Biscuit cake is simply easy and delicious. Required components for cream

27.07.2019 Desserts and cakes

A sponge cake for a cake is a soft and airy cake that is prepared in a matter of minutes and turns out to be delicious even for novice cooks. It can be used with any cream, add berries or fruits to the filling, soak with syrup or jam. At the same time, biscuit cakes do not need to be baked separately. Enough to bake one fluffy pie and cut it into right amount parts.

Biscuit for cake according to the classic recipe is prepared from a minimum of ingredients. It includes eggs granulated sugar and flour. No baking powder is used for this. air biscuit comes from properly beaten eggs. It can be easily made chocolate by simply adding a little cocoa powder to the composition. This method of making a biscuit is still used by all cooks and confectioners to this day and occupies a leading position among the rest of baking.

However, there are many other options for biscuit cake. In the dough, you can add kefir, sour cream, milk, cream, condensed milk, creamy or vegetable oil, vanilla, etc.

After cooking, biscuit cakes are smeared with cream and leave the cake for a while in the refrigerator so that it soaks well. Ready dessert decorate with jelly, icing, chocolate, fresh berries and fruits.

Secrets of making the perfect biscuit for the cake

Cake biscuit is one of the simplest and most delicious basics. Cakes always turn out soft and lush, are easily soaked and are suitable for all types of cream and filling. In order to avoid difficulties with how to bake a cake biscuit at home just follow these simple instructions:

Secret number 1. To make the biscuit more fluffy, it is better to beat the yolks and whites separately, and then combine them together.

Secret number 2. Baking powder in recipes can be changed to regular baking soda.

Secret number 3. Biscuit eggs must be chilled.

Secret number 4. To prepare a biscuit, you need to take round shape for baking with high sides.

Secret number 5. When kneading biscuit dough try to use as few movements as possible. In this case, you need to move the spoon or spatula from the bottom up.

Secret number 6. You can not completely fill the form with dough, because it will rise by about a third during baking.

Secret number 7. To make the biscuit even tastier and easier to cut en cakes, you need to cover it with a towel and let it stand for several hours.

Secret number 8. It is better not to open the oven during the preparation of the biscuit, otherwise it will settle.

This recipe is as close as possible to the classic biscuit. It turns out soft, gentle, with light chocolate smack. If a richer dark color is needed for the cake, the amount of cocoa can be slightly increased. The main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise the dessert will be bitter.


  • 4 eggs;
  • 3 art. l. cocoa;
  • 100 g flour;
  • 150 g sugar.

Cooking method:

  1. Separate the whites from the yolks and place them in different deep bowls.
  2. Pour half the sugar into the yolks, beat into a fluffy white mass.
  3. Proteins also beat with the second half of the sugar until the consistency of thick foam.
  4. Mix the third part of the protein mass with the yolks.
  5. Sift cocoa and flour, add to a bowl with yolks.
  6. Knead the dough until smooth and add the egg whites.
  7. Once again, mix the dough thoroughly and put it in a mold with parchment paper.
  8. Bake a sponge cake for 40 minutes at 180 degrees.
  9. Let the cake cool completely before making the cake.

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Despite the ease of preparation and minimum set products, classic biscuit requires more attention from the chef. To make it really fluffy, you must definitely sift the flour, and beat the eggs with a mixer for at least 8-10 minutes.


  • 6 eggs;
  • 200 g of sugar;
  • 200 g flour.

Cooking method:

  1. Whip egg whites and yolks separately.
  2. Add the sugar to the whites and continue beating until it is completely dissolved.
  3. Sift the flour and gradually add to the proteins.
  4. Add the yolks to the dough and mix it with a spatula from the bottom up.
  5. Line a baking dish with parchment paper and fill it 2/3 full with batter.
  6. Put the mold in the oven and cook the biscuit for 35 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees.

Jelly cake with sponge cake and soufflé is delicious dessert with which you can decorate any feast or tea party. In order not to make a mistake with the preparation of jelly, it is better to first read the instructions on the bags themselves. While the gelatin is being heated, it must not be allowed to boil. In jelly, you can add any fruits or berries to your taste.


