Savoy cabbage - unique healing properties. Savoy cabbage: healing properties and healthy recipes

22.08.2019 Seafood dishes

Savoy cabbage belongs to the cruciferous family. A light-loving two-year-old vegetable crop with excellent taste and many useful properties, is widely used in cooking. This valuable dietary product is used in medical nutrition.

Product history and geography

Savoy cabbage has been cultivated in Europe since the 17th century. Its first crop was harvested in northern Italy, in the Duchy of Savoy ( ital. Savoia, fr. Savoie). In 1860, these lands became part of France. In Italy, savoy cabbage is still extremely popular today; it is cultivated in various regions of the country.

A rather unpretentious vegetable crop grows well on saline soils. In 17th century Holland, cabbage plantations were used to desalinate the soil. Savoy cabbage is currently grown in many European countries. It is also popular on the American continent.

Types and varieties

Savoy cabbage leaves are softer than white cabbage. They do not have coarse streaks. Smooth and tough outer leaves enclose the inner, young and slender ones, forming a compact head of cabbage. Leafy varieties are also cultivated in the Savoy. Savoy cabbage is grown in seedlings. Its varieties are subdivided into early, mid-season hybrids and late.

Among the early varieties, one can distinguish such as "Golden Early", "Yubileinaya 2170", "Venskaya". Leaves of early ripening varieties begin to curl into heads of cabbage in July. These varieties are resistant to cracking and yield good yields. The mid-season hybrid "F1Kroma" allows you to shoot dense heads of cabbage. A stable harvest gives a mid-season hybrid "F1 Melissa". Of the mid-late varieties, the Dutch hybrid "F1Ovass" has proven itself well, which is distinguished by its resistance to diseases and weather cataclysms. Beautiful velvety heads of cabbage weigh 3-4 kg. Late varieties with dense, large heads of cabbage ripen around the end of September. They are stored, as a rule, no more than two months.

Depending on the variety, the outer corrugated leaves are light or dark green in color. Young inner leaves are lighter in color. All varieties love good, but not excessive watering. If the humidity is too high, the roots of the plant die off. Unlike white cabbage, Savoy cabbage can tolerate frost rather well.

Beneficial features

Savoy cabbage contains:
easily digestible carbohydrates (glucose and fructose);
mustard oils;
pectin substances.

Thanks to pectin and fiber, cabbage is useful for the prevention of gastrointestinal diseases. The inclusion of savoy cabbage in the diet helps to improve intestinal motility.

Savoy cabbage is recommended for the treatment and prevention of vitamin deficiency. It contains a unique and balanced complex of vitamins. One hundred grams of a dietary product contains irreplaceable for humans vitamins:
A or carotene - 0.6 mg;
B group - thiamine - 0.07 mg, riboflavin -0.03 mg, niacin - 0.3 mg, pantothenic acid - 0.187 mg, pyridoxine - 0.19 mg, folic acid - 0.08 mg, tocopherol - 31 mg;
C or ascorbic acid - 31 mg;
E or tocopherol - 0.17mg;
U or methionine (has antiulcer properties) -0.32 mg;
K or phylloquinone - 0.069 mg.

The popular vegetable contains many beneficial minerals and microelements:
Potassium - 238mg;
Phosphorus - 42 mg;
magnesium - 28 mg;
calcium 35mg;
zinc - 0.27 mg;
iron - 0.4 mg.

Savoy cabbage, which has bactericidal and antioxidant properties, is recommended for the prevention of colds. It is ideal for diet food. Its regular inclusion in the diet has a beneficial effect on the state of the nervous system, speeds up metabolism, and improves blood composition. Savoy cabbage is useful for children and the elderly, it is recommended for people suffering from hypertension, diabetes, as well as those who want to reduce their weight. One hundred grams of the product contains about 28 kcal.

Taste qualities

Savoy cabbage has a high taste. In taste and appearance, it resembles white cabbage, but a little sharper, more aromatic, and more tender, since it contains less coarse fibers. Its succulent leaves are high in vegetable protein. The flavors depend on the cooking method. The most important thing is not to digest the tender leaves. With prolonged cooking, they lose nutrients, acquire a specific bitter cabbage taste and smell. Savoy cabbage produces extremely tasty and tender cabbage soup, aromatic vegetable stews, schnitzels and cutlets.

