Abstract of extracurricular activities in elementary school "Milk and dairy products". Extracurricular event "I am buyer"

07.04.2019 Dishes from seafood

Purpose: Improving consumer literacy learning and their parents.

Form: Thematic extracurricular event.

Equipment: Multimedia Screen, Presentation, Posters "Kuban Quality Sign", Medals "Milk Extension", Pictures, Prizes.

Venue: Assembly hall.

Event flow

Lead 1:

Hello! At the meeting, people usually say this is a good, kind word, wishing each other health. So I appeal to you: Hello, guys!

Lead 2:

Dear guys and guests, I welcome you on our entertaining hour, which is called "I am a buyer."

Known adults and children:
There are shops in the world.
Sell \u200b\u200bbread and salt there,
Lavar leaf and beans,
Tomatoes with beds, tea,
Fresh, busty loaf.

Meat, fruit and cookies,
Jams, Cakes and Jam -
In general, choose to have something to us
But ... advice I wise ladies.

Know, not all that is sold,
Health will be wrapped.
It is delicious, it is useful,
Something is at all useless.

And now I invite everyone
Our shop to visit
So that today you have learned
How to keep health.

Lead 1:

Guess the riddle, and you will learn about which product we will talk today.

White, not water,
Sweet, not honey.
From the horned take
And I give kids.

Slide number 2.

That's right, it's milk.

Lead 2:

And who of you loves milk and dairy products? Raise your hands.

Since you love milk and dairy products so much, I will hold a competition with you. He who correctly answers the question will receive the title of "Milk Extension".

Competition "Sign of milk".

What is the name of the shop in which dairy products sell?

Slide number 3.

What products can I buy in this store? Remember and list as much dairy products as possible.

Slide number 4.

Presentation of medals "Milk Extension".

Lead 1:

Guys, Nina Ivanovna nurse looked into our store.


In the people, no wonder they say: "Do not drink milk, getting off the forces." Milk is a unique product according to food and biological value, assimilation and value for the body. Academician Ivan Petrovich Pavlov called milk with amazing food prepared by nature itself.

I told me mom that in milk there are all the necessary people of the substance - proteins, fats, carbohydrates. Many animals feed their young milk. They are called - mammals.

Slide number 5.

I have a month ago, I was born my sister Polinka, and my mother feeds her breast milk. Mom says that this newborn is enough.

Slide number 6.

All useful milk. After all, it has a very important mineral substance - calcium, which is necessary for the growth of bones and teeth. And the squirrel in milk is also a lot.


Indeed, milk and dairy products contain all nutrients needed for the body. It is a pity that many children are negligious to such a wonderful product.

Lead 2:

Nina Ivanovna prepared a task for you. You need to paint a glass pattern with milk, cheese, cottage cheese with different colors, and you will learn what nutrients are contained in these products.

(Painting drawings)

Slide number 7.

Milk - the product is special
Just wonderful.
Tell about it we can
Very fascinating!

Milk - product useful
Delicious - everyone knows.
I will tell you from the soul:
Best food Do not search".

Slide number 9 "Better food is not looking!"

Pupil 10:

Milk - nourishing product,
May be amazing food,
Milk need to drink necessarily
Humanity is sent over!

Student 11:

It has proteins, fats and salts,
Vitamins and acids.
Drink milk you bring -
Health will not be care!

Student 12:

In it lactose - milk sugar,
Many calcium, magnesium, phosphorus.
Milk - like a great zone,
With him, you do not need a doctor!

Pupil 13:

To work the brain - phosphorus,
And without iodine nowhere.
Drink milk guys
We need it always.

Slide number 10.

Pupil 14:

No food is easier, believe me
For our stomach.
And cottage cheese, kefir, sour cream -
For your health.
We will always drink it,
We will be strong then!

Lead 1:

And now I suggest you guess the riddles.

