Name beef bone sauce. Demiglas sauce - a French culinary miracle

02.11.2019 Bakery products

Demiglas sauce Is a fragrant addition to meat dishes, which is of French origin. The classic sauce is made from beef bones and vegetables by means of a long boiling process. The product has a brown hue and rich aroma, as well as a refined taste, which the sauce complements meat and vegetable dishes.

Even during the Middle Ages, French chefs skillfully experimented with products, inventing new delicious dishes. As for sauces, they became popular not only in France, but all over the world, deservedly receiving the title of masterpieces of world cuisine. These include sauces such as Bechamel and Espanyol, as well as Demiglas, which is discussed in our article.

It is generally accepted that demi-glace sauce was first prepared in the 19th century by French chefs. Since then, it has gained great popularity not only in France, but also in other European countries. We will tell you how you can cook it yourself at home in our article..

How to cook at home?

You can even make demi-glace sauce at home without being a French chef. To do this, you only need to stock up on the required amount of ingredients. It is also important to know that the preparation of this product takes quite a long time: from eight to twelve hours. If you do not have it, it is better to postpone the preparation of the sauce to another day, which will be freer.

The classic recipe for making demi-glace sauce at home is as follows:

  1. First, pick up the veal or beef bones you will use to make the sauce broth. It will be simply delicious if the bones are with meat, so that the sauce turns out to be more rich and appetizing.
  2. Next, you need to prepare vegetables, which are also part of the demi-glace sauce. Be sure to stock up on onions, tomatoes, bell peppers, carrots and herbs (dill, parsley, celery). You should also prepare sugar, thyme, rosemary and other aromatic spices and seasonings.
  3. Now you can start directly preparing the sauce. To do this, peel and cut all available vegetables into large pieces. Place the chopped ingredients in a skillet without oil and fry until a black crust appears.
  4. Next, you need to prepare the broth. Rinse the beef bones in running water, cut off the fat, if any, and put in the oven for an hour. After that, place the chopped fried vegetables on the bones, and then add a little tomato paste and wine. Sprinkle all of this with herbs and bake for another half hour.
  5. Transfer the finished ingredients to a large saucepan and fill with water in the amount of six liters. Place container over medium heat and bring liquid to a boil. After that, the heat must be lowered to a minimum and the sauce must be simmer for at least twelve hours. Keep in mind that the mixture must be constantly stirring so that vegetables and meat are cooked evenly, so that the taste of demi-glace sauce will be richer. Salt and seasonings should be added almost at the very end of the cooking process to suit your own taste.
  6. Remember to remove any froth from the surface of the sauce while it is cooking. After it has boiled for twelve hours, strain the liquid, drain it into another saucepan and boil again.
  7. The demi-glace sauce will be ready when the liquid from the pan has evaporated by one third, and the consistency of the dish becomes viscous and fluid. Pour the prepared sauce into a suitable storage container until it cools down and use as directed.

Please note that before serving demi-glace sauce to the table, it must be cooled down so that it is cold enough. You can hold it in the freezer for a few minutes, and then serve it to the table.

In production, this sauce is prepared in a slightly different way, which is why its taste may not be quite the same as homemade. However, having prepared demi-glace sauce with your own hands, you can be sure that it consists only of natural products.

The use of demi-glace sauce in cooking

Demiglas sauce is used in cooking for cooking or serving meat and meat dishes, adding to salads, as well as for creating other sauces based on it. By purchasing or preparing this flavorful addition, you can significantly improve the taste of salads, as well as serve it along with meat. The most popular type of meat dishes, with which demi-glace sauce is necessarily served, is ribeye steak.

As mentioned above, many other sauces can be made from this product by adding certain ingredients. For example, if you add plums and spices to it, you can get a delicious plum sauce that goes well with meat, and especially good with wild poultry.

You can use demi-glace sauce however you like. Its calorie content is 270 kilocalories per hundred grams, but the higher its concentration, the more calorie content. When adding product to meat dishes, try not to overdo it, as the sauce can spoil the original taste of the food.