Cooking applications

Savoy cabbage culinary dishes are popular in many European countries. Its succulent leaves are delicious raw. Various and very healthy salads are made from them. Due to the wavy shape of the leaves, the salad looks extremely aesthetically pleasing. A tasty, healthy and iron-rich salad is made with fresh apples.

Salads and cold snacks are prepared from heads of cabbage, which weigh no more than 500 grams. The head of cabbage is washed and the outer leaves are removed. If these leaves are dry, this means that the head of cabbage was stored for a long time and began to lose moisture. The tender inner leaves are boiled, stewed ( often with pork). They are used for soups, for cooking, cutlets, stuffed dishes, vegetable stews and mashed potatoes. It is recommended to cook Savoy cabbage using the minimum amount of water; cabbage leaves should not be overcooked.

Used as a seasoning: salt, pepper, nutmeg, basil leaves, marjoram, parsley, garlic. Cabbage patties and casseroles are served with sour cream sauce. Salads are seasoned with olive oil. Savoy cabbage is not used for pickling and canning. But it can be dried. The thin and delicate inner leaves are blanched and then cut into strips. They are dried at a temperature of about 50-60 degrees. Soups are cooked from dried leaves, vegetable stews, cabbage cutlets are prepared.

Many of our tourists who have been abroad (in Europe, the USA, Canada) note that cabbage in local restaurants and taverns (in various dishes, salads and pies) is softer, more aromatic and tastier than ours. The point here is not the skill of the chefs, but the fact that savoy cabbage is preferred here. Unfortunately, Savoy cabbage is not so popular with us, although its benefits are so great that it deservedly bears the title of "queen of vegetables".

Did you know? The type of cabbage, which was first bred in the small Italian duchy of Savoy in the 17th century, was called "Savoy". In Italy, this cabbage is called Milanese, Lombardy (Savoy was part of Lombardy). Czechs and Poles call it French (in the 19th century Savoy became part of France). The French king Louis XIV loved her very much, even granted the title of nobility with the coat of arms (three cabbage heads of cabbage with two crossed shovels) to the royal gardener. Every year in Udine, Italians celebrate the "sagra" holiday - in honor of savoy cabbage, where you can taste dozens of dishes made from it.

Savoy cabbage: calories, vitamins and minerals

For those who do not know what Savoy cabbage looks like, it should be said that outwardly it is very similar to its sister - the usual white cabbage. But there are also differences:

The main differences relate to its vitamin and mineral composition. Savoy cabbage contains more nutrients than many other types (it is twice as high in protein as white cabbage). Cabbage leaves contain:
It should be said that savoy cabbage with its unique chemical composition, its low calorie content (28.2 kcal) makes this vegetable a valuable dietary product, useful for children and old people, pregnant and lactating women, for those who want to lose weight.

Did you know? Savoy cabbage appeared in Russia in the 19th century. The reason for its small popularity is often cited as unsuitability for pickling (although this is only partially true - this cabbage can be pickled). Savoy cabbage is unpretentious: it is frost-resistant (does not freeze at -14° C ), grows on soils with a high salt content (since the 17th century in Holland it was used for soil desalination).

Why Savoy cabbage is useful for the human body

The beneficial properties of savoy cabbage and easy absorption by the body are due to its unique composition:

Speaking of what else savoy cabbage is useful for, its juice should be mentioned.Cabbage juice is used as a remedy against microbes and to counteract inflammation (in the treatment of peptic ulcers, gastritis, colitis, etc.), as a vitamin preparation. For stomatitis, periodontal disease, angina, it is recommended to rinse the mouth with a mixture of cabbage juice and water (1: 1). Effectively removes the juice of this cabbage morning hangover (mix 250 ml of juice with 30 g of sugar).

Important! The only cabbage that contains the sugar alcohol mannitol (used as a sweetener) is Savoy cabbage. This property is especially beneficial for diabetics.