1. On the cold solid as ice,
And in heat floats like honey. (Butter) Slide number 11.

2. In the hands of Vani Winter in a glass. (Ice cream) Slide number 12.

3. Liquid, not water, white, not snow. (Milk) Slide number 13.

4. Upper layer of milk, favorite delicacy Cat. (Cream)

5. Fat, thick, called ... I. (Sour cream) Slide number 14.

6. Like yellow repka from all sides,
The more holes, the better it. (Cheese) Slide number 15.

7. He is famous for the whole world
Delicious, loose ... (kefir) Slide number 16.

8. I'm not cream, not cheese,
White, tasty .... (cottwoman) Slide number 17.

9. Beige dressed up
No kefir, a .... (ipuhenka) Slide number 18.

10. Lack of milk in milk
And it came out.
Love Sasha, love Dasha
There is a dinner .... (Prostokvash)

Lead 2:

The cook of Lyudmila Dmitrievna looked into our store. Question to her:

Lyudmila Dmitrievna, what is the most delicious dish made of milk?

The most delicious thing is made from milk - ice cream. Slide number 19.

So that it was tastier, sugar, fruits, jams, nuts are added to cream and oil. Milk prepare so many tasty products that if someone does not drink milk, he necessarily loves ice cream or pancakes with sour cream and cottage cheese, and someone with pleasure drinks kefir, cream or yogurt.

We prepared several dishes from dairy products today: Dairy porridge, pancakes with sour cream, cottage cheese casserole, Dumplings with cottage cheese, cocoa on milk.

So eat and drink health milk and dairy products!

Tasting dishes. Slide number 20.

Lead 1:

Guys, from what fairy tale these heroes?

Snow White prepared the gnomes ice cream. At all equal parts She divided him? What part will come to everyone?

Slide number 21.

What fairy tale these heroes? How did they divorce the cheese among themselves?

Lead 2:

Parents are present in the hall. Let's ask them how often they buy dairy products and prepare food from them.

Quiz with parents.

1. What kind of fatness produce milk producers. (0.5%, 1.5%, 2.5%, 3.2%, 6%).

2. What is Kumys? (Drink from the mare milk).

3. Name several varieties of cheese.

4. What is Brynza? (Goat cheese or sheep milk).

5. What animals milk can be eaten? (Milk cows, sheep, goats, mares and deer).

6. How do oil manufactures? (By whipping cream).

7. How to store milk? (Milk needs to be stored cooled, away from other products, as it quickly absorbs odors).

Presentation of prizes to parents.

Lead 1:

In order to prepare a delicious and useful food, we need products. They can be bought in the store or on the market.

Guys, how can you call a person who came to the shop for the purchase? (Buyer, consumer)

Slide number 22.

Who independently did buying in the store?

Arching speaking about purchases.

Slide number 23.

Have you heard about purchases?

What about purchases?

About purchases, about purchases, about my purchases.

Lead 2:

Slide number 24.

The word "shop" of Arabic origin and originally marked the barns, warehouses where goods were kept, including food. In our language, the word "shop" came from French more than 150 years ago. Modern shops offer us a wide range of products.

"I bought sour cream - eating kislyak, I bought the oil - eating margarine ..." - such complaints are not uncommon.

Purchase of poor quality goods are not uncommon. "Where is the quality?" - Buyers are indignant.

Quality ... With this concept we face daily. From a long time, the Society, the state was looking for measures to combat poor-quality goods. These measures were rigid. In the Kuban merchant, the merchant was forced to drink all the Crunches of milk himself. Slide number 25.

Over time, more civilized customs and traditions of struggle against poor-quality goods were completed in the world, which were secured by law.

Lead 1:

To do right choice and buy high-quality products, you need to follow the rules.

1. Never buy products whose storage period has already expired.

2. Do not buy products whose storage time will expire before you can use them into food.

3. Do not buy products with disturbed packaging.

4. Do not buy milk dairy products where there is no refrigerator.

Lead 2:

Today, many organizations are occupied by the quality problem.

