How honey dissolves in cold water. Honey with propolis from the ABC of honey. There is always more glucose in natural fructose honey

14.06.2019 Healthy eating

Buying natural honey becomes a difficult task, because even in small apiaries, negligent beekeepers mix real honey with artificial one. When you are unsure of the origin of your purchased honey, being able to check its quality can be very helpful. You want to buy real honey? The honeycomb and smiling bees on the labels of the jars does not mean that the product inside is something like real honey.

So in practice, honey is added to honey, which is otherwise artificial. The acid decomposition of sucrose used in the production of artificial honey is also referred to as inversion and the resulting product as invert sugar. Besides the fact that invert sugar is a fast energy source, it is also sweeter than the original sucrose. Therefore, it is used in food Industry, among others, as sweeteners.

This man has been honored for his bravery several times. Hostile bullets and wounds were miraculously avoided, but he was ultimately torn apart by health problems. Unbearable stomach cramps meant only the initial stage of cholera. There was no cure for this disease at that time, and therefore the only thing patients could do was spill water and wait for a slow and painful death. In the infirmary where Eddington lay, there was a faithful Indian physician named Sabi. In fact, he was not a doctor, he had no schools and no titles.

What is useful in natural honey?

Not without reason honey and his healing properties so widely used. Carbohydrates, organic acids, essential oilsderived from nectar, polyphenolic compounds, proteins, vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, B12, C and folic acid - all this contains honey. And about 300 more acting on the human body nutrients... Honey was named liquid gold not only because of its color, but mainly due to its preventive and medicinal properties.

He was a typical Indian healer. However, all the British went to see a doctor. This man gave strange sweet water patients with cholera. The healing effects of honey are not only Ayurveda, they are known to people all over the world. For ancient cultures, bees embodied an important connection between humanity and heaven. People saw them as overseers of wisdom, who by their example teach humanity the basic values \u200b\u200bof life - harmony, cooperation, modesty, selflessness, activity. They were also a symbol of fertility, courage and belonging.

Real honey taste - sweetness and scratchy throat sensation

Much depends on taste. Beekeepers and connoisseurs, having tasted honey, can determine which bees produce the delicacy, determine its age, the way it was preserved, and feel flavoring additivesthat shouldn't be in real honey. Unaddressed honey is very sweet in the beginning. After the natural aromas are released, it is possible to identify the herbs from which the honey was made. You should feel a slight burning sensation in your mouth and your throat will start scratching, especially if it is buckwheat honey.

And what was most important - they gave precious honey to humanity. Maybe you say - there are so many hints of honey, but you know that one bee collects about 9 grams of honey in its entire life. Let's go a minute to learn the math and calculate: 556 bees work 556 bees for a lifetime of 0.5 kg of honey. You now see more glasses honey more interesting? This honey doesn't look that common, does it? Therefore, believe that the following lines are not your fingertips but are backed up by many medical scientific studies.

Honey has antibacterial and antibiotic effects. It contains 13 unique healthy lactic acid bacteriathat come from a honey bee bag. Honey helps to heal wounds, even open ones, preventing them from getting wet and wet. Honey supplies energy, regulates blood sugar and insulin levels, and helps reduce fatigue. He also heals skin diseases... Helps against coughs, throat irritation, and flu or cold. That's why it should literally be our daily gourmet companion.

If honey is tasteless, we are dealing with artificial productmade with water and sugar.

Testing honey for naturalness

The first test is viscosity. Spoon the honey and turn the spoon over high over the saucer. If the honey flows down evenly, the trickle does not break and when flowing down forms a cone on the plate, this is natural honey. The consistency of artificial honey will be more liquid, flowing intermittently and spreading on a plate in a uniform puddle.

