Historical recipes from apricots. How to prepare apricots for the winter - the most delicious recipes

10.04.2019 Restaurant notes

In this article you will find the most delicious preparations from apricots for the winter: jam, jam, compote, marmalade, marshmallow and much more ..

Apricot blanks for the winter - delicious recipes

Apricot blanks for the winter impress with a variety of assortment: jam, jam, compotes, juices, marshmallows, marmalade, drying and much more.

Apricot compote in a quick way


  • 1 liter of water
  • 200–500 g sugar
  • apricots


  1. Make syrup from sugar and water.
  2. Fill jars with prepared apricots up to their shoulders.
  3. Pour boiling syrup over the edge of the neck.
  4. After 5-7 minutes, drain the syrup and bring to a boil again.
  5. Pour boiling syrup over the jars again so that it spills slightly through the neck.
  6. Close tightly and turn the jars upside down until completely cool.

Apricot compote with honey


  • 1 liter of water
  • apricots
  • 375 g honey


  1. Wash apricots and place in liter jars.
  2. Dissolve honey in hot water, bring to a boil, pour apricots with syrup and let cool.
  3. Sterilize 8 minutes.
  4. Seal jars and refrigerate.

Apricots in sugar in their own juice


  • 1 kg apricots,
  • 300 g sugar.


  1. Fill jars tightly with them, pouring sugar in layers.
  2. Put the jars filled with fruits overnight in a cold place so that the apricots let the juice flow.
  3. The next day, add fruits with sugar to their shoulders and sterilize in boiling water: half-liter jars - 10 minutes, liter - 15 minutes.
  4. Immediately roll up the lids, turn upside down and keep under the covers until completely cool.

Use such fruits for dessert, for decorating creams, cakes, for making jelly, juice - for drinks, cocktails, compotes, jelly.

Apricots in own juice without sugar natural


  • 1 kg apricots,
  • 100 ml of water.


  1. Cut the apricots in half, remove the pits and place in a bowl.
  2. Add water and heat under the lid over low heat, stirring occasionally, until the fruits give juice.
  3. Transfer the apricots with juice to the prepared jars, filling them up to the shoulders.
  4. Sterilize.

Apricot puree for the winter


  • 1 kg apricots,
  • 250 g sugar
  • 1 glass of water.


  1. Cut ripe apricots in half and remove the pits.
  2. Put the prepared fruits in a saucepan, add water, cover with a lid and bring to a boil over low heat. Boil for approximately 10 minutes.
  3. Rub the steamed fruit through a sieve and put it back into the pan.
  4. Add sugar to the resulting mass, mix well and bring to a boil over low heat.
  5. Let the juice boil for another ten minutes, pour it into the prepared dishes.
  6. Sterilize.

Do-it-yourself apricot juice with pulp


  • 1 kg apricot puree,
  • 70-100 g of sugar,
  • 0.5 l of water.


  1. Scald ripe washed apricots with steam until softened for 10 minutes. To do this, put them in a gauze bag or mesh basket, hang them over a saucepan or enameled bucket of boiling water and cover with a lid. Take 4 times less water than fruits.
  2. Remove pits from scalded fruits. Rub the fruits through a sieve.
  3. Prepare a 15% syrup in the water in which the apricots were scalded. To do this, dissolve 70 g of sugar in 1 liter of water.
  4. For 1 liter of apricot puree, take 0.5 liter of syrup, mix thoroughly, bring to a boil, immediately pour into sterile jars to the edge of the neck and immediately cork.
  5. Turn the jars upside down, wrap them in a blanket and leave to cool completely.

Jam from halves of apricots for the winter


  • 1 kg apricots,
  • 1 kg of sugar
  • 750.0 water.


Cut the fruits along the groove into halves, remove the seeds. Dip the prepared fruits into boiling syrup, bring to a boil, cook for 2-3 minutes, then set aside in a cold place overnight. For flavor, throw 3-4 kernels from apricot kernels. The next day, cook the jam until tender.

apricot jam


  • 1 kg apricots,
  • 900 g sugar.


  1. Prepared ripe apricots cut into halves and remove the seeds.
  2. Pass 3/4 of the fruit through a meat grinder, then cook with constant stirring until thickened. Add sugar and bring to dissolve.
  3. Cut the remaining fruits into pieces, add to the boiling mass and cook until tender.
  4. Pack in semi-chilled form.

Apricot confiture


  • 1 kg apricots,
  • 2 kg sugar
  • one and a half glasses of water.


