Recipe for pho bo soup with beef. Traditional Pho soup

13.05.2019 Meat Dishes

Vietnamese Pho soup is a dish that has definitely never been in your kitchen. It looks like the most ordinary soup, but among the ingredients you will find very unexpected ingredients that make the dish special.

Culinary reference

In fact, this is the most common noodle soup, but Vietnamese. Served only with noodles and already when serving, add chicken, beef, fish or fish balls to it. In all three versions, the dish gets different names: Fo Bo, Fo Ga and, accordingly, Fo Ka.

The noodles are made with rice flour, never wheat. Decorate the dish when served with various herbs. For example, there might be mint, basil, lime, mung bean sprouts, and so on.

Traditional step by step recipe

Ingredients Quantity
carrots - 1 PC.
brain bones - 900 g
carnation - 10 pieces.
red onion - 1 PC.
green onions - 4 feathers
chicken frame - 2 pcs.
star anise - 2 pcs.
onion - 1 PC.
salt - 10 g
fish sauce - 15 ml
chicken fillet - 4 things.
cinnamon - 1 stick
ginger - 3 cm
black pepper - 5 g
oils - 30 ml
lime - 1 PC.
chile - 1 PC.
rice noodles - 270 g
saffron - taste
cilantro - taste
Cooking time: 220 minutes Calorie content per 100 grams: 72 Kcal

How to make Vietnamese Pho Ga Chicken Soup:

  1. Peel the ginger, rinse it and peel it with a knife or spoon;
  2. Cut into large rings;
  3. Peel the onion, rinse it and chop it coarsely;
  4. Peel carrots, wash and cut into thick rings;
  5. Pour oil into a large frying pan and place it on the stove;
  6. Place the marrow bones, frameworks, ginger, onions and carrots there;
  7. Fry the ingredients over low heat until golden brown for ten minutes;
  8. When time has passed, move all the ingredients to a saucepan and fill them with water;
  9. Put on fire and bring to a boil;
  10. Salt and remove foam, reduce gas flow to the lowest possible;
  11. Supplement the future broth with star anise, pepper, cinnamon and cloves;
  12. Cook on low heat for three hours;
  13. Grate chicken fillet with oil, season to taste and place in a baking dish;
  14. Put in a heated cabinet up to 180 degrees for eight minutes;
  15. After that, take out the form, cover it with foil and wait until the meat cools down;
  16. Cook the noodles according to the instructions on the package, then rinse with cold water;
  17. Rinse the chili and cut into rings, peel the red onion, wash and cut into feathers;
  18. Rinse the green onion feathers and cut into three parts;
  19. After the time has elapsed, strain the broth, pour in the fish sauce and add the saffron, mix and bring to a boil;
  20. During this time, cut the chicken into slices at an angle;
  21. Put noodles, fillets, red onions into serving plates and pour boiling broth over it all;
  22. Cut the lime into wedges and place in wedges on a plate;
  23. Add chili rings, green onions and rinsed cilantro.

Vietnamese Pho Bo soup with beef

  • 300 g of rice noodles;
  • 1 onion;
  • 5 g salt;
  • 750 g beef bones;
  • 15 g cilantro;
  • 4 cm ginger;
  • 15 g green onions;
  • 350 g of beef;
  • 5 g lemongrass.

Time - 2 hours and 25 minutes.

Calories - 101.

Cooking steps:

  1. Pour water into a large saucepan and place on the stove;
  2. Bring to a boil and add the beef bones;
  3. Cook for two hours with medium gas flow;
  4. Peel, wash and chop the ginger;
  5. Season the soup with salt, add ginger and lemongrass, stir;
  6. Chop the onion, remove the peel and wash the root vegetable;
  7. Add it to the soup at the very end of cooking;
  8. The meat must be cut into thin but wide slices;
  9. Season it with spices to taste and let it brew;
  10. When the broth is ready, pour out a little and soak the beef strips in it;
  11. Pour water into a small saucepan and bring it to a boil on the stove;
  12. Place the noodles in it and cook until al dente;
  13. After that, drain into a colander, rinse with cold water, then hot;
  14. Rinse cilantro and onion feathers, finely chop;
  15. Arrange the finished noodles on presentation plates, add meat and herbs;
  16. Pour in hot broth and you're done.

How to make Vietnamese Pho Ka soup

  • 2 kg of salmon;
  • 1 chili;
  • 1 lemon;
  • 2 onions;
  • 250 g rice noodles;
  • 1 egg;
  • salt;
  • soy sauce;
  • green onions;
  • butter.

