The composition of the Hawaiian vegetable blend. Appetizing Hawaiian Blend - A Dish For All Occasions

How much does frozen hawaiian mix (average price for 1 package)?

Moscow and Moscow region

Vegetable mixtures are products of a new generation, which are frozen semi-finished products for the readiness of which you need to subject the product to a short time heat treatment... As a rule, frozen vegetable mixtures are boiled, stewed, and also fried. Distinctive flavoring as well consumer characteristics vegetable semi-finished products open up quite ample opportunities for the use of vegetable mixtures.

As a rule, vegetable mixtures are boiled and served as a side dish for meat or fish dishes... Moreover, based on vegetable mix you can make a main course or soup. different kinds vegetable mixtures are used as a filling for homemade baked goodsand also as a constituent ingredient in salads and appetizers. Currently, manufacturers of frozen semi-finished products can offer consumers a wide range of various vegetable mixtures.

It is worth noting that various vegetables can be included in the composition of vegetable mixtures. However, as a rule, vegetables such as carrots, cauliflower or broccoli as well green beans, peas, corn, peppers, potatoes and onion... Often, frozen vegetable semi-finished products include parsley, dill, and celery.

The calorie content, as well as the chemical composition of the frozen vegetable mixture, depends primarily on the original ingredients that were used to make the product. It is worth noting that vegetable mixtures are characterized by a fairly low calorie level. Rice is often included in vegetable mixtures in addition to vegetables. For example, frozen Hawaiian mix is \u200b\u200bpopular and in demand, including among the inhabitants of our latitudes.

Hawaiian Blend Composition

Frozen Hawaiian Blend is a vegetable semi-finished product made from rice as well as vegetables. Typically the Hawaiian blend contains corn, red bell pepper and green pea... The frozen Hawaiian blend is intended for fast food varied culinary products... The composition of the Hawaiian blend may vary depending on the manufacturer.

However, the presence of rice in the Hawaiian mixture remains unchanged. The calorie content of the Hawaiian blend is low, so the product is perfect for diet food... The average calorie level of the Hawaiian blend is at around 91 Kcal, which falls on 100 grams of frozen vegetable semi-finished product. Nutritionists claim that frozen instant formula is the future.

IN chemical composition frozen Hawaiian blend retains most of the vitamins and beneficial compounds contained in fresh vegetablesas well as rice. Hawaiian blend can be a light and nutritious side dish, as well as a base for salad, main course, and soups, broths and other culinary products.

Calorie content of frozen Hawaiian mixture 91 kcal

Energy value of frozen Hawaiian mixture (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - bju).

Hawaiian mix is \u200b\u200bone of the most popular among housewives around the world. Its components are simple and low in calories (120 calories). Classic composition: rice, fresh green pea, corn and bell peppers. Have different manufacturers there can be various combinations, for example, the mixture can be supplemented with zucchini, asparagus beans, tomatoes, kohlrabi or cauliflower. Only rice remains unchanged.

Most commonly, frozen Hawaiian blend is found in recipes with these five foods:

Hawaiian Blend recipes are dietary, loaded with vitamins and minerals essential to keeping our bodies in top shape. Rice gives the necessary satiety and satisfies hunger, saturating us with energy, giving strength and vigor. A diet based on the use of only these ingredients and boiled chicken breast, gives positive results, minimizing the load on the gastrointestinal tract. You can cook with it a variety of culinary masterpieces... This is the ideal basis for nutritious breakfast and lunch. It can be stuffed with mushrooms, fish and meat. Make casseroles, simmer, add other ingredients, use in salads, soups, as a side dish. You can eat in pure formby simply reheating in a frying pan.

Hello everyone!

Today I want to tell you how to quickly cook tasty dinner or dinner!

It will be relevant for those who monitor their diet, or you just don't have time for a full-fledged cooking, in which case frozen vegetable mixtures help me out. This time my choice fell on Hawaiian blend from Vitamin.

Mixture costs about 60r, for 400gr, I think this is quite a lifting price.

On the back of the package there is helpful information and recommendations for cooking.

The bag contains rice, corn, peas and red peppers.

You can add minced meat to the mixture, or finely chop and lightly fry chicken fillet, or make a mixture with mushrooms, you can also fry the onion, and add sour cream and garlic. There are a lot of options!

I really like to add to this mixture mushrooms ... I will briefly tell you how I prepare a mixture with mushrooms.

Mushrooms you can take any, I love champignon or oyster mushrooms , oyster mushrooms are more fleshy, " sinewy", mushrooms are more tender, choose according to your taste.

I had some oyster mushrooms, I cut them, and lightly fried on olive oil,

After oyster mushrooms slightly browned, I poured the mixture itself into the pan, and poured it half a glass warm water , add salt and pepper to taste. Then I cover with a lid and let the mixture simmer for about 7 minutes.

Then, when the liquid has evaporated and the rice has become soft, I stir everything, and then or all is ready, or you can fry it a little, I love the chuuuut a little crispy crusts. So I leave it on for a couple more minutes.