  1. Boil sugar syrup, pass it through a filter and cool.
  2. Dip the prepared apricots for 2-3 minutes in boiling water, then remove the skin, cut the fruits in half, removing the seeds.
  3. Put fruit halves in cold syrup and put on a low fire.
  4. Boil, removing the foam.
  5. As soon as the confiture boils, remove it from the heat and put it in a cold place for 12 hours.
  6. Then, over low heat, bring to a boil again and leave to cool.
  7. Repeat this operation 2-3 times until ready (the fruits do not float in the finished confiture).
  8. Pack hot, seal after cooling.

Marmalade apricot-apple


  • 1 kg apricots,
  • 300 g apples
  • 700 g sugar
  • 1 glass of water.


  1. Prepare separately apple and apricot puree, mix, add sugar and cook until tender.

Apricot marshmallow


  • 1 kg apricots,
  • 800 g sugar
  • 1 glass of water
  1. Prepare apricot puree.
  2. Add sugar to the resulting puree and cook until tender over low heat.
  3. To determine the readiness with a spoon, gain weight and put on a cold saucer; the cooled mass should have the density of jelly.
  4. Put the finished mass on the canvas and carefully level it so that the layer thickness is 1–1.5 cm. Cut the cooled mass into curly pieces using a mold, sprinkle with sugar and put two together.
  5. The pasta is ready.
  6. Store in a sealed container in a dry place.

How to dry apricots for the winter?

Candied dried apricots

Boil prepared apricot halves in sugar syrup, and then let the syrup drain, and put the fruits on a tray.

Tumble dry at 70°C until done.

Apricots, dried in halves

  1. Cut ripe apricots in half and remove pits.
  2. Put the halves in acidified citric acid water so that they do not darken, then let them dry.
  3. Then boil them for five minutes in sugar syrup (1 kg of sugar per 1 liter of water)
  4. Leave for a day, then remove the apricots, let the water drain and dry in the sun or in a dryer, first at 50 ° C, then at 65, and finish at 60 ° C.

Apricots frozen with sugar

  • 1 kg apricots,
  • 150-200 g of sugar,
  • 3–5 g citric acid
  1. For freezing take apricots of the best quality.
  2. Dip the washed fruits for 30 seconds in boiling water and then immediately cool in cold water. Remove the skin, cut into halves, remove the seeds.
  3. Moisten the apricots big amount water in which citric acid is dissolved.
  4. Mix apricots prepared in this way with sugar, place in molds and freeze.

We hope you enjoy these apricot blanks for the winter!

Bon Appetit!!!

Apricot confiture - awesome, delicious, tender, delicious, delicious, the most favorite. What other epithets can I pick to express my love for apricot and confiture from it? :) Try it!

I cook this chicken with apricots on festive table. The chicken is juicy and flavorful. As a side dish, I serve rice with apricots, which were stewed with chicken. It will take an hour to prepare.

The pie looks great. And baked with apricots, it will also exude a wonderful aroma! It will decorate any festive table. I tell you how to cook jellied pie with apricots!

Pastila from apricots is prepared easily and simply. Children love these sweet orange straws very much. Who does not know how to make marshmallow from apricots - we urgently learn according to my simple and understandable recipe.

Do you want to bake a delicious cake, spending a minimum of time on it, without suffering from complexity, and having everything necessary components? Then given apricot pie your.

Pie with apricots in a slow cooker is very easy to cook. My favorite recipe for such a pie contains cottage cheese. The dough turns out tender, and apricots give a characteristic sourness and an incredible aroma.

juicy moist, fragrant cupcake with apricots should please anyone. Apricots add a slight sourness to the sweet and airy mass of dough. Believe me, there is nothing better with black tea! Treat yourself!

You can bake with frozen apricots wonderful pie(even in winter!). It's easy to prepare and looks amazing! Such a cake can also be cut into square cakes with half an apricot in each.

I often bake pies according to one very simple recipe. The filling in them can be changed according to the season (and its accompanying berries, fruits) or mood. Today on the wave - delicious pie with apricots.

Fresh apricots make a delicious fragrant Home wine. For its preparation, only apricots, water and sugar are needed. Knead, let wander, insist and enjoy! ...We don't lose our heads!

If I want to pamper a loved one, I cook for him apricot jam. It is very easy to prepare and the taste is divine. You will need apricots, sugar, lemon and a couple of hours of time.

A simple recipe for mashed apricots with sugar is always in demand during the season of this wonderful and fragrant fruit. A minimum of heat treatment, which means vitamins, taste and color like fresh fruits! :)

In childhood apricot compote in the winter was my favorite. Large hard apricot halves were caught big spoon from the huge three-liter jar, mmm... Let's remember childhood and cook!