Time - 1 hour and 25 minutes.

Calories - 156.


  1. Rinse the fish, remove scales, cut off fins, head, cut fillets from the ridge;
  2. Set it aside, and place the rest of the "soup set" in a saucepan;
  3. Cover with water and put on fire;
  4. Peel the onion, wash it and cut it into feathers;
  5. Add chili pod, onion and cook for one hour from boiling;
  6. When the broth is cooked, strain and add soy sauce to it;
  7. Rinse the fillet, check for bones;
  8. If there are bones, pull them out with special tweezers;
  9. Cut off the skin and chop the meat into cubes;
  10. Then put it in a blender or meat grinder and punch into a homogeneous mass - minced meat;
  11. Add an egg and spices to it to taste, beat off to become more tender;
  12. Take a frying pan, pour oil into it and warm it up;
  13. Form balls from minced meat and fry them in oil until tender from all sides;
  14. After that, transfer to napkins to remove excess oil;
  15. Boil a saucepan with water and place the noodles there;
  16. After twenty seconds, drain it into a colander and rinse with cold water to stop the cooking process;
  17. Wash the lemon and cut it into slices;
  18. Cut green onions into long feathers, rinsing with running water;
  19. Distribute the salmon balls on the plates, complementing them with noodles, lemon wedges and herbs;
  20. Pour the components with broth and serve.

Serving Secrets

To correctly and beautifully serve the dish, repeat everything that we have told you. First, you need to put dry ingredients, noodles and herbs in a bowl for soup, and then, right in front of guests, pour it with broth. An unusual and interesting sight turns out.

There are two ways to serve: north and south. The essence of the first serve is wide noodles and plenty of green onions. The second serve is famous for its sweetness, spices and various herbs. Today we have presented you both cases - one southern recipe and two northern ones. Hope you enjoy!

To make slicing beef soup easier, you can put the meat in the freezer for a short time. It will freeze and cut much easier.

When cooking minced fish, you may end up with an unexpectedly liquid mass. To thicken it, add a little rice flour or, conversely, eggs or water to make the minced meat thinner.

If you don't have time to cook the noodles, you can simply pour boiling water over it, like instant noodles. Let it brew for three to four minutes, then drain the boiling water and rinse the noodles.

For the minced meat to be really tender and really light, airy, be sure to beat it off. To do this, you just need to pick up the mass and force it back into the bowl. It will beat against the walls of the container and this will knock out all the air from it, making the mass much softer.

The Vietnamese Pho soup may take a long time to cook, but when you taste it, you will realize that it is really worth it. Moreover, most of the time you just wait for the broth to cook. So, consider that the soup is prepared by itself, while you go about your household chores. Tasty, bright, unusual and so original that you can't miss it. If you do not believe, then there is only one way - to check. Bon Appetit!

Many generations of Vietnamese start their day with a ration of Fo soup, because there is meat soup for breakfast. This is the tradition. However, this does not mean that "pho" is eaten only in the first half of the day. This is an easy-to-digest dish, so "pho" is eaten regardless of the time of day: morning, afternoon and evening.

The main ingredients of this soup are pho rice noodles, thinly sliced ​​meat, herbs and broth. The secret of tasty "pho" is in the broth, which should be rich, aromatic, but always transparent. Each chef carefully preserves his culinary "zest". Distinguish "Pho with chicken" and "Pho s" depending on whether this traditional soup is prepared with beef or chicken broth.

White rice noodles are placed in a large bowl, on top - several thin slices of boiled meat or chicken, sprinkled with rings, finely chopped with cilantro and green onions, then poured with hot broth. That's what it is Vietnamese pho soup... Additionally, red pepper cut into thin rings, fresh limes and other spicy herbs: soy sprouts, pepper leaves, pickled are served separately. You can add soy sauce or chili sauce as desired. The sour juice, which is added to the broth, gives the soup a special piquancy and enhances the perception of taste. To prevent lime seeds from getting into the plate, it is better to first squeeze the juice into a spoon, and then fill the broth with it. Eat "pho" and an oblong spoon.

Pho soup is always served for breakfast in hotels. Foreign tourists wonder how they can eat soup in the morning. But for Vietnamese people, a hot piala pho is the perfect start to the day. There is one conflicting nuance with the type of noodles. If there are more guests than planned, and the white rice noodles run out before everyone has eaten, then the resourceful chef replaces it with freeze-dried noodles. Tourists are outraged, regarding this as a downgrade of service class, and do not hide angry emotions and strong expressions. This throws the Vietnamese into confusion. After all, replacing rice noodles with freeze-dried is an equivalent replacement or even an improvement in service. Since rice noodles are made from banal rice flour, and expensive imported wheat is a part of freeze-dried noodles. So if the Vietnamese instead of cheap white noodles put a briquette of freeze-dried noodles in a bowl, it means that they tried their best, but it turned out as always.