Today we will talk about the so-called honey water, which, in addition to being used as a base for making honey, serves as a very powerful fighter against many diseases. Put a teaspoon of honey in a glass of warm water, stir and wait until the honey dissolves. This gives a 30% solution of honey having the same composition as. Honey produces water in a cluster of ingredients that increase efficiency. Honey is very easily absorbed by the body. The water must be stationary. Some recommend cooking it and waiting for it to cool or filter.

The second test is dissolution. Take a cup of cold water, put a teaspoon of honey in it. If the honey dissolves unevenly, creating streaks in the water, you can be sure that the honey good quality. Artificial honey will dissolve evenly and quickly.

The third test is weight. Liter jar honey should not weigh less than 1.4 kg.

In Ayurvedic sources we read that if we get clean water from a mountain spring and let it stand in a glass with direct sunlight to be warm, we get the perfect liquid for making honey. If you have the option, do not use a metal spoon to pick up and mix the drink. For preventive reasons, it is recommended that you indulge in water on an empty stomach every day. Water quickly enters the intestines and is easily absorbed into the bloodstream. We can consume it both day and night - we don't have to worry about the needs of the nightclub because honey water soothes the kidneys.

The fourth is crystallization. Liquid honey can be stored for up to a year, but it should crystallize a few months after harvest. This is a natural process that always happens if honey is natural. Crystallization does not affect it nutritional value or a therapeutic effect. The time it takes to harden depends on the type of honey. Acacia honey has the longest shelf life in liquid form. Other varieties of honey must crystallize before the end of the year in which they were harvested. Artificial honey does not crystallize - this is one way to test the quality of a product.

It's important to always cook fresh honey... It can be used not only domestically. When applied to the skin, it brings more refinement and shine, making it an excellent cosmetic aid. It helps with skin imperfections and injuries, it is also suitable for psoriasis and tissue necrosis. In addition, washing your hair with honey water will prevent dandruff.

And what are the medicinal effects of honey

Our tip: Honey can also be flavored with a few drops lemon juice, mint, cinnamon, or a little ginger. This helps to put in order the digestive processes and allows the "lazy" intestines to move. The honey supplement helps to rejuvenate the intestinal microflora. If a cup of this drink is the first thing you enter the stomach in the morning, it starts metabolism, removes acid in the stomach and increases the production of intestinal mucus. A hydrated colon means good digestion without unpleasant constipation.

Unripe honey: how to determine the maturity of honey

Honey with a high water content, more than 20%, is not yet ripe (with the exception of clover, heather and acacia honey). After collecting nectar, in honeycombs, in the microclimate of uliya, the process of maturation takes place - evaporation of water and decomposition of complex sugars into simple sugars... After 4-5 days, bees close the honeycomb, protecting the finished honey from evaporation. If the beekeeper wants to speed up the process and harvest the honey too early, with uncovered honeycombs, it will not mature properly. The maturity of honey is determined by its density. At a temperature of 20 degrees, a trickle of honey should drain lazily, forming a cone when falling onto a plate.

It also helps to remove accumulated toxins in the intestines. Cleans the digestion of parasites and prevents their spread. All pathogenic honey-honey plants kill honey because the parasites feed on sucrose. Honey has another glycemic index and therefore various properties sugar, although it is sweet. The parasites plunged into a 30% solution of honey, which immediately died.

It strengthens immune system and gives energy to your body. Although the sweet majority belongs to the group of bad carbohydrates that slow down the metabolism and people are robbing energy, among other things, honey is one of those that will give you energy. So forget about energy drinks.

Can honey be heated

If the honey crystallizes and you wish to make it runny, you can warm it up by placing a jar of honey in a pot of warm water (the temperature should not exceed 25 degrees Celsius). In this case, the honey must be mixed with a wooden spatula. Remember that honey, when heated to temperatures above 40 degrees, loses its beneficial properties.

There is a cleansing and detoxification of cells throughout the body. Although honey does not contain as much as vegetables, it can be compared to wine. The antioxidant capacity of honey is 10 times higher than that of white wine. Antiviral, antibacterial and antimycotic properties are increased.

