Which tea is better than green or black. Tea: black or green? The main benefits of green teas

17.05.2019 Healthy eating

The most popular drink in the world is tea. A drink of beauty and longevity. And what a variety of species. Tea classification is characterized by the degree of fermentation (oxidation).

The content of tannins of the feedstock depends on this. Hence the different colors of tea: white, yellow, green, red, black.

In this article it will be about green and black tea. And we will also try to answer the "eternal" question, which tea is better to drink - green or black ?! To do this, you should know more information about them.

Green or black tea is healthier

This is not to say that the benefits of green tea are greater than black. Both drinks have a side positive qualities and a number of contraindications.

Green tea helps rid the body of radioactive elements such as strontium-90. In addition, this drink strengthens the cardiovascular system, lowering the level of cholesterol in the body.

The properties of black tea also have a beneficial effect on the heart muscle, but "overdose" should be avoided (drink no more than 3 cups a day).

Green tea also cleanses the body by flushing out toxins and salts from it, and even reduces blood sugar levels (therefore, it is recommended for people suffering from diabetes mellitus). Guess what tea is recommended to drink for weight loss?

Heard about, so the color of the tea is identical! True, the effect of tea will be smoother than coffee.

On this beneficial features green tea doesn't end there. It contains flavonoids, which have a lot useful functions, for example, protection against the formation of gallstones and diuretic stones.

With diarrhea and colds also recommend drinking this drink, because it has diaphoretic and bactericidal properties.

Do you know how green tea is useful for older people ?! The presence of polyphenols - these substances neutralize toxins and radicals, which often cause cancer, and also rejuvenate the cells of the body.

In addition, green tea is useful for those who have an increased blood pressure.

The composition of black tea is similar in many ways, so most of the aforementioned "health benefits" are present in this type of tea as well.

"Without measure" this drink can only be drunk by athletes or lovers of saunas and baths, the rest are advised to drink several cups of tea, and in other cases use clean water or other drinks if you do not like or cannot drink green tea.

Main benefit black tea - a high content of vitamins (B, P, PP), which raise vascular tone (useful for hypotensive patients).

The harm of green and black tea

Having listed the useful properties, one cannot but say about possible harm green tea. This drink is contraindicated for stomach diseases (gastritis or ulcers), gout (after all, tea contains purines).

And if you have rheumatism or arthritis, green tea can only be drunk small doses... To avoid insomnia, it is not recommended to use it at night!

It is better not to drink green tea during pregnancy, as it can cause anxiety to the baby, due to the presence of caffeine in it.

Now a few words about the harm of black tea. As we have already said, the main thing is to know when to stop, since this species strong drink increases capillary pressure.

How to brew green tea

Probably, if not all, then many have heard about the term "tea ceremony". The fact is that each type of tea has its own brewing characteristics, the seller or the Internet can suggest them.

Therefore, we will consider today the main components " correct brewing tea ".

The proportions of tea and water. It's a matter of taste, someone loves strong tea, but someone can be extremely weak. Optimal dose- a teaspoon of tea leaves in 250 ml of water.

Brewing time. And here there is an alternative - slow or fast (up to one minute). If you need to raise the tone of the body, then drink "quick" tea. Well, the "slow" gives the drink tannic useful material.

Water and temperature. One of important points! It is ideal to take spring water for tea. Of course, there is no such water in apartments, so take filtered water.

In the worst case, tap water is suitable, which is collected in a jar and put to "brew" for a day. By the way, make sure that the water does not boil over, the taste of the tea will not be the same!

The water temperature for brewing green tea should be around 85-90 degrees. Do not brew with boiling water under any circumstances! After all, it kills all the nutrients in tea.

Dishes. Another priority factor. Recommended - made of clay or porcelain. Note that before brewing black tea (or green tea), you must first rinse the dishes with boiling water.

This simple action removes unwanted odors and warms up the sides of the cup, preparing the heat for brewing tea.

