Like powdered milk. How to properly dilute milk powder at home

26.04.2019 Beverages

You purchased powdered milk? How to dilute this product correctly? Often, lovers of dairy products cannot imagine outdoor recreation without this. useful product... Since transportation and storage of classic drinking milk without a refrigerator is difficult, vacationers should take care of the presence of a packet of milk powder. Properly diluted dry products are not inferior in taste and nutritional properties fresh milk... The question "how to breed milk powder" is often asked by chefs and livestock breeders. To understand what proportions should be observed when diluting a white mixture, it is worth finding out what options for dry products are available.

The store may offer whole and fat-free dry dairy products. They are distinguished by the fat content in the composition. Whole milk powder has a shorter (compared to skimmed) shelf life. Whole milk powder tastes like a pasteurized version. Milk powder has a creamy color. Want to try powdered milk? We will find out how to breed this wonderful product below.

Required proportions

To get a glass of an appetizing drink, take 5 tsp. powder and warm / cold water. Stir the resulting substance (these proportions make it possible to obtain milk of 2.5% fat content). It is worth postponing the tasting: it will take some time for the proteins to swell, the watery taste disappears and the required density is developed. The drink can be boiled. Usually, there is no serious doubt about the preparation of milk powder: how to breed white aromatic powder the instruction will always prompt.

You bought milk powder, it became clear how to breed it. But what if the prepared liquid is sour? Like traditional sour milk, the diluted dry drink is used for making curds and baked goods. Experienced hostess always has a packet of milk powder on the shelf: it is easy to cook porridge on it, the addition of this product makes the soup taste unusual. But you should not completely go over the powder analogue of milk: each product has specific characteristics, for each dish there is the most the best option dairy products.

What can you cook if you have milk powder

You are already experienced in the question of how to dilute milk powder, but you do not know which dishes you can add it to. Powdered milk can be a great help in making sweets.

"Truffles from Mom"


  • 0.5 tbsp. milk;
  • 3-4 tbsp. powdered milk;
  • 40 gr. butter;
  • 2 tbsp. l. cocoa;
  • 4 tbsp. l. Sahara.

Prepare a saucepan and put sugar, butter, milk in it. Reduce heat on the stove and stir the mixture. When the sugar dissolves, remove the pan from the stove and put the mixture to cool. Introduce cocoa and milk powder into the cooled mass. The resulting "dough" should move away from the walls of the dishes. Shape truffles, roll them around coconut flakes (bread crumbs). If you are not a fan of cocoa, you can remove this ingredient and start making white truffles.

"Banana Delight"


  • Regular milk - 2 tbsp. l .;
  • Powdered milk - 2-3 tbsp.;
  • Sugar - 3 tbsp. l .;
  • Almonds - 100 g;
  • 1 banana;
  • 20 gr. oil drain.;
  • Coconut flakes.

Sometimes the question "how to dilute milk powder" is not relevant: there are sweet dishes for which it is powder that is used. This dessert is Banana Delight. Put chopped banana, butter, milk and sugar in a bowl. Powdered milk is added to the mixed mass. A small piece of mass is taken, almonds are placed inside, rolled round candy with almond filling. The balls are sprinkled with coconut flakes.

Company LLC " Trading house"Tortsnab" offers you milk powder High Quality at a bargain price. You can find out more in the section.

And finally, we invite you to watch a video where whole milk and powdered milk are compared.

On store shelves along with the usual milk you can find dry, which differs from the classic powdery consistency. The product finds application in different areas cooking, it is used to make whole milk, of bread, sausages... In animal husbandry, the powder is used for animal feed.

What is milk powder

Concentrate from a regular pasteurized beverage or milk powder Is dried milk. It removes many disadvantages liquid version- stored longer, easier to transport. At the same time, it retains an excellent composition and contains all the necessary nutrients and vitamins. The prototype modern product served as lumps of milk, which were made by the inhabitants of Siberia, freezing milk.