Demiglas (demi-glace) is arguably the most laborious and flavorful French sauce of all time. Not every professional chef will undertake to make a thick, velvety brown sauce of divine taste from scratch. On this page of the site, you will learn what demi-glace is, research its composition, and also get acquainted with classic and simple recipes.

What is demi-glace sauce?

Demiglas sauce (demiglas) is a rich, thick brown sauce from French cuisine, which is prepared on the basis of a concentrated broth of baked veal bones with the addition of wine and spices. It has an intense meaty flavor and mouth-watering aroma.

In fact, it is a brown sauce, boiled for a long time in a 1: 1 ratio with Espanyol sauce - one of the main sauces in France. Classic demi-glace is made from veal, but beef and poultry can also be used.

The name demi-glace comes from the French word Glace, which means Icing or Glaze, and Demi means Half, because the two ingredients are halved.

It is used both by itself for serving with grilled meat and steaks, and as a base for other sauces.

What does demi-glace sauce look like - photo

How to prepare demi-glace from scratch

The main difficulty of the classic recipe for demi-glace sauce is its preparation time, which can last more than a day due to several production stages.

The classic recipe for demiglas begins with the preparation of brown sauce, a concentrated broth made from bones that have been roasted in the oven.

The fried bones are then simmered with chopped carrots, onions and celery. Wine is sometimes added, and some recipes include a little tomato paste to help the bones release gelatin faster. Along the way, fat and foam are removed. The final defatting is done after the broth has cooled.

The final step is to strain the bones and vegetables to cleanse the broth.

The next step is to prepare the Espanyol sauce. To do this, use a portion of the finished brown sauce: combine it with an equal amount of flour and butter and cook over low heat until it turns dark.

The last step is to combine both brown and espaniol sauces in equal amounts and simmer to half.

The increased viscosity and pronounced taste of demiglas is achieved by boiling veal bones, rather than regular beef or chicken. Calf bones contain more collagen than adult cows, and when boiled for several hours, the collagen turns into gelatin, making the sauce thicker and fuller.

The classic recipe for demi-glace sauce

Prep time: 45 minutes

Cooking time: 7 hours

Total time: 7 hours, 45 minutes

Output: 1 liter.

The demi-glass preparation process is divided into 3 stages.

Stage 1. Base - brown sauce

Ingredients for brown sauce:

  • 1 kg of veal marrow, sawn into 5 cm pieces;
  • 1 kg of beef marrow (also in 5 cm pieces);
  • 100 grams of tomato paste;
  • 1 glass of onions;
  • 0.5 tbsp. carrots;
  • 0.5 tbsp. celery;
  • 1 glass of dry red wine;
  • salt and pepper;
  • 0.5 liters of water.

Step by step cooking:

  1. Preheat oven to 250 degrees Celsius. Place the bones in a roasting pan and bake for 1 hour.
  2. Remove the bones from the oven and brush them with tomato paste.
  3. Chop finely and combine onion, carrot and celery in a bowl. Place the vegetables on the bones and place in the oven for another 30 minutes.
  4. Remove from oven and drain off grease.
  5. Place the brazier on the stove, pour in the red wine and stir well using a wooden spoon. Add a bouquet of garni and season with salt.
  6. Add water. Bring liquid to a boil and reduce to lowest heat. Cook the sauce for 4 hours, stirring regularly.
  7. Remove from heat and strain.

Output: about 3 liters.

Stage 2. Espanyol sauce

Ingredients for Espanyol Sauce:

  • 1 liter of hot brown sauce
  • 0.5 cups of onions;
  • ¼ Art. carrots;
  • ¼ Art. celery;
  • salt;
  • freshly ground black pepper;
  • 2 tablespoons tomato paste
  • 1 bouquet of garni.

