Organization of the technological process for the preparation of biscuit dough and biscuit cakes. Biscuit cakes Technology of making fruit biscuit cake

10.09.2021 Fish dishes


1.1 Organization of the work of the confectionery shop 5

1.2 Equipment of the confectionery shop 6

2.1 Characteristics of raw materials 8

2.2 Characteristics and technology for the preparation of biscuit cakes 10

2.3 Assortment of sponge cakes 12

2.4 Quality requirement for biscuit cakes 14


3.1 Labor protection in the confectionery shop 16

3.2 Sanitary requirements for raw materials and finished products 18





The relevance of the topic of the written examination work "Organization of the technological process of preparing biscuit dough and biscuit cakes" is that the raw materials from which biscuit cakes are prepared are the main source of energy, plastic material for building tissue cells.

Health largely depends on proper, scientifically based, well-organized nutrition. A feature of its organization is that food must not only quantitatively, but also qualitatively meet the physiological needs and capabilities of the human body.

The composition of biscuit cakes includes fats of animal and vegetable origin, which are involved in fat metabolism and contribute to the normal functioning of the central nervous system. Proteins, which contribute to the construction of cells, carbohydrates, which serve as an energy material for muscle work. Vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, B12, PP, C, D, as well as E and K, which are involved in all vital biochemical processes in the body.

In modern conditions, confectionery production is gradually moving to the path of improvement.

Modern enterprises equipped with perfect technical means are being created; they use progressive technology, introduce scientific organization of labor and production, apply new forms of service.

Biscuit cakes are very popular, diverse and most in demand by consumers. To obtain good quality biscuit cakes, it is necessary to strictly follow all the instructions for kneading and baking products. The changes that characterize the transition of a biscuit blank during the baking process into a finished product are the result of a whole complex of processes.

The purpose of the written examination work: to determine all the theoretical aspects of the organization of preparation and preparation of biscuit cakes.

To achieve the goal of the work, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

To give an organizational description of the work of the confectionery shop at catering establishments

Provide a description of the equipment of the confectionery shop

Describe the basic rules for making biscuit cakes

Make flow charts of biscuit cakes


1.1 Organization of the work of the confectionery shop

A confectionery shop for baking bakery and flour confectionery, cakes and pastries is organized at large and medium-sized public catering enterprises (mainly restaurants), which supply their products to a wide network of small enterprises. The workshop is part of the procurement enterprises.

The confectionery shop occupies a special place in catering establishments. It usually works independently, independently of the hot shop.

Confectionery shops are organized at procurement enterprises, as well as in restaurants, canteens, cafes. They are classified by performance and product range:

Low-capacity workshops are considered to produce up to 12 thousand products per shift (or 0.6 tons of flour);

Medium power - 12-20 thousand products per shift (or 0.9 tons of flour);

Large capacity - from 20 thousand products per shift (or 1.5 tons of flour).

The area of ​​the premises of the confectionery shop depends on the type, capacity of the enterprise, the number of employees.

The layout of the premises of the confectionery shop should correspond to the sequence of operations of the technological process and exclude the possibility of oncoming flows of raw materials and finished products.

The main requirement for the products of the confectionery shop is the high quality of products. The quality of manufactured products reflects the general culture of production, the level of equipping it with technological equipment, technologies and organizations

Confectionery shops are classified according to two criteria - the range of products and the productivity of the shop.

A complex of organizational and technical measures aimed at strict adherence to rational production technology is carried out in the confectionery shop.

Workplaces for confectioners are organized in accordance with the technological process for the preparation of flour confectionery. The technological process usually consists of the following stages: storage and preparation of raw materials, preparation and kneading of dough, molding of products, preparation of finishing semi-finished products, fillings, baking, finishing and short-term storage of finished products.

1.2 Equipment of the confectionery shop

In order for the activity of the confectionery shop to be efficient and productive, it is necessary to equip the production facilities with reliable and high-quality equipment that could fully ensure all technological processes.

Proper arrangement of equipment, preparation of workplaces, equipping them with the necessary inventory, utensils and vehicles, uninterrupted supply of raw materials, fuel, electricity during the shift are important factors in the economic use of working time, ensuring the rational organization of labor and the mechanization of labor-intensive processes.

The choice of confectionery equipment is great, it depends on what products are to be baked. Equipment for the confectionery shoprepresented by various devices that perform different technological processes. Their type depends on the type of finished product that needs to be obtained at the output. To equip the confectionery shop, there is a unified technological equipment, an approximate set of confectionery equipment can be as follows: a dough mixer, a planetary mixer, a convection oven with a proofer, a refrigerator. Do not forget about the auxiliary equipment: this is an exhaust hood, scales, tables, including a specialized pastry table, a rack for inventory. High-capacity confectionery shops provide for the following premises: pantry and refrigerator for daily storage of products; egg processing room; rooms for sifting flour, kneading and fermenting dough, cutting, preparing finishing semi-finished products, finishing confectionery; washing utensils, containers, inventory; pantry and refrigerated chamber for finished confectionery products, shop foreman's room, expedition. This composition of the premises improves working conditions in the workshop.

Flour sifters are used to improve the quality of flour, and dough mixers are used to prepare dough - this equipment allows you to automatically prepare dough of various consistencies: biscuit, shortbread, puff, etc.

Mixers are irreplaceable in any confectionery shop. They will help in the preparation of creams, mousses and other fillings.

Equipment necessary for baking confectionery products: convection ovens and combi steamers, baking cabinets, as well as proofing cabinets, ventilation umbrellas, stands for combi steamers and water softeners.

The rational selection of equipment for the confectionery shop allows the production of a fairly wide range of confectionery products, including choux pastry products.


2.1 Characteristics of raw materials

The quality of finished confectionery products largely depends on the raw materials supplied to the production, it must meet the requirements established by state standards and specifications.

For the preparation of confectionery products, various main and auxiliary products are used, which, depending on their type, structure, and purpose, are subjected to preliminary preparation and processing. For the preparation of biscuit cakes, the main raw materials are: egg, sugar, flour, starch.

The basis of all flour confectionery products is flour. When it is saturated with oxygen, the dough is light and airy, so flour is used in factories to improve the quality. There are higher, I and II grades. It is white in color and is used for any confectionery. The chemical composition of flour includes: Carbohydrates (67%-74%), proteins (7%-12%), fats (0.9%-1.9%), minerals (0.5%-1.6%), B vitamins - more often in low grades and bran, enzymes, water (14%). The most important components of flour are proteins - gliadin and glutenin. During dough formation, they swell and form an elastic, elastic and sticky mass - gluten, which affects the structure of the dough.

Depending on the gluten content, flour is divided into three groups: the first contains up to 28% gluten, the second - 28% -36% and the third - up to 40% gluten. The quality of flour is determined by the laboratory method and the confectioner must know such signs as smell, taste, moisture, etc. Moisture content of flour is 14.5%. Before use, the flour is sifted using a sieve with d = 1.5 mm or using sifters. At the same time, all impurities are removed and the flour is saturated with air. Flour is stored in warehouses, without cooling (dry products warehouse), stacked sacks are stacked under goods t up to 18; humidity 65%, ventilation is desirable.

A nutritious food product, it contains proteins, fats, minerals, vitamins (A, D, E, B1, B2 and PP) in the yolk. Wash contaminated eggs in warm water before use. Then the eggs are disinfected with a 2% bleach solution for 5 minutes, washed in a 2% soda solution and rinsed for 5 minutes in running water. The egg is used as one of the main components in almost all types of dough. The yolk gives the dough a more delicate structure due to the lecithin. When whipping, the protein increases by 5-6 times due to air bubbles and loosens the dough. An egg is added when cooking minced meat. Store eggs in a clean and cool room at a relative humidity of 80% for no more than 6 days.

A white or slightly creamy crystalline powder derived from sugar cane or sugar beets. Sugar gives products a sweet taste, increases their calorie content.

Granulated sugar contains 99.7% sucrose and 0.14% moisture, dissolves completely in water, has no foreign tastes and odors, and is dry to the touch. Due to the hygroscopicity of sugar, it is stored in a dry, ventilated room at a relative humidity of no higher than 70%, otherwise it will become damp, sticky and form lumps.

Before use, sugar is sifted through a sieve or sifter and passed through magnets to remove metal impurities.

Powdered sugar is a finely ground white or slightly creamy crystalline powder. It is used in the preparation of creams, wafers, biscuits, finishing of pastries and cakes. Powdered sugar is sifted through a sieve before use to eliminate larger particles and various impurities. In the absence of powdered sugar, it can be prepared by grinding from granulated sugar or refined sugar (then this raw material is called refined powder).

It can be concluded that the raw materials used in the production of biscuit cakes and other confectionery products must meet all the requirements of regulatory documentation. And also the rules of transportation and storage must be observed in order to avoid premature deterioration of raw materials.

2.2 Characteristics and technology of preparation of biscuit dough

When kneading in biscuit dough, a number of processes take place, which in the future directly affect the quality of finished products.

Biscuit has a light and fluffy structure, easy to process. The dough is prepared by whipping, during which the mass is saturated with air bubbles. Due to the splendor and elasticity of the biscuit, a variety of pastries, rolls and cakes are prepared from it.

Technology of preparation of biscuit semi-finished product (basic).

To prepare a biscuit, take flour with a low gluten content, otherwise it will turn out to be tight with poor rise. A biscuit is prepared by whipping, in which a large amount of air is introduced into the mass, and the dough greatly increases in volume.

When preparing a biscuit, the main 25% flour can be replaced with starch to reduce the amount of gluten. In addition, starch creates a better dryness of the biscuit, products are obtained with even pores and do not crumble so much when cut.

The preparation of a biscuit consists of the following operations: combining eggs with sugar, heating and beating them, mixing the egg-sugar mass with flour.

Eggs with granulated sugar are combined and, stirring, heated in a water bath to 45 ° C, while the yolk fat melts faster and has a more stable structure. The egg-sugar mixture is beaten until the volume increases by 2.5-3 times and until a stable pattern appears on the surface (when drawn over the surface, the trace does not flow). During whipping, the mass is cooled to 20°C. Flour is combined with starch and quickly (but not sharply) with a whipped egg-sugar mass so that the dough does not drag out and does not settle. If the batch is produced in a beater, then it should last no more than 15 seconds. Essence is recommended to use vanilla or rum. Add it at the end of beating the egg-sugar mass.

