Khachapuri made from cottage cheese and puff pastry. Khachapuri with cottage cheese on a puff base

25.04.2019 Fish dishes

Khachapuri is already quite familiar to our taste and it is not at all required to go to the Caucasus to taste delicious cake... Although to this day the bakery masters are well known, and the invitation "To Khachapuri" often implies a specific institution and culinary specialist. If there is no way to visit the master, there is still an option to try to cook it yourself. It's not an easy task, but the result can be very remarkable.

Puff khachapuri with cheese - general principles of preparation

Puff khachapuri is prepared, as can be seen from the name, from puff pastry, although not only from it. Specially laid out thin pita and cheese filling are also called puff khachapuri.

For flaky khachapuri with cheese, you can make the dough yourself or use purchased yeast or unleavened dough.

Put in the filling different varieties cheeses: pickled, hard, cottage cheese or suluguni. These cakes are most delicious if you put several types of cheese in the filling at once.

Pickled cheeses and suluguni are grated. Knead the curd with a fork, and hard cheeses cut into small cubes.

Puff pastry khachapuri with cheese can be baked in the oven or fried in a small amount of fat in a pan. Puff "lazy" cakes from lavash are mainly baked.

Puff khachapuri from yeast dough with cottage cheese and suluguni

280 gr. cheese, grade "Adyghe";

Homemade or bold purchased cottage cheese- 180 gr.;

125 gr. unsmoked suluguni;

A spoonful of "fast" yeast;

Refined white sugar - 2 tbsp l .;

100 g sour cream;

Three full glasses of flour;

180 g butter or frozen homemade cream.

1. Empty out instant yeast into a small bowl or half liter jar and add warm milk... Pour in granulated sugar, half a teaspoon of salt, sour cream and stir thoroughly.

2. In a separate large bowl, beat the egg and shake it until smooth with a whisk or fork. Pour in the dissolved yeast, gradually add all the flour and knead the dough.

3. Melt butter and let it cool to room temperature.

4. Roll out the dough into a large, thin layer and spread cream or butter over it. The thicker the fat layer, the better. Roll the dough into a not too tight roll, cover with a cloth and leave for half an hour.

5. Chop the parsley finely. Rub Suluguni and Adyghe cheese with coarse crumbs.

6. Mash the cottage cheese, add grated suluguni, Adyghe cheese and parsley to it. Add the white from the remaining egg and stir vigorously.

7. Cut the dough rope not large chunks and roll each into a flatbread. To make the baked puff pastry, you need to correctly place the dough before rolling. Do not put pieces on the cuts, otherwise the layered structure will be broken.

8. Place the filling in the middle of the flatbread and pinch the edges over it tightly. Then turn the blanks over with the seam down and roll them several times with a rolling pin.

9. Put the blanks on a roasting pan with vegetable oil, brush with whipped yolk on top and put in a hot oven for 20 minutes.

10. Grease the finished cakes with melted butter on top.

Quick khachapuri from puff pastry - "Balkan style"

... Mozzarella - 200 gr .;

100 g pickled cheese, varieties "Feta";

600 gr. factory or home puff semi-finished product;

Fresh egg.

1. Leave the ice cream dough on the table for half an hour. This is enough for it to thaw well and become soft.

2. Combine the cheeses, mash them with a fork until mushy.

3. Pour the egg into a separate small bowl and beat well. Mix two thirds of the egg mass with the cheese mixture, and set aside the remaining third. It is useful for lubricating the surface.

4. Cut the thawed dough into large 14 × 14 cm squares and place in the middle over a tablespoon of the filling. Bend the dough diagonally and pinch the seams firmly.

5. Place the blanks on a parchment-lined roasting pan and brush on top with the remaining egg mixture.

6. Bake puff pastry khachapuri at 160 degrees until their surface is uniformly golden colored.

Puff pastry khachapuri with cheese, "Suluguni" variety

Standard, 250 gr. a pack of margarine;

Half a kilo of un-smoked "Suluguni";

Three glasses of flour;

A tablespoon of softened butter;

Eggs - 2 pcs.

