How to cook pea porridge recipe without soaking. Pea porridge - recipe with photo

01.05.2019 Buffet table

O useful properties ah peas can talk endlessly. Even in Russia, this product was a key product on the tables of our ancestors. Kissels, soups, cereals were cooked from it, noodles were made, pies were baked with a variety of meat stuffing. Now the popularity of the representative of legumes has subsided a little, as a rule, housewives buy it in canned form for salads. We want to tell you how to cook pea porridge so that it becomes a favorite dish in the diet of your family. Tasty cooked peas will be loved by children, adults, vegetarians and meat eaters.

How to choose peas for making porridge

Seed peas are usually split in two or left whole. The separated parts cook much faster, and the unshelled product has more useful elements. Therefore, it does not matter which option you choose, because you are unlikely to be able to buy dry pea groats of poor quality, you just need to pay attention to the absence of impurities and debris in the bag.

How to cook pea porridge - recipes with photos

Housewives always have a question: how much do you need to cook pea porridge? Depending on the recipe, peas are cooked from half an hour to two hours. The secret to the quick readiness of pea grits is the use of thick-walled dishes, and so that it does not burn, cook the porridge over low heat, stirring constantly. If the water boils away, add more as needed. The porridge is ready when the pea groats are boiled soft, and the contents of the cauldron have acquired a puree-like consistency.

Pea porridge on water without soaking

You can cook porridge without first soaking pea grits. To speed up the cooking time, peas need to be poured boiled water for 15 minutes, after rinsing well under running water. Such pea porridge will great addition for meat, fish, vegetable dishes. It will enrich the body with energy and strength for the whole day. Ingredients:

  • half a kilo of dry split peas;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • one bulb;
  • one carrot;
  • spices, herbs.

Cooking method:

  1. Put the soaked pea grits on the stove.
  2. After boiling, reduce the heat, cover the pan with a lid, cook for 30 minutes.
  3. Cut the onion into half rings, and grate the carrots.
  4. Fry vegetables in vegetable oil.
  5. Add spices to pea grits, bring to a boil, cook porridge under closed lid another 1 hour, stirring continuously.
  6. After the time has elapsed, add the fried vegetables to the pan, mix the ingredients, bring to readiness for 10 minutes. over low heat under a lid.
  7. Before serving ready meal decorate it with greenery.

Pea porridge with meat in a slow cooker

Pea porridge cooked in a Redmond, Polaris or any other slow cooker comes out very rich, satisfying and fragrant. But if you want to cook it with meat, then you should keep in mind that the dish will be very high in calories. Ingredients:

  • half a kilogram of pea groats;
  • 3 glasses of filtered water;
  • 400 grams of chicken fillet;
  • three st. l. sunflower oil;
  • one carrot;
  • one bulb;
  • garlic, salt, pepper, herbs - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Onions and carrots, peel, cut into cubes.
  2. Rinse the fillet under running water, get rid of the veins, cut into cubes.
  3. Soak the peas in water for several hours.
  4. Pour oil into the multicooker bowl, turn on the “Frying” mode.
  5. Put chicken fillet leave to fry for 10 minutes.
  6. Empty the bowl from the meat, fry the onions first, then add the carrots.
  7. Fry the vegetables, stirring occasionally so that they do not burn for another 7 minutes.
  8. Add pea grits, put chicken fillet on top, fill the ingredients with water.
  9. Add finely chopped garlic, spices, salt, mix.
  10. Set the "Extinguishing" mode to 1.5 hours.
  11. Cook, stirring occasionally.
  12. After cooking, open the lid of the multicooker, let the dish brew for a while, then serve with butter and greenery.

Cooking porridge in a pressure cooker

Pea mash cooked in a pressure cooker will give you the opportunity to diversify your breakfasts. This is a very simple recipe, mashed potatoes cook quickly and come out very tasty. Required for cooking the following ingredients:

  • 300 grams of pea groats;
  • 400 ml filtered water;
  • 100 grams of butter;
  • a few stalks of green onions;
  • spices.


  1. To make the puree soft, rinse the peas thoroughly, pour cold water for at least half an hour.
  2. Drain the water, put the pea grits in a pressure cooker, simmer for 1 hour at minimum power.
  3. After cooking, hold the porridge in a pressure cooker with the lid open for another ten minutes so that it completely absorbs the remaining amount of water.
  4. Grind the puree with a mixer or pusher, add oil, spices, chopped onion, leave the dish to brew for another 5 minutes in a closed container.
  5. Pea mash - perfect side dish with fish or meat, and also great as independent dish, if served with sour cream or cream.