Tips for brewing green tea. The tea leaves are poured with a clean, dry spoon. The teapot is wrapped in a towel and lasts for about three minutes. Then pour the tea leaves (1/3 cup) into the mug and wait again for 2 or 3 minutes, after which we add boiling water to the mug.

Interesting fact. If done correctly, you should see a yellowish foam. You don't need to throw it out, just stir it

How to brew black tea

General rules brews are similar to those described above, but there are also minor differences. We will stop at them.

Brewing time. Black tea is brewed for 6-7 minutes. At the same time, cover the top of the kettle with a napkin that allows steam to pass through, but absorbs essential oils.

  • It is recommended to drink green tea without sugar. Better to add honey or dried fruit.
  • You can brew it again, but no more than 5 times. However, we advise you to increase the brewing time each time.
  • Drink tea in small sips to enjoy its taste and aroma.
  • Strongly hot drink can provoke esophageal cancer in the future, so make sure that its temperature is comfortable.
  • It is best to drink tea either two hours after a meal or an hour before a meal. Moreover, the drink should be consumed "dry" in order to avoid the release of saliva, which can cause the body to become lethargic, at the end of the action of caffeine.

Let's sum up

Now you yourself must make a choice which tea is more useful for you, but we recommend alternating them (if there are no contraindications and preferences).

By the way, there is caffeine in black tea, but as recent studies have proven, there is a little more of it in green tea!

Perhaps you have your own tea drinking secrets? Then we suggest discussing them in the comments below.

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As you know, tea is very popular in our country. We prefer this drink to coffee, popular all over the world. It prolongs youth, improves mood. Tea with lemon will invigorate in the morning, increase the tone. A cup of hot tea with honey in the evening will help you relax and fall asleep.

True, the opinions of amateurs aromatic drink disagree when it comes to the benefits of green or black tea. Many people prefer green because they are sure that it is more useful. However, lovers of the black variety are convinced that they are right.

Although they are both made from the same plant, the difference in leaf processing techniques endows the final product in its own way. unique properties... And yet, why is green tea healthier than black tea? Or are both varieties equally beneficial? Which one should you give preference to? Let's talk about it today:

The benefits of green tea

One of the most important properties is its antioxidant properties. Therefore, it is good to drink green tea for colds. Regular consumption of 2-3 cups per day will gradually cleanse the body of harmful substances, excess salts, lowers sugar and bad cholesterol levels.

It also helps to strengthen the cardiovascular system, reduces the risk of gallstones and diuretic stones. Many women know that it is green tea that facilitates dieting and helps to lose weight.

It has been found that infusion of green tea leaves actively removes excess salts than helps fight high blood pressure. Therefore, doctors recommend drinking a weakly brewed drink to patients. hypertension I and II stages.

It is useful to drink green tea for various pains, to eliminate drowsiness and fatigue. An infusion of green tea leaves is taken for the flu, is included in the treatment of malaria. Its astringent properties are used to relieve diarrhea.

Eyes are washed with strong tea leaves with conjunctivitis, purulent discharge from the eyes, with barley. An infusion or decoction of green tea leaves is an effective prophylactic agent for atherosclerosis.

And what is black useful for?

I must say that black varieties are also very useful. An important property the drink is his positive impact for all types of exchange, their activation. Black tea has a minimum side effects, and the combination of its preventive and medicinal properties, allows us to consider it medicinal plants... People understood that it is very useful for a long time. Therefore, the product has spread so rapidly all over the world, has won many fans.

Black tea leaves contain a large number of important nutrients: vitamins, minerals, tannins. There are essential oils and theine, thanks to which black tea has a stimulating effect, tones, improves mood and increases efficiency.

Regular consumption of the drink will improve the functioning of the kidneys, heart, and normalize digestion. Of course, we are talking about the reasonable consumption of tea. Do not drink more than 2-3 small cups per day and do not brew it too hard.