It helps prevent unpleasant nighttime toilet use by helping to relieve the kidneys. It is also recommended to drink honey during fasting and dieting. Of course, health concerns in using it won't go away like waving magic wands... But regular use of this drink will have a noticeable effect. And you know.

    16 hours ago by 24medok April 3, 2011. The winter was cold and with little snow. Spring came quickly. The wintering went well. 2 families (last year's swarms) of 250 hives were killed. On the same date, there was an intensive flyby. Bees eat honey throughout the winter, there are years when the bees do not fly out of the hive for more than 200 days, during which time their intestines are full and they really want to go to the toilet. These spots on the roof are the "poop" of bees, it is correct to say bee diarrhea. And I will show propolis, which buyers often consider to be a bee turd, in the next message :) # diarrhea # bees # flying around # spring

    Do you buy because it's health itself, and then you have a collection of open cans in your closet? Are you missing ideas on how to eat differently from bread? Add to porridge or yogurt. You can also make homemade granola: mix oat flour, sesame seeds, pumpkin and sunflower seeds, and finely chopped dried fruits and nuts with runny honey, mix mixture with baking sheet lined with baking paper and flatten the top. You can add warm waterto soften the ingredients. When the mixture is blended, place it on uneven bars or shreds and add to the yogurt.

    2 days ago by 24medok Gift set # 1 in wooden box This set contains three types of honey and a bar of dark chocolate. All products own production... Cornflower-taiga honey, 370g. Honey from herbs "Zalivnye Meadows", 370g # honey # medsibir # ng # gift # tree # white fair # white # Krasnoyarsk # gifts # gifts # Siberia

    Morning drinking water with lemon adds energy. We can enrich this natural lemonade with good honey properties. This mixture is in a good way nausea and dehydration after dripping. The World Health Organization has listed honey as a natural anti-inflammatory drug because it relieves irritation in the mouth and throat and acts as a protective layer.

    It is difficult to dissolve it without compromising its health properties, so it is worth mixing it with sugar when we make, for example, dandelion syrup or onions. Place 2 onions in slices, cover with a spoonful of sugar, add 2 cubes of liquid honey and wait for the onion to juice. A similar effect will also lead to the consumption of 2 honey sticks a day. Prepare a dressing for meat or salad.

    4 days ago by 24medok Yesterday I washed honey buckets all day. He melted the wax into beautiful molds and brewed a new batch of light mead. By the way, the previous batch has almost lightened, it will be on sale in a couple of days. So who wants to new Year's table natural and healthy alcohol come .... Addresses of shops in Krasnoyarsk: - Novosibirsk, 5. - Paris Commune, 9. - TSUM (basement). # buckets # ng # history # work # sale # store # medsibir

    Prepared sauces in powder or in bottles, as well as pickles and spice mixes that are full on store shelves, usually consist mainly of sugar and salt, enhancers, preservatives and solid fat... - That is why it is better to make your own dressing based on oil or butter, mustard, lemon juice and honey. The type of honey can be chosen for the dish, for example, if we eat grilled meat, it is worth choosing raped honey, which supports the work of the blood clot and the liver.

    Both honey and sugar have a lot of calories, but honey is much healthier - less processed, contains minerals and vitamins. Therefore, if you drink sweet tea, instead of sugar, add a honey spoon. For iced tea, so honey does not lose its valuable properties.

    6 days ago by 24medok Photos of our box from different sides. It is not sold separately. Only with content, which can be anything. Honey, tea, pine cone jam, chocolate, honeycomb... The average cost of a ready-made set is 1200-1500 rubles. The box is universal, suitable for any occasion. # gift # ng # new year # medodarok # gifts # Krasnoyarsk # medsibir # Siberian honey

    The honey and white cheese buika is a popular breakfast for athletes, marathons and triathletes who eat before a competition, says Byayevskaya. Simple carbohydrates from white bread and honey quickly add energy and eliminate fatigue. It is best to eat the sandwich one hour before the effort.

