How much to soak split peas. Secrets of successful planting of peas: do you need to soak the seeds

01.05.2019 Meat dishes

Peas for soup sold in stores in dried form and it is very hard. In order to cook faster, peas have been soaked for centuries. Experienced hostesses already know about how long to soak peas. And for those who do it for the first time, we give a hint 😉

whole peas

Dip into a bowl, pour cold water and leave for 5-8 hours. Water during soaking should be 2-3 times more than peas. Some people soak peas overnight and make soup in the morning. Someone does it during the day to cook in the evening. Differently. But the soaking time remains the same: 5-8 hours. It is believed that if the peas have doubled in size, they have swollen enough and are ready for cooking.

If you forgot to soak the peas in time, the method from the Soviet cookbook: pour boiling water over peas and leave for 1-2 hours. After such soaking, the peas are cooked for 20-30 minutes.

A quick way to soak peas is with baking soda. It speeds up the softening process of the peas. Clean, washed peas (1 cup) pour hot water(4 cups), add 1 teaspoon baking soda. In this solution, peas are kept from half an hour to 1.5 hours. After that, the kernels are placed in the soup, and salted at the very end of cooking.

Split peas (crushed, halves)

It is enough to hold in water for 20 minutes - 1 hour. The halves absorb water faster and become ready for soup. In general, if you don’t like to bother with cooking and spend a lot of time on it, it’s better to buy peas in halves. It makes soup easier to cook. Also, if you use a pressure cooker, crushed peas may not be soaked at all. Rinse well enough and put all the ingredients in a pressure cooker.

Thus, for cooking soup split peas just rinse well, place in a pot of water and bring to a boil. It will cook for only 30-40 minutes, without any soaking (on low heat). And this time, as a rule, is enough for cooking soup. That is, you can throw it along with potatoes.

Important points!!!

  • Before soaking, the peas should be washed in cold water and sorted out if necessary.
  • It is also necessary to soak exclusively in cold water so that the peas do not turn sour.
  • If you keep peas in water, they will turn sour, foam and smell bad. The soup, accordingly, will turn out less tasty and spoil faster.
  • There are recommendations for soaking time to change the water every hour so that it does not sour.
  • The water in which the peas were soaked is not suitable for further use. It is drained and taken clean.

Pea porridge

Unfairly forgotten ancient Russian dish — pea porridge. For its preparation, peas are also recommended to be soaked (for how long - 5 hours). And if you take crushed peas (halves), then you can not do this. Crushed peas soaked in water will cook for 30 minutes, and without soaking - 50 minutes.

To prepare pea porridge, you need pea halves, salt and water. 2 cups of peas are poured into a colander and washed under running cold water. For cooking pea porridge, peas can not be soaked. Pour 6.5 cups of water into the pan and pour 2 cups of peas into it. Cook for 50 minutes if the peas have not been soaked. And salt at the end. You need to cook under the lid over low heat.

With the onset of spring, every summer resident begins seasonal chores. Planting peas is one of the many activities where it is important to carry out the preparatory work correctly. Planting material is sorted and discarded, pea grains selected for planting are soaked. Prepare a bed and bring into the soil the necessary nutrients. It is generally accepted that peas are not a very capricious vegetable, but, like all cultivated plants, they require attention. It is traditionally planted in the spring, so it is important to decide how long it takes to germinate and how best to process the seeds.

Do I need to soak peas before planting?

The agricultural technique of growing a crop is one of the simplest, but there are disagreements in this process. Some gardeners believe that seeds should be soaked in water or nutrient solutions before planting, as pre-germination will speed up germination. Many practitioners argue that seeds are best planted dry, but in well-moistened soil. Seedlings with such a planting appear later, but the slow swelling of the grains in the soil will favorably affect the development of the crop and the yield. The situation needs to be sorted out.

For sowing, you can use each of the options, but upon closer examination and some experience, the conclusion suggests itself - growing pea seeds with pre-soaking is the best way.

The first seedlings appear quickly and evenly. Stimulated seed material allows plants to develop well, bloom profusely, and the crop ripens for more early dates. Thus, when considering whether it is necessary to soak pea grains before planting, the answer is obvious.

How to soak peas

In order to obtain the highest quality and highest yield of peas, before sowing, preventive disinfection measures should be taken, the grains should be saturated with moisture and the planting material should be germinated at home.

