Round candies in a black wrapper. These strange candy

08.09.2020 Fish dishes

Today, an infinite number of different goods revolve around a person every day. Any manufacturer tries to come up with something new, to surprise his client with something, and thereby attract new ones. Competition at a very high level is, of course, very good for a market economy, but how hard it is for ordinary people. They are constantly faced with choice, new space to explore, innovative products. And this applies to absolutely everything: from mobile phones to the most ordinary, seemingly, candy, can there be something more difficult and more unpleasant than their choice? In fact, it is sometimes quite difficult to find the taste and the beautiful wrapper. Why this is so important - we will tell in this article.

Candy filling - what could be tastier?

Now the art of confectionery has become a real real work. What the hands of professionals are doing is fascinating. Sometimes you don't want to eat such beauty in order to admire the grace of forms for a longer time. But of course, in pastry shops, next to such manual work, you can find more affordable options for sweets in labels that are stamped by a special machine. Their variety will surprise everyone. What to look for with this difficult choice:
  • wrapper;
  • manufacturer (known or verified);
  • expiration dates, if possible;
  • stuffing (by looking at the composition).
The seller will be able to offer you two options of the same taste, but the price for them will differ significantly, why is this? It all depends on the quality of the products used for the sweet stuffing. Real cocoa varieties will be much more expensive.
But isn't it better to buy three natural candies than a kilogram of artificial colors and flavor enhancers? Of course, there are gourmets and ordinary mortals among us, but it's worth trying once, feeling that natural taste, because most likely it will take you prisoner forever and make you abandon fakes. Therefore, always look at the composition, which will not indicate the presence of various chemicals.

What is the difference between chocolate-coated and uncoated candies?

Each candy is something unusual. We have learned to combine what previously could not even be imagined in thoughts. What is just the salty caramel, which spreads all over your mouth and gives you real bliss? can be doused with chocolate, or not. Here, a matter of your taste already plays a role. Many people like to taste this mixture of chocolate and filling, whether salty, sour, bitter or sweet.

The assortment of chocolate in the USSR was truly huge. From all the variety, it was possible to choose products for every taste and material wealth; not a single holiday, and not only for children, could do without this delicacy. In Soviet times, Christmas trees were decorated with chocolates for the New Year. The cherished bar of chocolate in Soviet times was put in any gift. Do you all know about this sweet product? For example, do you know the name of the Alenka chocolate manufacturer in the USSR, and how did chocolate production appear in Russia?

Now it seems to us that chocolate has always been. Well, it is impossible to imagine that there was once no chocolate candy in this world. Meanwhile, the first chocolate bar appeared only in 1899 in Switzerland. In Russia, confectionery production until the beginning of the 19th century was, for the most part, artisanal. Foreigners also actively mastered the Russian confectionery market. The history of the appearance of chocolate in Russia began in 1850, when Ferdinand von Einem, who came from Württemberg, Germany, to Moscow, opened a small workshop on the Arbat for the production of chocolate products, including sweets.

In 1867, Einem and his companion Geis built a new factory on the Sofiyskaya Embankment. According to information from the history of chocolate in Russia, this factory was one of the first to be equipped with a steam engine, which allowed the company to quickly become one of the largest confectionery manufacturers in the country.

After the revolution of 1917, all confectionery factories passed into the hands of the state - in November 1918, the Council of People's Commissars issued a decree on the nationalization of the confectionery industry. Naturally, the change of owners entailed a change of names. The Abrikosovs' factory was named after worker Pyotr Akimovich Babaev, chairman of the Sokolniki district executive committee of Moscow. The Einem firm became known as Krasny Oktyabr, and the former Lenov merchants' factory was renamed Rot Front. True, the ideas of Marx and Lenin, the revolutionary spirit and new names could in no way affect the technology of confectionery production. Both under the old and under the new government, sugar was needed to make sweets, and cocoa beans were needed to make chocolate. And there were serious problems with that. For a long time the "sugar" regions of the country were under the rule of whites, and the currency and gold, for which it was possible to buy overseas raw materials, were used to buy bread. Only by the mid-20s, confectionery production was more or less revived. The NEP helped this, the entrepreneurial spirit and the growth of the well-being of urban residents made it possible to quickly increase the production of caramel, sweets, cookies, cakes. The planned economy, which replaced the NEP, left its mark on the confectionery industry. Since 1928, the production of sweets has been strictly regulated, each factory has been transferred to its own, separate type of product. In Moscow, for example, caramel was produced by the Babayev factory. The manufacturer of chocolate in the USSR was the Krasny Oktyabr factory, and the biscuits - the Bolshevik.

