How to use a pressure cooker - secrets of a difficult device. Veal Dishes

02.05.2019 Lenten dishes

I recommend listening to the audio recording, here you will find a lot for yourself useful tips... And I also want to provide you with a small table How to cook in a pressure cooker, which presents the most basic products from which you can cook a wide variety of dishes. Cooking times are indicated in minutes at 120 and 105 degrees.

Do you know exactly how and how much to cook in a pressure cooker? If not yet, then read this article to the end and repeat all the recommendations. To get started, check out the How much to cook in a pressure cooker table:

How to cook soup in a pressure cooker

To prepare any soup (borscht, cabbage soup), you need to pour as much water into the pan as you need for a specific number of servings, that is, if you cook soup for 6 plates, then there should be the same amount of water. This is one of the advantages of the pressure cooker - there is practically no evaporation in it.

Place the meat in a saucepan. Fill with cold (required) water. The volume of liquid should be no more than 2/3 of the total volume of the pressure cooker. Put on fire and let it boil, then remove the foam. Now you can add the root vegetables (onions and carrots). And only after all this, close the pan and cook for 20 to 25 minutes. As soon as time passes, you need to open the lid (check out). If you cook cabbage soup or borscht, add vegetables, if soup - any cereals, pasta. You will cook in an open pan.

How to cook chicken in a pressure cooker

Before stewing the chicken, you need to fry it in a pan. Add the onions and carrots, and cook a little with the chicken. Then put everything in a saucepan, pour half a glass of water. Now you can close the lid and simmer for about 20 minutes. Instead of chicken, you can use a duck or other bird.

How to cook meat in a pressure cooker

You can cook not only just meat, but goulash or roast. To prepare the goulash, salt the meat, put it in a saucepan, add a little water and simmer with the lid closed for 20 or 30 minutes, now open the pressure cooker. You can add peeled potatoes. You will need another 10 minutes (again with closed lid) to get everything ready. Listen to the recording and you will discover enough useful information, namely: how to cook steam cutlets, carrots, cabbage, beans, peas, rice and more.

I think that all this is not as difficult as it seems at first glance.

What can you cook in a pressure cooker

You can cook anything you want in a pressure cooker: soups, cabbage soup, borscht, hot dishes from fish, meat and vegetables, various side dishes and cereals, even cook jam from stale bread make it soft. In one pressure cooker, you can manage to cook not one, but several varied dishes... Use low aluminum pans, stacked one on top of the other inside the pressure cooker. For the same purposes, you can use a special grid.

What is the device for? The first is in vacuum packing the shelf life is extended by 2 or more times.

Most of all in this table, the shelf life of fruits and vegetables in the freezer is impressive - as much as 2 years! Well, in general, by and large, are such terms necessary? We buy sausage not to contemplate it in the refrigerator for 40 days.
Therefore, we turn to the second property of vacuum packing.
This is the preservation of the original taste of the product, because the oxidation processes under a film devoid of air are slowed down, and an apple, for example, freshly picked and sealed under a film, smells as divine as soon as it is picked. The same goes for freshly fried cutlets, chicken wings, barbecue and more.
And third, in vacuum packaging you can cook food according to sous-vide technology, which has become popular in the 21st century. In short, this is cooking in a vacuum with low temperatures, from 52 degrees.

First, I'll introduce you to the functionality.
The product comes in a cardboard box with color printing. You don't need to invent anything for a gift.

The set contains as many as 15 packages. But the packages are far from cheap. These are special bags that have several layers - a layer of polyethylene alternates with a layer of polyamide or lavsan, and a third layer with corrugation is applied to suction air on one side. Very handy put the packages, you can sit down and pack right away.

On the top cover you can see the control button combined with the LED, in the middle there is an orange rubber valve, it must be pulled to relieve the vacuum.

There is also a secret button, it is pressed when you only need to solder the package. There are no physical buttons, but you need to press in the inscription area
vacuum packing sistem, there is a switch under it. Why they made it so complicated is not clear.
If you open the device you can see from the front a heating element... And then there is a vacuum chamber bounded by sealing cuffs. It is in this chamber that the edge of the bag should fit.

