Prepare chicken jellied meat. Step-by-step cooking recipe

02.08.2019 Salads

We welcome all those who begin to learn culinary skills, or just remember some dishes. Today we will consider a recipe for chicken jellied with gelatin. Such a treat is prepared simply and does not require strong financial investments. In addition, on the eve of the New Year holidays, it will not hurt to study the recipe for jellied meat, because such a dish will perfectly decorate any table.

If you want to perfectly diversify hot dishes and snacks - jellied meat is just made for this. In general, such a dish has been known for a very long time, since the 16th century. Some people confuse jellied meat and aspic - this is fundamentally wrong, because for the second, a large number of additives are used. For jellied meat, the synonym is jelly - this word can often be found from the people of the northern regions of our country.

As you probably know, many peoples of the world have adopted such a dish, changing some of the ingredients - there are Georgian versions of today's dish, and European ones. We will present you the most classic version of jellied meat, which is very popular in our homeland, especially on holidays.


1. Chicken - 1 piece

2. Onions - 1 piece

3. Carrots - 3 pieces

6. Eggs - 6 pieces

7. Pickled cucumbers - 3 pieces

Cooking method:

1. The first step is to boil the chicken. To do this, you first need to wash and clean it, put it in clean water and wait until everything boils. It is not worth removing the foam. It is enough to pull out the finished chicken, and drain the resulting broth separately, it is not needed.

2.Pour clean water into the pan again and send our meat into it. Peel fresh onions and carrots. Dip them into the container with the future dish. Also add bay leaves and some black peppercorns. Add celery or parsley to taste, salt. Usually one tablespoon of salt is sufficient.

3. When the vegetables are cooked, take out the chicken and the rest of the ingredients. The broth must be well filtered and the fat removed - it will not be useful in the future.

4. Soak the gelatin. Read the exact ratio of water to ingredient on the package. We used sheet gelatin - it is very easy to use and quick to prepare. We put it in the water and wait for the right amount of time.

5. When it swells, drain the water, and lower the resulting mixture to the broth and stir. The gelatin should dissolve completely and remain a uniform liquid.

We form:

Any shape can be used for assembly - be it a simple bowl or a mold for baking dough. The second option is suitable for those who want a spectacular presentation.

6. If you plan on using a large pan, use regular chicken eggs. Otherwise, when you decide to collect jellied meat in a small container, boil quail eggs - in order to successfully combine these products, otherwise the guests will almost not get jellied meat.

7. Cut the egg in half and place it on the bottom of the container used. We also send some greens there. Disassemble the chicken - separate the meat from bones, skin and other films. Also, make sure that there are no cartilage and other things that can spoil the impression of the dish. You should get the meat in small pieces.

8. Cut the pickles - everything is as usual, cut off the ends on both sides and cut into thin rings. We do the same with carrots. Of course, you can cut and "serve" as you wish - we offer the best option.

9. Send some vegetables to each mold and distribute evenly. Pour the prepared chicken there and fill it with the broth obtained earlier. Thus, we act with all other forms.

10. Before being sent to the refrigerator, the jellied meat should stand a little at room temperature so as not to damage the equipment. In a cold place, the jelly should stand for several hours until it cools completely. Optimally, make the dish in the evening and leave it in the refrigerator overnight.

11. As the specified amount of time has passed, we send everything to plates, decorate with dill and serve. To taste, on a plate, along with jellied meat, you can put quarters of a lemon or a whole tomato. It is best to use cherry. Try and find the best options for yourself, and we wish you bon appetit and a happy New Year!

In general, as you know, the filling of jellied meat does not have to consist of chicken. Very often, such a dish is prepared from pork or beef. At the same time, the cooking method itself almost does not change - you need to boil the meat, remove the bones, arrange in shapes and pour the resulting broth. The only thing is that the cooking time of the meat will differ. Of course, the taste will radically change from this, but this is a great reason to try all varieties of aspic. Try and experiment, and we wish you the best in this endeavor.