The finished biscuit dough is immediately baked in capsules, cake molds and on sheets, as it settles during storage. Capsules, molds and sheets are lined with paper, but you can lubricate them with oil, better with butter or confectionery fat.

Biscuit dough is placed in molds at 3/4 of their height, since during baking it increases in volume and may leak out.

Biscuit dough is baked at a temperature of 200-210 degrees. The baking time depends on the volume and thickness of the dough. In capsules, the biscuit is baked for 50-60 minutes, in cake forms - 35-40 minutes, on sheets - 10-15 minutes. The first 10-15 minutes, the biscuit semi-finished product cannot be touched, since it settles from shaking (the fragile walls of air bubbles burst).

The end of the baking process is determined by the light brown color of the crust and elasticity. If the hole quickly recovers when pressed with your fingers, then the biscuit is ready. The baked biscuit semi-finished product is cooled for 20-30 minutes. Then they are freed from capsules and forms, cutting out with a thin knife around the entire perimeter of the sides and overturning the biscuit semi-finished product on the table.

If products are subsequently prepared from it, which are subjected to soaking, then the paper is not removed and left for 8-10 hours to strengthen the structure of the biscuit.

Technology for the preparation of biscuit semi-finished product "bushe"

For a cold-cooked biscuit (boucher), only dietary eggs are used, in which the yolk and protein are well separated.

The dough is prepared more viscous and thick. Starch is not added to it, so there is a different recipe for it.

The preparation of "boucher" consists of the following operations: beating separately the yolks and proteins with sugar, then combining the beaten yolks, proteins and flour. Egg yolks are combined with ¾ of sugar according to the recipe and beat until the volume increases by 2.5 - 3 times. At the same time, beat the egg whites until the volume increases by 5-6 times and until a stable foam: at first slowly, then gradually increase the rate of beating; at the end, the remaining sugar (1/4 part) is added to strengthen the structure of the protein.

To whipped yolks add ¼ of whipped proteins, essence. Lightly mix, add flour, mix again, add the remaining proteins and mix again until a homogeneous dough is obtained.

The finished dough is immediately baked in cake molds or deposited on a sheet for making bush cakes. To do this, the sheet is lined with paper, and the dough is laid out in a confectionery bag with a smooth tube, round or oval blanks are “deposited” and immediately baked at a temperature of 190-200 degrees for 20-25 minutes. After baking, they are cooled and kept for 4-6 hours to strengthen the structural biscuit. Then the blanks come for the manufacture of pastries and cakes.

2.3 Range of sponge cakes

Biscuit cakes are the most common. They are very convenient for cooking, as they have a lush and soft texture. The range of these products is very diverse in breadth and depth of this type of confectionery:

Cake "Biscuit" with butter cream

Cake "Biscuit" with protein cream

Cake "Biscuit" fruit (bouche)

Cake "Nocturne"

Cake "Stafetka"

Cake "Biscuit" with butter cream (see Appendix 1)

Cut the layer into cakes with a thin hot knife. For the “Strip” cake, they use the main biscuit (heated), bake it in rectangular capsules lined with paper. After baking and cooling, the biscuit is removed from the capsule and left for 8-10 hours to strengthen the structure. Then the paper is removed from the layer, the burnt places are cleaned and cut horizontally into two layers of the same thickness. The bottom layer is soaked with syrup, but not much, since it is the base of the cake. Then this layer is smeared with cream. A second layer is placed on it crust down and soaked more abundantly with a flat brush or a special watering can. A layer of cream is applied to the surface. Each cake is decorated with cream and fruit filling. Cake can be prepared in different shapes: square, diamond-shaped, triangular.

Cake "Biscuit" with protein cream (See Appendix 2)

The main biscuit is baked in capsules. After baking and holding for 8-10 hours, it is cut horizontally into two layers. The lower layer is slightly soaked with syrup, smeared with a layer of fruit filling. The second layer is placed on top with the crust down, soaked more abundantly and smeared with a thin layer of fruit filling. Then a layer of protein cream is applied on top.

Cake "Biscuit" fruit (bouche) (See Appendix 3)

For this cake, a biscuit is prepared in a cold way (bouche). Round blanks are baked, cooled, glued in pairs with fruit filling. The top billet is soaked in syrup, covered with fruit filling. The sides are sprinkled with biscuit crumbs and rolled in powdered sugar. The surface is decorated with fruits and candied fruits.

Cake "Nocturne" (See Appendix 4)

A basic biscuit is prepared with the addition of cocoa powder and butter. Bake, cool, cut horizontally into three layers, which are glued with creamy chocolate cream. The surface is glazed with chocolate fondant. After the lipstick hardens, the layer is cut into cakes, decorated with chocolate and colored lipstick.

Cake "Shtafetka" (See Appendix 5)

Prepare a biscuit in the main way. Spread on a confectionery sheet lined with paper, with a layer of 5-7 mm. Bake at a temperature of 200-220lC for 10 minutes, cool and transfer to the table paper up. The paper is removed, and the layer is smeared with cream, rolled up and put in the refrigerator until the cream is completely cooled. Then the surface of the roll is covered with chocolate icing and sprinkled with nuts. When the icing has hardened, cut the roll into cakes at an acute angle.

To prepare the cream, the butter is cleaned, cut into pieces and beaten together with powdered sugar. While whipping, coffee extract, finely chopped roasted nuts, liquor are added. Beat 10-15 min.

2.4 Quality requirement for biscuit cakes

Biscuit cakes are a delicacy and are designed to give joy to people with their appearance, taste, aroma both on a holiday and on weekdays.

All products made from biscuit dough must comply with the organoleptic requirements of regulatory documents. Products must have the correct shape, without kinks, mechanical damage, both the pattern of the finish and the product itself. The biscuit semi-finished product should have a yellow color, be porous, elastic, soaked in syrup, break easily, the cream on the product should keep its shape well. Products should not have an extraneous smell, taste of not fresh products.

The composition of chemical indicators must comply with the standards for the manufacture of semi-finished biscuit products (proteins, fats, carbohydrates). This is due to the fact that in the manufacture of products by hand, it is impossible to guarantee the accuracy in the ratio when using semi-finished products for the preparation of products.

When laying products, deviations are allowed in terms of stocking standards and the release of finished products in accordance with regulatory documents.

The drawing from the cream should be clear, embossed. The taste and smell of products are characteristic of products made from fresh raw materials, without the taste and smell of low-quality fats, eggs and burnt sugar.

The consistency and color of baked semi-finished products for cakes and pastries are determined by the raw materials and production methods. The finished puff semi-finished product has a characteristic thin layering, from light cream to brown.

Store ready-made cakes and pastries at a temperature of 2 to 6 С; products with custard and whipped cream, intended for consumption at catering establishments - 6 hours, with curd cream - 24, with butter cream - 36, with protein-whipped - 72 hours; confectionery without finishing - at a temperature of 18 С;

In the summer, custard, butter, cottage cheese creams can be prepared only with the permission of local SES.


3.1 Sanitary requirements for raw materials and finished products

All incoming raw materials and manufactured products must meet the requirements of applicable standards, specifications, biomedical requirements, have hygiene certificates or quality certificates.

The hygienic certificate is issued for the type of product, and not for a specific batch. To confirm the conformity of the batch of manufactured and supplied products with the established requirements (to guarantee the appropriate quality of the goods) is the responsibility of the manufacturer.

Selective control of safety indicators in finished products of the confectionery industry is carried out in accordance with the procedure established by the manufacturer of products in agreement with the state sanitary and epidemiological supervision authorities and guaranteeing the safety of products.

Raw materials are allowed into production only if there is a conclusion of the laboratory or specialists of the technological control of the enterprise.

Raw materials entering production must be prepared for production in accordance with the technological instructions and the Instruction for preventing the ingress of foreign objects into products.

Flour is stored separately from all types of raw materials, tared, stacked on racks at a distance of 15 cm from the floor level and 50 cm from the walls.

Fats, eggs, dairy products should be stored in refrigerators at a temperature of 0 to +4 degrees;

Melange, corresponding to quality indicators, is allowed in the preparation of dough, and in the preparation of creams is strictly prohibited.

It is allowed to store defrosted melange for no more than 4 hours at a temperature of -6 to +5 degrees;

It is allowed to store whole milk for no more than 36 hours at a temperature of 0 to +6 degrees from the moment of its technological production;

Butter is checked after unpacking, the surface is cleaned. In case of microbiological damage (rancidity, etc.), oil is not allowed for the preparation of creams and products with them. Storage of oil before stripping in the oil cutter should not exceed 4 hours;

Chicken eggs are used in production only after candling, sorting and sanitization, subject to strict sanitary standards and rules;

In the confectionery industry it is allowed to use only sterilized jigging bags, tips and small inventory. The issuance and delivery of these instruments is carried out according to the account by responsible persons with registration in a special journal. Replacement of jigging bags is carried out at least 2 times per shift;

Confectionery with cream after production is sent to the refrigerator for cooling. The end of the technological process is the achievement of a temperature of +6 degrees C inside the product. The duration of storage of ready-made products at a temperature not higher than +16 - +18 degrees before loading them into the refrigerator should not exceed 2 hours;

Confectionery with cream is stored in a refrigerator at a temperature not exceeding +6 degrees;

Cakes without cream finishing, waffle cakes, cakes with fatty, praline, fruit, finishing semi-finished products should be stored at a temperature not higher than +18 degrees and relative humidity 70-75%;

Refrigeration chambers must be provided with thermostats. The control of the cold regime of the chamber is carried out according to the technological instructions. The control results are recorded in the technical journal;

Confectionery products are packed in a clean, dry, odorless container. Before laying the products, the containers are lined with parchment or subparchment, the trays are closed with lids; Sheets and trays without lids can be placed in metal containers with tight-fitting lids. Transportation of cakes and rolls on open sheets and trays is not allowed;

Cakes are placed in previously unused cardboard boxes or other packaging materials allowed for these purposes, lined with napkins made of parchment or parchment, closed with lids. Transportation and sale of cakes without packaging materials is not allowed;

Marking is carried out in accordance with the requirements of GOST R 51074-2003 “Food products. Information for the consumer. General requirements" ;

Transportation and sale of confectionery products with cream is carried out only in the presence of refrigeration equipment.

3.2 Labor protection in the confectionery shop

Subject to safe working conditions in the confectionery shop, special attention is paid to the organization of the confectioner's workplace.

The workplaces of confectioners are organized clearly in accordance with the production operation performed and the type of product being prepared, including layer cake.

