How to remove burnt food from the pan. Special detergents

08.08.2019 Bakery

Any housewife has a large number of dishes in the house. It just so happened that the most popular and beloved is enameled. Outwardly, it is very beautiful, but at a price it is available to everyone, without exception. But there is one nuance - enamel dishes require delicate care, because the enamel can be very easily damaged and ruined.

It happens that you are distracted by something during the cooking process, and the pan remains on the stove with jam or milk porridge. As a result, everything boils away, begins not to boil, but to fry, forming a "beautiful" carbon deposit. To cope with it efficiently and quickly, without harming the enamel coating - this is the main task. After all, throwing out the pan every time is also not an option.

Home cleaning methods

In order to clean your favorite saucepan, you do not have to spend money on expensive tools, because this can be done with improvised tools that can be found in every kitchen.

  1. Cleaning with salt. When the pan is burnt, you must wait until it cools completely. Then pour five tablespoons of salt on the bottom and leave for three hours. After the time has elapsed, it remains only to wash with hot water. If the carbon deposit does not lag behind the enamel, then you can try boiling with saline: pour the same amount of salt with water and boil for about an hour.
  2. Activated carbon. To get rid of carbon deposits, take one pack of tablets (you can buy at any pharmacy), grind it into a powder and put it on a saucepan. After an hour, fill with water (always cold) and leave for another 70-80 minutes. The enamel coating will then be easily washed off.
  3. One of the easiest ways is acid cleaning (vinegar, lemon juice, citric acid). Pour acid into a saucepan, cover and leave for three hours. Now you can wash.
  4. Soap solution. If the pan is not very burnt, then you can simply boil it with soapy water for about 40 minutes. Add liquid soap to hot water.
  5. Serum. Pour the whey a couple of centimeters above the carbon and leave for a day. Then you can wash the pot as usual.
  6. Soda. Make a soda solution: add about six tablespoons to water and leave overnight. Boil for an hour in the morning.

In order to find your ideal cleaning method, you may need to try several. After all, the degree of soot is different and the time and complexity of its elimination already depends on it.

Modern way

Enamel cleaning can also be carried out using food products. This method is in demand mainly among young housewives who want to experiment.

  1. Sparkling water. Many have already heard about the properties of such a carbonated drink as Coca-Cola: it is not only sweet and tasty water, but also an excellent cleaning agent that removes scale, plaque, carbon deposits, etc. Pour Cola into a saucepan and leave for an hour. If the contamination is very strong, then you can boil for half an hour.
  2. Fruits and vegetables. Chop the sour apple, pear or onion finely. Spread evenly over the bottom and cover with water. Boil for about an hour.
  3. Coffee. Take coffee grounds (preferably natural coffee) and apply to the carbon deposits. Leave covered for three hours.
  4. Mustard. Dilute the mustard powder to a gruel, cover the carbon deposits and leave overnight. Wash the pot the next morning.

To the above, you can add another proven and good cleaning method - boiling in a paste. You will need a saucepan larger than the one that was burnt. You will need to pour water into it, pour out half a pack of soda and a tube of silicate glue. Boil the resulting mixture, then immerse the burnt enamel dishes in it. We "cook" for about half an hour. The carbon deposit should be well washed off.

Removal of carbon deposits by cold

All of us once had to rip the gum off our clothes. The most popular way is to send your favorite item to the freezer. In the case of carbon deposits, the cold should not be neglected either. Place the enamel pot in the freezer for two hours. Then remove the carbon deposits under running cold water.

If, after removing carbon deposits, ugly dark spots remain, then liberally lubricate the sponge with vodka or alcohol and wipe these places. After this procedure, the pan should shine again.

Also, for cleaning, you can use special products designed specifically for enameled dishes, but, as a rule, they are always expensive and some are not very effective.

It is strictly forbidden to use!

  • means for cleaning carbon deposits in grills and other ovens;
  • various gels and powders for cleaning plumbing;
  • chlorine-containing products;
  • washing powders and other chemicals.

All this can cause significant harm to your health. Means that are not intended for cleaning the enamel, not only will not help wash off the carbon deposits, it is also not known how they will behave when heated.