Another very interesting property drink is its ability, how to tone, excite nervous system and calm her down. These properties are due to the presence of caffeine and tannin in its composition. At the same time, tannin inhibits the stimulating effects of caffeine, therefore it acts softer and longer, unlike coffee.

Therefore, a morning cup of hot drink will help you to cheer up, tune in to a working mood, and increase concentration. A portion of the drink in the afternoon will reduce the feeling of fatigue, help to recover from physical activity... Well, in the evening it will help you sleep peacefully.

Many experts argue that regular consumption reduces the risk of stroke, as it has properties to increase cerebral circulation.

So which tea should you choose?

Many people find green tea to be healthier. Experts also talk about this, but emphasize that it only slightly exceeds the beneficial properties of black. Well, for example, eating green varieties makes it easier to keep your teeth white. For the rest of the parameters, both species differ slightly from each other.

Therefore, drink whichever tea you like best. Both varieties will provide health benefits, if not overused. Well, if you want, you can drink black in the morning to invigorate, and green - before bed, to better relax and sleep soundly.
Of course, you shouldn't brew it tightly. Also remember that black tea raises blood pressure, while green tea lowers it.

Also, do not drink the drink very hot. This negatively affects the stomach lining. And for cooking, use purified bottled water. It is high-quality water that helps to preserve everything healing properties tea leaves, both green and black. Be healthy!

Tea is a drink not only tasty, but also healthy: numerous useful properties of tea have been known since time immemorial, thanks to which for several millennia tea has remained the most widespread drink almost anywhere the globe, second only to water.

Today in the world there are many types and varieties of tea - from the most popular, green and black, and ending with exotic varieties like red or white tea ... Tea leaves contain polyphenols, which are essential for human health. Polyphenols help protect the cells in the body from what is known as oxidative stress, the process of cell damage caused by oxidation. In addition, polyphenols help lower cholesterol levels, stimulate immune system human, prevent the formation of blood clots and cardiovascular disease.

Besides polyphenols, tea contains many other useful ingredients- for example, theanine, vitamins, minerals, methylxanthine and many amino acids that slow down the aging process, help normalize high blood pressure and improve performance digestive system and the excretion system of the body. Tea leaves contain vitamin K, a deficiency of which in the body causes insufficient blood clotting, and antioxidants that neutralize harmful effect on cells of free radicals. Drinking 2-4 cups of tea a day can significantly reduce the risk of many diseases.

The benefits of green tea

One of the most important benefits of green tea, proven by numerous medical studies, is its ability to reduce the risk of cancer - especially lung cancer, which is important for smokers. Some studies have shown that green tea prevents the formation of certain tumors, and green tea contains catechins are much more effective at neutralizing free radicals than vitamins C and E. In addition, catechins slow down the growth of bacteria in the oral cavity and on the surface of the teeth, thereby reducing the risk of caries.

In addition to its ability to reduce the risk of cancer, green tea helps to improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system - this drink lowers cholesterol levels and, thereby, reduces the risk of developing various heart diseases and heart attack. Green tea being powerful antioxidant, effectively inhibits the oxidation of low density lipoprotein cholesterol in the arteries, which plays a key role in the development of atherosclerosis. In addition, green tea suppresses the effects of ACE, an angiotensin-converting enzyme produced by the kidneys and is often the main cause of increased blood pressure... By normalizing blood pressure, green tea reduces the risk of heart attack.

The benefits of black tea

Although green tea is traditionally considered one of the most healthy drinks, black tea is practically in no way inferior in its properties. Recent studies have shown that black tea is almost as effective in stimulating the cardiovascular system, reducing the risk of cancer, strengthening the immune system, preventing arthritis, and lowering cholesterol levels.

One of the main benefits of black tea is its ability to suppress blood clots, thereby reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease. For example, in a study conducted by scientists at Boston University, it was found that the risk of heart stroke in people who drink 4 cups of black tea daily is 50% less.

