What you can for a honey cake. Liquid honey cake - detailed recipe

30.08.2019 Snacks

Despite the fact that for many people the Medovik cake is associated mainly with holidays and home celebrations, in my family this cake is baked at least once a month. The thing is that Medovik is my husband's and father's favorite cake, so my mother and I pass this “culinary baton” to each other with stable regularity.

Cooking a honey cake includes not only baking cakes, but also making a cream. For this cake, I always use the same classic sour cream, which is best able not only to saturate the honey cake, but also to emphasize the taste of this homemade cake even more. For sour cream, fatty sour cream with a fat content of 25% is best.

Another important feature of the recipe is the cheapness of the cake. The ingredients for honey cakes that make up the Honey cake are not very expensive, and most of them are always available in the refrigerator of any housewife.

If you have never cooked this cake, and you are afraid of culinary failures, the main thing is to follow all the step-by-step cooking steps exactly and you will succeed the first time!


For honey cakes:
  • 3 eggs
  • 1 tbsp. Sahara
  • 50 g butter
  • 2 tbsp honey
  • 1 tsp soda
  • a pinch of salt
  • 3.5 tbsp. flour
For the cream:
  • 500 ml sour cream
  • 1 tbsp. Sahara
  • 1 tsp gelatin

Cooking a dish step by step with a photo:

  1. Beat eggs with sugar into a homogeneous mass using a mixer.
  2. Then add the required amount of honey to the egg mass. Beat a little with a mixer again.
  3. We put the container with the mass in a water bath and keep it that way, stirring constantly for about 15 minutes.
  4. After a quarter of an hour, remove the container from the bath and let the mass cool. In several approaches, add flour to the honey mass and knead the dough for the cakes of the future honey cake.
  5. Roll out the finished dough longitudinally, giving it a "sausage" shape.
  6. Roll each of the pieces of dough into a thin layer, sprinkling it with a little flour from time to time so that the dough does not stick. We shift the rolled layer of honey dough onto a baking sheet greased with vegetable oil.
  7. We send the dough to the oven preheated to 180 degrees. The baking time for each cake varies within 7 minutes.
  8. While the cakes are hot, put a plate of the required diameter on them and cut off the excess cake with a knife. Here it is important to do everything quickly, when the cakes cool down - they become hard.
  9. We do the same procedure one by one with all the cakes, of which we end up with eight pieces.
  10. Now let's move on to preparing the cream. Pour sugar into a deep bowl and add sour cream to it.
  11. Beat sour cream with sugar with a mixer. Then dissolve the gelatin in a minimum amount of hot water and pour it into the cream in a thin stream, continue to beat.
  12. Knead the cakes into small crumbs by hand or grind them in a blender.
  13. Sprinkle the cake with the crumbs obtained from the scraps on all sides. As a result, we have such an appetizing homemade honey cake with sour cream.
  14. After the Honey cake is soaked, cut it into portions and serve the cake on the table.
Bon Appetit!

Already one name of the cake Honey cake brings back pleasant memories of a pleasant evening over a cup of tea or a fun birthday in childhood.

If you frowned now and said, “Nothing like that! I don't like Honey cake! ”, Then it is possible that you were simply out of luck and tried the wrong Honey cake!

To get to know the taste of a real Honey cake, you have to forget the way to the long shelf life cakes department. These cakes, oiled with margarine, have nothing in common with the real Honey cake.

Real cake Honey cake- a delicious, delicate, aromatic and not at all sugary dessert, which even those who do not like honey will be happy to taste.

About honey in Medovik, by the way, there is an interesting story about Empress Elizabeth Alekseevna. The wife of Alexander I did not like honey very much, and all the cooks knew about her fad and tried to cook treats without using this product.

But once a new pastry chef was working in the kitchen, who did not know this fact. Since he had just started work and wanted to impress the imperial family with his talents, he decided to make a very special cake.

The recipe was new, almost never used yet, so the pastry chef hoped to surprise and delight the emperor and his wife. And he succeeded! The cake turned out to be beyond praise: honey cakes along with custard literally melted in your mouth. The Empress appreciated the dish and inquired about its composition. The pastry chef had already been told about Elizaveta Alekseevna's dislike of honey, and he, terribly embarrassed, said that the base of the cake was honey. But the Empress did not get angry, but, on the contrary, laughed. And she ordered to give the inventive pastry chef a generous reward. Since then, honey cake has become the Empress's favorite dessert and has always been present at festive feasts.

Vladimir Dal defines the cake as a flaky round sweet pastry. Such a stingy wording causes some protest, because the cake is, first of all, a holiday. A real hymn to the art of the pastry chef on New Year's, birthday, and just like that, in honor of a good mood and a wonderful day.

The Medovik cake is considered the most popular cake in Russia; it is especially often prepared for children's parties. And now the Medovik cake is on the menu of many expensive restaurants and can always be found on store shelves in the "Cakes" section. Honey cake is called differently. Sometimes you can find the names "Bee", "Honey", "Miracle" or simply "Honey cake with sour cream".
But of course the most delicious Honey cake one that you cooked with your own hands. Each housewife has her own unique and tried-and-true honey cake recipe, but perhaps they will be inspired by our options for making this dessert.

Honey- a dream that can easily come true with simple manipulations and a few simple ingredients. The main character here is honey - a healthy, tasty and medicinal product. It needs to be added to the dough quite a bit - just a couple of tablespoons, and the result is amazing.

You can sing praises to honey for a very long time. It is used in preserving vegetables, stewing and baking poultry with it, preparing fish sauces. And baked goods with a unique bee product have an amazing aroma, beautiful color and a characteristic caramel flavor. There are many recipes for cookies, gingerbread and pies with the addition of honey, but nothing beats a real honey cake that just melts in your mouth. Honey dough is somewhere between sand and biscuit types, since it is the addition of honey that distinguishes the dough from both. No special decoration is required, the main advantage is its exquisite taste and ease of preparation.

What are limitations at the honey cake? Perhaps there is one. This is the speed with which this honey cake will disappear from the table! Be sure that your loved ones will eat the cooked honey cake and you will not have to worry about its shelf life!

Preparation of food

Honey cake is simple, the whole secret lies in the correct baking of the cakes, and there are not so many ingredients for it. The main component, of course, is honey. It is better to take it in liquid form so that the dough forms more easily. Dense candied honey can be pre-melted in a water bath.

One of the most advantageous types of cream for our cake can be sour cream. From it, the product acquires a pleasant, fresh sourness, the cakes are well soaked and become simply airy. So that as a result we are not disappointed, it is better to take fat sour cream, and replace sugar with powdered sugar. Be sure to cool the sour cream in the refrigerator, and quickly beat it with fine sugar or powdered sugar. After that, you can add jam, mashed fruit or other ingredients according to recipes. The principle of preparation is always the same, the difference in recipes can be determined by adding just one ingredient to the cream, for example, prunes, coconut flakes or jam.

To make desserts you will need:

Blenders & Mixers

Kitchen scales

Baking decor

Brand "S. Pudov "- seasonings, spices, food additives, flour and baking decor

Classic honey cake


For the test:
2 eggs, 1 cup sugar, 3 cups flour, 3 tablespoons honey, 2 tsp. soda (completely without a slide, or one with a small slide), 1 tablespoon of vinegar (9%).
For the cream:
1 egg, 1 tbsp. sugar, 1 tbsp. sour cream (from 20%, preferably 30%), 200 grams of softened butter
To decorate:
A handful of walnuts, frozen chocolate.