In anticipation of the New Year holidays, you already want Olivier, jellied meat and tangerines. I would like the table to be full of various dishes and they were all perfectly cooked, to everyone's taste. I propose to cook delicious homemade chicken jelly... Cooking is not difficult, but not fast either. The cooking process itself will take 2-3 hours and it takes 5-8 hours for it to completely solidify. It is better to cook it in the afternoon, and leave it in the refrigerator overnight so that the delicious dish is ready in the morning.

To prepare jellied meat from homemade chicken, you do not need to additionally use gelatin, because the viscosity and stickiness of the broth is given by the bones, skin and cartilages of the chicken. Therefore, do not rush to throw away the legs, wings and neck. Everything must be carefully prepared, washed and cooked with other ingredients. If you nevertheless decide to cook jellied meat from a white store chicken, then add either pork legs and tails, or add gelatin or agar-agar.


To prepare jellied meat from homemade chicken you will need:

homemade chicken - 1.5 kg;

water - 4 liters;

carrots - 2 pcs.;

onions - 3-4 pcs.;

bay leaf - 2 pcs.;

garlic - 3-6 cloves;

salt to taste;

ground black pepper, allspice ground pepper - to taste.

Cooking steps

Prepare the required ingredients.

Wash the chicken thoroughly under running water and cut into 4-6 pieces. Place the meat in a saucepan. Peel the onions and carrots. Cut the carrots into large pieces and place in a saucepan. Add bay leaves. Cover with water and put on fire.

Bring broth to a boil and reduce heat to low. The broth should boil slightly, continue to cook for 2.5 hours. During this time, the meat will cook well, it will be easy to move away from the bones, the broth will become rich and very fragrant. Then add salt, black pepper, allspice and 2-3 peeled garlic cloves. Simmer for another 30 minutes over low heat, turn off the heat and leave to cool.

Take out the meat, separate it from the bones and place in bowls. Strain the broth through a fine sieve, bring to a boil and pour over the meat. Add finely chopped garlic if desired. Put in the refrigerator until it hardens completely.

In the morning, an appetizing, hearty, delicious homemade chicken jelly will be ready. Serve with mustard, horseradish or any other sauce.

Bon Appetit! Cook with love!

Chicken aspic can become a real decoration of your table! This delicious and delicate dish will be appreciated by all your household and guests. To cook chicken jellied meat, you will need only a couple of hours of free time, but keep in mind: it should be cooked in advance, because it, like anyone else, will have to spend 4 hours in the refrigerator.


Chicken jelly recipe with gelatin

First you need to thoroughly wash the chicken and clean it of excess fat. To prepare jellied meat, you will need a large saucepan that can hold 4 liters of water. Place chicken, onions and carrots in it and fill it all with water. Bring the contents of the saucepan to a boil, collect the resulting foam with a spoon, then cook the meat with vegetables over low heat for about two hours.

When the chicken is done, remove it from the pan along with the vegetables and set it aside. You no longer need boiled onions, you can just throw them away. Chill the broth and skim off any frozen fat. Add enough water to the pot to make the total volume 3 liters. Then salt the broth, add pepper and bay leaves.

The jellied meat can be shaped using muffin tins Now it's time to pour the gelatin into the pan and mix it well until it is completely dissolved. Cut a clove of garlic in half and throw into the broth, let it brew a little. Make sure that the broth does not cool down - if you reheat it in the second round, this procedure will worsen the taste of the future jellied meat and slow down the process of its solidification.

Separate the chicken meat from the bones and place in portioned tins. Garnish each mold with boiled carrot slices. Now pour the broth into molds and refrigerate for 4 hours. After this time, your jellied meat should completely freeze. If you are worried that this time is short, it is a safe bet to put it in the refrigerator for the whole night.

In addition to boiled carrots, you can decorate jellied meat with other boiled vegetables, each time slightly changing its appearance and giving the dish some variety. You can add boiled eggs and green leaves to the jellied meat. Vegetables can not be cut into traditional circles or cubes, but various figures can be cut out of them.

Hello! Today we will cook chicken jellied meat. Winter is the most suitable time of the year for preparing any jellied dishes. So let's look at several recipes for making jellied meat.

Plus, the new year is coming soon. And many people will look for recipes according to which they will prepare this wonderful appetizer. It was this fact that prompted me to write today's article. We will consider with you the most common and delicious recipes for chicken jellied meat.