1. Break eggs into a wide bowl. Add a little salt, preferably finely ground, and mix well. Pour in flour, grate slightly frozen margarine on it through a coarse grater and immediately knead the dough without waiting for thawing. Transfer it to a bag and place it in the cold for two hours, but not in the freezer.

2. Shake the eggs vigorously with a fork, completely combining the yolks with the whites.

3. On a coarse or medium grater, grate Suluguni.

4. Add softened butter to it and, stirring thoroughly, two-thirds of the egg mass.

5. Remove the dough from the refrigerator and quickly roll it into a layer. The thickness should not be thinner than a finger, otherwise the cheese filling will flow out.

6. Cut the dough into 15 cm squares and place in the middle. cheese filling... Staple the opposite corners and then the seams to form envelopes.

7. Then again pinch the opposite corners firmly over the middle and turn over. Roll with a rolling pin several times to make the cakes come out.

8. Transfer the pieces to a greased baking sheet and pinch them evenly over the surface, make a hole in the center.

9. Brush the cakes with the remaining beaten egg and bake in the oven at 180 degrees for 20 minutes.

Lazy Georgian khachapuri puff

9% cottage cheese - 250 gr.;

Smoked "sausage" cheese - 200 gr .;

250 ml of fatty kefir;

Two sheets of thin light lavash;


Two large eggs.

1. Sausage cheese chop on the largest vegetable grater. Mash the curd, lightly salt and mix with the smoked cheese. Whisk kefir with eggs.

2. Take a small frypot and grease the bottom and sides well with butter.

3. Put a sheet in it Armenian lavash so that edges of the same size hang down on all sides.

4. Tear the remaining pita bread into large pieces. Take a third of the torn pita bread and dip it in kefir beaten with eggs for a minute. then take out and spread over the whole pita bread laid on the brazier.

5. Spread half of the cheese filling on top, and on it another third of the soaked torn pita bread.

6. Put the remaining cheese mixture and the remaining torn pita bread on it, also pre-soaked in kefir.

7. Wrap the hanging edges over it and generously brush them with the egg-kefir mixture.

8. Place the frypot in the hot oven.

9. After half an hour, remove and cut portioned chunks the same size.

Fried puff pastry khachapuri

A pound of mild hard cheese;

Two cloves of garlic;

100 g butter;

Creamy margarine - 100 gr.;

Two raw yolks;

One glass of cold drinking water;

One and a half tablespoons of table vinegar;

100 g wheat flour.

1. In a large bowl, combine table vinegar, ice water, yolks and a pinch of salt.

2. Add all the flour, grate the margarine and immediately knead the dough. The faster you knead, the better it will exfoliate. Place the ball-shaped dough in a bag, roll it up and place in the refrigerator for at least half an hour.

3. Take out, divide into four parts. Roll them out quickly to a minimum thickness. Then grease each generously with butter and roll. Melt the butter in advance or put it on the table so that it softens. Put the rolled roll in the cold.

4. After half an hour, take it out, roll it out again, grease with oil and roll it up, but not with a roll, but with an envelope. Repeat the process two more times.

5. Cut the cheese into small cubes and combine with two tablespoons of melted butter and one raw egg. Add chopped garlic and stir well again.

6. Roll the chilled pieces of dough into rectangular layers, a third of a centimeter thick, and cut into squares of the desired size.

7. Place the filling in the middle of each and wrap to form triangles.

8. Dip the blanks in hot oil and fry on both sides until golden brown.

Puff pastry khachapuri with cheese and egg - "Adjarian"

A pound of yeast puff semi-finished product;

300 gr. cheese, Suluguni variety (not smoked);

A spoonful of frozen cream.

1. Cut the thawed dough into six equal-sized rectangles. If it is too thick, roll it out slightly, but if its thickness is not more than 0.6 cm, you do not need to do this.

2. Roll the longest edges into thin tubes, and gather the side edges and pinch them well.

3. Place the pieces on a parchment-lined baking sheet and brush the sides with a beaten egg.

4. Rub the Suluguni cheese on a medium grater and mix it with the egg remaining after greasing the blanks.

5. Spread the filling over all the pieces in an even layer and place the baking sheet in the oven. Temperature oven should be 180 degrees.