In a water bath, beat 2 eggs with 1 glass of sugar with a whisk. Cook for about 3-5 minutes, until the mixture is lighter and more fluffy. Add honey, stirring constantly, beat again.
Add 1 glass of flour, mix well without removing from the bath. Add baking soda (do not extinguish!), Another glass of flour, and stir again. After that, add 1 tablespoon of vinegar, mix (the dough will immediately become more porous) and add the last glass of flour, stir well again and remove from the water bath.

We spread the dough on a table sprinkled with flour, let it cool slightly (it should lie for 2-3 minutes, do not cool completely). Then knead the dough with your hands until a homogeneous, slightly sticky mass.
Divide into 6 equal parts.

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees, roll out each portion of the dough into a thin round cake. When rolling, roll the dough a little in flour so that it does not stick to the table. Before baking, prick the crust with a fork in several places.

Bake the cakes for about 5 minutes each until they are even dark golden brown.
Prepare the cream: beat 1 egg and a glass of sugar in a water bath, add a glass of sour cream and beat well (you can use a mixer). Remove from the bath, let the mixture cool a little, add all the softened butter at once and beat for 5-10 minutes until it thickens. If the sour cream is completely liquid, then you can add a bag of cream thickener.
We collect the cake! Liberally grease all the cakes with cream, letting it drip a little along the edges, the top cake is also well coated with cream.

Prepare the crumb for decoration: in a blender, grind the trimmings and walnuts remaining from the cakes, sprinkle the cake abundantly with the resulting crumb on all sides, coat the sides.
Sprinkle with grated frozen chocolate on top and put in the refrigerator to soak (at least 3 hours). You can also sprinkle with grated chocolate before serving.

Honey cake with condensed milk

For the test: 3 eggs, 1 glass of sugar, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of honey, 1 teaspoon of baking soda, 1.5 cups of flour.

For the cream: 200-300 grams of butter, 1 can of condensed milk, cocoa (optional).

Grind eggs with sugar with a wooden spoon or beat with a mixer. Add honey, stir. Pour in the sifted flour and mix thoroughly so that there are no lumps, then add soda, slaked with vinegar or lemon juice. Stir the dough until smooth.

Bake 4 cakes from the resulting dough. To do this, divide the dough into 4 parts in a bowl, transfer one part to a greased frying pan, distribute the dough evenly by hand moistened with cold water.

Bake in the oven for 10-12 minutes at 200 degrees. Bake the remaining 3 cakes in the same way.

Prepare the cream. Whisk the softened butter into a fluffy white mass and, while whisking, add condensed milk and cocoa in small portions (if you want to use it). Trim the cooled cakes with a knife and layer with cream. Cover the top and sides of the cake generously with cream.

Sprinkle the honey cake with condensed milk with crumbs obtained by cutting the cakes or chopped nuts.

Honey cake "Beehive"

Here are the ingredients for 1 kg of the finished cake. The cake in the photo is 6 kg.


For honey cakes:
- wheat flour 250 gr
- eggs 1 pc
- sugar 100 gr
- butter 40 gr
- soda 1 teaspoon
- honey 60 gr

For the cream:
- sour cream 400 gr
- cream 33% 150 gr
- 1 can of boiled condensed milk (180 gr)
- 2 tablespoons of honey


For the test:
Combine eggs with sugar and beat lightly, then add honey, butterbutter, soda, mix everything well and put to warm on the stove,in a water bath until the mass is dark golden. Then remove the mass fromplates, add flour and knead the dough. Divide the finished dough into 7 piecesand leave to cool at room temperature.
Roll out the cooled dough with a thickness of 4-5 mm, shape (if the circle is cut alongplate of the required diameter), put on baking paper and bake at
temperature of 200C for 10 minutes (in general, the cakes are baked very quickly, alldepends on the oven and on how thinly the dough is rolled out, I baked inaverage 5 to 10 min)
Cool the baked cakes at room temperature.
Smear the finished cakes with cream.

Sour cream, cream 33%, boiled condensed milk and honey combine and beat with a mixer until smooth.

Sprinkle the sides of the cake with honey crumbs with chopped walnuts, I decorated the top of the cake with ganache bees

GANACHE BEES:(85 g chocolate +1/3 cup cream + 2 tsp honey)
When the ganache has cooled to room temperature, squeeze the head out with a pastry bag,
then, without lifting, continue the torso and take away the bag. Stripes with eyes - whitemelted chocolate, too, a pastry bag or cornet, andwings - almond plates and into the freezer. Of this number, manyit turns out that I have a whole beehive in the fridge

TO ACHIEVE THE EFFECT OF HOBS, a bubble film is needed, which is used when transporting fragile objects. The film does not need to be lubricated with anything, so that the honeycomb pattern is printed, it is necessary to add gelatin to the cream, otherwise the honeycomb will not work - everything will be smeared, we have already gone through this. I'm onthe whole cake made cream as written in the recipe above, and in part of the cream,which covered the top and sides of the cake, added pre-soaked in
cold cream, melted gelatin. The film must be attached to the cakeand, as it were, press the bubbles into the cream, put in the refrigerator for 15-20 minutesso that the honeycombs "grab", then the film can be carefully removed.I left 1 pack of HAAS microcrystalline gelatin - this is 11 g, but,I repeat, this is not for all the cream in the cake, but only for that part of whichcover the sides and top of the cake.

Chocolate honey cake

You will have to spend a lot of time on this cake, but it isworth it - the honey cake is very tasty and beautiful. The finished cake should be givenbrew and soak.


3 tbsp. cocoa spoons
4 tbsp. spoons of honey
1 teaspoon of baking soda
50 g butter
3 eggs
1 cup of sugar
3-3.5 to 4 cups flour

1 liter of milk
6 - 7 tablespoons of semolina
300 - 350 g butter
3/4 cup granulated sugar
Vanilla extract (I added 2 scoops)

100 g dark chocolate
7 - 8 tablespoons of sweet cream (I had 10%)

Preparation of cakes:

All ingredients for the dough, except flour, are put in
sufficiently capacious dishes and heat in a water bath for 20minutes, often interfering. You should get a very hot and fluffy mass.
Combine this mass with 1.5 cups of flour (it is better to do this in a bowl) andstir quickly. The remaining flour should be added very carefully,little by little, constantly interfering. When the mass thickens so much that it becomes
it is possible to knead it with your hands, transfer it to a floured countertopand knead the dough. The dough should be soft and elastic enoughtherefore, you should be especially careful with flour: it is better not to give flour andthen, as a last resort, add.

Divide the finished dough into 7 - 10 parts, roll out each partthinly and bake for 6 minutes at 180 - 185 degreesCelsius.

Explanations for rolling and baking:

The dough should be rolled out, while it is still warm, directly onbaking paper from which circles should first be cutwith a diameter of 28 cm.Paper with a layer of dough rolled out on it must be laid on
hot baking sheet and place in the oven, immediately proceeding torolling out the next circle. After 6 minutes, when the first cake is already baked,you should quickly pull it off the baking sheet, substituting a wooden board,so that the cake does not break, and immediately put the second on the baking sheetrolled cake. Put the finished cakes on top of each other, paper up,then carefully remove this paper.

Cream preparation

Cook a thick cream from milk, sugar and semolina. Cool down,interfering often enough so that there are no lumps. Beat the butter white andlittle by little add the well-cooled cream, whisking continuously.
Grease all the cakes with the finished cream, turn on the top one.