Like green tea, black tea has been shown to reduce the risk of a number of cancers - especially bowel and breast cancers. What's more, a recent study by Rutgers University in the USA showed that the substance TF-2 contained in black tea destroys cells. cancerous tumor without damaging normal cells. The same substance suppresses the Cox-2 gene, which is responsible for the course of inflammatory processes. Finally, black tea is able to neutralize bacteria that cause a number of diseases - including diarrhea, pneumonia, cystitis, skin diseases and herpes.

Tatiana Smirnova

The debate about which type of tea is healthier has been going on for a long time, and there is no end in sight.

Tea is produced in different countries- Kenya, Japan, Vietnam, Nepal, but most of all tea grows in India and China. We can say that both green and black (in the East it is called red), and some other "types" of tea (for example, oolong - a mixture of black and red, or white tea) originally grow on the same bush. And the main difference is in the collection technique and in the processing of the leaves. It is on them that not only the variety depends, but also the useful properties of the drink.

Without going into the details, making different teas can be divided into several main stages. Initially, the tea leaf goes through the withering stage. Before becoming white tea, it is dried. After withering, future green tea is partially dried, then rolled and dried again. The leaf, which becomes oolong, is rolled immediately after withering, then it is partially fermented and dried. Making black tea differs from oolong only in that the leaf, instead of being partially fermented, is complete.

Tea caffeine


The leaves of this noble drink contain an interesting element theine, which has an invigorating effect, familiar to us from coffee. However, "tea caffeine" affects the body in a slightly different way. The burst of energy may not follow as quickly, but it will last much longer: if a charge of coffee is enough for half an hour, a cup of tea will be enough for two, or even three. Not to mention the harm to the heart: Compared to caffeine, tea is much more humane.

Green tea


The difference in processing lies in the fact that the leaves are dried and subjected to various manipulations (wilting, partial drying, etc.) almost immediately after collection, which stops the fermentation process.

Green tea contains teine ​​in b O in larger quantities than in its black counterpart. In the latter, a significant part of this substance is destroyed due to prolonged fermentation. Therefore, green tea invigorates more than black. At the same time, the drink is able to calm the nerves.

According to experts, if green tea is infused for two minutes, the tea will have tonic properties. And if five minutes - soothing. It is not necessary to brew green tea for a longer time - then all the benefits are lost.

It contains much more vitamins and other nutrients than black tea. One of the most useful elements- epigallocatechin gallate. Due to the presence of this compound, even one mug of green tea can significantly reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases and some types of cancer.

It is green tea that has a reputation for being a drink of long-livers. Thus, a large-scale study by Japanese scientists, during which data was analyzed from 40,000 people, showed that five cups of green tea a day reduced the risk of premature death: by 12% in men and by 23% in women.

This noble drink due to the large amount of bioactive substances, it speeds up metabolism, and a large amount of antioxidants slows down aging.

In addition, mildly brewed green tea is a better thirst quencher than black tea.

Black tea


This type of tea is more fermented, due to which it is more unpretentious in brewing. It also tones up well. But less often than green tea, it overexcites the nervous system and provokes insomnia - therefore, for nervous and excitable people, as well as in the evening , regardless of temperament, doctors advise drinking black tea.

According to scientists, the benefits of black tea for the lungs cannot be underestimated - numerous studies prove that it is able to protect them from the harm of tobacco smoke.

Another use of this drink will have a positive effect on cholesterol levels, and, more importantly, reduce the risk of stroke.


As shown by a recent study by scientists from Ohio State University, enzymes in a large number contained in black tea, not only help to keep bad cholesterol "within", but also reduce the absorption of fats in the intestines. That is, they prevent the appearance of extra pounds. And research by British scientists has also proven that fermented black tea is better than non-fermented "varieties" in protecting liver cells, including from fatty hepatosis.

This type of tea contains a large amount of vitamins B and PP, which improve vascular tone, and this makes it useful for people with reduced pressure... But it is undesirable for hypertensive patients to get carried away with a black look, especially a very strong one.