How to cook:

  1. Heat the fat in a large saucepan and add the vegetables. Season with salt and pepper. Simmer for about 5 minutes. Place tomato puree in vegetables and heat for about 5 minutes.
  2. Add brown sauce and a bouquet of garni to the mixture. Continue simmering for about 45 minutes.
  3. Strain the resulting sauce.

Output: 1 liter

Stage 3. Final

Combine 1 quart brown sauce with 1 quart espaniol in a saucepan and place on the stove over medium heat.

Bring to a boil and reduce heat to medium. Boil until the liquid is halved, which will take about 1.5 hours. Season with salt and pepper if necessary.

Most chefs prefer to tweak the classic way of making demi-glace sauce, and many have their own recipes.

A simple recipe for demi-glace sauce

Prep time: 10 minutes

Cooking time: 70 minutes

Total time: 80 minutes

Output: 1 liter.

This simplified recipe uses concentrated broth instead of making a brown sauce from scratch. The result is just as delicious and takes much less time.

What you need:

  • 1 bay leaf;
  • 1 teaspoon thyme (dried)
  • 6-8 fresh parsley stalks;
  • 8-10 allspice peas;
  • 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • ½ cup chopped onions;
  • ¼ Art. chopped celery;
  • ¼ 1 tbsp of grated carrots;
  • ¼ Art. flour;
  • 5 cups strong beef broth.

How to do:

  1. Place bay leaves, thyme, parsley stalks, and peppercorns on a square piece of cheesecloth. Tie it in a knot with culinary twine.
  2. Heat oil in a saucepan over medium heat and add onions, celery and carrots. Let them sit for a couple of minutes until the onion is partially translucent.
  3. Add flour and stir to form a thick consistency.
  4. Fry for about 3 minutes, stirring frequently to prevent the flour from burning.
  5. Now add 3 cups of broth.
  6. Bring to a boil over medium heat. Then lower the temperature, place the seasoning knot in the saucepan, and heat slowly for about 20 minutes, or until the total liquid is reduced by about a third.
  7. Remove the pan from the heat, remove the seasonings (do not throw them away, set them aside!). Strain the sauce gently through a sieve.
  8. Now return the sauce to the stove, add the remaining 2 cups and return the seasoning to the pot.
  9. Bring to a boil and then simmer for about 50 minutes, or until the sauce is half cooked.
  10. Discard the seasonings and strain the sauce. Season with salt to taste.

Chicken demiglas - video

Quick cooking option (powder)

To save hours spent in the kitchen and make a delicious sauce in just 5 minutes, manufacturers of instant food products have offered and released dry (powder) demi-glace.

The finished mixture usually contains: wheat flour, palm oil, iodized salt, corn starch, spices, tomatoes, maltodextrin, xanthan gum, sugar, soy sauce, thickeners, flavorings, colors, wine.

How to dilute dry demi-glace:

  1. Dissolve 100 g of dry mixture of demiglas in 1 liter of water.
  2. Bring to a boil, stirring constantly, and simmer for 3 to 5 minutes.

How and how much to store demi-glace sauce

Demiglas sauce can be stored in the refrigerator for about two weeks, and in the freezer in a plastic container for up to six months.

When you need it, you don't have to thaw all of it, but just take a hot spoon to separate the required amount.

One way to store demi-glace in the freezer for easier use is to pour the prepared and chilled sauce into ice trays and freeze. Then take out the "ice cubes" and store in the freezer in a plastic bag. Add frozen cubes to sauces and recipes as needed.

Commercially available demi-glace contains preservatives that can extend the shelf life of the product, so check the storage label for storage conditions

How to choose and where to buy demi-glace sauce

Fortunately, nowadays you do not have to prepare demi-glace at home yourself, as it can be purchased in stores.

Demiglass should be deep brown, very shiny and smooth in appearance, free of lumps and impurities.

How demi-glace sauce is used in cooking

Just one to two tablespoons of demiglass will add richness and depth to a wide variety of dishes, from soups and stews to sauces and gravies.