Melt the chocolate and cream in a water bath and pour the resulting icing over our cake.


- Be very careful with the flour in this recipe. If you add tothe dough is too much flour, then it will be difficult for you to roll it;
- The dough sticks a little to the hands and to the rolling pin, so you need to sprinkle it with flour constantly.

Traditional honey cake

A very festive and unusually tasty cake.


500 g flour
3 spoons of powdered sugar, removed
4 tablespoons full of honey
125 g margarine
1 teaspoon baking soda
2 eggs

Filling and cream:
500 ml heavy cream (30 - 36%.)
about 200 g cream cheese (cream cheese)
2.5 - 3 teaspoons of gelatin (dissolve in 4 - 5 tablespoons of water)
vanilla sugar
boiled condensed milk
100 g walnuts, finely chopped


Mix and knead all the ingredients together. In a food processor, it isdone in about three minutes. The dough should be soft. Split it upinto two equal portions and bake two cakes measuring 24 x 36 cm attemperature of 180 degrees and for about 15 minutes (each cake).

If you have two of the same molds, you can try baking the cakes.simultaneously, in convection mode, at a temperature of 160 degrees CCelsius.

Pay attention that the cakes are not very rosy, but remain light.

Put the boiled condensed milk into a bowl and grind. Whip the cream.Dissolve and cool the gelatin. Put 4 tbsp. whipped cream ina bowl of condensed milk.

Add cream cheese to the remaining cream and mix thoroughly. INadd 2-3 tablespoons of gelatin and beat well with a mixer onhigh speed, then add it all to the main creamy cheesemass and stir again thoroughly. Put the whole filling on the firstcake, flatten and cover with a second cake.

Mix well the condensed milk and cream and brush with this creamsurface of the second cake. Sprinkle with chopped nuts and place inrefrigerator.

The cake should be well soaked and soft.


Simple, but delicious! Honey cake is the most simple cake, because. it is easy to cook and difficult to spoil. This recipe has never let me down, so I can safely advise you. The cake always turns out delicious and aromatic!


For the test:
2 eggs - 2 tablespoons of honey - 130 g of butter - 1 glass of sugar - 1 teaspoon of soda - up to 3 glasses of flour (you will understand during the mixing process)
1 can of condensed milk 100 g butter

Cooking process:

First, let's prepare dough:
Take a dish convenient for you and break 2 eggs into it, add honey, all the sugar and unmelted butter ... then put in a water bath and stir constantly until the butter dissolves and the mass becomes homogeneous.
Remove. Now add, better slaked with lemon, soda and a glass of flour. Continue stirring the dough until it has slightly increased in volume. Add more flour until the mixture is a "strong" but not "tough" dough.
It must be divided into 5-6 parts, roll out the cake from each part. Bake the cakes in the oven until golden brown.

Cream: Combine the condensed milk with soft butter.

Lubricate each cake (of course, cooled down) with cream, after pricking them with a fork. This is necessary in order for the cream to saturate the cake better.

When the cake is already folded, trim the edges of the cake layers evenly. Although you can pre-shape the cakes into an even shape, be it a circle or a square, this procedure must be done with uncooled cakes, as well as prick them for better impregnation.

Use the pruning to sprinkle the cake. To do this, you can put it in a plastic bag and "roll" over it with a rolling pin. The pruning can (as an option!) Be mixed with chopped nuts or candied fruits.

After 3 hours, the cake can be served on the table and .... Tea is brewed according to the tea rules, as is taught in the book "The Harmony of the Tea Ceremony". By the way, the set includes 2 tea storage boxes as a gift!

Honey cake in a simple way

Mix 100 g of margarine with 150 g of sugar and heat - so that the margarine becomes liquid. then add 2 beaten eggs and 1.5 teaspoons of baking soda to the mixture (do not forget to extinguish it with vinegar, or better with lemon) Add 2 tablespoons honey and 3.5 cups flour.
Put the resulting mixture in the cold for 2 hours, and then roll a sausage out of it and cut into 6 equal parts. They need to be rolled out onto the skin and then baked in the oven individually.

Lubricate the cakes cream: 1 can of boiled condensed milk, whipped with a mixer with 300 gr of butter.

Honey cake with cocoa fondant "Miracle"

In addition to the fact that that cake is delicious and tender, it is also huge - quite enough to meet and feed a large company. The original dough is prepared in a water bath, it makes the cake soft and fluffy, a real miracle.

eggs (3 pcs), soda (2 tsp) honey (2 tablespoons), flour (3.5 cups), butter (60 gr), sugar (glass).
egg, sugar (1 glass), milk, semolina (1 tbsp. l). Oil softened to room temperature (250 g), vanillin, half a glass of sour cream.
sugar, cocoa, sour cream (all 24 tablespoons), butter (60 gr).

Cooking method

First, let's prepare cream... Grind the sugar and egg in a bowl, add flour and vanillin and stir. Add milk gradually to get a homogeneous mass. We put in a water bath until it thickens, but do not boil, bring it almost to a boil. Add butter to the mixture cooled to room temperature and beat. At the end, add sour cream and stir.

Dough preparation:
- Mix the butter, sugar and honey in a bowl and put it in a water bath until the sugar dissolves. Drive in the eggs and mix quickly.
- We put on a water bath for 4 minutes, add 2 teaspoons of baking soda. The mass should increase sharply in volume (approximately three times).
- Continue to keep it on fire and add flour (2 glasses), stir. The dough should be thicker than the pancakes. The dough should be neither sticky nor tough. If it is liquid, add more flour, about half a glass.
- Put the dough on the table on a layer of flour. Divide it into 7 equal parts, roll each part in flour and form thin cakes. Bake until golden brown.

Fudge: mix cocoa with sugar, add butter and bring to a boil.

Lubricate the cooled cakes with cream, pour the icing on top and send them to the refrigerator to infuse. Pour the glaze on top.

Honey cake with prunes - "Tsarsky"

Prunes give any product a characteristic taste, it just goes well with honey. The dough is of a fundamentally different consistency, therefore it is not baked with cakes, as in most cases, but completely, and then cut into cakes.


butter (100 g), flour (1 cup), 2 tbsp. spoons of honey, 1/2 cup, sugar, soda (1 tsp), 2 eggs

For the cream:
sour cream (3500 gr), walnuts (100 gr), prunes (a handful), half a glass of sugar.

Cooking method:

In a suitable bowl, melt the honey over low heat, stirring constantly until foam appears and golden brown. Remove from heat and dissolve chopped butter and sugar in this container, stir with butter and flour. The dough should come out like very thick sour cream. Bake in a mold over low heat, cut the cake in half and soak in cream. If the volume is small, you can take a double portion and cut it into 4 pieces. We check the readiness of the cake with a match.

Cream: mix sour cream and sugar, put in the refrigerator. Chop and crush nuts, prunes. Divide the sour cream in half. Add nuts to one part of the cream, prunes to the other, put in the cold to soak. You can add a little rum or cognac to give the cream a “zest”.

Honey cake with condensed milk and apricot jam

The taste of boiled condensed milk is adored by many, and not only children. If you beat it with butter, you get a cream that may not so deeply soak the cakes, but is very tasty in itself. And with apricot jam and nuts, it's so delicious.


