Wheat bread. Wheat bread: recipes, composition, calorie content and varieties

30.04.2019 Seafood dishes

Every nation has recipes for baking bread. The bread recipe is about the same everywhere, all bread recipes are based on flour and water. This is the simplest bread recipe: you knead flour with water - and you bake bread. A recipe similar to this is still used by primitive peoples. Flour can be different. The most popular is wheat flour, but bread is baked from rye flour, bread from corn flour, also make wheat Rye bread... To make the bread fluffy, the dough can be leavened. Most often yeast is used for this, it turns out the so-called. yeast bread. Bread without yeast is more difficult to make, but it is considered to be healthier. Yeast-free bread can be prepared in two ways: using sourdough or using sparkling water. The sourdough bread recipe is old and more time consuming. Yeast-free sourdough bread is made from wheat germ or hops. In addition, you can make bread with kefir, bread with kvass or beer. The bread does not end there. Bread may contain various ingredients, from seeds and dried fruits to eggs and meat. Wheat bread, white bread, rye bread, black bread, Borodino bread, French bread, italian bread, sweet bread, custard bread, bread in an egg, bread and cheese - all kinds of bread are countless. Someone likes the recipe white bread, lovers of black bread will choose a recipe for bread made from rye flour. And then there is the ritual bread. All believers eat bread during the fast. If you are planning to bake lean bread, the recipe must not contain eggs or animal fats.

Our grandmothers and great-grandmothers knew how to bake bread, but many of us today have lost the knowledge of how to make bread. You don't have to graduate from a culinary college to know how to bake bread. Bake bread at home with fragrant crust maybe a person without a crust "baker". We will tell you the recipe, but you will have to fill your hand yourself.

Homebaked bread- the most delicious. Making bread at home is not that difficult. For example, at home you can cook delicious rye bread in the oven, on our website you can find its recipe.

Rye bread loved by many. Homemade rye bread with a crispy brown crust smells especially delicious. This is why so many people want to know how to bake rye bread. Make one time rye bread at home and it will make you forget about the bread section in the supermarket.

Homemade bread recipe can be used as baker's yeast and sourdough. Homemade bread recipe always leaves room for your imagination in terms of additional ingredients... Add nuts, dried fruits, spices and herbs to the dough of your choice. Homemade bread can be baked in an oven or a special bread maker. Homemade bread in the oven can be made by literally everyone. The oven bread recipe is virtually the same as any other bread recipe. Of course, there are some subtleties that will help you learn how to bake bread in the oven correctly. Firstly, successful baking of bread at home in the oven is, of course, largely dependent on your oven. The bread dough should stand for 10 to 15 hours in a warm place. The bread is baked in the oven at 180-250 degrees. In an hour and a half, baking bread in the oven will be completed. And it's quite easy to bake bread in a bread maker. Bread maker recipes will not give you any trouble and will save you a lot of time. That's why she is a bread maker.

Make homemade bread! At your service is a black bread recipe, a wheat bread recipe, a Borodino bread recipe, a recipe French bread, recipe for Yeast-free Bread or otherwise recipe for Bread without yeast. Knowing how to bake homemade bread is also beneficial for making bread dishes. Of course, they will taste better from homemade bread than from store-bought bread. So do not be lazy and cook bread, recipes with photos will help you.

Wheat bread- a very tasty and satisfying bakery product that is found in the diet of almost every person every day. For many centuries, these pastries have been one of the staples on the table.

Classic wheat bread is usually round or square, with a crispy light brown surface and soft crumb. white(see photo). According to a unified recipe, this product should consist of such ingredients:

Also, such a product may include milk, granulated sugar and various spicy spices.

Today there are many factories engaged in the production of wheat bread. V industrial scale it is made according to technological map, which consists of several stages. First, the flour is prepared. It must be sieved and, if necessary, mixed with other varieties. Then the remaining ingredients are added to the mixture and the dough is kneaded, adhering to the technology. Having achieved the elasticity of the mass, it is divided into portioned parts, from which bread blanks are subsequently formed. After that, the products are baked, cooled, packaged in bags, and also necessarily labeled and sent to points of sale.