Proper storage and respect

Each housewife should keep the kitchen clean and know the rules for storing dishes. Here are some helpful tips:

  1. In order for an enamel pot to serve you for a long time, before using it for the first time, you must fill it with saline and boil it. After it has cooled down, rinse with cold water.
  2. Never pour cold water into a hot pot and vice versa. The enamel can burst from temperature changes. It is also undesirable to place a cold pot on a hot surface.
  3. Always place the pot on a hotplate that fits the size.
  4. Do not expose any enamelled utensils to impacts. After all, chips can form and the pan will no longer be suitable for cooking.
  5. Always clean the pot on time. This will save not only your time, but also the quality of the enamel.
  6. If your favorite saucepan does burn, cover it with a damp towel for twenty minutes to get rid of the pungent and harmful smell of burning.
  7. For washing, use a sponge with soft lint only.

If you correctly follow our advice, then the enameled dishes will serve you for a very long time and escaped milk or burnt porridge will not seem like something terrible and irreparable.

Video: how to clean an enamel pan

How to clean a burnt pot not every housewife knows. What to do if burnt milk or, worse, rice or buckwheat porridge stuck firmly to the bottom. Many pans can simply be ruined by improper cleaning or a waste of time, and the effect will be minimal. In fact, it is very easy to wash any burnt pan, you just need to do it right. First of all, we will determine the type of pan, then it will be possible to find out how to clean what and in what ways.

How to clean an enamel, ceramic, aluminum and stainless steel pot

Washing a burnt enamel pan is a snap. The coating is well cleaned with a regular washcloth. But if rice, buckwheat, semolina are firmly stuck to the bottom, you need to do this. Cool the enamel pan, then boil a solution of water and salt in it at the rate of 1 liter: 1 level tablespoon. The burnt stain should come off easily. If not, then add a little soda or vinegar to the solution, let it stand for 2 hours and that's it, you can wipe off the burn with a washcloth. If you rub a burnt spot with a hard washcloth and using abrasive detergents, the enamel will begin to wear off, microcracks may appear. Food will come into contact with copper, and this is very harmful to human health. In addition, the enamel pot is perfect for making jam. In it, it does not burn and is obtained without foreign taste.

An enamel pot is afraid of abrasive detergents and hard washcloths, as they lead to the destruction of the enamel!

It is very easy to wash a karmic pan from burnt porridge, rice, milk and other things. Soak the burnt spot in water for half an hour, then wipe the bottom with a sponge. If the pan is more difficult to burn, boil it, but not with plain water, but with a solution consisting of any dishwashing detergent and water (preferably filtered). Calculation about 1 liter: 1 teaspoon of the product.

A ceramic pot is the easiest to clean. Ordinary soaking is likely to help.

Burnt-out aluminum pans are the hardest to “save”. We'll have to work a little. After all, many housewives are trying to wash it with abrasive products and a hard sponge. This will make the pan even worse. A burnt-out aluminum pan may deform, the bottom will become uneven, and in some places the burn will remain. The next time you cook in this pan, it is in very frayed places and irregularities that the food will burn again. If something is burnt, do not waste time on empty chores. Immediately place the burnt bottom under cold water. Carefully remove what is washed off with a regular sponge. Put water in a saucepan and add salt. Calculation of approximately 1 liter of water: 1 tablespoon of salt. Boil and let cool. Wipe the bottom with a washcloth. If jam, rice, porridge, milk burns, the above tips may well work. When handled correctly, an aluminum pan can last a long time and well in your kitchen.

The aluminum pan cannot be influenced by force, otherwise it will deform, which will subsequently lead to systematic burning of food in it.

Washing a burnt stainless steel pan seems to be easy, but it also needs to be done wisely. Stainless steel is not afraid of harsh washcloths and abrasive detergents. It is not necessary to rub such pans when burning. Burnt rice, milk, or any other food can be wiped off simply by soaking the pan for a couple of hours with detergent and water. Boil a saucepan with water and baking soda if it burns heavily. Calculation about 1 liter of water: 1 heaped teaspoon of baking soda.

A stainless steel pan cannot be rubbed, it is afraid of abrasives.