Its flavor is so intense that another seasoning may not be needed.

Place demiglas at the end of cooking. To easily blend the thick sauce with the rest of the food, dilute with a few teaspoons of hot water to a heavy cream consistency before adding.

Here are some food ideas for demi-glace sauce:

  • The first and easiest way to use is for sauces. Stir in a few tablespoons in any toasted gravy.
  • Think of demiglas as a condiment for soups and stews. Even a few tablespoons added in the final stage of cooking will greatly enhance the meal.
  • A vegetable or mushroom stew gets a delicious flavor with a little demi-glass.
  • Ideal with hamburgers.

This sauce is combined with a wide range of dishes - with beef, chicken, pork, mushrooms and vegetables. Demiglas is versatile, so experiment!

Demiglas sauce is an invention of French culinary experts. In fact, it is a broth concentrate of beef (less often other) bones, supplemented with vegetables, tomato and spices. It is an excellent base for other delicious sauces for meat and fish, as well as an irreplaceable addition to many first courses and side dishes.

To prepare the "Demiglas" sauce, you will need to be patient and devote the lion's share of your time for this, since this process is quite lengthy, albeit low-cost.

Sauce "Demiglas" - recipe

  • beef bones - 4.2 kg;
  • celery (stems) - 400 g;
  • carrots - 700 g;
  • onions - 700 g;
  • garlic teeth - 4-5 pcs.;
  • - 155 g;
  • sunflower or olive oil without aroma - 100 ml;
  • dry red wine - 500 ml;
  • rock salt - to taste;
  • freshly ground pepper - to taste.


As a rule, beef bones and limbs are used to make the sauce. They must be washed, carefully placed on a baking sheet and sent to bake at a temperature of 200 degrees until they acquire an intense and rich golden color. Now we put the burnt bones in a large saucepan with a volume of ten liters and fill them with purified water to the eyeballs. We place the pot on high heat, let the contents boil well, and then adjust the intensity of the burner to such a level that the broth in the pan does not boil, but only gives signs of movement. The bones should languish, not boil. We do not cover the container with the workpiece with a lid and leave it to evaporate in volume by about half. As a rule, if we put the bones on the stove in the morning, we will get the desired result by the evening.

We are now preparing vegetables. We peel the carrots, garlic teeth and onions, chop the components arbitrarily, but medium-sized and fry them in vegetable oil without aroma in a pan, depending on its size, in portions or all at once until soft. At the end of frying, add tomato paste, put everything together a little more and put in a saucepan with bones when the desired one stripped off is achieved. Add water again. The saucepan should be three-quarters full of bones, vegetables, and broth. We put the vessel back on the stove, pour in red dry wine and, after boiling, again reduce the heat to simmer the ingredients. If it is not possible to leave the preparation for slow cooking overnight, then we continue to prepare the sauce the next day in the morning.

After the mass has boiled down and reduced in volume by half, we extract the bones from it, and also catch the vegetables and grind them through a sieve. A blender in this case can be used if you are sure that the fragments from the bones did not get into the vegetable mass. Better still, in this case, do not be lazy and use a small sieve.

We also filter the broth remaining in the pan and mix it with the resulting puree. Place the pot over low heat again and boil the sauce down to a thick texture. From the specified number of components, about one and a half liters of sauce should be obtained, which is seasoned with salt and pepper when ready and if desired.

The composition of the "Demiglas" sauce can be varied by adding herbs and spices. Most commonly used are rosemary, thyme, various types of peppers, and cloves.

Taking the concentrated Demiglas sauce as a basis, you can prepare a delicious creamy sauce for meat steaks or other meat dishes.

Demiglas is not an ordinary sauce. You will have to work hard on its preparation, and even more than one hour. The base is prepared from beef bones and vegetables, it turns out to be incredibly aromatic, rich, and will be a wonderful addition to any dish.

