How to cook delicious milk buckwheat porridge. Delicious buckwheat porridge with milk or how to cook buckwheat properly

26.06.2022 Dishes for children

Buckwheat porridge with milk

How to cook buckwheat porridge in milk so that it is tasty and healthy? Step-by-step recipes with photos and videos will tell you about this in detail. By the way, they will be useful not only for mothers, but also for those who practice a dietary nutrition system and a healthy lifestyle.

Recently, more and more often you can hear the opinion that eating buckwheat porridge with milk is not so useful. These conversations are connected with the discovery of the fact that completely different conditions are required for the digestion of milk and buckwheat itself. However, this does not at all make milk buckwheat porridge harmful, because with proper preparation it brings exceptional benefits to the body, especially for children.

Buckwheat milk porridge is a dietary, but at the same time highly nutritious product. Which is due to the use of two, of course, useful products. Properly cooked porridge retains almost all the original components, including organic and folic acids, fiber, trace elements (potassium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus), as well as vitamins of groups B, E, PP.

Regular consumption of milk porridge based on buckwheat contributes to:

  • pressure normalization;
  • removal from the body of salts of heavy metals, radioactive elements, cholesterol;
  • elimination of putrefactive formations in the intestine;
  • saturation of the body with useful substances;
  • maintaining visual acuity.

In addition, milk buckwheat porridge, included in the menu of adults and children, helps to increase the level of physical and mental abilities. Thanks to this dish, the child's body receives the necessary substances involved in stable growth and proper development. The whole secret lies only in the correct preparation of porridge, which will be described in detail by the presented recipes.

Unlike buckwheat cooked exclusively on water, milk porridge acquires a special tenderness and viscosity. In addition, it becomes more satisfying and nutritious. For its preparation, you can use milk of any fat content, but if possible, it is better to give preference to homemade.

  • 1 st. buckwheat;
  • 3–4 tbsp. raw milk;
  • 1 st. cold water;
  • 50 g butter;
  • a good pinch of salt;
  • tastes like sugar.


  1. Pour the indicated amount of water into a saucepan and bring the liquid to a boil.
  2. Sort the buckwheat, wash it in several waters and put it in boiling water.
  3. Cook for about 10 minutes at a low boil, covered, until the grits have absorbed all the liquid.
  4. Salt, pour in raw milk and after boiling, cook on low gas until fully cooked.
  5. Milk porridge should turn out to be quite liquid, but at the same time homogeneous. At the end, add sugar and a piece of butter to taste.
  6. Stir, cover, top with a towel and let it brew for another ten minutes.

Buckwheat porridge with milk in a slow cooker - a step by step recipe with a photo

Milk buckwheat porridge is a great option to start the day. Moreover, in a slow cooker, the dish will be prepared almost independently. At the same time, there is not the slightest risk that, without supervision, the porridge will burn or run away. This is followed by smart technology. The best part is that you can cook milk porridge in this way right in the morning. While you are doing the morning toilet and waking up the household, the porridge will just be in time.

  • 1 multi-glass of buckwheat;
  • 4 multi-glasses of milk;
  • 1 tbsp butter;
  • 2 tbsp Sahara;
  • about 1 tsp salt.


  1. Rinse buckwheat thoroughly, remove black particles and bad grains. Pour into a multi-cooker bowl.

2. Add salt, sugar and a piece of butter.

3. Pour in cold milk.

4. Set the program "Milk porridge" and close the lid. This mode has one very useful feature - it alternates periods of active boiling and languishing. This allows the cereal to boil well.

5. As soon as the signal about the end of the process sounds, do not rush to get the porridge. Let her rest for another ten minutes in the "Heating" mode. By the way, the time required for languishing is already included in the indicated program of some multicookers. Therefore, it is not necessary to do this additionally.

6. The final density of porridge can be varied as desired. To get a more liquid dish, you should take 5-6 multi-glasses of milk. And if you dilute it with water, then the porridge will turn out to be more boiled.