Soaking peas before planting is necessary, but not all gardeners know how to properly germinate seeds. The material is sorted out and the affected pea weevil is removed. Only full-weight, whole and pest-free grains are suitable for germination, their quality can be checked in the following way:

  • Pour into a 1 liter container warm water.
  • 1 tablespoon table salt immersed in liquid and mixed.
  • Seed material is placed in the prepared composition.

High-quality, healthy and ready for planting grains remain at the bottom of the tank. If the peas have surfaced, they cannot be used for sowing, such seeds very rarely germinate. For swelling, the selected pea seeds are soaked in the prepared solution before planting.

soak solution

The technique for soaking peas is simple. It is used for seed germination and early germination. Usually gardeners use the traditional and most available methods:

  1. Method one. They take a deep plate and cover it with a cloth or gauze folded in several layers. Prepared seed material is laid out in a container and filled with water. room temperature. The liquid should cover the peas completely. The grains are covered with a cloth and placed in a warm place. Germination lasts 12 hours. So that the seeds do not become covered with mucus and mold, the water is changed every two hours.
  2. Method two. Pea seeds are heated at a temperature of 45 degrees. To do this, hot water is poured into a thermos and seeds are placed in it. The grains are in a warm environment for several hours, after which they are taken out and dried. Peas, being steam bath, is saturated with moisture, swells and increases in size. Hot-sprouted grains germinate much earlier than the due date.
  3. Method three. This procedure will not only increase the germination of seeds, but also serve as a disinfectant and preventive agent. 1 g of boric acid is added to 5 liters of water. The seed material is soaked in the resulting solution and kept for 25 minutes, no more.

Gardeners often soak peas in a special solution or biostimulant. Many drugs contain substances plant origin and biologically active additives, which make planting material strong, healthy and resistant to diseases.

Special solutions:

  • stimulate plant growth;
  • help the culture to adapt to frequent changes in air temperature;
  • in rainy summers, they contribute to adaptation in a humid environment and getting used to low light;
  • develop a stable immunity to possible diseases and harmful insects.

It is useful to treat the seeds with bacterial fertilizers and trace elements. Sprouting peas is a common and very often necessary procedure. The landing of the soaked seed material can be carried out for more later dates and at the same time to get a crop in due time and of good quality.

Processing time

The duration of the procedure depends on the composition used. The time of traditional soaking of planting material lasts from 6 to 10 hours. The time spent in the solution is determined by the chosen means for germination.

Soaking seeds in clean water Please note that this process will take a long time. When using nutrient solutions and growth stimulants, you should carefully study the instructions and recommendations, since the processing time for stimulating drugs is limited. So that the harvest does not disappoint, you should know how to soak the peas before planting in the soil, whether it should be done and which solution is best to use.

Another way to boil peas for those who like pureed soups is to add potato cubes to it about half an hour after the start of cooking. In addition to helping to thicken and cream the soup, potatoes also help the legumes themselves to boil.

Many insist that it is better for peas to meet with water as late as possible, preferably just before it boils. Thus, immediately after the start of the boil, the peas are washed and only then they are poured into the pan. After, the cooking process will take about an hour, salt, as usual, should be only at the very end. Cooking time can be shortened if you decide to make a more textured soup, with whole peas interspersed with pureed.

If the peas are not boiled soft in the soup, then it can be flavored with soda. Not a large number of soda contributes to the rapid softening of the starchy core of legumes, which leads to boiling literally to a puree state. Add soda to peas after boiling water. A medium pinch, about a quarter of a teaspoon, is enough to boil a small saucepan of peas. Worry about what ready peas it will not be worth giving soda, the main thing is that there is not much of it. Of course, this method is suitable if you are going to put ready-made peas in the soup.

In the store, you get hard packaged peas, which can be either whole or half. It depends on how long it takes to soak.

Whole peas are poured with cold water in a ratio of 1: 2. That is, if you have one glass of peas, then there should be twice as much water. The process will take at least five hours. When the beans swell and increase in size, they can be used for further cooking, which will take about 90 minutes.

Split peas are considered a more popular component, due to the fact that they do not require long preparation. It is enough to leave it in cold water for only 30-60 minutes, and then lower it into cold water and bring to readiness for 50 minutes over low heat.

Quick boil option without soaking

If you don’t have time to wait until the peas become softer, then you can use quick recipes that do not involve soaking.

Cooking process:

  1. We wash the legumes well, fill them with cold water, so that it covers them by about two centimeters. Bring to a boil, immediately drain the water, rinse and do it again.
  2. In total, you will need to repeat these steps three times, and before the end of cooking, add a little salt so that the peas do not fall apart at all.

