How to decorate a store cake for a child. We decorate a children's cake with mastic, cream, fruits and chocolate

26.11.2019 Desserts and cakes

Birthday is a favorite holiday for adults and children. This is one of the most anticipated events for everyone, because it is on the birthday of the birthday boy that the greatest attention is paid, relatives and friends present gifts and arrange a magnificent banquet.

In this article, the "site" news portal brings to your attention a somewhat simple, but very effective way to decorate a birthday cake with your own hands at home. Having mastered simple techniques for decorating homemade desserts, you will definitely be able to surprise and delight your family, friends and relatives.

How to decorate a birthday cake with mastic

Today it has become very popular to use sugar mastic in decorating cakes. The mastic has earned such untold popularity due to the fact that its use opens up wide possibilities in decoration. Sugar mastic can be of a wide variety of colors (food colors are used), can take the desired shape, and besides, it tastes good.

We suggest you decorate your birthday cake with sugar mastic in the form of a sweet gift. Prepare sugar mastic, you can use the recipes given in this article -

Roll out a thin piece of mastic and wrap a homemade cake with it. Now, from mastic of a different (contrasting) color, make an edible bow.

Wrap the cake with a sweet ribbon and decorate with a ready-made sugar bow.

Cake decorated with sweets

A simple, and most importantly, quick way to make a homemade birthday cake beautiful is to use ordinary sweets as decor elements.

Sweets can be very diverse: lollipops, chocolates, caramels, toffee and multi-colored gelatin.

You can spread the sweets on top of the cake, you can write congratulatory phrases with them.

If you decide to use lollipops, then simply stick the lollipops, freed from the wrappers, into the cake (do not forget to thoroughly wash the sticks that hold the lollipops with soap and water).

The multi-colored caramel, crushed into pieces on the top of the cake, looks unusual.

Or broken chocolates with toppings inside.

You can also use purchased cakes, cookies, muffins, etc. to decorate your homemade cake.

Fruit cake

If you want your homemade birthday cake to look easy and appetizing, use fresh fruits and berries to decorate the cake.

You can also try using canned fruits such as pineapples, peaches, apricots, cherries, etc.

Cut the fruit into neat slices and arrange them on top of the cake. Add a few whipped cream roses and shredded chocolate to add sophistication.

DIY surprise birthday cake

In order to surprise the birthday man and his guests, sometimes it is enough to do just a little - to prepare an unusual surprise cake.

Prepare homemade cake layers, then make a neat slot in the inner layers. Coat the cakes with cream, and fill the resulting cavity with multi-colored sweets, cookies, dried fruits and even fortune-telling notes.

Every good housewife dreams of becoming a sorceress and performing a culinary miracle for her children, making an appetizing cake and decorating it in an original way. The more interesting the dessert looks, the more joy and delight it evokes.

Cake decorations

There are many options for decorating a children's cake with your own hands. Simple recommendations will help you not to get confused and choose the best one:

  • It is necessary to carefully consider what the dessert will be, its composition and appearance. You can decorate the cake with magic patterns, fairy flowers, funny cartoon characters. With edible decorative elements, a simple dessert can be easily turned into a real castle, a racing car or a sleeping dragon. Choosing the right option, you need to take into account the wishes of the child.
  • It is important to assess the complexity of the project and your own strengths. Unusual ingredients, unfamiliar design methods, new recipes are best tried out in advance so as not to be disappointed in the taste and appearance of the finished dish.
  • You need to calculate the time required to decorate the dessert. Cake decorating can take from 15-20 minutes to 2-3 days. The easiest and fastest way to decorate the dish with powdered sugar, ready-made powders, grated chocolate. The most difficult and time-consuming design is icing.
  • It is worth considering the quantity and cost of the ingredients. To create a culinary masterpiece, expensive products are often required. Berries, fruits, nuts, jam, jelly, cream, cream, icing, ready-made powders, cocoa, icing, powdered sugar, marzipan, mastic, marshmallows, chocolate, sweets and much more are used to decorate the dish. It is also better to find out in advance if the guests are allergic to any foods.
  • When choosing ingredients for decoration, it is advisable to take into account their compatibility with the cakes:
    • whipped cream, creams, especially butter and fruit and berry creams, boiled condensed milk and chocolate icing are well suited for biscuits;
    • for curd and yoghurt cakes, it is better to choose fresh berries, fruits and nuts, whipped cream;
    • shortbread cake can be supplemented with protein or butter cream, jam, boiled condensed milk;
    • puff and honey cakes are combined with boiled condensed milk, nuts.