During the war years, many confectionery factories were evacuated from the European part of the country to the rear. The confectioners continued to work, producing, among other things, strategically important products. The set of "emergency supplies" necessarily included a bar of chocolate, which saved the lives of more than one pilot or sailor.

After the war, for reparations from Germany, the USSR received equipment from German confectionery enterprises, which made it possible to establish the production of chocolate products in a short time. The production of chocolate has grown every year. For example, in 1946, 500 tons of cocoa beans were processed at a chocolate manufacturer in the USSR named after Babaev, in 1950 - 2000 tons, and by the end of the 60s - 9000 tons annually. Foreign policy contributed indirectly to this impressive growth in production. For many years the Soviet Union supported various regimes in many countries of the world, including African ones. The main thing for these regimes was to swear allegiance to communist ideals, and then help in the form of weapons, technology, equipment was provided. This support was practically free of charge, the only way the Africans could somehow pay off the USSR was raw materials and agricultural products. Therefore, the confectionery factories were continuously supplied with raw materials from the distant African expanses.

In those years, there was no competition between chocolate producers in the Soviet Union, in its traditional sense. Confectioners could compete for awards and titles, for example, "best in the industry", for awards at exhibitions, for the love, after all, of consumers, but not for their wallets. Problems with the sale of sweets and other sweet products could have been with very careless and "tasteless" producers. But there was no shortage, at least in large cities. Of course, from time to time the names of sweets in the USSR, like "Belochka", "Bear in the North" or "Karakum" disappeared from the counters, and "Bird's milk" rarely appeared on them, but usually Muscovites, Kievites or Kharkiv residents could buy, even not every store has their own favorite treats. The exception was the pre-holiday days. Each pre-New Year children's performance in the theater or matinee ended with the distribution of sweet sets, which is why the most popular varieties of sweets disappeared from store shelves at that time. Before March 8, it was difficult to find candies in boxes, which, together with a bunch of flowers, made up a "universal" gift that did not require serious thoughts from men for the holiday.

What kind of Soviet-era chocolate and sweets were in the USSR, as they were called (with photo)

The main producers of sweets in the USSR were the factories "Red October", "Rot Front", "Babaevskaya" and "Bolshevik", which were located in the capital of the Soviet Union - Moscow. It was they who set the tone for the rest of the factories, both in quality and in the design of sweet products.

Krasny Oktyabr is a former confectionery factory called Einem (it was named after its founder, the German Ferdinand von Einem). After the October Revolution of 1917, the factory was nationalized and renamed. And she continued her “sweet” history under new, socialist conditions, producing mainly chocolate and sweets. What sweets were most popular in the USSR? Of course, "Teddy Bear" (appeared in 1925), "Southern Night" (1927), "Creamy Fudge" (1928), iris "Kis-kis" (1928), "Stratosphere" (1936), "Souffle" (1936) and others.

In 1935 A. Ptushko's film "New Gulliver" was released, which was a huge success among children. After that, Gulliver sweets - waffles covered with real chocolate glaze - appeared on the shelves of Soviet stores. These were expensive sweets, so when they became popular, their cheap counterpart appeared - the Zhuravlik sweets, where the same waffle was covered with soy chocolate. The price is more affordable - 20 kopecks apiece.

What was the name of the chocolate produced by this manufacturer in the USSR? Among the chocolate products of "Red October" the "oldest" brand was the "Golden Label" (1926). But Gvardeisky chocolate appeared during the war years.