Apricot jam smells and looks wonderful. And eating it is a pleasure. In addition, not quite ripe fruits will go into the jam. By the way, do not throw away the selected bones, but plant them in a pot!

delicious recipe summer dish for breakfast. Crispy flakes with apricot pieces.

Fairly simple and quick recipe making juicy pies will be understandable to everyone, and even an inexperienced culinary specialist, armed with it, will be able to cook delicious pies with apricots.

Pie with walnuts and apricots is quite simple and quick to prepare, but very tasty and mouth-watering. nut pie. I cook regularly - and no one gets bored! :)

Apricot water - very tasty way quench thirst. Give your children a taste of apricot water - and they will never ask for lemonade and other chemical filth again :)

apricot jam- a laborious and lengthy process, which still should not be afraid! A great advantage of jam is that overripe apricots can be used for cooking.

almond pie with apricots is a real confectionery masterpiece on home kitchen. The recipe is available to everyone, but the result will amaze even the most fastidious.

You can buy an apricot cake at the store and you won’t lose, because it’s actually delicious. But why buy a cake with a lot of chemicals when you can make it yourself and at home?

Apricot compote - classic blank for a year. This drink refreshes at any time and gives vigor and strength. Meet easy recipe making compote from apricots!

This may sound ridiculous, but apricot sauce just magically combined with meat dishes. Try once and it will be yours signature dish:)

This cottage cheese cheesecake apricot home recipe. It turns out not too sweet with a pleasant light sourness from apricots.

Recipe for apricot muffins. The dessert is light, tender and very tasty. IN this recipe apricots can be replaced with any other berries and fruits.

Apricot - southern fruit tree Rosaceae family, giving juicy fruits with a large stone.

Apricot fruits contain up to 27% sugar and up to 3.8% apple, lemon and tartaric acid; pectin, starch, tannins, mineral salts, vitamins C, PP and provitamin A. In seeds 30-50% fatty oil. calories apricot dried apricots very high - about 300 calories. Total 3/4 cup apricot juice satisfies the daily human need for vitamin A.
Apricots have a mild laxative effect, apricot juice normalizes the acidity of the stomach, so it can be used for colitis and constipation.

Types of dried apricots
dried apricots(whole dried fruit with pit)
kaisa(withered fruit, pitted, cut in half)
dried apricots(dried pitted fruits, cut into halves and quarters)

Fresh ripe apricots are eaten raw or used to make desserts, processed into jams and added to spicy dishes. They pair with lamb and chicken. Dried, canned and candied apricots are sold all year round.

Apricots should be fully ripe, soft and juicy, fragrant, orange-yellow in color. Do not buy unripe apricots that are greenish-yellow in color.

Harvest apricots in dry weather, without touching them with your hands, i.e., the fruits must be cut along with the cuttings with scissors. Apricots selected for long-term storage, should not be overripe. Arrange the apricots in jars, pouring a dense layer of sugar on the bottom, put the apricots so that they do not touch each other, pour sugar again and so fill the jar to the top. The last layer should be made of sugar. Close the jar with a lid
and refrigerate. Apricots prepared in this way do not lose their aroma and freshness. Serving them in winter instead of dessert, you can add cognac or rum.

Apricots should be stored in a cool place. For ripening, the fruits can be put in a dark place in paper bag. At room temperature ripe fruits spoil quickly.
To prepare fresh apricots, cut them in half and, if necessary, remove the pits. Put in a saucepan, cover with water and add 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar. Bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer until soft.
For fast food dried apricots put it in a saucepan, pour cold water and bring to a boil. Reduce heat, leaving simmer covered. Cook until soft.
Apricot jam can be heated, passed through a sieve and used as a glaze for tarts and pies. To cook from apricot jam sauce for baked fruit and ice cream, heat 3/4 cup jam with 4 tbsp. spoons of water. Rub through a sieve into a gravy boat and mix with 1 tbsp. a spoonful of apricot brandy. Serve warm.

Marinated apricots with marjoram
2 glasses of water
1 glass of vinegar
2 cups sugar
marjoram sprigs

Prick ripe hard apricots with a needle, put in a jar, shifting marjoram sprigs, pour marinade over.

To prepare the marinade, mix water, vinegar and sugar, bring to a boil, boil until the sugar is completely dissolved. Remove from fire, cool. Pour the apricots with the cooled marinade, set the oppression, close the lid and refrigerate or cellar. Apricots are ready to eat in a month. Serve pickled apricots as a side dish
to meat or fish.