There is no need to rush and worry during registration. Self-confidence and imagination will help you prepare a real children's cake.

Mastic, marzipan, marshmallows

Mastic, marzipans, marshmallows are great for decorating a children's cake. You can sculpt from them, like from plasticine. Ready-made figures and objects are bright, realistic and children like.

It is easy to prepare a mass for modeling. The most time-consuming stage of work is the creation of objects and figures. The more small details, the subtler and more complex the work of the hostess.


The basis of the mastic is sifted icing sugar. The main disadvantage of the mass is that it hardens when it dries, so the finished ornaments are more suitable for decoration than for food. In order to feast on them, you will have to gnaw them.

Most often, 2 types of mastic are used: milk and gelatin.

Dairy is easier to work with, dries more slowly, but has a yellowish color. For cooking, it is necessary to take in equal parts powdered sugar, powdered milk and condensed milk with sugar. Mix all the ingredients until a homogeneous mass, similar to plasticine, is obtained. If you need colored mastic, then the finished mass is divided into parts. Add its own food coloring to each piece and knead until a uniform color is obtained.

Gelatinous mastic is more difficult to prepare, but it has a white color. On its basis, you can make a lot of pastel colors, for example, light pink or blue. Soak 10 g of gelatin in 10 tablespoons of water for 40 minutes, then heat the swollen mass in a water bath and cool. Add 900 g of icing sugar to cooled gelatin in small portions, mix until smooth. If necessary, touch up the mastic with dyes.

It is better to decorate the cake before serving, as the decorations can become saturated with moisture and fall off during storage in the refrigerator. Mastic is afraid of water, it melts, so it needs to be laid on an additional layer-pillow of butter cream, chocolate glaze, boiled condensed milk or marzipan. So the mass lays down more evenly, dries up, but remains soft.

To create jewelry, you need to roll the mastic into a layer and sprinkle with powder, and then cut out the necessary elements. It is convenient to use stencils. If the mass sticks to your hands, add a little powdered sugar. In order to make a voluminous figure, you need to tear off a piece of the required volume and sculpt it, like from plasticine. If the decoration consists of several parts, glue the parts together by moistening with water. Dry the finished figurine and store in a dry place, preferably in a tightly closed box.

The picture shows how to make a rose. Other flowers can be sculpted in the same way.

If you need to cover the cake completely, then the mastic must be rolled out into a thin layer about 5 mm thick. The diameter of the workpiece is calculated using the formula: cake diameter + 2 cake heights + 5 cm spare. Cover the cake with a prepared layer, gently smooth first the top and then the sides of the product. Under its own weight, the mastic will stretch out, the layer will become thinner. If folds appear, raise and lower the edge of the workpiece, ironing the side surface from top to bottom. Trim the edges of the layer, cut them with a knife or scissors.

To make the mastic shine, you can cover it with a mixture of honey and vodka, taken in a 1: 1 ratio.

Wrap the remaining mastic in foil or parchment paper so that it does not harden. It should be stored in the freezer for no more than 2 months or in the refrigerator for no more than 2 weeks.

Video tutorial on how to decorate a cake with mastic:


Working with mastic made from marshmallows, airy marshmallows or soufflé is easier than with ordinary mastic. For cooking, you need to take 100 g of airy marshmallow, preferably white, add 2 tablespoons of water, heat the mass in the microwave, stirring 2-3 times. Marshmallows should increase in volume several times, while it should not be overheated and leave lumps. Remove the homogeneous mass from the oven, add 200–250 g of icing sugar in portions and mix. It is important not to overdo it with powder so that the jewelry does not crack. Better to add a little later. When the mastic becomes like a dense dough, you should wrap it in foil and leave it in the cold for 2 hours.

If you need colored mastic, it is better to use liquid dyes and put them at the end of the batch. Dry dye can be diluted in 2-3 drops of water and added to the mass.

To make jewelry, take the mastic out of the refrigerator, knead it again, add powder or starch if necessary.

It is not difficult to make a funny animal out of marshmallows.