All of the above methods for cleaning a burnt pot will help you easily and effortlessly clean up any burnt food and carbon deposits. But there are many other interesting ways that many women use.

How to clean burnt food?

In order to wash burnt food, there are a number of simple, affordable and proven methods of hostesses.

Salt. Such a tool should be used as soon as the pan is burnt. For example, cover a burnt stainless steel or aluminum saucepan with cold water and then let it sit for 20 minutes. After that, pour out the water and sprinkle salt on the burnt spot so that it completely covers the entire burn. Leave it on for 3 hours. Do not put salt in the water, dark spots will appear on the stainless steel. On the contrary, an enamelled pan should not be poured with cold water immediately after detecting a nuisance. Let it cool and then add salt to the bottom. Leave for 3 hours, rinse with warm, or better, hot water. If, nevertheless, the burn has not gone away, repeat the procedure again.

Activated carbon. As strange as it sounds, activated charcoal saves not only a sick stomach, but also any burnt pot. So, take a few charcoal tablets, grind hard and fill the bottom. Leave it on for 40 minutes. Pour cold water into a saucepan, then let it stand for another 30 minutes. Wash off with a sponge and any dish detergent you have. It is especially good to remove burnt milk in this way.

Vinegar. Pour enough vinegar onto the burnt bottom of any saucepan. Let stand for 2 hours. Wash off with water and detergent. Aluminum pots will simply shine from vinegar, because together with the smoke, the vinegar will also clean up the blackness that has appeared from time to time.

Milk serum. This product contains a lot of lactic acids, which easily break down fumes of any complexity. Pour 2 cm of serum onto the bottom of a burnt aluminum, ceramic, enamel or stainless steel pot. Leave it on for 24 hours. Wash off with detergent.

You can also see the most suitable method for cleaning a burnt pan in a particular case in the table below.

Pollution type

How to wash?

Enamelled casserole


Salt, boiling

Salt, activated carbon




Boiling, salt

Boiling, vinegar

Stainless steel pot


Activated carbon

Activated carbon


Soaking, boiling


Salt, boiling


Aluminum pan

Vinegar, soda






Salt, boiling

Ceramic pan







Boiling, vinegar

How do I clean the outside of the pot?

In order for the pan to shine not only on the inside, you need to take care of it on the outside, removing the old carbon deposits. It can form from burnt fat, sour soup, escaped milk, and more. There are several easy ways. When you try to apply them to your pot, you will find that they are really simple, effective, and inexpensive methods.

Take a tube of silicate glue, dilute it in a few liters of water and boil a pan in it for 1-2 hours. All the fumes will disappear, and your pot will look like it was just bought and brought from the store.

Or take some fine sand and wipe the bottom well. This method is just a godsend for tourists and weekend lovers in nature. You can also take baking soda, it also washes away dirt well.

And in the end ...

By using any method of cleaning, a burnt pan or its bottom from the outside, you will significantly save time and effort. Your hands and nails will not be affected at all. After all, it is they who especially suffer, while the hostess is trying to remove the burnt rice or sugar from her favorite saucepan. No need for such sacrifices, always stay with delicate hands and a beautiful manicure.

On the farm, there are often cases when, due to the passage of time or as a result of a banal oversight, a recently shiny and beautiful pan becomes covered with unattractive soot. As a rule, this is caused by porridge, milk, cocoa, etc. In isolated cases, it is possible to wash it with an ordinary soap solution, which the hostess uses in everyday life. However, it is often necessary to resort to the help of such potent chemical-based agents as Chister and Bagi Shumanit. Experts say that you can even clean a burnt pan with improvised means that any housewife has in the arsenal. Let's find out what to do if the bottom of the pan is burnt.

Cleaning with soap

Suitable for: aluminum, enamel, stainless steel.

Recipe: A burnt-on enamel pot can be easily cleaned with soap or liquid dishwashing solution. To do this, fill it with hot water, pour soap shavings or liquid soap there and put the pan on the stove, over low heat. Boil for 20 minutes. After this time, drain the water and wash off the carbon deposits with a sponge, which will soften significantly after the procedure. Use a scraper if necessary.

It is worth considering that this method is not suitable if the pan is badly burnt.