  • 4 eggs;
  • 120 ml unsweetened yogurt;
  • 1 glass of flour;
  • 1 cup of sugar;
  • ½ pack of gelatin;
  • 2 bags of jelly;
  • 1 st. l. cocoa;
  • 200 ml cream;
  • 1 st. l. baking powder;
  • Vanillin.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour gelatin into a saucepan, add 100 ml of water and leave for 1 hour.
  2. Beat the eggs with half the sugar strong foam.
  3. Sift flour, mix with vanilla and baking powder for dough.
  4. Gradually add dry ingredients to egg mixture.
  5. Put baking paper on the bottom of the form, pour the dough.
  6. Bake a sponge cake at 180 degrees for 40 minutes, then cool without removing from the mold.
  7. Pour the contents of two packs of jelly into a deep bowl and pour 600 ml of hot water.
  8. Put the saucepan with gelatin on fire and stir constantly until the gelatin dissolves.
  9. Whip the cream with a mixer, add sugar, cocoa and yogurt.
  10. Pour gelatin into the resulting mass, mix.
  11. Spread the cream evenly over the biscuit and put the mold in the refrigerator.
  12. When the cream hardens, pour the jelly on top and put the cake back in the refrigerator.
  13. Leave the dessert overnight, then carefully remove from the mold.

Such a cake tastes very similar to a biscuit, but it is prepared a little differently. The ingredients for it do not need to be whipped at all, which will save time and effort. Fat-free kefir in this recipe it is better not to use, otherwise the dough may turn out to be too liquid.


  • 140 g flour;
  • 100 g of sugar;
  • 125 ml of kefir;
  • 60 ml of vegetable oil;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 1 pinch of salt;
  • 1 tsp baking powder.

Cooking method:

  1. In a deep bowl, mix eggs, kefir and oil.
  2. Add salt, sugar and baking powder.
  3. Sift the flour, add in small portions and mix until smooth.
  4. Lubricate the multicooker bowl with butter, including the sides.
  5. Pour the dough into a bowl and cook for 40 minutes in the "Baking" mode.
  6. Leave the multicooker in the "Heating" mode for 5 minutes.
  7. Remove the biscuit with a steamer bowl and cool.

This biscuit is really very delicate and mild taste. If desired, soda can be extinguished with vinegar, but this is not a mandatory point. Ideal for a cake with such suitable for cakes sour cream, for which you just need to beat sour cream with sugar.


  • 6 eggs;
  • 1 cup of sugar;
  • 1 glass of sour cream;
  • ½ tsp soda;
  • 30 g butter;
  • 2 cups of flour.

Cooking method:

  1. Separate the yolks, mix with sugar and beat.
  2. Proteins also beat in a white fluffy foam.
  3. Put sour cream to the yolks, mix.
  4. Pour soda and flour there, mix again.
  5. Add a third of the protein mass, bring the dough until smooth.
  6. Enter the remaining proteins, mix with the rest of the ingredients.
  7. Grease a baking dish with butter and pour over the dough.
  8. Bake the cake for 45 minutes, preheating the oven to 180 degrees.

Now you know how to make a biscuit for a cake according to the recipe with a photo. Enjoy your meal!

Biscuits are loved in many countries.

They are tasty, they are not as difficult to prepare as it might seem, and besides, you can cook a lot of them based on them. interesting desserts.

And if you still don’t know how or don’t know how to cook a fluffy biscuit at home, the recipes we have selected over the years will help you cope with this simple task.

Biscuit at home - general principles of preparation

Biscuit is a unique pastry that is perfect for making all kinds of desserts, cakes, pastries.

The finished biscuit is cut and smeared with creams, condensed milk, jam or jam. Nuts, dried fruits, fruits and berries are laid out on biscuit cakes. The finished biscuit product is poured with icing, sprinkled with powdered sugar, chocolate chips.

