Sayings that mention salt. The best proverbs about salt

28.10.2019 Vegetable dishes


"Bread and salt!" - this is how distinguished guests were welcomed in Russia. This is a traditional wish for goodness, prosperity, good appetite, and an expression of hospitality. Meeting guests with bread and salt had another important meaning - salt was a kind of amulet, our ancestors believed that salt protects from hostile forces.

The origin of the word salt is associated with the Sun: the old Slavic name for the Sun is Solon (by the way, this was the name of the Macedonian city - now the Greek port of Thessaloniki); "To walk in the sun" (an old expression), which means: "to walk in the sun".

Many Russian proverbs say: "Salt is all over the head, without salt and grain is grass", "There is no salt and there is no word", "Without salt, a table is crooked."

Salt is essential for the human body. In cooking, it is the most important seasoning. From an early age, we know the taste of salt, without which food seems bland.

Modern science seeks to learn new things, to look beyond the Universe, to unravel the secrets of the microworld. But, behind great goals, what is nearby is forgotten, which we cannot do without, and we use every day. Salt, which is on every table, in every home, known and familiar, unknown and mysterious!

During the culture lessons of Bashkortostan, we learned that our hometown Sterlitamak was a small salt pier. And in technology lessons, we sculpted crafts from salt dough. In Olga Tikhonovna Poglazova's textbook "The World Around" we read that the water in the seas and oceans is salty, and my classmate Sasha Zhevlakov prepared a report about the Dead Sea, in which the water is so salty that it is impossible to drown in it. It's amazing: how many academic subjects, but everywhere we meet with salt ?!

On her favorite holiday - New Year, to decorate the table, mom puts wonderful spruce twigs powdered with snow in a vase! In the lessons of the world around us, we were told about the properties of ice and snow to turn into water if they get into heat. And the snow on the branches did not melt ?! Mom revealed the secret of "New Year's frost".

“These are salt crystals,” she said and promised to teach them how to “conjure”, that is, grow crystals.

Is it possible that such beauty can be obtained from ordinary salt?

We know from books that crystals are obtained in the laboratory, but they also exist in nature. For example, snowflakes, frosty patterns on glass windows and frost that adorns bare tree branches in winter. Many crystals are the products of the vital activity of organisms. Some types of molluscs have the ability to build up mother-of-pearl on foreign bodies caught in the shell. After 5-10 years, pearls are formed. Crystals are diamonds, rubies, sapphires and other precious stones. In a day in the laboratory, you can grow a salt crystal weighing about 1 kilogram. Crystals are widely used in science, industry, optics, and electronics. You can grow a salt crystal at home.

The Russian people dedicated to salt tales, proverbs and sayings. Folk omens associated with salt are appreciated in our time.

Here is some of them.


In a certain city there lived a merchant, he had three sons: the first was Fedor, the other was Vasily, and the third was Ivan. That merchant lived richly, went to foreign lands on his ships and traded in all sorts of goods.

At one time he loaded two ships with expensive goods and sent them overseas with his two eldest sons. And I didn’t trust my youngest son in the trade.

This is how the younger son learned that his brothers were sent across the sea, immediately came to his father and began to ask him to go to other lands - to show himself, to see people.

The merchant did not agree for a long time:

- You won't bring your head home! - but still he was given a ship with the cheapest cargo: with logs, boards and boards.

Ivan got ready for a journey, rolled away from the shore and soon overtook his brothers.

They sail together on the blue sea for a day, another and a third, and on the fourth strong winds arose and threw Ivanov's ship to a distant place, to one unknown island.

- Well, guys, - Ivan shouted to the ship workers, - turn to the shore!

They landed on the shore, he got out on the island, ordered himself to wait, and he went along the path; walked, walked and reached the great mountain, he looks - in that mountain there is not sand, not stone, but pure Russian salt.

He returned back to the shore, ordered the workers to leave all the logs and boards in the water, and load the ship with salt.

As soon as this was done, Ivan rolled off the island and swam further.

Whether it was long, short, close, far away — the ship sailed to a large, rich city, stopped at the pier and dropped anchor.

Ivan, the merchant's son, went down to the city and went to the tsar there to beat him with his forehead, so that he would let him trade at a free price; and for display he carried a bundle of his product - Russian salt.

They immediately reported about his arrival to the emperor; the king called him and asked:

- Tell me, what's the matter - what is the need?

- So and so, your majesty! Let me trade in your city at a free price.

- What kind of goods do you trade?

- Russian salt, your majesty!

But the king did not even hear about salt: in all his kingdom they ate without salt. He wondered what kind of new, unprecedented product was?

- Well, - he says, - show me!

Ivan, the merchant's son, unrolled his handkerchief; the king looked and thought to himself: "Yes, it's just white sand!" And he says to Ivan with a grin:

- Well, brother, we give this stuff even without money!

Ivan came out of the royal chambers very sad, and he thought: "Let me go to the royal kitchen and see how the cooks prepare food there - what kind of salt do they put?"

I came to the kitchen, asked to take a little rest, sat down on a chair and looked closely. Cooks are running back and forth every now and then: who cooks, who fries, who pours, and who beats eggs in the pan.

