Is it possible to replace canned cherries with ordinary ones. Cherry blanks for the winter - freeze and pickle

02.11.2019 Bakery

Cherriesone of the most widespread, tasty and healthy berries in our gardens. Winter preparations are not complete without them. Most of the recipes for saving cherries for the winter are family-run and are inherited. But, perhaps, someone will discover something new for themselves in the preparation of cherries. There are several ways to stock up on cherries for the winter: freezing whole, "vitamin", drying, drying, candied fruits. And, of course, canning - juice, compotes, preserves, jams, jam.

Did you know? The birthplace of cherries is the Mediterranean. In Russia, domestic cherry has been known since the 12th century and almost immediately gained recognition and began to be planted in whole gardens.

The benefits and harms of cherry fruits

Cherries are indispensable for improving performance and immunity. Berries are an excellent source of well-absorbed vitamins, minerals, organic acids, fructose. Fiber, tannins, inositol, coumarin, melatonin, pectin, anthocyanins contained in it - normalize metabolism and the functioning of the digestive tract, nervous, cardiovascular systems and musculoskeletal system. In addition, they have a positive effect on memory and brain function.

The beneficial properties of cherries are used in the treatment of epilepsy, diabetes, anemia, angina pectoris, hypertension, atherosclerosis, Alzheimer's disease, arthritis, insomnia. And also for colds - as an antipyretic, expectorant, sedative. For a long time cherries have been famous as “rejuvenating berries” that prevent aging and promote rejuvenation of the body. Their antioxidant and antimicrobial action has been proven.

Did you know? Cherry berries contain - vitamins A, C, E, PP, H, vitamin B group, calcium, iron, copper, sulfur, molybdenum, manganese, chromium, fluorine, sodium, zinc, iodine, cobalt, boron, phosphorus, rubidium, magnesium , vanadium.

There are some restrictions on the use of cherries. Be wary of eating berries with high acidity, stomach ulcers, duodenal ulcers, gastritis, gastroenteritis, some chronic diseases of the intestines and lungs. In general, the approximate norm of cherries per day for a healthy person is 400-450 g of fresh berries. And if the season is over, then pre-harvested fruits.

Important! For the preparation of stocks, only ripe, carefully selected, whole berries are used without signs of disease.

Various recipes for cherries for the winter are very popular.

How to dry cherries

Drying is the oldest proven cherry preservation for the winter. Drying cherries in the sun will take about 6-8 days. The collected (you can wash, you can not wash) the berries are laid out on the prepared surface, leveled so that there are small distances between them. The container with cherries is left in partial shade outside in sunny hot weather. From time to time, the berries need to be gently agitated and turned over. Drying in an electric dryer or oven.

If you have a special electric dryer for berries and fruits, then the instructions in it should indicate the parameters and the process of preparing the final product, then just follow the instructions. If dried in the oven, then wash and dry the berries with a towel. The baking sheet is covered with parchment, cherries are poured in one layer and placed in the oven. But the oven door is not closed completely, it must be slightly open. Drying temperature for the first 1.5-2 hours is 55-65 ° C, then 30-45 ° C.

V The cooking time can be different, so the guideline will be finger pressure on the berry: if the juice does not stand out, then the cherry is ready. Cherries are also dried and pitted, just before drying they give time to drain the juice, and then blot the berries with a napkin or towel. Finished berries are stored in small linen or paper bags at room temperature. Storage of dried cherries is not allowed in high humidity - otherwise the fruits will mold and deteriorate.

Sun-dried cherry recipes

Cherry blanks for the winter by drying are successfully used by many housewives.

Method 1. Pits are removed from the berries and cherries are boiled in syrup - 1 liter of water for 700-800 g of sugar. Then the berries are taken out and the syrup is completely allowed to drain, and then they are also blotted with a napkin. Dried in the oven, cabinet at a temperature of 40-45 ° C until tender. Readiness is determined by pressing on the berries - moisture should not be released.

Method 2. Pitted cherries are covered with sugar - for 1 kg - 500 g. They are kept for 24 hours and the juice is drained. The berries are poured with prepared syrup - 350 ml of water for 350 g of sugar. It is heated almost to a boil - up to a temperature of 90-95 ° C and kept for 4-5 minutes. Then the cherries are taken out and allowed to drain completely. Then they are dried as in the first method.

Important! Dried and dried cherries should be firm and elastic to the touch, but without moist areas of the pulp and sap.

Features of freezing cherries, how to save cherries for the winter

If you have a large freezer, or even better - there is a freezer, then use the methods on how to freeze cherries for the winter. The main advantage of freezing is the almost complete safety of all micro-, macronutrients and vitamins in berries. You can freeze cherries in bulk - that is, rinse and put in a plastic container, bag, glass (with a lid) and put in the freezer. Or you can freeze the berries individually and then fill the freezer mold with them. To do this, the washed cherries are laid out on a pallet and placed in the freezer, when the berries are frozen, they are poured into a container, etc. - they are repeated several times.

Did you know? When frozen separately, the berries do not stick together when thawed, do not disintegrate and have a more attractive appearance.

If you need to freeze cherries with the pits removed, then take the pulp, put it in a container and pour cherry juice to the brim. To prepare the juice, take pitted cherries and sugar in a 1: 1 ratio. The berries are poured with sugar, and the extracted juice is poured into a container. It is even easier to freeze a "vitamin" - pitted cherries are twisted or crushed with a blender with 1: 1 sugar addition, containers are filled - and into the freezer. Seedless frozen berries are great for baking, dumplings, making jelly, other desserts and, of course, for consumption fresh after defrosting.

Important! Choose a container of the required volume for freezing - already thawed cherries should be used immediately. It is not stored or re-frozen!

Cherry conservation

There are a lot of recipes, we will give only a few - quite simple ones.

  • Jelly- add a little water to the pitted berries and steamed under a lid for 5-6 minutes. Then rub until puree and add fruit juice (usually apple, you can another) and sugar. For about 1 kg of berries - 230-250 g of juice and 450-500 g of sugar. Boil until thick and pour into jars.
  • Jam- washed cherries are pricked with a needle (skewer, toothpick) and poured with syrup. For syrup - 200 ml of water and 500 g of sugar per 1 kg of berries. Leave for 5-6 hours. After the separated juice is drained and poured into it another 450-500 g of sugar per 200 g of liquid and boiled separately for 15 minutes. Then cherries are poured into it, kept for another 4-5 hours, then boiled until cooked and corked in jars.
  • Compote- sugar is added to seedless berries. Proportion - 1 kg / 400 g. Put on fire, stirring constantly, bring to 85-90 ° С, stand for 5-7 minutes and then immediately fill the jars and roll them up.

Or mashed cherries with sugar - tasty and healthy, since the beneficial properties of berries are almost not lost, especially if you use non-metal dishes during cooking. For grinding, you can use a meat grinder or blender, through a sieve - troublesome and long. A quick recipe for sweetened cherries. Seedless berries are twisted and covered with sugar - 1: 2, mixed well. Leave to brew for 1 hour. Then they thoroughly mix again, lay out to the top in sterilized jars, crush 0.5-1 tbsp on top. l. sugar and close with nylon lids. Store in a refrigerator, basement, cellar.

The apple year gives way to the stone fruit year, and we have to think about where to put that sea of ​​cherries that are about to end up in our kitchens. The first thought is to eat everything! A sound idea, since cherries are an extremely healthy berry containing many vitamins and minerals that will delight our body. But alas, in the stone fruit year, such a thought is practically impossible, unless you are able to eat a bucket of cherries in one sitting. So you have to think about preserving what turns out to be uneaten.

Before you start preserving, pay attention to the quality of the berries. If your cherries are large and sweet, then you can can with or without pits - as you wish, however you like best. The presence of seeds in canned cherries gives compotes, preserves and other products an original taste and bright aroma.

But there is a small cherry, not "meat", almost a stone and skin. This one has to be preserved only with seeds. In defense of this variety, we can say that usually this cherry is very aromatic, and compotes from it are very tasty. True, it is not recommended to cook jam from such a berry - there will be solid bones and nothing more. In fact, this cherry is only suitable for compotes, for other preservation options (jellies, juices, preserves, jams, marmalade, and so on) it is unsuitable.