It is prepared in different ways: some people prefer to add pork or beef meat to the composition, someone adds turkey, and others generally make an assortment. The same is true for gelatin. On this score, everyone adheres to their own point of view. One claims that its presence in the composition is simply necessary, while the other declares that gelatin in jellied meat is useless.

We will not argue and discuss this topic with you, because I want to show you different recipes, which you will choose from yourself. So let's start to understand, and then cook.

How to cook chicken jelly without gelatin

Is it possible to cook jellied meat without gelatin? Can. And in general, I somehow did not bother about this before. I mean, I never cooked with gelatin. At our home, as far as I remember, no one ever added gelatin to jellied meat, no matter what it was made of.

And it always turns out very well, I can tell you. So this is the first recipe in which we do not use this product.

  • chicken - 1.5 kg.
  • turkey thigh - 0.5 kg.
  • pork legs - 2 pcs.
  • onions - 1 pc.
  • carrots - 2 pcs.
  • bay leaf - 3 pcs.
  • a mixture of peppers - to taste
  • garlic
  1. Soak chicken, turkey and pork legs in cold water for 2 hours.

    We do this so that all the blood comes out of the meat.
  2. Now we drain the water and clean the pork legs from all that is superfluous.
    We cut them in half lengthwise and send them to the pan to the rest of the meat.
  3. Fill with clean water and put on high heat until boiling.

    The meat should be well covered with water, because it will evaporate with us.
  4. After the water boils, reduce the heat and remove the resulting foam.

    We do not add anything to the meat until the foam stops appearing. It is important.

  5. Now you can add steel products. The first is the onion.

    Advice! Do not forget to pre-wash the onion and cut off the back. You do not need to remove the husk.

  6. Add peeled carrots, lavrushka and pepper mixture. You can add a couple of carnation buds if you like.
  7. Cook the jellied meat for 5-6 hours over low heat.

    On a note! During the cooking process, foam may form, which must be removed.

  8. After 1.5-2 hours of cooking, you need to salt the broth. Do not spare salt. Let the jelly be a little salty.

    This is due to the fact that later, when we pour our broth into molds with meat, it will be a little bland. And to prevent this from happening, we need to add a little more salt.
  9. After 6 hours, take out the finished chicken and the rest of the meat in a separate bowl. We do the same with carrots.

  10. Separate the meat from the bone and cut it into small pieces (fibers).

  11. We spread the chicken on deep plates (molds) and fill it with hot broth.

    On a note! So that nothing extra from the broth gets into the jellied meat, you can use a strainer.

  12. Cut the carrots into small pieces and spread them over the entire surface of the jellied meat.

  13. And now add the garlic, squeezed with a garlic press or finely chopped with a knife.
  14. We cool and send to the refrigerator until it solidifies.

The jellied meat turned out to be very transparent, aromatic and incredibly tasty. Cook to your health!

Cooking chicken jellied meat with gelatin

The second, no less delicious recipe for cold, to which we add gelatin and see what we get.

  • chicken breast - 600 gr.
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • garlic - 2 prongs
  • gelatin - 40 gr.
  • broth - 1.5 l.
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • Bay leaf
  • peppercorns

That's the whole recipe. It will take you a little more time and effort to cook than it seems from the description, but I am sure that you can handle it and everything will turn out great for you.

How to cook jellied meat in a slow cooker

And again, modern household appliances are in use. If you follow the issues of this blog, then you probably noticed that in almost every issue I try to give recipes for cooking a particular dish using a multicooker. Why not? After all, cooking in a multicooker is a very easy and simple task.

If you can simplify cooking, of course, provided that you have this miracle of technology available, then let's simplify. I suggest you watch a video review on this matter. Happy viewing!

Chicken jellied meat recipe in a bottle

Do you want something unusual and festively beautiful? Prepare jellied meat not according to the standard recipe, but in a slightly different way - using a plastic bottle that will serve as a form.

In addition to the fact that it turns out unusual, it is also very convenient to cut ready-made cold into portions. It turns out something like a roll. Have you tried it? If not, then let's try.