All equipment is kept clean, after work thoroughly washed with hot water and detergents.

Production tables must have a flat, smooth, durable, stainless surface. After each production operation, they are washed with hot water, and at the end of the working day - with hot water with detergents and rinsed with hot water. Tables with wooden tops are cleaned with a knife and washed with hot water.

All workshop inventory is washed with hot water and detergents. Wooden inventory is disinfected by rinsing with hot water at least 65 C.

After use, sieves, straining gauze, pastry bags for cream are thoroughly washed in hot water with the addition of detergents. Then they are rinsed, boiled for 15 minutes. And they dry. For boiling and storage of pastry bags, use special clean labeled dishes. Brushes and washcloths for washing inventory and utensils must be thoroughly washed daily with the use of detergents, boiled for 10-15 minutes, dried and stored in a specially designated place.

Tools (knives, recesses, molds) are kept clean during work. All metal tools, after washing with hot water, are disinfected by boiling in water or by calcining in an oven. During working hours, clean inventory is stored in special cabinets or on closed racks.

Violation of sanitary and hygienic rules for washing and maintaining inventory and utensils can cause contamination of finished products with microbes, and consequently the occurrence of food poisoning and intestinal infections.


Considering the topic of the written examination work “Organization of the cooking process and preparation of biscuit cakes”, it follows that the preparation of biscuit cakes is a complex technological process. When preparing this product, it is necessary to have certain skills and abilities that are acquired in the process of mastering the specialty of a confectioner.

Confectionery products made from biscuit dough are in great demand in the confectionery market segment. These products have great taste. These products are used by all age categories of the population of the Russian Federation.

Consequently, the expansion of production for the preparation of confectionery products makes it possible to increase its range, use new technologies and a new organization of the process in the preparation of biscuit cakes.

The classic tea party with cakes, pies, pies, buns, pretzels, bagels, gingerbread has long become a national custom. Beautiful biscuit cakes have always been a welcome gift, as well as a sign of special attention and hospitality. Nowadays, not a single holiday is complete without biscuit cakes. Decorated biscuit cakes always add a special solemn note to the festive table.

Biscuit dough products are an integral part of the Russian national cuisine. They have an attractive appearance, good taste, aroma and create a good mood.

When performing the topic of the work, all the tasks were completed, thus, the goal of the work on studying the technology of making biscuit cakes was achieved.


    Buteykis N.G. Technology for the preparation of flour confectionery: a textbook for NGOs. - M .: JIC "Academy", 2010.

    Dubrovskaya N.I. Technology of preparation of flour confectionery products. Workbook. Part 1: - M .: JIC "Academy", 2010.

    Dubrovskaya N.I. Technology of preparation of flour confectionery products. Workbook. Part 2: - M .: JIC "Academy", 2010.

    Ermilova S.V., Sokolova E.I. Flour confectionery products from yeast dough: - M .: OITs "Academy", 2009.

    Ermilova S.V., Sokolova E.I. Flour confectionery products from yeast-free dough: - M .: "Academy", 2008.

    Ermilova S.V., Sokolova E.I. Cakes. Cakes and desserts: - M .: JIC "Academy", 2011.

    Zolin V.P. Technological equipment of public catering enterprises: a textbook for NGOs: textbook. allowance for open source software. - M.: "Academy", 2006.

    Matyukhina Z.P., Koroleva E.P. Commodity science of food products: a textbook for NGOs: a textbook for open source software. - M .: "Academy", 2010.

    Potapova I.I., Korneeva N.V. Dough products: - M .: OITs "Academy", 2011.

    Marzulova L.V. Technology of bakery production. Raw materials and materials: - M .: OIC "Academy", 2008.

    Sokolova E.I., Ermilova S.V. Modern raw materials for confectionery production: - M .: JIC "Academy" 2009.

Additional sources

      Professional magazines "Gastronom", "Nutrition and Society", "Restaurateur" and others.


Appendix 1


Cake "Biscuit" with butter cream

name of raw materials

Raw material consumption

creamy cream


Powdered sugar

Condensed milk with sugar

vanilla powder

cocoa powder

Appendix 2


Cake "Biscuit" with protein cream

name of raw materials

fruit filling

Protein cream

Egg white

Powdered sugar

creamy cream


vanilla powder

Fruits and candied fruits

Annex 3 Routing

Cake "Biscuit" fruit (bouche)

name of raw materials

Syrup for impregnation

Lipstick with cocoa powder


Appendix 4


Cake "Nocturne"

name of raw materials

Creamy chocolate cream


vanilla powder

cocoa powder

Chocolate lipstick

Appendix 5


Cake "Stafetka"

name of raw materials

Coffee cream


Powdered sugar

Condensed milk

vanilla powder

roasted coffee

Chocolate glaze

roasted nuts


Subject: Development of the technological process for the preparation of cakes from biscuit dough

Specialty 19.02.10 "Technology of catering products"

PM 04 Organization of the cooking process and preparation of complex bakery, flour confectionery products

PM 06 Organization of the work of the structural unit


1. Theoretical section:

1.1 Commodity characteristics of raw materials, semi-finished products used for the preparation of products………………………………………….

1.2 Organization of the technological process………………………….

1.3 Occupational health and safety of the confectionery shop………

1.4 Equipment used in the processing of raw materials and the preparation of products……………………………………………………………………

1.5 Sanitary and hygienic requirements for the processing of raw materials and the preparation of products…………………………………………

1.6 Organization of the workplace in the workshop………………………………….

2. Practical section:

2.1 Characteristics of the type, class, form of ownership of the enterprise ...

2.2 Scheme of the master plan of the enterprise……………………………...

2.3 Structural-technological scheme of the functional interconnection of the premises of the designed catering enterprise………………….

2.4 Characteristics of the workshop of the enterprise……………………………………

2.5 The range of dishes of the structural unit of the confectionery shop………………………………………………………………………...

2.6 Scheme of the workshop with the arrangement of equipment (graphic scheme of the workshop)……………………………………………………………………….

2.7 Terms of implementation and mode of storage of dishes and products……………...

2.8 Technological process of preparation of three new products, with the development of TTC………………………………………………………….

2.9 Organization of the technological process of the workshop………………………

2.10 Organization of quality control of three new products……………...




The purpose of this thesis is to study the range and technology of making cakes from biscuit dough, describe three new cooking technologies and acquire the skill of compiling technical and technological maps.

It is necessary to solve the following tasks:

Familiarization with the characteristics of the raw materials of the confectionery shop

Familiarization with the organization of the technological process

・Describe the company

Consideration of the organization of the work of the confectionery shop

· Development of new confectionery products.

The confectionery industry is a powerful branch of the food industry that produces confectionery products at specialized factories, in the shops of bakeries and food processing plants. Confectionery products are food products that are in constant demand among buyers. The confectionery market is rarely affected by seasonality; usually seasonal recession can relate only to certain types of confectionery products. Today, there are a huge number of companies offering confectionery products on the market. And the consumer makes ever new, more sophisticated requirements for goods. Manufacturers are forced to meet the ever-increasing demands of their customers. Products produced by the confectionery industry can be conditionally divided into two groups: flour products and sugar products.

Flour products include: cookies, cakes, waffles, crackers, gingerbread, cakes. The main raw materials for production are flour, water, salt and yeast, with the addition of fat, sugar, milk powder, raisins, spices and other ingredients to obtain a variety of tastes. Due to the simple production technology of flour confectionery products, the availability of domestic raw materials, and the constant demand from consumers, this market is developing steadily and has long-term prospects. There is a constant demand for flour products at any time, regardless of seasonal factors. It is consumed by the general population and is an excellent addition to tea.

Sugar products include: caramel, dragees, chocolates, chocolate, cocoa powder, marmalade, halva, marshmallow. Sugar confectionery products are distinguished by a more intense sweet taste compared to flour confectionery products, in which the sweet taste is moderate, and in some types (biscuits, crackers) it is mild. The share of flour confectionery products in the total production is about 40%, respectively, the share of sugary products is 60%. Also, confectionery products containing cocoa are allocated to a separate group in sugary products. Thus, the confectionery market is in demand and occupies a stable position among many other representatives of food products.

In recent years, the level of personal consumption of confectionery products in Russia is approaching the maximum. Therefore, the main factors influencing the behavior of confectionery manufacturers in Russia is the gradual saturation of the market for sugar products. The constantly changing taste preferences of consumers, as well as intense competition, require the modernization of production and increasing labor productivity. The confectionery market continues to develop actively even despite the upcoming period of saturation. The production of confectionery is an important and responsible process. It can be profitable and effective only under certain conditions. First of all, it is necessary to focus on the needs of the market, because. the dynamics of sales of confectionery products produced by the enterprise directly depends on them. And sales are revenue and profit that allows production to exist. In other words, the market should dictate the terms of production, not production to the market. There must be a feedback between the consumer and production, thanks to which production can identify needs and meet them. The confectionery market is characterized by strong competition from manufacturers represented in almost every city in Russia. The harsh realities of competition in the market give rise to interesting marketing decisions on the part of manufacturers. Actual are measures in the field of commodity policy, as the fundamental basis for success in any market. For example, for flour confectionery products, in order to maintain a stable position in the market, it is necessary to constantly expand the range, offer new products with new taste characteristics that distinguish it from competitors, design your own branded product in the field of packaging design, constantly maintain a guarantee of the safety of manufactured products - product certification etc.