6. After 10 minutes, remove and make longitudinal indentations in the middle of each pie. Break one egg at a time, add salt and put back in the oven.

7. Take it out when the white turns white and the yolk is still runny.

8. Put the finished dish on plates, put some oil in the middle of each khachapuri.

Layered khachapuri with cheese - cooking tricks and tips

If you are preparing a dish only with hard cheese, do not grate it, but cut it into medium-sized cubes. The cheese will not melt when baked, but only slightly softened.

Do not roll out puff pastry khachapuri too thin with a rolling pin. The thickness of the cakes should not be thinner than one centimeter.

Be sure to grease the pieces before baking with the beaten egg. Surface finished products will not be pale. They will take on a uniform golden hue.

By various recipes khachapuri made from puff pastry with cheese can be fried, more layered products are obtained if they are baked.

So let's start cooking puff pastry khachapuri... We take 1/2 kg of any pickled cheese (suluguni, Imeretian, vats, feta cheese), put in a large bowl and knead well with a fork. If the cheese is hard enough, you can grate it on a medium grater. Add 1 egg and 50 g of melted butter to the cheese and knead the whole mixture thoroughly.

Now let's do the test. We take out 500 g of puff pastry from the package and defrost it completely. Then sprinkle with flour and roll it into a thin layer (1-2 mm). Cut the dough into even squares. Put the cheese filling on each square, evenly distributing it, while leaving the edges free. Now we connect the edges of the khachapuri to make a triangle. Roll out the triangular cake a little, put it on a baking sheet. Bake puff pastry khachapuri in an oven preheated to 200-250 ° C for 15-20 minutes.

Puff pastry khachapuri with cheese and cottage cheese

This recipe is an unconventional version of khachapuri, but no less tasty.

1. First, prepare cheese and curd filling... We take 200 g of cheese (not only brine, but any kind) and rub it on a coarse grater. TO grated cheese add 250 g of cottage cheese (fatter), 1 egg, 3 cloves of garlic (passed through a press) and fresh chopped herbs. Mix all the ingredients very well, you should get a homogeneous mass.

2. Put a plate of unleavened puff pastry on work surface... Sprinkle a little flour on the dough and roll it out thinly in the shape of a circle or square. We do the same with another plate of dough.

3. On the rolled out layer of dough, lay out the prepared filling and level. Cover with the second layer of dough on top and pinch the edges. Use a fork to hit the surface of the cake.

4. Shifting puff pastry khachapuri on a baking sheet. Preheat the oven to 200 ° C and put our khachapuri in it. We bake for about half an hour.

5. On the table, after cutting into pieces.

Puff pastry khachapuri is perhaps the easiest cooking option of this dish... Usually housewives use ready-made puff pastry, as this is a guarantee of delicious baked goods. At the same time, you do not need to spend time and energy on preparing the base with your own hands, which is a complex and time-consuming process that requires skills. Classic khachapuri is prepared with cheese, but there are different variations- with cottage cheese, beans, meat filling.

The recipe for such a dish will help out in the most different situations, for example, before the arrival of guests. Khachapuri can be served with tea or main dishes instead of bread. It is worth noting that the classic recipe provides for the preparation of pastries not from puff, but from sponge yeast dough... Anyway, to make fragrant flour products, it will take at least an hour. Some cook khachapuri in the oven, and some in a pan.


Khachapuri is a Georgian dish. In translation, "khacha" means cheese, and "puri" means bread. Traditionally, not a single meal is complete without it. Every Georgian family has its own recipe for making such baked goods, which have rightfully become pride Caucasian cuisine... The secrets of making bread with cheese filling have been passed down from generation to generation.

Khachapuri occupies an important place in Eastern European cuisine because culinary traditions Georgia cannot leave any gourmet indifferent. For this reason, baked goods are not uncommon in Ukraine, Russia, Belarus. Mistresses prepare her for home kitchen... Khachapuri can often be ordered in coffee shops and restaurants.