The following recipe will tell you in detail about how to cook especially delicious milk buckwheat. At the same time, it is prepared exclusively in milk, without the addition of water. But there are a couple of secrets here, thanks to which the finished dish turns out to be especially rich and appetizing. To get started, take:

  • 1 st. buckwheat;
  • 4 tbsp. milk;


  1. Sort the buckwheat, wash thoroughly and pour an arbitrary amount of cold water. Let the buckwheat brew and swell a little for about two hours.
  2. Drain the water, pour over the raw milk and bring to a boil on the stove.
  3. After five minutes of active bubbling, reduce the gas to the minimum possible and, having covered with a lid, simmer for about 30–40 minutes.
  4. At first, be careful that the milk does not “run away”. To avoid this trouble, slightly open the lid.
  5. As soon as the porridge completely reaches the desired state, add salt and sugar to your taste, throw in a piece of butter, mix and serve.

Buckwheat porridge with milk for children. The most delicious and tender buckwheat with milk

Some children do not really respect milk porridge, but they definitely will not refuse milk buckwheat cooked according to the following recipe. After all, this method was developed specifically for capricious little ones, and the finished porridge turns out to be especially tender and appetizing.

  • 0.5 st. pure buckwheat;
  • 1 st. water;
  • 1 st. milk;
  • salt, sugar and butter to taste.


  1. Pour cleanly washed buckwheat with water and put on a strong fire. As soon as it boils, immediately turn off the heat, but do not remove from the stove, but only cover tightly with a lid.
  2. After 10-15 minutes, pour a portion of milk into the steamed cereal, salt and bring to an active boil again. Turn off the gas again, and insist the porridge until cooked.
  3. Before serving, add butter and sugar to taste. If the porridge is prepared for babies, then chop it with a blender or rub it through a sieve.

By the way, buckwheat with milk is an ideal option for diet food. But to get a particularly healthy dish, porridge should not be boiled, but steamed. This method provides for minimal heat treatment and allows you to save all the original elements. The original dairy dish is recommended to anyone who wants to lose weight a little, cleanse the body or just tries to make their diet as healthy as possible. Take:

  • half a half-liter can of cereals;
  • 0.5 l of milk;
  • salt.


  1. Rinse the grits thoroughly beforehand and put them in a small saucepan.
  2. Bring the milk to a boil, salt it and pour over the buckwheat.
  3. Close the lid tightly, wrap with a towel and leave for at least a couple of hours, and preferably overnight.
  4. There is another way to steam buckwheat. To do this, put the washed cereal in a cold half-liter jar, add strictly cold milk almost to the top and put in the microwave for 2-3 minutes.
  5. As soon as the milk boils (do not miss this moment), remove the jar, cover with a plastic lid, wrap it well in a terry towel and insist in this form for about 20 minutes.

People who watch their weight and pay attention to the number of calories they consume are certainly interested in the question of what calorie content milk buckwheat porridge has. It is worth noting that 100 g of raw product contains about 300 kcal.

However, during the cooking process, buckwheat absorbs water or milk and increases significantly in volume. Therefore, the calorie content of the same amount of the finished dish, depending on various factors, can vary from 87 to 140 kcal. The final calorie content depends entirely on the type of milk chosen and the presence of additional components (sugar, butter, honey, cream, etc.).

For example, buckwheat porridge cooked in store-bought milk with a fat content of not more than 3.2% (only with salt) has a calorie content of 136 units. If homemade cow's milk is used for cooking, this figure may be slightly higher.

However, it is in the latter case that the nutritional value and value of the finished dish is many times higher. In addition, a homemade product can be diluted with purified water and achieve a lower calorie content if all the necessary substances are present.

Millet porridge on the water

Vegetables and various sauces. Most people have questions about the benefits and harms of buckwheat with milk. On the one hand, both ingredients contain many minerals and vitamins in their composition, which should be perceived positively by the human body. On the other hand, doctors regularly advise their patients not to allow such combinations in their diet. In principle, both options have the right to exist, you just need to understand what their strengths and weaknesses are.

