Slimming cinnamon sticks. Cinnamon - "magic" slimming stick

18.08.2019 Healthy eating

Such a spice is found in almost every kitchen. However, in many cases it is used much more modestly than it could be. We usually add it to baked goods and sweet dishes. In fact, the use of cinnamon is much broader. In different countries of the world, it is used in the cooking process, for example:

  • sweets and
  • meat dishes
  • marinades

This spice is the dried bark of an evergreen tree that belongs to the laurel family and grows in South India and Sri Lanka. When it is harvested, it rolls up itself into tubes. Then it is dried and cut.

Connoisseurs say that it is best to buy this spice grown in Sri Lanka: it has not only a delicious aroma, but also contains more nutrients. Also keep in mind that cinnamon contains the dangerous substance coumarin. So, in the one that comes from Sri Lanka, as well as in other high-quality varieties, there is very little of it. And in low-quality it can be quite a lot.

Cinnamon is not only fragrant, but also useful, as it contains tannins and minerals (potassium, magnesium, calcium, zinc, phosphorus) and vitamins (A, C and PP, B1, B2).

Sell \u200b\u200bcinnamon in sticks (tubes) and powder. It is better to choose sticks. They retain their odor much longer than powder. Keep the spice in a tightly closed container (for example, a glass jar), in a dark and cool place. Then it will carefully preserve its properties.

High-quality cinnamon sticks do not exceed 10 centimeters in length and 7 millimeters in width. If they are easy to break, then the spice has been lying for a long time. Fresh cinnamon is rich in essential oils that give it elasticity. High-quality sticks should have smooth edges and no spots on the surface.

You can also find fake cinnamon on the market - cassia. It is not recommended to use it. To distinguish cassia from cinnamon is quite simple, with the help of banal iodine. Put some iodine in the powder. Cassia will turn blue, but cinnamon will not.

The use of cinnamon sticks is a rather difficult question for many Russian housewives. If everything is clear with the powder, then what to do with the tubes? In fact, there are enough use cases. First, you can grind the sticks and get a fresh, much more flavorful powder than you would buy in the store. Secondly, they can be used whole by adding them to drinks, soups or marinades during preparation. Putting a cinnamon stick in a liquid dish should be about seven to ten minutes before the end of cooking. It can also be added to the second course: meat dishes or meat dishes combined with cereals, vegetables (pilaf, stew, etc.). Then first it is better to fry the cinnamon tube in oil a little so that it will give him its enchanting smell. And then fry the rest of the ingredients in this oil. When the dish is ready, it is better to remove the cinnamon stick.

The use of cinnamon in traditional medicine

The beneficial properties of this spice make it possible to use it far beyond cooking. For example, in China, the use of cinnamon in medicine is widespread. However, in our country this spice is not deprived of attention. In folk medicine, she is highly respected. The use of cinnamon in this area is very wide. So, this spice is used for

  • prevention of infection with Escherichia coli

Add some cinnamon to your perishable food. This spice is a natural antibiotic that can suppress not only E. coli, but also fungi.

  • normalization of digestion
  • relieve toothache

Make a gruel with a teaspoon of cinnamon and water. Spread this mixture on the gums. You will feel relief after 5-10 minutes.

  • speed up metabolism
  • normalization menstrual cycle
  • treating type 2 diabetes

Cinnamon is taken in the morning, one gram per day - dissolved in a drink or added to food. It lowers blood glucose levels. If you decide to use this remedy for diabetes, be sure to check with your doctor first!

  • relieving itching and redness from insect bites, as well as an antiseptic for cuts
  • enhancing sexuality in both women and men
  • seasickness
  • improve memory
  • treating colds

Mix a teaspoon of honey with a pinch of cinnamon. Eat on an empty stomach.

The use of cinnamon in traditional medicine does not end there. It is actively used for weight loss. Recipes for use can be different, one of the most common is as follows: pour half a teaspoon of cinnamon with a glass of boiling water. Let it brew. Put a teaspoon of honey in the infusion. Stir well. Drink half of the infusion in the evening. Put the remainder in the cold, drink in the morning before meals, on an empty stomach. Repeat the next evening.

Also, cinnamon is good for depression, stress, anxiety. In addition, it removes bad breath.

However, it should be borne in mind that there are also contraindications. So, cinnamon and its essential oil should not be used when:

  • pregnancy and lactation
  • hypertension
  • internal bleeding
  • increased nervous excitability
  • epilepsy
  • high blood pressure

And healthy people should not consume more than half a teaspoon of this spice per day. In old age, the spice should be used with caution, little by little.