Ivan, the merchant's son, sees that the cooks do not even think of salting their food; took a moment as they all got out of the kitchen, took and poured salt, as needed, into all the food and seasonings.

It was time for dinner to be served; brought the first meal. The tsar tasted it, and it showed him so tasty as never before; another meal was served - I liked it even more.

The king called the cooks and said to them:

- How many years have I reigned, and you have never cooked so deliciously. How did you do that?

The chefs answer:

- Your Majesty! We cooked in the old way, we didn’t add anything new; and sitting in the kitchen is the merchant who came to ask for free bargaining, did he not plan something?

- Call him here!

They brought Ivan, the merchant's son, to the tsar.

- I'm sorry, tsar-sovereign! I seasoned all the food and seasonings with Russian salt; so it is in our side.

- And how much do you sell salt?

Ivan realized that things were going well, and answered:

- Yes, not very expensive: for two measures of salt - a measure of silver and a measure of gold.

The king agreed to this price and bought all the goods from him.

Ivan filled the ship with silver and gold and began to wait for a favorable wind; and that tsar had a daughter - a beautiful princess, she wanted to look at the Russian ship, and she asks her parent to the ship dock. The king dismissed her.

So she took with her nannies, mothers and red girls and went to watch the Russian ship. Ivan, the merchant's son, began to show her what and what is called: where are the sails, where are the tackles, where is the bow, where is the stern, and led her into the cabin; and ordered the workers to cut off the anchors quickly, raise the sails and go out to sea. And as there was a great fever for them, they soon left that city for a long distance.

The princess went out on deck, looked - the sea was all around. Ivan, the merchant's son, began to console her, to persuade her. The princess soon smiled and ceased to be sad.

Whether Ivan and the princess swam on the sea for a long or short time, his older brothers catch up; learned about his prowess and happiness and were very envious; they came to his ship, grabbed him by the hands and threw him into the sea, and then threw lots between themselves, and the big brother took the princess, and the middle one took the ship with silver and gold.

And it happened at the time when Ivan was thrown from the ship, one of those logs that he himself left at sea floated nearby. Ivan grabbed hold of that log and for a long time rushed with it through the depths of the sea; finally nailed him to an unknown island.

He got out on the ground and walked along the shore. He comes across a giant with a huge mustache, mittens - vachegs - hanging on the mustache: dries after the rain.

- What do you want here? The giant asks.

Ivan told him everything that had happened.

- Do you want me to take you home? Tomorrow your elder brother will marry the princess; sit on my back.

He took him, put him on his back and ran across the sea; then Ivan's cap fell from his head.

- Ah, - he says, - I dropped my hat!

`` Well, brother, your hat is far away - about five hundred versts ago, and it remained, '' answered the giant.

He brought it to his homeland, lowered it to the ground and says:

- Look, do not boast to anyone that you rode me; but if you boast, it will be bad for you.

Ivan, the merchant's son, promised not to boast, thanked the giant and went home.

Comes, and already there everyone is sitting at the wedding table. As the beautiful princess saw him, she immediately jumped out from the table and threw herself on her neck.

- Here, - he says, - my fiance, and not the one who sits at the table!

- What? The father asks.

Ivan told him about everything, how he traded in salt, how he took the princess, and how his older brothers pushed him into the sea.

The father got angry with his big sons, drove them out of the yard, and Ivan married the princess.

A merry feast began for them; at the feast, the guests drank a drink and began to boast: some by strength, some by wealth, some by a young wife. And Ivan sat there, drunk and boasted himself:

- What a boast! So I can boast: I rode a giant across the sea on horseback!

He just said - at that very moment a giant appeared at the gate:

- Ah, Ivan is a merchant's son, I ordered you not to boast of me, but what did you do?

- Forgive me! - says Ivan - a merchant's son. - It was not I who boasted, then the hop boasted.

- Well, show me: some kind of hop?

Ivan ordered to bring a fortieth barrel of wine and a fortieth barrel of beer; the giant drank both wine and beer, got drunk and went to break and destroy everything that came to hand. He did a lot of unkind things: he tumbled down the gardens, scattered mansions! After that he himself collapsed and slept without waking for three days.

And when he awoke, they began to show him how much trouble he had done; the giant fear was surprised and said:

- Well, Ivan is a merchant's son, I found out what a hop is; do not drink, do not boast of me from now on and forever.

Folk wisdom

If you don't throw a pinch of salt into the churn, you won't break the oil. (Lincolnshire).