Demiglas sauce - general principles of preparation

Bones. There should be a lot of them, the presence of meat is optional, but there may be leftovers. Rinse the seeds thoroughly before using. If the quality of the product is in doubt, it is better to soak it for several hours in cold water. According to the classic recipe, bones are first baked in the oven, then boiled in water for several hours. Sometimes the process can take almost an entire day.

Vegetables. Usually these are onions, carrots, celery. There are recipes with tomato, you can take tomatoes. Vegetables are added to meat bones. Then the sauce is cooked again for several hours. In the classic French recipe, three types of onions were initially used, but later they began to take the one that was available.

Wine. It makes the taste of the "Demiglas" sauce deeper, more unusual, emphasizes the meaty notes. Red wine is commonly used.

Spice. Salt, pepper the sauce, add all kinds of aromatic herbs at the very end, since in the process of prolonged heat treatment and boiling of the mass there is a chance to oversalt, add extra pepper or spoil the taste with spices.

Demiglas sauce with red wine

This recipe for "Demiglas" sauce can be attributed to the classic version. It is he who is most often found in French cooking. The base is prepared for a long time, but you can boil the seeds in advance.


4 kg of beef bones;

600 grams of carrots;

600 grams of onions;

100 grams of vegetable oil;

400 ml of dry red wine;

6 cloves of garlic;

400 g fresh celery.


1. Rinse the beef bones, put them on a baking sheet. We put it in the oven, bake until brownish at 200 degrees. Care must be taken so that they do not burn.

2. Now we put the bones in a pot with a volume of ten liters. Pour water to the very top, leave a few centimeters to boil. We cook the bones without a lid for about five hours, the amount of liquid on the sides will not halve. At the same time, we do not allow the liquid to actively gurgle.

3. As soon as there is exactly half of the water in the pan, add all the chopped vegetables and garlic cloves to the bones, add boiling water so that the water becomes 2/3, prepare the broth again until half of the liquid evaporates.

4. We take out the bones, throw them away. We wipe the boiled vegetables through a sieve, filter the rich broth.

5. Add red wine, oil to the broth with vegetables, put on the stove again, boil until a thick mass is obtained.

6. From this amount of products, approximately 1.5 liters of demi-glass should be obtained. At the end, the sauce must be seasoned with salt and pepper. French chefs often add rosemary, thyme, cloves and other spices to it.

Demiglas sauce with tomato (simplified recipe)

To prepare such a "Demiglas" sauce, fewer ingredients are needed, but it will be slightly inferior in taste to the original.


1.3 kg of seeds;

150 ml of red wine;

100 grams of tomato puree;

300 g of celery, carrots, onions;

Spices, garni bouquet, oil.


1. Put the washed seeds on a nasty dish, sprinkle with oil. We bake at 200 degrees until light blush.

2. We take out the bones. Lubricate with tomato puree or slightly diluted tomato paste.

3. Chop the onion and carrot. Chop the celery into large pieces. We put vegetables on top of the seeds and also sprinkle with vegetable oil.

4. Re-send the seeds to the oven, cook until the vegetables are browned.

5. Transfer the food from the baking sheet to the pan, fill it with water so that the liquid covers the contents by five centimeters. We put on the stove, cook until the water evaporates by half.

6. Now take out the bones. Add wine to vegetables. We boil the liquid for about fifteen minutes.

7. Remove the sauce from the heat, wipe the vegetables. Be sure to filter everything so that splinters of beef bones do not accidentally get into the sauce.

8. Now you can boil the sauce with the addition of salt, pepper, put a bouquet of garni. Boil for a few minutes and you're done!

Demiglas sauce with cream

To prepare this sauce, you will need a concentrated base of Demiglas sauce. You can cook it according to the first recipe.


100 ml sauce;

70 ml cream;

20 ml olive oil;

90 g onions;

15 g butter;

3 spoons of wine.