The benefits of buckwheat with milk

Buckwheat in its pure form contains many chemical compounds that are necessary to maintain the normal functioning of the body. The benefits and harms of the product do not even depend on the approach to its preparation. It is boiled, stewed, steamed, baked in the oven and prepared using modern kitchen gadgets. The final dish in any case will contain many vitamins and minerals. True, only if you do not overexpose it much, which some housewives do.

Tip: Buckwheat cooked with milk is soft and delicate in texture. But such a dish has a minimal therapeutic effect on the body. This combination is best used in the manufacture of buckwheat puddings and casseroles.

Milk, in turn, is also famous for its abundance of minerals. If you add it to an already prepared dish, and not heat it up with it, you can count on enriching the composition. In addition, warm milk allows you to fully reveal the taste and aroma of buckwheat. Due to the presence of additional calories, the body is saturated faster and gets rid of the feeling of hunger.

Harm of buckwheat with milk

The abundance of minerals is no less dangerous to health than their deficiency. But doctors who do not recommend using two ingredients at the same time are not only guided by this factor. There are a few more important points:

  1. Buckwheat has a lot of iron, milk has a lot of calcium. Iron reduces the ability of the digestive system to fully absorb calcium. It turns out that the substance leaves the body in the same form as it entered it.
  2. For the processing of buckwheat, some enzymes are needed, for the processing of dairy products - completely different. This conflict of interest has a negative effect on digestion.
  3. Regular mixing of buckwheat and milk leads to digestive disorders, flatulence, diarrhea. Decreased absorption capacity of the intestinal mucosa.
  4. Endocrinologists also do not recommend combining components, this can adversely affect the metabolism and the state of the hormonal background.
  5. Milk heated to high temperatures begins to change its formula. Doctors generally do not recommend boiling porridge in milk, but giving preference to drinking water.

You also need to consider that the dairy product added to buckwheat increases its calorie content. Because of this, initially diet food is no longer so harmless to the figure. According to nutritionists, cereals are best combined with meat or vegetables. In this case, there are no conflict situations, and the body receives all the necessary elements in the right amount.

Cooking options for buckwheat with milk

Despite the warnings of doctors, buckwheat with milk does not lose its popularity. Against the backdrop of such interest in the dish, the hostesses developed several options for its preparation. The finished product turns out to be just as tasty as usual, but the risks of negative consequences are not so high. Regardless of the approach, before starting the manipulation, the cereals must be thoroughly washed to clean water and lightly fried in a dry frying pan for a more active production of flavor.

  • Boiling buckwheat in salted water. For 1 part of buckwheat we take 2 parts of water. Pour the pre-washed product with liquid, bring the mass to a boil over high heat under a closed lid. Then add salt to the contents of the pan, mix everything well and cover with a lid, leaving a small crack for steam to escape. We keep the workpiece on very low heat until traces of water disappear from its surface. Then completely close the lid and wait another 10 minutes until the liquid has completely evaporated. Milk is introduced into the already prepared porridge.

  • Boiling buckwheat in water and milk. For 1 part of buckwheat we take 1.5 parts of water and 0.5 parts of milk. We mix water with milk, pour buckwheat into the composition and boil the product according to the above classic recipe. In this case, milk is no longer added to the finished dish, it will only spoil the soft and delicate taste of porridge. It is worth considering that if you boil the product in the usual way, and introduce milk at the very end and hold the mass on the stove, nothing good will come of it.

  • Steaming cereals in a thermos. We take 1 part of cereals and 1.5 parts of very hot water. Pour prepared buckwheat into a preheated thermos, pour boiling water, add salt. Close the lid and shake vigorously to mix well. The exposure time is about 1.5-2 hours. Add a little warm milk to the finished porridge.

  • Curing cereals in the oven. Lightly fry the product in a pan, add salt, pour boiling water so that the liquid only slightly covers the grains. We mix the contents (in the future it is forbidden to do this), cover with a lid and hold for 5-7 minutes over medium heat. Then we send the workpiece, still under the lid, into the oven, heated to medium temperature and simmer for at least an hour. Add warm milk to the prepared buckwheat and serve. It is worth considering that it is better to take a high frying pan, more like a saucepan.