How to choose the right Savoy cabbage when buying

When buying savoy cabbage, you should follow some simple rules:

  • savoy cabbage heads should not be dense - they should give in at hand when pressed;
  • you should choose heads of cabbage of the correct round shape;
  • the leaves should be free from defects (damage, rot, etc.), be uniformly green (depending on the variety, light or dark). White or yellow shades, brownish spots, cobweb, white bloom are unacceptable (signs of cabbage pests).

Did you know? The origin of the word "cabbage" is derived from the Latin word "kaputum" - "head" (among the Celts, the word "kap" also meant a head). The origin of the plant itself is shrouded in mystery. Georgia, Spain, Italy and Greece claim the right to be called the homeland of this super-healthy vegetable.

How best to store Savoy cabbage

When buying several heads of Savoy cabbage or in the case when after cooking a part of the head of cabbage remains, the question arises how to keep it fresh for some time. It should be borne in mind that Savoy cabbage is more tender than white cabbage, and this negatively affects its storage - it loses moisture faster.

Cabbage should be placed in a plastic bag or wrapped in cling film and placed in the vegetable storage compartment of the refrigerator. So it will keep its freshness for 3-4 days.

When it comes to whether the Savoy cabbage is suitable for storage, whether it is worth leaving it for the winter or not, it is believed that it is not stored for a long time. This is not entirely true. Cabbage bought from the supermarket will be difficult to preserve until spring. The reason is that it all depends on the variety. You may not always be able to determine which variety it is.

Early Savoy cabbage varieties are not suitable for conservation, no matter what conditions you create for them. For long-term storage (from 4 to 6 months), medium-late and late varieties ("Uralochka", "Ovasa F1", "Valentina", "Lace-maker", etc.), which are distinguished by darker shades of greenery, are suitable.

By growing your own Savoy cabbage, you can control which variety to plant. For the correct storage of cabbage, you must:

  • do not water it on the eve of collection, cut it off in dry cool weather;
  • select whole heads of cabbage (0.5 kg) without rot and dry;
  • cut the stump (no more than 3 cm);
  • optimal storage conditions: in a dark room at temperatures from 0 to +3 ° C at 90% humidity (basement, cellar);
  • the way of storage (in wooden boxes, hanging or "pyramid") does not really matter. The main thing is that there is a distance of several centimeters between the heads of cabbage.

Important! Savoy cabbage can be dried for the winter. Drying (at a temperature of 50-60 ° C) allows you to preserve all vitamins and minerals. Finely chopped cabbage is dried in one layer in an electric dryer or oven (with conversion). Dried cabbage will turn grayish or yellowish in color (it will turn light when cooked). Properly dried cabbage can retain its properties for up to two years.

What to cook with Savoy cabbage

What can you cook with Savoy cabbage? Basically, everything that is usually prepared from white cabbage. Savoy cabbage has a stronger flavor and aroma. Its preparation methods are somewhat different from the traditional ones: Savoy cabbage is tender, the leaves are thinner and devoid of coarse veins. It is easy to digest, which will spoil the taste, and the nutrients will be lost. A few general cooking rules:

Regarding whether Savoy cabbage can be stewed, it should be noted that during the stewing process, it boils down a lot.Vinegar will help prevent cabbage from softening, it is recommended to sprinkle it during cooking.

Speaking of popular cooking methods for savoy cabbage, it should be noted that it is used fresh in salads. There are only two dozen Italian traditional recipes for such salads.

One of them is with avocado, pepper and shrimp. For the salad, you need two pieces of bell peppers, 200 g of tomatoes, 400 g of savoy cabbage, eight tiger prawns (boiled), soy sauce, salt, olive oil, rosemary. Marinate shrimps in sauce. Soak rosemary in oil. Chop cabbage and vegetables, mix everything, add oil, add shrimp.

The taste of savoy cabbage is enhanced and emphasized by spices (anise, basil, marjoram, ginger, balsamic vinegar, juniper, etc.). Cabbage goes well with red fish, sour cream, tomatoes and cucumbers.

Important! To provide the body with vitamins, minerals and other essential substances, it is enough to include savoy cabbage in your menu twice a week (consume at least 200 g).