1. Combine both types of oil in a frying pan or in a small saucepan, melt on the stove.

2. Peel the onion. Cut the head into small cubes, add to the oil, fry for about three minutes, make the fire moderate.

3. Add red wine to the onion. We evaporate the alcoholic drink for a minute.

4. Pour in the cream. Warm up with onions almost to a boil, stir occasionally.

5. Add the concentrated Demiglas broth to the creamy sauce. Stir.

6. We make the heat to a minimum, cover the bowl, cook under the lid for about five minutes, so that the flavors merge.

7. At the end you need to taste the sauce, add a little salt and pepper if necessary.

Demiglas sauce (adapted recipe)

A simplified recipe for French sauce based on regular brown broth. The seeds need to be fried in the oven, then just boil for 2.5-3 hours, be sure to strain.


1.5 liters of broth;

0.5 onions, carrots, celery;

120 g ghee;

70 g flour;

A spoonful of tomato paste;

0.5 cups of wine;

Four tablespoons of vegetable oil.

For the sachet, you need a bay leaf. Several sprigs of parsley, thyme, rosemary. We tie it all in a gauze bag. You can add cloves, peppercorns, a piece of ginger.


1. Fry chopped onions in vegetable oil until transparent, add carrots and celery.

2. In another bowl, heat the ghee, put the flour and fry until golden brown. Stir the mixture constantly, do not leave for a minute. Pour half of the broth, boil the sauce until it thickens. Can be removed from heat.

3. Add tomato paste to the fried vegetables, add wine after a couple of minutes.

4. Simmer some vegetables in wine, then fill with the remaining broth. Cook under the lid for about half an hour.

5. Wipe vegetables with broth.

6. Combine both masses, salt and pepper to your taste, stir. For aroma, put in a sachet with spices.

7. Put on the stove, boil everything together for about five minutes, then stand under the lid for about half an hour. Then the sachet must be removed, otherwise the sauce will have an overly pronounced aroma.

Demiglas sauce with mushrooms

To prepare such a sauce, you need a concentrated demiglass base. Champignons are used here, as they are the most affordable and quickest to prepare.


150 g of concentrated Demiglas sauce;

2 champignons;

0.5 onions;

0.2 glasses of wine;

1 tbsp. l. oils.


1. We wash the mushrooms, cut into thin slices, put in a frying pan, fry the pieces on both sides. We remove.

2. Cut the onion into half rings. Put in a skillet after mushrooms, fry until transparent. We return the mushrooms.

3. We pour it all with wine. We wait. Until it completely evaporates.

4. Add the sauce.

5. Cover the frying pan, simmer it all over low heat for about ten minutes. At the very end, we try. If necessary, add salt and pepper.

Sauce "Demiglas" with cherries

The recipe for the incredibly interesting Demiglas sauce, for which you need a cherry in wine. We prepare the base according to one of the recipes above.


100 g cherries;

150 g of wine;

15 g sugar;

200 ml sauce;

1 tsp butter.


1. We free the cherries from seeds, the recipe indicates the weight of pure berries.

2. Melt the butter, add the berries, heat slightly.

3. Mix the wine and sugar, pour in the cherries. Cover, simmer until soft.

4. As soon as the berries are cooked, add demi-glace to them. Stir, salt and pepper to taste.

5. Simmer the sauce with cherries on the stove for a few more minutes to combine the flavors.

6. Remove from heat, cool slightly. Serve cherry sauce with meat or poultry.

Meat in "Demiglas" sauce

A simple recipe for a fragrant meat dish using meat sauce. Veal is indicated here, but you can also take pork, lamb, it will turn out in any variant tasty and tender.


600 g veal;

200 g of Demiglas sauce;

1 tbsp. l. oils;

1 pinch of salt.