Types of wheat bread

Depending on the type of flour used, wheat bread is divided into the following types:

  • top grade - bakery product, for the preparation of which flour of the highest grade is used, such a product is primarily distinguished the highest quality as well as great taste;
  • the first grades - a product made from first grade flour, according to taste characteristics such baked goods are inferior to the previous bread variety;
  • second varieties - this type of bread is made from flour Low quality(second grade), therefore it has a darker color and is rarely found on the market.

In addition, there are types of bread made from a mixture of flour different varieties as well as flour coarse and whole grain. There are also wheat products with bran, seeds and even raisins and dried apricots.

Such baked goods may differ in shape. The bread assortment includes round and slightly elongated bread, as well as in the form of a brick and a loaf. In the latter case, the product is in whole and sliced.

How to choose and store?

In order to choose a fresh loaf of wheat bread, it is very important to inspect it externally. The surface of this product, as a rule, should be flat, without cracks. Also, properly baked bread has a crispy crust. uniform color... Too light surface indicates that the product is made from low-quality flour.

Good and delicious bread should not have burnt areas. If the product is sold packaged, be sure to pay attention to the presence of the label. It should contain information about the composition of the product, as well as about the manufacturer and the time of sale.

In the table below, we list all the main technological requirements, which, according to current GOST must match wheat bread.



corresponding to the form in which the product was baked


no large cracks, patterns are allowed

can vary from straw to brownish depending on the ingredients

soft, airy, white, without the presence of unbaked lumps

sweetish, without foreign tastes

rich bread aroma, foreign odors are not allowed

from 680 to 720 g

The shelf life of bread made from wheat flour is a day if stored at a temperature of twenty to twenty-five degrees and at a humidity of up to seventy-five percent. It is recommended to use special sealed bread bins for storing this product. It is better to store fresh baked goods separately from yesterday's ones.

How is it different from rye bread?

Surely many are interested in knowing what given view bread is different from rye. First of all, these baked goods have different compositions... For the manufacture of wheat bread, flour made from wheat grains is used, while rye is created from ground rye... That is why products differ in color, taste and aroma. Wheat bread is generally sweet and white, while rye bread is dark brown and sour.

Also, these two bread varieties differ in texture. The crumb of wheat bread is soft and fluffy, while the crumb rye usually tight and knotty.

The difference between these types of bread lies in their calorie content. The wheat product is more high-calorie product than rye. Most nutritionists claim that baked goods made from ground rye are not capable of ruining the figure by “rewarding” it with extra pounds. That is why rye bread is often used in the preparation of diet menus.

Cooking use

In cooking, wheat bread is used not only as an addition to first courses. On its basis, quick and delicious snacks e.g. hot sandwiches, toast, etc.

Many housewives make croutons from such a bakery product, which they subsequently supplement with soups, salads and many other dishes. If you cut a loaf into wide slices, fry in oil and sprinkle with aromatic spices, you get delicious croutons for beer. This bread snack is perfect with other alcoholic beverages.

Often, wheat bread is added to minced meat for cutlets. First of all, this is done for the density and stickiness of the mass.

Experienced chefs even stuff a bread roll and then bake it again. To do this, all the crumb is taken out of the product, and its place is filled with any ingredients, for example, meat, vegetables, cheese, etc. It is noteworthy that the first time you can't guess what this is made of unusual dish... It looks very nice and delicious!

How to replace wheat bread?

"What is the substitute for wheat bread?" - this question worries many today, since finding a suitable alternative to this baking is sometimes required not only in daily menu, but also in the dietary one. As it turned out, such a bakery product does not belong to the category of irreplaceable products. For example, if you are cooking cutlets, and the bread bin is empty, then you can add a place of bread to the minced meat semolina... This ingredient will also add fluffiness and thickness to the mass. In the same situation, you can use wheat flour, cereals or starch.

Everyone knows that a bakery product gives cutlets also nice smell, therefore, to make the dish more flavorful, add chopped zucchini or herbs to it instead of bread.