The name of the person who invented and prepared the first biscuit remained unknown. The origin of the biscuit dough can only be indicated by its name. In French, "bis" means "twice" and "cuit" means to bake. So, literally, a biscuit - baked twice. The first mention of biscuits is stored in the logbooks of sailors from England. Going on a long voyage, the sailors filled the holds with significant stocks of "ship biscuits", or, as they were also called, "sea biscuits". The dried biscuit did not spoil for a long time. It did not develop mold even under wet conditions. Without butter in its composition, the biscuit remained edible until the end of the voyage. In addition, it was very satisfying, nutritious and did not take up much space. All these properties made "sea biscuits" indispensable for travel. The delicate taste of the biscuit did not go unnoticed by gourmets spoiled with delicacies. On one of the voyages, one of the courtiers tried the simple food of sailors, was very surprised by the unexpectedly pleasant taste and decided that it was worthy of the royal table. So ship biscuits ceased to be sea biscuits and turned from dried pieces of dough into the most delicate cakes with jam and cream layers. Biscuit has become the most popular addition to English afternoon tea. Tea receptions were no longer complete without fresh biscuits with all sorts of layers and fillings prepared by the most famous confectioners. Of course, these cakes were no longer suitable for long-term storage in ship holds. In the 17th century, biscuits became very fashionable in France, although they no longer had anything in common with the previously known sea rusks. And even later they completely conquered Australia. In 1865, a small confectionery "Arnott" was opened here. Today, the products of the Arnott company, the world's largest producer of biscuits, are well known in 40 countries, and the biscuit has long become a part of not only the national cuisine, but also the culture of the country. The trip of the biscuit to Japan turned out to be interesting. Castella is the name of the popular biscuits in the country. They were brought here by Portuguese traders. Castella means "bread from Castile" in Portuguese. Biscuits are usually sold in boxes about 30 cm long. In the 16th century, the port of Nagasaki was the only one available for trade with other countries. Ships with Portuguese merchants arrived here in the 16th century. They brought many items unknown in Japan, among which were tobacco, guns and castella. Then, due to the high cost of sugar, castella was an expensive dessert and was even presented as a gift to the emperor. Gradually, under the influence of local tastes, the biscuit changed. Castella is prepared only from natural products, has a delicate taste and has different shapes. Castella comes with green tea, honey and brown sugar. As time passed, the biscuit gained popularity all over the world and became part of traditional cooking in various countries.

Cakes are piece flour confectionery products weighing from 33 to 110 g, having a variety of shapes and artistically decorated surfaces. A cake of each name can be produced large or small. So, for example, a biscuit cake glazed with fondant, with a protein cream is produced with a mass of 75 and 45 g; air with cream - 55 and 35 g, etc.

The most common geometric shapes for cakes are square, rectangular, and round. And also cakes can have a triangular, diamond-shaped, oval and other shape.

In accordance with the original baked semi-finished products and manufacturing features, cakes are divided into separate groups: biscuit, shortbread, puff, custard, airy, almond-nut, crumb, sugar and combined.

The cake making process is preparation of baked and finishing semi-finished products, and then assembly and finishing of baked semi-finished products.

quality requirements . According to organoleptic indicators, cakes must meet the following requirements.

The shape must be correct, correspond to the given name of the product, without kinks and dents, with an even cut for cut products.

The surface is artistically finished with cream or other finishing semi-finished products. A vague pattern of cream is not allowed; gray-haired chocolate icing, untidy appearance of products, small flows of icing are allowed.

On the cut, one or more layers of the baked semi-finished product without traces of unmixed, interlayered with finishing semi-finished products.

Semi-finished products in the form of cups, horns, baskets, balls, bars, tubes are filled with finishing semi-finished products.

Biscuit and crumb cakes may or may not be soaked in syrup.

The custard semi-finished product must be without through cracks.

The puff semi-finished product consists of separable thin layers interconnected. A slight temper is allowed.

Combined products consist of several layers of various baked semi-finished products.

For sugar tubes, uneven coloring of the surface without burntness is allowed.

Burnt piece and weight products are not allowed.

Taste, smell and color must correspond to the given name of the product, without foreign tastes and smells.

The process of making cakes consists of 3 stages:

1. preparation of baked semi-finished products

2. preparation of finishing semi-finished products

3. preparation (assembly) of cakes

Algorithm for making cakes

1. Preparation of baked and finishing semi-finished products

2. Alignment of the sides (for layers)

3. Cutting layers horizontally (for biscuit p / f)

4. Wetting of the lower layer

5. Lubrication and bonding of layers

6. Wetting the upper layer

7. Priming, lubrication or glazing of the surface

8. Cutting into cakes

9. Finishing the sides

10. Finishing (decoration) of the surface

This algorithm may vary depending on the type of baked p / f and the technology for making cakes.


Biscuit cakes

Features of the preparation of biscuit cakes (cakes)

The biscuit semi-finished product is prepared by the main method or the “Busher” method. They are baked in capsules (for square, rectangular, triangular and diamond-shaped cakes), in molds or on confectionery sheets in the form of layers and blanks. Round or oval blanks are molded using a pastry bag.

Before soaking, the biscuit semi-finished product is kept for 6-8 hours to strengthen the structure, otherwise the crumb will be sticky, smearing. The top layer is placed crust down, because. when soaking, the crust gets wet, lags behind the crumb and, when priming, can mix with cream, jam or lipstick.

Distribution of syrup

To soak the lower layer, less syrup is used, since it is the base, and the upper layers are soaked more.

for example : in two-layer cakes (cakes), 40% of the syrup is used on the lower layer, and 60% on the upper layer. In three-layer cakes (cakes) - on the lower layer 25%, on the middle - 35% and on the top - 40% of the syrup.

Cream distribution

25% cream is left for surface finishing, 35% for bonding layers and 40% for priming the surface.

The process of making biscuit cakes is carried out according to the general algorithm for making cakes (see above)

Table 15 shows recipes for making mass-produced cakes.

Cake "Biscuit with butter cream". Cakes made according to this recipe can have a different shape. The most common are "Stripes" (rifled), "Sandwiches", "Rigoletto".

"Stripes". The main biscuit is baked in capsules. After baking and strengthening the structure, the sides are leveled and cut into 2 layers. The bottom layer is soaked with syrup and smeared with cream. The top layer is placed crust down and soaked in syrup. The surface is primed with cream. You can apply a pattern in the form of wavy lines with a confectionery comb. They are cut into cakes according to a stencil and each cake is decorated with colored butter cream and fruit filling.

"Sandwiches". For the “Sandwiches” cake, the biscuit is baked in a semi-cylindrical shape (in the form of a loaf). After strengthening the structure, cut across like bread. On slices soaked in syrup, a cream snake is injected from a pastry bag with a serrated tube and decorated with a fruit filling.

"Rigoletto". For the Rigoletto cake, the biscuit is baked in a semi-cylindrical shape. After strengthening the structure, it is cut horizontally into two layers. Both layers are soaked with syrup at the incision site and glued with cream. The oval surface is smeared with a thin layer of cream, a strip of cream is applied along the entire length from a wide flat jagged tube, and the sides are sprinkled with biscuit crumbs. Cut into cakes and each cake is decorated with cream and fruit filling.

Cake "Biscuit fruit and jelly". The main biscuit is baked in capsules. After baking and strengthening the structure, the sides are leveled and cut into 2 layers. The bottom layer is soaked with syrup and smeared with fruit filling. The top layer is placed crust down and soaked in syrup. The surface is smeared with a thin layer of fruit filling, the contours of cakes are outlined and decorated with fruits. When laying fruit, it is desirable to achieve a beautiful pattern and color combination. Then pour the jelly in several stages. If you immediately pour plenty of fruit, then the pattern may be disturbed. After the jelly has hardened, the layer is cut into cakes along the outlined contours.

Cake "Biscuit with protein cream". The biscuit layer is prepared in the same way as in the previous cake. Only the surface, smeared with a thin layer of fruit filling, is primed with protein cream and cut into cakes. Each cake is decorated with protein cream and then sprinkled with powdered sugar.

If raw protein cream is used in the preparation of the cake, then after decoration, the cakes are tinted, i.e. put in an oven at a temperature of 220 ... 230 ºС for 2 ... 3 minutes. When tinting, cream decorations are fixed, a thin brownish-yellow crust forms on its surface.

Cake "Biscuit glazed with fondant with protein cream". The main biscuit is baked in capsules. After baking and strengthening the structure, the sides are leveled and cut into 2 layers. The layers, without turning over, are glued with fruit filling (the bottom should be on top) and glazed with lipstick. After it hardens, it is cut with a hot knife into cakes and each cake is decorated with protein cream and Charlotte cream.

Pastries "Bush". Boucher sponge cakes are two round or oval round or oval biscuit cakes glued together with cream or fruit filling with a surface finish. There are also varieties of cakes, consisting of only one cake, on which cream, mousse, soufflé or airy semi-finished product is deposited. The surface is glazed with fondant, chocolate or jelly.

The biscuit is prepared using the Boucher method. Formed using a confectionery bag with a smooth tube in the form of round blanks with a diameter of 65 mm or oval - 50 ... 70 mm in size on confectionery sheets lined with paper. Bake at a temperature of 200 ºС for about 20 minutes. Refrigerate after baking.

Table 15

Semi-finished products and raw materials Weight, g for making 100 pieces of cakes
Biscuit with butter cream Biscuit fruit jelly Biscuit with protein cream Biscuit glazed with fondant with protein cream Boucher glazed with cream bush fruit Shtafetka Czech roll
Biscuit - -
Syrup for soaking - - -
creamy cream - - - - - -
Fruit filling - - - -
Fruits - - - - - - -
Jelly - - - - - - -
Protein cream - - - - - -
powdered sugar - - - - - - -
Pomade - - - - -
Cream "arlot" - - - - - - -
Biscuit round "bushe" - - - - - -
cocoa powder - - - - - - -
Chocolate lipstick - - - - - -
Confiture - - - - - - -
Coffee cream - - - - - - -
Chocolate glaze - - - - - -
roasted nuts - - - - - - -
Czech chocolate cream - - - - - - -

Cake "Boucher glazed with cream". The cooled blanks are glued in pairs (bottoms) with cream and put in the refrigerator until the cream is completely cooled. This is done so that the workpieces stick to each other better and do not lag behind when glazing. After cooling, the top blank is soaked in syrup, glazed with chocolate fondant and decorated with cream.

Cake "Bush fruit". The bottoms of the chilled blanks are soaked in syrup and glued and glued with confiture. The surface of one blank is glazed with chocolate fondant and decorated with white fondant with a pattern in the form of an untwisted spiral.

Cake "Stafetka". Biscuit is prepared in the main way. Formed and baked in the same way as for the roll. After baking and cooling, the layer is smeared with coffee cream and rolled into a roll. Put in the refrigerator until the cream has completely cooled. Then the surface of the roll is glazed with chocolate icing and sprinkled with nuts. When the icing hardens, the roll is cut into cakes at an acute angle.

Recipe for coffee cream, G : butter - 913; powdered sugar - 457; ground coffee - 36; liquor - 46; roasted nuts - 137 (some nuts are left for decoration). Output: 1 515.

Butter is whipped with powdered sugar, coffee extract, finely chopped roasted nuts and liquor are added.