Some even prefer to use a biscuit without fillings at all, because a properly prepared biscuit turns out to be so tender, fragrant and airy that even in its original form it turns out to be very appetizing and tasty.

Used to make homemade biscuits main three ingredients: flour, eggs and sugar, the occurrence of other components depends on the recipe.

The biscuit can be varied: based on kefir or sour cream, from choux pastry or regular, white classic or chocolate. It is also possible to prepare a lean biscuit.

Try, experiment - you will definitely succeed.

1. How to make a fluffy biscuit at home: a classic recipe


150 grams of flour;

six eggs;

200 grams of sugar;

10 grams of baking powder;

10 grams vanilla sugar;

A pinch of salt.

Cooking method:

1. Whisk fresh eggs before the formation of foam.

2. Add salt, vanilla sugar and granulated sugar. Beat the mass for another 3-5 minutes.

3. Sift the flour into another bowl, mix it with the baking powder.

4. Add the dry mass in small portions to well-beaten eggs with sugar, while not stopping, beat the dough. Ready dough for a biscuit it should turn out not too thick, but not liquid, its consistency should be medium, viscous.

5. Line a round baking dish baking paper, pour in the prepared dough.

6. We bake a biscuit at home in a preheated to 180 gr. oven for twenty-five minutes.

7. After the time allotted for cooking, we turn off the oven, but we are not in a hurry to get the product itself - let it stand in a warm oven for another ten minutes.

8. Carefully take out the form, turn it over homemade biscuit on a clean, dry towel.

2. Biscuit at home from semolina


Four eggs;

150 grams of semolina;

200 grams of sugar;

300 ml of milk;

10 grams of vanillin and baking powder;

75 grams of butter;

A pinch of salt.

Cooking method:

1. Carefully separate the yolks from the proteins.

2. Mix the yolks with semolina and milk, proteins with vanillin and sugar.

3. Beat the first mixture for 3-5 minutes, leave aside so that the semolina swells a little. Beat the second mixture until a fluffy white foam is formed.

4. We combine both mixtures in a clean bowl, mix gently so that the mass does not lose its splendor.

5. Copiously grease the baking dish with butter, pour in the prepared dough.

6. Bake at 180 gr. twenty minutes before the formation of an appetizing golden brown.

7. Let the biscuit stand in warm oven five minutes, then remove from the mold.

3. How to cook a fluffy biscuit at home from custard dough


80 grams of flour;

80 grams of corn starch;

Four eggs;

20 grams of butter;

150 grams of powdered sugar;

Vanillin to taste;

A pinch of salt.

Cooking method:

1. First of all, we separate the yolks from the proteins.

2. Whisk the whites, adding a pinch of salt, until fluffy airy foam.

3. Pour into the yolks powdered sugar, beat until smooth and a pleasant pale yellow tint.

4. We combine both mixtures, beat the resulting mass in a water bath until it thickens.

5. Now we lower the container with the mass into a large container with cold water, continue to beat until the mass is completely cooled.

6. In another container, mix the sifted flour, starch and vanillin.

7. Pour half of the egg mixture into the dry mass, mix thoroughly. Add the second half, mix again.

8. Lubricate the biscuit mold with butter, pour in the dough, bake for thirty minutes in a heated to 180 gr. oven.

9. Finished custard base for cakes, keep in a warm oven for 5-10 minutes, only then we take it out and carefully remove it from the mold.

4. Honey sponge cake at home


One and a half glasses of flour;

A glass of sugar;

Four eggs;

Butter for greasing the mold;

Three tablespoons of liquid honey;

A teaspoon of soda.

Cooking method:

1. In one bowl, beat the yolks and half a glass of sugar until smooth.

2. In another container, beat the remaining sugar with proteins until stable white peaks form.

3. Put honey in a small saucepan, heat it up, pour in soda. Continue to heat, stirring, until the color of the mass becomes light brown, and the consistency is homogeneous.