Savoy cabbage recipes are striking in their variety - they are stewed, fried, baked, cutlets, schnitzels, pies, etc. are made from it. One of the most popular dishes are cabbage rolls with pork and beef baked in the oven.

For one head of cabbage you will need: minced beef and pork (250 g each), broth, onion (2 pieces), carrots (2 pieces), three celery stalks, olive oil, black pepper, oregano, salt. Cooking process:

  • rinse the cabbage, disassemble the leaves;
  • prepare vegetables (cut the onion into eight parts and disassemble into petals, cut the celery and carrots into large pieces);
  • heat the oil in a pan and fry the vegetables for 5 minutes;
  • blanch the leaves, transfer to a container with ice water. Put to dry;
  • finely chop the non-conditic leaves, the second onion. Fry in olive oil;
  • mix roast, thyme and oregano with minced meat;
  • wrap minced meat (a tablespoon) in cabbage leaves and form cabbage rolls (fold them in an envelope);
  • transfer the vegetable fry to a heat-resistant container, put stuffed cabbage rolls, pour broth, cover with foil;
  • preheat the oven to 180 degrees and bake for 15-20 minutes.
You can also use raw minced meat (cooking time will increase to 45-50 minutes).

Savoy cabbage schnitzels are very popular. The cooking process is simple: boil cabbage leaves in milk, roll up, dip in a mixture of beaten egg and ground walnuts and fry.

Savoy cabbage is a rare guest in the kitchens of Russian people, despite its rich composition and great taste. There is, however, one significant drawback - Savoy cabbage is not suitable for pickling. While her white-headed "sister" tastes good and lends itself to fermentation just to "Hurray!" Apparently, sauerkraut is the head of our people!

At the same time, the number of Savoy cabbage lovers in our area is growing more and more (even if this process is not going too fast). Today it can be found not only in the greenhouses of farmers, but also in the gardens of Russian summer residents. This means that this vegetable has every chance of becoming a full-fledged competitor to white cabbage. Someday…

By the way, Savoy cabbage is very widely used in the cooking of Europeans, Canadians and Americans. And it was first grown in Italy in the county of Savoie.

Savoy cabbage chemical composition

The benefits and harms of savoy cabbage

In the case of Savoy cabbage, this is both true and not so at the same time.

From the point of view of usefulness, Savoy cabbage is inferior to white cabbage in almost all respects, but the Savoy "sister" is somewhat better in taste than white cabbage. For Savoy cabbage contains less mustard oils and coarse fibers. At the same time, fresh salads made from young leaves of both types of cabbage are very similar in taste. After all, white cabbage becomes rough and hot only after ripening.

But the culinary superiority of Savoy cabbage is fully manifested in dishes that require intensive heat treatment. Because Savoy cabbage has thinner leaves and fewer veins. Well, okay, let's better talk about the benefits and dangers of savoy cabbage.

This type of cabbage contains quite a lot of potassium, which automatically makes it useful for people suffering from cardiovascular diseases.

Savoy cabbage also contains many B vitamins (especially B6), which are actively involved in human metabolism. Savoy cabbage promotes the breakdown of nutrients that enter the digestive tract with food, and also provides "resources" for the synthesis of hemoglobin, red blood cells and fatty acids.

In addition, savoy cabbage contains substances that reduce the risk of tumors and diabetes.

However, the consumption of Savoy cabbage can lead to some "side effects". Not numerous, but still ...

It is believed that the harm of savoy cabbage can only be experienced by those people who have recently undergone surgery on their internal organs. In addition, savoy cabbage should be eaten with caution by those who have problems with the pancreas, stomach and duodenum (only in case of exacerbation of peptic ulcer disease).

What to cook with savoy cabbage?

As we mentioned above, the maximum flavor of savoy cabbage can be “pulled” by heat treatment. The raw version of this product, although it is more useful, still does not apply to tasty food. Especially when it comes to fully ripe winter varieties of Savoy cabbage (and this is the kind of cabbage that is sold in our supermarkets).

Hence the conclusion: if you want to introduce savoy cabbage into your diet, then start mastering it by making soups, cabbage rolls or a side dish (you can stew it with vegetables and seasonings).