Pho soup is considered the hallmark of Vietnamese cuisine. However, the authorship of the recipe is associated with the French. The background was like this. In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, the French built the Indochina Railway. Pho soup was invented to provide the workers with hot, hearty and inexpensive food. The new dish quickly gained popularity. History has kept in mind the date when pho soup was first cooked with chicken. It happened in 1925 in Hanoi.

Currently, specialized eateries offer various variations of pho soup to choose from: with meat well-cooked or slightly stewed in boiling broth, with shells, with seafood, with gristle and blood jelly. These burgundy brown cubes confuse many foreigners. But, in the end, we are not afraid of a hematogenous tile or fried in a liver, in fact, the same chemical composition, just in a different form.

Pho bo soup is one of the most famous world dishes with a mysterious taste and unsurpassed aroma. If you want to impress loved ones with culinary knowledge, then it's time to cook a soup that has won the hearts of gourmets.

Vietnamese Pho Bo soup - a classic recipe

The classic version of the Vietnamese Pho bo soup with beef turns out to be fragrant and very tasty.


  • pho spices (anise, cinnamon, cloves);
  • ginger - 25 g;
  • salt;
  • cilantro;
  • sauce - 25 g Thai fish;
  • brisket - 850 g beef;
  • basil;
  • ox tail - 550 g;
  • lime;
  • cerebral bone - 1 pc .;
  • onions - 2 pcs.;
  • parsnip - 1 pc.;
  • jalapeno pepper - 1 pc.


  1. Rinse tail and bones. To fill with water. Boil for a quarter of an hour. Drain the liquid. Rinse the meat. To fill with water. Add the brisket. Boil. It will take an hour.
  2. Chop the onion. Chop the ginger. Sprinkle with spices. Mix. Place in the form. Bake in the oven for a quarter of an hour. Send to broth. Boil. It will take an hour.
  3. Pour the fish sauce into the broth. Add the parsnips. Stir. Continue cooking for half an hour.
  4. Get the breast with vegetables. Cook the broth with bone and tail for another two hours. Wrap the beef in foil, place in the refrigerator.
  5. Strain the broth. Salt, sprinkle with pepper. Remove the meat from the tail. Arrange in plates. Cut the chilled meat into large pieces. Send to the plate. Sprinkle with pepper. Add chopped greens. Lay out the lime slices. Pour in broth.

With added rice noodles

If you want to get a real Vietnamese soup, then you should not replace the noodles with another type of pasta.


  • garlic - 6 cloves;
  • beef bones - 1600 g;
  • soy sauce;
  • beef tenderloin - 1500 g;
  • cilantro;
  • rice noodles - 750 g;
  • salad (leaves);
  • water - 3600 ml;
  • lime;
  • parsley;
  • hot pepper - 0.5 pcs.;
  • onions - 5 onions;
  • soybean sprouts - 420 g.


  1. Place meat products in water. Chop the onion, put it in liquid. Chop hot peppers, add to the onion. Boil for an hour and a half. Strain. Cut the meat into pieces. Return to broth. Throw out the bones.
  2. Pour in soy sauce. Season with spices. Chop the garlic cloves. Send to liquid. Place the soybean sprouts.
  3. Place the noodles in a bubbling liquid for a few seconds. Rinse with water. Chop the greens.
  4. Put the noodles in bowls. Sprinkle with herbs. Add chopped lime slices. Pour in broth with meat.

With Chiken

This variation is easier and quicker to prepare. The broth is rich and fat-free.


  • ginger - a slice;
  • greens;
  • chicken - carcass;
  • chili - 0.5 pcs.;
  • lime;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • onions - 2 pcs.;
  • cinnamon - 3 g;
  • carnation - 2 stars;
  • soy sauce.