Cake "Czech Roll". Biscuits are made with cocoa. Formed and baked in the same way as for the roll. After baking and cooling, the layer is smeared with Czech chocolate cream and rolled into a roll. Put in the refrigerator until the cream has completely cooled. Then the surface of the roll is glazed with chocolate icing and a pattern is applied with a comb in the form of wavy lines. When the icing hardens, the roll is cut into cakes at an acute angle.

Recipe for Czech chocolate cream, g: butter - 1 471; granulated sugar - 643; milk - 643; potato starch - 92; cocoa powder - 37; cognac or wine - 37. Yield: 2,500.

Probably not a single gourmet will refuse a piece of biscuit cake or a roll for a cup of fragrant tea! Currently, biscuit dough is used extremely widely. Rolls with various fillings, cakes, cookies are prepared from it. What is worth only one famous "Drunken Cherry"!

And, meanwhile, few people know that biscuit has its history from the depths of centuries. Who was the first to prepare biscuit dough, and how it happened, unfortunately, it is no longer possible to find out. Only its name can lead to reflections. Biscuit - a word of French origin, from "bis" - twice and cuit "- oven, bake, that is, baked twice. However, some argue that the word is Italian and sounds like "biscotte", which, however, means the same thing.

The first mention of a biscuit dates back to the 15th century. It is mentioned in the ship's logs of English sailors. Before a long-distance voyage, the ship's cook always loaded into the hold of the ship a sufficient amount of slightly dried biscuit, which was called "ship biscuit", and, sometimes, for some reason, "sea biscuits". The fact is that the biscuit did not contain butter at all. This feature allowed it not to mold for a long time in sufficiently damp sea conditions, remaining suitable for consumption for the entire duration of the voyage. In addition, the biscuit had a high nutritional value and, at the same time, a relatively small volume, which made it a really useful product for travelers.

But the biscuit was not only useful, but also a very tasty product. And this could not be ignored by secular gourmets. Obviously, one of them, during the voyage, out of necessity or out of curiosity, tried this dish from the sailor's menu and concluded that his place was not in the galley, but in the royal palace. So the biscuit got its new "noble" birth at the court of the English Queen Victoria. It was no longer a dried piece of dough. The biscuit has become a fresh and tender cake with jam layers. Over time, "Victorian" cakes left the royal palace "to the people" and began to travel around the world. In England they are ubiquitous. Then, in the 17th century, they crossed the English Channel and settled in France. Further more. Biscuits crossed the ocean, and the English colonies could no longer imagine themselves without them.

Most of all, they fell in love with the Australians. Surely, many have heard the name of such an Australian confectionery company - "Arnott". It opened in 1865 and was then a small tent. Now Arnott is the world's largest manufacturer of biscuits, supplying its products to forty different countries around the world. And Australians consider the biscuit to be part of their culture.

Currently, the biscuit has become a welcome guest of any table in any country, regardless of nationality, language and religion.

Human health largely depends on the proper organization of nutrition from the first days of life. Indeed, the normal growth and development of an organism is possible only when it receives sufficient nutrients of good quality.

Proper nutrition helps to increase a person's ability to work, ensures his longevity and protects against diseases. Nutrition is rational when the body perceives food well, easily digests it, gets tired and, thus, satisfies the need for food as much as possible according to the conditions of life. To ensure a balanced diet, it is necessary that the body receives the nutrients it needs from easily digestible and appetizing food under the most favorable conditions.

It is worth changing the nature of nutrition, reducing or, conversely, increasing the amount of necessary carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals, deteriorating the quality of food or disrupting the diet, as the body will certainly give an appropriate reaction. It can manifest itself in the form of various painful abnormalities in the activity of the nervous or vascular, digestive or endocrine systems and lead to exhaustion or obesity.

All food products according to their calorie content can be divided into: high-calorie, low-calorie and high-calorie. Confectionery, along with products such as vegetable and animal fats, are high-calorie foods. Moreover, the calorie content of confectionery significantly exceeds the calorie content of many other foods.

Confectionery products are of great nutritional value due to the content of sugar, fats and proteins. They are significant sources of low molecular weight, easily digestible carbohydrates, which, when consumed in excess, turn into fats. Some confectionery products can serve as significant suppliers of fats. The combination of low molecular weight carbohydrates and fats in such confectionery products creates especially favorable conditions for the deposition of fats in an organism suffering from disorders of the gastrointestinal tract (colitis, enterocolitis). Observations have shown that poor nutrition contributes to the development of gastritis with secretory insufficiency. So, in 41.5% of inpatients suffering from gastritis, nutrition for a long time was predominantly carbohydrate in nature. At the same time, many people abused sweets and flour products.

A sharp deterioration in the state of blood vessels, as well as a variety of disorders in the activity of many organs, primarily the heart and brain, associated with the deposition of large amounts of cholesterol, are the main signs of atherosclerosis.

Proper nutrition, of course, can favorably influence the course of atherosclerosis.

Limiting the intake of carbohydrates with food (and, above all, at the expense of sweets, flour and confectionery products) is necessary for people prone to obesity.

A good tradition of ending dinner with sweets is often broken by the unsystematic intake of sweets on the go, sometimes shortly before the main meals. Sweets, if they are eaten haphazardly, disrupt the mode of activity of the digestive glands. Excessive intake of sugar in the body leads to a decrease in food excitability and lack of appetite.

But the positive role of confectionery in human nutrition is also undoubted. These high-calorie, nutritious foods do not require cooking before eating and can maintain high quality for a long time.

The preparation of the main baked semi-finished products consists in preparing the dough, shaping it, baking and aging and cooling.

Biscuit semi-finished product is a lush, finely porous semi-finished product with a soft elastic crumb. It is obtained by churning egg melange with granulated sugar, followed by mixing the churned mass with flour and baking the resulting dough.

The basis for the preparation of biscuit cakes is a biscuit semi-finished product, which should be lush, porous, without traces of unmixed. Combining a variety of finishing semi-finished products with a biscuit, they get a variety of biscuit cakes: biscuit-cream, biscuit-fondant, biscuit-fruit.

However, such a division is not strictly defined, since one cake is produced using two or more different finishing semi-finished products. For example, a cake glazed with fondant may have a layer of fruit and a top decorated with cream and sprinkles. Such combinations give the products an original look, a variety of taste qualities. biscuit confectionery cake

Biscuit cakes are produced in rectangular, round, oval, diamond-shaped, triangular; in the form of bridges, barrels, rolls, sandwiches; weight and piece.

Biscuit cake with protein cream

Biscuit: flour - 136; potato starch - 34; granulated sugar - 168; melange - 280; exit - 484

Syrup for turning: granulated sugar - 95; rum essence - 0.4; cognac or dessert wine - 8.9; output - 185 g.

Protein cream on sour cream.

Ingredients: protein 4 pcs., sugar 10 tablespoons, sour cream 1 cup

Prepare a protein cream: beat the chilled egg whites into a fluffy foam, then gradually, while continuing to beat, add sugar and carefully mix in the sour cream.

Cut the biscuit cake into two layers of the same thickness.

Soak the first layer with flavored syrup, then cover with the second layer, soak it with syrup and spread with cream.

Mark the layer with a knife on the cakes and, using a cornet, apply a cream pattern to each.

Carefully cut the glued and finished layers into individual cakes and put them in the oven on a baking sheet for 1/2 minute, until the cream turns slightly pink. Transfer the finished cakes to a dish and sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Cake "Biscuit" with butter cream


Biscuit 1998, soak syrup 756, cream 1633, fruit filling IZ.

Cut the layer into cakes with a thin hot knife (dipped in hot water and shaken off). For the “Strip” cake, they use the main biscuit (heated), bake it in rectangular capsules lined with paper. After baking and cooling, the biscuit is removed from the capsule and left for 8-10 hours to strengthen the structure. Then the paper is removed from the layer, the burnt places are cleaned and cut horizontally into two layers of the same thickness. The bottom layer is soaked with syrup, but not much, since it is the base of the cake. Then this layer is smeared with cream. A second layer is placed on it with a crust down and soaked more abundantly with a flat brush or a special watering can. A layer of cream is applied to the surface. Each cake is decorated with cream and fruit filling. Cake can be prepared in different shapes: square, diamond-shaped, triangular.

The cream, when applied to the biscuit, should not mix with the crumbs. Therefore, a thin layer of cream is first applied and smoothed (primed) with a knife so that the crumbs stick to the biscuit. Then a second layer of cream is applied and a pattern in the form of straight or wavy lines with a confectionery comb. This is done so that the cake looks more elegant and the pattern on the surface stands out more prominently.

Output 100 pcs. 45 g each

Cake "Biscuit" fruit and jelly


Biscuit 1895, fruit filling 1804, fruit 713, jelly 551, soak syrup 437.

The main biscuit is baked in capsules. Prepare the biscuit in the same way as described above.

The layer is cut horizontally into two equal parts, the bottom is slightly soaked with syrup and smeared with a layer of fruit filling. The second layer is placed crust down, soaked and smeared with fruit filling. With the blunt side of the knife, the layer is drawn on cakes, decorated with fresh or canned fruits, candied fruits and poured with unhardened jelly at a temperature of 60C at first a little so as not to spoil the pattern, and then all the jelly is poured.

When the jelly hardens, the layer is cut into cakes along the contours outlined earlier with a hot knife.

Output 100 pcs. to 54

Cake "Biscuit" with protein cream


Biscuit 2323, fruit filling 1056, soaking syrup 888, protein cream 499, powdered sugar 34.

The main biscuit is baked in capsules. After baking and holding for 8-10 hours, it is cut horizontally into two layers. The lower layer is slightly soaked with syrup, smeared with a layer of fruit filling. A second layer is placed on top with a spiked crust, soaked more abundantly and smeared with a thin layer of fruit filling. Then a layer of protein cream is applied on top.

The layer is cut into cakes with a hot knife. Each cake is decorated with a protein cream, and then the surface is sprinkled with powdered sugar.

Output 100 pcs. by 48

Cake "Biscuit", glazed with fondant with protein cream


Biscuit 1415, protein cream 1157, lipstick 801, Charlotte cream 641, fruit filling 486.

Output 100 pcs. by 45

The biscuit is baked in capsules, after cooling it is cut horizontally into two layers. The layers, without turning over, are glued with fruit filling, glazed with lipstick on top. After hardening, cut with a hot knife into cakes. Each cake is decorated with protein cream, "Charlotte" or "Chocolate Charlotte".