For the test:
honey (3 tablespoons), butter or margarine (60 grams), vodka (1 spoon), flour (2.5 cups), eggs (3 pcs), granulated sugar (1 cup).
For the cream:
butter (300 grams), boiled condensed milk (2 cans), a spoonful of honey, nuts, apricot jam.

Cooking method:

Melt margarine or butter in a water bath and mix with eggs, add a pinch of salt, pour in milk and heat until completely dissolved. Add soda and sifted flour in small portions. You can bake the cakes thick and thin, until golden brown, with medium heat.

Mix butter and condensed milk until smooth, add honey, some nuts. We collect the cake. We coat the cakes and lay them one on top of the other. Spread cream on top, sprinkle with nuts and decorate with apricot jam.

MEDOVIK in a multicooker

This cake will work even for those who never succeed. A lush and delicate sponge cake with a delicious aroma of fragrant honey combined with chocolate cream from condensed milk - what else is needed for happiness ?!


350 g flour; a pinch of salt; 1 tsp baking powder; a pinch of cinnamon; 5 eggs; 140 g sugar; 5 tbsp honey; butter for greasing the mold

250 g butter at room temperature; 0.5 cans of boiled condensed milk; 1 can of condensed cocoa

200 ml cream 38% 2 tbsp sugar 1 tsp cocoa powder

Cooking process:

1. For the cake, sift the flour into a bowl, add salt and baking powder, cinnamon.

2. Beat eggs with sugar until a fluffy light mass is obtained.

Add honey, beat.

Continuing to beat, add flour in several steps.

3. Grease the multicooker bowl with oil and transfer the dough into it.

Bake in the "Baking" mode for 1 hour 30 minutes. (Focus on your model of multicooker, it is likely that you will need a little less or a little more time).

4. For the cream, beat the softened butter, add the boiled condensed milk.

Beat. Add condensed cocoa, beat again.

5. Cut the cooled biscuit into 4–6 cakes.

Smear the cakes with cream, including the top cake and sides, gently level the surface.

Put the cake in the refrigerator for 15–20 minutes.
6. To decorate, beat the cream until a strong foam, gradually adding sugar.

7. Decorate the honey cake with whipped cream. Sprinkle with cocoa powder on top. Cool well.

If you want to make a honey cake, then the following tips may come in handy:

When choosing honey, keep in mind that the taste of dark honey will be more noticeable in the cake and will give a stronger flavor.

The lower the fat content of the sour cream for the cream, the better the cake will be impregnated. But in this case, less cream will remain between the cakes.

If you want a juicier and fattier cake, take sour cream with a high percentage of fat and increase its proportions in the recipe.

If you use baking powder instead of baking soda, then you need to add it at the very end of kneading the dough. Just mix the baking powder together with the flour.

Honey cake

Honey Cake Vintage

100 g butter, 1 cup sugar, 2 eggs, 1 tsp. soda, 1 tbsp. honey, 3 cups flour
Melt butter with sugar, let it boil and add in strict order: soda, honey and eggs. And then all the flour. Knead the dough over low heat and boil for 1-2 minutes, as if brewing it.
Then knead it on a rug, divide into 10 pieces, roll out the cakes and bake in the oven (on average 4-5 minutes)

Cream: 600 g sour cream, 1 cup sugar, beat

Honey cake from Alexander Seleznev

"- honey cake. Today I will introduce you to a classic recipe for a delicious, very popular honey cake.

This is the standard way of making puff pastry and is used in many types of this dessert.

How to cook it at home, what is needed for this, I will try to describe the entire cooking process in as much detail as possible, step by step.

Honey cake, a classic recipe with condensed milk

This cake is baked with cakes with a layer of cream; for its preparation you will need an oven, a mixer, a blender and several types of deep dishes, as well as a small list of products that almost every home or in the nearest store has.


For the test:

  • Flour - 300 - 500 gr.
  • Sugar - 200 gr.
  • Butter - 100 gr.
  • Honey - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Eggs 2 pcs.
  • Soda - 1 tsp

For the cream:

  • Butter - 300 gr.
  • Condensed milk - 1 can
  • Walnuts - 100 gr.

Almond petals or chocolate for garnish

How to make a cake:

We bake cakes

Let's start preparing dessert by making cakes, there will be nine of them.

To prepare the dough, we use the water bath method, for this we pour water into a saucepan and bring to a boil.

We put the bowl on the pan, make sure that the water does not reach the bottom of the bowl. Put butter in a bowl, add sugar and put honey. Choose honey according to your taste. The taste of the cake also depends on the type of honey.

While heating in a water bath, mix everything well, you will spend 4 - 5 minutes on this for everything to dissolve until smooth.

Add soda, mix everything again, from the addition of soda, the mass should lighten and add in volume.

Remove the bowl from the water bath and immediately add the eggs one at a time, stirring quickly so that the eggs do not boil in the hot mixture.

After slightly cooling the dough, add flour, in several portions, stirring each, you may need no more than 300 grams, make sure that the dough does not turn out very steep, then the cakes will turn out to be softer. We finish kneading the dough with our hands, adding a little flour if necessary.

We make a kind of sausage out of the dough and cut it into 9 equal parts.

Roll a bun out of each part with our palms.

On a baking sheet, roll out the future cakes in a thin layer.

Using a plate or collapsible ring, cut the dough in a circle.

We do not remove the trimmings, we use them later for sprinkling, we make pricks with a fork over the entire area of ​​the cake.

We bake the cake for 3 - 5 minutes in the oven at a temperature of 200 degrees. Be careful not to burn them.

Quickly, until the cake is hot and does not crumble, remove the scraps, put them in a separate bowl.

Carefully place the cake itself on a large plate.

Making a cream

Making a cream. Put softened butter in a clean bowl and beat with a mixer.

Continuing to beat, add boiled condensed milk on a spoon, beat until creamy, homogeneous.

Each housewife has her own favorite, the so-called "crown" recipe for Honey cake at home. We offer you the best of them.

Classic honey cake recipe step by step


For the test:
Honey - 5-6 tablespoons;
Butter - 150-180 grams;
Sugar - half a glass;
Chicken eggs - 4 pieces of medium size;
Flour - 3.5 cups.

For impregnation:
Cream - 200 milliliters.

For buttercream:
Granulated sugar - 1 glass with a slide;
Milk - 2.5 cups;
Egg - 1 piece;
Flour - 2 tablespoons;
Butter - 200 grams.

Step-by-step recipe for a classic cake Honey at home

1. Melt honey, butter and sugar over low heat, preferably in a container with a thick bottom. We are waiting for the mass to become liquid and the sugary grains melt. Remove from heat and refrigerate.

2. We begin to beat our mass with a mixer, introducing eggs, soda and flour into it. The dough should be very thick, but not tough enough to roll out.

3. Divide the honey dough into 6-8 pieces.

4. On baking paper, generously sprinkled with flour, roll out thin cakes and transfer with parchment to a baking sheet.

5. We bake each cake at 200 ° C for about 10 minutes. As soon as the cake is browned, take out and send the next one for baking.

6. Soak each cake with cream, and then grease with cream.

You can leave one crust to break into crumbs and sprinkle on the cake, or the leftovers after cutting the cake to the shape you want are perfect for this.

7. For the cream, heat up a glass of milk, in which we dissolve a glass of sugar.

8. In another bowl, combine the remaining milk, egg and flour. There should be no lumps, so if you do come across, we filter through a fine sieve.

9. Combine both mixtures and put on low heat, stirring continuously. The cream should become thick in about 12-15 minutes, after which we cool it and beat it with the addition of butter.