4. In a large dry bowl, mix the mixture of yolks and sugar with honey, half of the protein mixture and sifted flour.

5. Gently introduce the remaining protein mass into the resulting fragrant mass, mix.

6. We cover the biscuit baking dish with parchment paper, grease with oil.

7. Pour in the dough, bake at 180 gr. half an hour.

5. How to cook a magnificent biscuit at home on kefir


Three eggs;

A glass of kefir;

A glass of sugar;

A pinch of salt;

100 grams of butter;

Two glasses of flour;

Half a teaspoon of vanilla sugar and soda;

A few drops of vinegar to quench the soda.

Cooking method:

1. Mix softened with room temperature butter with sugar and eggs.

2. Add slaked with vinegar soda and sifted flour, vanillin and a little salt.

3. Thoroughly mix the mass, then pour in the kefir.

4. Beat the dough until smooth and medium density.

5. Pour the dough into a mold lined with parchment paper.

6. Bake a biscuit on kefir for half an hour.

7. Cool in the switched off oven, then carefully remove from the mold.

6. Chocolate biscuit at home


Half a glass of flour;

Three quarters of a glass of sugar;

Four eggs;

50 grams of cocoa;


Cooking method:

1. In a small dry container, bring the proteins to white stable peaks.

2. In another bowl, mix the sifted flour and cocoa.

3. In the third container, beat the yolks with sugar.

4. Gently mix the yolks with the proteins so that the mass does not lose its splendor.

5. Gradually introduce into egg mixture flour with cocoa, stirring a lot of light movements from bottom to top.

6. Pour the dough into a greased form.

7. Bake for thirty minutes.

7. How to cook a fluffy biscuit at home with sour cream


A glass of sugar;

A glass of sour cream;

Two glasses of flour;

six eggs;

Vegetable oil;

A tablespoon of lemon juice.

Cooking method:

1. Pour granulated sugar into a container with yolks, beat until all sugar grains are completely dissolved.

2. Add sour cream, mix thoroughly.

3. Pour into proteins lemon juice, beat until a dense stable foam.

4. We connect sour cream with proteins, pour the sifted flour.

5. Beat the dough with a mixer at low speed or with a whisk.

6. Lubricate the mold with oil, pour in the prepared dough.

7. Bake for 25 minutes, the first 15 minutes in preheated to 180 gr. oven, the next 10 minutes at 160 degrees.

8. Lenten biscuit at home without eggs and milk


A glass of granulated sugar;

A glass of highly carbonated mineral water;

Two glasses of flour;

80 ml vegetable oil;

Apple vinegar, soda;

A third cup of semolina.

Vanillin and cinnamon to taste.

Cooking method:

1. Sift flour into a deep bowl, add cinnamon and vanillin.

2. In another container, mix vegetable oil with sugar, vinegar and mineral water. Beat the mass well until the sugar is almost completely dissolved in the mass.

3. Mix the flour mass with the oily mixture, beat for five minutes to make the biscuit especially lush.

4. Pour in the finished lean dough into a form sprinkled with semolina, bake for twenty minutes.

How to make a fluffy biscuit at home: tips and tricks

To make a biscuit lush, you need flour premium high in gluten.

Do not open the oven door while baking the biscuit, otherwise the dough will fall off and ready product it won't be great.

If the eggs are not beaten enough time (8-10 minutes), the biscuit will rise during baking, but after it cools, it will fall off.

Do not use for making biscuits Brown sugar, only ordinary granulated sugar or powdered sugar will do.

All the ingredients that make up the biscuit should have the same temperature, so you should take the food out of the refrigerator at least an hour before cooking.

Do not use more sugar than necessary, excess of this product can make the dough heavier and the biscuit will not turn out fluffy and airy.

If you are prescription based regular biscuit decided to bake chocolate biscuit, reduce the amount of flour by the amount of cocoa powder added.

Be sure to bake the biscuit in a preheated oven, otherwise it will not rise.

Would need:

Wheat flour - 1 cup
Sugar - 1 cup
Chicken eggs - 3 pieces

I must say that the above ingredients make a small cake, so if you meet guests, then double the indicated amount of products at least twice. For a family tea party, a modest-sized dessert is enough.