Even if the benefits and harms of such dishes are not of interest in a particular case, you should not include them in the diet of children and adults on an ongoing basis. It is better to cook milk porridge no more than 2-3 times a month, and the rest of the time to use buckwheat in combination with more suitable ingredients. If there are signs of discord in the work of the digestive system, the diet should be reconsidered. Further use of milk porridge will only worsen the condition.

Buckwheat porridge with milk in our family is loved only by my husband - Slavik, it reminds him more of his childhood. But I have nothing against its preparation, especially since it is prepared very quickly and without any hassle.

Buckwheat, in this dish, needs to be boiled well, but, by the way, this is for a different taste. In order to understand what consistency of buckwheat you like best, you need to cook porridge once according to my recipe, and then adjust it for yourself.

Buckwheat is a very useful cereal, because. it contains almost all trace elements, and interaction with milk will help them to be well absorbed by the body.

In this recipe, I do not wash the grits and do not fry, because. My buckwheat is clean and I'm trying to reduce cooking time.

Let's start cooking!

The original composition of the products.

As we can see, our porridge has a simple composition: buckwheat, water, milk, butter and salt.

Step by step description with photoasha buckwheat with milk.

1. Cook buckwheat .

Cooking buckwheat for this porridge is very similar to the standard process. We take a 1.5 liter saucepan, pour all the water into it - 562 ml and put it on a strong fire, covering it with a lid.

While the water is boiling, let's start sorting the cereals. It must be sorted out from the black shell and black grains, which are sometimes found in the total mass. We do not need them in the finished dish, because. their presence will cause some inconvenience while eating the dish.

If you like the option of washing and frying cereals more, then you can find it in my recipe for “buckwheat porridge with meat”. I described the whole process in detail there.

The water boils, add salt and wait until the mass boils again.

In just a few seconds, you can pour in the sorted buckwheat. Stir, cover with a lid and let it boil, while intense boiling should last no more than 60 seconds.

After 1 minute, reduce the gas to the very minimum and cook buckwheat for another 25 minutes.

Because each person has a different burner temperature, then after 20 minutes open the lid slightly and make sure that your porridge does not burn. If the buckwheat is not ready to cook, and the water has boiled away, then turn off the heat, wrap the pan with a towel and leave for 15 minutes to evaporate.

I check the readiness of buckwheat before pushing it apart. If there is no liquid at the bottom of the pan, and the porridge is boiled soft, then everything is ready.

From this norm of products, 2 servings of 280 gr each are obtained. each.

Put 7 tbsp on a plate. spoons with a large slide of ready-made, hot buckwheat, add 0.5 teaspoons of butter and bury it in porridge. I didn't, so it surfaced for me. In this dish, you need to ensure that the buckwheat is exactly very hot, otherwise there will be no interesting effect.

The oil is incorporated and without waiting for its dissolution, pour cold milk. Slavik likes to have a bright combination of hot porridge and cold milk.

For this serving, I took 1 glass of milk (250 ml.) But you can pour in a smaller amount, then your porridge will have more buckwheat.

But, as you like more, choose for yourself.

Here is buckwheat porridge with milk ready. It's time to invite everyone to the table.

Enjoy your meal!

You already know the taste of the dish we're making today, right? Tender, moderately sweet, satisfying and so beloved - all this is about buckwheat milk porridge. You must have missed her as much as we did. It is for this reason that we decided to cook it.

General principles of preparation

To prepare porridge, we need a minimum amount of ingredients. This, of course, is cereals, milk, water and additives to taste - salt and sugar.

We must sort out the grits, then fill it with water and cook until half cooked. When the goal is reached, add milk, salt and sugar, bring the porridge to a boil. You can also pour all the liquids, spices at once and cook the dish until cooked. Serve warm.

Buckwheat porridge with milk

Time for preparing

calories per 100 grams

A simple and fairly quick recipe for your favorite porridge. Only five ingredients, and what a taste!