Honey custard cake at home

Let's take

Custard cakes:
Eggs - pieces;
Sugar - 1.5 cups;
Honey - 3 tablespoons;
Soda - 1 teaspoon;
Flour - 2.5-3 cups.

Caramel cream:
Boiled condensed milk - 1 can;
Butter - 100 grams;
Cottage cheese - 1 pack.

Recipe for making Honey cake in a choux method

1. Mix eggs, sugar and honey and heat in a water bath.

2. Add soda.

3. When the mass increases in volume, add flour without stopping mixing (whipping if you used a mixer). The finished dough is homogeneous, smooth, you do not need to keep it on fire, as soon as it is kneaded, we immediately remove it, let it cool and send it to the refrigerator for half an hour.

5. For the cream, beat the boiled milk, butter and cottage cheese.

6. Cut the cakes to the shape of a dish or plate, cover with cream.

7. Sprinkle the top with crushed scraps.

Honey cake is an original cake that even a novice hostess can easily make. It does not take very long to cook, the main thing is to let it brew well so that the honey cakes are saturated with cream. And then the product will be especially delicate and fragrant.

Honey cake - a classic recipe with photos and videos

In order to make a delicious honey cake at any time, you first need to understand how to prepare it according to the classic recipe. After that, you can improvise with the basic ingredients, cream and decoration.

For the test, take:

  • 100 g butter;
  • 1/2 tbsp. granulated sugar;
  • 3 medium eggs;
  • 3 tbsp flower honey;
  • 2.5-3 Art. good flour;
  • 1 tsp soda.

For the cream:

  • 1 liter of thick enough sour cream;
  • 1 tbsp. icing sugar.

For sprinkling, you will need about 1 tbsp. peeled walnuts.


  1. Sift flour well through a fine sieve. This step will provide an airy and loose crust structure.
  2. Put slightly softened butter in a small saucepan, chop it with a knife. Put on low heat and melt.
  3. Add honey and sugar. Without stopping stirring, bring to a homogeneous consistency.
  4. Add baking soda. At the same time, the mass will immediately begin to hiss a little and increase in volume. After a minute, remove the saucepan from the heat. If you are not sure that the mass will not burn, then it is better to perform the entire procedure in a water bath, and not over an open fire. It will take a little longer.
  5. Leave the honey mixture to cool, and for now beat the eggs well until a light foam appears on the surface. Mix both materials gently.
  6. Add flour in small portions, knead first with a spoon, then with your hands.
  7. Divide it into 5 parts, roll a ball out of each. After sprinkling flour on the table, roll out the first one depending on the desired shape. Make a lot of holes on the surface with a fork. Cover the rest of the balls with a towel so that they do not dry out.
  8. Preheat the oven to 180 ° C. Bake each crust until golden brown for 5-7 minutes.
  9. While they are still hot, carefully trim off the jagged edges. Pound the cuttings into small crumbs.
  10. Cool the sour cream well and beat, adding powdered sugar in portions. The cream will turn out to be quite liquid.
  11. Separately chop the walnut kernels into small pieces. Mix half with crumbs.
  12. Put the smoothest and thickest crust on a flat plate. Spread evenly with sour cream, sprinkle with chopped nuts, next cake on top, etc.
  13. Smear the top and sides with the rest of the cream, and then sprinkle all surfaces with crumbs with nuts with your hands or a spoon. Let the honey cake brew for at least 2 hours, and preferably the whole night.

Honey cake in a slow cooker - a step by step recipe with a photo

Honey cake is one of the most popular cakes that housewives are happy to prepare for the holidays. The only drawback is that it takes a lot of time to bake the cakes. But having a slow cooker, you can make a honey cake every day. Take:

  • 5 tbsp. l. honey;
  • 3 multi-glasses of flour;
  • the same amount of sugar;
  • 5 eggs;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • ½ tsp soda;
  • 1 tsp butter;
  • 1.5 tsp store baking powder;
  • 0.5 l thick sour cream.


  1. In a deep bowl, combine the sifted flour, baking soda, salt and baking powder.

2. Separately break eggs into a bowl and beat with a mixer until fluffy. Gradually add half of the sugar.

3. Without interrupting whipping, pour in liquid honey.

4. Add the flour mixture literally one spoon at a time. This is necessary so that the dough does not become thicker than sour cream. Depending on the size of the eggs, the gluten in the flour and other factors, a little less or more of the dry mixture may go away.

5. Spread the multicooker bowl well with a piece of butter, lay out the dough.

6. Place the multicooker in the baking program for 50 minutes. Try not to open the lid all this time, otherwise the cake will settle. Remove the product from the bowl only after it has cooled completely.

7. While baking, make a simple cream. For this, beat well (at least 15–20 minutes) sour cream with the remaining sugar.

8. Cut the base of honey dough with a particularly sharp knife into three approximately equal cakes. Spread with cream and let it saturate for at least an hour.

Sour cream honey cake - the best honey cake recipe with sour cream

The following recipe will tell you in detail not only how to cook honey cakes, but also how to make sour cream correctly so that it turns out to be especially thick and tasty.

For honey cakes:

  • 350-500 g flour;
  • 200 g sugar;
  • 100 g butter;
  • 2 tbsp honey;
  • 2 large eggs;
  • 1 tsp soda.

For sour cream:

  • 500 g of fatty sour cream;
  • 150 g caster sugar.

For decoration, some nuts and chocolate chips.


  1. Put honey, sugar and soft butter in a saucepan.
  2. Build a water bath on the stove using a slightly larger pot. Place a container with ingredients in it. Heat with stirring until the sugar crystals dissolve and the mass acquires a beautiful honey color. Add baking soda and stand for a couple of minutes while stirring.
  3. Remove the saucepan from the bath. Chill the mixture slightly and beat in the eggs one at a time, whisking vigorously.
  4. Add flour, knead the dough with a spoon and put it directly in the saucepan for half an hour in the refrigerator.
  5. Grind the table with flour, lightly knead the dough. Divide it into 9 identical lumps.
  6. Roll each ball in turn on parchment paper. To make the cakes initially even, cut the dough by attaching a lid or plate on top. Stick each with a fork, do not throw away the scraps.
  7. Bake the biscuits for five minutes in an oven preheated to 200 ° C. Bake the dough trims last. Chill the honey cakes by placing them strictly one at a time.
  8. To get a particularly thick sour cream, the main ingredient, that is, sour cream is better to take fatter. It is even better if it is a home product, not a store product. Under no circumstances whisk warm sour cream, it must be chilled. Choose sugar with the smallest crystals. By following these three simple rules, you will get an exceptional sour cream.
  9. Add half of the sugar to the sour cream just removed from the refrigerator and beat the mass with a mixer at medium speed for about 2 minutes. Add some more sand, beat again for about five minutes. And only after that, pour out the rest, set the highest speed and beat until the mass becomes thick and the sugar is completely dissolved. You can set the cream aside for 5-10 minutes, and then punch it again to the desired thickness. Put it in the refrigerator for 15-20 minutes.
  10. Later, place the thickest crust on a flat dish, put 3-4 tablespoons of cream on top and spread it evenly. Repeat the manipulations until you have used all the cakes.
  11. To make the cake look beautiful, leave more cream on the decoration. Spread generously on the top and especially the sides. Smooth the surface with a knife.
  12. Grind the baked dough scraps in any way, sprinkle the top and sides. Scatter on top with chocolate chips and garnish with nut slices at random.
  13. Refrigerate for soaking for at least 6-12 hours.