Using cinnamon oil

Along with powder and sticks, cinnamon essential oil is also popular. First of all, it can be used in an aroma lamp: for example, to combat stress. The use of cinnamon oil in cosmetology is also common. For example, it is used for as well as for the prevention of its appearance.

You can make an anti-cellulite wrap: take a bar of dark chocolate, melt in a water bath. Add 3 drops of cinnamon essential oil or a teaspoon of ground spice. Apply to cleansed skin of problem areas. Wrap them in cling film and cover with a blanket. Wash off after 20-30 minutes. Hot wraps have contraindications (for example, varicose veins, gynecological diseases), so before using them, consult your doctor and make sure that you have no contraindications to this procedure. The wraps should be repeated no earlier than 3 days later.

Also, the use of oil helps to get rid of the spots left after acne, blackheads, redness on the face. To do this, it is best to make a mask: mix a teaspoon of honey with a drop of cinnamon oil. Apply to the entire face or problem areas, leave for 20-25 minutes, rinse. Apply in a course - within a month, every other day. Such a mask is contraindicated for rosacea!

Finally, cinnamon essential oil helps, makes them stronger. Add 2 drops of cinnamon oil to 2 tablespoons of olive oil. Apply to scalp, massaging lightly. Leave it on for half an hour. Rinse off with shampoo.

For whatever procedure you use cinnamon oil, remember that it can only be applied to the skin in a diluted form (mixed with base oil, honey, clay, etc.) Undiluted can cause skin burns.

Let's talk about how to drink cinnamon for weight loss. A recipe that contains ground cinnamon will help you burn fat faster without accumulating new fat. The beneficial properties for women from this spice bring incredible results, because with the help of cinnamon, you can lower blood sugar. So, how to apply, how to use sticks and powder at home for the abdomen and sides, what are the contraindications and warnings. Everything in order. 😉

First of all, we will figure out which cinnamon to choose for recipes and for medicinal purposes. You've probably already heard that we sell false cinnamon or cassia in our stores and supermarkets. The real and the false differ in chemical composition and some properties, so it is important not to be mistaken in your choice, otherwise you will waste your time and money.

The good news is, species are easy to distinguish.

Real Ceylon Cinnamon:

  • grows in India and Ceylon, Indonesia and Malaysia (this can be useful when studying the country of origin);
  • has a dark brown color;
  • it has a delicate aroma;
  • it has a delicate sweetish taste;
  • crumbles easily;
  • resembles a folded sheet of paper.

False Cinnamon (Cassia):

  • grows in China, Korea, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia;
  • has a reddish brown tint;
  • has a bright aroma;
  • it has a sweetish-spicy, tart and slightly pungent taste;
  • breaks hard;
  • resembles a dense and thick scroll.

Differences in chemical composition

Cassia contains starch and coumarin - 2 g per 1 kg. This is a lot and can negatively affect the liver, therefore it is recommended to eat in small portions. If you remember, initially cinnamon appeared on our shelves as a spice for baking. In such quantities, it gave a piquant taste and did not affect the body. But for recreational purposes, the dosage is significantly higher - not a pinch, and therefore cassia can not be used either for treatment or for weight loss.

Is it harmful in itself? Not. Let it be called false, but that is why it is a spice in order to create shades of taste, and not be a complete food. Therefore, feel free to use cassia in main dishes, but use Ceylon cinnamon for weight loss.

In real cinnamon, starch and coumarin are several times less - 0.02 / kg. It is safe for health and is suitable for us when we need to add a teaspoon of powder to the drink.

What to use: sticks or powder

We add powder directly to the drink itself or the medicinal solution, but it's better to buy sticks. So you will be sure that the cinnamon is of high quality, real and without impurities. Another thing is that it is extremely difficult to implement it. But if you succeed, you'd better order whole sticks.

Another important point in favor of the straws is that ground cinnamon is stored for no longer than 6 months. It is during this period that the beneficial substances of the spice are lost. The sticks, due to their integrity, retain their aroma and useful properties for a whole year (!), Provided that you store them in a cool and dry place in a glass jar.