The simplest cake recipe

1. Beat the eggs with a mixer.
2. Add granulated sugar.
3. Then, in a thick, stable egg foam, in small portions, without stopping beating, pour the flour.
4. Are you too lazy to beat the biscuit dough step by step? You can mix everything at once, but in this case, do not forget a teaspoon of baking powder.
5. We heat the oven to 220 degrees. Transfer the dough to a greased pan and bake for 20 minutes.
6. Let the finished biscuit cool. Then we take it out of the mold.
7. Cut the biscuit into several cakes and coat with any cream. For example: you can use thick jam, beat everyone's favorite varenka with a pack of butter or create on hastily.
8. Decorate your creation with a broken waffle or meringue.

The simplest sponge cake with sour cream


For biscuit
Wheat flour - 1 cup
Sugar - 1 cup
Sour cream - half a glass
Chicken eggs - 2 pieces
Baking powder - 1 teaspoon

For cream
Sour cream with a fat content of at least 30% - 1 cup
Sugar - half a glass

Double the ingredients if you want to make a standard sized cake.

The recipe for the simplest sour cream

1. Beat flour, sugar, sour cream, eggs and baking powder into a single mass.
2. Pour into a greased baking dish and send to a preheated oven for 20 minutes at 220 degrees.
3. While the biscuit is baking, we start whipping sour cream with sugar. It is important to take sour cream with a high fat content, then it will whip up with you. The amount of sugar can be increased to your taste and depending on the sourness in sour cream.
4. After removing the biscuit from the oven, cool, remove from the mold, cut into the required number of cakes and coat with sour cream.
5. Decorate with slices of almonds, cut into petals.

Biscuit Cake Recipe - Festive


For cakes
Chicken egg - 4 pieces
Flour - 4 cups
Sugar - 4 cups
Sour cream - 2 cups
Baking powder - 20 g
Peeled crushed nuts - half a glass
Pitted raisins (or canned pitted cherries) - 1/2 cup
poppy bag
Cocoa - 3 teaspoons

For cream
Condensed milk - jar
Butter - 200 g
thick fat sour cream– 200 g

Festive biscuit preparation

1. Combine in separate 4 containers one egg, a glass of sugar and flour, half a glass of sour cream and 5 grams of baking powder. Or you can mix everything in one container and then divide into four bowls, do it the way you prefer.
2. Add nuts to one part of the mixture, raisins to another (which must first be soaked in water for half an hour), poppy seeds to the third, and cocoa to the fourth.
3. Thus, we get four different cakes. We bake each at a temperature of 200 degrees for 25 minutes. We check readiness with a torch.
4. Lubricate the biscuit cakes with cream. To do this, beat sour cream, butter at room temperature and condensed milk well.
5. Decorate to your taste: grated chocolate, canned cherries or nuts. It turns out incredible delicious dessert that will not leave indifferent any guest! As a rule, be sure someone asks for a recipe for a biscuit cake.

Simple and delicious cake - Chocolate

Let's cook:

For the test
Chicken egg - 4 pieces
Sugar - 1 cup
Wheat flour - 2 cups
Kefir - 1 cup
Baking powder - 10-12 g
Cocoa - half a glass

For impregnation
Chocolate spread (like Nutella or Carousel) - 350 g
Butter - 100 g
Berry syrup (can be from jam) - about a glass

Super easy chocolate cake recipe

1. Mix the egg, sugar, flour, kefir, baking powder and cocoa.
2. Put in an oiled form and bake at 190 degrees for about 30-35 minutes. Readiness is determined with the help of a splinter.
3. Cool and cut into pieces. We first moisten each cake with syrup. And then grease with a cream of whipped together chocolate paste and room temperature butter.
4. Decorate with chocolate figurines or ordinary tile shavings.

So, we have not even one, but several options. Each of the cooking methods takes a minimum of time and effort, and there are countless delights and pleasures!