  1. Pour water over the carcass. The liquid should only cover the chicken. Cut the onion. Place the resulting four parts in a liquid. Cut the carrots into washers. Place next to the bird. Boil. It will take half an hour. To keep the broth light, it is necessary to regularly remove the foam and fat that forms on the surface.
  2. Chop the pepper. Send to broth. Chop the ginger. Send the resulting rings together with cinnamon and cloves to the chicken. Boil. It will take an hour.
  3. Get the carcass. Cool down. Remove bones. Chop the meat and arrange on plates.
  4. Strain the broth. A sieve can be used for this purpose. Salt. Pour in soy sauce. Add cinnamon. Mix.
  5. Pour broth into bowls. Sprinkle with herbs. Chop the lime. Add in portions.

With fish balls

Any kind of fish is suitable for stew. To make minced meat easier to prepare, use a low-pitted variety.


  • green onion;
  • fish - 2100 g;
  • lemon - 1 pc.;
  • salt;
  • rice noodles - 210 g;
  • butter;
  • soy sauce;
  • egg - 1 pc. raw;
  • onions - 2 pcs.;
  • chili pepper - 1 pod.


  1. Remove bones from carcasses. Place the cut bones, heads, fins and ridges in a container. To fill with water. Chop the onion. Send to liquid. Place the pepper. Boil for an hour. Strain the broth. Mix with soy sauce.
  2. Turn on the meat grinder. Place the fish pulp. Grind. Salt. Pour in the egg. Mix. Roll the meatballs. Pour oil into a frying pan. Fry the balls.
  3. Boil water separately. Place the noodles. Hold for 15 seconds. Get it. Rinse.
  4. Put balls in each plate. Add noodles. Sprinkle with chopped herbs. Slice the lemon. Arrange the slices in portions. Pour over with fish broth.

With seafood

This stew is eaten early in the morning. You can use shrimp, mussels, octopus or squid.


  • ginger - a slice;
  • seafood - 450 g;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • cloves - 1 pc.;
  • green onion;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • pepper - 5 peas;
  • lemon - 1 pc.;
  • chilli;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • rice noodles - 160 g;
  • cilantro.

Action steps:

  1. Sequentially: chop the onion, chop the carrots, chop the ginger. To fill with water. Place the shell from the shrimp. Boil for half an hour. Strain.
  2. Place seafood in pure broth. Throw in the peppercorns. Cut a pod, place with cloves in liquid. Boil.
  3. Cook noodles.
  4. Place in plates. Add seafood. Strain the broth. Pour into bowls and season with salt.
  5. Chop the greens. Chop the garlic cloves. Slice the lemon. Arrange in portions on plates.

With rice and sprouted beans

Rice grains can be substituted for noodles. It is better to use long rump. To germinate the beans, you need to fill them with water in advance and hold them for a couple of days so that sprouts appear.


  • mint;
  • beef - 950 g;
  • lemon;
  • beans - 120 g sprouted;
  • green onion;
  • cinnamon;
  • rice - 160 g;
  • peppercorns;
  • onions - 2 pcs.;
  • laurel - 1 sheet;
  • ginger - 20 g;
  • chilli.

Action steps:

  1. Place meat in water. Throw in the whole onion, previously peeled. Add peppercorns. Throw in the ginger. Boil for three hours. Place laurel. Strain the broth. Cool the meat component.
  2. Boil rice grains in a separate container. Rinse. Drain the liquid. Arrange in bowls.
  3. Chop the pepper. Place in broth. Salt. Stir. Chop the beef. Place with rice. Add beans.
  4. Chop the greens. Send to bowls. Decorate with mint leaves. Sprinkle with cinnamon. Slice the lemon. Expand. Pour in broth.

Calorie content and nutritional value of Fo Bo soup

The approximate average value of the nutritional value of proteins is 4 g per 100 g, fats - 1 g, carbohydrates - 4 g. The calorie content of pho bo soup is not high despite the large amount of proteins and is 34 kcal.

  • To keep the broth light, it should not boil too much.
  • To make the dish tastier and more aromatic, you can knead them with your hands before adding the lemon slices and herbs.
  • It is not necessary to boil the noodles. It is enough to pour boiling water over and leave for three minutes. Rinse with cold water and drain off excess liquid.
  • If the broth is poured with soy sauce, then the salt can not be added. This will make the dish tastier, and the sauce will give the broth a rich, dark color.

Every country has its own national cuisine and signature dish. European and Asian countries are especially famous for their culinary skills. Vietnamese cuisine is distinguished by a large amount of greens, vegetables, fish, rice, and the traditional pho bo soup, which is so popular not only in its homeland, is made from beef or veal, less often chicken or pork is used.