There are recipes for making flour products with minced meat... But in this case, it is not entirely correct to call the dish khachapuri, since it should in any case consist of bread and cheese. Many will be interested to know that in Georgia they cook several more dishes very similar to khachapuri. These include:

  • lobiani, which are stuffed with beans;
  • kubdari are cakes with minced meat;
  • Balkar-Karachai khychins are a traditional dish, which is prepared with a filling of cheese and potatoes or meat.

Georgians are so proud of their national baked goods that in 2010 a law was passed that is designed to protect the trade name "khachapuri".

Baking features

By tradition, Georgian national pastries should have round shape... You can bake portioned cakes, or you can make a large khachapuri, which is then cut into 6 - 8 portions. The exception is Adjarian khachapuri. This product has an oval shape and resembles a boat. A raw egg is driven into the center of such baking, which is baked along with the dough. It is important to note that it is advisable to add to the dish special kind cheese - suluguni.

Despite the fact that it is advisable to use fermented yeast dough for the classic recipe, at least tasty dish it will turn out if you buy a ready-made puff base. Moreover, it will taste familiar to a person accustomed to Slavic cuisine.

Puff pastry khachapuri can be prepared in just 1 hour, whereas usual recipe time-consuming. In addition, a wide variety of fillings can be used. Delicious pastries will come out with cottage cheese or young cheese, for example, Adyghe, homemade. Can do a culinary experiment and add to cheese boiled eggs, greens such as dill.

Exists different ways heat treatment dishes. Classic recipe involves baking khachapuri in the oven. But you can cook it in a pan as well. In any case, the dish prepared in compliance with the technology will turn out to be incredibly tasty. It can be a great substitute for bread - in this case, khachapuri should be served along with main dishes.

If you are waiting for the arrival of guests, cheese cakes can be served with tea and coffee. Such flour products are not only tasty, but also very satisfying. Cheese and cottage cheese are very useful components that enrich the body with calcium.

A simple puff pastry recipe

To make puff pastry khachapuri, you must choose good foundation in the shop. We recommend buying semi-finished products from well-known manufacturers. It is very important to pay attention to the composition, which must be natural.

So, to make such a dish, you need not a large number of ingredients:

  • 500 grams of puff pastry;
  • 300 grams of Adyghe cheese;
  • 70 grams of butter;
  • flour.

Puff pastry must be defrosted when room temperature... After that, it should be divided into two equal parts, from which two circles with a thickness of 3-4 millimeters should be rolled out. Separately, you need to grate the cheese on coarse grater... After that, the cheese is laid out and evenly distributed over the surface of the dough. We recommend adding butter to the cheese to make the filling juicy.

The recipe does not provide for the addition raw egg to the filling. The filling can be salted if you like salty cheese... We do not recommend adding sugar, as this ingredient is not compatible with Adyghe cheese.

After that, on the bottom layer of dough with filling is laid out upper layer... With careful movements, you need to pinch the edges, firmly fastening them together. Next, you need to put a sheet of parchment paper on a baking sheet, grease it with a small amount of butter or vegetable oil... Before placing your khachapuri on a baking sheet, it is advisable to lightly dust it with flour.

The dish should be baked for 20 - 35 minutes in an oven preheated to 180 degrees. After removing the flour product from the oven, you can sprinkle it with a little cheese. This will add even more flavor to the dish and highlight its extraordinary taste.

It is best to serve baked goods warm. But such flour products retain their taste even a few hours after cooking. For this reason, khachapuri can be cooked several hours before the arrival of guests.

If you wish, you can make portioned khachapuri. To do this, it is necessary to roll out not two circles from the dough, but small squares. After placing the filling on the dough, form triangles that are easy to bake in the oven. As you can see, this method of making khachapuri with puff pastry cheese is versatile and very simple.

Homemade khachapuri with cottage cheese

Recipe next dish will be useful when you have cottage cheese in the fridge. So, you need to take the following ingredients:

  • 1 kilogram of puff pastry;
  • 1 egg;
  • 400 grams of cottage cheese;
  • Dill;
  • salt;
  • 100 grams of butter.

The dough must be rolled out, giving it a thickness of 5 millimeters. The layer should be sprinkled with a little flour and left for 5 minutes in a warm place for the dough to "rest". In the meantime, you can do the stuffing. To do this, pass the curd through a sieve or crush with a fork. Such actions will give the filling a uniform consistency. After that, a raw egg, salt, dill are added to the filling with cottage cheese.