At the bottom there is a sign with information. Also, two magnets are mounted, with the help of which the packer can be stored on the wall of the refrigerator.

Getting started. To begin with, I sealed dry-cured smoked sausage.

And now I will cook pork using sous vide technology.
Chopped the meat and sprinkled with ready-made spices.

I put it in a bag, and a bag in a packer. This is how the process goes


Professionally, products using sous vide technology are prepared in thermostatic baths. Of course, I do not have such equipment and will not have it. Therefore, I put the meat in a suitable saucepan. Here you need to choose larger dishes so that the temperature is more or less constant.

I install on desired temperature... Cooking time and temperature were taken from this table

Cooked for three hours. I take out the bag and refrigerate it. It can be seen that liquid was released during cooking.

The next day, I decided to print the bag, and it could be stored in the refrigerator for at least 10 days. I take out a piece of meat and finally smell the food. The fact is that when cooking in a vacuum, no odors are emitted, this is unusual, there is nothing to be guided by. So this smell reminded me of marinated meat for barbecue. In principle, I sprinkled the meat with spices for the barbecue. Next time, no spices or salt. All only during the final roasting.

Before frying, the meat was dried with improvised means.

On the meat, I put a little softened butter and put the pork in a skillet, well preheated and fry for a minute on each side.

I don’t know what should turn out, there is nothing to compare with. But it looks more like a kebab, but suspiciously juicy and at the same time fried. It is a pity that the piece is large and cools quickly while you eat it. Here I was struck by the idea that it would be very nice to fry the meat as needed in small pieces on an alcohol burner like a funyushnitsa.

Now beef. No seasoning or salt here

After 4 hours of cooking at 57 degrees. The product smells like fresh cow's milk.

And here is a steak made from this meat, fried for 2 minutes on each side. Seasonings and salt are added during frying.

Cooking beef steak is more impressive than pork steak. Namely, to make a beef steak, you need to have very good, young meat. And here it is guaranteed to get a juicy, marketable steak, and the beef can be quite mediocre.
You can experiment with the temperature and cooking time as much as you like, but it is quite obvious that the product cannot be spoiled in this way of heat treatment.
Attracted by the opportunity to prepare meat for barbecue in advance, beef steaks, chicken breasts and so on, put in the refrigerator or even freeze (which is more acceptable for the prevention of botulism). And as you go out into nature, take it with you ... And there, in the bosom of nature, cook delicious delicacies in a couple of minutes.
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You have bought a new pressure cooker and the first question is how to use the pressure cooker, what can you cook in the pressure cooker. About this and speech will be in this article.

How to use a pressure cooker correctly

Before you start using a conventional pressure cooker or electric pressure cooker, you need to carefully study the instructions that come with it and the manufacturer's recommendations for using the pressure cooker. But there are several general rulesthat will be useful for any model of pressure cooker.

A new pressure cooker needs to be rinsed and dried. When using for the first time, especially if a pressure cooker is made of uncoated metal, bring the milk to a boil without covering it. Then the metal will not darken or tarnish.

Do not put the pressure cooker on empty fire. It should contain at least 250 ml of water, and preferably 500 ml.

The pressure cooker cannot be used for frying food under pressure, it is adapted for cooking. If you need to fry a small amount of vegetables in oil, then you need to do this without closing the lid: save the vegetables in a small amount of vegetable or butter, then add all other products required amount liquids. Only then can you close the lid and cook under pressure.

When cooking in a pressure cooker, do not add water to the brim; there should be room for steam and pressure. It is recommended to pour only 2/3 of the pot's volume with water. If you are cooking foods that swell as you cook, fill the pot halfway.

When cooking meat, it is best to first bring to a boil without closing the lids, remove the foam, and then close the pan. If you immediately close the lid on the pressure cooker, then pour the water up to half the volume.

The pressure cooker can be used on the stovetop. You cannot cook in it under pressure in an oven or electric oven.

After cooking in a pressure cooker, remove it or transfer it to another saucepan, plastic container or other container for food products... It is not recommended to store the prepared food in the pressure cooker, so that persistent grease or acid and salt stains do not form on the sides of the pan.

When cooking in a pressure cooker, steam should escape through the valve and not through the lid. If the opposite happens, then check:

Is the lid of the pressure cooker closed correctly?