How to cook biscuit cake at home? This question is often asked by those who do not like store-bought desserts, but prefer to bake them on their own. It should be noted that there is nothing complicated in this. Moreover, today there is an incredible number a variety of recipes, using which, you can easily make any delicacy. We will consider only a few proven and simple methods.

Classic homemade biscuit cake

This recipe is known by many housewives. But if you do not know him, then you can find out about him a little lower.

So, for cooking delicious and fluffy cake we will need:

  • large chicken eggs - 6 pcs.;
  • light wheat flour - 2 cups;
  • granulated sugar - 2 cups;
  • vanillin - add as desired (5 g);
  • table soda (preferably extinguished with 6% vinegar) - a dessert spoon;
  • fine iodized salt - a pinch;
  • vegetable oil - 35 ml (for lubrication of the form).

Dough kneading

With strict observance of all the requirements for creating such a dessert, you will definitely get a delicious and tender homemade biscuit cake. The recipe for its preparation involves the use a large number eggs. Thanks to this ingredient, you can make quite lush and soft cake. But before that chicken eggs should be divided into proteins and yolks, and then added to the last component and grind everything until white. As for the second part of the product, it is recommended to cool it, and then add a pinch of fine iodized salt and beat into a standing strong foam, using a mixer or a whisk for this.

After the described actions, both masses should be combined together, add vanillin, slaked table soda and wheat flour. As a result, you should have a liquid and fragrant dough.

Baking process

Biscuit cake at home can be baked in the oven, and in such a modern device as a slow cooker. We decided to use the first option, since not all housewives have acquired the mentioned device. Thus, you need to take it to grease it with oil (preferably vegetable), and then pour out all the previously kneaded dough. Cooking a biscuit in a preheated oven should be at a temperature of 195-200 degrees for at least 55-60 minutes. After the cake has risen and browned, it should be placed on cutting board lined with baking paper, and then cool completely and cut into 2, 3 or 4 cakes (depending on the thickness of the baked product).

Required components for cream

Before you make a biscuit cake at home, you should think about what kind of dessert cream you want to use. After all, the taste and softness of your baking will depend on the filling. We suggest using it, as with it the cake will turn out to be more tender and airy. For this we need:

  • cream 40% - 300 ml;
  • powdered sugar - 1 cup;
  • dark or White chocolate- 1.6 tiles;
  • fresh garden strawberries - 10-15 pcs. (use as desired).

Making delicious air cream

To make a biscuit cake at home, you should take heavy cream and beat them thoroughly, gradually pouring powdered sugar. As a result, you should get a lush and voluminous snow-white mass. In addition, it is recommended to grate dark and also in a separate plate. cold water wash garden fresh strawberries, remove the stalks and cut them into not very thin slices.

Dessert formation process

Homemade biscuit cake is formed very easily and quickly. To do this, take the cut ones, put one of them on the cake dish and generously grease it with butter cream. To give dessert unusual taste and beautiful appearance, on the filling it is desirable to lay out plates of fresh strawberries in an even layer. Next, you need to repeat the procedure so that all the cakes are in a pile. The surface of the formed cake should be smeared with cream in the same way, and then sprinkled with chocolate chips.

How to serve?

Now you know how to make biscuit cake at home. It should be noted that after the formation of the dessert, it is recommended to place it in refrigerator compartment, where it is desirable to withstand at least three hours. Further impregnated soft cake must be cut into portioned pieces and served to guests along with hot tea.

Cooking biscuit using semolina

To make such an unusual, but delicious dessert, we need:

  • semolina - 160 g;
  • large eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • sugar sand - about 200 g;
  • vanillin - 7 g;
  • fresh butter - 55 g (for lubrication of the form);
  • table soda (it is recommended to extinguish with 6% vinegar) - a dessert spoon without a slide;
  • fresh milk 2.5% fat - 350 ml.