Plus, with regular use you can normalize the kidneys and stomach. However, you should not get carried away with the consumption of black tea, especially on an empty stomach - there will be the opposite effect.

By the way: It is best not to brew the tea more than three times. And also do not use tea leaves that cost more than five hours.

Black, green, white - we explain why it's time to switch to tea and which tea is healthier. About milk oolong, by the way, did not forget too!

Many drinks are now called tea, but true lovers consider only black, green, white, oolong and pu-erh to be real teas. Derived from the leaves of Chinese camellia, these teas are rich in special antioxidants called flavonoids.

Natalia Vyaznikova

doctor, specialist in wellness programs and healthy eating, certified titester

All types of tea are made from the tea bush (in China) or tea tree(India, Ceylon), although it is also produced in other countries - Kenya, Japan, Vietnam, Nepal.

Each type of tea has its own characteristics of the effect on the body. The beneficial properties of tea depend on the growing conditions of the tea bush and the method of processing the tea leaf. Tea leaves are known to contain theine, or tea caffeine. It has a tonic effect on the body, increases blood pressure, but more mildly than caffeine in coffee. This is because theine is bound in the drink, unlike coffee caffeine. Therefore, tea acts softer and longer than coffee.

What determines the concentration of tea caffeine in tea? The smaller and "younger" the leaf, the more caffeine it contains. This means that tea with tips - tea buds - is the richest in caffeine, as well as alpine tea (temperature drops affect the caffeine content in tea leaves, and this leaf grows more slowly in the mountains). The more sunlight, the more caffeine in the tea. Therefore, in tea from Nordic countries less caffeine.

Green tea

Taste green tea softer than black - the leaves are dried and processed almost immediately after harvest, and this stops the fermentation process.

Why is it useful: Green tea contains epigallocatechin gallate, a compound that can prevent many diseases, including some types of cancer and heart disease. Just one cup of green tea a day can reduce the risk of heart disease by 10%.

Inessa Shkurina

tea master

Up to 500 useful substances and compounds are found in tea, and in the huge palette that exists on the market, you can always find what you like according to the degree of fermentation. Of course, green tea is healthier, it retains more nutrients if it is brewed correctly. But this type of tea may not suit someone.

There are very simple requirements for tea. If it is green tea, then the water temperature should be between 60 and 80 degrees; you do not need to insist for a long time, literally two minutes. Good ones green teas brew very quickly. Temperature regime- this is required condition: green tea is not brewed with boiling water, because it immediately kills nutrients, and burnt leaves can taste bitter. Many therefore do not like green tea: they pour in a lot, hold it for about ten minutes, and then say that it is disgusting.

Black tea

Black tea is made from fermented leaves and forms the base of most flavored teas.

Why is it useful: Black tea protects the lungs from exposure to tobacco smoke, lowers cholesterol levels and, if drunk several cups a day, reduces the risk of stroke.

Inessa Shkurina

tea master

Black tea is more fermented, "tolerates" a temperature of 90 degrees. It is important to select good water, and the tea itself is better to buy in specialized stores, after all enough... If you buy tea bags in supermarkets (people appreciate it, tea bags are quick), you need to look at the collection time at the packet, because when tea is transported in bags, it loses its aroma and properties, and if it is packed on the spot, the freshness lasts longer ... And it is better, of course, to choose vacuum packaging.

White tea

Young leaves white tea processed the least, so its taste is the mildest, and the beneficial properties of tea are better preserved.

Why is it useful: White tea differs from other types in that it can improve glucose tolerance and lower cholesterol levels.

Oolong tea combines the qualities of black and green tea: it is fermented only half - the edges of the leaves and part of their surface.

Why is it useful: enzymes of this tea are able to dissolve edible fats stored in fatty tissue, so eating oolong can help you lose excess weight- of course, if, in addition to it, you drink a sufficient amount of plain water.