How to cook pea porridge so that the peas boil

Before cooking, pea grits should be sorted out, removing low-quality peas, washed several times under running water to completely remove powdery dust, and then poured into a saucepan (it is better if it is cast iron or Teflon). Soak the prepared chickpeas overnight in a 1:4 ratio of water to ensure they boil quickly. If you need porridge very quickly, then add soda to the peas washed and soaked with water on the tip of a knife, let stand for 1-2 hours, then rinse again, and the grains can be boiled.

How long to cook peas for fishing

Pea porridge is loved not only by people, but also by fish. This was noticed by resourceful anglers who are always looking for new solutions to get a rich catch. Pea nozzle is effective method catch the most big fish. Just before you cook pea porridge for fishing, do you want to decide whether it is needed for bait or for baiting fish? For the nozzle, you need to cook whole peas, and halves are suitable for bait.

There are several ways to cook pea porridge for fishing. Some fishermen pour a few tablespoons of pea grits into a thermos, pour boiling water over it and leave for an hour, then add it to porridge for flavor vegetable oil, discarded in a colander and the bait is ready. But boiled porridge is considered more effective. We bring to your attention a video recipe for pea bait from an experienced fisherman:

Video recipe for porridge from peas with soaking

Peas are a real doctor, so pea porridge is introduced into the diet of diabetics. This dish reduces high blood sugar levels, promotes better assimilation medicines, protecting a sick person from active glycemia. It is important to know that pea groats for a diabetic must be soaked overnight so that it becomes as soft as possible. Porridge cooked after soaking is characterized by low glycemic index which has a positive effect on the absorption of glucose. See in the video how to cook peas with pre-soaking:

Pea porridge is a storehouse of vegetable proteins, vitamins, useful substances and amino acids. Thanks to them, metabolism improves, stability increases human body To various diseases. Useful substances replenish the body with energy, vivacity and increase activity.
There are quite a few recipes for peas, according to which, it can be cooked without soaking if you do not have extra time. Usually, peas are soaked in water for at least 10 hours (as in this recipe). According to the recipe, you can cook without soaking. The main secret The recipe is that the peas must be washed with warm running water, and then pour boiling water for 15 minutes to speed up the cooking time.

What could be tastier and healthier than pea porridge? However, few people do it. This is a unique porridge that will serve as a main course or side dish for meat, fish. It is best served for breakfast or lunch. Pea is hearty, nutritious dish, which will relieve hunger for a long time, enrich your body with strength and energy. Thanks to this dish, physical activity and working capacity increase. The recipe for pea porridge is quite simple, which any housewife can handle. It is better to choose crushed peas to reduce cooking time. If you like porridge with meat, then here is a recipe for pea porridge with smoked meats.


The calorie content of the finished dish will be 150 kilocalories per 100 grams of product.


1. The choice of cereals. You will need quality crushed peas. Sift it through a sieve and rinse under warm running water. Then pour it with a glass of boiling water for 15 minutes.

2. Then put the pan on the stove, pour in the peas and pour boiling water over it. Bring to a boil. Lower the heat and cover with a lid. Cook for 30 minutes.

3. In the meantime, you can work on vegetables. Carrots must be grated, and onions cut into half rings or cubes (as in this recipe).

4. Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan or cauldron. Fry carrots and onions. Add prepared tomato paste. If it is sour, you can add one teaspoon of sugar. Mix thoroughly so that it doesn't burn. If you want the dish to acquire the aroma of smoked meats, then feel free to replace the vegetable oil smoked lard. This will spice up the porridge.

5. Check the peas. Salt, add spices to taste and Bay leaf. Cook for another hour on this fire under a closed lid. Stir occasionally.

6. After the time has elapsed, add the fried vegetables to ready porridge. Stir. Cover and cook for 10 minutes.

7. Delicious pea porridge with vegetables is ready. Before serving, drizzle with melted butter and garnish with parsley leaves.

Follow the recipe and you will succeed cooking masterpiece that all your family members will love.

Useful properties of peas

Pea porridge is not only hearty, tasty and fragrant, but also very healthy for children and adults.