Custard honey cake

The custard will take a little longer to make. However, the taste of honey cake will only benefit from this. The process of making the cakes itself is standard, the main thing is to let the finished cake soak well.

For honey dough:

  • about 500 g flour;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 3 tbsp honey;
  • 2 tsp soda;
  • 80 g butter;
  • 200 g of sugar.

For the custard:

  • 200 g sugar;
  • 500 ml raw milk;
  • 250 g butter;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 3 tbsp flour;
  • some vanilla for flavor.


  1. Melt butter, add honey, eggs, sugar. Whisk vigorously. Add baking soda, stir gently.
  2. Place the container with all the ingredients in a water bath. Wait for the mixture to approximately double in volume.
  3. Sift flour into a wide bowl, make a hole in the center, and pour in the hot mixture. Substitute the dough with a spoon, and a little later with your hands. The honey dough will be a little sticky.
  4. Tighten the bowl with cling film and refrigerate for 30-40 minutes.
  5. Pour milk into a saucepan, add eggs and sugar. Punch lightly. Add flour, stir so that there are no lumps, and put on low heat.
  6. Stirring constantly, bring the mass to a light boil and simmer at reduced heat until thickened.
  7. Chill completely, add soft butter and beat on medium speed with a mixer.
  8. Remove the dough from the refrigerator, divide it into 8 pieces. Roll into cakes, pin and bake each for about 5-7 minutes at an average oven temperature of 190 ° C.
  9. Cut the cakes while still warm to get smooth edges. Grind the samples.
  10. Assemble the cake by spreading cream over each cake. Coat the sides well. Sprinkle with crumbs on top.
  11. Insist before serving at least 8-10 hours, preferably a day.

Honey cake with condensed milk

The taste of an ordinary honey cake completely changes, you just need to replace the cream. For example, take condensed milk instead of sour cream. Better yet, boiled or caramelized.

For honey dough:

  • 1 tbsp. Sahara;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 50 g butter;
  • 4 tablespoons honey;
  • 500-600 g flour;
  • 1 tsp soda.

For the cream:

  • a can of ordinary or boiled condensed milk;
  • 200 g soft butter.


  1. Beat sugar and eggs until whitish foam. Add the right amount of soft butter, baking soda and honey. Stir gently and place the container in the bath.
  2. With constant stirring, wait for the mixture to expand in volume.
  3. Without removing from the bath, add a third of the flour, stir vigorously. As soon as the dough thickens a little, remove and, adding the remaining flour, knead.
  4. Divide the honey dough into 6 equal pieces, mold them into balls and let them rest for about 15 minutes.
  5. Roll each lump thinly, prick with a fork and bake in an oven preheated to 160 ° C for 5-7 minutes each.
  6. Cut the still warm cakes to an even shape. Cool and chop the trimmings.
  7. Beat the butter previously taken out of the refrigerator with a mixer with condensed milk.
  8. Spread the cooled cakes generously with cream, not forgetting to leave a part for coating the sides.
  9. Decorate the cake with crushed crumbs and let it steep for at least 10-12 hours.

Homemade honey cake - recipe with photo

When a grandiose holiday is planned, the question arises: what kind of cake to buy so that it is tasty and enough for everyone. But if you have a couple of free hours, then you can make a honey cake yourself according to the following recipe.

On cakes:

  • 4 tablespoons butter;
  • the same amount of honey;
  • 2 tsp soda;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 3-4 st. sifted flour;
  • 1 tbsp. Sahara.

For creamy sour cream:

  • 1 b. boiled condensed milk;
  • 450 g thick sour cream;
  • 100 oils.


  1. In one bowl, combine sugar, honey, eggs, soft butter and baking soda. Stir and put on a little gas.

2. Bring to a boil with regular stirring. After boiling, wait exactly 5 minutes and remove from heat.

3. Let the mixture cool, but for now, make a cream. Cook condensed milk in advance right in the jar. Mix the cooled milk with softened butter and sour cream. Whisk on medium speed until all ingredients are combined and refrigerate.

4. Add flour to the cooled honey mixture and mix thoroughly. Divide the finished dough into 5 parts.

5. Form lumps out of them and roll each into a layer 0.5 cm thick.

6. Bake until tender for 5–7 minutes at 180 ° C.

7. Cut hot cakes, cool and spread with cream. Pound the dough pieces into crumbs and decorate the surface and sides with it.

Honey cake in a frying pan

If the oven does not work, then this is not a reason to give up making a honey cake. Cakes for him can be baked in a pan. The main thing is to prepare the products:

  • 2 eggs;
  • 2 tbsp. Sahara;
  • 2 tbsp liquid honey;
  • 2 tbsp. flour;
  • 50 g butter;
  • 1 tsp soda;
  • 500 ml sour cream.


  1. Melt butter and honey in a water bath.
  2. Beat half the sugar and egg separately. Pour the mixture into the honey-oil mass and pour in the baking soda. Stir and remove from heat after 5 minutes.
  3. Add flour, stir quickly and heat the dough in the bath for about five minutes.
  4. Divide the dough into 7-10 pieces and put in the cold for half an hour.
  5. Punch cold sour cream with a mixer with the second half of the sugar so that the cream thickens and almost doubles. Put it in the refrigerator.
  6. Roll out the lumps of dough in the shape of a skillet and fry for one minute on each side until golden brown.
  7. Layer the cooled biscuits with cream, decorate beautifully and let it brew in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

Lean honey cake - a simple recipe

The lean honey cake prepared according to the following recipe will appeal to everyone who is fasting or on a diet. After all, there is practically no fat in it, and you can bake it very quickly.

  • about ½ tbsp. Sahara;
  • the same amount of vegetable oil;
  • 1 tbsp. water;
  • 3 tbsp honey;
  • 2 tsp baking powder;
  • some salt;
  • 1.5-2 Art. flour;
  • 0.5 tbsp. shelled nuts;
  • 0.5 tbsp. raisins;
  • vanilla for flavor.


  1. Pour the raisins with boiling water for five minutes, drain the water and dry the berries. Grind with flour and mix with crushed walnuts.
  2. Pour the required amount of sugar according to the recipe into a hot pan and bring it to a caramel-like state. Pour in a glass of warm water, cook with stirring until the caramel is completely dissolved.
  3. In a separate bowl, combine honey, butter, vanillin and salt. Pour in the cooled caramel water.
  4. Add a glass of flour, stir well. Add more flour to make a mass of thick sour cream. Enter the nut-raisin mass, mix until all components are combined.
  5. Cover the form with parchment or grease with oil, pour the dough into it and bake for about 40–45 minutes in a preheated oven (180 ° C).

French honey cake

Why this honey cake is called French is not known for certain. Probably, the cake got its name for a particularly interesting taste, which are provided by unusual ingredients.

For the test:

  • 4 raw proteins;
  • 4 tablespoons honey;
  • 1.5 tbsp. Sahara;
  • ½ tsp slaked soda;
  • 150 g melted butter;
  • 2.5 Art. flour.

For filling:

  • 300 g pitted prunes;
  • 1 tbsp. crushed walnuts.

For the cream:

  • 4 yolks;
  • 300 g butter;
  • 1 tbsp. powdered sugar;
  • 2 tbsp. thick sour cream;
  • 1 tbsp quality rum.