Useful properties of cinnamon: how it helps you lose weight

The spice contains: essential oil, magnesium, calcium, iron, cinnamic alcohol and cinnamyl acetate with cinnamaldehyde. All this allows cinnamon to serve as an excellent diuretic, antipyretic and cleansing agent. Even if Escherichia coli gets into the product, a little Ceylon cinnamon will help disinfect it!

Cinnamon helps in secreting gastric juices, and this is great for the entire digestive tract, although we may not feel it. I'll even say more: cinnamon can be used as a seasoning instead of salt in a salad, or as a substitute for sugar for sweets made from dried fruits and nuts. And if you eat less salt and sugar, then this cannot but affect your figure.

By taking cinnamon regularly, the liver, kidneys, and gallbladder will function better and help regulate fat metabolism. With a special approach, cinnamon even helps to heal ulcers in the stomach and duodenum.

The most important property of cinnamon that I personally like the most and why I recommend everyone to keep a few cinnamon sticks on the kitchen shelf is its ability to lower blood glucose.

Yes, cinnamon helps with clots in blood vessels, lowers cholesterol, but its ability to normalize blood sugar is like a miracle. It is for this purpose that cinnamon is useful for all diabetics in the first place, but I will not risk advising how to take cinnamon for diabetes, after all, an individual approach and doctor's instructions are important here.

But since excess weight is one of the risk factors for diabetes, excess fat and unhealthy diet very often change the rate of blood sugar, and this in the future makes losing weight even more difficult. And why add a little cinnamon to tea or a healthy dish? Believe me, this is real salvation.


First of all, cinnamon is not recommended for pregnant women and people who suffer from hypertension. In all other cases, you need to be more careful. Remember that if in doubt about your particular case, you should consult your doctor.

In general, cinnamon, even Ceylon cinnamon, shouldn't be in too much on your table. Large doses will not help you lose weight faster. There is a cumulative effect here, and the further you go, the better your health will be, but not due to large doses, but due to long-term use.

If taken in excessive amounts, it can cause headaches, fatigue, and depressed mood.

How to use and drink: recipes

Perhaps this is the simplest recipe possible. If you try a recipe with a spice for medical and recreational purposes, then it is him. Remember warnings and correct dosages. The article describes this in detail.

If for some reason you can't use honey, you can use lemon with vitamin C. The combination is simply amazing, and the sensations from it are the best.

A bit of a thermonuclear mixture, making changes literally before our eyes. There is a selection of options for the most effective combinations of these products, all for fast fat loss. 🙂

The combination of just two of these ingredients can boost your metabolism and normalize sugar.

Given the popularity of the combination of honey and cinnamon, I dwelled on this in more detail. It is not enough just to combine these two ingredients, but knowing the subtleties, you will see amazing results on the waist.

What if you drink kefir for dinner or instead of it, adding just a pinch of cinnamon? Find out by reading the reviews of those who have already lost weight. The health benefits of this drink are invaluable.

Finally, the most complex and controversial recipe, which is not possible for everyone, but if you drink it, you will get a triple hit on fat. The results are impressive for everyone!

Here are a few more of my favorite recipes. And if the previous ones are targeted measures for losing weight in the process of diet and training, then below are recipes that can be used from time to time, according to mood and for fun. 🙂

Pumpkin Smoothie with Citrus and Cinnamon

What do you need:

  • 200 g pumpkin pulp;
  • 4 g ground cinnamon;
  • 200 g lemon;
  • 200 g grapefruit;
  • honey to taste.

How to cook:

  1. Cut the pumpkin pulp into pieces and steam for 10 minutes.
  2. When cooled, send the pieces to a blender, sprinkle with cinnamon and mix.
  3. Squeeze lemons and grapefruits and add juice to smoothies.
  4. In the last step, add liquid honey for sweetness, and mix again in a blender.

Cinnamon Clove Ginger Tea

What do you need:

  • 2 g of green tea;
  • 2 g cinnamon sticks;
  • 2 g ground ginger;
  • 0.5 g of clove buds;
  • 10 ml lemon juice;
  • 250 ml of water;
  • honey to taste.

How to cook:

  1. Pour boiling water over all the spices and the tea itself and leave for 5 minutes.
  2. After decanting, add honey and squeeze out lemon juice.

Cottage cheese with honey and cinnamon

What do you need:

  • 150 g of cottage cheese;
  • 2 g ground cinnamon;
  • honey to taste.

How to cook:

  1. Mash cottage cheese.
  2. Add cinnamon and honey to the curd, stir and you can eat.

Baked apples

What do you need:

  • 150 g apples;
  • 4 g ground cinnamon;
  • 10 ml lemon.