For the first time, the Russian doctor Krichevsky received a dry powder, who for a long time evaporated the liquid using a special technology so that everything beneficial features original product have been saved. After several decades, the powder is used in cooking and Food Industry, is included in the diet of an adult and a child.


A subtype of the product is skimmed milk powder, which contains 25 times less fat than whole milk. The same amount of other useful substances remains there. Due to the low fat content, the product is stored for a long time, does not require special conditions... If you mix skimmed milk with whole, steam-bind and dry, you get an instant product used by the barista to supplement when brewing coffee.


Whole milk powder is distinguished by its high calorie content and low shelf life. It is a uniformly colored powder of white-cream color with a uniform consistency. A product is obtained from whole cow's milk. Finished powder can be dissolved without sediment. It has no inclusions of yellow or Brown color, easily rubbed between the fingers.

What is milk powder made of

V classic product only pasteurized whole cow milk is included. The raw material undergoes a complex five-stage drying and homogenization procedure, allowing the composition to be kept practically unchanged. The product is rich in protein, fats, milk sugar, lactose, vitamins, useful substances and trace elements. No additional components(soy protein, starch, sugar) are not added to the composition - this deteriorates the quality and taste of the brewed drink.

How do

In five stages, milk powder is produced at food factories in Russia. The raw material is fresh cow's milk, which is subject to the following changes:

  1. Normalization - bringing the fat content of the feedstock to the norm (the reduced one is increased, the increased one is reduced). For this, the product is mixed with less fat or cream. This stage is needed in order to achieve a certain ratio of fat content in accordance with regulatory documents.
  2. Pasteurization - heating a liquid to remove bacteria and viruses from it. You do not need to pasteurize milk for a long time, then cool it.
  3. Thickening or boiling - at this stage, the product is boiled, divided into whole and fat-free subspecies, for which the processes differ in time and parameters. If you add sugar to the product at this step, you get condensed milk.
  4. Homogenization - obtaining a uniform consistency by the manufacturer.
  5. Drying - the resulting nutrient liquid is dried in a special apparatus until it reaches a certain percentage of moisture.

How to dilute milk powder at home

When purchasing a product and subsequent preparation, it is important to observe the dilution proportions of milk powder. To restore, you will need three parts of warm water (about 45 degrees) and one part of powder. Add the liquid gradually, stir well, leave for a few minutes to achieve a homogeneous milky consistency and dissolve the proteins.

Useful Tips:

  • cold water undesirable, because the particles do not completely dissolve, crystallize and are felt on the teeth;
  • boiling water is also not suitable - it will just curdle the milk;
  • it is imperative to insist the liquid after dilution, because this will happen optimal product rather than watery with non-swollen protein;
  • it is harmful to use a stirrer for stirring - it gives too much foam;
  • introduce water gradually and carefully so that no lumps form;
  • brew coffee and season with dry milk - it will be delicious.

For pancakes

Popular dish, in which the product in question is used, are pancakes with milk powder. To prepare them, you will need a liter of whole milk, which is easy to dilute in the following proportion: 100 grams (8 teaspoons) of dry powder in a liter of warm water. Add water to the powder, not vice versa, stir and wait 15 minutes for the solution to be homogeneous.

For porridge

A pleasant breakfast will serve as porridge on milk powder, which will be made in proportion to a glass of water 25 grams of powder. From this amount, you will get a glass of reconstituted milk with a fat content of 2.5%, which is enough for one serving. For four people, 900 ml of water and 120 grams of powder will have to be diluted. The dilution liquid must be warm, stirring continues continuously until the product is completely dissolved.

Calorie content

Classic powdered milk without additives contains an average of 496 calories per 100 grams, which is almost 10 times higher than the usual drink. This is due to the concentration of the product. Whole milk powder contains 549 kcal, and skim milk - 373. The product is rich in fats (saturated, fatty acids), sodium, potassium and dietary fiber... It contains a lot of sugars, proteins and vitamins.