Marzipan is a mass of almonds. It is flexible, but dries quickly. To keep the marzipan soft, just cover it with a damp cloth or plastic wrap.

You can do the mass yourself. For cooking, you need to skip one glass of peeled almonds through a meat grinder. Boil the syrup using 1 glass of sugar and ½ glass of water. Readiness is determined simply: if you dip a little boiling syrup in cold water, it will curl up into a hard ball. Mix the ground almonds and syrup. Put the mass on a table or cutting board, oiled, knead with a wooden spatula until smooth. Allow marzipan to cool and mince, setting a frequent wire rack. The mass is ready.

If marzipan is too dry, brittle, add water and knead. If, on the contrary, liquid, put a little powdered sugar. For the preparation of colored mass, food dyes are used.

Marzipan can be rolled into a layer and covered with a cake. However, figures and objects are more often molded from the masses. The parts do not need to be glued, they adhere perfectly to each other. It is recommended to plant large jewelry on toothpicks or skewers.

A little patience, and even a novice craftswoman will be able to mold such kittens:

Cream and cream

Cream and cream are the most common cake decorating materials. They allow you to mask the joints and irregularities of the cake layers, to make flat and small volumetric decorations. In addition, the cream is often used to decorate curly confectionery. The more complex the decor, the more patience, accuracy and precision of movements are required.

The main disadvantage of such jewelry is a short shelf life.


There are many different creams. Most often, oil and protein are used for decoration.

The butter cream is dense, keeps its shape well, but greasy, heavy. The main ingredient is butter. You can add sugar, powder, milk or condensed milk with sugar, eggs, flavorings to it.

The easiest recipe: warm butter to room temperature, add powdered sugar in small portions, beat until fluffy. For 50 g of oil, you need to take 2 tablespoons of powder. Dyes can be added. The finished mass should be cooled.

Butter cream is used to level the surface, treat the sides of the cake, create edging, flowers, ornaments. To work, you must have a pastry syringe or bag and nozzles. The more attachments there are, the more complex and interesting jewelry you can make.

Protein cream is airy and plastic, but it quickly settles during storage. The main ingredient is egg white. For 2 proteins, you need to take 2 tablespoons of powdered sugar and 3 drops of diluted citric acid. Carefully separate the whites from the yolks, pour the whites into a saucepan on ice and beat until a dense foam is obtained. Continuing to stir, add 1/3 of the entire powder in small portions. After 3 minutes, the mass is ready. You need to put the remaining powder and citric acid, dyes in it, beat.

Protein cream is often used for drawing pictures, creating inscriptions, figurines of animals and birds.

From a variety of protein cream, icing, you can make magical airy decorations, lace butterflies, fishnet balls, magnificent crowns and much more.

The icing recipe is shown in the video:


Whipped cream is a delicious, delicate ingredient, but it loses its luster quickly. As a rule, cream of 35% fat is used to decorate the cake. Less fatty ones can only be used with gelatin. The cream should be heated to 80 ˚С and darkened for 25 minutes. Then cool to 4 ˚С and leave in the cold for a day. Whip the prepared cream until fluffy, increasing the speed. The temperature of the dishes, whisk, cream, environment should be as low as possible. At 10 ° C and above, the cream does not whip well. While whisking, gradually add the icing sugar and vanilla sugar. Cool the prepared mass. For ½ cup of cream, you need ½ teaspoon of powder and 1 g of vanilla sugar.

The cream will last longer and will not settle if you add gelatin to it. For 1 ½ cups of cream, 1 ½ tablespoon of powdered sugar and ½ teaspoon of gelatin are required. Dissolve gelatin in ½ cup of cream and leave for 2 hours. Heat until the gelatin dissolves, and then cool to 40 ˚С. Whip the cream with powder, pour in the prepared gelatin solution, beat again. The cream can be tinted.

Whipped cream is best applied using a pastry syringe or envelope onto the prepared base. Previously, the cakes must be coated with jam, chocolate or other thicker cream.

Butter cream goes well with berries and fruits.

Berries, fruits and jelly

Berries and fruits are not only beautiful, but also useful decorations. Often jelly, nuts, mint leaves, etc. are added to them.

When choosing berries and fruits, it is desirable:

  • Consider the child's opinion. A cake with your favorite berries and fruits will be doubly pleasant.
  • Choose fresh ingredients. They are brighter, juicier and more flavorful than frozen and canned ones.
  • Use pitted fruits.
  • Decorate the children's cake before serving. Berries and fruits are moist and produce juice, so the cakes can become sour.