The mixture should be mixed well. You can add any other spices you like. If the filling with cottage cheese is too liquid, you need to add a tablespoon of flour to it.

After that, the dough is cut into equal squares measuring 20 x 20 centimeters. Then the filling and a small piece of butter are laid out on the center of each square. It is very important to properly secure the edges of the products. This is done as follows: opposite corners are fastened together, after which the remaining parts of the dough envelope are connected with careful movements. Before baking khachapuri, it is necessary to grease their surface. egg yolk to give a beautiful color.

The baking sheet is greased with butter. It is also advisable to cover it parchment paper, which will prevent burning. Khachapuri should be baked in the oven until tender. This process usually takes about 30 minutes. The dish is best served for tea drinking. In the process of cooking, the house will fill pleasant aroma fresh baked goods.

There are dozens of recipes for making khachapuri. Such a Georgian dish does not leave indifferent any person who has tried it at least once in his life. The fastest and simplest recipe involves the use of ready-made puff pastry, which today can be purchased in almost any store. We recommend that you please your guests and loved ones with such delicious pastries, which is ideal for a sweet table or replaces bread, if served with main courses.

The homeland of khachapuri is Georgia. This is a traditional dish of the country made from dough and filling (cheese, cottage cheese). There are a large number of recipes - with different fillings, dough, cooking methods. The puff pastry khachapuri recipe is one of the simplest, and the result is a delicious airy dish.

Its name comes from two words - "khacho" (cottage cheese) and "puri" (bread). Georgians say that making real khachapuri requires not only flour, eggs and cheese, but also the warm heart of a cook. In different regions of Georgia, this dish is prepared in its own way. In Adjara there are boats filled with cheese and a raw egg inside, in Samegrelia there is a flatbread with a cheese filling in the middle, and in Imereti there is a closed flatbread filled with cheese. Khachapuri is loved not only in Georgia. There are known recipes for Ossetian khachapuri, they can also be tried in Abkhazia and Sochi (until 1919 the city belonged to the territory of Georgia).

The dough for classic khachapuri is yeast. However, there are many puff pastry recipes. It takes longer to cook than ordinary yeast dough, but taste far surpasses it.

Therefore, many housewives choose exactly puff khachapuri. By the way, in Adjara (region of Georgia) they are also cooked, but they are called "achma". The principle of cooking is reminiscent of lasagna. Spread the cheese filling on the oiled dough sheets and bake in the oven. It turns out a very tender cake.

Classic filling for khachapuri - Imeretian cheese... However, it is difficult to find it in stores, so resourceful chefs replace it with suluguni, feta cheese, salted cottage cheese, Adyghe cheese and other fillings. The article offers recipes on how to make puff pastry khachapuri with different fillings available.

General rules for the preparation of khachapuri

  1. The amount of filling should correspond to the volume of the dough. Only in this case will you get a khachapuri with a rich cheesy taste... The cheese for the dish must be salty. Georgians use Imeretian cheese. Before cooking, it is soaked in water for 5-6 hours to make it less salty. This also needs to be done with alternative salty cheeses such as feta cheese.
  2. Only bake in the oven! Offered quick recipe cooking khachapuri without an oven, for example, in a frying pan. But this will not work, the dish that is served in Georgia. In addition, there are types of khachapuri that can only be baked in the oven. For example, Adjarian khachapuri with puff pastry suluguni, or Megrelian (with cheese filling on top).
  3. Eat only hot! Another feature of khachapuri is its airiness. The dough should be soft, melt in the mouth, and the filling (cheese) should melt under the influence high temperatures and saturate the mass. After cooling, it coarsens and the filling becomes hard. Of course, you can heat the cooled khachapuri in the microwave or in a frying pan with the addition of a small amount of water, but the taste will be completely different.

Adjarian boat recipe

Adjarian khachapuri with puff pastry suluguni - this is the closest recipe to the present Georgian dish... Prepare the dough as standard. In this dish, the filling is the highlight.