Dough preparation and baking

Eggs should be strongly beaten together with sugar, and then add a tablespoon to them. slaked soda and vanillin. After mixing all the components together, they should be kept at room temperature for half an hour, and then placed in detachable form, greased with butter, and put in the oven for 15 minutes. After this time, the dish with the browned biscuit should be removed, and then evenly poured over it. fresh milk and bake again for a quarter of an hour.

Ready semolina cake should be cooled directly in the mold in cold air. Next, it is recommended to carefully cut it into two parts.

Necessary ingredients for the filling

Any cream can be used for such a biscuit. We recommend using a filling based on condensed milk, as with it the cake will turn out to be very tasty and fragrant. To do this, you must purchase:

  • creamy fresh oil- 180 g;
  • unboiled condensed milk - a standard can;
  • dark chocolate - 1.5 tiles.

Cooking cream

To make such a filling, you should soften the butter, and then beat it strongly with a mixer, gradually pouring in the condensed milk. As a result, you should get delicious air cream. It also needs to be crushed dark chocolate grated or make glaze out of it by adding a couple of tablespoons of milk.

We form a delicious cake

To make the dessert beautiful, you should take a special cake dish and put semolina cake on it. It needs to be generously greased with condensed cream, and then closed with the second part of the biscuit. Next, on the surface of the cake, you need to apply the filling in the same way, including the sides, and sprinkle it with chocolate chips. If desired, such a cake can be doused with not very hot icing.

Proper serving of dessert

You know how to make a biscuit cake at home. Now I want to tell you how it should be properly served at the table. To do this, the formed dessert must be kept in the refrigerator for at least 4 hours, and then removed, cut into portioned pieces and served to guests on saucers along with tea. Enjoy your meal!

Calories: Not specified
Time for preparing: Not specified

Usually the culmination of any feast falls at the very end, when they serve birthday cake. And if it is tasteless, then, we can say, your efforts to prepare the holiday were in vain. After all, guests are unlikely to remember delicious canapes, served at the very beginning, or your signature salad, which you decorated for two hours. They will definitely remember the tasteless shop cake with a taste of soda, cheap margarine or essence. Therefore, I propose to forget the road to the confectionery departments of stores, and bake cakes on your own. And I'll start, perhaps, with the simplest, but win-win- let's make a biscuit cake, a recipe with a photo step by step at home will show the whole baking process, and you will see that there is nothing complicated in it.


For the biscuit:

- white wheat flour - 130-140 g;
- granulated sugar (fine) - 180 g;
- chicken eggs (selected category) - 4 pcs.;
- vanilla sugar - 10 g.

For cream:

- butter (unsalted) - 250 g;
- vanilla sugar - 10 g;
- filtered water - 50 ml;
- condensed milk - 380 g;
- egg yolks- 2 pcs.;
- cocoa powder (unsweetened) - 4-5 tbsp. l.

For impregnation:

- filtered water - 400 ml;
- sugar - 100 g;
- instant coffee- 3 tsp;
- cognac or amaretto (optional) - 30-50 ml.

For chocolate glaze:

- sour cream (fat content from 20% - 100 g;
- cocoa powder - 2 tbsp. l.;
- granulated sugar - 2 tbsp. l.;
- butter - 50-70 g.

How to cook with a photo step by step

1. Separate the eggs into yolks and whites and place them in deep bowls that are easy to beat. I whipped egg whites in a food processor.

2. And the yolks - by hand. But all this can be done with a mixer. Just remember that after each whipping, the mixer whisks must be thoroughly washed and wiped dry. All sugar intended for biscuit cakes, divide into 2 unequal parts - pour about 2/3 for proteins and leave 1/3 for yolks. regular sugar can be immediately mixed with vanilla.

3. Start whipping the whites when a lush foam forms, approximately, as in the photo, start pouring sugar in a thin “stream”.

4. In no case do not add the entire norm at once, because the proteins will not be whipped, as needed for fluffy biscuit. Pour in sugar with a tablespoon, without stopping the mixer.