How to preserve cherry jam

When cooking cherry jam, it is best to use pitted cherries. Therefore, the preparation of canned food begins with the removal of seeds from washed berries, then the berries are washed again, placed in an enamel bowl, covered with sugar (either 1: 1 or 1.5: 1 - depending on the sweetness of the berries), brought to a boil over low heat at constant stirring, and then (do not stop stirring!) cook for another 20-30 minutes. Ready jam is poured into jars, cooled, covered with lids and stored.

Cherry jam or jam can also be made with leftover cherries after juicing or jelly. True, in this case, you need to add a little water to the raw materials - about 1-1.5 cups to a five-six-liter saucepan.

How to preserve cherries in their own juice

Wash the berries thoroughly, remove the seeds, cover with sugar at the rate of 0.3-0.5 kg of sugar per 1 kg of cherries (depending on the sweetness of the berries), put in a cold place for 10-12 hours (during this time the cherry will let the juice out). Then put the saucepan with berries on low heat and wait until boiling. Arrange the berries in sterilized jars, pour juice (from a saucepan) and roll up. Turn the rolled up jars, cover with a towel and leave to cool completely, after which they can be placed in a closet or other storage place.

How to preserve cherry juice

Remove the seeds from the cherry, then squeeze the juice using a juicer. We add sugar to the juice to taste, but so that the juice is sweet - sugar serves as a kind of preservative. Then we bring the sweet mixture to a boil, pour it into previously prepared sterile jars, roll up, turn the jars over and cover until they cool completely.

How to preserve cherry jelly

Remove the seeds from the cherry, then squeeze the juice using a juicer. Add sugar to the juice at the rate of 1: 1 if the cherry is sweet, for sour berries more sugar is required: 1.5: 1. Bring the mixture to a boil and cook for 20-25 minutes over low heat, skimming off the foam. Sometimes you need to boil a little longer (depending on the cherry variety), so readiness is determined almost by eye - when the mixture begins to thicken, the jelly can be considered ready. Then we pour it into jars, like jam. Banks must be cleanly washed, preferably sterilized. After cooling, put it in the pantry for storage.

How to preserve candied cherries

Candied fruits are a delicious delicacy, both adults and children love them. Candied fruits are especially relevant if you are fond of various pastries: candied fruits can be a wonderful decoration for a cake or pie.

For the preparation of candied fruits, pitted cherries are used. First, you need to prepare a saturated syrup - to the limit of the solubility of sugar, and dip the cherries into it, while still boiling. After that, the fire is immediately turned off, and the cherries are left in the syrup for 10-12 hours. Then the syrup is drained, put on the fire again, brought to a boil, cherries are again dipped into it, cooled for 10-12 hours. The procedure is repeated 3-4 times: the sugar should crystallize on the berries. Then the cherries are dried a little in the oven (it is optimal to preheat the oven to the maximum, and then turn off the heat and place candied fruits there for drying).

Candied fruits are stored in glass jars, sealed with parchment or oiled paper, and can also be stored in foil.

How to preserve cherry compote

The easiest option for a cherry compote is to take the cherry, rinse it properly, without removing the pits (if the cherry is small and not "meaty", or the option with pits tastes better for you), load it into a saucepan with boiling water, add sugar to taste and boil for 15 minutes, then pour into sterilized jars and roll up. In this case, the compote is prepared in the same way as usual, only instead of being consumed, it is canned for the winter. The disadvantage of this method is that a lot of water is canned and you have to use a lot of cans, moreover - two and three liters, which, moreover, requires a lot of storage space. The pluses include the fact that at the exit we just have a compote, which is ready for use immediately after opening the can, it does not need to be diluted with water, and so on.

Much more convenient for preservation is a method that involves filling jars "shoulder-length" with cherries - in this case, cans are saved, as well as space for storing canned food, since it is optimal to use small jars - half-liter and liter. This way you can preserve cherries in several varieties.

In the first case, cold syrup is used (for the manufacture of syrup, 300-400 g of sugar per 1 liter of water is required - the amount of sugar varies depending on the sweetness of the berries). The syrup is poured over the cherries placed in a jar, and then the jar is placed in a saucepan with cold water. To prevent the jar from bursting, it is advisable to put a clean cloth in the pan so that the glass does not touch the metal walls of the pan. Then you need to heat the water slowly almost to a boil, keep the cans for 10-15 minutes (the time depends on the volume, 10 minutes - 0.5 l, 15 minutes - 1 l). After that, the cans are rolled up, turned over and covered until they cool completely.

You can also use hot syrup, in this case it takes 5-7 minutes to keep the jars in a water bath. Instead of syrup, juice, both cherry and other berries, can be used, if you have one or you like such a mixture of flavors - it can be very original. Sugar is added to the juice at the rate of 300-400 g per 1 liter, depending on the sweetness of the juice itself.

Well, and the very last option: cherries are prepared in the same way as in the first option (without syrup), only you need more sugar (about 200 g per 1 kg of berries), and mostly berries are placed in the jar, liquids - at a minimum, just so fill the empty space.

Cherry is considered the birthplace of the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus and Crimea, from where it came to Rome and spread throughout Europe. Already in the III century. BC NS. doctor Sifinius mentions cherry (sweet cherry) as a valuable medicinal product.

Cherry was the only fruit tree that grew during the time of Yuri Dolgoruky in the vicinity of Moscow. In 1569, a medical collection called "The Garden of Health" was published in Germany, where a whole chapter is devoted to cherries.

There are about 130 species of cherry genus, one of which is the felt cherry, or Chinese cherry. It got its name for the gray-green leaves covered with soft fluff. It is bred in Japan and China as an ornamental plant.

It grows wild in Northwest China, the Himalayas, Japan, the Far East and the European part of our country. It is a hardy shrub or small tree up to 2 m tall.

The fruits are light red drupes, outwardly similar to the berries of ordinary cherries, in structure they resemble plum fruits. Each bush yields 7-8 kg of berries with a sweet refreshing taste. They are rich in vitamin C, the content of which is one and a half to two times higher than in the fruits of ordinary European cherry varieties.

The modern geography of the common cherry and sweet cherry culture is extensive, and the annual world harvest of these fruits is over 2 million tons.

Common cherry is a shrub or tree up to 7 m high from the Rosaceae family. The bark of the trunks is gray-brown, the leaves are petiolate, simple, elliptical, pointed, serrate at the edges. The flowers are white and pink, collected in small inflorescences. There is also a wild type of cherry, propagating by shoots from the root. Its berries are as good as the fruit of the garden cherry.

Red or dark red fruits of ordinary cherries have a pleasant sweet and sour taste, their pulp contains many useful substances: organic acids (malic, citric, succinic, salicylic, etc.), minerals and trace elements (calcium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium , potassium, a lot of copper), pectin substances - up to 11%, enzymes, sugars - up to 15%, nitrogenous, tannins and dyes, vitamins A, C and PP, folic acid, anthocyanins.

Cherry pits contain: fatty oil -25-35%, essential oil, amygdalin glycoside; in the bark - tannins, coumarin, amygdalin.

Cherries are eaten fresh, dried and canned. Jam, jam, compotes, syrups, extracts, liqueurs and liqueurs, wines and fruit water are made from it.

A surrogate for tea is prepared from cherry leaves, they are used when pickling vegetables and put in jam.

Dried cherries of dark-colored fruits, without stalks. The berries are sorted out, washed. For high-quality drying, the cherries are blanched for 30-40 seconds in a boiling 1-1.5% solution of baking soda, and then thoroughly washed in cold running water. Drying is started at a temperature of 40-45 ° C. When the berries have dried up and become wrinkled, the temperature should be increased to 70-80 ° C.
Drying lasts 10-12 hours.

Cherry jam is called "royal", this dessert received such a high rank due to its excellent taste, with which no berry can be compared. Cherry jam is prepared with or without seeds, the second option is considered the highest quality and safest for health, since two years after conservation, toxins are released from the seeds that can harm health.

The most delicious jam is obtained from southern varieties, as well as Shubinka, Turgenevka and Zakharyevskaya cherries, to make the dessert aromatic, you must use maroon berries, and the more intense the color, the tastier the dessert.

Cherry jam is cooked with and without seeds, and the taste and aroma of jam with seeds is somewhat better. To improve the aroma and taste of seedless jam, the extracted seeds are poured with water so that it only covers them, boiled, filtered and syrup is boiled on the resulting broth.