How to cook:

  1. Wash the apples, remove the seeds, cut them into wedges.
  2. Squeeze lemon juice over apples.
  3. String the apple wedges onto a wooden skewer and sprinkle with cinnamon.
  4. Bake in the oven at 180 degrees until golden brown.

Cinnamon sticks are less common in the house than regular, ground, cinnamon, although they are made from higher quality raw materials, retain their aroma and useful properties longer. Let's decide what exactly distinguishes cinnamon in sticks from its crushed type, how to use the pods correctly and in which dishes it should not be added.

In supermarkets, cinnamon powder is most often sold in bags. It is easy to use. Most housewives stop at buying spiced powder due to the fact that it is easy to measure it for a particular dish. But what is it made of? Few people think that the already crushed product loses most of its taste, beneficial qualities and aroma. The situation is similar to black and red pepper, but manual pepper grinders have long been firmly established on modern kitchen shelves. It will not hurt cinnamon.

A cinnamon stick is not a twig as most people think. This is the bark of an evergreen tree called "Cinnamon", which was removed and twisted in a thin layer, usually 6-10 layers per stick. Cinnamon has been known to people for more than one thousand years, at first it was a wild tree, then they learned to cultivate it, divide it into species, use it in cooking, perfumery, and medicine. The cinnamon tree from the Chinese lands is distinguished by astringency, pungent taste and dark shade, cinnamon from Ceylon has a pronounced aroma and sweetness, and the spice from India and Burma has a dark color and bitterness. The latter variety is also called "cassia" or "false cinnamon", it does not need to be bought, it can be distinguished only in sticks, they will be less grainy on the inside, with a rough surface. Powdered cassia is almost impossible to distinguish from quality cinnamon before cooking.

The most valuable, delicious and aromatic spice is from the island of Ceylon. Healthy, tasty and aromatic, it will add a special exquisite touch to your dishes. The chemical composition of the Ceylon spice positions it as the most suitable for the production of valuable essential oil.

Health recipes

How to use cinnamon sticks without chopping them? We offer you some simple but effective recipes for which you do not need to grind the straws first.

Do you often suffer from abdominal discomfort? Tired of taking medications for bloating, colic and flatulence? Use the folk method:

  1. A glass of boiling water for one stick of real cinnamon. Insist half an hour.
  2. After the allotted time, remove the spice and add a spoonful of honey.
  3. Drink on an empty stomach in small sips.

Inflammatory elements on the skin do not pass? Dullness, wrinkles and blackheads appear? Prepare for Healthy Skin:

  1. Pour a glass of boiling water over a cinnamon stick, leave it to brew well overnight.
  2. Take some ready-made liquid and mix with honey.
  3. You should get a paste that can be applied to the face and problem areas of the skin for a couple of hours as a mask.

The cinnamon stick can be used as an aromatic spice in a wide variety of drinks. Cinnamon tea is not only delicious and smells great. It cures many ailments - relieves you of the onset of a cold, normalizes digestion, helps you lose weight, calm down and put your thoughts in order. Recipe:

  1. Half a liter of boiling water per cinnamon stick. Pour boiling water over the spice and infuse well.
  2. Then, pour the spiced water into a kettle and bring to a boil.
  3. Pour this liquid over black or green tea in a teapot. Let the drink sit for at least 5 minutes.

Cinnamon coffee is a classic option for lovers of this exquisite strong oriental drink. Recipe with nutmeg and orange peel:

  1. Take 150 ml of water, a spoonful of ground black coffee, a spice stick, on the tip of a knife of ground nutmeg and minced orange peel.
  2. Brew coffee by adding all the ingredients to the cezve.
  3. Pour into cups. Add sugar or honey if you have sweet coffee.

How to properly grind and store a cinnamon stick

Most often, cinnamon sticks are crushed. This must be done correctly, otherwise you risk getting dust or dissimilar pieces, just ruining the product. Grind correctly:

  • dry the sticks in a skillet, which will make the spice brittle, enhance the aroma and remove moisture;
  • put dry pods in a container and rub with a mortar, or you can put the spice in a bag and walk with a rolling pin;
  • the resulting small pieces are brought to a powder state in a hand mill.