Put a small pile of salt on the table on Christmas Eve. If the salt gets damp overnight, you will die within a year. If there is no salt or there is less salt and it remains dry, you will live to a ripe old age. (Wales).
A resident of the Isle of Man (as Waldron says in his description of the island), leaving the house on some important matter (even if he just needs to go to a neighbor), always put a pinch of salt in his pocket. Many do not give the child to the nanny or do not take the nanny into the house without first exchanging salt. And even a local beggar will not take food from the hands of a donor unless it is salted. Brand ("Antiquities"), commenting on these customs, says that they all arose after a certain pilgrim told about the bewitched island that disappeared after the earth was sprinkled with salt. "Spilled salt" and the related disasters are one of the most common modern superstitions. There are few people today who will not throw a pinch of spilled salt over their shoulder in order to ward off trouble. As for the saying "helped to salt - help and ward off trouble", its meaning lies in the fact that accidentally spilling salt into someone's plate, you need immediately throw in another pinch of salt. Why this should ward off trouble and not multiply it tenfold is one of the little mysteries inherent in many superstitions. The curious belief associated with salt exists exclusively on the Isle of Man. On the eve of All Saints Day, all household members receive a thimble of salt before going to bed. Then the contents of the thimbles are poured into neat piles on a plate and left overnight. The next morning, the piles are examined, and it is believed that the one whose pile is scattered will die within a year. An overturned salt shaker means a break in friendship, and if a salt shaker is overturned in a fishing village, it portends a shipwreck. as varied as the superstitions themselves. Leonardo's fresco "The Last Supper" depicts Judas overturning a salt shaker. And many etymologists consider this detail to be the real reason for these superstitions, but salt figured in religious rites and ceremonies for many centuries before Judas. The ancient Greeks and Romans used salt in their sacrificial cakes, and in Bible times, salt was highly prized and considered a symbol of friendship. In ancient Egypt, salt was considered a sacred symbol. We believe that the origins of salt-related superstitions are to be found in ancient Egypt, and many barbarian tribes still hold salt with the greatest reverence. Not so long ago, we were told the story of a man who was captured by Moroccan bandits. No ransom was paid for him, and the bandits were about to kill him, when suddenly he slipped out of the guards' hands, jumped to the table, thrust two fingers into the salt shaker and threw a pinch of salt into his mouth. “Let him go,” the leader of the gang ordered. “He shared the salt with us. If we kill him, we will be in trouble.” In South Uist and Eriskai, two islands from the Outer Hebrides, it was believed that a girl could dream of her future if you eat "bonnach salainn", a salt cake. It was made from ordinary flour, into which a lot of salt was poured. The girl who ate such a cake was not allowed to drink water and it was forbidden to talk to anyone; and even say prayers. The Russian superstition associated with spilled salt is similar to the English version: "To spill salt is to be a quarrel, in order to avoid it you need to laugh or let yourself be hit on the forehead." The modern common "reaction" is to throw three pinches of salt over the left shoulder. "You should not salt bread by dipping it in a salt shaker, - this is what Judas did."

Helped to salt - help and ward off trouble. (Everywhere.)

Sprinkle salt - trigger chores. (Yorkshire).

If you spill salt, there will be trouble if you don't take a pinch and throw it over your left shoulder. (Everywhere.)

Proverbs and sayings with the word salt

:: - And ().
:: - , AND.
:: - , NOT AT ALL.
:: - ON, A SVO (E) I.
- , AND.
:: - - NOT (NOT WITH).
:: - , AND.
:: - , BUT NOT.
:: - (TE).
:: - B, NOT.
:: - — .
:: - .
:: - , AND.
:: , , AND WE - -.

PER - NOT ,.
:: , : .
:: - , YES.
:: , YES, AND AND NOT, -.
:: - NOT.
:: - ON, A.
:: - , BUT NOT.
:: - , AND.
:: - , AND.
:: , And -.
:: .
:: ON (-; TE ON).
:: , IN

Proverbs about salt. Only the best proverbs. The most complete collection of Russian proverbs by topic and direction. If you are looking for proverbs, then you have already found them this

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  • about salt

Day Week Month Year All time

    It is necessary to eat a pood of salt together in order to recognize a friend.

    The unsolicited word is like soup without salt.

    They do not refuse bread and salt.

    Laziness without salt slurps.

    Bread and salt is not scolded.

    The Russian man drives bread and salt.

    He was born in water, but he is afraid of water (salt).

    Bread and salt, and dinner went.

    Great is your bread and salt, and all the crusts

    Bread and salt is not scolded.

    Without salt, the table is crooked.

    Bread and salt payment is red.

76 proverbs about salt

Without will, there is no strength, without salt, there is no taste.

Trading without money is like drinking without salt.

Without a priest, that without salt. Without a priest, no arrival.

Without salt - that without will: you can't live life.

No salt and a curve table

You can't eat bread without salt.

It's not tasty without salt, and it's not satisfying without bread.

It's not tasty without salt, it's not satisfying without bread

It is tasteless without salt, but not satisfying without bread.

Without salt, the table is crooked.

No salt, no bread - half lunch.

No salt, no bread - a bad conversation

They don't sit down at the table without salt, without bread.

No salt, no bread, a thin conversation.

Without salt, that without will: life cannot be lived.

It's not sweet without sopi, it's not satisfying without bread.

Death without bread, laughter without salt.

Throw salt into the sea.

It happens that the salt turns sour.

To be a goat on a buza (buza is rock salt; that is, to be on a leash).

I beat it with my brow, and with salt, and with a third love.

There is as much salt in beans as lies in the truth.

In people he is forcing, but at home he sits without salt.

He swears in people, but there is no salt at home.

Do not put salt in honey.

On a full moon, do not salt the salty, do not cook anything for future use.

There is no lie in proverbs, there is no salt in rainwater.

In my miso, salt is salty.