Here you can see photos of Soviet chocolate from various factories:

Cola chocolate in the USSR and other chocolate products

In the twenties of the last century, "Red October" produced exclusively chocolate, and one brand - "Cola" - was intended for pilots. And after the war, the production of sweets was again resumed.

Such sweets during the Soviet era as "Bear in the North", "Bear-footed", "Red poppy", "Tuzik", "Come on, take away!", "Karakum", "Bird's milk" and, of course, " Belochka ”, were the dolce vita of a Soviet person, the quintessence of chocolate gourmet happiness, quasi-uni-fantasy of confectionery craftsmanship, sweet symbols of the era ...“ The taste of our childhood ”- these words begin almost every second TV or newspaper report about chocolate products or the work of confectionery factories. This phrase, from its frequent use, has long turned into a worn-out stamp.

In addition to "Alenka", in the USSR there were other names of chocolate: "Road" (1 ruble 10 kopecks), "Merry guys" (25 kopecks), "Slava" (porous), "Firebird", "Teatralny", " Circus "," Lux "," Pushkin's Tales "and others.

Look at a photo of chocolate in the USSR and other chocolate products of the Soviet era:

What is the name of the manufacturer of chocolate "Alenka" in the USSR

This section of the article is devoted to the name of the Alenka chocolate company in the USSR, and what other products were produced at this factory.

Since the second half of the 60s, the most recognizable product of Krasny Oktyabr in the USSR has become the Alenka chocolate (1 ruble 10 kopecks for a large bar and 20 kopecks for a small 15-gram bar). And it arose under Brezhnev, although the idea was born when N. Khrushchev was the leader of the country. At the plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU in February 1964, an appeal was made to Soviet confectioners to come up with cheap chocolate for the kids. This idea was put into practice at the Krasny Oktyabr confectionery factory for two years, until, finally, the Alenka milk chocolate saw the light of day. The label showed a little girl wearing a headscarf. This portrait of Alenka chocolate makers in the USSR was found on the cover of Zdorov'e magazine in 1962: there was photographed 8-month-old Lenochka Gerinas (the photo was taken by her father Alexander). In 1964, Red October decided that the new Alenka chocolate needed an original wrapper with a corporate portrait. At first, the Alenka chocolate company in the USSR produced this delicacy with different images. There was an idea to use Vasnetsov's "Alenushka" for decoration, but the artist's work "bypassed" the portrait of Elena Gerinas.

Among other products of this chocolate manufacturer in the USSR, besides Alenka, there were Pushkin's Tales, Flotsky, Slava and many others.

Look at the photo of sweets from the Soviet era produced by the Krasny Oktyabr factory:

These are "Cancer necks", "Little Red Riding Hood", "Kara-kum", "Truffles", "Deer", "Souffle", "Tretyakov Gallery", "Temptation", "Fairy Tale", "Come on, take it away", "Snowball", "Peace", "Little Humpbacked Horse", "Zest", "Evening", "Chernomorochka", "Ladybug", iris "Golden Key", etc.

Chocolate producer in the USSR - Babaevskaya factory

The main competitor of "Red October" was considered the confectionery factory named after P. Babaev ("Babaevskaya"). Before the revolution, it was an enterprise of the merchants Abrikosovs, but after nationalization in 1918, the prominent Bolshevik Pyotr Babaev became its leader. True, he did not manage for long - only two years (he died at the age of 37 from tuberculosis), but his name was immortalized in the new name of the factory.

Before the war, she specialized in the production of monpensier, toffee and caramel. And immediately after the war, it began to produce chocolate products, and very soon it was chocolate that became the main brand of this factory. Among its most popular products in the USSR were such names of chocolate as "Inspiration" (elite chocolate), "Babaevsky", "Special", "Gvardeisky", "Lux".

Here you can see a photo of Soviet-era chocolate produced by the Babaevskaya factory:

Chocolate and other sweets of the USSR times (with photo)

Among the sweets were listed such as "Squirrel", "Bear in the North", "Shuttle", "Zolotaya Niva", "Orange flavor", "Pilot", "Vesna", "Burevestnik", "Morskie", "Romashka", "Truffles", etc.;, in boxes - "Squirrel", "Visit", "Evening aroma", "Sweet dreams", etc.