  1. Separate the whites from the yolks. Whisk the first ones with sugar. Add soft butter, honey, quenched baking soda and flour. Punch the mixture with a mixer.
  2. Divide the slightly thin dough into 3-4 pieces. Pour each into an oiled mold, spreading with a wet hand. Bake the cakes in the oven (180 ° C) until tender.
  3. Mash slightly cooled yolks with powdered sugar. Add soft butter and sour cream and whisk. Add rum or any other good alcohol (cognac, brandy) at the end.
  4. Pour the prunes with boiling water for five minutes. Drain the water, dry the berries with a towel, cut into strips.
  5. Place the first crust on a flat plate, place half of the prunes and a third of the nuts. Lubricate generously with cream on top. Repeat with the next cake. The third, just spread the cream, grabbing the sides. Decorate as desired.
  6. Let it sit for about 10-12 hours.

The most delicious and delicate honey cake - super recipe with video

This honey cake will take several days to prepare. But do not be alarmed, most of the time will be spent on standing the dough. But the finished cake will turn out to be especially tender and crumbly.

For honey dough:

  • ½ tbsp. Sahara;
  • 3 large eggs;
  • ½ tbsp. liquid honey;
  • 2 tbsp. flour;
  • 0.5 tsp soda.

For the cream:

  • 1 liter sour cream;
  • a bag of a special thickener;
  • some lemon juice;
  • 1 tbsp. Sahara.


  1. Beat eggs lightly with sugar, add honey, beat again.
  2. Pour soda into the flour and add everything together to the honey-egg mixture. Mix first with a spoon, then with a mixer.
  3. Cover with a lid or plastic wrap and leave on the counter in the kitchen for three days. Stir several times daily.
  4. Take a sheet of parchment, put a few spoons of dough on it and stretch it with a knife to the desired shape.
  5. Bake the cake in the oven for about 5 minutes at standard (180 ° C) temperature. Do the same manipulation with the rest of the cakes.
  6. Whisk sour cream straight from the refrigerator with sugar. Add some lemon juice and thickener halfway through the process.
  7. Spread cream on all the cakes and refrigerate. Serve only the next day.

Honey cake with prunes - step by step recipe

If you make a honey cake according to this recipe, then it will turn out to be especially tender and airy. The zest of baked goods will come with a light creamy cream and a spicy aftertaste of prunes.

For baking cakes:

  • 2.5-3 Art. flour;
  • 60 g butter;
  • 1 tbsp. Sahara;
  • 3 medium eggs;
  • 2 tbsp honey;
  • the same amount of vodka;
  • 2 tsp soda.

For buttercream:

  • 200 g of prunes;
  • 500 g of fatty (at least 20%) sour cream;
  • 375 g (at least 20%) cream;
  • ½ tbsp. Sahara.


  1. Build a water bath on the stove. As soon as it warms up, put butter in the upper container and melt it completely.
  2. Add sugar and honey. Rub a little while continuing to heat. Pour in vodka and beat in eggs. Stir vigorously to prevent the eggs from curdling. Add baking soda at the end.
  3. Remove from the stove, add flour in portions, kneading the dough. As soon as it stops sticking, roll it into a sausage and cut it into 8-9 pieces.
  4. Roll each circle thinly and bake in the oven at standard temperature.
  5. Whip sour cream and sugar, in a separate bowl - cream until thick. Soak prunes in boiling water for half an hour, dry and cut into arbitrary medium-sized pieces. Mix everything gently together.
  6. If necessary, trim the cakes with a knife, chop the trimmings. Assemble the cake by generously spreading the layers of cream.
  7. Sprinkle the top with crumbs. Let stand for at least 10 hours.

Honey cake "like grandma's"

For some reason, it so happened from childhood that the best pies and cakes are obtained from the grandmother. The following recipe will reveal all the secrets of grandmother's honey cake.

  • 3 eggs;
  • 3 st d. honey;
  • 1 tbsp. sugar in the dough and the same amount in the cream;
  • 100 g butter;
  • about 2 glasses of flour;
  • 2 tsp soda;
  • 700 g sour cream;


  1. Put well melted butter in a deep bowl, beat in eggs, add honey, sugar and soda, previously quenched with vinegar or lemon juice.
  2. Place the container in the bath and incubate with constant stirring for about 7-8 minutes.
  3. Chill the mixture a little, add flour in portions. Form 12 equal balls from the finished dough.
  4. Roll each very thinly, pin and bake in the oven (190-200 ° C) for 3-4 minutes. You need to work with the dough very quickly, as it dries instantly.
  5. Punch sour cream strictly from the refrigerator with a mixer with sugar, gradually increasing the speed. If the sour cream is not thick enough for your taste, add a special thickener.
  6. Trim the cooled biscuits with a knife, generously smear with cream, not forgetting to coat the sides. Ceil the cuttings and decorate the product on top. Let it brew for at least 15-20 hours.

Biscuit honey cake - recipe with photo

To make a honey cake, you don't have to bake a whole mountain of cake layers. Just one is enough, but biscuit. The main thing is to follow the detailed recipe with the photo exactly.

  • 250 g sugar;
  • 4 large eggs;
  • 1.5 tbsp. flour;
  • 2-3 tbsp. honey;
  • 1 tsp soda.


  1. Take all the ingredients out of the refrigerator and cupboards about an hour before cooking and place them on the table. This is necessary so that the products are at the same temperature. At the same time, separate the proteins from the eggs and put them back in the cold. Sift the flour thoroughly, preferably twice.
  2. Put honey in a thick-walled saucepan and put it on a little gas. Once the product has melted, add the vinegar quenched baking soda directly over the saucepan. Stir and cook for about 3-4 minutes, until the mixture begins to darken slightly.
  3. Introduce sugar into warm yolks and break through the mass well, starting at low speed and gradually increasing it. In this case, the initial volume should increase by four times.
  4. Take out the whites, pour in a teaspoon of ice water and beat with a mixer until you get the strongest foam.
  5. Gently mix half of the proteins into the yolk mass. Then add the slightly cooled honey and baking soda. Add flour in portions and only at the last moment the second half of the proteins.
  6. Immediately pour the biscuit dough into a greased mold and place in an oven preheated to 180 ° C. Bake the product for 30–40 minutes without opening the door.
  7. Allow the finished biscuit to cool right in the mold and only then remove it. Cut into 2 or more cakes with a sharp knife. Spread with any cream, let it soak for two hours.

Honey cake with nuts

The original combination of honey and nut flavors gives the cake prepared according to the following recipe a special zest. A honey cake with nuts and thick sour cream is a great option for a home meal.

For honey dough:

  • 200 g flour;
  • 1 egg;
  • 100 g creamy margarine;
  • 100 g sugar;
  • 170 g of honey;
  • ½ tsp soda.

For sour cream and nut cream:

  • 150 g thick (25%) sour cream;
  • 150 g butter;
  • 130 g shelled nuts;
  • 140 g powdered sugar.


  1. Mash the soft butter with a fork and sugar. Add egg and honey, stir vigorously.
  2. Sift flour, add soda to it and add portions to the honey mass.
  3. Grease the medium pan with a slice of butter and lay out a third of the dough, spreading it out with a spoon or with damp hands.
  4. Bake the shortbread for 7-10 minutes at a temperature of about 200 ° C. Make 2 more cakes in the same way.
  5. Fry the crushed nuts quickly in a dry hot frying pan.
  6. For the cream, rub in soft butter and powdered sugar. Add sour cream and nuts, stir until all ingredients are combined.
  7. Lubricate cold cakes generously with walnut-sour cream, sprinkle the top and sides with crushed nuts. Refrigerate for soaking for at least 2-3 hours.