Great is your bread and salt, and all the crusts.

If you please everyone, you will annoy yourself

Do not salt the sea with a handful of salt.

The Greek is salty, lightly salted.

It's a sin to dip a piece in salt.

Good salt, but to shift - turn up the mouth.

Find out a friend - eat a pood (sack) of salt together.

Think not think, but you can't think of better bread and salt

Food needs salt, but in moderation.

If you are bitter, be like salt, if you are sweet, be like honey.

I have not tried salt yet.

A woman without shame is that food is without salt.

Every joke is good with bread and salt.

They don't pay for bread and salt, except thanks.

Salt supply does not ask for

The trumpet's idol has started, but there is neither salt nor flour.

And the old mare to the salt lakoma

And tightly and fresh on the belly

You can make salty from unleavened food, but you cannot desalinate salty.

A friend is known, since you have eaten the salts together.

Judas took salt with a pinch; therefore it is a sin to be baptized with a pinch.

By bad weather, salt will volgnate (damp).

Don Cossack, which is lake crucian carp: caviar (and spicy) and salty.

Kalyat (burn, bake) salt with kvass thick: quaternary healing salt.

The camisoles are green, but the cabbage soup is not salty

Throw the bread and salt back and find yourself in front

When two cooks, the soup is either salty or no salt at all.

He who steals grieves, but we live - we chew bread and salt

Whoever eats salt drinks water.

Whoever loves salt will drink, prone to drunkenness.

Whoever sells salt has salty hands.

Lakoma sheep to salt, and goat in the wild.

Lie so that there is salt in the lie.

Laziness dines without salt

Laziness does not do good, dines without salt, sleeps for no reason.

Laziness and cabbage soup without salt slurps

Excess salt spoils food, an extra word - speech

Prayer without reverence, that food is without salt.

You can't cook soup with the salt you ask for.

Sprinkle salt on the powder.

Drinks on salt, sleeps on bread

For salt, for tar and for royal taxes.

On bread, on salt and on a kind word (thank you).

On bread, on salt, and on a kind word

You need to eat a pound of salt together to find out a friend

We should have at least sand, only salted.

Don't be saltier than salt or sweeter than honey.

Not salty

Not salted on the table, but salted on the back.

It’s not salty to slurp that it’s not sweet to kiss.

Unleavened food and bars get sick

The king does not refuse bread and salt

They do not refuse bread and salt (and the king does not refuse).

My father did not live evenly: there is bread - so there is no salt; there is salt - so there is no bread; and I, a good fellow, live smoothly: no bread, no salt.

Serving salt - laugh, or you will quarrel (common belief).

To catch a bird - sprinkle salt on the tail.

Remember the salt so that they can give you bread!

After bread and salt, dinner is gilded with sleep.

With salt I will take a sip, but by the way I pray.

Get sick of yourself - eat, al you are sorry for the master's bread and salt!

We ask for our bread and salt.

We ask you to have a bite of green wine and bread and salt.

We ask you not to get angry with our bread and salt.

The pood of soap was worn out, but the sister's birthmark was not washed off.

A pound of salt to eat together

A speech without a proverb that soup is without salt.

Russian man drives bread and salt

He drinks with grief: there is nothing to buy salt.

With whom you drive bread and salt, you are like that.

Get angry, swear, fight, and get together for bread and salt.

No matter how you think, you can't think of better bread and salt.

Do not regret the salt - it's more fun to eat this way.

There is no salt, and there is no word

Salt, do not regret it - it's more fun to eat this way.

Solona fish on your dish.

We cook salt, but we ourselves sit in need

To sprinkle salt accidentally - to a quarrel (moreover, so that there is no quarrel, sprinkle the spilled salt on the head).

You will not be full of salt, you will not get rid of tears of grief.

You will not be full of salt, you cannot open grief with a thought.

Thanks to the one who drinks and feeds, and twice to the one who remembers bread and salt

Old bread and salt are not forgotten

That is not salt that does not salt; it is not glue that does not glue.

Bread and salt are the head of everything.

There is no bread for salt.

Bread, salt and water are great food.

Eat bread and salt, crush a swan.

Bread and salt is a borrowed business.

Bread and salt is a repayable business.

There is bread and salt, but not about your honor.

Eat bread and salt, but cut the truth

Bread and salt and it's good in a dream

Eat bread and salt, but listen to good people!

Eat bread and salt, and listen to the owner!

I ate bread and salt, but did not listen to us

The robber's bread and salt wins

If only the sand, if only it salted

You recognize a person when you take a spoonful of salt with him with a spoon.

You recognize a person when you eat a pound of salt with him.

We beat on bread and salt.

To recognize a person, you need to eat a pound of salt with him.

To recognize a person, you need to eat with him as much salt as he weighs.

A pinch of salt makes sugar sweeter

Cabbage cabbage soup is good, and bite with salt.

All proverbs and sayings:

You will not make a tongue-tied person eloquent, you will not turn a lazy person into a diligent one, you will not make an ignorant sage, you will not make a fool wiser

((Ancient Egyptian)

It's bad to ride someone else's horse, someone else's fur coat sits badly


A person who does not have a definite opinion cannot become either a fortuneteller or a doctor.