Rot Front produced sweets of the following brands: Moscow, Kremlin, Rot Front (bars), Krasnaya Riding Hood, Chocolate-covered grill, Zolotaya Niva, Karavan, Autumn Waltz, "Lemon" (caramel), "Peanuts in chocolate", "Raisins in chocolate", etc.

The Bolshevik factory was popular for its cookies: oatmeal and "Jubilee".

In Leningrad, there was a confectionery factory named after N.K. Krupskaya, which was opened in 1938. For a long time, her trademark (or brand in today's world) was the Mishka in the North sweets, which appeared on the shelves of Soviet stores before the war - in 1939. This factory produced both chocolate and sweets, among which the Firebird sweets (praline and cream) were very popular.

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Like chocolate in the USSR, sweets were divided into cheap and expensive. The former included various kinds of caramels, the latter - chocolate products. The overwhelming majority of Soviet children most often indulged in "caramels", and various kinds of chocolate "snacks" passed through her hands a little less often due to their relative high cost. Naturally, chocolate sweets have always been appreciated in the children's environment much higher than caramel ones. In those distant years (60-70s), the most popular caramels were "Crow's Feet", "Crayfish Tails" (both with coffee fillings), sour "Snowball", milk toffee "Cow". True, the latter was expensive for constant use - 2 rubles 50 kopecks per kilogram, since it was made from whole condensed milk and butter.

Much more affordable were Duchess caramel, the same Barberry, Petushki on a stick (5 kopecks apiece), as well as Kis-kis and Golden Key toffee, which were also cheap - 5-7 kopecks for 100 grams. Unlike caramel "Montpensier" in a metal box - those were in short supply. As well as other caramel - "Vzletnaya", which almost did not go on sale and was distributed to passengers who made air flights in order to relieve their attacks of nausea.

Among the expensive sweets - "Kara-kum" and "Belochka" (chocolate, with grated nuts inside), "Bird's milk" (tender soufflé in chocolate), "Grillage", "Songs of Koltsov", "To the stars". The latter could be sold both by weight and in boxes - 25 rubles per box.

What other sweets were: "Arctic", "Toys" (caramel), "Caravan", "Strawberry with cream", "Little Red Riding Hood", "Come on, take away", "Night", "Snowball" (caramel), Terem-Teremok, Southern Liqueur (caramel), Zoological, School, Zolotaya Niva, Milk Bar, Pineapple.

As you can see in the photo, chocolate sweets in the USSR "with white filling", perhaps, could be distinguished into a separate class:

There were more expensive sweets - Pilot (the candy wrapper is so interesting, a piece of paper with blue and white stripes, foil in the middle), Citron (the filling is white and yellow, with lemon flavor, the candy wrapper was wrapped only on one side), Swallow. Waffle is cheaper - "Our Mark", "Clubfoot Bear", "Tuzik", "Spartak", "Pineapple", "Fakel". "Torch" was sold in bulk, without wrappers. He held on to the last. When the country ran out of chocolate, they began to make "Torch" from soy chocolate.

During the perestroika years, the confectionery industry, like the entire economy, experienced problems. But on the whole, the confectioners survived the collapse of the Union and the transition from plan to market rather painlessly. Someone thanks the old traditions for this, laid down in Soviet times, someone believes that the growth in the production of sweet products was facilitated by foreign capital that came to the domestic market. Probably both are right. But most importantly, sweets, cookies and chocolate are always delicious.

materials for making bouquets of sweets

1) Wrapped candies.
When making candy compositions for sale, it is necessary to strictly observe the rule - the packaging and integrity of the candy must not be damaged in any case.
2) Glossy wrapping paper (cellophane and films of different colors), wrapping tape, as well as silk and brocade ribbons for decorating compositions and making bows.
3) Scotch tape, single and double-sided, 50 mm and 10 mm wide.
4) Tape tape.
5) Wooden toothpicks and barbecue sticks, used as short (toothpicks) and long (skewers) candy flower cuttings and decorations.
Also, as cuttings, you can use rather rigid plastic straws or a suitable wire - without sheathing or in insulation (single-core wire).
Wire cuttings are especially useful when making candy wreaths, the fastening base of which is not polystyrene or floral foam, but appropriately rolled twigs or wire. The use of wire in such cases as cuttings greatly facilitates the fastening of the elements. For strength, the twisting points of the wire with the base are fixed with a drop of glue.
6) Floristic foam "Oasis".
Can be replaced with non-rigid foam or, if not available, even foam.
7) Different containers - wicker, plastic, earthenware, earthenware, wooden, etc.
8) Trays.