Pitted cherry jam(option 1)

- 1 kilogram of cherries;
- 1.2 kilograms of sugar.

Remove the seeds from the berries using a special device or improvised means, put the berries in enameled dishes or stainless steel dishes, sprinkling with sugar. Let the berries let the juice flow, for the syrup to appear, 2-3 hours is enough. Transfer the berries with syrup to a stainless steel cooking bowl, add 1 glass of water and simmer over low heat, stirring gradually with a spoon until the sugar is completely dissolved. Next, you should make the fire stronger, bring the jam to a boil and remove from heat. A similar procedure (bringing to a boil with removal from heat) must be repeated several times, at the same time, make sure that the cherry does not burn. The foam formed during the boiling process should be removed. After the jam has cooled, it must be placed in glass jars, rolled up with lids and placed in a cool room.

Cherry jam with seeds(option 1)

- 1 kilogram of cherries;
- 1/2 kilogram of sugar:
- 800 grams of water.

The secret of making delicious jam with seeds is how well the berries will be prepared for cooking. Whole cherries are slowly soaked in syrup, there is a risk that they will shrink and the jam will not be of high quality, at the same time, it is not recommended to cook them for a long time. How can you find a compromise?
The fruits must be pricked with a pin, put in a basin and not poured, but filled with syrup made from 800 grams of water and 300 grams of sugar. Keep the cherries in the syrup for 3-4 hours, then bring to a boil and simmer for 7-10 minutes. Next, separate the cherries from the syrup and cook the liquid for another 5 minutes. Put the cherries back in the syrup, add 200 grams of sugar and boil until tender (bring to a boil and remove from heat several times).

Thick cherry jam

- 1 kilogram of cherries;
- 1.5 kilograms of sugar;
- 1 glass of water.

The secret of thick jam lies in the variety of cherries, for lovers, so that "there is a spoon", it is better to take Zakharievsky or Vladimirsky varieties of cherries for making jam. Another secret of thick jam is the amount of sugar, it should be slightly more than when preparing traditional medium-thick cherry jam.
Place the berries (whether to get the seeds or not, the hostess decides individually) in a special bowl, cover with sugar and leave to infuse for 3 hours. Put the bowl of berries on low heat, add 1 cup of water and heat, stirring constantly, so that the cherries do not burn. When the syrup is smooth, you can turn on the heat more and bring the jam to a boil. Repeat the procedure 3-4 times.

Seedless Cherry Jam(option 2)

a) cooked in two steps
Pits are removed from the prepared fruits, the cherries are placed in an enamel basin, poured with hot sugar syrup of 60% concentration (for 1 kg of fruit, 520 g of water and 780 g of sugar). For 1 kg of fruit add 1 kg of sugar... The sugar remaining after the preparation of the syrup is halved and added to the syrup at the beginning of each boil. This jam is prepared in two steps.
Pitted cherries, drenched in sugar syrup of 60% concentration, stand for at least 5 hours, then filter them through a colander. Half of the remaining sugar is added to the syrup, boiled for at least 15 minutes, the fruits are immersed in it and again kept for at least 5 hours.At the end of the second exposure, the cherries are again separated from the syrup, the remaining sugar is added to the syrup, boiled until it is completely dissolved, and poured with the resulting syrup fruits and jam until tender.
If the jam will be packaged in jars without hermetically sealed, then the boiling point of the syrup should be 108 ° C, if the jam is packaged in jars in a boiling state with hermetic sealing and self-sterilization, then the boiling point of the syrup at the end of the second cooking should be 104-105 ° C.
Ready jam in a boiling state is poured into hot dry jars, hermetically sealed with boiled varnished lids, turned upside down and cooled.

b) cooked in one go
Pitted cherry jam can be cooked in one go. In this case, the prepared fruits are poured with boiling sugar syrup prepared at the rate of 1.5 kg of sugar and 250 g of water per 1 kg of cherries... The cherries filled with syrup are kept for 3 hours, after which they are boiled until tender. Hot jam is packaged, sealed and cooled.

Cherry Jam with Pits(option 2)

To make the syrup penetrate faster into cherries with seeds, they are blanched in water for 1-1.5 minutes at a temperature of 90 ° C, and then poured with hot sugar syrup of 40% concentration ( for 1 kg of fruit 470 g of sugar and 700 g of water) and kept for 5-7 hours. This jam is prepared in three steps. For 1 kg of fruit, 1 kg of sugar is consumed. The sugar remaining after the preparation of the syrup is divided into three parts and added in parts to the syrup at the beginning of each cooking.
After the first exposure, the fruits are thrown into a colander or sieve, 1/3 of the remaining sugar is added to the syrup, boiled for 10-15 minutes, the cherries are placed in boiling syrup and kept for 5-7 hours.
After the second exposure, the cherries are again separated from the syrup, another part of sugar is added to the syrup, boiled for 10-15 minutes, placed in boiling cherry syrup, boiled for 5 minutes and set aside for 5-7 hours.
During the third cooking, add the remaining sugar to the syrup and cook the jam until tender. The finished jam is poured into hot dry jars, hermetically sealed with varnished lids, turned upside down, covered with a thick cloth and slowly cooled.

Cherry jam with raspberries

Cherry Raspberry Jam can be pitted or pitted. The process for making cherry raspberry jam is the same as for making cherry jam, only for 1 kg of cherries add 150-200 g of raspberries... Raspberry jam has a beautiful color, pleasant aroma and taste.

Cherry jam

Since cherries have low gelling properties, it is recommended to add other berries to it to obtain a denser consistency of jam at the end of cooking.

Cherry jam with gooseberries

Pits are removed from prepared cherries and the fruits are passed through a meat grinder with a grid having holes with a diameter of 2.5 mm. Chopped cherries are placed in an enamel basin, water is added ( 150 g per 1 kg of fruit), put on fire and boil. Then sugar is added ( 1.1 kg per 1 kg of fruit) and boil the mass until tender with constant stirring, avoiding burning. At the end of cooking, gooseberry juice is added to the jam ( 150 g per 1 kg of fruit).
Ready jam in a boiling state is poured into dry hot jars, covered with lacquered lids, hermetically sealed, turned upside down and cooled.

Cherry jam with red currant

Cherry jam with red currants. The whole technological process is the same as in the case of making cherry jam with gooseberries, only currants are added instead of gooseberry juice.
Red currants are sorted, stalks and twigs are removed, washed and chopped in a meat grinder. Chopped currants are placed in an enamel basin, water is added ( 100-150 g per 1 kg of currants) and boiled until thick. Thickened currants are added to the boiled cherries, mixed with sugar and boiled with jam until tender.
For 1 kg of cherries add 0.5 kg of red currant and 0.75 kg of sugar... Ready hot jam is poured into jars, covered with lacquered lids, hermetically sealed, turned upside down and cooled.

Cherries for tea

Pits are removed from sorted and well-washed cherries, the fruits are placed in an enamel basin, sprinkled with sugar in layers at the rate of 0.5 kg of sugar per 1 kg of fruit... The mixture is allowed to stand for 4-5 hours, after which it is placed on low heat and boiled for 5-7 minutes with frequent stirring, preventing the sugar from burning. In a boiling state, the jam is poured into hot dry jars, hermetically sealed with boiled varnished lids, turned upside down and cooled.

Cherry natural

Prepared cherries with seeds are placed tightly in jars up to the top, poured with boiling water, covered with boiled varnished lids and placed in a pot of water heated to 45-50 ° C for sterilization. The sterilization time at 100 ° C for cans with a capacity of 0.5 liters is 15 minutes, 1 liter is 20 minutes. After processing, the cans are hermetically sealed, turned upside down and cooled.

Cherries in their own juice, natural

Natural sour cherries in their own juice can be prepared with or without seeds. The prepared fruits are filled to the top of the jars, poured with clarified boiling cherry juice, covered with boiled varnished lids, placed in a container with water heated to 60-70 ° C for sterilization.
Sterilization time at 100 ° C for 0.5 liter cans is 10 minutes, 1 liter is 15 minutes. Sterilization should be carried out with a very low boil of water so that the juice does not pour over the edge of the cans. At the end of the processing, the cans are hermetically sealed, turned upside down and cooled. Natural cherries are recommended for diabetics.