Cake "Biscuit", glazed, cream (boucher)


Biscuit round 1470, cream cream 1080, lipstick 900, soak syrup 730, cocoa powder in lipstick 23.

Output 100 pcs. by 42

For this cake, a biscuit is prepared in a cold way (bouche). The finished dough is laid out in a pastry bag with a smooth tube with a diameter of IX mm and round or oval blanks are deposited on sheets lined with paper. Round cakes should have a diameter of 45 mm, and oval - a size of 50-70 mm.

Bake at a temperature of 200 * C for about 20 minutes, cool after baking. The cooled blanks are glued in pairs (bottoms) with cream and put in the refrigerator until the cream is completely cooled. This is done so that the workpieces stick to each other better and do not lag behind when glazing products.

After cooling, the upper workpiece is moistened with syrup, glazed with chocolate fondant. When the nomad hardens, decorate the cake with cream. The cake can be prepared with creamy chocolate cream, Charlotte, Glace.

Cake "Nocturne"

Biscuit 1870, chocolate cream 680, chocolate fondant 1100. For finishing chocolate 160.

Output 100 pcs. by 38

A basic biscuit is prepared with the addition of cocoa powder and butter. Bake, cool, cut horizontally into three layers, which are glued with creamy chocolate cream. Surfaces are lazed with chocolate fondant. After the lipstick hardens, the layer is cut into cakes, decorated with chocolate and colored lipstick.

Cake "Stafetka"

Biscuit 2615, coffee cream 1515, chocolate icing 693, roasted nuts 177. For the cream: butter 913, powdered sugar 457, roasted coffee 36, liquor 46, roasted nuts 137 (some of the nuts are left for decoration). Output 100 pcs. 50 g.

Prepare a biscuit in the main way. Spread on a confectionery sheet lined with paper, with a layer of 5-7 mm. Bake at a temperature of 200-220lC for 10 minutes, cool and transfer to the table paper up. The paper is removed, and the layer is smeared with cream, rolled up and put in the refrigerator until the cream is completely cooled. Then the surface of the roll is covered with chocolate icing and sprinkled with nuts. When the icing has hardened, cut the roll into cakes at an acute angle.

To prepare the cream, the butter is cleaned, cut into pieces and beaten together with powdered sugar. While whipping, coffee extract, finely chopped roasted nuts, liquor are added. Beat 10-15 min.

Cake "Czech Roll"

Biscuit 1957, Czech chocolate cream 2500, chocolate icing 543. For Czech chocolate cream: butter 1471, granulated sugar 643, whole milk 643, potato starch 92, cocoa powder 37, cognac or wine 37.

Output 100 pcs. 50 g.

For this cake, a biscuit is prepared with cocoa powder. Bake in the same way as for the Shtafstka cake.

The surface of the biscuit layer is smeared with Czech chocolate cream and wrapped in a roll, put in the refrigerator until the cream has completely cooled, the surface is covered with chocolate icing and a pattern is applied with a comb in the form of wavy lines. When the chocolate hardens, the roll is cut into cakes at an acute angle.

For cream, part of the milk is combined with starch and stirred. The rest of the milk with sugar is brought to a boil and the starch diluted with milk is poured in a thin stream. Bring to a boil, cool. Beat the butter until fluffy, add the prepared mass, cocoa powder, cognac or wine.

Cake "Chocolate and fruit roll"

For the dough: flour 562, granulated sugar 562, melange 907.

For soaking: pear syrup 200, cognac 65, canned pear 800. For cream: butter 1000 (including 200 for tea leaves), condensed milk 400, starch 80, granulated sugar 190, water 330, cocoa powder 20.

For glazing: chocolate 450, cocoa butter 50.

Output 400 pcs. 50 g.

Biscuit dough is prepared in a cold way without the addition of potato starch. The finished dough is applied in a thin layer on a confectionery sheet, lightly oiled or covered with paper, and baked at 230-240 "C. The baked dough is cooled, removed from the sheet and slightly moistened with canned pear syrup with the addition of cognac. Cream is applied evenly, on it put canned pears, cut into slices.

The roll is rolled up and put in the cold for 10-12 hours. After that, glaze with chocolate and cut into portions. To prepare the cream, butter, condensed milk and granulated sugar are thoroughly mixed and brought to a boil. Potato starch, diluted with cold water, is introduced into the boiling mass and brewed. The cooled mass is whipped in a cream beater, adding the remaining butter and cocoa powder.

Methodological development contains information necessary for the educational process. This methodological development includes: the rationale for the chosen topic, the content of the lesson (goals and objectives), the technological map "Basic biscuit", "Syrup for soaking", "Basic creamy cream", "Fruit filling", "Biscuit cake with butter cream", and also detailed technological schemes of preparation. Valuable information is undoubtedly the table "Types and reasons for the marriage of a biscuit semi-finished product", which clearly describes the types and reasons for a possible marriage.



Methodical development:

"Cooking Buttercream Biscuit Cake"



training - Kuleshova G.D.



Methodological goal:"Method of display and independent work of students".

Place of employment: classroom, culinary laboratory, pastry shop.

Lesson method:a story using an interactive whiteboard, a method of showing exercises, independent work of students using ICT.

Lesson type: formation of initial knowledge and skills for the implementation of labor techniques, consolidation and improvement of the acquired knowledge.

Visual aids:A collection of recipes for flour confectionery products, material on a practice-oriented seminar "The use of new types of raw materials in modern confectionery production - pros and cons", a flow chart for the preparation of biscuit cake with butter cream, a flow chart for the preparation of biscuit cake with butter cream, a table with the types and reasons for the marriage of a biscuit semi-finished product.

Equipment: Production tables, Washing bathtub, Electric stove PESM-4, Electric frying cabinet ESH-4K, Electric mixer, Meat grinder, Scales CAS SW-20.

Inventory and tools:A saucepan, a baking sheet, a bowl, a table spoon, parchment paper, a sieve with different mesh sizes, a Vesyolka, knives, a liquid measuring cup, confectionery bags with various nozzles.

Raw material: flour, melange, granulated sugar, starch, butter, condensed milk, powdered sugar, cognac or dessert wine, jam, essence, vanilla powder.

Interdisciplinary connections:special technology with the basics of sanitation and hygiene (N.G. Buteykis, A.A. Zhukova "Technology for the preparation of flour confectionery products"; Z.P. Matyukhina "Fundamentals of physiology of nutrition, sanitation and hygiene"), the technology of catering enterprises (N. G. Buteykis "Organization of the work of the EPP", M.A. Bogdanova "Equipment of the EPP", N.M. Miftokhudinova, M.A. Bogdanova "Basics of calculation and accounting for the EPP"); T.I. Shestakova "Confectioner professional"; magazine "Public catering".

Rationale for the content of the topic

The preparation of students in the profession "Cook, confectioner" provides for the study of one of the sections of the program "Preparation of yeast-free dough, semi-finished products and products from it."

According to the perspective-thematic plan, this section is given 78 hours. It includes the following topics:

  1. Sponge cake with butter cream, with protein cream, fruit and jelly.

6 o'clock

  1. Biscuit cake "bouche" with butter cream, "bouche" with protein cream

6 o'clock

  1. Cooking the Shtafetka cake

6 o'clock

  1. Cooking cake "Czech Roll"

6 o'clock

  1. Cooking cakes sand ring, half moon

6 o'clock

  1. Preparation of shortbread cake, glazed with fondant, sandy-jelly

6 o'clock

  1. Cooking cake "Basket amateur" with jelly and fruits, with butter cream, nut filling, with protein cream

6 o'clock

  1. Cooking puff pastry, tubes with cream

6 o'clock

  1. Preparation of custard with buttercream, glazed fondant, custard with buttercream

6 o'clock

  1. Cooking cake "Curd ring"

6 o'clock

  1. Cooking cake air single-layer, two-layer, "fungus"

6 o'clock

  1. Cooking almond-nut cake, single layer with fondant

6 o'clock

  1. Cooking potatoes sprinkled, glazed

6 o'clock

Currently, new forms of production are being created: cooperative small enterprises, private, joint ventures, rental, joint-stock and a number of others. All this obliges public catering workers to reorganize their work, to use raw materials more fully and economically.

It is necessary to introduce computer technologies, introduce waste-free production technologies, study the most important food products that serve as raw materials for the preparation of a wide and varied range of confectionery products. And hence there are special requirements for the training of personnel for all industries, including, of course, the production of the best confectionery.

Of great importance in the content of the topic is the study of recipes, the range of finished products, the preparation of calculations for the required amount of raw materials, the determination of baking, baking products, the proper organization of the workplace, the preparation of raw materials for production, the temperature regime of baking, compliance with the rules of sanitation and safety during work, compliance with the rules for the implementation of finished products and shelf life.

Industrial training includes the development of program material with the acquisition of professional knowledge and skills. At present, in order to prepare a student who is competitive, well-prepared, developed, modern, decisive, enterprising, in demand on the labor market, it is necessary that he knows and knows how to properly organize the work of cooking technology and products. With all this, observe the rules of sanitation and safety.

Students should be able to consistently perform operations according to the technology of preparing products, decorate the best confectionery products neatly, aesthetically and with artistic taste, and constantly educate themselves using ICT.

Students should be able to work with a collection of recipes, know and fulfill all the shelf life of semi-finished products and products, be responsible for the quality of preparation of products in accordance with quality requirements, keep up with the times, using new types of raw materials and modern equipment.

To study the topic "Cooking biscuit cakes with butter cream" in the learning process, students should know:

Characteristics, recipe, methods of preparing semi-finished biscuit, cream (basic), syrup for soaking, fruit filling;

Temperature regime and duration of baking biscuit dough;

Compliance with the kneading time and the effect of flour gluten on the quality of the dough;

Terms and conditions of storage.

In the course of work, compliance with all rules contributes to professionalism, practical skills and abilities.

Rationale for learning technology

Industrial training is an important component of vocational education, which seeks to create, based on the achievements of psychological and pedagogical science, engineering and technology, economics and sociology, scientific recommendations for the transition to new content, forms and methods of vocational education, in accordance with the requirements of state standards of vocational education .

To obtain a high-quality expected result of students, the master needs to purposefully and competently plan and conduct classes, as well as diversify forms and methods, taking into account ICT, topics and the contingent of students.

On this topic, it is proposed in the lesson to use the method of displaying material from an interactive whiteboard, a practical method of displaying and independent work of students. At the current briefing, this moment will be a red thread.