How to store cinnamon sticks? The crushed spice retains its taste, smell and useful properties of the chemical composition for 6 months in a transparent jar, hermetically sealed, placed in a dark cool place. The storage of pods is no different, only the shelf life is increased to a year. If the stick has already been used, then it can be used in the preparation of dishes and drinks two more times, then it loses its taste, aroma and useful properties.

Cinnamon sticks in cooking

Cinnamon sticks can be used in a wide variety of dishes, but there are dishes that will be very spoiled if you add an oriental spice there.

What you should not use the spice with:

  • salads;
  • dumplings and dumplings;
  • borscht;
  • cabbage dishes of any kind;
  • sushi;
  • fish dishes (as opposed to sauces for fish dishes);
  • lamb and beef.

In the article, we examined the features of the qualities and useful properties of cinnamon sticks, how to use it, with which dishes this spice is not combined. They gave several useful recipes with cinnamon in the form of a stick, and not in a powdery state, the conditions for its storage and the features of adding it to dishes.

How to grind cinnamon in sticks? How to grind cinnamon sticks? On the Internet, experienced hostesses share their methods and methods on forums and blogs, which we tried to put together and put out here.

You can buy ground cinnamon at almost any grocery store, supermarket or market. But the dishes are always more pleasant and aromatic if you grind cinnamon in sticks just before preparing a particular dish. How to chop and grind cinnamon sticks? These questions are asked by many housewives who have whole cinnamon sticks, but no ground cinnamon, and baked goods need to be cooked.

How to grind cinnamon sticks

  1. You can traditionally try to grind cinnamon sticks into powder or at least into crumbs, rubbing them on a fine grater. For some hostesses, this method works well (if the grater, of course, is sharp). If the grater is not very sharp and fine, you will get rather large pieces.
  2. The second method is more suitable for those who do not want to break their nails with a grater. To do this, you need to put the cinnamon sticks in a strong bag, and then break the sticks with a meat hammer until a powder is formed, then roll the powder with a rolling pin for better grinding.
  3. You can also try to grind cinnamon sticks in a coffee grinder, in a manual one it is unlikely to work, but in an electric one it may well work, only you will need to cut the sticks into small pieces in advance. True, you need to be careful here, since the coffee grinder can simply break, because cinnamon sticks are quite hard in structure. By the way, some hostesses write that if you immediately put chopping sticks in a blender or coffee grinder, you will get pieces of different sizes, so we look at method number 4.
  4. You can first beat off the sticks in the bag with a meat hammer, and then grind the pieces in a coffee grinder.
  5. You can try grinding cinnamon into powder in a regular stone mortar.

These are just some of the most popular and effective methods found on the internet that can help you grind and grind cinnamon sticks into a powder at home. There are probably others, but they are not as popular and well-known.

By the way, you should not harvest cinnamon powder for future use, since very soon ground cinnamon will lose its aroma, it is better to grind cinnamon sticks into powder just before preparing your favorite dishes with it. Or you can just buy already ground cinnamon and not bother.

Sticks cinnamon Is a fragrant spice made from the bark of the tree of the same name. It is a source of calcium, magnesium and manganese. It is widely used in cooking and medicine. Eating cinnamon lowers blood sugar levels, activates the brain, improves appetite and normalizes digestion.

You will need

  • For the dish qi-me:
  • - 1 kg of carrots;
  • - a glass of raisins;
  • - 10-12 prunes;
  • - a stick of cinnamon;
  • - 5 tablespoons of sugar;
  • - 2 tablespoons of lemon juice;
  • - 2 tablespoons of liquid honey;
  • - salt and pepper to taste.
  • For cinnamon tea:
  • - a stick of cinnamon;
  • - 2 teaspoons of black tea;
  • - 0.5 liters of water;
  • - sugar to taste.


1. Use sticks cinnamon in cooking. In the East, they are added to spicy lamb and chicken dishes, in the Transcaucasus - to meat and vegetable stews, put in pilaf, kharcho and chikhirtma. In Russia, they usually cook with the addition of cinnamon cereals and milk soups.

2. Use the spice to flavor pickles, sauces, preserves, compotes and cottage cheese dishes.

3. Sticks cinnamon it is customary to add to liquid dishes. Lay them seven to ten minutes before cooking, or at ease before serving, frying a few minutes in vegetable oil in advance until the aroma originates. If you are going to grind cinnamon independently, then fry the sticks in a hot skillet without adding oil.

4. Pair cinnamon with carrots, spinach, milk corn and red cabbage, as well as pears, apples and quince. Add spice to cold fruit soups made from fresh or dry fruits.