The world is so big that there is nothing that would not be


An open door will lead the saint into temptation - An open door may tempt a saint


If you feed thin cattle, then he will thank you with butter, if you feed a bad person, then he will stain your mouth and head with blood


Distance causes longing, and proximity - coldness


Lost time is never found again


Speak well of the dead


Never tell your enemy that your foot aches


You cannot have it both ways


Providing good deeds to relatives, a person acquires power over them


Brother does not want death to brother, but also elevation


Whoever came to his wife's house, living with his father-in-law together, in you we ourselves will find the habits of the father-in-law


Until you knock on the door, no one will open it


At home, lean on your parents, go out the gate - lean on your friends


Who would catch fish must not mind getting wet


Measure thrice and cut once


The rich and lie - they will believe him, the poor and tell the truth - they will call him a liar


Prey won't be late, kids are never too late to be born


Divided brothers become just neighbors in three years


Salt production

Salt Museum in Europe

Salt - means life, immortality, incorruptibility, constancy, loyalty, friendship, wisdom and knowledge (sal sapientiae - salt of wisdom), soul. Later it also became associated with value, poignancy and wit. Alchemy: purification, clarification, something fixed, a cubic stone, earthly nature, a body that connects active and passive principles, spirit and soul. Where there is metal, there is sulfur and mercury and salt; these three are Spirit, Soul and Body - the nature of metal and man. Salt is static and therefore is a natural element of the trinity, salt is not only a physical, but also an astral body. Sulfur produces combustion, mercury vaporizes, salt helps to fix the volatile spirit (Valentine). This is the principle of incombustibility and fixedness, and in the mystical sense - the human body. Celts: an imperishable spirit, while the earth is a perishable body. Christianity: the elect, divine wisdom, something valuable, purity, non-corruption, precaution, superiority, strength (Matthew 5:13; Mark 9:50) Greco-Roman tradition: literary wit. It played an important role in sacrifices and was considered averting evil: it was placed on the lips of eight-day-old Roman babies to protect them from evil spirits. This is probably the origin of the Christian custom of giving salt to a new convert before baptism. In some consecration rites, salt was added to holy water. Jewish Tradition: Spiritual Discernment.

7 misconceptions about salt

This is the way a person is made - it is natural for him to be mistaken. Unfortunately, sometimes delusions can be fraught with consequences. For example, when they concern health. After all, the effectiveness of treatment depends on the information we use. Sometimes the correct use of salt in food is often hampered by your misconceptions about this product.

Misconception 1. Iodized salt is a medicinal product, it is used as prescribed by a doctor. In fact, this is not at all the case. Iodized salt is a preventive product that is recommended for everyone.

No lunch without salt.

There is no salt, and there is no word.

No salt and curve table.

Don't lick honey instead of salt.

Riddles about salt

(answer: salt)

In the land will be born,

It grows in the sun

Dies in the water.

(answer: salt)

the mother withers, dies again.

(answer: salt)

White stone from the mountain

Always on the table.

Who does not eat it,

He does not know the taste.

(answer: salt)

Born in the water

She was baptized in the fire.

She fell into the water and disappeared.

(answer: salt)

What is the white Marya in the hut?

(answer: salt)

They don't eat me alone

and they don't eat much without me.

(answer: salt)

Separately - I'm not so tasty

But in food - everyone needs it.

(answer: salt)

Salt cartoons

Tales about salt

B. Zakhoder "Salt"

It is unknown in what land,

How recently, how long ago,

Bought a miser in a foreign village

A pood sack of salt.

It was thirty versts before the village,

It was cheaper there!

There - on foot ...

Back - on foot ...

The purchase was sprinkled with a little,

And it's so easy for him with a bag

At first it seemed!

He walks, walks,

And he himself argues:

Is it really a pood here?

What a pood there!

Probably a merchant, an old rogue,

Weighed half a pound!

But thirty miles is not a step!

Pulled shoulders ...

The miser sat down to rest,

He made other speeches:

You're naughty, you can't fool me!

Umishko is there as long as ...

The merchant is a thief, but if you don't like it -

There are no less poods in the bag!

Well, here he is finally home!

The stingy barely walks along.

Sweat rolls from the poor man in a stream,

A little alive, but he himself laughs!

What are you? - shouts the wife from the porch. -

I bought it not bad!

I heated the merchant on salt:

Hike took about half a meal!

Others, perhaps, will consider

That there is little salt in the fable.

Honestly, salt is a whole pound,

Or maybe more!

Salt workshop

Salty dough

Salty paintings

Experiments with salt


We will need:

Paper towel

1 teaspoon (5 ml) salt

1 teaspoon (5 ml) ground pepper


Wool sweater



Let's start the scientific magic!


Salt is not attracted to the ball, since electrons move poorly in this substance. When you bring a charged ball to the salt, its electrons still remain in place. The salt from the side of the ball does not acquire a charge - it remains uncharged or neutral. Therefore, the salt does not stick to the negatively charged ball.