  • This porridge is a source of nutrients, amino acids, vitamins and minerals. Mineral composition peas: zinc, copper, nickel, iron, calcium, vanadium and many others. It is rich in macronutrients: chlorine, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium and sulfur. Vitamins: PP, A, H, B, E.
  • The finished dish contains a lot of protein, so it is an indispensable part of the diet of athletes and leading people. active image life.
  • The pea is part diet food thanks to its low calorie content. Porridge boiled with water various additives, contains 90 kcal per 100 grams.
  • This porridge contains an amino acid such as lysine, which helps to get rid of depression, fatigue, insomnia, herpes and heart ailments.
  • Thanks to the vitamin A contained in the porridge, it improves general state body, hair, nails and teeth are strengthened. Acquire healthy color and view.
  • This dish serves excellent remedy cleansing the body of harmful substances, toxins and slags. Improves metabolism and internal microflora.
  • You need to eat porridge 3 times a week to feel the benefits, but not more often. It also helps to strengthen the immune system and helps to overcome viral diseases.

As you can see regular use porridge from peas, has a positive effect not only on the general condition of the body, but also on every internal organ.

Harmful properties of the dish

There are the following restrictions on the use of this porridge.

  1. Possible allergic reactions, product intolerance.
  2. Do not abuse, otherwise, you may experience bloating, gas, problems with the stool.
  3. Doctors do not advise adding to the diet of people with a sick stomach or intestines.
  4. It is forbidden to use with gout and diabetes.

Prepare the pea according to the proposed recipe and surprise your household with a delicious dish.

Pea porridge - simple, satisfying and very affordable dish, which can easily become a full-fledged lunch or dinner. Knowing a few secrets, you can learn how to cook pea porridge quickly and without extra hassle.

The most important thing in cooking pea porridge is to choose the right cereal. Peas should not be green, but yellow (that is, ripe) and split into halves - this one will definitely boil when cooked. Do not buy the cheapest peas. Remember: the miser pays twice. After buying, be sure to sort out the cereal, as it may contain unwanted debris, including small stones. Another secret to quick pea porridge is to soak the cereal for several hours in cold water.

Pour the cereal with water at night or in the morning, before leaving for work. 7-8 hours is the most optimal time for swelling peas

Even in the quick option pea porridge will cook for about an hour, and if you want to cook dinner on hastily better to try something else.

The classic version of the preparation of pea porridge

You will need: - 1 glass of dried peas; - salt to taste; - butter or vegetable oil for dressing. Rinse the pre-soaked pea grits and refill it with cool running water so that the water barely covers the peas. Put the porridge on the fire and as soon as the water boils, reduce the heat to a small one. Cook the porridge with constant stirring for 30 to 50 minutes, depending on the variety of peas. The result should be a puree mass. Flavor the porridge with butter or vegetable oil, salt, and decorate the serving plates with cucumber slices and dill.

If desired, you can add fried onions to the porridge

A plate of such porridge - hearty meal containing many useful proteins and carbohydrates. For increase energy value you can add to it various smoked meats, which perfectly emphasize the taste of peas. Try pan frying 50 g smoked brisket and 50 g of ham, cut into slices. Or take sausages, kupaty or any other sausages - they can be cooked whole by making cuts along the edges or chopping into small pieces. You can fry chopped bacon slices.

Pea porridge in a slow cooker

A slow cooker is a salvation for busy housewives. Using this miracle device allows you to cook porridge even without your presence in the kitchen. To prepare pea porridge in a slow cooker, you will need: - 1 cup of dried split peas; - 1 teaspoon of salt; - 1–1.5 cups of water; - refueling oil.

Put the pre-soaked peas in the multicooker bowl and pour water so that it covers the peas as in normal cooking. Then you need to set the temperature to 90 degrees, start the timer for 2 hours and select the appropriate mode (the name of the mode depends on the model of the device, in some it is known as "Multi-cook"). With this mode, porridge is cooked like in a real Russian oven, and you are relieved of the need to constantly stir the peas and make sure that they do not burn.

Pea soup and porridge traditional dishes Russian cuisine. In addition to useful properties, these dishes differ high calorie . But housewives do not like to cook these dishes very much, because they take a lot of time.
Next, let's list the secrets fast food bean culture.

How to cook peas quickly - soaking in water

There are times when you need to quickly prepare a dish, and peas slow down the whole thing, because the cooking process takes a long time. There is a way out - this is soaking in water for at least six hours. If the peas lie for a long time in the water, then it may begin to ferment. And even if appearance vegetable is not swollen enough, it is necessary to replace the old water with fresh water. Before soaking the peas, you need to thoroughly sort out, and also rinse under running water. Suitable for soaking both cold and hot water. During the night they swell and perfectly boil even the most hard varieties cereals. There are situations when a dish needs to be cooked, then you can soak it for several hours.
Remember! To get boiled peas, you can not add a lot of salt to the water.