One of the varieties of popular culture that has increasingly begun to appear on tables and gardens. Its benefits for the body are undoubted, however, you should also know about the dangers of consumption. What are the recipes for preparing this relatively new vegetable and how to prepare it for the winter, you can find out by studying the article.

Description of the vegetable

  1. A plant from the cabbage family, which began to be grown in the Italian county of Savoy of the same name.
  2. The main difference is the highly corrugated leaves.
  3. The head of cabbage has a round, sometimes oblong shape. Outside, its color is light green, and closer to the middle it gradually turns into yellow.
  4. The leaves do not have hard veins, which makes the vegetable a leader in consumption in some countries.
  5. Cabbage is very tender, endowed with a pleasant taste and aroma.

The benefits of using

Savoy cabbage contains an easily digestible protein, which contains several essential amino acids. Its sugars are not harmful to people with diabetes. The calorie content of the product is very low. All this allows you to safely include a vegetable in the diet menu for people who have any abnormalities in metabolism.

Savoy cabbage is very tender

A large amount of vitamin C contributes to the body's resistance to disease, so savoy cabbage dishes are especially recommended for use during the cold season. Antioxidant substances keep cells and the whole body young. B vitamins ensure the normal functioning of the nervous system, and therefore savoy cabbage is recommended for use by hypertensive patients and people suffering from headaches. Puree from this cabbage can be given as a complementary food to small children. This has a beneficial effect on their growth and development. The presence of vitamin K and a fairly rare found vitamin U helps the body to repair the liver damaged by diseases.

The components of the vegetable have a beneficial effect on the skin and when applied externally. For example, the leaves can be mashed to a state of puree and the resulting mass can be applied to the face, or you can simply wipe it regularly with cabbage juice. As a result, the skin is toned, acquires a healthy color. As such, there are no contraindications. However, it is worth limiting its use for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in the stage of exacerbation, as well as for people who are prone to increased gas production in the intestines.

Savoy cabbage in cooking

This type of cabbage is used both fresh and after heat treatment. The whole leaves are used to make cabbage rolls, cabbage schnitzels and casseroles. Shredded ones can be used to prepare various salads, soups and fillings.

Savoy cabbage is good for both adults and children

Soup with vegetables and sausages

To prepare it you will need:

  • savoy cabbage;
  • carrot;
  • young green peas (frozen);
  • potatoes;
  • onion;
  • sausages;
  • greens;
  • butter;
  • spices, salt.

Cooking such a soup is quite simple and quick.

  1. Chopped carrots, potatoes, peas are thrown into boiling water.
  2. While they are boiling, it is required to sauté onions in a frying pan with the addition of butter and sausages cut into slices.
  3. Chopped or chopped cabbage and frying are added to almost ready-made vegetables. Everything together is brought to readiness.
  4. Add herbs, spices and salt to taste.

Council. For this soup, it is better to use young, fresh vegetables.

Savoy cabbage casserole in a slow cooker

To prepare a casserole you will need:

  • savoy cabbage - 1 head of cabbage;
  • carrot - 1 pc;
  • chicken eggs - 3 pcs;
  • onion - 1 pc;
  • frying oil;
  • greens;
  • spices, salt.

Savoy cabbage is delicious in casseroles

The casserole is prepared as follows:

  1. Carrots are grated, onions are finely chopped, cabbage is chopped.
  2. Prepared vegetables are sent to the multicooker set for the "frying" program and brought to a ruddy color.
  3. Beat the eggs a little with a whisk or fork.
  4. The toasted vegetables are poured into a bowl from the multicooker pan and mixed with the eggs.
  5. The resulting mass is poured back into the multicooker, where the "frying" mode is set again, closed with a lid and baked for 3-4 minutes.

The result is a delicious, hearty and aromatic dish made from available ingredients.

Council. To make the dish juicier, it is better to mix chopped savoy cabbage with salt and mash before frying.

A fresh vegetable salad

Such a vitamin salad will go both as an everyday and as a festive dish. For him you will need:

  • savoy cabbage;
  • carrot;
  • apple;
  • lemon;
  • lettuce leaves;
  • egg;
  • various greens;
  • mayonnaise;
  • salt, spices.