Cherries in their own juice with sugar

The sorted cherries are washed and the stalks are removed. Pits are removed from 30% of prepared cherries, pitted berries are chopped in a meat grinder with a grill, the diameter of the holes in which is 5-7 mm, then the juice is squeezed out, 1 sugar is added to it ( 300 g for 1 liter of juice) and the mixture is heated to 90-95 ° C. You can also use cherry juice made by any method. The remaining whole cherries are placed in dry clean jars and poured over with boiling juice. The jars are covered with lids, placed in a container with hot water and sterilized at 100 ° C.
Sterilization time for cans with a capacity of 0.5 l - 20 min, 1 l - 25 min. After processing, the cans are hermetically sealed, turned upside down, covered with a thick cloth and slowly cooled.

Cherry compote

Cherries are soaked in cold water for 1.5-2 hours or placed in a cool place. Before canning, the fruits are sorted by size. Small cherries are not recommended for compotes. It is not recommended to mix fruits of different varieties and colors.
Prepared cherries are tightly placed in clean, dry jars, shaking the latter frequently. Filled cans are poured with hot (80-85. ° C) sugar syrup of 60% concentration ( for 1 kg of cherries 600 g sugar, 400 g water), covered with boiled varnished lids and placed in a container with water heated to 70-75 ° C for sterilization. Sterilization time at 100 ° C for cans with a capacity of 0.5 l - 10-15 min, 1 l - 20 min, 3 l - 40-45 min. After processing, the cans are hermetically sealed, turned upside down and cooled. Cans with a capacity of 3 liters do not need to be turned over. In the same way, you can make pitted cherries compote.

Cherry-cherry compote

For such a compote, it is recommended to take 50% cherries and 50% cherries. For 10 cans of compote with a capacity of 0.5 liters, you need: 1.3 kg cherries, 1.3 kg cherries and 400 g sugar... The prepared fruits are mixed tightly in jars and poured with sugar syrup of 25% concentration (280 g of sugar and 830 g of water per 1 liter of syrup), the temperature of which should be 80-85 ° C. The filled jars are covered with boiled varnished lids, placed in a container with hot water and sterilized at a temperature of 100 ° C (jars with a capacity of 0.5 liters for 10-15 minutes, 1 liter for 20 minutes). After processing, the cans are hermetically sealed, turned upside down and cooled.

Cherry-apricot compote

For 10 cans of compote, 0.5 liters each, 1.6 kg of cherries, 1.6 kg of apricots, 450 g of sugar are consumed.
Prepared fruits are mixed in clean jars and poured with sugar syrup of 30% concentration (340 g of sugar and 790 g of water), the temperature of which should be (80-85 ° C). One can with a capacity of 0.5 liters consumes about 170 g of syrup. The filled jars are covered with lacquered boiled lids and placed in a saucepan with water heated to 60-65 ° C for sterilization or pasteurization. The sterilization time at 100 ° С for cans with a capacity of 0.5 l is 15 min, 1 l - 20 min, the pasteurization time at 85 ° С is 20 and 25 min, respectively. After processing, the cans are hermetically sealed, turned upside down, covered with a thick cloth and cooled.

Cherry juice

Pits are removed from the prepared fruits, cherries are passed through a meat grinder with a grid, the diameter of the holes of which is 6-7 mm, and then pressed. The juice obtained after pressing is poured into an enamel pan and allowed to settle for 2-3 hours. After settling, the juice is filtered through flannel or 3-4 layers of gauze. The clarified juice is heated to 92-95 ° C and poured into hot dry jars to the top. Filled cans are sealed with varnished: lids, turned upside down and cooled slowly. The pomace remaining after pressing is placed in an enamel pan and for each kilogram of marc add 100-120 g of water, mix thoroughly, put the pan on the fire, heat to 70-75 ° C and leave to stand for 3-4 hours. After standing, the pomace is pressed again to obtain secondary juice.
In the presence of a steam juicer, the juice is prepared as follows. Prepared fruits with seeds are placed in a net, which, together with a juice collector, is placed on a tank with boiling water and covered with a casing. The boiling of water in the tank should not be violent, in order to prevent boiling water and overheating of the juice.
Juicing should take 60 minutes. After this time, a hot can is placed under the hose, the clamp is released and the juice is drained. The cans filled to the top are covered with boiled lacquered lids, hermetically sealed, turned upside down and cooled. The juice obtained in this way does not need clarification. The leftover pomace can also be used.

Sweetened cherry juice

The juice obtained by pressing or evaporation is very sour. To improve its taste, natural juice is diluted with sugar syrup of 20% concentration ( for 1 liter of syrup 860 g of water and 220 g of sugar). To obtain 1 liter of sweet juice, mix 600 g of juice and 400 g of sugar syrup. Sugar syrup can be prepared with the juice obtained by pressing the pomace.
The juice diluted with syrup is heated in an enamel saucepan to 92-95 ° C and poured hot into heated dry jars, hermetically sealed with lacquered lids, turned upside down, covered with a thick cloth and slowly cooled.

Cherry sorbet

1 kg cherries
1.5 cups sugar
2 glasses of water

Preparation: Prepare the sugar syrup. Remove the seeds from the cherries, squeeze the juice. Pour cherry juice into the still not cooled syrup, stir and cool.V.V. Pokhlebkin 2005

Cherry syrup

Cherry juice can be used to make natural cherry syrup. To do this, fresh filtered juice is poured into an enamel pan, sugar is added ( 1.5 kg for 1 liter of juice) and heated to 75-85 ° C, stirring so that the sugar dissolves well, and then, while hot, filtered through 3-4 layers of gauze. The filtered syrup is poured into an enamel pan, reheated to 92-95 ° C and poured into hot dry jars. You need to fill the cans to the top and immediately seal them hermetically with boiled varnished lids. After that, the jars are turned upside down, covered with a thick cloth and slowly cooled.

Cherry jelly

For jelly, take a little unripe cherries. They are sorted out, removing the stalks and damaged fruits, washed, allowed to drain, placed in an enamel pan, poured with water ( 300 g per 1 kg of fruit) and boil until the juice is released, squeeze the juice and filter it through flannel or 4 layers of gauze. The filtered juice is poured into a saucepan, put on fire, boiled down to 1/3 of the original volume, then sugar is gradually added ( 700 g for 1 liter of juice). After the sugar is completely dissolved, the jelly is boiled over low heat until tender. Hot ready-made jelly is packaged in heated dry jars, covered with varnished lids, placed in a saucepan with water heated to 70 ° C, and pasteurized at 85 ° C. Pasteurization time for cans with a capacity of 0.5 liters - 10 minutes, 1 liter - 15 minutes. During processing, the pan should be covered with a lid, the water level in it should be 3 cm below the top of the necks of the cans. After pasteurization, the cans are hermetically sealed and cooled without turning over onto the lids.

Cherry puree

The cherries are thoroughly washed, the seeds are removed, then the fruits are passed through a meat grinder with a grid, the diameter of the holes in which is 6-7 mm. The crushed cherries are placed in an enamel pan, after having poured water into it to a height of 2-3 cm, put on the fire or put the crushed cherries in a steam juicer.
The cherries are boiled in a saucepan for 10 minutes with frequent stirring, avoiding burning, and in a juicer until softened. After that, the fruits in a hot state are rubbed through a sieve with a hole diameter of 1-1.5 mm.
The mashed potatoes, and when using a juicer and juice, are placed in an enamel pan, heated to a boil and poured hot into heated dry jars to the top, covered with boiled lacquered lids, hermetically sealed, turned upside down and cooled.

Vitamin cherries for future use

One of the simplest home-made ways to prepare cherries for future use is to cover them with sugar. Ripe and fresh cherries are washed, allowed to drain, the stalks are removed and put into bottles, cylinders, cans for 2/3 or 3/4 of their capacity. The remaining unfilled part of the container is covered with sugar to the very top, closed with a cork and kept in a cool dry place.
The resulting tasty and aromatic juice and fruits can be used for compotes, jelly and for other purposes. It is recommended to store this product for no more than a year in order to avoid the transfer of harmful substances contained in the kernel of the kernel into the juice and cherry.