Salt cleaning

Depending on the material from which the product is made, cleaning with salt differs in recipe.

Each housewife has her own proven methods of how to remove burnt jam from pots. Some can easily cope with their task, others require careful preparation and time to clean. It is difficult to single out any one way. After all, it is important not only to clean the dishes from burnt soot, but also not to damage its sensitive surface. To decide which one is the best, it is worth putting the tips and tricks to the test in practice.

Before from the burnt jam, you should determine what material the pan is made of. When disposing of burnt food, it is important not to damage the surface, otherwise the dishes will be unsuitable for further use. For example, aluminum cannot be cleaned with vinegar or lemon juice. For an enameled surface, the composition of the detergent is prepared delicate.

Boiling pots to remove burnt jam

A common and very effective way to clear burnt jam from pots is boiling. Fill a metal pot with hot water and add 20 grams of baking soda. Then she should stand for about an hour without attention. Then put on fire and after boiling start, boil for another 15 minutes. Remove from the stove, leaving to cool completely. Drain the water and soda, and wash the dishes in the usual way using a sponge. All burnt food will lag behind, and the pan will shine with cleanliness.

The way to clean the burnt jam from an enamel pan is somewhat different. Soda cannot be used, but regular salt will handle dirt. Dissolve 6-7 tablespoons of this product in 1 liter of warm water. Pour the solution into a bowl and set to boil. After half an hour, the enamel pot can be cleaned without much effort.

Universal cleaning method

It is worth paying attention to the universal method of how to clean the pots of burnt jam. You will need activated carbon. What material the dishes are made of does not matter. This method is suitable for all types of pots: enamelled, iron and aluminum. The activated carbon package is used to clean a 6 liter container. Powder the tablets and cover the areas where the jam has burnt. How to clean an enamel or iron pot next? After half an hour, pour some cold water into it and leave again for half an hour. When the specified time has elapsed, all that remains is to rinse the dishes with any detergent gel and sponge.

Quick cleaning of the pot with vinegar

Ordinary table vinegar will replenish the collection of effective ways to clear burnt-on jam from an enamel pot. Better to use 6%. It is necessary for them to fill in the burnt area and leave it unattended for 3-4 hours. During this time, he will corrode the adhering dirt from the jam, and it will be possible to wash everything off without effort. Attention: the method is not suitable for aluminum pots. If vinegar is not on the farm, it can be replaced with citric acid or plain lemon. Cut the citrus fruit in half and put on a burnt place, and after 3 hours wash the dishes under running water. If it was not possible to wash the contaminated area the first time, the procedure should be repeated.

The most effective way to remove burnt jam from pots

A real hostess will not allow her pots to be kept in the cabinet dirty, with the remnants of burnt food. However, it happens that the adhering food is washed, but not scrupulously enough. The sink defect is not visually visible. But it is worth cooking ordinary jam in such a saucepan during the season, as the sugar with the berry mass begins to stick to the bottom and quickly burn even during continuous stirring. The reason is the poorly washed bottom of the dishes.

It is difficult to clean up old dirt. How to remove burnt jam from a saucepan to restore shine and a neat look to the dishes? In this case, the most effective cleaning method is in store. It is worth trying it on enamel pans.

Before you clean the cookware from the burnt jam, you should prepare all the necessary components of an effective detergent. To do this, you need to take 50 grams of soda and the same amount of citric acid per serving, combine with 100 ml of "Whiteness", and after mixing add one and a half glasses of ordinary warm water. Pour the resulting solution over the dirty area and put on the fire to boil. After 15 minutes, remove the dishes from the stove and leave to cool. After 20 minutes, without any sponges and rags, rinse the pan under running water. Traces of burnt jam and old stains of soot will not be seen by a keen eye, and the enamel coating will again become snow-white.

Coffee sink with burnt jam

Experienced housewives recommend an effective and simple way, if a stainless steel pot. The mass left after brewing natural coffee will help. With the crushed grains used, generously grease the burnt place, and after 20 minutes rub it a little. Leave after a couple of hours without any attention. They say that after such a coffee scrub, all the dirt will come off and wash off easily.