Honey cake without eggs

If there are no eggs, then making a honey cake is even easier. The finished cake will turn out to be especially tasty due to the presence of dried fruits. Prepare for the test:

  • 2/3 st. Sahara;
  • 2.5-3.5 Art. flour;
  • 2 tbsp honey;
  • 1.5 tsp quenched soda;
  • 100 g of good creamy margarine;
  • 2 tbsp sour cream.

For the cream:

  • ½ tbsp. fine sugar;
  • 0.6 l thick sour cream;
  • 100 g of prunes or dried apricots.


  1. Make a water bath on the stove. Place the oil in the top saucepan.
  2. As soon as it melts, add honey and sugar, stir quickly.
  3. Pour in sour cream and add 1 tbsp. flour, stir. Quench the soda with vinegar directly above the container, stir and remove from the bath.
  4. Leave the dough to cool for about five minutes. Then knead it, adding a little flour, as long as it takes.
  5. Divide the dough into 6 approximately equal portions. Wrap each in foil and put in the freezer for 15–20 minutes.
  6. Take out the pieces one at a time, roll them into the desired shape on a sheet of parchment and, pricked with a fork, bake for 3–6 minutes in an oven heated to 180–200 ° С. Please note: the cakes are without eggs, and therefore very soft and fragile. Let them cool completely on the parchment.
  7. Put the sour cream for the cream in a gauze bag and hang it on the edge of the pan so that the excess liquid is glass for a couple of hours. Then whisk with sugar until thick.
  8. Pour prunes and dried apricots with boiling water for ten minutes, then dry and cut into thin strips.
  9. Smear each crust with cream, spread the dried fruits on top with a thin layer and so on, until you add 5 cakes. Remember to grease the top and sides well.
  10. Chop the sixth cake and sprinkle all surfaces of the honey cake well with crumbs. Let it soak for at least 6 hours, preferably more.

Honey cake without honey

Can you make a honey cake without honey at your disposal? Of course. It can be replaced with maple syrup or molasses. Moreover, the latter can be done independently.

For molasses, take:

  • 175 g sugar;
  • 125 g water;
  • on the tip of a knife, soda and citric acid.


  1. Remember, you need to use your homemade molasses right away. Everything should be done very quickly and without errors, otherwise the product will not work.
  2. So, bring the water to a boil in a miniature saucepan. Pour in sugar, and most importantly, do not stir it with a spoon! Rotate the container to stir.
  3. After the crystals are completely dissolved, simmer the syrup for another 5-10 minutes, until a drop of it, dropped into ice water, remains soft. Check at least once a minute. It is very important not to miss the moment and not to digest the mass before the ball hardens.
  4. As soon as the syrup reaches the desired consistency, add the baking soda and lemon very quickly and stir vigorously. If foam has formed, then everything is done correctly. After the complete cessation of the reaction (foaming should come to naught), remove the container from the heat. The finished molasses looks very much like regular liquid honey.

For the test:

  • 3 tbsp molasses;
  • 100 g butter;
  • 200 g sugar;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 1.5 tsp baking powder;
  • 350 g flour.

For the cream:

  • 900 g of fatty (at least 25%) sour cream;
  • 4 tablespoons Sahara;
  • juice of half a lemon.


  1. In a water, or better steam (when there is an air gap between the upper container and the boiling water), melt the butter.
  2. Beat in the eggs one at a time, stirring constantly. Then 3 tbsp. finished molasses.
  3. Mix the flour with baking powder in advance and add only half of the serving. Mix thoroughly, remove from the bath.
  4. Add the remaining flour to make the dough look like stretching soft chewing gum, but keep its shape.
  5. Divide the dough into 8 pieces, roll each into a layer (3-4 mm thick) and bake for 2-4 minutes at 200 ° C.
  6. While the cakes are still hot (they will turn out to be relatively pale, since molasses is used, not honey), trim with a knife to the correct shape, pound the trimmings.
  7. Beat the sour cream with sugar, starting the process at a slow speed and gradually increasing it. Squeeze out the lemon juice at the end. Punch again for a couple of minutes.
  8. Assemble the cake, evenly smearing the cakes, top and sides with cream, sprinkle with crumbs. Let sit for several hours before serving.

Liquid honey cake - detailed recipe

The dough for making this honey cake is liquid and needs to be spread to form the cakes. But the finished cake comes out especially tender, literally melting in your mouth.

For batter:

  • 150 g of honey;
  • 100 g sugar:
  • 100 g butter;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 350 g flour;
  • 1.5 tsp soda.

For light cream:

  • 750 g (20%) sour cream;
  • slightly more than 1 tbsp. (270 g) sugar;
  • 300 ml (at least 30%) cream;
  • a little vanilla.


  1. Punch the eggs actively until fluffy. Add soft butter, honey and fine crystalline sugar.
  2. Boil for a couple of minutes in a water bath. Add baking soda and stir - the mass becomes whitish.
  3. Add flour in portions, stirring after each addition, until a sticky and viscous dough is obtained.
  4. Cover the form with parchment paper. Place about 1/5 of the dough in the center and spread with a spoon, spatula or wet hand.
  5. Bake in an oven (200 ° C) for about 7-8 minutes until brown. In this case, the biscuit should remain soft. Trim to the desired shape while still warm. Do the same with the rest of the test. To prevent the cakes from deforming when cooling, press them down with a press (board and a bag of cereals).
  6. Pour cold cream with a mixer until thick. Add the rest of the ingredients and beat until the sugar crystals dissolve.
  7. Assemble the cake, brush over the sides and top. Decorate with crushed crumbs. Store in a cool place to soak for 2-12 hours.

How to make honey cake - honey cake dough

As you can see from the proposed recipes, any dough that contains honey is great for making a honey cake. But even this ingredient can be replaced with molasses or maple syrup. If you wish, you can cook a honey cake with or without eggs, with butter, margarine, or without this product at all.

You can bake the cakes themselves in the oven or directly in the pan. It can be rather dryish thin cakes, which, thanks to the cream, become very tender and juicy. Or a thick biscuit cooked in an oven or multicooker, which is enough to cut into the required number of layers.

Honey cake at home - honey cake cream

Any cream that you can prepare today is suitable for the layer of honey cakes. For example, it is enough to beat sour cream or cream well with sugar or powder. Mix condensed milk with soft butter, boil a regular custard and add butter or condensed milk if desired.

Sponge cakes can be smeared with jam, jam, jam or honey, soaked in original syrup. Chopped nuts, pieces of candied fruits, fresh, canned or dry fruits are added to the cream, if desired. The main condition is that it must be liquid enough to soak honey cakes.

How to decorate a honey cake

There is no single answer to the question of decorating a honey cake. Of course, in the classic version, it is customary to sprinkle the top and sides of the cake with crumbs made from scraps. But crushed nuts can be used instead.

In addition, the surface can be additionally decorated with whipped cream, butter cream, figurines made from roasted and grated peanuts or drawings made using stencils. To add originality to the cake, you can beautifully lay out berries, fruit slices, make a lattice with cream, or simply pour it over with chocolate icing.

In fact, decorating a honey cake is limited only by the hostess's fantasies and her culinary abilities. But it's never too late to learn something new, experiment with the available ingredients and come up with your own unique decor.