Slide number 26.

In the initiative of the governor of the region, A.N. Pakchev, the quality of the quality is held, the "Quality" program is adopted, one of the tasks of which is to protect consumers of the edge from low-quality goods.

Slide number 27-28.

Lead 1:

Individual protective sign "Quality Kuban" is applied to the label, food packaging. It is approved by the Public Council, which controls the quality and safety of products. The sign serves as a guarantor of the quality of products, because, before it is applied, this product is checked for compliance with the standards and quality requirements.

Lead 2: Slide number 29.

The sign is made in the form of a blue ribbon located around the circumference, and two red ribbons located at the bottom of the sign. In the center - the inscription "Quality Kuban".

The right to use this sign have only participants in the regional program "Quality", whose products have passed identification.

Lead 2:

Tips we gave a lot -
Easy to keep them.
Try to eat everything that is useful.
You are improving yourself -
For this, life and Dana.

In the Middle Ages, people used in the main goat and cow's milk. In the Middle Ages, people used in the main goat and cow's milk. A person soon realized that it was more profitable to milk one cow and faster than 10 goats. Since 1500, the cow's milk used mainly. A person soon realized that it was more profitable to milk one cow and faster than 10 goats. From 1500 mostly used cow milk

What makes milk? Carbohydrates Carbohydrates 4.5-5% 4.5-5% Fats 2.7-6% Fats 2.7-6% proteins 3.2% Vitamins Micro - Elements (phosphorus, calcium) water water%

The composition of the milk was determined: 1.Tube and useful, responsible for the condition of the skin, vision, immunity. In and t and m and n s. 2. Male round particles, during excess postponed on the waist. Jury 3. The element responsible for the fortress of bones. Clation 4. Building material of the body. B e l about to 5. Sweet and tasty - source of energy. Carbohd

Milk Properties The properties of milk One of 113 wonderful properties of milk is its ability to rush. It seems to be spoiled product after a while suddenly acquires absolutely new taste and pleasant aroma. People have long noticed this property of milk and used him in good. Russians have long been preparing Prostokvash and Varenz, Georgians of Maceni, Kazakhs Kumys, Ukrainians Ryazhenka, Bulgarians Yogurt All this is dairy products. Their assortment of U. of different nations So wide, which is not listed.

The riddles of the riddles are fat, thick fat, the thick thing was called. I called the sour cream sour cream so named because it is sweeping - unlike the cream that merge. This is an original Russian national Product, acquaintance for a long time Only residents of our country. Abroad, she penetrated only after World War II. In some countries, sour cream is called "Russian creams". This is an invalid Russian national product, a long time familiar only to the inhabitants of our country. Abroad, she penetrated only after World War II. In some countries, sour cream is called "Russian creams".

He is famous for the whole world delicious, their ...... .. Kefir Kefir Motherland Kefir is considered the northern slope of the Caucasian ridge, where the different tribes it exists under various names. Among the Caucasian peoples there are many legends about kefir, its origin and distribution. Kefir fungi used to be called kefir grains. The mountaineers called these grains with the "Prophet's Movie" and attributed to them the divine origin. First, Kefir spread throughout the Caucasus and Crimea, and then penetrated into Russia and even Western Europe.

I'm not cream, not cheese, I'm not cream, not cheese, white, tasty ......... white, delicious ......... cottage cheese cottage cheese in Russia, cottage cheese appeared a long time ago. Already in the IX-X centuries. Cottage cheese was long. Already in the IX-X centuries. Cottage cheese was the Slavs product almost the Slavs product almost casual food. Casual food. Dishes from cottage cheese. For a long time, the dishes from cottage cheese were called raw in Russia, called cheese in Russia, and now we are talking, for example, and now we are talking, for example, cheesecakes, and not cottages. Cheesecakes, not cottages. The center of the production of cottage cheese center of cottage cheese production in Russia has long been in Russia there was a long-time Rostov district of Yaroslavl province, from where this product was sent to Moscow. The sale in Russia was mainly the so-called team cottage cheese. It was copied during the whole of the Great Post, when the consumption of milk in the village almost stopped. Rostov County Yaroslavl province, from where this product was sent to Moscow. The sale in Russia was mainly the so-called team cottage cheese. It was copied during the whole of the Great Post, when the consumption of milk in the village almost stopped.