In addition, many are wondering how to replace wheat bread during the diet. In this case, the best replacement bread product loaves made from unpolished rice... Firstly, they have a low calorie content, and secondly, they contain a large number of fiber. Also many nutritionists this product recommend replacing with rye bread. As mentioned earlier, it is less nutritious than a wheat product, but at the same time it remains very satisfying.

How to cook at home?

In the life of every hostess there comes a time when there is a desire to cook real wheat bread at home. For such a case, it is recommended to prepare in advance, namely to stock up on the simplest and best recipes, as well as delicious and affordable ones. In addition, today there are a lot of recipes for this popular product. There are also many ways to prepare it. We suggest taking note of the table below. In it we have collected best recipes homemade wheat bread. In addition, we recommend watching the video below, which describes in detail how to make yeast-free sourdough bread with your own hands.

Cooking method



on dough, in the oven

To bake this delicious bakery product, prepare wheat flour (400 g), fresh yeast(15 g), warm water (200 ml), and also salt (10 g), spices (to taste) and vegetable oil (1 tablespoon). Also take some milk. It will be needed to lubricate the workpiece.

First of all, make a brew. To do this, take a deep dish and mix sifted flour (100 g), water and yeast in it. Cover the workpiece with a lid and leave aside for forty-five minutes. After that, add salt and butter to the finished dough, and gradually add the remaining amount of flour and the desired spices. You need to knead the dough for about fifteen minutes, as a result of which it should be soft and stick well from your hands. Ready mass place in a suitable container and let sit for one hour. During this time, the workpiece will double. When this happens, shape it into a loaf and place in a greased pan. Lubricate the surface of the workpiece with milk and, if necessary, sprinkle with sesame seeds. Bake the product at 200 degrees for forty minutes.

on whey, in a bread maker

In this case, you need to take warm whey (260 ml), wheat flour (400 g), granulated sugar (1 tablespoon), vegetable oil (1.5 tablespoons), as well as dry yeast and salt (by 1.5 tsp).

First of all, grease the kneading blades inside the bread machine well with oil. Then pour into the device milk product... Add sugar, butter and salt to it. Sift flour into the mixture and add yeast. Cook fast homemade bread on the first program before golden brown, then cool it down and serve.

with yeast, in a multicooker

To prepare this crispy and airy bread, prepare wheat flour (1 kg), warm water (0.5 L), butter on your work table vegetable origin(3 tbsp. L.), And also coarse salt, dry yeast and granulated sugar (1 tbsp each).

Dissolve the yeast in the water first. After them, send salt and sugar, as well as flour (200 g). When bubbles begin to appear on the workpiece, add butter and the remaining amount of flour to it. Knead the dough until elastic, then cover and store in a warm room for sixty minutes. Then knead the mass again and in the form of a ball, place it in the multicooker bowl, the bottom and walls of which are preliminarily greased with oil. Warm up the appliance for fifteen minutes, and then turn off and leave the workpiece for forty minutes. Then set the Bake setting and cook the bread for one hour on one side and forty minutes on the other. Bon Appetit!

Homemade bread made from wheat flour is very different pleasant aroma and divine taste as well as an excellent crispy crust.

Benefit and harm

Thanks to the rich chemical composition wheat flour, the benefits of bread made from it are obvious. There are many nutrients, namely vitamins (B, E, A), carbohydrates and minerals (Mg, Si, Fe, I).

No less important role plays high calorie content of this bakery product. Scientifically proven, one hundred grams of this baked goods contains thirteen percent daily allowance calories for women and eleven for men.

Due to the fact that such bread contains a lot of fiber, this product has the ability to reduce the amount of cholesterol in the blood. For the same reason, this baked product prevents the development of cancer of the digestive system.

Many doctors recommend the use of wheat bread for men with prostatitis (inflammation of the prostate gland). Also, such baked goods are very useful for nursing mothers, but it is recommended to include them in the diet in moderation for the first two months after childbirth.

Despite the fact that this product is immensely useful for humans, with overuse it can harm the body. First of all, it affects the intestines. First, the microflora is destroyed, after which they begin to develop various diseases, Related gastrointestinal tract... In addition, if you consume bread in excess of the daily norm, the risk of developing diabetes mellitus... It is also recommended to reduce the amount of the described product in the diet for obesity, since the product contains a high level of starch.