Cooking features

Vietnamese pho bo soup is very satisfying and healthy, does not require special preparation. It is this dish that is advised to cook first for those who want to get acquainted with Vietnamese cuisine. The main trick of cooking is that the broth is cooked with spices. Therefore, the soup has such a rich spicy taste and unusual aroma. If the broth is cooked in advance, then the process of cooking the soup itself will take no more than twenty minutes..

Pho soup is the main first dish for the Vietnamese and is usually eaten as breakfast. It gives vigor and energy, saturates the body for a long time. You can try it in restaurants or street eateries, where the soup is poured into a la carte plates straight from a large saucepan.

Among the most bought dishes in the world, pho bo is in third place after minestrone and miso soup.

Making soup at home is easy as you don't need exotic foods or special tools. It is enough to boil the beef-based broth, add spices and rice noodles to it. The meat is cut into thin slices, while it can be cooked in broth, and raw slices can be poured with boiling water. Sometimes seafood is used as an additive. The Vietnamese pho soup with seafood has almost the same recipe as the meat one. But at the same time, the broth is cooked on the basis of squid, and oysters are added to portioned bowls.

Soup recipes

To prepare any kind of soup, you need to take several large onions, carrots, thin rice flour noodles, soy sprouts. Season the broth with lime or lemon juice, chopped parsley, and chili. You will also need a mixture of cloves, anise, ginger, star anise, cinnamon and bay leaf.

Beef soup

For the pho soup of Vietnamese origin, you can choose any meat. The beef recipe uses the following ingredients:

  • 1 kg of beef bones;
  • 1 kg of pulp;
  • noodles, onions, carrots;
  • spices.

Rinse the bones and boil them for ten minutes in cold water, then drain. Pour in fresh water and bring to a boil. Fry chopped ginger and onion, add to broth. Coarsely chop raw carrots and greens, pour into a saucepan, add all the spices. The soup is cooked over low heat for three to six hours with constant stirring. Periodically you need to remove the foam.

Rice noodles are boiled separately, washed with cold water. Strain the broth, and cut off the meat from the bones. The beef pulp is pre-frozen, cut into thin slices and boiled in boiling water for 5-7 minutes. Meat is laid out in a bowl, poured with broth, decorated with a slice of lemon or lime.

On poultry meat

Pho is also made from poultry. ... Its Vietnamese recipe is as follows:

Chicken cut into large pieces is poured with cold water and boiled for at least one and a half hours. Along with the chicken, you can add giblets to the pan. Pour chopped raw carrots, herbs and spices.

For a golden color and tart aroma, garlic, onion and celery are fried in a pan before adding to the broth, but you can bake them on the grill or in the oven.

The soup is boiled for an hour and a half, during which time the meat will begin to separate from the bone, and the broth itself will acquire a beautiful color and rich taste. Then it is salted, fish sauce and ground pepper are added. It is necessary to pull out the chicken, separate the meat from the bones and break it into fibers. They are put in portioned bowls. Fifteen minutes before complete cooking, you need to soak the rice noodles in cold water and boil it. Then it is washed under running water and laid out on plates on top of the meat.

The soup must be passed through a coarse sieve, only after that it can be poured into bowls. A portion is garnished with lemon slices, green onion feathers, and finely chopped chili. It is necessary to eat the dish hot or warm.

Submission tricks

It is important to know not only how to make pho bo, but also how to serve the soup beautifully. A beautiful setting can be achieved by observing a few rules:

A small bowl of pho bo for breakfast will give strength and energy for the whole day.... But if the calorie content of this dish is embarrassing, then you can use it for lunch or dinner, because the soup combines both the first and the second.

Attention, only TODAY!

Not only Russians indulge in borscht and cabbage soup, but also prepare delicious Pho bo soup according to the Vietnamese recipe. There are 3 types of similar dishes:

  1. Pho bo with beef.
  2. Fo ka with different fish.
  3. Pho ga - chicken.

If you take the original recipe, then only rice noodles are used there. If you don’t find it, any other will do. Of course, the taste will be slightly different. But hardly much worse. And those who are not lazy, run to supermarkets, will definitely get some rice noodles and embody the original recipe.

How did the Vietnamese soup recipe come to our area? During the Vietnam War, many residents fled and left those territories, and of course, they treated new friends and generously shared the recipe for a delicious national dish. Pho has been traveling the world since the 60s of the XX century.

In Vietnam, the dish is served in 2 main varieties: southern and northern. In the southern soup, a variety of herbs float and lime is added. In the north, there is a lot of green onions and wide noodles are added. Each province has its own, modified recipe.