Chopped cherries in sugar syrup

With this method of canning, it is advisable, after sorting and bulkheading the cherries, to wash them with running water without breaking the stalks in order to avoid tearing the tissue and losing juice. After washing the cherries, the water is allowed to drain, the fruits are laid out on an oilcloth and dried. The cherries prepared in this way, after removing the stalks and seeds, are passed through a meat grinder. Pre-prepared sugar syrup at the rate of 1.2 kg of sugar and 300 g of water for 1 kg of chopped cherries... The sugar syrup is boiled for 5-7 minutes, filtered through 3-4 layers of gauze; and bring to a boil. Chopped cherries are poured with boiling sugar syrup, mixed thoroughly and filled to the brim with hot dry jars.
Pre-prepare circles of parchment paper with a diameter equal to the outer diameter of the neck of the jar. The filled cans are covered with parchment paper soaked in alcohol and quickly sealed with varnished lids and cooled without turning the cans over.
If the crushed mass is more than 3-4 cans with a capacity of 0.5 liters, then before subsequent packaging, the mass is heated to a temperature of 90-95 ° C.

Cherry jam

You can use fresh or canned cherry puree to make cherry jam. Since there are few pectin (gelling) substances in cherries, 30-40% puree from fresh apples is added to the cherry puree to obtain a good jam consistency.
For cooking jam, a mixture is prepared at the rate of: 150 g cherry puree, 500 g apple and 1 kg sugar... The mixture is boiled until tender with continuous stirring to avoid burning. In order for the jam to have a thicker consistency, the amount of sugar must be reduced to 600-700 g per 1 kg of puree.
The boiled jam is packaged hot in dry heated jars, hermetically sealed and cooled without turning over. Jam of a thick consistency may not be hermetically sealed, since a crust forms on its surface, which prevents moisture penetration. Banks in this case are tied with parchment or cellophane.

Pickled cherries

Fresh, large and fleshy fruits are selected for pickling. Spices are placed on the bottom of dry and clean cans with a capacity of 0.5 liters (3-4 peas of allspice, one piece of broken cinnamon and 2-3 pieces of cloves), then cherries are placed in the jars. Simultaneously prepare marinade filling... For 10 cans with a capacity of 0.5 liters each, 1.2 liters of water are poured into an enamel pan, 820 g of sugar are added, the mixture is boiled until it is completely dissolved and, while hot, filtered through 3-4 layers of gauze. The filtered syrup is brought to a boil again and 17 g of acetic acid of 80% concentration or 80 g of table (5%) vinegar are added to it. Cherries placed in jars are poured with hot marinade (temperature 80-85 ° C), the jars are covered with lacquered lids and placed in a pan with water heated to 60-70 ° C for pasteurization. Pasteurization time at a temperature of 85 ° C for cans with a capacity of 0.5 liters - 15 minutes, 1 liter - 20 minutes. At the end of the processing, the cans are hermetically sealed, turned upside down and cooled.

Candied cherries

For candied fruits, it is most advisable to use spanka black cherries. From sorted, well-washed fruits with torn-off stalks, stones are removed using a manual stone-beating machine. The seedless fruits are placed in an enamel bowl and poured over with filtered hot sugar syrup prepared based on 1 kg of fruit, 1.2 kg of sugar and 200 g of water... Cherries filled with sugar syrup are kept for 5-6 hours, after which they are boiled over low heat for 15 minutes and again kept for 5-6 hours. During the third cooking, candied fruits are boiled until cooked, that is, the boiling point of the syrup should be 108 ° C. The boiled mass in a boiling state is thrown into a colander installed on a pan, and left for 1-1.5 hours to drain the syrup and cool the fruits. The cooled cherries are rolled in fine sugar, laid on a sieve in one layer and dried at room temperature for 5-6 days or in an oven at a temperature not exceeding 35-40 ° C for 10-12 hours. Ready candied fruits are placed in clean dry jars, hermetically sealed with lids and stored until use.
The syrup remaining from the candied fruit can be used as tea jam, for various flour and cereal products, candied fruit can be re-cooked on it.

The famous Kiev dry jam

Cook prepared fruits (fruits or berries) in 65% sugar syrup ( for 1 liter of water 650 g of sugar) and insist in it for 8 hours. Then separate the fruits from the syrup, sprinkle them with sugar, mix well, sift out the excess sugar and dry at 40 ° C over the stove for 10 hours.
Pack the finished dry jam in a plywood box or cardboard box, after covering them with parchment paper.
In this way, you can make dry jam from any fruit, only for plums you need to prepare 70% sugar syrup.

Dried cherries

You can dry cherries of all colors and varieties. Ripe cherries are thoroughly washed, allowed to drain off the water and, without breaking off the stalks in order to avoid loss of juice, are placed in one layer on a sieve or baking sheet covered with paper and exposed to the sun. Drying cherries in the sun lasts 3-4 days.
The fruits can be dried in the oven (first at 50 ° C, and at the end - at 70-75 ° C for 10-12 hours).
After drying, the stalks are cut off from the cherries, and then dried. Drying time both in the sun and in the oven depends on the size and degree of ripeness of the fruit.

Cherry Pastila

cherry - 2 kg.

So, how to make sugar-free cherry marshmallow. To begin with, select only well-ripened berries. We wash them, the bones do not need to be removed. Pour the cherries into a saucepan and knead them slightly so that the juice appears. Now close the pan with a lid and cook over low heat for about half an hour, stirring occasionally. After that, remove the cherries from the heat and let stand for about 10 minutes. Now pour the resulting mass into a colander with large holes and wipe until only bones remain in the colander. Mix the resulting pulp thoroughly.
Now we take a smooth metal sheet with a frame about 1 cm in height and grease it with odorless sunflower oil. Pour cherry mass on the sheet with a layer about 5 mm thick and send the sheet to a warm oven or dry in the sun. The sheet should stand like this for 10-12 hours. But here is a matter of taste - if you want the marshmallow to come out drier, you can hold it even longer. After that, we cut the delicacy into several parts, turn them over and dry for the same amount of time. Cherry pastila can be stored in plastic bags in a cool place.

Cherry Pastila with Sugar

cherry - 1 kg;
sugar - 150 g

My cherries, dry and separate the seeds from the pulp. Place the berries together with the resulting juice in a saucepan and boil over low heat for about 15 minutes. After that, use a blender to turn the resulting mass into mashed potatoes. Now add sugar (by the way, it can be more or less than indicated in the recipe) and boil the mixture until thickened. Stir periodically so that it does not burn. This process will take about 10 minutes. Pour the mass in a layer of about 5 mm over the teflon sheet of the dryer. At 60 degrees, the drying process will take 9 hours. We remove a sheet of marshmallow, cut it into pieces, roll up tubes from them, which we put in a jar or bag and send for storage in the refrigerator.


-Skill culinary experts say that cherries cannot be cooked for a long time, otherwise they wrinkle and brown spots appear, which makes the final product of lower quality.

-The process of skimming off the foam during cooking is very important, since it consists of coagulated proteins, which are subject to rapid souring. The foam is skimmed off to increase the shelf life of the cherry jam.

-Glass jars, before placing jam in them, should be sterilized, this can be done in a microwave oven (pour 1/2 cans of warm water and boil for 3 minutes), in an oven (wet jars are placed in a hot oven and the door is slightly opened) , on the neck of the teapot or in another way.

-Berries for cherry jam also need to be processed. If the jam is seedless, you need to remove them using a special device, you can also use a regular pin, hairpin or metal feather. Of course, it is better to use special devices, in which case the berry will lose less juice.

-In the event that cherry jam is cooked with seeds, each berry should be pierced with a needle, this is done so that the syrup penetrates into them faster. An alternative to this process can be a minute blanching at a temperature of 90 degrees.

-If a gas stove is used, so that the jam does not burn and cook well, the basin should be placed on the flame divider. The divider - a double sheet of iron with small holes - provides the jam with uniform heating over the entire bottom area.


STAINLESS STEEL DISHES- the best for making jam. It does not oxidize, does not destroy nutrients, and is durable in use. There is no need to worry that the acid from the jam will destroy the basin. If you are afraid that the jam will burn, use a divider. In addition, the jam will not suffer if you need to keep it in the basin for a long time.