How to cook peas quickly - adding water during the boil

What to do if the dish needs to be prepared urgently, but there is no time for this, or the hostess forgot to soak the product overnight. Experienced housewives know how to cook peas faster. So, you need to thoroughly wash the peas, place it in a container, pour cold water and start cooking. After boiling water, you need to wait ten minutes. Then add half a glass of water to the container. Then everything should boil a second time, wait a few minutes, and the peas will be cooked. If you need boiled peas completely, then you can repeat the procedure with the addition of water, only you need to take a little more water.

How to cook peas quickly - adding butter

You can make the cooking process faster by the following method. To do this, add a piece of butter to boiling water. Thanks to fats, the speed of cooking peas increases, but this will not affect the flavor in any way. Oil can be replaced with lard. This method is ideal for porridge, because it will come out much tastier and more satisfying.

How to cook peas quickly - soda

With the help of soda, you can quickly cook cereals. The addition of this component must be carried out during cooking. To do this, you need a little soda, otherwise you can spoil the taste of the dish. This method will allow you to cook peas in twenty minutes. After 20 minutes after boiling, add soda: two liters of liquid will need half a teaspoon. Next, boil the peas for another five minutes.

How to cook peas quickly using a slow cooker

Modern life involves the emergence of new household appliances. Of course, the slow cooker is not so new, because it is in every kitchen. But despite this, not every cook knows that it is suitable for quick cooking of peas. Before proceeding with the procedure, the peas need to be sorted out, soaked and washed. In device select the "extinguishing" mode, and press start. If you want to get mashed peas, then it will take an hour and a half, and for pea soup with smoked meats - an hour.

How to cook peas quickly with a pressure cooker

The process of cooking peas is quite complicated, because it often burns, remains tough or sour. But you can get rid of the hassle with the help of a pressure cooker. So, first you need to soak the peas for several hours, after sorting it out. Place well-washed peas in a pressure cooker, close the lid and put on fire. A quarter of an hour after boiling, the pressure cooker must be removed from the heat and let it brew for 10 minutes.

On this, all the secrets of fast cooking are over. Now you know how to speed up the process. At the same time, remember that halves of peas cook faster. Also, the cooking results depend only on the variety of peas you choose. There are those that do not boil at all, no matter which method you choose and no matter how much you cook it.

It is a pantry for vegetable proteins, amino acids, vitamins and other useful substances. Pea porridge helps to improve metabolism and increase human resistance to various diseases. Substances contained in pea porridge increase activity, fill the body with vigor and energy.

You can cook pea porridge without soaking different ways. Indeed, in most cases, to prepare porridge from peas, peas should be soaked in water for at least 10 hours. Not everyone is willing to wait that long. And today we have prepared for you a recipe for making pea porridge without soaking peas. The secret of this porridge is that the peas, after washing in cold water, are poured with boiling water for 15 minutes. This allows you to reduce the cooking time.

Few people cook pea porridge in our time. But this dish can serve as an excellent side dish for meat or fish dishes. Pea porridge is good for breakfast or lunch. By itself, pea porridge is a nutritious and satisfying dish. It successfully relieves hunger on long time, will give the body energy and strength.

Today we offer you a recipe for pea porridge without soaking with vegetables.

For porridge, we need half a kilogram of peas, a liter of water, 1 pc. onion and carrots, 2 tbsp. tomato paste, 2 bay leaves, 60 ml vegetable oil, 40 g butter, spices, salt and herbs for decoration.

Peas for porridge should be taken crushed, of high quality. You need to sift it through a sieve and rinse under running water. warm water. Washed peas should be poured for 15 minutes with a glass of boiling water.

After 15 minutes, the peas should be poured into a saucepan and put on fire. Pour boiling water over the peas again. Bring the porridge to a boil and close the lid. Cook this way for half an hour.

At this time we are preparing vegetables. To do this, we wash and clean them. Chop the onion into half rings or cubes, grate the carrots.

Heat vegetable oil in a cauldron or in a frying pan. On it we fry chopped carrots with onions. Add tomato paste. We mix everything thoroughly. You can add piquancy to pea porridge if you use smoked lard for frying instead of vegetable oil.

Add salt, spices and lavrushka to pea porridge. Close the lid again and cook for another hour, stirring occasionally.

Add fried vegetables to the prepared porridge. Mix everything and leave for another 10 minutes on fire. Before serving, pour the porridge with butter and decorate with herbs.

And now a few tips for cooking pea porridge (peas) without soaking:

Porridge can also be cooked in broth.

If the porridge is thick, you can dilute it hot water and add butter.

To give pea porridge sophistication when cooking, you can use allspice, coriander and other spices.

Pea porridge can be served as a main dish or as a side dish. It pairs well with salads and fresh vegetables.