Bread made from wheat flour belongs to the category of staple foods today. It is often eaten by many adults and children. Even people on a diet menu sometimes cannot resist such a crispy and mouth-watering bakery product.

Wheat flour bread is perhaps the most common type of bread in the world. Thousands of ways to make bread make each loaf unique.

It is partly true that the most important invention of mankind is the wheel. But I think the most important thing is bread. We never knew, and we will never know who and when first ground cereal grains into flour and baked bread.

Bread is an everyday product made from flour of various cereals. Collective name for huge amount dough products. Flour and water are basically everything.

Salt, baking powder is almost always present in bread, various tasty seeds, nuts, berries and even spices are often added. Bread from wheat flour, from buckwheat flour, from mixed flour or bran, etc. You won't be full without bread, my grandmother often said. I remember from my childhood - for lunch you have to eat something "essential" and always with bread.

Recently, homemade bread makers, which automatically make dough and bake bread, have become a fashionable attribute. modern life... They bake, make us happy with bread, take up a lot of space, and, unfortunately, do not put the most basic ingredient in bread made from wheat flour - the soul of a baker.

Meanwhile, make delicious wheat bread from yeast dough, takes a minimum of time and effort, if you do not take into account the long standing of the dough. No more difficult than cooking. Only 30 minutes of preparation and up to 1 hour of baking, well, a few hours for the dough to "fit".

Bread, Khlib, Khlyab, Loeb, Chleb, Chlieb, Chléb, Leib - this is how the name of bread is spelled in most Slavic languages. I read somewhere that yeast bread first appeared in Ancient Egypt. Egypt grew cereals, including wheat. Wheat flour bread was made using wild yeast in the air.

Wheat flour bread. Step by step recipe


  • Wheat flour 3 cups
  • Fast dry yeast 1 sachet (11 gr)
  • Salt, sugar, vegetable oil taste
  • Egg, milk for greasing
  1. Do not wait now for the grace of nature - "landing" wild yeast on your dough. It's easier to buy dry yeast, which will do a great job. Moreover, they are always on sale, always fresh and there are small "packages". When using live yeast, the technology for making wheat bread changes dramatically.
  2. Important! Please note that dry yeast is different. To bake wheat bread, you need the yeast that is dry mixed directly with dry flour.

    Dry yeast

  3. Water, one of the main components of bread, should be lukewarm - 30-35 degrees.
  4. Be sure to sift the flour. Sifting flour, we improve its "structure", saturate it with oxygen, which is important for the development of yeast.

    Be sure to sift flour

  5. So, sift the flour into a large bowl. Add 0.5 tsp. salt and 2 tsp. Sahara. Pour one bag of dry yeast (11 g) into the flour. Mix very thoroughly so that the salt, yeast and sugar are evenly distributed over the flour. Make a small indentation in the middle.

    Add salt, sugar and yeast

  6. Heat 270-280 ml of water to the required temperature and pour into a large cup. Add 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil. Shake water and oil with a fork.

    Shake water and oil with a fork

  7. Carefully pour the water and oil into the groove in the flour and knead the dough.

    Gently pour the water and oil into the groove in the flour

  8. Initially, the dough should visually appear too soft and sticky. It is better to achieve the required consistency of the dough for wheat bread by adding flour to the dough rather than water.

    Initially, the dough should visually appear too soft and sticky

  9. Adding flour in small portions, knead the dough with your hands for a long time and thoroughly. The kneading process is very important; poorly kneaded dough will be uneven. Eventually soft dough practically should not stick to your hands, and if you take the edge of the dough with your fingers and lift it, the dough will sag and begin to stretch under its own weight.
  10. Roll the dough into a ball, place in a bowl, after sprinkling the bottom with a little flour, and cover with a clean cloth. Leave the dough to ripen for 1 hour, in a warm, draft-free place.

    Leave the dough to ripen for 1 hour, in a warm place

  11. After an hour, the dough will double in volume. Knead the dough with your hands, adding flour with pinches, and leave to ripen again.