Benefit and harm

The composition of the powder is not inferior to natural pasteurized milk. It contains calcium to strengthen bones, potassium to improve the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, vitamin A to improve vision and skin health. In addition, milk is useful for rickets, because. Here are some more useful properties of the product:

  • useful for anemia;
  • choline normalizes blood cholesterol levels;
  • chlorine relieves swelling, cleanses the body;
  • magnesium and phosphorus provide comprehensive health support;
  • useful for diabetes, gastroenterological diseases;
  • rich in vitamin B12 and protein, according to reviews it is important for vegetarians or people who do not eat meat;
  • easily absorbed, does not burden the digestive tract;
  • does not contain bacteria, does not need boiling;
  • the benefits of vitamins, the BJU complex for the health of the body as a whole.

The harm of milk powder is not so obvious; rather, it can be called a disadvantage. Do not use the powder for allergy sufferers, people with lactose intolerance or reactive rashes on the constituent parts. Do not get carried away with the product with a penchant for typing excess weight- high energy value affects speed dialing muscle mass body, which is then difficult to return to normal - it is not suitable for losing weight. This harm factor translates into a benefit for bodybuilding athletes.

Powdered milk dishes

Dishes made from powdered milk at home are widespread. The powder can be bought on the shelf of any store. It is used in cooking, confectionery and dessert business. Milk consistency when added to baked goods finished product denser, and when boiling creams and pastes extends their shelf life. It is convenient to use milk powder in order to restore the drink, and then use the liquid in different ways - mix it with flour for pancakes or pancakes, add to cereals, sweets, cakes.

The dry powder can caramelize during the drying process, so it smells like candy. For this aroma, milk is loved by confectioners who make condensed milk, fillings for sandwiching cakes and pastries, and Korovka sweets. Dried milk can be used to make infant formula, chocolate, ganache for coating biscuits and muffins. The addition of powder to yoghurts makes the consistency homogeneous and prolongs the shelf life.

At home use dry milk powder is used as a replacement for whole milk in cereals, baked goods, rolls, sweets. Milk is added to mastic for wrapping holiday cakes, to ice cream, condensed milk, bread, cottage cheese, for a layer of muffins. To replace some components, powder is used in the manufacture of cutlets, ham, meatballs. For sweet dishes, the product is used to prepare jelly, rolls, pies, cupcakes, croissants.

Powdered milk is a good substitute for fresh milk, because these two products practically do not differ in their taste. But not all housewives know how to dilute milk powder. It is very convenient to take the powder with you on trips and outdoors, because it will not turn sour as quickly as fresh.

It is produced by thickening or drying. natural milk in special machines, so you need to dilute it gradually, adding cold or warm water. The purpose of drying is to reduce the amount of the product and increase its shelf life.

How to dissolve without lumps

In fact, it is not as easy to dilute milk powder without lumps as it might seem at first glance. Despite the observance of the instructions indicated on the package, many housewives do not manage to cook it correctly so that it is homogeneous and without lumps.

  • The water should be warm. Do not use boiling water or ice water... The approximate proportions are 1: 8, but this does not mean that you have to stand in the kitchen and calculate the grams of powder with precision;
  • Approximately for one plastic disposable cup, take 6-7 teaspoons of powder and mix it with water in the amount of one glass;
  • It is important to know that you need to add water gradually, and not pour it out in one motion. If you do not follow this rule, you will not be able to prepare a drink without clumping.

The proportions of how to dilute milk powder may differ slightly, depending on the purpose of its use. If you want to get large quantity product, take several times more of all the components.

Often, powdered milk is used in cooking when kneading dough for baking bread or rolls, if there is no hand fresh product... You can also dilute this powder for making soups, cereals or other dishes. It can also be used to make dairy products at home.

You cannot use boiling water to prepare the product, otherwise the powder will immediately collapse into lumps, which will no longer be possible to get rid of. After preparing the drink, it is recommended to let it brew a little: the proteins will swell, and this will eliminate the taste of wateriness.