Attention was paid to the organization of workplaces, the implementation of the technological process, the temperature regime of baking, the implementation of sanitary and safety rules, the terms of storage and sale.

In the process of performing tasks, the master carefully monitors the work of students, directs it, helps, explains, draws the attention of students to particularly specific operations. Specifically evaluates the professional knowledge and skills of each student.

Course progress

  1. Organizational part:

a) ruler

b) checking the sanitary condition of students, the presence of diaries

2. Introductory briefing: familiarization of students with the topic of the lesson "Cooking a biscuit cake with butter cream"

I set the goal of the lesson for the students:

a) educational - to teach students how to properly prepare a biscuit cake with butter cream in compliance with the norms for the consumption of raw materials, the correct implementation of the rules of sanitation, safety at work; tell students about the use of new types of raw materials and cooking technologies; discuss in the form of a debate "for" and "against".

b) educational - to cultivate a sense of responsibility for the quality of the preparation of products, partnership, mutual understanding, to reveal interest in the chosen profession.

Frontal survey

  1. Name the products that make up the biscuit dough?
  2. How to prepare products for making biscuit dough?
  3. How to organize a workplace for the preparation of semi-finished biscuit?
  4. Consider the process of preparing a biscuit semi-finished product according to the technological map and scheme and fill in the missing operations (Appendix No. 2)
  5. Temperature and time for baking a biscuit semi-finished product?
  6. Ripening time for biscuit semi-finished product?
  7. Requirements for the quality of biscuit semi-finished product?
  8. Consider the table of possible reasons for the marriage of a biscuit semi-finished product (Appendix No. 1)
  9. Name the products that make up the syrup for soaking biscuit cakes?
  10. Consider the process of preparing syrup for soaking according to the technological map and scheme and fill in the missed operations (Appendix No. 3)
  11. Boiling time for soak syrup?
  12. Temperature of use of ready-made syrup for soaking?
  13. Humidity syrup for soaking?
  14. Requirements for the quality of syrup for soaking?
  15. Name the products that make up the cream cream (basic)?
  16. How to prepare products for making oil cream (basic)?
  17. Consider the process of preparing creamy basic cream according to the technological map and scheme, fill in the missed operations (Appendix No. 4)
  18. Total whipping time for buttercream (basic)?
  19. Humidity of the finished cream butter (basic)?
  20. Consider the process of preparing fruit filling according to the technological map and scheme (Appendix No. 5)
  21. Name the products that make up the fruit filling?
  22. How to prepare products for making fruit filling?
  23. The process of making fruit filling?
  24. Boiling temperature of fruit filling?
  25. Moisture content of the finished fruit filling?
  26. What semi-finished products are used to make biscuit cake with butter cream?
  27. Consider the process of making a biscuit cake with butter cream according to the scheme and fill in the missing operations (Appendix No. 6)
  28. How many parts are biscuit semi-finished product for making biscuit cakes?
  29. Which layer is soaked more abundantly when making biscuit cakes?
  30. What kind of knife is used to cut cakes?
  31. What shape can biscuit cakes be?
  32. What kind of artistic surface finish is used in the manufacture of biscuit cakes?
  33. How can you make a biscuit cake with new types of raw materials?
  34. According to the collection of recipes, calculate the raw materials for 10 biscuit cakes with butter cream, weighing 45 g. (Appendix No. 7)
  35. For the development of mental activity, calculate the raw materials (Appendix No. 7a)
  36. What safety precautions must be observed when working with an electric stove?
  37. What are the requirements for cookware?
  38. Beater safety rules?
  39. Oven safety regulations?

Blitz Poll

  1. What kind of leavening do I use to make biscuit dough?
  2. What raw materials are heated when preparing a heated biscuit?
  3. What processes take place in the biscuit dough during its baking?
  4. Why is part of the flour replaced with starch in the production of biscuits?

Students are invited to the laboratory for the current briefing, where they are divided into teams and begin to complete tasks according to the program: 2 teams make a biscuit cake with butter cream, the other 2 make a biscuit cake with new types of raw materials.

In the course of work, the master shows and explains all the subtleties, secrets, important points in the preparation of biscuit cakes.

At the final briefing, each team exhibits its products, gives a qualitative assessment, compares with prepared products, tastes, evaluates and continues the debate "for" and "against".

This lesson is over.

pastry dough

Russian cuisine did not know many modern types of confectionery dough. All pies, pies, cheesecakes, kulebyaki, pies and other baked products were made from yeast, unleavened butter, later from shortbread and puff pastry.

The very concept of "cakes" and "pastries". Under the cakes understood pies and other pastries. Here, for example, is a list of cakes given by V. Levshin and S. Drukovtsev: “The fourth serving, containing cakes, cereals, etc.: round pie with chicken and egg, sweet pies, pancake, fruit, Pechora, carp pies with eggs, pancakes, pancakes, pancakes, loaves, pryazets, juicy, cheesecakes, krupeniks, noodles, cheesecakes, etc.” - all this was attributed to cakes.

Later, at the end of the 18th - beginning of the 19th centuries, foreign confectioners began to prepare biscuit, almond, sugar-protein and other types of dough, which served as the basis for making cakes in the new sense of the word. This explains the foreign origin of the names of many confectionery products: eclair (from the French "shine", meringue - "kiss", soufflé - "airy", cream - "cream", meringues - from the names of the German city of Merengen, savarin - after named after a French confectioner).


Since ancient times in Russia, butter has been whipped from cream, sour cream, whole milk. The best varieties of butter were obtained from Viennese cream, and the so-called cooking oil, which was mainly used for the needs of the kitchen, was obtained from sour cream or sour skimmed milk.

The most common way to make butter was to melt sour cream or cream in a Russian oven.

The separated oily mass was cooled and whipped with wooden whorls, spatulas, spoons, and often with hands. The finished oil was washed in cold water. It was very expensive and therefore daily eaten only by wealthy citizens.

Since fresh oil was not stored for a long time, it was drowned.

Russia was one of the largest exporters in the world market. Apparently, for this reason, the name “Russian” has been assigned to ghee all over the world.

Since ancient times, salted butter has also been produced in Russia. This is sour cream butter with the addition of 1.2-1.5% salt, very stable during storage.

The beginning of industrial production of butter in Russia dates back to the first half of the 19th century, and by the end of the century the number of factories reached 700. Buttermaking was especially well established in Siberia. By 1900, 1 million 783 thousand poods of oil were exported from Siberia.

Today, our industry produces various types of oil: "Peasant", "Diet", "Sandwich", oil with fillers: "Honey", "Tea", "Dessert", "Yaroslavskoye", "Home", "Ladies" and others. You can find out about them in the merchandise guide.

We are not spoiled by trade in a variety of assortment. By the way, we do not always use the oil that we manage to buy in the store rationally. It is advisable to use fresh oil, because. under the influence of temperature (140-160 about C) it quickly loses its taste and nutritional properties. Therefore, frying on it is not recommended. It is most preferable to add butter to different dishes after their heat treatment is completed, i.e. before use. The oil has a high nutritional and biological value, but you should always keep a sense of proportion when using it.

Butter is used to make creams for cakes and pastries.

The Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences considers it possible to use butter and sour cream for diet therapy. Of course, the consumption of oil in each individual case is regulated by the attending physician.

Is sugar harmful?

Although there have been numerous studies on the association between high sugar intake and an increased risk of heart disease, diabetes, and kidney disease, they have not received scientific confirmation. Scientists doubt even that high sugar intake leads to obesity, since some evidence suggests that lean people consume more sugar than obese people.

Sugar itself contains no vitamins, minerals, or fiber, and even honey and brown sugar, which are considered healthy, contain only trace amounts of them. Therefore, care must be taken to ensure that high-sugar snacks and drinks do not crowd out more nutritious foods from the diet.

Sugar also has the ability to suppress appetite. In this regard, it should be a concern if children fill their stomachs with empty calories from sugary drinks, chocolate and sweets before the main meals and as a result refuse more nutritious food.

Apart from the ability of sugar to destroy teeth, it is not considered harmful in and of itself. Provided that the diet is generally balanced - with adequate intake of vitamins, minerals and fiber, as well as fats, proteins and carbohydrates in the required proportions - moderate sugar consumption is quite acceptable from the point of view of nutrition. And for most people, sugar makes food very enjoyable.

There is a theory that links high sugar in the diet with the development of hyperactivity. Chromium is necessary for the metabolism of sugar in the body, but this element is removed from raw sugar during the refining of sugar. And without chromium, insulin is less effective in controlling blood sugar, and this is thought to lead to hyperactivity and behavioral problems such as aggressiveness and uncontrollability. However, this theory lacks scientific evidence to be considered definitively true.

Some people are lactose intolerant of milk sugar. As a result of a deficiency in the enzyme lactase in their body, they are unable to digest milk, although yogurt and some types of cheese are tolerated.

About the benefits of chicken eggs

Despite its small weight (40-60 g), a chicken egg contains literally all the substances necessary for our body without exception: proteins, fats, vitamins, mineral salts and many other chemical compounds that are beneficial to human health.

egg white - the most complete and easily digestible among the proteins found in food products. It contains all the amino acids necessary for building protein in our body. In addition to being nutritious, protein also has protective properties. It contains lysozyme, a substance that kills and dissolves microorganisms, including putrefactive ones. But the protective properties of the protein are lost during long-term storage, especially under adverse conditions. The white of a fresh egg is thick and dense, while that of a stale egg is weak and watery. Its protective properties are reduced, and such eggs become unsuitable not only for eating, but also for incubation.

Egg white has good binding properties, is easily whipped into foam and therefore is widely used in cooking. Protein is added to cutlets, pancakes and casseroles. He goes to the preparation of soufflés, pies, cakes, creams. It is used for making marshmallows, marshmallows, puddings, etc.

Egg yolk - a real storehouse of essential nutrients and biologically active substances. In addition to complete protein, it also contains easily digestible fats. The yolk is rich in fat-like substance lecithin, which has a positive effect on the fat metabolism of the body, is a supplier of phosphorus, thereby playing a positive role in the nutrition of nerve cells.

The yolk contains almost all vitamins, including vitamin D. The yellow color of the egg yolk is due to the high content of vitamin A. It also contains vitamins B1, B2, E, PP, as well as many useful minerals. That is why pediatricians prescribe yolk 2-3 times a week for young children without fail.

In addition to all the previously listed useful substances that are contained in a chicken egg, it also contains cholesterol - a fat-like substance, the excess of which in the body is associated with the development of atherosclerosis. But no other product contains in such quantity choline , which prevents the deposition of cholesterol on the walls of blood vessels.