1. Cut the veal into half-centimeter plates. On one side, lightly tap with a hammer.

2. Rub the pieces with salt, grease with the prepared sauce. Leave to marinate for 40-50 minutes.

3. We spread the veal in one layer in a greased form. We bake at 200 degrees until golden brown.

4. Take out the form from the oven. Pour the remaining sauce over the pieces. Cover with a piece of foil.

5. We return to the oven. We remove the temperature to 180 degrees, cook for about twenty minutes more.

If the French sauce is to your taste, then it is more convenient to prepare a lot of base for demiglas at once. It can be poured into molds or containers, frozen. At the right time, the mass can be melted on the stove, supplemented with the necessary spices, and refreshed with wine.

When boiling the bones for the sauce, do not allow the broth to boil actively. Otherwise, the base will turn out to be cloudy, not very appetizing in appearance.

Demiglas turns out to be an interesting autumn in a spicy version. It is enough, when adding vegetables to the broth, to throw a chopped pod of hot chili pepper, darken everything together. It's even easier to add a little Georgian adjika to the total mass.

How much does demi-glace sauce cost (average price per 1 kg.)?

Moscow and Moscow region

Demiglas sauce belongs to the national dishes of France and is rightfully considered a classic of world gastronomy. It is no coincidence that demiglas or demi voice are called legendary sauce. French chefs have been experimenting with sauce recipes since the Middle Ages. Since then, almost every sauce of French cuisine has become not only popular, but ranked among the masterpieces of world cuisine. Take, for example, the famous sauces bechamel, veloute or espaniol, which are considered the basis of all French cuisine. This list can be safely ranked demi-glace sauce, the original name of which sounds like demi-glace, which literally means "half ice".

Demi glas sauce is considered a meat type, this is due, first of all, to the composition of the product. The demi-glace sauce is based on steep meat broth, which is boiled from beef bones. Thanks to the famous chef and gourmet of the 19th century Antonen Karem, demi-glace sauce began to be ranked among the cohort of sauce classics. It was in the 19th century that forgotten traditions began to be remembered and revived, since For almost two centuries, European culinary experts have preferred Asian spices and herbs that have never been seen before. However, having experimented a lot with exotic tastes, the chefs decided to turn to the origins.

The 19th century gave world culinary a lot, because at this time, the famous sauces of French, Italian, English and German cuisine received a second life, and the taste and aroma of some of them even sounded in a new way. Mr. Karem ranked demi-glace among eight so-called "mother" sauces, on the basis of which others are also made. However, demi glass is itself a derivative of the classic meaty brown espanol sauce. We can say that the basis of demiglas is Espanyol sauce, the recipe and preparation method of which have been slightly changed.

The demi-glace sauce is made from which vegetables, as well as spices and herbs are added. Usually, demi-glace sauce is made with onions, celery, carrots, parsley and tomatoes. The rich brown broth plays the first violin in the demi-glace recipe. That is why it is necessary to carefully select the meat for the demi-glace sauce. Usually they use beef or veal shanks, the more meat broth is, the more refined and brighter the taste of demi-glace sauce will turn out. One liter of demiglas broth is obtained from three liters of water and a kilogram of the starting ingredients.

To prepare the demi-glace sauce, you must first prepare the meat ingredients. We wash the meat and separate the pulp from the bones. The bones should be chopped and tinted in the oven. It is better to cut vegetables and herbs into large pieces and fry with the addition of spices and herbs. on which the meat bones were baked, do not rush to wash, with a glass of water you can collect valuable meat juice, which should be mixed with the vegetable mass. Pieces of meat also need to be baked in the oven and the resulting fat and meat juice should be collected in a separate container. At the final stage, all the ingredients are mixed together and boiled.

The process of making demi-glace sauce takes about 12 hours. This is a painstaking and diligent process that real connoisseurs or pros can do. Nowadays, you can buy ready-made demi-glace sauce, produced industrially. Such a product tastes good, but can never compare to the fresh homemade and freshly cooked classic French cuisine demi-glace meat sauce.

Calorie content of demiglas sauce 51 kcal

Energy value of demi-glace sauce (The ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - bju).