Another way to cook peas without soaking is to add baking soda. You need to bring it to a boil and put half a teaspoon of soda in two liters of water. Then in five minutes you will get a soft product.

How to quickly cook pea puree?

Pea dishes are always repelled by a long cooking process, but there is a way to quickly cook pea mash.

Required products:

  • two glasses of peas;
  • a quarter of a small spoon of soda;
  • seasonings to your taste.

Cooking process:

  1. Wash the peas thoroughly until the water is almost clear.
  2. We place it in a saucepan, preferably with a thick bottom and fill it with cold water, so that it covers the contents by about 2 centimeters, pour in the soda.
  3. Bring to readiness within 60 minutes after the start of the boil. If suddenly the peas start to burn, then add more water if necessary. Before removing from the heat, put the spices to taste and grind in a blender or pusher.

With the addition of water while boiling

Despite the simplicity of this method, it really works and allows you to minimal amount time to bring the peas to fully prepared and you don't need to use anything special.

Required products:

  • two glasses of peas;
  • the right amount of water;
  • salt to taste;
  • half a glass of cold water.

Cooking process:

  1. We wash the peas, lower them into a saucepan and fill with water. It should be twice as much as the product.
  2. Add salt and spices as you wish.
  3. We wait until the contents come to a boil and after 10 minutes pour the indicated amount of cold water. After that, the mass will become soft after five minutes.

With butter

This cooking option also does not take much time, eliminates soaking, and due to butter peas are soft, tasty and rich.

Required products:

  • two small spoons of oil;
  • a glass of peas;
  • the amount of water required
  • seasonings to your liking.

Cooking process:

  1. We wash the indicated amount of peas so that the water ceases to be cloudy, fill it with cold liquid, it should be twice as much, and put the pan on the stove, turning on a low heating level.
  2. We are waiting for the contents to boil, add oil, seasonings to taste and bring to full readiness.

How to quickly cook pea soup without soaking?

cook pea soup no soaking is not at all difficult if you follow the instructions. The result is a tasty and rich dish.

Required products:

  • bulb;
  • two potatoes;
  • a glass of peas;
  • half a spoonful of soda;
  • seasonings and herbs to your taste.

Cooking process:

  1. Put the indicated amount of peas in a bowl and start rinsing them, do this several times until the water is almost clear.
  2. Pour the washed peas with boiling water, let it stand for 15 minutes, then drain, add again hot water so that it covers the contents, pour in soda. Simmer for about 30 minutes over low heat, covered, until all the liquid has evaporated.
  3. At this time, cut the potatoes into cubes, pour two more liters of boiling water over the peas and lay out the potatoes.
  4. Chop the onion and carrot, lightly fry and send to the pan for the soup. At this stage, you can put the selected seasonings. Keep about five minutes on the stove, then turn off and let it steep for 10 minutes.

Necessary products for cooking:

  • two glasses of peas;
  • 20 grams of butter;
  • half a teaspoon of soda;
  • seasonings to your taste;
  • the right amount of water.

Cooking process:

  1. As always, we start with the preparation of peas, they must be washed so that the water stops being cloudy and cleaned of impurities.
  2. After that, put it in the multicooker bowl and pour in cold water. It should be about twice as much as the product itself.
  3. Set the oven to the "Extinguishing" mode by setting the time for at least two hours.
  4. It remains to wait until the specified time has passed, season the peas with the selected spices to your liking, add oil to it.

Ready boiled peas can be combined with various products such as sautéed vegetables, mushrooms or meat, chicken, ham. It can be crushed and served as a puree or used for soup. You will get a very nutritious and healthy lunch.

Legumes are very beneficial for human health. If peas are so good, why are they rarely cooked? This crop belongs to the legume family. It contains a very high amount of protein (more than other vegetable crops). Peas are one of the most ancient crops, coming from Northwest India and Eastern Afghanistan.

Today, people are less likely to cook these beans at home. Some from ignorance, others believe that they need to be cooked for a very long time and simply do not want to do it. More relevant in restaurants green pea. The most popular side dish right now is mashed green peas.

We suggest below to find out how you can quickly cook peas in order to include it in your family's diet more often.