O-ring inserted correctly

Is the pressure relief valve clogged?

To eliminate the malfunction, the pan must be removed from the heat, depressurized by opening the valve, or placed in cold water.

The valve can be cleaned with a wire and rinsed under running water.

After cooking, the pressure cooker should be well washed and dried. To wash your pressure cooker, you can use any detergent that is suitable for the material of your pressure cooker. You can wash the pressure cooker in the dishwasher if it is allowed by the manufacturer and there are recommendations in the instructions for the pressure cooker. The lid of the pressure cooker must not be washed in the dishwasher, especially if the lid has a control panel and this panel is not removable. Do not wash and seal the cover.

You can open the pan only when the pressure regulator is in the lowest position, or manually release steam.

How to choose a pressure cooker I wrote

How to cook in a pressure cooker

When making soup in a pressure cooker, pour immediately the right amount water or broth. During the cooking process, the loss of liquid is not very large. From the beginning of boiling, you must immediately reduce the heat.

If during the cooking process you need to add vegetables or other foods, you must first remove the pan from the heat and discharge the steam through the valve or cool the pan under cold waterand then just open the lid.

Frozen food can be cooked straight away in the pressure cooker, provided that it has been processed before freezing, i.e. washed, cleaned, gutted.

To cook steamed dishes, you need to use a special insert or buy a special basket separately. You can steam meat in a pressure cooker in large pieces, and vegetables whole, not cutting into small pieces.

When preparing a dish, seasonings can be put in immediately and half as much as when cooking in ordinary saucepan... In a tightly closed pressure cooker, food retains its own flavor more and absorbs the smells of spices and seasonings well.

After finishing cooking, let off steam immediately. Otherwise, the food may be overcooked. The secret lies in the fact that after turning off the heat and removing the pan from the hot plate, the cooking process will continue for some time under pressure until the pan cools naturally.

Modern pressure cookers have a pressure regulator that needs to be set to slow or fast compression. Or put a saucepan under cold water.

The natural question will be, and from what moment should you start to count down cooking in a pressure cooker. The start of the cooking countdown should be considered when the pressure regulator valve begins to release steam with a characteristic sound. This indicates that the required pressure has been reached and the fast cooking process has begun.

What can you cook in a pressure cooker

Almost all foods can be cooked in a pressure cooker. It is not recommended to cook in the pressure cooker only food that produces a lot of foam and splashes during the cooking process and which can clog the inside of the valve. These products include: cereals, pearl barley, millet, semolina, crushed peas, pasta: spaghetti, noodles and others, compotes, especially with high acidity. In this case, the pressure cooker can be used like a regular saucepan.

Cooking in a pressure cooker takes much less time than in a conventional saucepan. You can cook soups, borscht, meat and fish, vegetables, cereals, side dishes, desserts in it.

Below is a list of foods with approximate cooking times in a pressure cooker.

Products Time, min
Jacket potatoes 15
Potatoes, cut into halves 10-12
Potatoes sliced \u200b\u200binto quarters 4 — 5
Young medium potatoes 8 -10
Young small potatoes 5 — 7
Cabbage 3 — 4
Young carrots 3 — 5
Old carrots 6 -9
Sliced \u200b\u200bcarrots 3 -4
Onions (stewed) 8 — 10
Whole young beets 10 — 15
Large old beets 20 — 35
Red beans 5 — 6
Beans 2 — 4
Eggplant 8 — 10
Capsicum 8 — 10
Corn on the cob 15 — 20
Cauliflower 5 — 7
Turnip 10 12
Frozen vegetables 1
Rice 10
Liver 5
Frozen fish 4 — 5
Frozen bird 10 — 12
Beef (pre-fried) 8 — 10
Lamb (pre-fried) 10 — 12
Pork or veal (pre-fried) 12 — 15
Chicken (pre-fried) 15 — 20
Medium chicken 20 — 30
Boiled (steam) chicken 30 — 35
Duck 20 — 25
Fresh fruits 2 — 5
Peas 10 — 15
Buckwheat 3 — 5
Fresh fish 4 — 6
Dried fruits 15 — 20

As you can see from the table, cooking time is three to five times less than in a regular saucepan.