In order to fix berries and fruits, to close the cakes from juice and moisture, the surface of the cake is often poured with jelly. Dessert looks neater, does not settle.

Making good jelly is not easy. It is necessary to rinse the granulated gelatin in cold water, strain, refill with non-hot water and leave for 2 hours. Then add sugar and citric acid. Put gelatin on fire, boil, remove foam. Cook, stirring occasionally, over low heat for about 5 minutes. Cool to 50 ˚С. If necessary, add dyes, flavors.

Pour the jelly into molds or plates, its thickness should be about 1 cm. Cut the frozen jelly into pieces and decorate the cake with them.

If one large layer is needed for decoration, then the jelly should be poured into the mold in which the cakes were baked. It must first be covered with cling film. The jelly should be about 3 mm thick. Remove the frozen layer along with the film, which should then be removed, and put the jelly on the cake.

Chocolates and sweets

It is impossible to describe all the children's cakes decorated with mastic, cream, cream, fruit and other things. However, one cannot but highlight the desserts decorated with chocolate and other sweets.

For decoration, they use chocolate, sweets, most often dragees, special powders, marmalade, cookies. You can lay out intricate patterns and designs, sprinkle the top, close the sides of the dessert. You should not use solid ingredients with nuts inside, candies, roasted nuts.

Chocolate jewelry looks interesting. You can use whole small chocolates, wedges, grate a bar, make shavings, hot chocolate patterns such as lettering, curls, waves, flowers, butterflies, and more.

To prepare hot chocolate, you need to break the bar into pieces and melt in a water, not boiling, bath. Pour the finished mass into an envelope or syringe. The smaller the hole of the nozzle, the thinner and more airy the decoration will be.

Find a suitable drawing, cover it with foil, tracing paper or parchment. Gently circle the contours of the picture with chocolate. Leave the drawing in a cool place. Remove the cooled decoration from the film and decorate the cake.

The video shows how to make a chocolate butterfly:

An interesting lesson on making chocolate leaves:

You can choose an easier way to create jewelry. To do this, pour hot chocolate onto a plate (layer thickness no more than 3 mm) and cut out the necessary figures using molds.

Well, are you ready to imagine the boy's birthday? And a picture familiar to many immediately pops up - a company of a dozen tomboy boys with appetite eating all kinds of goodies and looking forward to a stormy and active fun. Can you imagine a birthday cake with flowers and butterflies on this birthday? Of course, this seems difficult.

A boy's birthday, like a birthday cake, has its own characteristics.

In this article, the Site News portal has prepared some tips for decorating a birthday cake for a boy, which should definitely be useful for caring mothers and grandmothers who are trying their best to make a real unforgettable holiday for their child.

Of course, there is an option to order a birthday cake from professional pastry chefs, but this is not the cheapest pleasure, and the ingredients used for making a cake to order may not always be pleasant.

It is much better to cook a delicious homemade birthday cake for your beloved son or grandson, which will be the culmination of your birthday.

So let's get started ...

Lightning McQueen cake (car)

DIY Lego Cake

All modern boys love to construct something from the Lego set. So why not decorate your birthday cake with your favorite toy?

Bake the cakes according to your signature recipe in the shape of a rectangle. Then coat the cakes with cream. The cream that you will use to decorate the cake will need to give a little color, this can be done using food coloring. Or you can make the cake snow white.

The protruding parts on the Lego part can be made from cut out circles of cake layers, or you can use ready-made baked goods or cake.

You can also use mastic to decorate the cake.

Like Lego Theme? Then try building an edible Lego man. You can decorate the Lego man with the help of multi-colored cake creams or mastic. Use liquid chocolate icing for details.

DIY ball cake

If the boy is fond of sports, then a ball can be an excellent option for decorating a birthday cake. The ball can be anything: football, volleyball, basketball or tennis.

Bake the cakes according to your signature recipe, coat them with cream, and then shape the cake into a round shape. Wrap the cake with mastic, and add the texture of the ball with any straw.

If it is not possible to make mastic, you can decorate the cake with sweets and toffee.