The goals are different - the ways are fast

How to make pea puree without wasting a lot of time

  1. Soak it for a couple of hours in cold water.
  2. After the time has passed, you need to pour cold water over the peas again. For 300 grams - two and a half liters of water.
  3. Put the pan on a quiet fire. If necessary, add water (not cold, but boiling water). Max Time cooking - an hour and a half (depending on the variety). It usually happens faster.
  4. IN ready meal add oil, salt and spices.
  5. Smash in a blender. Puree is ready.

Peas with vegetable sauce

How to cook:

  1. Rinse the beans and add water, send to the stove.
  2. Cook no more than 2 hours.
  3. After two hours, add your favorite spices, butter and mash into a puree.
  4. Chop the onions, peppers and tomatoes.
  5. Put the onion in the pan. Add tomatoes and simmer for 5 minutes.
  6. Add pepper and leave for another 5 minutes.
  7. Pour wine over sauce and simmer for 5 minutes. Add spices. You can beat it in a blender.
  8. Serve the pea puree hot, drizzling the vegetable sauce over the top.

How to quickly cook peas in soup

In principle, peas for soup are cooked using the same technique, just at the end they do not need to be mashed.

  1. Soak beans in water.
  2. Drain the water and put with fresh water on low heat.
  3. Cook for no more than an hour and a half.
  4. Add oil and spices. If necessary, salt.

Pea soup with smoked bacon

  • bread - 150 grams;
  • onion - 1 piece;
  • bacon (smoked) - 50 grams;
  • carrot - 1 piece;
  • water - 2 liters;
  • smoked chicken - 1 carcass;
  • dry peas - 1 ½ cups;
  • drain oil. - 50 grams;
  • lard (smoked) - 200 grams.

Calorie content - 1018 calories.

Cooking soup:

How to quickly deal with peas in a slow cooker to become boiled?

  1. Rinse it, sorting it out in advance.
  2. Soak for 2-3 hours.
  3. Rinse it again.
  4. Place in a slow cooker, fill with water and press "Extinguishing" + "Start".
  5. After an hour and a half, boiled peas will be ready.

Pea puree in a slow cooker with mushrooms

  • 1 onion;
  • 400 grams of mushrooms;
  • 400 grams of peas;
  • 800 ml glass of water.

Cooking time is two and a half hours.

Calorie content - 390 calories.

How to cook mashed potatoes with mushrooms quickly in a slow cooker so that the peas boil:

  1. Chop the onion.
  2. Send to the "Baking" mode until transparent.
  3. Cut the mushrooms into slices and add to the onion for 10 minutes.
  4. Rinse the peas and add to the slow cooker.
  5. To fill with water.
  6. Set the "Extinguishing" mode for two hours.

Bon Appetit!

How to cook it quickly without soaking cereal?

  1. Rinse beans until clear water.
  2. Remove them to cook on the stove.
  3. Once it boils, wait 10 minutes and add half a glass of cold water.
  4. After another five minutes, add a little soda (1 teaspoon per 4 liters of water).
  5. Peas will cook in about half an hour. Now you know the secret of how to quickly cook pea porridge without soaking.

Vegetable pea porridge

Cooking time - three hours and twenty-five minutes.

Calorie content - 300 calories.

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse the beans and soak in boiling water for 20 minutes.
  2. Drain the water. Pour boiling water over and put on the stove. Boil.
  3. Cook for half an hour without removing the lid.
  4. Chop carrots and onions.
  5. Fry in a pan, adding tomato paste.
  6. Add spices to taste to the peas and leave to cook for another hour.
  7. Don't forget to stir!
  8. After an hour, add vegetables to the porridge and cook for another 10 minutes.

  1. To make peas cook faster, take not whole, but halves or chopped.
  2. The smaller the beans, the faster they will cook.
  3. To prevent the peas from hardening during cooking, do not salt them in advance.
  4. If the peas rise and fall during cooking, you are on the right track.
  5. Legumes love water. Fill with water so that there is 2-3 cm of excess water on top.
  6. No need to cover the peas with a lid (only if the fire is small).
  7. You need to sort through the beans before rinsing. They may contain small stones.
  8. Don't forget to skim off the foam. It is important.
  9. No need to soak the beans for very long time. The fermentation process may begin.
  10. The easiest way is to cook peas in a pressure cooker: soak for 2 hours, then drain the water and send it to the stove with fresh water until boiling and then cook for 15-20 minutes. You can shoot. Keep for another 10 minutes under the lid (in no case do not remove it) and the side dish is ready.

Do not be afraid of long-term cooking of peas, because if you do not soak it and know some of the subtleties, then it will not take much time. It is tasty and healthy, if you know the measure.