How to cook jellied meat in a pressure cooker

I only cook jellied meat in a pressure cooker. To make it tasty, it has frozen well without gelatin, it must be cooked for at least 6 - 8 hours on low heat. What modern hostess can afford to spend so much time cooking, albeit delicious, dishes? In a pressure cooker, jellied meat can be cooked in 1.5 - 2 hours.

Cook jellied meat today we will be from pork knuckle, chicken legs. And to make the jelly harden better, add a couple of pork tails.

Rinse the meat well. We will scrape the shank and tails well with a knife.

Put all the food in a pressure cooker and fill it with water. The water should cover the meat about 3 to 4 cm higher.

Do not close the pan tightly until it boils; you will need to remove the foam and salt. Once the foam is well removed, add salt and close the lid tightly. From this moment on, I cook jellied meat for 1.5 - 2 hours. When I put pork legs in jellied meat, it is two hours. With a knuckle - one and a half. You need to salt the jellied meat, as I said in this article, so that the broth is slightly salty. After 1.5 - 2 hours I turn off the fire, and leave the pan until it cools down a little and you can open the lid. Then we disassemble the jellied meat: we separate the meat from the bones, chop the meat and fill it with broth. I put spices and seasonings to taste. I usually add garlic bay leaf that's all.

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The cooking process of any dish takes place in a pressure cooker about three to five times faster than in a conventional saucepan.

In a pressure cooker, you can cook, stew, steam any food (a special grid is attached for this, you can separately purchase a basket for steam cooking). The favorite dish of Russians, jellied meat in a pressure cooker, requires at least an hour, while cooking in the usual way takes 3-4 hours.

Text: Natalia KONOPLEVA.

The chicken will come out ready in 15 minutes

Any, most tough meat will cook in no more than an hour, and chicken, for example, can be cooked in a pressure cooker in just 15 minutes instead of 45 minutes in a regular saucepan.

Almost all foods can be cooked in the pressure cooker. You can cook soup, cook meat, fish, vegetables and dessert in it.

If you are using a pressure cooker to cook frozen food, you do not need to defrost it first. The pressure cooker cooks and defrosts at the same time.

In short, the list of products that can be prepared in a pressure cooker is very long. It is easier to list a few products that, according to manufacturers, cannot be cooked in a pressure cooker. They name apple, lingonberry compotes on this list, pearl barley, oatmeal and other cereals, crushed peas, pasta, noodles, spaghetti, rhubarb. These products have the ability to cook foam and splatter, which can contaminate and clog the service valve from the inside.

The pressure cooker turns into a double boiler if you want

The capacity of the appliance can be used as a normal large casserole... For this purpose, some manufacturers, for example Tefal, produce glass pot lids of the required size. In addition, baskets for steam cooking are available.

Steam cooking in a pressure cooker gives excellent results. Very good and quickly obtained, for example, vegetables, and the vitamins and nutrients almost completely preserved.

What pressure cookers don't like

NOT put the pressure cooker on fire if it does not contain water or any other liquid, this can seriously damage it. The volume of liquid should be at least 250 ml (2 cups).

NOT use a pressure cooker to fry food in oil under pressure. It is designed exclusively for cooking. True, you can sauté chopped onions, carrots and other vegetables in a small amount of oil or in broth at the bottom of the pressure cooker without a lid, then add the rest of the food, add liquid, close it and continue cooking under pressure.

NOT fill the pressure cooker container more than 2/3 full. When cooking products that have the ability to swell in hot water (rice, dry vegetables) or to produce foam, do not fill the saucepan more than half its volume.

NOT put the pressure cooker inside preheated ovens, electric ovens. About sharing microwave oven and a pressure cooker is out of the question.

NOT leave food in the cooker neither before nor after cooking. Otherwise, stubborn grease stains or stubborn stains from acids and salt will remain on the inner walls of the pan. Transfer ready meal in a plastic container and refrigerate.