Salad preparation

It prepares like this:

  1. The boiled egg is crushed.
  2. The cabbage is chopped and poured with a small amount of lemon juice.
  3. The carrots and apples are rubbed, lettuce and greens are chopped.
  4. All prepared ingredients are mixed and seasoned with mayonnaise sauce.

Council. To get a special taste, for its preparation it is better to take an apple of aromatic sour varieties, for example, Antonovka.

Filling for delicious pies

Savoy cabbage makes a very delicate filling. The dough for the pies themselves can be used yeast and puff pastry. To prepare the filling you will need:

  • savoy cabbage;
  • a few hard-boiled eggs;
  • greens;
  • frying oil;
  • salt, spices.

The actual preparation:

  1. The cabbage should be chopped or finely chopped. Salt, mash with your hands. Stew a little in a skillet with vegetable oil.
  2. Grind the eggs.
  3. Mix all the ingredients.

The finished filling is laid out on a circle of dough, a pie is formed and baked in the oven.

Pies with cabbage

How to prepare Savoy cabbage for the winter

The best way to harvest this cabbage for the winter is pickling. Nothing fancy, but the result is a delicious and crunchy product. In addition, it should be borne in mind that with such processing, all useful substances are preserved. For cooking you will need:

  • savoy cabbage - 1 kg;
  • water - 1 l;
  • salt - 70 g;
  • 9% vinegar - 300 ml;
  • sugar - 50 g;
  • bay leaf, peppercorns.

Coming from Italy, Savoy cabbage gradually began to gain popularity here. Its delicate taste and beautiful appearance do not leave indifferent even gourmets, and the culinary possibilities provide a large selection of cooking options. Learn about the benefits and dangers of eating savoy cabbage from this article, and also use recipes for preparing simple dishes and preparations for the winter to appreciate its amazing taste.

Where did the Savoy cabbage come from and what is so special about it?

The homeland of this type of cabbage is northern Italy, where it has been cultivated for over 500 years. It owes its name to one of the northern Italian duchies, which disappeared from the map of Europe at the beginning of the 18th century. In Italy itself, it is usually called Milanese or Lombard, and in the Czechs - French.

Outwardly, its forks are quite similar to, however, it is looser due to strongly corrugated leaves. The indisputable advantage of Savoy cabbage is its delicate taste, which surpasses the taste of its white-headed relative in its qualities. Europeans, as well as residents of the USA and Canada, actively use it to create a variety of dishes.

From an agrotechnical point of view, Savoy cabbage is more resistant to weather changes and diseases, withstands droughts and frosts down to -8 ° C, but is less productive than white cabbage and is stored worse - only 1-2 months. Cultivated through seedlings, in care it does not differ from white cabbage. The yield level is up to 8 kg per 1 m².

Useful and harmful properties

The biochemical composition of savoy cabbage is diverse, it contains

Attention! Of the rare vitamins, in the chemical composition of savoy cabbage, you can find vitamin U useful for the liver and vitamin K.

Savoy cabbage is rich in antioxidant bioactive substances - glutathione, ascorbigen and polyphenols. Glutathione neutralizes radicals, protects against carcinogens, and prevents premature aging of cells. Ascorbigen has a depressing effect on the growth of cancer cells. Polyphenols - protect against atherosclerosis, ischemia and neurological ailments.

Savoy cabbage is only stored for 1-2 months

Attention! The inclusion of savoy cabbage in the diet will be especially beneficial for children, diabetics and the elderly, since it is easy to digest, and also contains a substance that beckons - a natural substitute for sugar.

Adding savoy cabbage to the menu will allow:

  • get rid of edema and excess weight;
  • normalize blood pressure;
  • saturate the body with vitamins;
  • strengthen the immune system and bone tissue.

Attention! Savoy cabbage should be excluded from the diet during surgery in the abdominal cavity or chest, as well as exacerbation of thyroid and gastrointestinal ailments associated with high acidity.

It is recommended to include it in the diet of those who suffer from liver disease, hypertension, prostatitis, obesity. Its low calorie content and high nutritional value allow Savoy cabbage to be recommended for use in a weight loss diet menu.