DIY Winnie the Pooh cake

DIY cake machine

A very easy way to decorate a homemade birthday cake is to use ready-made colorful candies. You can put on the cake any number, inscription, decorate the sides or the whole cake with sweets.

For the laziest, the "marching" version of the birthday cake is suitable. Attach a variety of packaged candy, chocolate bars, and gum to the foam molds.

How good it is to be small: you can do whatever you want, wake up when you want, and turn every day into a real holiday. And it is especially good to be a child because for him any event becomes a truly enchanting event!

A lot of guests come, everyone gives gifts, and there is a lot of tasty things on the table, including cake - the most important childish joy. As a matter of fact, not only a treat, but also a kind of prize for obedience and good behavior, the cake decorates equally well both the name day and the graduation from kindergarten and even the New Year celebration.

But how to create such a treat so that your baby will like it? How to decorate a cake and what can be taken as its basis? Finally, what does it take to create not just a cake, but a whole piece of art for a children's party?

What cakes to take?

It will not be possible to really surprise today's children with purchased cakes: they are too accustomed to "mediocrity" and want something more. And adults also perceive store-bought sweets as an ordinary consumer product, and not the best treat in the world.

To create a really beautiful cake for a child, you can take purchased wafer cakes as a basis, and then decorate them, giving free rein to your imagination. You can also bake biscuit, shortbread, honey, protein cakes at home - the main thing is that the cooking process is a joy to you.

Well, then you can start with the design work with a pure heart.

What kind of cakes do children like more?

Of course, large ones - if only because they fit a lot of all kinds of ornaments, which can later be eaten. And the fact that the children present at the holiday will not fight for one of the two cherries on the cake, if there are twenty of them, cannot be discounted either.

In addition, various small ornaments are another reason to "spin" the baby into a rhyme or song sung about the sweetness he has come across.

No fat content

Remember that almost all adults love fatty creams, but not all children. They prefer condensed milk, nuts, chocolate, ice cream and fruits. Also, the priority for any child is colored cakes doused with protein cream and decorated with figures from bird milk.

Heroes are important!

When choosing figures with which you will decorate a children's cake, remember that they should look like fairy-tale characters, bright cars, magic bows or flattering animals. It is they who turn any treat into real magic on the table.

What is a culinary mastic?

One of the most popular types of decorating children's cakes is mastic, which is divided into 3 types:

  • sugar;
  • floral;
  • Mexican pasta.

The principles of dividing it into types

Sugar is suitable for wrapping cakes and covering gingerbread and cakes. Flower mastic is used to create flowers and decorations on a treat.

Finally, Mexican mastic is used by those who love to sculpt something truly magical for cakes from it.

Also, the mastic can be either white or colored. True, the latter is much more expensive and it makes sense to make it yourself at home, simply by painting it in the desired color during cooking.

How to make mastic with your own hands?

At home, you can easily make gelatinous mastic and marshmallow paste. But since the first is completely unsuitable for sculpting figures for children's (and not only) desserts, we will teach you how to cook the second.


  • marshmallows: 100 grams;
  • icing sugar: 250 grams;
  • starch: 90 grams;
  • lemon juice: 1 tbsp. l .;
  • butter: 1 tsp l.

The importance of using starch

If you've already seen similar recipes on the Internet, you probably noticed that some of them advise you to mix marshmallows with powdered sugar without adding starch.

Be aware: this mastic turns out to be quite fragile and it will be quite difficult to work with it at home.

Step-by-step instruction

  1. First of all, you need to pour the marshmallows from the bag into the saucepan, so that you can then melt it thoroughly.

  1. The saucepan should stand in a water bath. Be sure to stir the candies while they dissolve.

  1. Prepare the dye in advance if you want the mastic to be colored. It can be added to marshmallows during liquefaction.
  2. Mix the starch and powder after sifting them. Once the candy is melted, add the mixture to it to thicken the mass.

  1. Put the mastic on a flat surface, sprinkled with powdered sugar and with your hands greased in butter, knead the paste thoroughly so that it does not stick to your hands. Then wrap it in plastic wrap and refrigerate for 30 minutes.

Cooking nuances

  1. Grind the powdered sugar before kneading it into the melted pastille. Otherwise, the finished cake paste will tear.
  2. Keep track of the density of the resulting mixture, trying not to overdo it with the addition of powdered sugar and dye.
  3. The finished mastic is stored in the refrigerator for 4 months.