    After an hour, the dough will double in volume

  12. This process must be repeated - the dough must be re-kneaded twice.

    The dough should rise three times

  13. The yeast will saturate the dough with carbon dioxide, create "texture", and form everyone's favorite "holes".
  14. When the dough rises for the third time, sprinkle a little flour on the table, carefully put the dough on it, trying not to crush or crush, so that the dough does not "fall" in volume. With dry hands, form a small loaf of any shape.
  15. Cover the baking sheet with a piece parchment paper or baking paper. Lubricate a little vegetable oil paper. Transfer the wheat flour dough to a baking sheet or into a mold.

    Transfer the wheat flour dough to a baking sheet or into a mold

  16. Better result can be achieved using silicone mold for baking, they are commercially available in almost any shape. Be sure to lubricate the silicone with 1 tsp. vegetable oil.
  17. Cover the wheat bread dough in a mold or on a baking sheet with a napkin or an inverted deep bowl and let rise to the desired volume.
  18. Preheat the oven to 160 degrees. You need to bake bread only in an evenly heated oven.
  19. Mix one in a cup egg yolk and 2 tbsp. l. milk, beat with a whisk. Grease the finally risen dough egg mixture with a brush - in a very thin layer.

    Brush the dough with the egg mixture

  20. Of course, bread crust You will get a beautiful ruddy color without smudging, but the yolk gives an exceptionally beautiful color of the crust, I just really like it.
  21. Place the baking sheet with the dough in the oven - higher. Wheat flour bread is baked for at least 40 minutes.
  22. You can check the readiness of wheat bread using a match or a toothpick, simply sticking it into hot bread... If the dough does not stick to the tree, then wheat flour bread is ready.

All varieties of wheat are divided into soft and hard. Soft - more common, as it is unpretentious, frost-hardy, can grow on poor soils. But it has a low content of protein and gluten. Durum wheat or durum outwardly differs in grains of saturated yellow color with pleasant smell... The plant is usually short, bushy.

Hard varieties have excellent baking qualities and are used for cooking expensive species bread and pasta.

Durum wheat flour

In the milling industry, flour is divided into several groups. The first includes general purpose products. It is made from finely ground secondary grain endosperm. Flour is obtained from both solid and soft varieties cereal. If soft wheat flour is poor in gluten, then it can be enriched quality raw materials from durum. The product of the first group is used for baking yeast bread, cakes, biscuits and muffins.

The second group is bread flour... It is used for baking bread and bakery products... It has a higher gluten content. The third group includes confectionery flour. It is characterized by a fine grind, a small amount of protein and a higher percentage of starch. Confectionery flour is intended for any baking.

The chemical composition of semolina contains many useful trace elements:

  • Potassium;
  • Phosphorus;
  • Calcium;
  • Copper;
  • Manganese.
  • It is also rich in vitamins B, E, PP.

Durum Wheat Bread

Studies have shown that bread from hard varieties wheat is more beneficial for the body. But the bread should be well baked, fresh and made from quality products... The loaf must have the correct shape and the crumb must be free of lumps and hollow chambers. Structure good bread- dense and homogeneous. Sticky or dry crumb of bread indicates poor-quality baked goods, possible infection with potato sticks or mold.

A feature of durum wheat bread is the ability to increase blood glucose levels.

A regular loaf takes longer to digest and gradually releases glucose. But buns, baguettes, bagels, donuts and muffins contribute to the rapid formation of glucose and a set excess weight... Therefore, they are contraindicated for those on a diet. Yeast-free bread is healthier: yeast survive temperature exposure and continue to actively reproduce. This disrupts the healthy intestinal microflora and contributes to the rapid growth of the number of pathogenic bacteria.

Abuse of yeast bread can provoke the appearance of intestinal ulcers, the formation of sand and stones in the liver and gallbladder, constipation, and tumors.

Homemade bread baking

Any type of homemade bread is baked from fine flour obtained by repeated grinding of grains from wheat. It is rich in gluten and gluten, it gives good elastic dough. Finished product keeps fresh for longer, is not susceptible to mold and infection by various bacteria.