Soy milk powder

His appearance, consistency and nutritional value it is virtually indistinguishable from regular cow's milk. Its addition to food even has its own advantages: this product does not contain lactose, cholesterol and milk protein, to which many people are often allergic.

This natural cow's milk substitute is recommended by nutritionists for people with lactose deficiency, allergies to milk proteins, overweight, atherosclerosis.

It is also recommended for use by persons prone to the development of kidney disease and iron deficiency. It is obtained by evaporation from liquid soy milk... The product is in the form of a creamy powder with a slight nutty flavor.

If you decide to introduce this product into your diet, you should know how to dilute soy milk powder with water. Soybean powder can be diluted with water or dissolved in a cup of tea or coffee. For a glass of water, you will need 5 teaspoons of dry legume powder.

Coconut milk at home

If it is not possible to buy fresh coconut and get milk from it, you can use a dry product. It is often used by pastry chefs in the process of making sweets. Coconut milk powder is sold in many stores and is much cheaper. fresh fruits coconut.

You can find several recipes for diluting coconut milk powder with water. The following proportions are known: to prepare a liter of coconut milk, you will need 10 tablespoons of powder. Use water with a temperature of 35-40 degrees.

Add water to the powder in small portions and stir everything until a homogeneous mass is obtained. When the dry mixture is diluted to a homogeneous consistency, add water to the required volume.

Nutritionists recommend using such a product in case of intolerance to a product of animal origin, as well as for people with digestive problems. Coconut is rich in coarse fibers that improve organ function digestive system. Coconut milk diluted with water at home will become good addition for coffee or tea.

Powdered milk is a good substitute for fresh milk, because these two products practically do not differ in their taste. But not all housewives know how to dilute milk powder. It is very convenient to take the powder with you on trips and outdoors, because it will not turn sour as quickly as fresh.

It is produced by condensing or drying natural milk in special machines, so it must be diluted gradually by adding cold or warm water. The purpose of drying is to reduce the amount of the product and increase its shelf life.

How to dissolve without lumps

In fact, it is not as easy to dilute milk powder without lumps as it might seem at first glance. Despite the observance of the instructions indicated on the package, many housewives do not manage to cook it correctly so that it is homogeneous and without lumps.

  • The water should be warm. Do not use boiling water or ice water. The approximate proportions are 1: 8, but this does not mean that you have to stand in the kitchen and calculate the grams of powder with precision;
  • Approximately for one plastic disposable cup, take 6-7 teaspoons of powder and mix it with water in the amount of one glass;
  • It is important to know that you need to add water gradually, and not pour it out in one motion. If you do not follow this rule, you will not be able to prepare a drink without clumping.

The proportions of how to dilute milk powder may differ slightly, depending on the purpose of its use. If you want to get a larger amount of the product, take several times more of all the components.

Often, powdered milk is used in cooking when kneading dough for baking bread or rolls, if there is no fresh product at hand. You can also dilute this powder for making soups, cereals or other dishes. You can also make fermented milk products from it at home.

You cannot use boiling water to prepare the product, otherwise the powder will immediately collapse into lumps, which will no longer be possible to get rid of. After preparing the drink, it is recommended to let it brew a little: the proteins will swell, and this will eliminate the taste of wateriness.

Soy milk powder

By its appearance, consistency and nutritional value, it practically does not differ from ordinary cow's milk. Its addition to food even has its own advantages: this product does not contain lactose, cholesterol and milk protein, to which many people are often allergic.

This natural cow's milk substitute is recommended by nutritionists for people with lactose deficiency, allergy to milk proteins, overweight, atherosclerosis.

It is also recommended for use by persons prone to the development of kidney disease and iron deficiency. It is obtained by evaporation from liquid soy milk. The product is in the form of a creamy powder with a slight nutty flavor.

If you decide to introduce this product into your diet, you should know how to dilute soy milk powder with water. Soybean powder can be diluted with water or dissolved in a cup of tea or coffee. For a glass of water, you will need 5 teaspoons of dry legume powder.