5. Prepare an appetizing and usable Qi-mes of Jewish cuisine. To do this, wash, peel and cut the carrots into slices. Fry it in vegetable oil. Rinse and soak raisins and prunes. Remove the pits from the prunes. Place the carrots, raisins, and prunes in a saucepan. Add sugar, salt and simmer over medium heat, stirring occasionally. After an hour, add cinnamon, honey, pepper, pour in lemon juice and simmer for another ten minutes.

6. Add spice to different drinks: yogurt, kefir, coffee, hot chocolate, punch, mulled wine. In Mexico, it is customary to stir hot chocolate and coffee in a mug not with a spoon, but with a stick. cinnamon .

7. Prepare a tea, one used as a warming agent for colds and flu. Pour up the stick cinnamon 0.5 liters of boiling water, let it brew for ten minutes. Later, heat the infusion well, not bringing it to a boil. Pour the tea into a dry (pre-warmed) teapot and pour the hot spice broth into it. Place the lid on the kettle and pour into cups after five minutes.

8. Add one stick to lower blood pressure cinnamon into a glass of kefir, let it brew for ten to 15 minutes, then remove and drink before bedtime.

Tip 2: Cinnabons with Cinnamon and Vanilla Cream Sauce

Cinnabons are a dessert, one that relates to overseas cuisine. Prepares in approximately eighty minutes.

You will need

  • For twelve servings:
  • - milk - 1 glass;
  • - margarine - 1.3 cups;
  • - sugar - 1/2 cup;
  • - wheat flour - 4 cups;
  • - icing sugar - 1.5 cups;
  • - cream cheese - 1/4 cup;
  • - two eggs;
  • - dry yeast, salt, ground cinnamon, vanilla - to taste.


1. Dissolve yeast in warm milk, leave for five minutes. Add sugar, margarine, salt, eggs, flour, stirring with a spoon. Now knead the dough with your hands.

2. Cover the bowl with the lid and put it in a warm place for an hour. When the dough rises, put it on the table, sprinkled with flour, roll out a large rectangle.

3. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees.

4. Spread margarine over the surface of the dough, sprinkle with cinnamon and sugar. Roll up a roll of dough, cut into twelve identical parts.

5. Place the rolls in a baking dish, put in the oven for ten minutes.

6. Prepare the sauce. Combine eight tablespoons of margarine, cream cheese, powdered sugar, a pinch of salt and vanilla. Beat with a mixer. Pour the sauce over the prepared cinnabons, send them immediately to the table!

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For those who dream of losing weight, cinnamon is an essential spice. Habitual drinks (coffee, tea, kefir) with it acquire the newest authentic taste and burn extra calories. Cinnamon coffee is also suitable for the prevention of atherosclerosis. It reduces the risk of heart attacks and strokes.

Cinnamon drinks

Cinnamon gives coffee a luxurious taste and aroma. You should not put sugar or its substitutes. This coffee is canceled and no cream. The healing properties of cinnamon make coffee not only appetizing but also healthy. This low-calorie drink, for example, is allowed for those who are struggling with excess weight. Cinnamon is also added to tea and kefir. If you drink kefir with cinnamon before lunch or dinner, the feeling of hunger will dull. And the portion eaten will be much smaller. It is allowed to make black or green tea with cinnamon. It will quench your thirst, raise your well-being. With regular use, it will reduce cravings for starchy foods and sugary foods.

Stunning spice

Cinnamon is the dried bark of a tree that has been used as a spice since ancient times. It is widely used in cooking. It is added to soups, cereals, meat, confectionery, chocolate and baked goods. It has discovered its uses in pharmacology, cosmetology and perfumery. There are several types of cinnamon. Ceylon is considered the best. It has a low content of coumarin. This harmful substance negatively affects the liver and can cause headaches. Ceylon cinnamon is also sold under the name cinamon. Chinese cinnamon is not so fragrant. Possesses a pronounced hot taste. It is also called cassia. Malabar cinnamon with a bitter taste. And cinnamon with a spicy taste and a cool smell. Cinnamon is more fun to buy in the form of sticks. The powder is easy to counterfeit. The more powerful and sugary the cinnamon smells, the fresher it is.