Bright, healthy and tasty the dish is ready! I think that even the most lazy or just tired person will master this kind of preparation. And this is not a custard bum bag, but a healthy full-fledged meal!)))

Enjoy your meal!

Be beautiful and up to new reviews!

The stores sell a frozen product called “ Hawaiian mix". It contains boiled rice as the main component of the mixture. Rice mixed with various vegetables: green peas, corn, sometimes sweet peppers are a part of Hawaiian. But Hawaiian blend can be made quickly and easily at home.

You don't need any special knowledge or equipment to make Hawaiian mix. The calorie content of the Hawaiian blend is quite high. One hundred grams of the product contains 108 kilocalories. Ready hawaiian mix of rice, peas and corn can be spread in a thin layer on a baking sheet in the freezer, frozen at low temperature, then transferred to a tightly sealed container and plastic bag.

Thus, you will keep the "duty" dish in your freezer. When it turns out that you have no time to cook anything, remember that there is a Hawaiian concoction in the fridge.


  • long grain steamed -1 glass
  • Frozen green peas - 1 glass
  • Frozen corn kernels -1 cup
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Butter - 30g

Hawaiian Rice, Pea and Corn Mix - Recipe

First, boil the rice in plenty of salted water. Long grain parboiled rice is best used. It turns out to be more crumbly when cooked than other types of rice. Rice can also be cooked using the cooking technology, that is. First, fry a little with oil, then add water and simmer until the water is completely absorbed by the rice.

But, I am personally a supporter of more healthy food, so I'll limit myself to cooking rice. Throw the boiled rice on a sieve, but do not rinse. If you took the right rice, then it will turn out crumbly anyway, and will not stick together. Now take care of the vegetables. Place the green peas and corn in a heavy-bottomed saucepan. You can not even defrost vegetables beforehand.

From this they will only look better and completely retain their shape, stir the vegetables and simmer them under a closed lid for about five minutes. You do not need to add water, since you did not defrost the vegetables beforehand and all the moisture contained in the vegetables will remain in the pan.

And rice. It is designed for fast food preparation. it wonderful product for dietary healthy eating... It is almost impossible to gain weight from it, despite the fact that the rice included in it is starchy product... Peas and corn delay its absorption. If there is a need to ensure that the mixture is not just the basis of a healthy diet, but also helps to lose weight, it is better to buy it with or Basmati varieties that take much longer to digest.

The Hawaiian blend, which includes corn, sweet and rice, is very popular with Russians today. it classic composition, but different producers may have other vegetables as well.

There is even a diet based on this mixture. It is called consonantly - "Hawaiian". It consists in eating almost only this mixture. This is not to say that such a diet is healthy. It is unacceptable to limit your diet to only a set of several vegetables and rice: this way the body will not receive everything it needs. Therefore, it is wiser to simply include the mixture in the diet, along with the use of other useful and necessary products.

Hawaiian Blend is the perfect base for simple, quick and very delicious breakfasts and dinners. Shock freezing ensures perfect preservation in all vegetables included in it, not only taste properties and nutritional valuebut also vitamins. Besides, appearance vegetables are perfectly preserved, allowing you to cook from them not only delicious, but also very effective externally dishes. It does not include food additives.

Many people buy from time to time ready mix, some people prefer to freeze it on their own. On its basis, you can prepare salads, casseroles, the product can be boiled, stewed, steamed. Its ease of preparation has made it very popular with housewives today.

Hawaiian blend is a product that almost everyone loves: adults, toddlers, teenagers. It can be served as independent dish, because it already contains rice, but you can include it in more complex ones.

If you are used to preparing everything yourself, then make a mixture of individual products will not be difficult for you. You will need such products: zucchini (two small ones), carrots (2-3 pcs), bell pepper (5 pieces), onions (1 piece), (2 pieces), canned peas (1 can), boiled rice (glass).

Dice the pepper, onion, courgette, carrots. Hull the corn from the cobs. Mix everything by adding peas, mix and arrange in three freezer bags, place in the freezer.

One of the most simple dishes is prepared as follows. The Hawaiian mixture is boiled in lightly salted water, then leans back in a colander. You can stew it a little in a frying pan, with vegetable oil (6-8 minutes). it perfect dish for diet food.

You can include the mixture with the composition of the casserole - it turns out original and tasty. Pour the frozen mixture into boiling water, boil, drain the water. Beat 2-3 eggs and combine with the mixture. Put everything in a greased baking sheet, bake for about half an hour.

Or try making an even more exotic casserole with cheese and pineapple. Put the boiled mixture in a greased baking dish, put pineapple pieces on it, sprinkle with breadcrumbs and grated cheese. Bake in the microwave or oven until the cheese is melted.

The Hawaiian mixture has a rather low calorie content (120 kcal), so it is useful for everyone who wants to get rid of unnecessary pounds or just wants to maintain natural harmony. You can supplement the diet with fish, meat, dairy products so as not to harm the body and provide it with everything you need.