  • chicken - 1 kg.
  • gelatin - 30 gr.
  • garlic - 4 cloves
  • salt pepper
  • greens
  • plastic bottle
  1. Cut the chicken into small pieces. We rinse well. Salt and pepper.

  2. We put the chicken in a saucepan or frying pan, cover with a lid and send it to the stove to simmer over low heat for 1 hour.

    Note that we are not adding anything - not oil, not water, not anything else.

  3. Remove from heat and let cool.

  4. After that, we separate the chicken meat from the bones into a separate bowl. We disassemble it into small pieces.

  5. In a bowl, dilute the gelatin with hot water (not boiling water). In general, it is better to read the instructions, as it may differ depending on the manufacturer.
  6. Stir until completely dissolved and combine it with the broth that was formed from the chicken.

  7. Add chopped garlic and herbs there.
  8. Also, don't forget about salt and pepper.

  9. Next comes the fun part. Cut off the top of the plastic bottle and "throw" meat into it.

  10. And now we fill in with broth and put in the refrigerator overnight.
  11. After the jellied meat has frozen, carefully cut the bottle with scissors.
  12. Cut into portions and serve cold.

You see how beautiful it turned out. And the main thing is that it is convenient and very tasty. Bon Appetit!

So my today's review has come to an end. I hope you enjoyed this episode and will share it with your friends. Well, I say goodbye to you until the next issues and wish you good luck!

Calorie content: Not specified
Cooking time: Not specified

Chicken jelly with gelatin is considered a simpler type than other types of jellied meat. There is no need to be afraid that the jellied meat will freeze or not, because we will use gelatin so that the jellied meat comes out tight and not liquid. When gelatin is used, any chicken can be used: homemade or store-bought. You can even buy chicken legs and make wonderful jellied meat from them. In general, it couldn't be easier! Now you can easily cook jellied meat for any holiday: New Year's, birthday or just for a family Sunday lunch. Chicken aspic is very tasty and less fatty than pork. Cook with pleasure and eat to your health! I have prepared for you below a detailed recipe for cooking with a photo step by step. Be sure to see how to cook it, it turns out very tasty too.

Required products:

- 800 grams of chicken meat (any parts),
- 1 head of onion,
- 2 small carrots,
- 15 grams of gelatin,
- 1.3 l of water,
- salt according to your taste,
- 4-5 pcs. peppercorns.

Step by step recipe with photo:

I fill the chicken meat with water and let it soak for at least 3 hours in a cool place. You can put the pot in the refrigerator.

Then I drain the water, pour the chicken meat with clean water and put it on a slow fire to simmer. Usually the meat should be completely covered with water and even a little more, literally 2-3 cm higher than the meat. After boiling water, I remove the foam. An hour later, I salt the broth, put peppercorns, peeled and washed carrots, onions with peels (I wash the onions well) and continue to cook. The peeled carrots and onions give the jellied meat and broth a beautiful color. The broth also tastes more delicate. After 1.5 hours (I have homemade chicken), the broth will be cooked and ready. Shop chicken will be ready in 1 hour and chicken legs in 45 minutes.

I take chicken pieces out of the hot broth with a ladle or spoon, cool and separate the meat from the bones. There should be a lot of meat so that the forms are well filled. And I pour the cooled broth into a separate bowl, and put a piece of gauze in a sieve and pour the broth through it so that the liquid is clean and transparent.

Pour gelatin into a slightly warm broth (1 glass) and let it swell for about 30 minutes. Then pour it into the rest of the broth, slightly heat it up so that the gelatin dissolves and mixes better.

For jellied meat, you can use any molds, I took small silicone ones to make a beautiful portioned jelly. I put any vegetable decorations on the bottom of the molds. I took boiled jellied carrots, as well as canned peas and corn (I got them from salads).

I fold the meat, it is better to fill a little more than half of the mold with meat, it will be tastier. I also want to draw your attention to this one.

I fill it with clean strained broth. I put it in the refrigerator to freeze for a couple of hours. I take out the finished chicken jellied meat with gelatin from the molds so that the decorations are on top and immediately serve.

Bon Appetite!