Cleaning with soda

And this method, how to clean the pots of burnt jam, will come to the aid of those who do not have grain coffee on the farm. Regular soda will help. It is important to wash immediately after boiling the jam, rather than waiting for the pan to cool down. Any carbonated drink is poured into a cleaned container and left for half an hour. Then you need to try with a sponge, whether the burnt jam is lagging behind. If it is still difficult to clean it, then put the dishes with soda on the fire and bring to a boil.

There are a lot of ways how to clean the burnt jam from the pan. To determine which one is the most effective, it is worth testing each one in practice. It is important to remember that some solutions are detrimental to enamel, and products containing acid are not used for aluminum cookware. Of course, you do not need to use coarse iron scouring pads when cleaning. They will only scratch the inside and bottom of the pot. If the result is unsatisfactory after the first cleaning, it is worth trying to remove the dirt again or resort to another method.

Stainless steel pots are in great demand among housewives because they are convenient to use. You can cook almost any food in them, even sour hodgepodge, even milk porridge, without fear that the inner walls of the dishes will darken or food will burn to its bottom.

These pots are made of an alloy that does not rust or oxidize.

But still, troubles occur with kitchen utensils made of stainless steel in the form of burnt food, if the hostess suddenly gags. And then the question arises before her: how can you clean the food burnt to the bottom of the pan?

It is worth noting that stainless steel products are not as capricious as enameled ones, but they also need to be cleaned correctly.

If food sticks to the bottom of the pan during cooking or stewing, do not scrape it off with a knife or iron washcloth.

Pour warm water into a saucepan and leave for a while. Burnt food residues should come off and can be easily washed off with a sponge and dishwashing liquid.

If the food is badly burnt, water is poured into the pan, put soda(40 g of soda per liter of water) and boil for several minutes.

Instead of soda, you can add a little dishwashing liquid.

For the best effect, the water is not immediately poured out, but left to cool completely. Then a hard sponge is moistened with dishwashing detergent and the pan is cleaned.

If milk was boiled in a saucepan and it has burned a little to the bottom, then you need to pour the milk into another container as soon as possible, and pour the crushed into powder into this one Activated carbon, covering the bottom with it.

After half an hour, fill the pan with water and leave for twenty minutes. After that, pour out the liquid, and clean the pan with a hard sponge and dishwashing detergent or soda.

Instead of activated carbon with milk burnt to the bottom of a stainless steel pan, it can cope serum... To do this, it is poured into a saucepan and left for a day. Then the serum is poured out, and the bottom is cleaned with a hard sponge dipped in dishwashing detergent.

Regular table salt works well with the remnants of burnt food. But it is believed that if it is poured into water and left for a while in a saucepan, then dark spots may appear. Therefore, you can do it differently.

Water is poured into a stainless steel pan with burnt food and left for twenty minutes.

Then the water is poured, and salt is poured onto the burnt food debris, covering the spots with a thick layer. Leave for three hours. After this time, the salt is poured out, and the bottom of the pan is cleaned with a hard sponge using a detergent. Rinse with hot water and wipe dry.

It must be said that stainless steel dishes will last longer if they are thoroughly washed after each use with soap, and then rinsed well and wiped dry.

Food burnt to the bottom of the pan is easy to handle vinegar... To do this, it is poured into a saucepan so that it covers the entire bottom, and left for two hours. Then the vinegar is poured out and the pan is cleaned with a sponge and detergent.

If jam is burnt to the bottom of the pan or sweet food, then water is poured into the pan, add soda or vinegar and boil. Sugar dissolves during boiling and lags behind the bottom. The pot can then be easily cleaned with any dishwashing detergent.

If the burnt food in a stainless steel pan can be washed off by simple boiling, then what to do if the burnt food turns out to be outside, for example, during boiling? It turns out, also with the help of boiling.

Method 1... To do this, place a smaller one (with burnt food) in a large saucepan and pour water into which half the pack is added baking soda for five liters of water. Then they put 100 g here stationery glue... The liquid should completely cover the pot.

The water is brought to a boil, boiled for twenty minutes, and then cooled without removing the pan from the container. All carbon deposits easily come off.

If the pan is very dirty, then add a little to the liquid mentioned above. detergent.