Savoy cabbage can be used for weight loss

What to cook with Savoy cabbage

Savoy cabbage can replace white cabbage, and the dish will not lose its taste. The only moment where it is inferior to white cabbage is fermentation. As practice shows, Savoy cabbage is not suitable for sourdough. Those who would like to stock up on it for the winter are advised to pickle or dry it. The recipes below will allow you to do this correctly.

1. Pickled cabbage. For one 3-liter jar you will need:

  • savoy cabbage - 2 kg forks;
  • salt - 100 g;
  • sugar - 120 g;
  • water - 2 l;
  • vinegar - 1 glass;
  • bay leaf, black pepper.

Chop cabbage forks into strips, grind with half the norm of salt. Fold tightly into a jar and refrigerate for several hours. Boil the filling from the remaining ingredients, adding vinegar at the end. Pour the cooled marinade filling over the cabbage. After closing the lid, transfer to the cellar for storage, serve after 1 week.

Savoy cabbage can be used as a side dish or as a separate dish

Advice! Pickled savoy cabbage can be used for salads, as well as a pie filling, after stewing it with carrots, mushrooms or meat.

2. Savoy cabbage stew. Fry the chopped onions, add the chopped savoy cabbage and some cranberries, salt and mashed spices - pepper, cardamom and coriander. Stirring, simmer for half an hour. Add grated apple, apple cider vinegar to the stewed cabbage, simmer for another 5 minutes.

Advice! Braised cabbage is an excellent side dish for meat or fried sausages. And those who care about their figure can eat it as a main course.

3. Korean style savoy cabbage. For two 3-liter cans, you will need 1 kg each:

  • savoy cabbage;
  • carrots;
  • sweet pepper;
  • luke;
  • garlic - heads;
  • hot pepper - 1 pod;
  • sugar - 5 tbsp. spoons;
  • salt - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • vinegar 9% and vegetable oil - 1/3 cup each;
  • ground black and red pepper - 1 tsp. spoon.

Savoy cabbage is a good alternative to cabbage

Coarsely chop the cabbage - with square petals, add chopped bell peppers, grated carrots. Rub with hands to form juice. Add to the cabbage both ground peppers, sugar, salt, vinegar, chopped garlic and hot peppers, chopped and lightly fried onions. After mixing the salad mixture well, cover it with oppression for 6 hours. Then transfer to jars, close with nylon lids. Shelf life is up to 3 months.

Using the basic savoy cabbage pickle recipe, it can also be cooked with, rowan, sour apples.

4. Vegetable salad. To the savoy cabbage, chopped and crumpled by hands, add thinly sliced \u200b\u200bcucumber and bell peppers, grated carrots, half rings of onion, lettuce, torn into pieces by hands. Season with sweet and sour dressing, consisting of 3 tbsp. spoons of wine vinegar, 2 tbsp. spoons of honey and sour cream, tablespoons of mayonnaise, a little Dijon mustard and olive oil

Advice! To keep the Savoy cabbage fresh for a longer time, it is recommended to store only varieties with late-ripening varieties - "Cosima F1", "Alaska F1" and others. The forks are better kept together with the roots. Savoy cabbage roots can be buried in the sand or in an earthen trench so that the forks do not touch each other. You can also store it by hanging one head of cabbage in the net.

The Savoy cabbage can be hung in a net for a longer shelf life

5. Savoy cabbage frozen. Freezing is a great way to prepare Savoy cabbage for making cabbage rolls in winter. To do this, remove the stalk from the cabbage fork, and disassemble the fork itself into leaves. Blanch the leaves for 3 minutes in boiling water. Remove, rinse with cold water, drain. Rolled up in tubes, put in bags of 10-12 cabbage leaves. To freeze. In addition to whole cabbage leaves, you can also freeze shredded savoy cabbage and then use it to make fillings or stews.

Savoy cabbage is a vegetable that is still underestimated by gardeners. Growing it on your site makes it possible to harvest tender cabbage and prepare not only delicious dishes from it, but also useful preparations for the winter.

The benefits and harms of savoy cabbage - video

Savoy cabbage - photo