Gluten is a substance that is formed by combining wheat flour with water. It makes the bread rise and fall, and is responsible for the pliability and elasticity of the dough. Instead of water, you can use milk or kefir - any liquid is suitable for starting the process. A more stable dough can be obtained from hard water.

Salt gives the bread a pleasant smell and inhibits the growth of yeast mass. If you put a lot of salt in the dough, it will rise badly, if not enough, it will rise well. Sugar plays the opposite role: the more it is, the more active yeast fungi... The quantity of these two products must be carefully checked when baking bread, so as not to get rough or bitter dough, as well as dough with poor viscosity.

To make this bread, you will need the original durum durum flour. It contains no additives and is more commonly used for making pasta. The baking process takes place in several stages. The first is leaven. In the morning, 150 g of flour are diluted in 190 ml warm water... Add 30 g of dry yeast. After 12-14 hours, start kneading the dough. For him you will need:

  • Flour of the highest grade - 250 g;
  • Durum flour - 600 g;
  • Water - from 500 ml;
  • Salt - 20 g;
  • Leaven.

The kneading is done by hand. All ingredients are mixed for 10-12 minutes. The dough should be thick and dense, pliable and not sticky to your hands. Depending on the quality of flour and sourdough, it can absorb 500-600 ml of water. After kneading, the dough is left to rest for 2-4 hours. During this time, he was crushed twice. Then shape and place in a floured baking dish. For the final proofing, the dough must be left indoors at room temperature for another 2-3 hours.

The bread is baked for the first 10 minutes in an oven preheated to 250 ° C. Then the temperature is lowered to 220 ° C. The baking time depends on the shape and volume of the bread, ranging from 1 to 2.5 hours.

Wheat bread

For this bread recipe on yeast you will need:

  • 0.5 kg of hard wheat flour;
  • 320 ml warm water;
  • 2 tbsp sunflower oil;
  • 1.5 tbsp powdered milk;
  • 1.5 tbsp dry yeast;
  • 1.5 tbsp Sahara;
  • 1.5 tsp salt.

This recipe is used to make bread in a bread maker. But you can also bake white wheat bread in the oven at a temperature of 200-220 ° C.

Water and oil are poured into the kneading container, sifted flour is added, powdered milk, sugar and salt. Yeast can be revitalized beforehand by dissolving it in a glass of warm water. If the bread is baked by hand, then after kneading it will take time to rest - 2-2.5 hours. Ready dough laid out in the form and sent to a preheated oven.

Sourdough is prepared from 300 g of flour and 400 ml of water. The ingredients are mixed. The container must be covered with gauze and put in a warm place for a day. During this time, it is recommended to shake the contents several times. After the allotted time, another 100 g of flour and the same amount of water are added to the sourdough, and left for another 20-25 hours.

The leaven begins to work on the third day: it increases in volume, and many bubbles appear on its surface. Add a little more flour and water and set for a few hours. Readiness is determined by the volume doubled. The resulting mass is divided into 2 parts: bread is baked from one, the other is put into the refrigerator. It can be used for next preparation of bread. In addition to the starter culture, you will need:

  • Flour - about 600 g;
  • Water - 250 ml;
  • Sunflower oil - 3 tablespoons;
  • Sugar - 2 tablespoons;
  • Salt - 2 tsp

Flour is sifted into a container for kneading dough, sugar and salt, oil are added. Grind and only then introduce the leaven. Add water while constantly stirring the mass. The dough is ready - when it easily comes off the hands, elastic, homogeneous. Take away future bread to rest for 2-6 hours. The risen dough is kneaded and laid out in a mold. It must be high, otherwise the raised bread will fall over its edges and burn. Bread is baked at 180 ° C.

Coarse or hard flour can be rye. Black, gray and others are prepared from it. dark varieties of bread. To make regular rye bread without yeast, you need to take:

  • 500 ml of mineral sparkling water;
  • 3 cups whole grain flour
  • 0.5 tsp salt.

The flour is mixed with salt and water is gradually poured in. The dough should be elastic and soft. Grease a baking dish or baking sheet with vegetable oil and lay out the dough. Several cuts are made on the surface to avoid cracking. Bread is baked for an hour in an oven preheated to 180 ° C.