Coconut milk at home

If it is not possible to buy fresh coconut and get milk from it, you can use a dry product. It is often used by pastry chefs in the process of making sweets. Coconut milk powder is sold in many stores and is much cheaper than fresh coconut fruit.

You can find several recipes for diluting coconut milk powder with water. The following proportions are known: to prepare a liter of coconut milk, you will need 10 tablespoons of powder. Use water with a temperature of 35-40 degrees.

Add water to the powder in small portions and stir everything until a homogeneous mass is obtained. When the dry mixture is diluted to a homogeneous consistency, add water to the required volume.

Nutritionists recommend using such a product in case of intolerance to a product of animal origin, as well as for people with digestive problems. Coconut is rich in coarse fibers that improve the functioning of the digestive system. Homemade coconut milk makes a good addition to coffee or tea.

Do not abuse milk powder, because if you exceed it daily allowance metabolic processes may be disturbed, which will contribute to the formation of fatty deposits.

Powdered milk is obtained by drying pasteurized cow's milk. Powdered milk is diluted in warm water consumed as a drink, and also made from it various dishes and baby food, while milk powder does not lose its beneficial properties. For, cow's milk is subjected to normalization. Pasteurization and thickening. Then it is homogenized and dried on roller or spray dryers. Spray dryers dry milk at a temperature of 150-180 ° C.

At the end of the drying process, the milk is sieved and cooled.

It's pretty difficult process. Powdered milk at home it's not easy to cook, and here's why.

Suppose you decide to make salt from salt water. You can boil the water until all of it evaporates and there is no salt left at the bottom.

Now suppose you wanted to get sugar from sweet water... You can boil the water and thus bring it to a syrupy consistency. But in order to turn the syrup into sugar, you have to be more careful - if the temperature is slightly higher than necessary, the sugar will caramelize or burn.

Milk is an even more complex product. To turn milk into powder, you cannot exceed a certain temperature - otherwise the milk will lose its taste. Under factory conditions, half of the water would first be evaporated from the milk in a vacuum evaporator. This process is similar to the idea used in freeze drying. The milk must be heated to a certain temperature without being damaged or burnt.

In ancient times, nomads dried milk in the following way: cow's milk was poured into a cauldron and boiled for a very long time on the fire until thick consistency in several stages. Pre-processed mutton rennet was lowered to the bottom, onto which milk settled and absorbed during the drying process. Then it was dried in strips. These strips could then be lowered into boiled water and get milk.

The main advantage of milk powder and the reason why it is made is more long term storage of this product compared to fresh milk... And for the milk to be stored for a long time, the people invented a lot different ways in the south, milk was fermented and heated; in Siberia, milk froze in circles in bowls and basins. Now, of course, no one at home will resort to such tricks, and the conditions will not allow. Therefore, the most effective way receiving milk powder at home is the making with your own hands of a simple device designed to dry this product.

A milk dryer is easy to make with your own hands, it works with low energy consumption and does not need special supervision.

The dryer is a milk bath (up to 20 liters) and a stainless steel drum with a diameter of 20 - 50 cm. The drum diameter depends on your needs and capabilities. An element is installed inside the drum to heat the drum to 90-100 ° C. A knife is installed close to the surface of the drum. The drum, outlet and hopper for milk powder are best made of aluminum, duralumin or steel intended for food products(brand Х19Н9Т). The heater is a heating element of any design (up to 200 W) or a spiral heater with a conical porcelain holder, it is easy to find it in special stores.

You will also need a motor with a power of about 50 watts, used to rotate the Christmas trees. The main advantage of such a motor is the built-in gearbox, which provides a speed of 1 rpm.

Cotton filters deliver milk to the surface of the drum in an even layer. If the milk is very fat, the fat settles in the bath and can be used to make butter and sour cream. The drum rotates and dries the milk trail, and the thin crust of milk powder is scraped off the surface with a knife, after which the milk powder is poured into the hopper at once.

After all, the dryer must be thoroughly rinsed and scalded with boiling water. Milk powder should be stored in a cool place.