Some methods of fastening on the example of Truffle and Evening Bell sweets (candies can be fastened in many other ways)

Method 1. "Truffle" on the handle Recommendations:
When winding, clamp the handle between the thumb and middle finger of your left hand. At the same time, with your thumb, press the tip of the tape tape to the handle at the base of the candy. The left hand remains motionless, and the right hand rotates the handle clockwise along its axis, winding the tape around it. The thumb of the left hand adjusts the tension of the tape and ensures that it fits snugly against the handle. Each turn of the tape should overlap the previous one by half.

1) Take a candy and a shank.
2) Attach the handle to the tail of the candy.
3) Wind the wrapper around the handle.
4) Tightly wrap the handle with tape from candy to the middle.
6) Photo of the finished flower.

Method 2. "Truffle" in the cylinder Recommendations:
If you are satisfied with the color of the candy wrapper, then use a transparent cellophane film. Otherwise, the decorative paper (or film) should be opaque (glossy or matte) and match your color scheme.

1) Take the wrapping paper rectangle, candy, and stalk.
2) Place the paper over the candy so that it is in the middle of the cylinder.
5) Tie the free end of the cylinder around the tail of the candy with packing tape so that the candy fits snugly on the handle.
6) Photo of the finished flower.

Method 3. "Truffle" in a cone Recommendations:
Roll up a bag made of decorative paper (or cellophane film) as you like. The parameters of the resulting cone (bag) can be changed. It is important that after putting the candy into it, there is enough free edge of the cone to secure it to the handle.

1) Take a rectangle made of decorative paper or film, a candy and a handle.
2) Roll up the bags from the rectangle.
3) Place the candy in the bag. Wrap the free edges of the wrapping paper around the handle.
4) Wrap the handle with tape from candy to the middle.
5) Drawing of the finished flower.
6) Photo of the finished flower.

Method 4. Candy "Evening Bell" on the handle Recommendations:
This method is convenient for attaching spherical candies, chocolate medals and Truffle-type candies.

1) Take a 13x13 cm square made of decorative paper or thin transparent plastic (or cellophane) film, a candy and a handle.
2) Wrap the candy so that its top coincides with the middle of the square.
3) Wrap the free edges of the wrapping paper around the handle.
4) Wrap the handle with tape from candy to the middle.
5) Drawing of the finished flower.
6) Photo of the finished flower in a transparent film.

Method 5. Attaching candy to a skewer (skewer) with hot glue using a glue gun Recommendations:
This method can be used to attach any candy in a beautiful wrapper. It is important here not to overheat the candy itself.

1) Cut off the end of the skewer (skewer) so that it becomes blunt.
Apply a drop of heated glue from a glue gun to this end, let the glue cool down a bit and press it against the candy wrapper.
We hold for a few seconds until the glue cools and hardens.
2) Side view of the glued candy.
3) Candy attached to the skewers.

Method 6. Attaching the candy to the wire stalk with a loop. Recommendations:
This method can be used to attach any candy to wire stalks.

Good day!
After listening to the stories of her parents about their happy Soviet childhood and everything connected with it, I decided to create a topic about sweets.
In Soviet times, Christmas trees were decorated with chocolates for the New Year. The cherished bar of chocolate in Soviet times was put in any gift. The main producers of sweets in the USSR were the factories "Krasny Oktyabr", "Rot Front", "Babaevskaya" and "Bolshevik".
Some sweets are still on sale, but they are not the same as they were before, the taste is not the same ... the "taste of childhood" that you will never forget.
I propose to go back in time and remember those sweets.