  • 250 g of durum wheat flour;
  • 125 g rye flour;
  • 5 g sugar;
  • a glass of warm water;
  • 10 g salt;
  • 4 g dry baker's yeast;
  • tsp honey;
  • 0.5 tsp malt.

50 ml of warm water is poured into a glass, a spoonful of sugar and yeast are added. Leave for 15-20 minutes. In a bowl, mix half the flour with the remaining water, leave to rest for 10-15 minutes under a damp towel. After the allotted time, all the ingredients are mixed, kneaded, formed into a ball and laid out on a baking sheet covered with baking paper. Several cuts are made on the surface, sprinkled with flour, covered with a damp cotton cloth and left for an hour and a half.

Bread is baked at a temperature of 220 ° C for an hour, and for the first 10 minutes it is recommended to place a container of water under the baking sheet.

For cooking you will need:

  • 250 g hazelnuts;
  • 250 g pecan;
  • 900 g of durum flour;
  • 20 g baker's dry yeast;
  • 85 g soft butter;
  • lemon;
  • 600 ml warm water;
  • 16 g of sea salt;
  • 25 ml olive oil;
  • 250 g of lingonberries.

Crush the nuts and fry in a pan without oil, stirring constantly. Mix flour, yeast in a large bowl butter... Add chopped lemon zest and sea ​​salt... The dough should be smooth, soft and dense in structure. Pour in olive oil and add nuts and berries. Mix thoroughly again. The dough is rolled into a ball, covered with a damp cloth and foil, and left for 40-70 minutes in a warm room.

After the allotted time, knead the dough again well, beat it several times on the table surface, cover it again with a napkin and leave it for another 30-40 minutes. Then put in a baking dish and place in an oven preheated to 230 ° C. Bake for about an hour, and readiness can be determined by an even golden crust.

Flavored wheat bread

To make this unusual and delicious bread, you will need:

  • about 150 g of seeds;
  • about 50 g of sesame seeds;
  • 0.5 kg whole grain flour;
  • 150 g semolina;
  • tbsp fine salt;
  • 150 g fat sour cream;
  • 25 g dry baker's yeast;
  • 2 tsp linden or clover honey;
  • warm water - 200 ml;
  • sesame oil - tsp

Seeds and sesame seeds peel and fry until golden brown in a heavy-bottomed pan with a little oil. Add a spoon to the finished seeds sesame oil, mix well.

Simultaneously prepare the dough: sour cream, wheat flour, water and yeast, mix with honey. Wait about 15-20 minutes. The finished dough can be identified by the appearance of bubbles on the surface. Add salt and semolina, mix everything well, and leave for another 20-30 minutes. Then add seeds (leave a little for sprinkling) and mix until tender. The dough should turn out to be elastic, plastic and easily fall behind the hands. Sprinkle flour on top and leave to rise for 2-3 hours. When the dough has noticeably increased in volume, it is transferred to a baking dish and sprinkled with the remaining seeds. It is recommended to leave the bread for another 20-30 minutes to rest before the final stage of cooking. Bake for about 50 minutes at 200 ° C.

Italian bread

Ingredients for cooking:

  • 400 g of durum flour;
  • 180 g of premium flour;
  • 1 tbsp fine salt;
  • 1 tsp dry baker's yeast;
  • water (about 200 ml);
  • tbsp malt extract;
  • 0.5 cups sesame seeds;
  • tbsp olive oil;
  • 1/4 tsp Italian herbs.

All dry and all liquid ingredients are mixed separately. The liquid is gradually added to the flour and mixed well. When the dough stops sticking to your hands, the container is closed cling film and put away in a warm place for 20-22 hours.

The finished dough is kneaded on a table sprinkled with flour. They are rolled into a layer and folded in an envelope four times, after which they are covered with a damp cloth and allowed to lie down for 10-15 minutes. Placed in a baking dish, greased olive oil, and leave for another 2 hours. Bread is baked for 30-40 minutes at a temperature of 150C.

What kind of durum flour bread do you like? Share your favorite recipe in the comments!