Young carrots

Old carrots

Sliced \u200b\u200bcarrots

Red beans



Onions (stewed)


Whole young beets

Large old beets

Young small potatoes

Potatoes young medium

Potatoes sliced \u200b\u200binto quarters

Potatoes, cut into halves

Jacket potatoes

Corn on the cob

Frozen vegetables

Frozen fish

Frozen bird

Beef (pre-fried)

Lamb (pre-fried)

Pork or veal (pre-fried)

Fresh fish

Chicken (pre-fried)

Medium chicken

Boiled (steam) chicken

- What is the fastest way to release steam from the pressure cooker?

Modern pressure cookers have a pressure regulator. To let off steam after cooking has finished, turn the knob to the fast or slow decompression position.

To speed up the release of steam, the pressure cooker is placed under cold running water (make sure that no water gets into the automatic regulator valve).

- Is it always necessary to take care of releasing steam from the pressure cooker?

If you do not take care of the release of steam, the cooking process will continue as long as the food is under pressure. It might be pretty for a long time after you have turned off the heating. And it's not just that all this time you won't be able to open the lid. Except as specified in the recipe, steam must be released, otherwise the food may overcook.

- From what moment should you start the cooking time countdown?

The time must be counted from the moment when the pressure regulator valve begins to freely release steam with a characteristic sound. This means that the required pressure has been reached and accelerated cooking started. Then it is necessary to reduce the heat and start counting the time provided by the recipe for cooking this dish.

- At what point after cooking can you open the pressure cooker?

This can be done when the pressure in the pressure cooker has dropped. Symptoms are pressure cooker walls cooling down, lock indicator button or pressure indicator down.

- How to use seasonings when cooking in a pressure cooker?

In a closed pressure cooker, food fully retains its original aroma while absorbing the concentrated aromas of seasonings and other ingredients. Therefore, when cooking in a pressure cooker, you should use half the aromatic ingredients as with conventional cooking.

- Which hotplates can be used for the pressure cooker?

The pressure cooker works equally well on gas burners, on all types of electric burners, including glass ceramics, as well as on induction burners. Induction hobs require magnetic cookware, and steel pressure cookers fulfill this requirement. Always select a hotplate that is the same or smaller in diameter than the base of your pressure cooker. On gas stove the flame must not go beyond the bottom of the pressure cooker.

- How to wash a pressure cooker correctly?

All parts are cleaned warm water with dish detergent. If your pressure cooker is made of stainless steel, it is advisable to use special detergents and cleaners for this metal. They are on sale. The stainless steel container itself is dishwasher safe. The seal, pressure regulator valve and other accessories must be washed separately after each use of the pressure cooker. Then it will work normally and safely next time.

The lid of the pressure cooker must be carefully washed under running warm water. But never immerse it in water, even for a short time!

The lid of the pressure cooker must not be washed in the dishwasher unless the lid has a removable control panel. The manufacturer must inform about the possibility of washing the lid in a dishwasher in the attached instructions. In addition to the control panel, before washing such a cover in the car, you must also remove the rubber seal.

Do not use abrasive products to clean your pressure cooker. detergents or metal brushes and scouring pads.

The pressure cooker appeared in the kitchens of housewives all over the world for a long time, but despite the obvious conveniences, many do not have one, and some simply do not know how to use a pressure cooker. It will significantly reduce the time spent on cooking many products, it can turn into tender juicy dish even the toughest meat, cook jellied meat in just an hour and cook frozen vegetables straight from the freezer. In the pressure cooker, you can cook soups, mains and even desserts. It makes great meat, fish, poultry and vegetables. To understand how to use a pressure cooker, read this article.

Principle of operation

Modern pressure cookers are of two types - special saucepan, which cooks a dish on a conventional stove, and an electric freestanding appliance. They both work by increasing the pressure under the lid of the pot, which allows for faster food preparation. Therefore, the most important part of the pressure cooker is the sealed lid with a special valve that first builds up pressure and then releases steam from the pot.

At the beginning of the 17th century, a scientist from France D. Papen noticed that the cooking time of food depends on atmospheric pressure. The higher it is, the higher the boiling point, which means, the faster the food is cooked. Therefore, he came up with a hermetically sealed pan that builds up pressure inside. Similar simple pressure cookers both our mothers and grandmothers used successfully. These were on almost every soviet cuisineso all the housewives knew how to use the pressure cooker.