    Treat honey as a natural vaccine. It contains traces pollenand according to some experts, exposure to very small amounts of allergens acts as a desensitizing vaccine. There is no solid clinical evidence that honey is anti-allergenic, but at worst, it is a very sweet placebo. If you want to try this for a few months before experiencing seasonal symptoms, eat 2 honey flakes a day.

    1 week ago by 24medok Gift box for honey present. The composition can be any. For example, a chest with three jars of honey 370g each: cornflower-taiga, flooded meadows, sow-meadow will cost 1300r. Instead of honey, there can be honey with nuts or any tea of \u200b\u200byour choice. # gifts # honey # box # new year # apiekasibir # pasekastarchevskikh

    The series "It Will Bring You Health" brings you closer to topics related to body and soul. We are talking about health, daily habits, prevention and treatment. We look at the latest discoveries and developments in the field of medicine. Read: Most of the patients disappeared without pain in their own home, surrounded by relatives. In general, however, they die in hospitals, among strangers, and suffer desperate attempts to heal them to the end. What has to offer modern medicinewhen inevitably approaches final stage life?

    In hospice, in contact with the patient, it is important to create a sense of security. You must leave him a phone number, come on the date. Does vitamin C take during illness? Breathing becomes short, heart beating, hands clammy with sweat. Probably everyone on the board can see that there is something wrong with us.

    Summarizing the data of analyzes of honey samples for the past period of 2012, we are forced to state a catastrophic increase in cases of honey falsification.

    Unfortunately, according to specific gravity Counterfeiting in trade, we came close to the situation described in the encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron, published at the end of the 19th century: “In Moscow, according to Villaret, cheap honey varieties (up to 20 kopecks a pound) turned out to be all consisting of a mixture of molasses and potato flour; chalk and sawdust were added to some of the samples. Honey, price from 30 to 45 kopecks. per pound, was falsified mainly by potato molasses, cane sugar and flour. Natural, without impurities, honey could be bought only for 50-90 kopecks. per pound. "

    My mother was always ready to start all over again. Excerpts from Audrey at Home is a biography written by the actress's son. The information provided here is not intended to provide medical advice. The knowledge is correct here, but it may be inexplicable. The author is not responsible for possible consequences misuse of the information presented here.

    What's your choice? Sweet, fragrant meadow and forest - beautiful natural gift nature, which helps many ailments. We ask ourselves the question - which one to choose? You shouldn't use it whole year, and not only when he starts to hurt something. Prophylactically, it should be used daily after 20 g, preferably dissolved in water in the evening and drunk in the morning before breakfast. All natural furs from good apiaries are valuable. Healthy, well-groomed bees that do not use a large number of sugars for feeding, good equipment such as centrifugation, observation temperature and proper storage of honey are one of the most important factors in ensuring good honey.

    New technologies in the production of artificial honey

    However, it is not the amount of counterfeit that causes particular concern, but the use of new technologies and substances used in the manufacture of counterfeits. The 19th and 20th century honey counterfeiters look like timid disciples primary school compared to armed modern technologies swindlers - real professors of falsification. If, as follows from the above quotation, before, mainly cheap types of honey were falsified, now counterfeits are sold as an exclusive, like special honeys, highest quality at exorbitant prices.

    The taste, color, aroma and consistency of modern counterfeit products satisfy the requirements of the most discerning buyers who consider themselves connoisseurs of honey

    Syrup, potato flour, chalk, sawdust, cane sugar - these are substances from ancient gypsy fun. Biotechnology, of various kinds thickeners and gelling agents, enzymes - this is what modern counterfeiters operate on. The taste, color, aroma and consistency of modern counterfeit products satisfy the requirements of the most discerning buyers who consider themselves connoisseurs of honey. Bragging to the neighbors about the purchased honey and talking about where and from whom you can buy such a miracle, they do not even suspect that they have acquired a fake, which, in best case, you can call confectionery, but not natural honey.