How to cook:

Tip: When ready, you can add a slice of butter for flavor.

Buckwheat porridge with milk, cooked in a slow cooker

If you have a slow cooker in your kitchen, consider yourself lucky. In this case, you just need to load the list of ingredients into the bowl and set the correct mode. Then the assistant will do everything herself, while you are busy with household chores.

How long is 50 minutes.

What is the calorie content - 141 calories.

How to cook:

  1. First of all, carefully sort out the grits.
  2. After that, rinse it and fall asleep in the multicooker bowl.
  3. Add butter.
  4. Pour in water, milk, mix.
  5. Pour sugar and salt, close the multicooker with a lid.
  6. In the mode of milk porridge, cook until fully cooked.

Tip: If you add brown sugar, the porridge will taste caramel.

Delicate milk porridge for a child

Now we will prepare something insanely light and tasty - buckwheat porridge for a child. This means that it must be tender, not very sweet and in no case salty. Be careful!

What is the calorie content - 63 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Sort out the grits carefully.
  2. Pour water into a saucepan and put on the stove, bring to a boil.
  3. Pour water into the buckwheat and also place on fire.
  4. Let it boil, then, stirring, cook for twenty minutes.
  5. At this time, bring the milk to a boil on the adjacent burner.
  6. Pour over buckwheat when twenty minutes have passed.
  7. Add sugar and salt, let it boil again.
  8. Remove from heat and close the lid, wrap the saucepan and let it brew for a quarter of an hour.
  9. When time has passed, stir in the butter.

Tip: instead of sugar, you can add honey, so it will be healthier for babies.

Banana flavored

Surely you already really want to try buckwheat milk porridge with banana! If so, get started soon, and in just half an hour your wish will come true.

How long - 25 minutes.

What is the calorie content - 109 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Sort the buckwheat carefully to remove all debris and bad grains.
  2. After that, rinse the cereal and pour it into a small saucepan.
  3. Pour milk into the kernels and put everything on fire, let it boil.
  4. Peel banana and finely chop. Can be rings or cubes, straws.
  5. Boil the porridge for about ten minutes, then add the fruit.
  6. Pour sugar and salt there, mix and cook porridge until tender.

Tip: along with bananas, you can add other fruits or berries to the porridge.

Pumpkin porridge

The next recipe is buckwheat porridge with pumpkin in milk. Believe me, you will not be able to imagine how tasty and tender it is. Just try here!

How long is 45 minutes.

What is the calorie content - 128 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Carefully sort out the grits from debris, dirt and bad kernels.
  2. Pour buckwheat into a sieve or colander with a fine mesh.
  3. Rinse until clear water and pour into a saucepan or saucepan.
  4. Pour the indicated amount of milk and put on the stove.
  5. Turn on medium heat and bring the buckwheat to a boil.
  6. Salt, mix and boil everything until fully cooked.
  7. Wash pumpkin well, peel and cut into cubes.
  8. Pour oil into a frying pan and add pumpkin, fry, stirring, until soft.
  9. When the vegetable is ready, add to the buckwheat, mix.
  10. Close the lid and let it brew for twenty minutes.

Tip: If you want a sweet porridge, add sugar or honey to taste.

How to cook apple porridge

Try buckwheat porridge with apples in milk. These fruits are the simplest and most delicious supplement. See for yourself!

How long is 30 minutes.

What is the calorie content - 153 calories.

How to cook:

  1. First of all, buckwheat kernels need to be sorted out in order to throw out all the garbage.
  2. After that, rinse the buckwheat to clear water. In the same way as it is usually done with rice.
  3. Pour into a saucepan and pour the required amount of milk.
  4. Place on stove and turn on medium heat.
  5. From the moment of boiling, cook porridge for about twenty minutes until cooked.
  6. Pour the nuts into a dry frying pan and put it all on the stove.
  7. Warm up until golden brown and bright aroma.
  8. After that, cool the nuts, then chop.
  9. At this time, place another pan on the stove, turning on the minimum gas flow.
  10. Place honey in it and pour some water (literally 30 ml).
  11. Allow to dissolve, stirring occasionally.
  12. During this time, wash the apple thoroughly, peel if desired.
  13. Next, cut it into cubes and add to honey along with nuts.
  14. Simmer, stirring, for five minutes.
  15. Add the contents of the pan to the finished buckwheat, mix and serve.