Benefits of cinnamon powder

Cinnamon contains a number of substances suitable for the body: phosphorus, calcium, manganese, steel and essential oils. It also contains vitamins. This spice is indicated for diabetics. It lowers the blood glucose tier. Cinnamon is also suitable for those who dream of losing weight. With its support, glucose is converted into energy rather than fat. Cinnamon improves bowel function. It affects the level of cholesterol in the blood. Reduces the risk of heart attacks, strokes and atherosclerosis. Expands blood vessels, stimulates the brain. For colds, cinnamon is also necessary. In this case, it is allowed to add cinnamon and honey to coffee.

The main thing is to observe the measure

No matter how suitable cinnamon is, it must be consumed within reasonable limits. So is coffee. Cinnamon is allowed to eat no more than half a teaspoon per day. It is impossible to introduce this spice into the diet of pregnant women. Cinnamon can stimulate uterine contractions. Harmful for pregnant women and coffee. In some people, cinnamon causes allergic reactions in the form of rashes and hives. Cinnamon enhances intestinal motility. Excessive consumption of cinnamon coffee may cause flatulence and diarrhea. This drink is contraindicated for people suffering from increased acidity of gastric juice.

With the advent of the popularity of the ancient teachings of Feng Shui and other signs of Eastern culture, more and more people began to use scented sticks. Some use incense for magical rituals, others - as a fragrance for the air.

Useful properties of incense

Incense sticks have anti-cold, bactericidal and antifungal properties. Consequently, in some countries, where there is high humidity, rooms are fumigated with incense in order to protect themselves and their loved ones from viral and fungal diseases. And in the Middle Ages, when the plague raged in the world, aromatic bonfires from pine trees were kindled. They gave off harsh smoke, the one that spread throughout every city. The present inhabitants of the planet will also not be hurt by the prevention of diseases with the help of incense. For example, it is allowed to light candles with the smell of lavender, pine, cedar or eucalyptus as a disinfectant. It is also believed that incense sticks affect the human nervous system and help to cope with certain diseases. So, the smell of cinnamon, rosemary, patchouli improves memory, invigorates, and inspires optimism. Rose, sandalwood, lilac, lily of the valley, lavender, jasmine help to relax after a hard day, relieve stress. Lemon and eucalyptus contribute to the rapid cure of colds, relieve headaches, and strengthen the immune system. If you want to protect yourself from negative influences, evil eye or damage, fumigate your house with sticks with the aroma of incense, mandarin, lotus, juniper. Among other things, incense can keep insects out of your home. Filling rooms with mint, eucalyptus, or lemon scent will make mosquitoes and moths disappear.

When scent sticks are harmful

Research by scientists has shown that frequent use of incense contributes to the development of lung cancer. It is worth noting that this does not apply to those people who fumigate rooms with sticks not more often than 2 times a week. Candles with a strong smell can cause headaches or allergic reactions. Consequently, the choice of aroma must be approached with great responsibility. Learn the meaning of odors and their power on the body. If the smell of a cigarette lighter makes you uncomfortable, it's better to refuse it. Inexpensive candles of suspicious quality are also harmful to health. It is recommended to purchase incense only in specialized stores responsible for the quality of the product. When choosing cigarette lighters, check if a cool smell is emitted through the packaging - such a product is not better to buy. Good sticks do not have to be synthetic. On the contrary, they will cause irreparable damage to health. It is impossible to light several sticks with different smells at a time. On the contrary, aromatherapy will not give correct results. Also, do not fumigate unventilated rooms. Observing the simple rules for using incense, it is allowed to be sure that they will not cause any damage to health. But they will wrap them in a glorious aroma and give a lot of right emotions.

Since childhood, memories of unprecedentedly appetizing lollipops in the shape of a cockerel, bunny, bear or any other animal are alive in us. And no one cooked these lollipops as appetizing as grandmother. But why not try doing it yourself?

You will need

  • For classic caramel:
  • 4 tablespoons of sugar;
  • 1 tablespoon water
  • Creamy Caramel:
  • 1 glass of sugar (200 gr);
  • 100 ml of milk or cream;
  • 40 grams of butter.
  • Chocolate caramel:
  • 125 grams of sugar;
  • 125 grams of honey;
  • 125 grams of chocolate.


1. Typical recipe: Mix water with granulated sugar and pour into a small saucepan. Boil sugar and water over low heat until transparent. A drop of syrup should solidify in cold water. Add a little apple cider vinegar or citric acid. Then remove from heat and stir for 30 seconds. Put the finished caramel in a mold, oiled in advance. Stick in the pre-cooked sticks. Wait for the caramel to harden. Instead of water, it is allowed to use a real dye, say, add some juice.