There is an easy way to determine the freshness of an egg. Dissolve 1 tbsp. a spoonful of salt in a half-liter jar of water, dip an egg into it. A fresh egg will sink down, a stale one will float up. Such an egg is not suitable for food. An egg of medium freshness will float somewhere in the middle.

Helpful Hints

  • Aluminum utensils give whipped whites a dark color, and a piece of enamel can break off from enameled utensils and get into the protein. Therefore, it is best to beat the protein in porcelain, plastic, glass or copper dishes with thick walls.
  • Proteins are best whipped chilled with the addition of citric acid or a pinch of salt.
  • In the bowl in which the proteins are whipped, there should not even be a trace of fat.
  • Beat egg whites without interruption, slowly at first, and then gradually increasing the pace. Chilled egg whites whip faster. Whipped proteins should be introduced into the dough (creams) gradually, stirring gently. With strong stirring, the proteins settle, and the product turns out to be dense, unbaked.
  • Whipped proteins settle quickly. The dough in which they are placed should be baked immediately, and the cream with whipped proteins should be put in the cold.
  • The container in which you are going to beat the egg whites should be greased with lemon juice. You can use a squeezed lemon for this. The protein will turn out lush and denser.
  • If the protein separated from the yolk is not used immediately and has dried up, then fill it with cold water overnight, it will become fresh again.
  • If you only want the white and want to keep the yolk for a few days, pierce the egg with a thick needle from two opposite sides: the white will flow out and the yolk will remain in the shell.
  • If you need to beat egg whites, you must first hold them in the cold; after that, the whites whip much faster.
  • If you need to boil a cracked egg, add lemon juice or vinegar to the water.
  • If you rub the walls of the dish with a slice of lemon before whipping the proteins, the proteins will beat better.
  • Yolks with sugar are rubbed faster in a warm place. For grinding, you need to use the finest granulated sugar or powdered sugar.
  • Yolks intended for sweet pies, cookies and sweet dishes must be rubbed with sugar in porcelain or faience dishes; it is advisable to do this in a warm place. On the contrary, proteins, like cream, are well whipped into a thick foam in a cold place.
  • Over-whipped proteins have small bubbles with very thin walls; such bubbles burst when the dough is heated in the oven, and the products "sit down".
  • The whites of fresh eggs are best beaten. And if there are none, you can add a few drops of lemon juice or vinegar, then the proteins will be more stable. If whipped proteins are intended for pies or biscuits, then you can pour some of the sugar (1/3) into them.
  • The slightest bit of yolk makes whipping the whites difficult, so carefully separate the whites from the yolks. Even slight traces of fat on the dishes also prevent the proteins from whipping quickly. In order for whipped proteins not to acquire an ugly grayish tint, only enameled or ceramic dishes are used.
  • Once you start whipping the egg whites, do not stop until the egg whites are foamy. Start whipping with light and not too fast movements, and then with strong and accelerated ones. You need to beat the proteins not in advance, but immediately before adding them to the cooked dough.
  • Start beating egg whites slowly and gradually increase the pace. When the squirrels increase in volume by 4-5 times and are firmly attached to the broom, beating should be stopped.
  • Do not break eggs over egg mass or other prepared foods, as some of the eggs may be spoiled.
  • An unused egg yolk will keep well if you put it in a small jar and add a little water to keep the yolk from drying out.
  • Do not brush the edges of puff pastry with an egg - they will harden during baking and the dough will not rise.
  • Egg yolks give a special shine to baked goods. Lubricate the dough with a soft brush evenly so as not to wrinkle the product and so that the grease does not drain onto the sheets.
  • Before whipping, be sure to put the proteins in the refrigerator for a while so that they cool.
  • Wash the dishes in which there was dough or a mixture with eggs, first in cold and then in hot water. You also need to wash milk dishes.
  • Insufficiently whipped proteins form large air bubbles, which are destroyed when the dough is stirred and the products are dense.
  • In order for a boiled egg to be well cleaned, the water must be salted during cooking.
  • To qualitatively separate the protein from the yolk, you can pierce the shell with a thick needle on both sides: the protein will flow out, and the yolk will become.
  • To make the pies crumbly and tender, you need to put only egg yolks in the dough.
  • To get a good meringue, you need the proteins to be cold, and the dishes where they are whipped are perfectly clean. A drop of yolk, fat or water will definitely spoil the air mass, the proteins will settle, even if you manage to whip them into foam. Meringue is baked in a warm oven last, after a biscuit or other cakes are baked. It is not recommended to open the oven by slamming the door. Turn off the oven after 15-20 minutes from the start of meringue baking, and it is better to get it out the next day or after the oven has completely cooled down.
  • To test the freshness of an egg, put it in a bowl of cold water. If the egg is fresh, it will stay at the bottom. If the egg is rotten, it will float to the top.
  • To grind the yolks with sugar until white, pour the yolks into the sugar gradually, do not do it all at once.
  • A pinch of salt added to the egg white helps to whip the foam or cream faster.
  • Egg yolks are rubbed with warm sugar. On the contrary, whites are well whipped cold.
  • Eggs do not crack if the shell is pierced from the blunt end with a needle before cooking.
  • Eggs should not be stored in the refrigerator for more than two weeks. But if you wrap each egg in paper and turn it over periodically, the eggs will last longer.

Using a semi-finished product to decorate products

Dough for decoration is prepared in a warm way. The finished dough is placed in a pastry bag with an even tip with a diameter of 8 mm. Cookies are placed on a buttered and floured confectionery sheet - round or in the form of leaves, sprinkled with sugar, part of it can be tinted or replaced with finely chopped nuts and poppy seeds. Tilting the confectionery sheet, remove excess topping. Cookies are placed for 1 hour in a warm place to dry the crust. Baked at 180 about C. Cookies keep fresh for a long time and can be prepared ahead of time.

Decorative cookies can decorate the sides of cakes, and in combination with cream decorations, their surface.
Cold-cooked biscuit dough is used to decorate in the form of a bush. The dough is deposited through a tube with a diameter of 15 mm in the form of various cakes. Bake at a temperature of 190-205 about C. The top of the cake can be covered with chocolate icing, colored lipstick, decorated with butter or protein cream.

Success Secrets

  • Use low gluten flour;
  • Replace part of the flour with starch;
  • Kneading dough with flour should not exceed 15 seconds;
  • When baking a semi-finished product, avoid mechanical impact;
  • Let the biscuit stand for at least 8 hours before use.

Assortment of biscuit semi-finished products

Biscuits are the most popular baked semi-finished products for the preparation of such confectionery products as:

Cakes: biscuit cake with butter cream, fruit-jelly, with protein cream, glazed with fondant, glazed with cream (bouche), fruit bush, Nocturne, Shtafetka, Czech roll, chocolate-fruit roll;

Cakes: biscuit-cream, "Fairy Tale", "Coffee", "Vanilla with mushrooms", "Gift", "Truffle", "Carmen", "For tea", "Lemon", "Forget-me-not", "Wedding", "Ruby" , "Prague", "Birch", "Nutty", "Evening", "Biscuit-Fruit", "Basket with Strawberries", "Russian", "Marika", "Biryusinka", "Crane", "Snowball", " Vatslavsky", "Amber", "Aroma", "Nectar", "Neringa", "Ukrainian Souvenir", "May", "Pink Bouquet", "Chocolate with Pear", "Apple Delicious", "Cherry Square", " Bird's milk" with chocolate.

Application No. 1

Types and reasons for the marriage of a biscuit semi-finished product



Biscuit semi-finished product dense, small volume, low porous

Flour with a high gluten content (no starch added), insufficiently beaten eggs, long kneading with flour, dough not baked for a long time, mechanical impact during baking, increased amount of flour

Biscuit semi-finished product has compacted areas of the crumb ("hardening")

Insufficient baking time

Biscuit semi-finished product with lumps of flour

Insufficient dough dough, flour was poured all at once

Biscuit semi-finished product has a pale crust

Low baking temperature, insufficient baking time

Biscuit semi-finished product has a burnt or dark brown thickened crust

High baking temperature, long baking time

Application No. 2

Technological map "Biscuit main" (heated)

Name of products

Food consumption per 1000 g

Cooking technology

quality requirements








Eggs with sugar are heated in a water bath to 45 about C. Beat until an increase of 2.5-3 times about the appearance of a stable pattern on the surface, at the end of whipping, add the essence. Flour is combined with starch and quickly, but not abruptly poured into a whipped egg-sugar mass. The batch lasts no more than 15 seconds. The finished dough is baked in capsules lined with paper, filling them to ¾ of the height. Baked at 180 about within 40 minutes.

The upper crust is smooth, thin, light brown in color, the crumb is porous, elastic, yellow in color, moisture content is 25%

Technological scheme "Biscuit main" (heated)

Application No. 3

Technological map "Syrup for soaking"

Name of products

Food consumption per 1000 g

Cooking technology

quality requirements


Cognac or wine



Sugar is combined with water, brought to a boil, foam is removed, boiled for 1-2 minutes, cooled to 20 about C, then add cognac or wine, essence.

The syrup is viscous, transparent, with the smell of essence and wine, humidity 50%

Technological scheme "Syrup for soaking"

Condensed milk

vanilla powder

Cognac or dessert wine

The butter is cleaned, cut into pieces, whipped for 5-7 minutes, condensed milk combined with powdered sugar is added, beaten for 7-10 minutes, vanilla powder, cognac or wine are added.

Lush, homogeneous, oily mass, slightly creamy, retains its shape well, humidity 14%

Technological scheme "Basic creamy cream"

Application No. 5

Technological map "Fruit filling"

Technological scheme "Fruit filling"

creamy cream

Fruit filling





The main biscuit is baked, cooled, aged, cleaned, cut horizontally into 2 layers, the lower layer is soaked with syrup, smeared with cream, the second layer is placed with the crust down and soaked more abundantly.

A layer of cream is applied to the surface. The layer is cut into cakes with a thin hot knife. Each cake is decorated with cream and fruit filling.

The cake is of the correct form, the crumb is porous, soaked in syrup, a layer of cream is visible on the cut. Shelf life 36 hours

Technological scheme "Biscuit cake with butter cream"

Appendix No. 7a

For 1000 g of semi-finished biscuit, 578.5 g of melange is required.
How many eggs will be required in pieces?