As Rust is yellow as Rust is yellow from all sides, from all sides, the more holes, the more holes, the better it is the better he cheese cheese how many years has a pedigree cheese for three centuries, five, and maybe ten? Let's not guess, but better turn to one of the many legends telling about the appearance of this wonderful product.

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Signatures for slides:

Milk products

It all starts with a mystery of milk: liquid, not water, white, and not snow. (Milk)

Variety of ferocular products

Kefir Riddle: He is famous for the whole world delicious, loose ... kefir.

Prostokvasha Riddle: slightly sour cream in milk. And it came out. Love Sasha, love Dasha is on dinner ... (Prostokowa)

Ryazhenka ryazhenka - fermented milk drink obtained from cow fleece milk joint lactic acid and alcohol fermentation. Riddle: Beige dressed up no kefir, and ... (ipayry)

Acidoofilin Riddle: This is what, this is what and on the ripper looks like. And kefir one in one, it (acidophilic.)

cream Mystery: Top layer of milk, favorite cat delicacy. (Cream).

cheese Riddle: As Rust is yellow from all sides, the more holes, the better it. (Cheese).

cottage cheese Mystery: I'm not cream, not cheese, white, tasty ... cottage cheese.

Equal milk products of Tataria

Katuk Katuk refers to the number of the most vintage drinks. It is known that he appeared about 2,000 years ago. Riddle: kefir in a cup arose, called in Tataria (Katus)

Ayran Ayran - a variety fermented milk drink On the basis of the riding or a type of kefir in the Turkic peoples, the mystery: it's not terrible to me and the heat, if in the summer I drink (Ayran.)

Kaimak or sour cream from Tatars and Bashkir today Kaimak is called normal sour creamwhich, after two or three days, remove the local hostess from Prostokvashi or simply drive it off using the separator. Riddle: Fat, thick called ... (from methane) Riddle: without sour cream in atari, called (kaimak)

Court Court is boiled cottage cheese Light brown color. Used to prepare a gubady Riddle: cook cottage cheese, it is delicious as a cake, but is just called (court)

Narine Fermented milk product "Narine" is acidophilic milk. The author and the applicant invention - Ersinkyan Levon Akopovich. The product is named after the granddaughter of Professor "Narin". Riddle: Milk drink like me, it is sour and sweet. It (Nain)

End in T Atari has delicious productsAll of them are milk. Even Putin feeds. That's all with us. Until))

On the topic: Methodical development, presentations and abstracts

Sabantuy Tatars Halyk Beyeme

"Sabantuy" KөE yazhyr. Balalar flaglar, wrapup, Platieclar Belәn Mәydang Chgyalar, Bula rebuilding. A. B. - Isәnmez, Balalar! Caderla Balalar, ...

Integrated lesson "Products All sorts needed products are important"

An occupation for familiarization of preschoolers with a digestive system, healthy nutrition components. Cognitive interest in knowledge about the structure of your body. The concept of the benefits of the climbs ...

The abstract of cognitive development of children. Introduces children with a variety of food ....

The entertainment scenario "And useful products are vegetables and fruits!" The entertainment scenario "And useful products are vegetables and fruits!"

Scenario of entertainment "A healthy foods - These are vegetables and fruits! "...