2. Creamy caramel: mix sugar with milk or cream. If you use milk, then it is allowed to add more butter to the mass. Simmer, stirring continuously, over low heat, until a coffee shade appears. Remove from heat, add vanilla and pour into mold. Don't forget the lollipop sticks.

3. Chocolate Caramel: Combine sugar, honey and chocolate. Put on low heat and simmer until a drop of chocolate mixture thickens in cold water. This mixture can also be poured into molds or poured onto a greased plate, cut into slices.

4. Try making caramel using fruit paste. Take jam, even better to use jam syrup, add a pinch of cinnamon, a little nuts are allowed. Keep on fire until the mass is well boiled down. From warm, mold candies in any desired shape, stick in the sticks. Such candies are also allowed to be rolled in sugar or covered with chocolate icing.

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Tip 6: Multi-colored cockerels on a stick: a recipe from childhood

There are plenty of all kinds of sweets on store shelves. But often they are oversaturated with "chemistry", flavor enhancers, which leads to allergic reactions and nervous breakdowns in children. And the cockerels that were treated to your grandmothers in childhood, on the contrary, brought extraordinarily happy emotions. And the homemade recipe is primitive.

You will need:

- 3 tbsp. l. sugar sand; - 1 tbsp. l. water;- ? h. l. apple or grape vinegar; - 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil; - food coloring; - metal molds; - wooden sticks.

Some "cock" tricks

The above "procurement" of sugar and water is given as an example, the proportions of 3 to 1 are preserved, and the volumes are chosen by yourself, depending on the planned number of cockerels. From 3 tablespoons of granulated sugar, about five ready-made "characters" will turn out, which will delight the children and will not harm their health. Several points to remember. In order for the "birds" to be of different colors, it is allowed to use food colors or natural juices. Accordingly, you will have to be patient and have a certain grip: the process will be divided into the preparation of several portions of various colors. It is allowed to save time by purchasing sugary powder: its elements are more multi-colored. Molds must be metal: plastic ones can melt. For the same reason, it is better not to use sticks from lollipops or juices. It is better to stock up on wooden ones, it is allowed to use toothpicks or skewers for meat.


Lubricate molds with silhouettes of cockerels and other animals, flower images and all sorts of other blanks with vegetable oil so that the lollipop does not stick to the walls and bottom. Whatever happens at the exit, these are "cockerels", because this is the image that was originally laid for these sweets! Pour sugar into a ladle or a small saucepan, add water and vinegar, mix. Instead of water, it is allowed to use juice of the required color, or add food colors at this stage. Bring the mixture to a boil, stirring occasionally. Reduce the intensity of the fire, cook, more closely without stirring, so as not to "clog" the mass with air bubbles. It is allowed to add cinnamon or vanilla. If you overdid it and the sugar has ripened to crystallize, it is allowed to fix the matter by adding a little vinegar and reheating the candy mass. The process will take about 10 minutes, the readiness of the semi-finished product can be checked by throwing a drop of mass into the water: when it begins to solidify rapidly, rounding into a ball, it is more ready, it is allowed to pour into molds and wait for solidification.

If there are no molds

There are special molds for cockerels with pre-provided holes for sticks. If they are not found, cookie molds are also suitable, but sticks will have to be inserted outside the box, or you have to work hard removing the mass from the mold in a semi-ready state (and it freezes quickly!) And contrives to stick a "skewer" into the barrel of the blanks. It is easier to insert it in advance, before pouring the mass. There were no molds at hand? Not a task! Then you need to get a piece of parchment paper (option: baking foil), cool it slightly in the refrigerator, placing it on a baking sheet (cutting board). This is done so that the mass does not spread. Pour the finished mass in fractions on paper, put a stick in every one. It is allowed to show artistic ingenuity and give these "puddles" a shape that would be vaguely reminiscent of the images of cockerels or other feathered animals. Finally, an ordinary spoon can also play the role of a mold: metal or wooden. The rest of the procedure is standard.

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* Large doses of cinnamon are contraindicated for pregnant women. * Store cinnamon sticks in closed glass jars. The highest shelf life is one year.

Helpful advice
* Cinnamon sticks should be added to cold dishes spontaneously before serving, and in hot ones ten minutes before being ready. With a long heat treatment, the cinnamon will taste bitter. * When preparing a qi-me dish, it is allowed to add various dried fruits and nuts.