Member: IDz2011-064 magic’s kids

IDz2011-064 magic’s kids training tour

When the poor man had bread, he did not have

salt when there was salt, there was no bread


Prevention is better than cure


Good company on the road is the shortest cut


Our bad has perished, let the good of others also perish


He has not yet been born, who has learned to please everyone - Not who pleased everybody died before he was born


If marriage is like palm wine, I'll try first


Better to let people load on me than I dump on others


Afraid - a leaf will fall from a tree, he will break his head


One cannot put back the clock


An old ox makes a straight furrow


The rat is a great sorcerer, but she will not conjure on a cat's skin either.


The first treat is tobacco, the best word is greeting


The deaf one says that he sings well, but the lopsided one that he dances perfectly


A small leak will sink a great ship


There is a horse - no lists, there is a list - no horse


A wound inflicted by a word is heavier than an arrow wound


Love is not found in the market


You are a sand flea, you bite a person, but a person does not bite you


Every bullet has its billet


God wills, so the lame and the blind will become brides


He was a thoroughbred horse, but time has castrated him


Member: IDz2011-064 magic’s kids

IDz2011-064 magic’s kids training tour

Salt production

Salt Museum in Europe

Salt - means life, immortality, incorruptibility, constancy, loyalty, friendship, wisdom and knowledge (sal sapientiae - salt of wisdom), soul. Later it also became associated with value, poignancy and wit. Alchemy: purification, clarification, something fixed, a cubic stone, earthly nature, a body that connects active and passive principles, spirit and soul. Where there is metal, there is sulfur and mercury and salt; these three are Spirit, Soul and Body - the nature of metal and man. Salt is static and therefore is a natural element of the trinity, salt is not only a physical, but also an astral body. Sulfur produces combustion, mercury vaporizes, salt helps to fix the volatile spirit (Valentine). This is the principle of incombustibility and fixity, and in the mystical sense - the human body. Celts: an imperishable spirit, while the earth is a perishable body. Christianity: the elect, divine wisdom, something valuable, purity, non-corruption, precaution, superiority, strength (Matthew 5:13; Mark 9:50) Greco-Roman tradition: literary wit. It played an important role in sacrifices and was considered averting evil: it was placed on the lips of eight-day-old Roman babies to protect them from evil spirits. This is probably the origin of the Christian custom of giving salt to a new convert before baptism. In some consecration rites, salt was added to holy water. Jewish Tradition: Spiritual Discernment.

7 misconceptions about salt

This is how a person is made - it is natural for him to be mistaken. Unfortunately, sometimes delusions can be fraught with consequences. For example, when they concern health. After all, the effectiveness of treatment depends on the information we use. Sometimes the correct use of salt in food is often hampered by your misconceptions about this product.

Misconception 1. Iodized salt is a medicinal product, it is used as prescribed by a doctor. In fact, this is not at all the case. Iodized salt is a preventive product that is recommended for everyone.

Misconception 2. The use of iodized salt can lead to an excess of iodine in the body. This opinion is not true. The standards for iodine content in salt are designed to cover the physiological needs of the body for a trace element.

Misconception 3. Iodized salt is unsuitable for canning, it changes the color and smell of food. In fact, the iodine content in salt is so low that it cannot affect the quality of food and canning.

Misconception 4. Iodized salt is more expensive than usual. This statement is true, but the difference in price is negligible, there is no point in saving on salt.

Misconception 5. The membranes of walnut, persimmon and feijoa contain a lot of iodine. These products do contain iodine, but there is very little of it. These products are insufficiently supplied with iodine and are not suitable for prophylaxis.

Misconception 6. To prevent iodine deficiency, you should use seaweed. Of course, this is better than nothing. Nevertheless, experts note that exotic products cannot be a reliable method of prevention.

Misconception 7. For the prevention of iodine deficiency, you can use iodine tincture and lugol's solution. This is not worth doing: the amount of iodine in these preparations is very large.

Salt in proverbs and sayings

People say: "Speech without a proverb is like food without salt." The people of Kuban respect those whose memory especially carefully preserves the best examples of folk sayings: "Whoever knows old sayings, he understands a lot in life."

Below we give only proverbs about salt, but how they aptly express its meaning in human life, and jokes, and riddles of different peoples.

Do not regret the salt, it is more fun.

Whoever tastes salt will give everything for that salt.

Eat salt, life will be more fun.

No lunch without salt.

Food is tasty with salt, a person is pleasant in speech.

The taste of water is from ice, the taste of food is from salt.

Life is like salt water: the more you drink, the more thirst.

Change the salt to give bread.

There is no salt, and there is no word.

No salt and curve table.

Eat bread and salt, but cut the truth.

You recognize a person when you sip a pound of salt with him with a spoon.

You will not be full of salt, you cannot open grief with a thought.

Drink sour, eat salty, you will die, you will not rot.

Good salt, but if you shift it, your mouth turns up.

Don't lick honey instead of salt.

Riddles about salt

He will be born in water, but he is afraid of water.

(answer: salt)

In the land will be born,

It grows in the sun

Dies in the water.

(answer: salt)

Born in water, growing on fire

the mother withers, dies again.

(answer: salt)

White stone from the mountain

Always on the table.

Who does not eat it,

He does not know the taste.

(answer: salt)

Born in the water

She was baptized in the fire.