ENAMELED DISHWARE- an excellent dish for jam. There is only one minus - relatively low durability. Enamel can crack and chip from high temperatures or impacts. If the integrity of the enamel is violated, the dishes cannot be used - firstly, it is dangerous that further chipping pieces of enamel will get into the food; secondly, iron that comes out in the place of even the slightest chip within 2-3 minutes completely destroys all vitamin C in the jam (iron is a very effective catalyst for the breakdown of vitamin C).

COPPER DISHES... Since ancient times, jam has been cooked in copper basins. And since then, this dish is considered the most suitable - copper has a very high thermal conductivity, so the jam warms up evenly and does not burn.
But copper ions destroy ascorbic acid in berries. And valuable vitamins disappear. It is especially not recommended to use a copper basin when cooking sour berry jam. Their acid reacts with copper, the metal is oxidized, and harmful copper oxides get into the jam.
If, nevertheless, you cook jam in a copper basin, then you need to monitor its cleanliness: do not use the darkened one, after use, wash and polish the dishes properly. And it is unacceptable to leave boiled jam in it - immediately after it is ready, it should be hot laid out in jars.

ALUMINUM TABLEWARE... The acidity of fruits and berries destroys the oxide film on the surface of aluminum, and it gets into the jam.
If there are no other dishes in the house, then when washing the aluminum basin, do not use iron scourers, which peel off the protective layer of aluminum. And just like in the case of the copper basin, the ready-made jam should be immediately poured into jars, i.e. do not keep in the basin for a long time.

THE SIZE AND SHAPE OF THE POTS FOR BOILING JAM. The pelvis should have a wide, flat (flat) bottom. The basin should be shallow, then the berries and fruits will boil well and evenly. A bowl with a lid is very successful, since after cooking the jam should stand for some time on the stove, cool, and infuse. It so happens that the cookery needs to be boiled again - a convenient lid will protect the jam from wasps and other insects.
The size of the can depends on the volume of your workpieces. A 5 liter bowl is enough for a jam of 2-3 kg of berries.

Medicinal uses of cherries

* Cherries are a valuable dietary product that improves appetite. In pharmaceuticals, cherry syrup is used to improve the taste of medicines.

* The dried sap of the cherry tree (glue) is used as a medicine. It contains araban, sugars pentose and arabinose (56%) and galactose (28%). For inflammation of the gastric mucosa, cherry glue is considered an effective enveloping agent.

* Cherry is an effective remedy for treating anemia with low hemoglobin.

* For heavy bleeding in women, cherries are considered one of the best remedies.

* Of particular value to cherry fruits is the content of coumarins with a predominance of oxycoumarins, which contribute to the normalization of blood coagulation. Therefore, the consumption of cherries prevents heart attacks associated with the formation of blood clots. The most useful varieties are Griot Pobeda and Cherry Stepnaya.

* For hepatitis, take a decoction of the leaves. 10 g of dry crushed raw materials per 1 glass of milk, boil over low heat for 30 minutes, filter, take 0.3 cups 3 times a day.

* As a hemostatic agent for nosebleeds and damage to the skin, crushed fresh cherry leaves or a decoction of them are used in the form of tampons.

* For bronchitis and tracheitis in folk medicine, cherry juice is used to relieve coughing and as an expectorant.

* For colds and fever, cherry juice is used as a refreshing and antipyretic agent in folk medicine,

* Cherry extract is used as a coolant for debilitating fevers and inflammations. To make it, freshly picked fruits together with seeds are ground into a liquid gruel in a porcelain mortar. Then the mass is left in a dark place for 2-4 days until it is fermented and filtered through a paper filter.

* Decoctions from young cherry branches have a good antidiarrheal effect and are prescribed for chronic colitis and in combination with other drugs for the treatment of intestinal atony.

* A decoction of cherry stalks has an astringent effect.

* Cherry fruits are also used as a remedy for anemia (due to the significant content of iron and other trace elements).

* In case of poisoning with fish and shellfish, a decoction based on cherry bark is used as an antidote: bring 0.5 liters of water to a boil, add 1 teaspoon of cherry bark, fresh grated ginger root and finely chopped Bermuda onions, cover and keep on low heat 7 minutes. Then remove from heat and insist for another 20 minutes. Drink the whole broth warm.

* In folk medicine for gastric ulcer, cherry roots are used.

* The pulp and juice of cherries have antiseptic properties: they inhibit the causative agents of dysentery and pyogenic infections - staphylococci and streptococci.

* In folk medicine, cherry juice with milk is used to treat joint inflammation (arthritis).

* A decoction of cherry stalks, which has a strong diuretic effect and removes urea and urates from the body, is used for edema, gout, dropsy, urolithiasis and uric acid diathesis, hypertension and diarrhea.
To prepare the broth, 10 g of raw materials are boiled in 1 glass of water over low heat for 20 minutes; drink in several doses during the day.

* Fresh cherry fruits are considered a gentle laxative medicine, especially effective for the usual constipation associated with insufficient motor activity of the intestines.

* Cherry is a very valuable fruit for the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases. This is due to the high content of P-vitamin complex compounds in it. There are more substances with P-vitamin activity in those cherries with a darker color.
In black-fruited cherry varieties, the vitamin P content reaches 2-2.5% - almost the same as in chokeberry. At the same time, the anthocyanins contained in the fruits are located more evenly throughout the fruit pulp, therefore they are easily accessible for assimilation, and anthocyanins strengthen the capillary walls and have antihypertensive properties.

* Water infusion of cherry fruits has an anticonvulsant and sedative effect.

* In folk medicine, cherry juice was used for epilepsy and mental illness. The sedative effect of cherries is explained by the fact that the pulp of its fruit contains quite a lot of copper, which has a calming effect on the nervous system.

* Cherry leaves contain coumarins, the physiological effect of which is manifested primarily in a decrease in blood coagulation capacity and delay in vascular thrombosis.

* Due to the content of anthocyanins, leukoanthocyanins, flavonols and other phenolic compounds, cherry is useful for atherosclerosis, hypertension and other pathological conditions associated with insufficient strength of blood capillaries.

* Fresh cherry fruits, juice and cherry syrup are used as an expectorant for catarrh of the upper respiratory tract, bronchitis.

Cherry seeds and seeds, when consumed in large quantities, can cause poisoning, since they contain the glycoside amygdalin (0.85%), which decomposes in the intestine under the influence of putrefactive bacteria with the formation of hydrocyanic acid.

Drunk cherry cake by Granny Emma

Eggs - 9 pieces
Sugar - 180 grams
Baking flour (or regular flour and 0.5 teaspoon baking powder) - 130 grams
Cocoa - 80 grams
Butter - 300 grams
Condensed milk - 400 grams
Pitted cherries - 2.5 cups
Vodka / cognac / rum - 0.5 cups
Chocolate glaze:
Cream - 180 grams
Bitter chocolate - 150 grams
Butter - 25 grams
Sugar - 25 grams