Puzzles. Fat, thick called ........ I am sour cream. Sour cream is so named because it is sweeping - in contrast to cream, which merge. This is an invalid Russian national product, a long time familiar only to the inhabitants of our country. Abroad, she penetrated only after World War II. In some countries, sour cream is called "Russian creams".

Photo 17 from the presentation "Dairy Products" To the lessons of biology on the topic "Milk"

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"Dairy products" - M. N. So people began to get milk. R. b. B. Determine the composition of milk: in the Middle Ages, people used in the main goat and cow's milk. From 1500, the cow's milk was mainly used. Milk and dairy products. J. B. s.

"Oatmeal milk" - second, protein of cow's milk can cause allergies. . Good anti-tuberculosis. Regulates metabolism. There is a way out: for example, to prepare "non-member" milk. The benefits and dangers of milk conversations are made a lot. Vitamin B 6, which is part of the composition, well affects the work of the brain. In the morning, strain - milk is ready to eat!

"Milk" - Calcium content in cow Milk ranges from 100 to 140 mg%. In type of thermal treatment, the milk is classified into pasteurized and sterilized. Processing methods. Bacteria. The taste and smell are clean, without extraneous tastes and smells. The chlorine content (chlorides) in milk fluctuates from 90 to 120 mg%.

"Drink children milk" - the benefits of milk. Chemical composition Milk: Will you be healthy? Received within a few seconds with an increase in temperature of more than 135 ° C. The child adds 1 kg in weight. In the cow's milk there are very little iron. Sterilized milk. It is obtained when heated to 100 ° C and higher. School: 149 students 81- drink constantly.

"Milk and dairy products" - on the curve path. The mystery .............................. in nutritionality is inferior to a cow. What is milk? If you have odd, filling skin, pour 2-3 table. Mobyl milk. Beauty Cleopatra washed every morning with pair milk. Compare milk some animals. Deer milk. What is in it? If you have sluggish, dry skin, take a honey-milk bath.

"Dairy product" - basic concepts. On the label, the information must be set forth in Russian. On product labels baby food On a dairy basis should be the inscription: "For baby food." Terms of validity certificates. Basic requirements for marking.

Total in the subject of 14 presentations

Normal product
Milk secretion
glands of animals
is used for
Use (milk
Drinking and for
Production of various
dairy products)

Milk composition

As part of milk
There are more than 200
The main are
fats, proteins,
milk sugar,
Substances. Milk
Different animals
differs mainly
The content of fat I.

Milk is obtained from animals: cows, goats, horses, camels, buffalo, sheep. Different nations are preparing their national

dairy products.

Dairy Product
Dairy products are obtained
Using separator


Called ......
.. I
sour cream is so named because it
Smeta - unlike cream,
which merge. This is evocal
Russian National Product
familiar long time only
residents of our country. Abroad
It penetrated only after the second
World War. In some
Sour cream and called countries
"Russian cream."

It is famous for the whole world delicious, their .......

it is famous for
on the whole world
Kefir Motherland
Kefir is considered
the northern slope of the Caucasian ridge, where
Different tribes it exists under
various names. Among
Caucasian peoples There are many
legends about kefir, its origin and
distribution. Kefir fungi
used to be called kefir grains.
The mountaineers called these grains "
the prophet "and attributed to them the Divine
origin. First kefir
spread throughout the Caucasus and
Crimea, and then penetrated into Russia and even
Western Europe.

I'm not cream, not
cheese, white,
In Russia, cottage cheese appeared very
long. Already in the IX-X centuries. Cottage cheese was W.
Slavs a product almost
Casual food. Dishes
cottage cheese for a long time called
in Russia cheese, and now we
We speak, for example, cheesery, and not
Cottrices. Center
Production of cottage cheese in Russia
Rostov county has long been
Yaroslavl province, from where
This product was sent to
Moscow. On sale in Russia was
mainly the so-called
Prefabricated cottage cheese. His copies B.
The whole of the Great Post,
when milk consumption in
The village almost stopped.