    Examples of counterfeit (fake) honey

    Here are some examples of counterfeit products that were submitted for testing to the independent accredited laboratory Apis Analytical Center LLC by buyers and the Apigard Beekeeping Consumer Rights Protection Society.

    Natural honey must contain pollen grains

    Consider a sample of a typical counterfeit - crystallized honey of excellent oily consistency, great taste, white... The OMP content is 18 mg / kg. honey, diastase number 7.0 units. Gothe, total acidity 0.8 cm3. Everything seems to correspond to the current standard for natural honey. However, no pollen grains were found. What is this, not honey or the so-called ultrafiltration, in which all pollen grains are removed? Ultrafiltration is an expensive pleasure and pays off when processing hundreds of tons of honey, in addition, in Russia, according to our information, there are no installations for ultrafiltration of honey.

    There is always more glucose in natural fructose honey

    Further, the mass fraction of reducing sugars is 75.1%. This is already a clear discrepancy with the current standard for natural honey, according to which the minimum limit for this indicator is 82%. Let us assume that the mass fraction of reducing sugars is not an indicator of the naturalness of honey. The composition of reducing sugars, more precisely the ratio of glucose and fructose, can clarify the question of the naturalness of honey. Natural honey always contains more fructose than glucose. In the test sample, the fructose content is 35.6%, and the glucose content is 39.5%, i.e. glucose contains much more, and this is already clear sign unnaturalness.

    Natural honey is completely soluble in water

    It is known that natural honey, liquid or crystallized, must completely dissolve in water, and the resulting solution must be transparent. The tested honey does not completely dissolve in water, and the resulting solution turns out to be cloudy. This indicates the presence of impurities in honey. In the photo (Fig. 1): on the left - a transparent solution of natural crystallized honey, on the right - a cloudy solution of falsified crystallized honey.

    After filtration, the solution of falsified honey becomes transparent, and mechanical impurities in the amount of more than 1% remain on the filter. The presence of water-insoluble impurities in such an amount is a violation of the current standard for honey. Impurity analysis showed that it is a gelling agent used by con men to thicken honey and give it an oily consistency.

    We deliberately do not name this substance, as well as other substances found in the samples described below, so as not to lead into the temptation of dishonest dealers and not to expand the production of counterfeits.

    Natural honey begins to bloom at a temperature of 30 degrees

    The test sample does not dissolve when heated to 60C. This explains the fact that such a fake easily tolerates summer temperatures: no stratification, while natural crystallized honey begins to bloom at a temperature of 30C. This circumstance also indicates the unnaturalness of the product.

    The next photo (Fig. 2) shows a number of samples of falsified honey studied.

    Azbuka honey - fake honey shop

    Esparcet honey from the ABC of honey

    The first on the left is the inscription on the label: "Azbuka honey" (obviously a trademark), "Esparcetovy" - crystallized honey, dazzling white, excellent oily consistency. Sucrose content 1.2%, reducing sugars - 87.8%, OMP - 3.0 mg / kg honey, diastase number 8.2 units. Gothe, total acidity 0.5 cm3. The listed indicators meet the requirements of the current standard. Despite the name "Sainfoin", no sainfoin pollen was found, but linden pollen grains are present. Doubts about the naturalness of the product are caused by the opacity of the solution (the flask on the container with honey) and the ratio of glucose and fructose content. In the test sample, the fructose content is 41.7%, and the glucose content is 46.1%, i.e. glucose contains more, and this is already a clear sign of unnaturalness. The content of insoluble impurities is more than 1%. At 60C, honey does not bloom. The same signs of unnaturalness as in the previous sample.