One day before the preparation of the cake, we put the drunk cherry in a bowl 2.5 cups of pitted cherries, add 2 tablespoons of sugar, mix slightly and pour in 0.5 cups of vodka, brandy or rum. Cover and leave at room temperature. (You can use pitted canned cherries, in which case you do not need to add sugar).
Let's make a biscuit. Separate the whites from the yolks in 9 eggs. Beat the whites into a strong foam, gradually adding 90 grams of sugar. Set aside. In a separate bowl, beat the yolks with the remaining 90 grams of sugar until white.
Add 80 grams of cocoa to a bowl with 130 grams of flour and mix. Put half of the whipped egg whites into the whipped yolks, mix gently. Sift flour with cocoa into the resulting mixture, mix gently. Add the rest of the proteins and mix from top to bottom, in one direction until a homogeneous dough is obtained.
We spread the dough in a detachable mold with a diameter of 26 centimeters, lined with baking paper and oiled. We bake in a preheated oven at a temperature of 170 - 180 degrees Celsius for 50 - 60 minutes. As always, we check the readiness with a wooden stick.
Cool the finished biscuit a little in the form and then put it on a wire rack, peel it of paper and leave it for 4 - 5 hours.
After 4 - 5 hours, we start preparing the filling. We strain the cherries, collecting the liquid.
Put 300 grams of soft butter in a mixer bowl and beat it at high speed, until fluffy and in 3-4 doses, without stopping whipping, add 400 grams of condensed milk.
You can also use another buttercream, such as charlotte or custard whipped with butter, to make Drunk Cherry Cake. Butter cream, in condensed milk ready, remove two tablespoons to decorate the cake.
Cut off the lid 1.5 centimeters thick from the biscuit, select the pulp from the biscuit and send it to the cream, leave some crumbs from the pulp for sprinkling. As a result, we got a biscuit bowl with a wall thickness of 1.5 centimeters. Lightly soak the bottom and walls of the bowl with the liquid that remains after draining the cherries.
Add the strained cherries to a bowl with cream and crumbs and mix everything well. Put the filling in a biscuit bowl, cover with a lid and send to the refrigerator.
While the cake is enjoying the coolness, let's prepare the chocolate icing. Pour 180 grams of cream into a saucepan, add 30 grams of sugar, heat until the sugar is completely dissolved. Weigh 150 grams of dark chocolate into a bowl in advance, pour hot cream with sugar and stir until the chocolate is completely melted. Continue rubbing until the mixture is smooth and shiny. Add 30 grams of butter and grind for another 4-5 minutes.
Cover the cake with cooled chocolate icing. To make the coating smooth, the cake must first be coated with a thin layer of cherry jam. We do not do this, as our plans include additional cake decoration.
Sprinkle the sides of the cake with chocolate or biscuit crumbs. Decorate the top of the cake with cream roses and cherries and lightly sprinkle with biscuit crumbs.
Drunk cherry cake is ready. We send the Cake Drunken cherry for 3 hours in the refrigerator. Take the cake out of the refrigerator one hour before serving. We serve the Drunk Cherry Cake to the festive table with coffee or tea.

Dumplings with cherries by Granny Emma

One thing can be said about cherries - this juicy ripe berry seems to be asking for a dinner table. This pleasant-tasting garden culture undoubtedly has a lot of fans, and especially for fans of the berry, we have prepared the best recipes for harvesting cherries for the winter, consider how to make jam, jam and compote, with various preservation options - freezing, sterilization and others.

A little about taste and benefits

We note right away that cherries are an excellent basis for home preservation. The jam from this berry turns out to be rich and moderately viscous; compotes, thanks to their sourness, wonderfully quench thirst on a sultry day; and the fruits of ripe cherries in their own juice are a real treasure for hostesses who love homemade baking. It is also used to make delicious jams and preserves, the berry freezes perfectly, when defrosted it looks as if it had just been plucked from a tree. When preserved, cherries are often combined with other fruits (for example, raspberries or currants), which gives the preparation a special piquancy and a bright, unforgettable taste.

The most aromatic jams come from cherries.

However, the fruits of cherries (both ordinary and felt) are known not only for their taste, but also for their great benefits. It turns out that it contains an order of magnitude more vitamins than cherries:

  • about 10 organic acids (lactic, succinic, malic, citric);
  • potassium, magnesium, iron, copper;
  • pectin;
  • vitamins C, PP, A.

And this is not a complete list, which is why the daily use of berries has a healing effect on a person. First of all, a positive effect is observed on the part of the cardiovascular system, garden culture strengthens the nervous system, stimulates digestion, helps to avoid anemia, and will be especially useful for those who suffer from poor appetite. In general, not a berry - but a find!

Cherries can be covered in all possible ways: jam, jam, confiture, marmalade, compote, juice and much more

You can enjoy the taste of fresh fruit in summer, but in winter you will have to limit yourself to frozen berries, rich compotes, sweet pancakes with thick jam and cherry pies prepared in your own juice. Absolutely each recipe has its own characteristics, but in general, preservation is quite simple and does not take much time.

But before we share interesting preservation recipes with and without sterilization, here are a couple of tips for storing and processing cherries.

  • Council number 1. Since the berries contain juice in large quantities, and their skin is very delicate, even the smallest mechanical damage can spoil the presentation. Therefore, try not to store the berry for a long time and do not transport it over distances, but immediately after harvesting, start harvesting.

Always try to choose ripe and fresh berries for harvesting.

  • Council number 2. Cherries are collected from the tree along with the stalks. This is the only way to guarantee the preservation of taste, only in this way it will not lose its juiciness. The stalks break off before the berries are preserved.
  • Council number 3. Ripe and whole fruits are suitable for harvesting for the winter. If during the sorting process an unripe, damaged or slightly rotten berry comes across, then it is better to remove it.

Wonderful cherry jam - method number 1

It is fair to say that jam, being the most common cherry delicacy, attracts with its sweetish-sour taste and unique aroma. In the end, it's just very beautiful and appetizing: neat berries in thick syrup seem to be asking for on a saucer.

Cherry jam can be cooked in several ways

To prepare this dessert, you will need cherries (2 kg), sugar (3 kg) and water (500 ml).

The sorted and washed fruits are slightly dried, and all the stalks are removed. Armed with a manual machine, you need to remove the bones. If you don't have such a special device at your fingertips, then a regular hairpin is quite useful. The berries prepared in this way are poured with syrup, then the jam is given 2 hours to infuse. After which it is boiled until tender.

Attention! Do not forget that the jam must be stirred and the foam must be removed!

Thick cherry jam - method number 2

To prepare a delicacy, you will need sugar (2 kg), water (200-300 ml) and, of course, cherries (2 kg).

The sorted berries are washed, slightly dried and the stalks are carefully removed. Water is poured into the container, the cherries and all the sugar are transferred. The fire should be small so that our berry does not burn. The boiled mass is removed from the stove and infused for 12 hours, then put back on the stove and boiled a second time, then it is allowed to brew again. For the third time, the mass must be brought to a boil, but not boiled, and then distributed in pre-sterilized jars.

It is best to stir the jam during cooking with a wooden spoon or spatula.

Advice! In order for the workpiece to be stored for a long time and not to "explode", the rolled up jars must be wrapped up and allowed to stand. The cooled workpiece is removed to a cool place.

A simple five-minute jam recipe

For preservation, you need sugar (1 kg) and fresh fruit (2 kg).

Fresh fruits are carefully sorted out, washed, seeds are removed. Next, the cherries are transferred to a container and sprinkled with sugar. It is advisable to do it in layers! Cherries, sprinkled with sugar, should first stand for 3 hours, and then boil for 5-8 minutes on the stove.

Attention! Remember to stir the jam all the time!

The boiled workpiece is laid out in sterilized jars with a ladle, rolled up and cooled. The jam is ready!

The berry, covered with sugar, should stand for several hours and let the juice

Candied cherry recipe

To prepare unusual candied fruits, you will need sugar and fresh fruits at a rate of 1: 2.
To begin with, a syrup is prepared in a container, then sorted and pre-washed cherries (pitted) are placed there. The container is removed from the stove and infused throughout the night. Then the syrup is drained, boiled, the berry is again placed in it and cooled. The technology is repeated several times. When sugar crystals begin to form on the fruit, you can stop the process.

Cooking candied cherries

Congratulations, delicious candied fruits are ready! Now they need to dry a little in the oven and put them in parchment paper.

An interesting recipe for jam from melon and cherry pulp

For preservation, you need sugar (700 g), cherries (500 g), melon pulp (300 g), cinnamon and cherry vodka (20 g).

The sorted berries should be thoroughly washed, carefully removed the stalks and get rid of the seeds. The cherry is mixed with the melon, sprinkled with sugar abundantly. and cinnamon is added for the piquancy of the taste. Now the mass should be infused overnight, and in the morning the container is placed on the stove and boiled for 5-7 minutes. At the very end, cherry vodka is added. Ready jam is poured into sterilized jars and corked.

The combination of cherry and melon will be appreciated by all gourmets

Cherry jam blank

For preservation, you will need sugar and fruit (1: 1), as well as water (approximately 200 ml per 1 kg of fruit), gooseberry juice.

As usual, the fruits are sorted, washed thoroughly with water. All stalks and seeds are carefully removed. The cherries are cooked, covered with sugar, and the mass is boiled until tender. At the very end, gooseberry juice is added - it has a gelling effect. After that, the jam should be boiled again, put in jars and corked.

Advice! To improve the taste of the workpiece and its appearance, you can skip the fruit through a meat grinder. Such fruit mass is boiled down much faster, and the consistency of the finished jam is uniform.