Wheat bread - from wallpaper, premium, first and second grade

Plain wheat bread is baked from all varieties of wheat flour in a form and hearth. Its name is determined by the type of flour: for example, wheat bread made from flour of the first grade, second grade, etc. This also includes Polyanitsa Ukrainian, Arnaut Kiev, etc. Stolichny, Gorodskiye, Moskovskie sitniki, kalachi, loafs "For dinner" are produced from premium flour. Master's bread (from second grade flour), Nikolaev loaves (from first grade flour), etc. All these products have loose, non-uniform porosity. A peculiarity of dough preparation: fermentation takes place at low temperatures, so the activity of enzymes is low - the bread is pale and unleavened.

Improved - from flour of the first, second and highest grades. Prepared with the addition of fat (margarine, butter and vegetable oil), sugar 2-7% each, protein improvers are also added: whey, soy protein, dry isolate fish protein, dry protein mixture and other fortifiers. Aromatic additives are not used.

The most common varieties of this group are: from flour of the first / second grade - Sliced ​​loaves(3% fat and 5% sugar), City bun, Milk loaves (with the addition of dairy products), Mustard bread (sugar and mustard oil - give a specific aroma, bright color), Fragrant bread (from second grade flour, rye fermented malt, coriander and other additional raw materials that give an original taste), challah; made of premium flour - Sliced ​​loaves, rolls (with the addition of sugar, raisins, poppy seeds, vanillin, etc.), Saratov kalach, Stolichny buns, etc.

Quality indicators in improved varieties of bread: humidity 42-45%, acidity - 2.5-5 degrees, porosity - 65-75%.

Along with the main types of bread, there is also a national bread (lavash - made from unleavened dough, i.e. flour, salt and water; churek, etc.); diet bread("Polyushko" loaves - with the addition of wheat bran, this bread is recommended both for mass consumption and for people with overweight, metabolic disorders, patients suffering from intestinal atony, bread with the addition of wheat germs - is used in the recovery period after diseases, and also as a preventive supplement to daily nutrition); recently appeared bread made from sprouted grains of wheat (Merchant, Holiday) - such bread is both therapeutic and prophylactic; bread with the addition of various biologically active substances: vitamins, minerals, essential amino acids, etc.

45 . rye-wheat bread

Rye-wheat and wheat-rye bread

In the name of bread from a mixture of flour, the predominant type of flour with a share of 50% is placed in the first place. Wheat flour is added to improve the structural and mechanical properties of the dough.

Simple rye-wheat bread: Ukrainian from peeled rye and wheat wallpaper.

Improved varieties rye-wheat bread: more numerous and widespread. Borodino bread is made with custard, from rye wallpaper (85%) and wheat flour of the second grade (10%) with the introduction of red rye malt, molasses, sugar, coriander; crumb color - dark, taste - sweet and sour.

Russian bread (70:30), Darnitsky (60:40), Stolichny (50:50) is baked from peeled rye and wheat flour of the second grade - in addition, 3% sugar is added, Lyubitelsky (80:15) is prepared with custard with the addition of the same ingredients as in Borodinsky.

Minsk and Riga bread prepared from seeded flour (85%) and wheat flour of the second grade (10-15%) with the addition of caraway seeds. In addition, Riga is made using tea leaves (wheat flour is used as a tea leaves) with the addition of white barley malt and sugar, and in Minsk bread, wheat flour is used for sourdough.

Timiryazevsky bread - made from a mixture of peeled rye flour and premium flour with the addition of rye malt, previously brewed with spices.

Delicacy bread - according to the recipe is close to Riga, but barley malt here replaced with rye.

Orlovsky - prepared without brewing from peeled rye flour and wheat flour of the second grade (70:30) with the addition of 6% molasses.

The rye wheat varieties bread moisture is 45-50%, acidity - 7-11 degrees, porosity - 46-60%.

With an increase in the proportion of wheat flour and an increase in the variety of both wheat and rye flour, moisture and acidity decrease, and porosity increases. Bread with the addition of molasses is much slower to stale than other types of bread, since molasses is a supplier of dissolved carbohydrates that prevent the bread from drying out.