    The photograph (Fig. 3) shows solutions of the studied samples (top row) and the same solutions treated with iodine. The first sample on the left is a solution of natural crystallized honey. After treatment with iodine, it acquired a yellowish color. Second from the left - a cloudy solution of "sainfoin honey", after processing with iodine it became reddish-brown, which gave it the presence of a certain type of gelatinous agent.

    Honey with propolis from the ABC of honey

    In the photo (Fig. 2), the second sample from the left is the inscriptions on the label: "Alphabet of honey", "With propolis". The product is green. Again, there is an excess of the glucose content over the fructose content (47.2% and 44.3%), as well as all the signs of an unnatural product described in the previous case. The aqueous solution is cloudy and has a pronounced green ring in the upper layer of a substance lighter than water, clearly not of bee origin.

    Clover honey from the ABC of honey

    In the same photograph, the third sample on the left was sold as crystallized clover honey, and the fourth sample on the left was the foam of the same honey that had to be removed from the container before it was able to reach the bulk of the honey. Clover pollen grains are present. There is an excess of glucose content over fructose content (47.2% and 43.7%). The solution of this honey in water is cloudy, the content of water-insoluble impurities is more than 1%. After exposure to iodine, the solution acquired a reddish-brown color, which indicates the presence of a gelling agent. At 60C, honey does not bloom.

    Linden honey from the ABC of honey

    In the photograph (Fig. 2), the fifth untitled sample contains linden pollen grains. With a mass fraction of water of 20.2%, it has an oily structure and a solid consistency, which indicates the presence of a gelling agent. Natural honey with a creamy consistency room temperature and the mass fraction of water 20.2% becomes so soft that it cannot maintain its shape and spreads. The honey solution is cloudy, the content of insoluble impurities is more than 1%. A substance that does not react with iodine was used as a gelling agent.

    Studies have shown the possibility of detecting counterfeit in simple waysavailable to consumers even at home.

    Checking honey at home:

    To check the naturalness of honey, consumers can recommend the following actions:

    1. Dissolve honey in water (if honey is natural, the solution should be transparent);
    2. Filter the solution (the presence of a residue on the filter indicates that the product is unnatural);
    3. Add iodine to the honey solution (any color change, except for yellowing, will show the presence of impurities of non-beekeeping origin);
    4. Soak a container with a sample of honey in a water bath at a temperature of 40C for 1 hour (if honey does not bloom, there is a counterfeit in front of you).

    Cream honey is faked more often

    As noted above, all samples of fake honey were crystallized honey with the most delicate consistency, i.e. cream honey. Obtaining natural cream honey is aerobatics in honey processing technology. Stable production high-quality natural cream honey requires knowledge of all the intricacies of the crystallization process, adherence to technological, temperature regimes, special equipment and laboratory control.

    Discrediting the whole line of processing of natural honey causes outrage.

    The article considers samples of only falsified crystallized honey, because this is a new direction in falsification. However, among liquid honey cases of falsification are also increasing.

    Fake liquid honeys

    Orange honey

    An example of adulterated liquid honey is Pomerantsevy honey. Pollen analysis showed an absolute absence of orange pollen. Pollen of chestnut, linden and sunflower was found. Mass fraction reducing sugars 55.8%, against the normative 82%. Such a shortage of reducing sugars speaks not of the poor quality of the honey, but already of the counterfeit. Glucose content more content fructose: 28.7% versus 27.1. Both the absolute values \u200b\u200bof the indicators and their ratio speak of falsification. If we add to this the content of OMP - 36% and the value of the diastasis number 3.2 units. Gothe, then a picture of a product emerges, which has no right to be called natural honey.

    Only a consumer can stop counterfeiting!

    It is possible to stop counterfeiters in conditions of legal powerlessness in matters of quality that reigns now in the state only with the help of consumers who will refuse to purchase counterfeits. To do this, consumers need to be informed, using all possible means, about the signs of counterfeit honey and how to detect it.