Roll the finished mass into a cake and form a boat. To do this, we begin to twist the edges of the cake into a tube, at the end leaving about a third of the distance between them. Put the filling in the center - finely grated suluguni cheese. We send the boat to the oven, preheated to 200-220 degrees for 10-15 minutes. After that, immerse several pieces of butter in the cheese filling and break one egg on top. Once again we send the boat to the oven for 1-2 minutes so that the protein curls slightly.

Adjarian-style khachapuri should be eaten hot, tearing off a piece of dough with cheese and dipping it in the yolk.

Khachapuri with suluguni cheese

Let's prepare Megrelian khachapuri with suluguni cheese. To do this, we form a cake, put half of the cheese on it, as described in the previous recipe. Place on a baking sheet, top down. We make a hole in the center with a diameter of 3-5 cm, grease the surface of the cake raw yolk and spread out the other half of the cheese. We send the cake to the oven for 10-15 minutes. It turns out khachapuri with a ruddy cheese top.

Khachapuri with puff pastry cheese

Cheese is the most affordable cheese... Khachapuri is prepared with feta cheese in the same way as with suluguni. Just do not grate the filling, but knead it with a fork and add an egg to hold it a little. The cheese itself is very salty, so it is recommended to soak it in water for about an hour before preparing the dish.

The mass is baked in the oven at a temperature of 200-220 degrees for a little less than half an hour.

Khachapuri with cottage cheese on a puff base

It is better to take homemade cottage cheese for the filling, then it can be mixed with chopped herbs. If the cottage cheese is not greasy, then it can be combined with melted butter and sour cream. You do not need to make the filling very liquid, otherwise it will not stick in the dough.

Roll out the dough into a cake, lay out the filling, sprinkle with salt and spices. Cover with another sheet of dough and bake in the oven.

Puff pastry khachapuri recipe with meat

Roll out the dough into a cake, spread the filling, several small pieces of butter on top and cover with another sheet of dough. We pinch the edges tightly and make cuts in the top of the cake so that the steam evaporates. We bake in the oven at 200 degrees for 15-20 minutes. The dish is served hot.

Home-style khachapuri

This is the fastest recipe, but at the same time, khachapuri is the least reminiscent of real Georgian pastries. You can make curd dough. To do this, add an egg, salt, cottage cheese, soda, quenched with vinegar or lemon to the melted butter or margarine. Everything is mixed and flour is gradually introduced. After kneading the tough dough, leave it in the refrigerator.

For the filling, grate cheese, chop greens, garlic. Ready dough rolled into a cake, transferred to a baking sheet. The whole filling is laid out on it, another sheet of dough on top, the edges are pinched. The surface of the cake is smeared with yolk and baked in the oven for 30 minutes. Ready dish you can also eat the next day, preheating in a pan or in a microwave oven.

Quick khachapuri from puff pastry "Balkan style"

This recipe allows you to use a mixture of cheeses - Adyghe, feta, mozzarella or suluguni. The cheeses are crushed into fine grater, add salt (if the cheese is unsalted) and a raw egg.

The dough is divided into small pieces, each of which is rolled out into a small cake. Put a tablespoon of the filling on one edge and cover with the second edge diagonally to make a triangular envelope. Lubricate the surface with an egg and send it to a preheated oven for 15 minutes.

Lazy Georgian khachapuri puff

The highlight of these khachapuri is that there is no need to prepare the dough. Thin sheets of ready-made lavash are used. Put one sheet on a baking sheet so that the edges hang down. We tear the second sheet into small pieces. Put the filling on a baking sheet (any of the cheeses or an assortment of them). Soak the torn pieces in kefir with an egg and cover the filling with them on top. Then again a layer of cheese and a layer of soaked pita bread. This is how we make several layers. After that, cover the khachapuri with the hanging edges of the first sheet of pita bread, grease it with a kefir-egg mixture and bake in the oven at 200 degrees for 15-20 minutes.

Each of the recipes is good in its own way. Any housewife can choose the cooking method according to her preferences. If you want to virtually find yourself in Georgia and feel the taste of Georgian cuisine, then choose the Adjarian khachapuri recipe. And someone needs a quick recipe for delicious and hearty dish- Balkan khachapuri or lazy khachapuri will be just right. If someone prefers dishes with meat filling, and for such tastes, we have a recipe. Bon Appetit!