Waiting from cherries will perfectly complement pastries and desserts

Cherry puree

For preservation, you need sugar and fresh fruit.

The berry is ground through a strainer and sprinkled with sugar (for 3 cups of cherries, 1.5 cups of sugar). The mass is boiled for 1-1.5 hours and laid out in sterilized jars. This cherry puree is perfect for filling in rolls and pies, it can be served with a roast or added to a sauce.

A simple recipe for cherry compote

For preservation, you need water and sugar (1: 1.5) and, of course, cherries.

Cherry compote

In order for the compote to come out rich and beautiful, it is better to use a variety of berries from which the seeds are separated as easily as possible. The prepared jars are filled with cherries as tightly as possible, but at the same time carefully so that the berries do not burst. Fruits are poured on top with hot syrup or sprinkled with sugar (200 g per 1 jar), and boiling water is poured. Then the full cans are placed on the plate for sterilization for 20 minutes. You can roll up!

And finally, we note that cherries are ideal for preservation for the winter. Bright taste and unsurpassed aroma will make the summer mood even in the long winter. Easy cooking process and delicious preparations!

How to close cherries in their own juice: video

Cherry blanks for the winter: photo

Red-cheeked cherries just ask for a jar, because this summer berry is simply created for canning! It is very juicy and at the same time has a rather delicate and thin skin, therefore, cherry preparations for the winter are always obtained beyond praise. Of all the huge number of berries, many housewives love cherries: recipes for the winter amaze with their variety, and the taste delights with unique notes. Thick cherry jam with clear syrup and large garden berries, cherries in their own juice or cherry compote for the winter - all these cherry preparations will please your family, and not a drop will remain of them at the end of winter.

Cherry jam for the winter is perhaps one of the most popular preparations from this berry. Aromatic cherry jam with a bright, rich taste can be added to various desserts, simply spread on a roll or white bread, or put in baked goods as a filling. Naturally, every young housewife will find it useful to learn how to make cherry jam. There are several main ways of making cherry jam: cherry jam without pits, with seeds or with the addition of various spices, nuts or even chocolate. We will tell you about all these recipes for canning cherries in our detailed recipes with photographs, which are written in understandable language and are based on the many years of experience of their authors. If you want to prepare some kind of unusual cherry jam, a recipe for such a roll can certainly be found on our website.

Sweet and sour, pleasant to the taste cherry compote, the recipe of which literally overwhelms with its simplicity and affordability, is especially loved by kids. But adults are also not averse to pampering themselves with this summer, sunny and refreshing drink.

Cherry preservation will open up another side for you if you pay attention to the recipes collected in this section. You can easily experiment, inspired by the achievements and experience of our cooks. And your cherry preparations will turn out no worse than that of your beloved grandmother or your neighbor, who every year proudly treats you with branded jam.

Cherries for the winter, harvested in any way, invariably cheer up in winter and for a moment returns to the sunny summer, when thin branches burst from large red berries, bashfully hiding behind green foliage. Make wonderful preparations with us and surprise your family with your culinary victories!


Cherry jam with gelatin for the winter

Ingredients: cherry, sugar, water, gelatin

If you want to make a thick cherry jam, the quickest way is to add gelatin to the berries. It is thanks to this component that you will succeed in everything simply and quickly, without tedious long cooking.
- 500 gr pitted cherries;
- 350 grams of sugar;
- 3 tbsp. water;
- 1 tbsp. gelatin.


Ingredients: cherries, sugar, citric acid

Sweet cherry is a very tasty berry, so I try to prepare it for the winter. Today I present to your attention an excellent recipe for cherries in their own juice without sterilization.


- 400 grams of cherries;
- 150 grams of sugar;
- on the tip of a tsp. citric acid.


Thick seedless cherry jam

Ingredients: cherry, sugar, water, gelatin

Making delicious cherry jam is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. It will take about an hour to cook. For all the details, see the recipe with a photo.
For the recipe you will need:
- 2 kg of cherries;
- 1 kg of sugar;
- 300 ml of water;
- 20 g of gelatin.


Cherries in their own juice with sugar for the winter

Ingredients: cherry, sugar

Cherry jam or jam for the winter is very tasty, of course. But if you need to keep the cherries so that they can then be added to various desserts - pies, cakes, etc., then it is best to cover them in their own juice with sugar. It will be as tasty as fresh.
- 1 kg of cherries;
- 350 grams of sugar.


Cherry jam with gelatin

Ingredients: cherry, sugar, gelatin, water

Have you ever cooked cherry jam for the winter with gelatin and pitted? Believe me, this option is worth your attention! The jam has a great taste, and the appearance is so appetizing that the jar diverges right before our eyes!
- 1 kg of cherries;
- 600 grams of sugar;
- 25 grams of gelatin;
- 100 ml of water.


Cherry jam with chocolate

Ingredients: cherry, sugar, cocoa, chocolate

From cherries, you can close many different preparations for the winter, but the cherry in chocolate jam turns out to be very interesting. Prepared according to a fairly simple recipe, it turns out to be so delicious that both children and adults are delighted with it.
- cherry - 700 gr;
- sugar - 400 gr;
- cocoa powder - 50 gr;
- dark chocolate - 60 gr.


Pitted cherry jam

Ingredients: cherry, water, sugar

Cherry is a very tasty berry, you can make many different blanks from it. Now I will tell you how to prepare a very tasty thick pitted cherry jam.


- 1 kg. cherries;
- 150 ml. water;
- 2 kg. Sahara.


Cherries in syrup for the winter with seeds

Ingredients: cherry, water, sugar

Among other preparations in the summer, I always try to close cherries in pitted syrup for the winter: such preservation can be useful in the cold season for many sweet dishes: pies, pancakes, cakes, etc.
- 0.5 cups of water;
- 600 grams of sugar;
- 500 grams of cherries.


Cherry compote without sterilization

Ingredients: cherry, water, sugar

There is nothing complicated in the recipe for cherry compote for the winter: it is prepared without sterilization for a short time, but it turns out beautiful and tasty. Both children and adults will drink such a drink with great pleasure.

- cherry - 400 gr;
- sugar - 200 gr;
- water - 2.4 liters.


Pitted cherry jam for the winter, thick

Ingredients: cherry, sugar

We suggest you prepare thick cherry jam for the winter - delicious and very aromatic. His recipe assumes that pitted cherries are needed - perhaps this is the only difficulty that you will have to face in the cooking process.

- 1 kg of cherries;
- 650 grams of sugar.


Cherry jam "Pyatiminutka" with seeds

Ingredients: cherries, sugar

Cherry jam always turns out to be very tasty and beautiful. And if this is also "Five-Minute" jam with seeds, then cooking it is as easy as shelling pears. So, if you have enough cherries, close such preservation with it by all means!

- cherry - 800 gr;
- sugar - 800 gr.


Cherry jam with a stone for the winter

Ingredients: cherry, sugar, water

Jam made from cherries according to this recipe you will get 100% tasty and aromatic. It is prepared very simply - jam is cooked, poured hot into jars and rolled. Everything! You don't need to do anything else.

Products for the recipe:
- half a kilo of cherries;
- half a kilo of sugar;
- half a glass of water.


Pitted cherries in their own juice

Ingredients: Cherry

I really love fruits, but while I did not know about this recipe, I did not allow myself to eat homemade jam and homemade preserves. This wonderful recipe for cherries in its own sugar-free juice is just perfect for your figure. And pitted rolled cherries are also a great filling for any baked goods.

For preservation you need:

- Cherry.


Canned cherries (with seeds)

Ingredients: cherry, water, sugar

Despite the fact that cherries need to be sterilized, the recipe for their preservation is simple. You can easily roll up a couple of jars for the winter if you carefully look at the description and photo. And what can you cook with such a cherry in the future? Anything - drinks, desserts, pastries.

For the recipe you will need:
- 1-1.2 kg of cherries,
- 800 ml of water,
- 400 g of sugar.


Felt cherry and black currant compote in a slow cooker

Ingredients: felt cherry, black currant, sugar, water

If you have long ago switched to cooking in a multicooker and even make winter preparations in it, then we suggest you use our new recipe and cook a fragrant delicious cherry-currant compote in your saucepan.

For the recipe you will need:
- 200 gr cherries,
- 100 grams of black currant,
- sugar - 100 g,
- water - 700 ml.