She fell into the water and disappeared.

(answer: salt)

What is the white Marya in the hut?

(answer: salt)

They don't eat me alone

and they don't eat much without me.

(answer: salt)

Separately - I'm not so tasty

But in food - everyone needs it.

(answer: salt)

Salt cartoons

Tales about salt

B. Zakhoder "Salt"

It is unknown in what land,

How recently, how long ago,

Bought a miser in a foreign village

A pood sack of salt.

It was thirty versts before the village,

It was cheaper there!

There - on foot ...

Back - on foot ...

The purchase was sprinkled with a little,

And it's so easy for him with a bag

At first it seemed!

He walks, walks,

And he himself argues:

- Is it really a pood here?

What a pood there!

Probably a merchant, an old rogue,

Weighed half a pound!

But thirty miles is not a step!

Pulled shoulders ...

The miser sat down to rest,

He made other speeches:

- You are naughty, you will not fool me!

Umishko is there as long as ...

The merchant is a thief, but if you don't like it -

There are no less poods in the bag!

Well, here he is finally home!

The stingy barely walks along.

Sweat rolls from the poor man in a stream,

A little alive, but he himself laughs!

- What are you? - shouts the wife from the porch. -

- I bought it not bad!

I heated the merchant on salt:

Hike took about half a meal!

Others, perhaps, will consider

That there is little salt in the fable.

Honestly, salt is a whole pound,

Or maybe more!

Salt workshop

Salty dough

Sculpting from salted dough is a great pleasure and joy. Moreover, the necessary materials are available to everyone. Flour, salt and water - this is the whole set for creativity!

Salted dough is an environmentally friendly material, without unnecessary chemicals, so a lump of soft dough can be safely given to any baby.

Salt dough recipe: Mix 2 cups of white flour with a glass of fine salt, add water and knead thoroughly. To give the crafts made of salt dough strength, you can add an incomplete glass of PVA glue to the dough. And you can start creating!

Salty paintings

Experiments with salt

How to get drinking water from salt water?

Pour water with your child into a deep basin, add two tablespoons of salt there, stir until the salt dissolves. Place rinsed pebbles on the bottom of an empty plastic glass so that it does not float, but its edges should be above the water level in the basin. Stretch the film from above, tying it around the pelvis. Press the plastic over the center of the glass and place another pebble in the recess. Place the basin in the sun.

After a few hours, unsalted, clean drinking water will accumulate in the glass.

The explanation is simple: water in the sun begins to evaporate, condensate settles on the film and flows into an empty glass. The salt does not evaporate and remains in the basin.

Now that you know how to get fresh water, you can safely go to the sea and not be afraid of thirst. There is a lot of water in the sea, and you can always get the purest drinking water from it.


Do you think it is possible to separate mixed pepper and salt? If you master this experiment, you will definitely cope with this difficult task!

We will need:

- paper towel

- 1 teaspoon (5 ml) salt

- 1 teaspoon (5 ml) ground pepper

- balloon

- wool sweater

- assistant


1. Spread a paper towel on the table.

2. Sprinkle salt and pepper on top of it.

Let's start the scientific magic!

1. Invite someone from the audience to become your assistant.

2. Mix the salt and pepper thoroughly with a spoon. Have a helper try to separate the salt from the pepper.

3. When your assistant is desperate to separate them, invite him to sit and watch now.

4. Inflate a balloon, tie and rub it on a woolen sweater.

5. Bring the ball close to the salt and pepper mixture. What will you see? Result:

The pepper will stick to the ball and the salt will remain on the table.


This is another example of static electricity. When you rub a ball with a woolen cloth, it becomes negatively charged. If you bring the ball to a mixture of pepper and salt, the pepper will begin to be attracted to it. This is because the electrons in the pepper dust tend to move as far from the ball as possible. Consequently, the part of the peppercorns closest to the ball acquires a positive charge and is attracted by the negative charge of the ball. The pepper sticks to the ball.

Salt is not attracted to the ball, since electrons move poorly in this substance. When you bring a charged ball to the salt, its electrons still remain in place. The salt from the side of the ball does not acquire a charge - it remains uncharged or neutral. Therefore, the salt does not stick to the negatively charged ball.