Khachapuri recipes

Learn how to properly cook delicious khachapuri with puff pastry cheese using our simple step by step recipe with photos and detailed video.

35 mins

280.5 kcal

4/5 (4)

Khachapuri with puff pastry cheese is a dish that can bewitch with its taste. It is especially so because with a minimum of time, money and effort, you will get a very pleasant and nutritious dish.

The step-by-step recipe for this culinary excess can be considered one of the simplest. Even beginners can master this recipe without making mistakes! Today I will delight you with a recipe with a photo, which deals with puff pastry khachapuri with cheese in the oven.

Ingredients and preparation

Kitchen appliances:

  • containers for ingredients;
  • oven;
  • rolling pin;
  • grater;
  • baking sheet;
  • whisk or fork;
  • cling film;


For the test:

For filling:

  • Adyghe cheese - from 300 to 500 g.

How to find the ingredients

Choose flour first grade, it is best for making puff pastry. As for the cheese, it should be said that if there is no "Adyghe" cheese at hand, then any other will do... The main thing is that it be solid or semi-solid.

If you want to make "original" khachapuri with Adyghe cheese from puff pastry, then you need to use only Adyghe cheese.

Step by step recipe

Dough preparation

  1. We take a deep bowl or other container for our future mixture. Pour 200 ml into this very bowl cold water... Add one egg, half a teaspoon of salt and a tablespoon to the water lemon juice... Mix our entire mixture thoroughly with a whisk until the consistency becomes homogeneous. Then we need to put our mixture in the refrigerator.

  2. Pour half a kilogram of flour onto our work surface. We take our grater, dust it with flour and rub our butter into flour on a large "format" blade. Please note that the oil must be chilled!
  3. In the process of rubbing, it is worth constantly mixing flour and butter. When all the butter is grated, you need to mix it thoroughly with flour and form a circle, in the middle of which you need to make a small depression.

  4. We take our mixture out of the refrigerator and begin to slowly pour it into this very depression in the middle of our flour. We pour in the mixture gradually, in parts. After pouring in a little, you need to mix the mixture with the flour and pour in more. Thus, we need to mix our entire mixture with flour and butter.

  5. Now you need to "collect" the dough very quickly. Puff pastry is not kneaded, but "harvested". This is done as follows - we begin to "throw" the dough over itself and press. All residues that leave our dough during this process must also be thrown over the top of the dough and pressed. This is how the layers of our dough are formed.

  6. Now put the already formed dough in any container and cover cling film... Then you need to send our dough to the refrigerator. The minimum dwell time of the test in refrigerator compartment- 2 hours.

Preparation of the filling

Formation of khachapuri


What is khachapuri served with?

According to the established tradition, it is customary to serve khachapuri with various liquid spices or gravies for food. Best fit hot sauces, but they can also be replaced with simple ones.

Serving khachapuri with a meat plate is very tasty.... This already turns out to be a good full lunch or dinner!

I would like to emphasize the versatility of this dish. You have the right to serve it with whatever you want, because everything is limited only by your taste preferences.

Video recipe for khachapuri with puff pastry cheese

So simple and clear recipe can be made even more simplified! To do this, you can watch a video describing the recipe for making khachapuri with cheese in the oven.

Possible other cooking and filling options

Thanks to human resourcefulness, we can surprise ourselves various types khachapuri! For example, it can amaze a person with what is truly special. The fact is that it is served only in a closed form! But georgian cuisine she did not stop there and is ready to please us. The fact is that as there are regions and regions in Georgia, there are so many options for making khachapuri.

For those who have already tried such a dish with cheese, I advise you to try making khachapuri from puff pastry with cottage cheese. To do this, you need the same recipe, but instead of cheese, you must use cottage cheese.
Another option for making khachapuri with cheese is from puff yeast dough. Using yeast dough, you get khachapuri that are slightly larger than those cooked on yeast-free dough... This is their main difference. And in terms of taste, they are not much different.

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