Tip: You can add a little vanilla or cinnamon to the apples.

You can add your favorite additives to any porridge to taste. It can be roasted nuts, candied fruits, dried fruits. We used bananas, pumpkin and apples. You can replace these fruits or supplement them with some others, you can also take berries.

Also add a small amount of spices to give the porridge a new, unusual taste and aroma. It can be vanilla (in pods), cinnamon (grated stick), nutmeg, saffron, brown sugar (will give a caramel flavor).

Milk porridge from buckwheat is familiar to us from a distant childhood. Then few people loved it, not realizing how tasty, rich and nutritious it really is. Let's catch up together!

Buckwheat is considered by nutritionists to be almost a magical product, because this cereal contains such a number of trace elements and nutrients as no other! For example, buckwheat kernels contain rutin, amino acids, iodine, phosphorus, iron salts, oxalic acid, calcium, B vitamins, PP and P. But despite this, many people do not like it too much due to excessive dryness during normal cooking. Fortunately, cereals may well turn into a delicious dish if you learn how to properly boil buckwheat in milk.

And in this case, it turns out fragrant, soft and appetizing, as we remember in childhood!

Dairy products, on the other hand, contain a lot of calcium and protein, which are needed by the human body and, if they are deficient, serious problems can arise, starting with the weakness of tooth enamel and ending with osteoporosis. Milk porridge cooked in this way will not only be a wonderful breakfast dish, but will also provide the daily norm of many trace elements and vitamins!

There are many recipes for making this healthy porridge, but some ingredients remain unchanged in any version - buckwheat and milk. A classic dish can be prepared from both prodela and core, and the consistency will depend on this. In the first case, the porridge will turn out to be viscous and more homogeneous, in the second - liquid, so how to cook buckwheat in milk and from what, everyone decides for himself.

Classic porridge recipe


  • Milk - 1 cup + -
  • - 1 glass + -
  • - 0.5 cups + -
  • at will and taste + -
  • - taste + -
  • - taste + -


The recipe itself is simple, does not require a lot of ingredients and a long standing at the stove, but the result deserves it - the taste is excellent!

  1. To begin with, we sort and wash the buckwheat to get rid of the husks and other debris.
  2. After that, put a pot of water on the stove and wait for it to boil.
  3. After the onset of a rapid boil, pour in the cereal and wait for it to boil again.
  4. The pan should be closed with a lid, and the stove should be rearranged on a slow fire. It is impossible to open it or stir the porridge until all the water has boiled away!
  5. Separately from the porridge, heat the milk so that it is not cold. It is not necessary to wait for the formation of foam.
  6. We combine porridge and milk together in a saucepan, add sugar, salt and butter to taste. By the way, this dish is salted less than ordinary boiled buckwheat on water, so as not to spoil the taste. We are waiting for the moment when the milk boils, trying not to let it escape.
  7. At the final stage of cooking porridge, remove it from the heat, cover tightly with a lid and leave to infuse for 10-15 minutes, no more. After that, the finished dish can be laid out on plates and, if desired, flavored with oil.

There are several more ways to cook buckwheat in milk, for example, you can add a couple of tablespoons of low-fat cream along with milk to make the taste of the dish even softer. The calorie content will increase slightly from this, but the gastronomic value will become higher due to unusual notes.

Buckwheat groats may well be considered practically a medicine: it strengthens blood vessels, removes toxins from the intestines, contains “slow” carbohydrates that give a long-lasting feeling of fullness, lowers cholesterol, improves mood like chocolate and relieves the liver of toxins.
So, fasting days can be spent on this product, for which delicious buckwheat porridge cooked in milk is quite suitable!