonings: cilantro, basil, cinnamon (as in previous recipes), star anise star, a piece of ginger, black ground pepper or peas, cloves of garlic (2-3, no more), salt.

Remove the meat from the broth, the bones into the trash, cut the meat into strips. We filter the broth, remove all the "garbage" from it.

We prepare the noodles in the same way as in the previous recipes.

We spread the noodles, meat on the plates, fill with broth, sprinkle with a variety of fresh herbs, squeeze out a quarter of lime for each serving.

Bon Appetit!

If the meat is poured and put directly on the fire, then there will be a lot of foam, and all the juice will come out of the meat into the broth. The broth will be richer.

If the meat is placed in boiling water, it will remain juicy, there will be no foam in the broth, it will remain beautiful and transparent!

There are two types of pho: northern and southern. For the northern one, wide noodles and a lot of green onions are taken when serving, there are no other herbs and greens. For the southern one, thin noodles and a lot different greens and herbs when serving - mainly dill, mint and parsley.

There should be a lot of meat in the soup! Don't save - this is its main component.