Apricots in thick syrup
400 g apricots
2 cups sugar
0.75 cups of water

Wash ripe apricots, put in a jar. Boil syrup from sugar and water, cool, pour apricots, cover with a lid, put the jar in a saucepan. Fill the saucepan with cold water so that the jar is only 3 cm visible, put on the stove, boil for 15-20 minutes, then remove the saucepan from the heat. When the water has cooled, take out the jar, wipe, cork, store in a cold but dry place.

Apricots, like any other fruit, it is advisable to eat raw, in kind especially since their season is short. However, it is highly desirable to harvest apricots for the winter. It is not only tasty, but also very useful. A real delicacy in winter and decoration of any sweet table - apricot compote for the winter, apricot jam for the winter, apricot jam for the winter. original dishes can be obtained by experimenting with this fruit, trying different combinations of products. For example, apricots with orange for the winter can be harvested according to different recipes and in different proportions, it turns out very tasty. But all the useful substances and properties of the fruit are best preserved if you cook apricots in own juice for the winter. A minimum of preservatives and heat treatments provide maximum benefits. However, children who want to give more vitamins in winter still prefer sweet versions of fruit dishes. Here, apricot jam for the winter, pitted apricot jam for the winter, or apricots in syrup will come to the rescue. For the winter, such product options from these fruits are very popular with children and sweet teeth.

Always prepare apricots for the winter, the recipes for these "twists" are on our website, they will satisfy the needs of any dessert lover.

The simplest and reliable way keep the flavor and beneficial features apricots - dry them, and this can be done with or without pits. To do this, you just need to wash the apricots with high quality, and then spread them out in the sun in a well-ventilated place. You can also dry the apricots in the oven.

Want to enrich your body with vitamins - pay attention to the apricot. Kit useful substances it actively fights against cancer cells, iron helps to increase hemoglobin, potassium strengthens the heart. And if the easiest way to harvest apricots for the winter is drying, then the most useful is freezing. This type of blank ensures the preservation of an attractive appearance fruits. Take a look at apricots, recipes for the winter with photos are an excellent confirmation of this fact.

If you have not made such preparations before, prepare a compote of apricots for the winter, its recipe is extremely simple, you will definitely like it.

In addition, our tips will come in handy:

For compote, use ripe, but still firm fruits;

Slightly unripe apricots can be used for marinades, jams;

Overripe apricots are good for drying, making dried apricots;

Try to properly equip your workplace during conservation, any little things are important here, everything should be at hand;

Be sure to sterilize jars and lids;

For freezing, fruits must be washed well and dried thoroughly so that they do not stick together.

Apricots are frozen on trays, and then transferred to bags or containers;

Be sure to sign containers with a frozen product for convenience;

Apricots prepared without sugar are not subject to defrosting, they are used immediately;

Don't pack the fruit too hard;

Apricots are also not subject to repeated defrosting and freezing;

When drying in the oven, apricots are placed on a baking sheet covered with paper. Dry them with occasional stirring. warm oven with breaks of several hours. The temperature in the oven should be around 65 degrees.

Many people are very fond of apricots. In addition to being very tasty and nutritious, they contain a large number of useful substances. Phosphorus, iron, magnesium, etc. Dishes with fresh apricots contain a large amount of fiber, which has beneficial effect on the activity of the digestive organs. Regular use eating them increases immunity and improves brain function. These fruits can be eaten not only fresh. We offer you some simple recipes for delicious apricot dishes. The article will also provide some recommendations and tips.

It is still unknown where the birthplace of apricots is. According to some reports, this is Armenia. But other sources point to the Tien Shan.

Half a glass of apricot juice fills the daily requirement human body in vitamins.

In Russia, apricots appeared in the 17th century. They brought them from Europe.

There are about twenty types of apricots in the world. There is even a variety called "black prince". Its unusual color was obtained by crossing apricots, cherry plums, plums. This variety has a very pleasant taste.

Apricot Dishes: Recipes

Some people think that these fruits can only be used to make compotes and jams. This is completely false. Dishes from apricots can be listed for a very long time. Today we bring you only the most simple recipes. We assure you that they will not require too much effort and time.

Curd dessert

Among the most the best dishes of apricots, he will take his rightful place. This lightweight and delicate dessert will appeal to both children and adults. Dishes from cottage cheese and apricots are not only tasty, but also healthy. What will we need? The range of products is quite small. Remember:

  • cottage cheese - 2 packs (200 grams each);
  • cream - one glass (incomplete);
  • shortbread cookies (several pieces);
  • apricots - 500 gr.;
  • sugar - 5 tablespoons;
  • chocolate.