5. To make the cake airy and tall, beat the whites to soft or medium peaks. That is, when the whisk is raised, the mass will “stretch” behind them, forming traces in the form of a bird's beak. They should not "stand", the tips should be lowered. Protein mass by this point it will become shiny and airy, it will increase several times in volume, and the sugar will completely dissolve.

6. Take care of the yolks. Pour in the rest of the sugar.

7. And beat by hand or with a mixer until the sugar dissolves. The mass will brighten and increase in volume, become more dense.

8. Take about a third or half of the whites and add to the yolks.

9. Gently mix using the folding method. That is, you need to do not circular movements with a spatula, but, as it were, scoop up the mass from below and lift it up.

10. Now add half of the total flour. Don't forget to sift it. Stir again using the folding method.

11. Add remaining proteins. Stir.

12. Pour in the second half of the flour. Stir.

13. This is how it should turn out biscuit dough for a cake - airy, homogeneous, pouring.

14. Take suitable shape for baking, grease it from the inside with vegetable or butter, sprinkle with crushed breadcrumbs or flour and pour the dough into it. Preheat the oven to 180-200 degrees, send the form with the dough into it for 25-30 minutes. When choosing a shape, keep in mind that the biscuit will increase in volume by half, or even more. In no case do not open the oven door while the biscuit dough is baking there, otherwise it will immediately settle. I baked a biscuit in a slow cooker on the "oven" mode for 35 minutes at a temperature of 130 degrees. And then held for another 10 minutes on auto-heating. This is how I got a biscuit - 10-12 centimeters in height, no less. Cool the biscuit base on a wire rack. And then cover with a waffle towel and let it “rest” for 5-6 hours.

15. Using a large sharp knife, cut the biscuit into 3-4 cakes.

16. Engage in the preparation of the cream. Mix water, condensed milk and yolks.

17. I also added cocoa to the cream. But this is optional. Send the mixture to a small fire, boil until thick. It is better to use a water bath, otherwise the mixture can burn quickly and the cream will be spoiled.

18. Remove the thickened cream from the heat.

By the way, it's still very tasty.

19. In parallel, you need to remove the oil from the refrigerator so that it has time to soften. Cut it into cubes.

20. Add vanilla sugar to it and beat for average speed. Add the cooled mixture of condensed milk and yolks to the butter in small portions, without stopping the mixer.

21. This is how I got the cream. Due to the characteristics of my cocoa powder, dark grains formed in it, but this did not spoil the taste. Let the cream chill in the refrigerator for 30-60 minutes so that it does not spread when forming the sponge cake.

22. In the meantime, you can prepare the impregnation. It is not necessary to make it coffee like in my recipe. You can just weld sugar syrup. I won't show you step by step how to do it, just don't add coffee. It will also be delicious with berry syrup, especially if the cream is without cocoa, but simply on condensed milk. Mix all the ingredients for impregnation and boil over low heat. When the liquid becomes less by about 20%, easy coffee syrup for soaking the cake can be considered ready. Take it off the heat and let it cool down a bit. Don't worry about alcohol finished cake its taste is not felt, because all the alcohol has time to evaporate. Only a subtle aroma remains.

23. Place the first cake on the dish and pour it abundantly with impregnation.

24. Then smear it with cream.

25. Cover with the next cake. Repeat the procedure with all "floors" homemade cake. You can also smear the cake with cream on all sides and top, and then decorate it as you wish. But I decided to pour it with chocolate icing.

26. Mix cocoa with sugar.

27. Add sour cream and stir.

28. Put the mixture on slow fire. Stirring, bring it to the state liquid chocolate, then remove from the stove and cool slightly. Add a piece of butter and mix one last time. Finished glaze it is desirable to cool, otherwise it will spread strongly.

29. Apply frosting to the cake. You can try this biscuit cake right away, because we made it softer with the help of impregnation.

But the next day the cake will be even tastier. It's so easy to make a biscuit cake at home, the recipe with a photo showed you the whole process step by step, so you can safely start baking!

I also suggest that you look at a simple one that is cooked in a slow cooker.

Happy tea!