An important advantage of this cooking method, in addition to speeding up, is that the pressure cooker retains all the important nutrients in the food. The secret here is all in the same tightness - without contact with oxygen, food does not oxidize and does not lose its benefits. It also preserves the flavor of the food.

To cook in a pressure cooker, first place the recipe in the dish, then close the lid. It is important here to place the lid correctly so that it fits snugly against the pan and the valve is in place. Turn the shut-off handle 2-2.5 turns, set the adjustable valve to the desired temperature regime and put the pressure cooker on the fire. Keep an eye on it, as it is important for you to wait for the liquid to boil. When its temperature reaches 100 ° C, you will hear a hiss and see steam coming out through a special hole. Modern models of pressure cookers are also equipped with sensors that show you with light or sound that the water is boiling.

From this point on, you will begin to count down the time to prepare the dish. But first, reduce the temperature, it should be low.

When the cooking time is over, you will need to cool down the pressure cooker and release the steam. To do this, place the pot under the cold water tap so that its bottom is also in the water. Make sure that no water enters the valve. Place it in the decompression position. Usually there are 2 such positions - slow and fast steam release. Start slow. Until you release steam, the food will be under pressure and continue to cook. In addition, until the steam is released, there is pressure inside the pot, meaning you cannot open the lid.

When it falls, and you can tell by the cooled sides of the pressure cooker and the lower position of the pressure indicator, you can open the pressure cooker. Now you know how to use a pressure cooker, the instructions for it will tell you additional modern and convenient notification, timer, decompression functions.

We lay the products

To properly prepare a dish, you need to know not only how to use a pressure cooker, but also how to cook in it. different products... If you need to pre-fry something, then do it directly in the pressure cooker with the lid open. Then place all the other ingredients in the dish. If the recipe requires you to add the ingredients gradually at regular intervals, you will need to cool the pressure cooker under water and blow off the steam each time to open the lid.

Approximate cooking times for some food in a pressure cooker:

Frozen vegetables

Beans, cabbage, carrots in pieces, frozen fish, potato wedges

3-4 minutes

Red beans, cauliflower, small young potatoes, liver, fresh fish

Eggplant, turnip, onion, bell pepper, large young potatoes, pre-fried beef

Whole young beets, jacket potatoes, frozen poultry, pre-fried lamb and pork, rice

10-15 minutes

Corn cobs, pre-fried chicken

15-20 minutes

Medium chicken, duck

20-30 minutes

Thanks to the pressure and the lack of oxygen, the taste of food cooked in a pressure cooker is much more intense than in a saucepan. Therefore, you need to put in half the amount of aromas and spices in the pressure cooker than with the usual cooking method.

What shouldn't be done?

Be aware of the presence of liquid - without it, the pressure cooker will not work. Also, you cannot put it on an empty stove. Minimal amount liquids - 2 glasses. At the same time, do not fill it more than 2/3 of the volume of the pan. It is not recommended to cook in a pressure cooker those products that produce copious foam - oatmeal and other grains, milk. If you are cooking meat and you need to skim off the foam, then boil it first with the lid open. Otherwise the foam will clog the valve.

You cannot use the pressure cooker for other purposes - store and heat food in it, put it in the oven or microwave.

Care rules

To clean the pressure cooker, take it apart - wash the pan with dishwashing liquid or put it in the dishwasher. It is better to wash the gasket, valves and other parts separately by hand. Pay special attention to the lid - rinse it carefully under the tap, but do not completely immerse it in water, this can ruin the operation of the valves.

Also, before washing the lid in the dishwasher, check the instructions if this can be done. If so, remove all parts from the cover, they need to be washed by hand.

How to use the multicooker pressure cooker?

Multicooker today does not surprise anyone, perhaps this device is in every kitchen. But a multicooker with a pressure cooker function is familiar to few. This is a great opportunity to combine two such handy features into one.

The device repeats the design conventional pressure cooker - the multicooker has the same valve that creates pressure inside for accelerated cooking dishes. So you don't have to learn if you already know how to use a pressure cooker. "Redmond", "Scarlet", "Moulinex" - these are the brands that produce the best, reliable and inexpensive multicooker pressure cookers. If you decide to acquire such an assistant, feel free to buy devices under these brands.