  • Let's cook everything necessary products. Wash the apricots thoroughly and remove the pits. Then they need to be cut into small pieces.
  • Take a saucepan or deep bowl. Pour sugar into it. We put it on the stove and melt it a little.
  • Pour apricots with the resulting syrup.
  • Cookies must be broken into small pieces and then grind in a mixer until a homogeneous mass is obtained.
  • Whip cream in a mixer.
  • Add curd to them. Mix everything carefully.
  • We take a transparent, deep vase.
  • We spread the crushed cookies, then cottage cheese with cream.
  • Next, apricots, cream. Top with a few pieces of fruit.
  • To decorate the dessert, we need chocolate. Grate it on a grater and sprinkle with fruit. Now I need a dish fresh apricots and put the cottage cheese in the refrigerator. After 10-15 minutes delicious dessert ready. Can be served at the table. As you can see, there is nothing complicated in its preparation.


Is it possible, you say, to cook this dish from apricots? Recipe with photo finished product will be presented next. There are syrniki different types. Today you will learn how to make them with apricots. We list the necessary products:

  • cottage cheese (2 packs of 200 grams);
  • flour (2-3 tablespoons);
  • eggs - 1 pc.;
  • add sugar and salt to taste.

We will also need for frying cheesecakes.


  • Put the cottage cheese in a bowl and stir it.
  • Then add flour and knead everything well.
  • Gradually add the rest of the ingredients.
  • Let's prepare the apricots. They need to be washed and cut.
  • We put them in a mass for cheesecakes. Mix everything well again.
  • Take a small amount of the prepared mass with a spoon. Dip lightly in flour. We form small cakes.
  • We turn on the stove. Heat up a frying pan greased with sunflower oil.
  • Lay out cheesecakes. Fry on both sides. Ready to serve with sour cream or jam.

Do you make dishes from apricots for the winter?

What if this delicious fruit Do you want to eat not only in summer, but also in the colder season? After all, we can eat fresh apricots only for a short period. In order to be able to eat tender and healthy treats, you need to master some recipes. We will gladly help you with this. Then at any time of the year you can cook something delicious from canned apricots.

With walnuts

Required products:

  • sugar - 2 cups;
  • apricots - 1-2 kg;
  • nuts;
  • water - 2 glasses.

Fruits must be washed well and sorted out. Leave only the ripe ones. The bones must be carefully removed. Walnuts it is best to buy peeled ones. Or clean them up yourself. Now we put a nut kernel in each apricot. Let's take a few glass jars, best of all three-liter. Wash them well baking soda and sterilize. Boil jar lids for a few minutes. We put apricots in jars. We try to do it evenly so as not to leave empty spaces. Now we need to make a syrup with which we will pour our apricots. Pour water into a saucepan and add sugar. Put on a strong fire and do not forget to stir. The syrup boiled, pour jars with prepared apricots. Cover with lids and let stand for about ten minutes. Then carefully drain the syrup and boil again. After that, pour the apricots again, twist the lids. Next, the jars must be turned over and wrapped with something warm. Leave until cool.

Delicate jam

This unusually tasty dish is very loved by children. Jam can be eaten with pancakes and pancakes, as well as used in the preparation of sweet pies and buns. The recipe is very simple and does not require any special skills from you. All we need is apricots and sugar. You ask how much food to take? It all depends on how much you want to make. For one kilogram of apricots, you need half a kilogram of sugar. Follow these proportions when cooking.


  • We only need ripe, soft apricots. Some housewives think that crumpled and slightly spoiled fruits are suitable for jam, but this is not so.
  • Wash the apricots well and remove the pits. We won't need them anymore. Put the apricots in a bowl.
  • It is necessary to add a small amount of water and boil a little. This is done so that the fruit softens and the cooking time is reduced.
  • Now we grind everything with a blender or food processor.
  • Put in a pot or bowl for cooking. Add sugar. Cook until it is completely dissolved. Ready jam put into hot jars.

In order for apricots to delight us all year round, it is necessary to make preparations for the winter. There are a large number of canning recipes. You can use the ones presented in the article. And you can come up with something of your own.

Apricots can be frozen. You need to do this in the following way. Divide the apricots into two halves, remove the stone. Spray a little lemon juice and sprinkle with sugar, and then place in a form in which they will be stored in the refrigerator.

To make apricot jam especially tasty, free the fruit from the seeds. Take the kernels out of them. A few minutes before the jam is ready, add them there.

In apricot compote, you can add honey, previously diluted in water. It gives a richer flavor.


Useful and delicious dishes from apricots will be a pleasant surprise for your family and guests. Cook them more often, because there is nothing difficult in this. And your reward will be the satisfied and happy faces of loved ones.