"Clubfoot bear"

Few people know that the Mishka kosolapy chocolate sweets are a kind of Soviet confectionery symbol, not from the USSR, but from Tsarist Russia. Around the 1880s, a candy was brought to Julius Geis, the head of the Einem Partnership, to sample: a thick layer of almond praline was enclosed between two waffle plates and glazed chocolate. The manufacturer liked the find of the confectioners, and immediately the name appeared - "Bear Footed". According to legend, a reproduction of the painting by Ivan Shishkin and Konstantin Savitsky "Morning in a Pine Forest" was hung in Gays's office, as a result of which the name was first thought up, and later the design of the new delicacy.
The exact date of the appearance of the wrapper for "Clubfoot Bear" is 1913, in 2013 was the 100th anniversary of the wrapper of the legendary candy.


This candy can be called a symbol of the era that has gone into the history of the twentieth century. Not a single festive table, not a single New Year's gift was complete without the "Belochka" sweets. The wrappers are made of thick paper, on a dark green background - a nimble squirrel, and inside - a candy of incredible yummy. With nuts.

"Bear in the north"

Confectioners of the factory named after N.K. Krupskaya began to produce these candies with a nut filling on the eve of the Great Patriotic War, in 1939. The delicacy was so fond of the residents of the city on the Neva that even during the most difficult period of the life of Leningrad, despite all the difficulties of wartime and the state of siege, the factory did not stop producing these sweets, although it had to use substitutes for traditional confectionery raw materials. Since 1966, they have become a trademark of the Leningrad factory.

"Well, take it away!"

The "Come on, take it away!" Candy, popular in Soviet times was released more than a hundred years ago at the Einem factory. At first, the wrapper showed a ferocious-looking boy with a bat in one hand and a bitten bar of Einem chocolate in the other. There was no doubt that the boy was ready for anything to finish the delicacy.

In 1952, the artist Leonid Chelnokov, creatively reworking and preserving the background of the wrapper, painted a girl in a blue pea dress with a candy in her hand, teasing a white dog. It was this image that was preserved in the memory of Soviet children.


It was a super candy, it was associated with great happiness, it was given by adults to children when they came to visit.

"Bird's milk"

In 1967, the Minister of Food Industry of the USSR, during a working visit to Czechoslovakia, tasted Ptasie Mleczko (Bird's Milk, created by Jan Wedel, a Polish pastry chef). Returning to his homeland, the official gathered confectioners of large enterprises at the Rot-Front factory, showed a box of the imported Ptasie Mleczko and gave them the task to invent something similar to this foreign dessert. The best was the development of the specialists of the Primorsky Konditer factory from Vladivostok under the leadership of Anna Chulkova. She personally finalized the recipe and experimented with ingredients ... For the development of a unique recipe, Anna Chulkova was awarded the Order of Lenin.

The topic turns out to be large, so I will show you a photo of the most famous sweets of the Soviet period.

Cockerel golden comb

Red poppy


Kara - Kum

Little Red Riding Hood

Do you also remember the dragee?
Multi-colored round sweets of several types. For 1 ruble 10 kopecks you could buy a whole kilogram of multi-colored "peas"

More expensive variety with soft filling inside.

"Sea pebbles"

The so-called "Sea pebbles" - glazed raisins (1p70 kopecks per kilogram).



Crow's feet


Cancer neck

And the cockerel? It could even be prepared at home. The candies were scary, but quite edible. You could also buy poisonous red or green lollipops in the form of cockerels, horses, bears from the hands of gypsies at the bazaar. Mothers often refused to take these sweets from the unwashed hands of people of unknown origin. Neither pleading nor tears helped.

Montpensier in a round tin can.

Most often they stuck together and it was necessary to tear off a separate "monpasies" with the use of brute physical force. But delicious. Such a tin cost about 1 ruble 20 kopecks, the jar was never thrown out and was used very actively on the farm.

The most famous Kis-Kis and the Golden Key

Lemon and orange wedges

Of course, this is not all, I did not find the USSR and if someone has additions, I will only be glad.
All good and thank you for your attention.