Member: IDz2011-064 magic’s kids

IDz2011-064 magic’s kids training tour

Without will, there is no strength, without salt, there is no taste.
Trading without money is like drinking without salt.
Without a priest, that without salt. Without a priest, no arrival.
Without salt - that without will: you can't live life.
No salt and a curve table
You can't eat bread without salt.
It's not tasty without salt, and it's not satisfying without bread.
It's not tasty without salt, it's not satisfying without bread
It is tasteless without salt, but not satisfying without bread.
Without salt, the table is crooked.
No salt, no bread - half lunch.
No salt, no bread - a bad conversation
They don't sit down at the table without salt, without bread.
No salt, no bread, a thin conversation.
Without salt, that without will: life cannot be lived.
It's not sweet without sopi, it's not satisfying without bread.
Death without bread, laughter without salt.
Throw salt into the sea.
It happens that the salt turns sour.
To be a goat on a buza (buza is rock salt; that is, to be on a leash).
I beat it with my brow, and with salt, and with a third love.
There is as much salt in beans as lies in the truth.
In people he is forcing, but at home he sits without salt.
He swears in people, but there is no salt at home.
Do not put salt in honey.
On a full moon, do not salt the salty, do not cook anything for future use.
There is no lie in proverbs, there is no salt in rainwater.
In my miso, salt is salty.
Great is your bread and salt, and all the crusts.
If you please everyone, you will annoy yourself
Do not salt the sea with a handful of salt.
The Greek is salty, lightly salted.
It's a sin to dip a piece in salt.
Good salt, but to shift - turn up the mouth.
Find out a friend - eat a pood (sack) of salt together.
Think not think, but you can't think of better bread and salt
Food needs salt, but in moderation.
If you are bitter, be like salt, if you are sweet, be like honey.
I have not tried salt yet.
A woman without shame is that food is without salt.
Every joke is good with bread and salt.
They don't pay for bread and salt, except thanks.
Salt supply does not ask for
The trumpet's idol has started, but there is neither salt nor flour.
And the old mare to the salt lakoma
And tightly and fresh on the belly
You can make salty from unleavened food, but you cannot desalinate salty.
A friend is known, since you have eaten the salts together.
Judas took salt with a pinch; therefore it is a sin to be baptized with a pinch.
By bad weather, salt will volgnate (damp).
Don Cossack, which is lake crucian carp: caviar (and spicy) and salty.
Kalyat (burn, bake) salt with kvass thick: quaternary healing salt.
The camisoles are green, but the cabbage soup is not salty
Throw the bread and salt back and find yourself in front
When two cooks, the soup is either salty or no salt at all.
He who steals grieves, but we live - we chew bread and salt
Whoever eats salt drinks water.
Whoever loves salt will drink, prone to drunkenness.
Whoever sells salt has salty hands.
Lakoma sheep to salt, and goat in the wild.
Lie so that there is salt in the lie.
Laziness dines without salt
Laziness does not do good, dines without salt, sleeps for no reason.
Laziness and cabbage soup without salt slurps
Excess salt spoils food, an extra word - speech
Prayer without reverence, that food is without salt.
You can't cook soup with the salt you ask for.
Sprinkle salt on the powder.
Drinks on salt, sleeps on bread
For salt, for tar and for royal taxes.
On bread, on salt and on a kind word (thank you).
On bread, on salt, and on a kind word
You need to eat a pound of salt together to find out a friend
We should have at least sand, only salted.
Don't be saltier than salt or sweeter than honey.
Not salty
Not salted on the table, but salted on the back.
It’s not salty to slurp that it’s not sweet to kiss.
Unleavened food and bars get sick
The king does not refuse bread and salt
They do not refuse bread and salt (and the king does not refuse).
My father did not live evenly: there is bread - so there is no salt; there is salt - so there is no bread; and I, a good fellow, live smoothly: no bread, no salt.
Serving salt - laugh, or you will quarrel (general belief).
To catch a bird - sprinkle salt on the tail.
Remember the salt so that they can give you bread!
After bread and salt, dinner is gilded with sleep.
With salt I will take a sip, but by the way I pray.
Get sick of yourself - eat, al you are sorry for the master's bread and salt!
We ask for our bread and salt.
We ask you to have a bite of green wine and bread and salt.
We ask you not to get angry with our bread and salt.
The pood of soap was worn out, but the sister's birthmark was not washed off.
A pound of salt to eat together
A speech without a proverb that soup is without salt.
Russian man drives bread and salt
He drinks with grief: there is nothing to buy salt.
With whom you drive bread and salt, you are like that.
Get angry, swear, fight, and get together for bread and salt.
No matter how you think, you can't think of better bread and salt.
Do not regret the salt - it is more fun that way.
There is no salt, and there is no word
Salt, do not regret it - it is more fun.
Solona fish on your dish.
We cook salt, but we ourselves sit in need
To sprinkle salt accidentally - to a quarrel (moreover, so that there is no quarrel, sprinkle the spilled salt on the head).
You will not be full of salt, you will not get rid of tears of grief.
You will not be full of salt, you cannot open grief with a thought.
Thanks to the one who drinks and feeds, and twice to the one who remembers bread and salt
Old bread and salt are not forgotten
That is not salt that does not salt; it is not glue that does not glue.
Bread and salt are the head of everything.
There is no bread for salt.
Bread, salt and water are great food.
Eat bread and salt, crush a swan.
Bread and salt is a borrowed business.
Bread and salt is a repayable business.
There is bread and salt, but not about your honor.
Eat bread and salt, but cut the truth
Bread and salt and it's good in a dream
Eat bread and salt, but listen to good people!
Eat bread and salt, and listen to the owner!
I ate bread and salt, but did not listen to us
The robber's bread and salt wins
If only the sand, if only it salted
You recognize a person when you take a spoonful of salt with him with a spoon.
You recognize a person when you eat a pound of salt with him.
We beat on bread and salt.
To recognize a person, you need to eat a pound of salt with him.
To recognize a person, you need to eat with him as much salt as he weighs.
A pinch of salt makes sugar sweeter
Cabbage cabbage soup is good, and bite with salt.