Many traveling compatriots who visit Vietnam for the first time like this dish very much. They note that aromatic herbs, wonderful beef, delicious noodles are excellent felt, and, in addition, raw beef is present in the original recipe. They say that chicken pho is significantly inferior in taste to beef.

The soup is very satisfying and at the same time light for the stomach. It is eaten frequently throughout Asia from South to East. In Vietnam, beef is 2 times more expensive than pork. Therefore, soup is eaten on weekends, holidays, and is treated to dear guests. And on weekdays, you can cook it easier, with chicken or fish. The recipe is passed from mother to daughter, granddaughter, daughter-in-law, etc.

To make the dish tasty, you need to choose the right beef. It is said that the best thing to buy is brisket. Others argue that the rich broth is obtained from drumstick meat. Whom to believe? Try both options and draw your own conclusions. The broth will need to be filtered. The recipe says that 1 glass is required. Let the rest of the broth cool on the stove, then hide it in the refrigerator. Prepare on its basis another soup, borscht, cabbage soup or a second dish.

According to the original recipe, black cardamom must be added to the broth. With cinnamon and fragrant star anise, it will give the soup the desired aroma and flavor characteristic of this particular soup. Palm sugar is also thrown here, which also gives its own special touch. If you don't find one on sale, replace it with an ordinary one.

Some people are panicky to eat specially cooked raw beef "carpaccio". You can boil the meat a little, of course, you will not know what the real taste of pho bo is, but the choice of technology is yours. Don't be afraid to eat this beef. It is already welded when it is poured over with a bubbling broth.


  • 200 g beef brisket;
  • rice noodles, which are located like a "nest" in each plate;
  • 3 medium limes;
  • 4 hot chili;
  • 100 g of greens;
  • fish sauce.

For broth:

  • 0.5 kg beef drumstick (meat with bone);
  • 100 g fresh shallots;
  • ground aromatic cinnamon with star anise;
  • 50 g ginger;
  • Salt and pepper to taste.


It takes 2.5 hours to cook and makes 6 servings.

  1. Rinse the meat under cold running water. Then pour a little liquid and add all the spices there or selectively to your taste. Vietnamese most often marinate meat with cinnamon and fragrant star anise. Put water in a 3-liter saucepan, light a high heat first, and when it boils, make a small one. Throw in the meat and let it cook for 2 hours. You need a rich broth.
  2. After the meat is boiled in the broth, take 200 g of brisket and put it in the freezer. According to the cooking technology, the piece should freeze slightly. This is so that you later cut it thinly, neatly in portions.
  3. When the broth is completely cooked, you can take a piece of meat out of the freezer and, as planned, cut it into beautiful (about 0.3-0.5 cm) pieces. If you are concerned about eating raw meat, marinate it. To do this, you need to take pepper with lemon juice. Place the meat in thin slices in the mixture, and let it stand for a while in the refrigerator.
  4. There is a nuance that the greens are first washed under running water so that there is no dust, dirt, and then rinsed in pre-salted and laid out on a plate. Rice or other noodles are also placed here. The flip flops themselves are sometimes taken instead of rice noodles, for example, spaghetti. Therefore, do not hesitate, there is no rice - replace with an ordinary one. In one province, soup is prepared with these ingredients, in another with different ingredients. Therefore, the Vietnamese themselves are calm about the substitutions in the recipe.
  5. Chop the chili as small as possible. Squeeze out the lime juice gently. There are already noodles with herbs on the plate. Place the meat nearby and top with lime juice. Chopped chili is also here. Let it pass a couple of minutes, and you can pour in boiling rich broth.
  6. Now add 2-3 drops of aromatic fish sauce to each of them. If you are not very fond of fish, fish oil, then you will not get used to the smell of fish sauce right away. To tolerate its rich aroma, try adding 1 or 2 drops at the beginning or at the end of cooking in any soup. It will take 1-2 months, and you will get used to its specific smell. If you like fish, you will find it tasty and aromatic.
  7. Pho in the south is served with a slice of lime and a slice of chili. In Vietnam, this dish is prepared both in famous restaurants and is sold by merchants right on the street to everyone from a large saucepan. He is very invigorating.

Most often, locals and foreigners order miso, then minestrone, and pho comes in 3rd place of honor. Having tasted this dish, in half an hour you will feel a surge of strength and an increase in mental and physical performance. Vietnamese enjoy this soup at any time of the day, some for breakfast, some for dinner. Therefore, when you want to cook, try it for the first time - purchase all the ingredients and do not hesitate: get started! The result will not disappoint you. Great recipe. Bon Appetit!

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