We decorate a children's cake using mastic

How to cover the cake?

Before decorating the cake, you must wrap the previously prepared cake layer with mastic. To do this, roll it into a large cake right on the table, sprinkled with powdered sugar.

Make the cake large (with a margin of about 10 cm) so that, when covering the cake, you can do it evenly. Cover the cake with the rolled mastic.

Wait a few minutes, and then use a round pizza knife to cut off the "excess". Now the cake is really ready.

How to mold a figurine?

It is no secret that the children on the cake most of all like figures from children's cartoons. For example, Smeshariki or Fixies.

Sculpt Nolik

  1. First, let's sculpt a head for Nolik out of mastic. To do this, we will form a small ball of blue color, dry it a little and make a hairstyle on the hero's head.
  2. Cut a circle out of the mastic - exactly the size of the head, making its edges pointed. Now glue the "hair" to the head in several layers using glue. It will be convenient if you put it on a toothpick before that.
  3. Now "draw" the details of the face: mouth, nose and eyes - as shown in the photo.

  1. Let's leave Nolik's head alone so that it dries out, and at this time we will mold his body, arms and legs.
  2. As a result, you should get a figure of a man, which you also attach to a toothpick: it must go through Nolik's leg so that he rests on it.
  3. Attach the limbs to the torso, work out the details of the costume, and place your head on the tip of a toothpick that sticks out of Nolik's neck. Powder your hair with kandurin (a special shimmery food pigment) to add shine - and the fairytale hero is ready!

Sculpt Smesharik Barash

Smeshariki are molded much easier, and all because they are round.

  1. In order to create this hero, you need to form a ball with a diameter of 4 cm (this is about 30 grams of mastic), leaving another 20 grams for the details.
  2. When you mold a few balls (depending on how many Smeshariki will be on your cake), let them all dry for 12 hours.
  3. When the mastic dries up and stops deforming under your fingers, you can continue to work on fixing the small parts of the cartoon Barash.

  1. To dazzle this Smesharik, you have to prepare not only legs and arms, but also funny curls. Dried up, they can be attached to the hero's head with glue, and horns and ears can be placed on top of them.
  2. The final touch is to add a nose, mouth and eyes to Barash.

Sculpting Angry Birds Figures

You will find another interesting cake making workshop with figures from the popular game Angry Birds, sculpted from mastic, in the following video:

We decorate the cake for the child with cream

Many children love cakes decorated with an abundance of delicious cream, but you need to find out in advance whether they like protein or butter. So you not only will not upset the child, but also will not be mistaken in the choice of ingredients.

It is best if the cake cream is oily, because it holds its shape well. We will tell you how to cook it yourself.

Ingredients for Butter Cream

  • butter - 100 grams;
  • condensed milk - 5 tbsp. l.

Beat the softened butter with a mixer to create a fluffy garnish. Introduce condensed milk into it, without stopping whipping for a minute, so that the cream turns out to be fluffy.

How to decorate a cake with cream?

In order to create something truly beautiful on the cake without mastic, you should use special tools for decorating cakes. We're talking about pastry syringes with different attachments.

Are there no such tools in the home arsenal? Dont be upset! Just roll up a plain white sheet of paper and cut the tip off.

Hold the resulting bag firmly in your hands so that it does not turn around, and fill it to the top with cream. Now close the top of the sheet and, by clicking on it, feel free to decorate the cake.

Decorating a baby cake with fruits

Fruit is a great decoration for children's birthday desserts. It is up to you to choose which ones you will use in the process.

Remember that with the help of fruits, you can not only completely lay the surface of the cake, but also create fairy-tale characters. So half a strawberry can become a cat's ears, and a whole berry can serve as eyes for her.


To make the fruit decoration look more exotic, you can put them on a chilled cake, and then dilute jelly or regular gelatin in water.

Then, picking up a wide brush, you need to apply the resulting mixture to the fruit and put the cake in the refrigerator.

The varnishing procedure should be repeated again after 30 minutes. So the fruit on the cake will look much juicier, and the structure itself will not fall apart during the cutting process.

Decorating a baby cake with icing

Chocolate glaze recipe

If you decide to pour the chocolate frosting over the sweetness, you must first prepare it. To do this, use a mixer (at low speed) to knead the butter (melted) and cocoa powder.

Then you need to pour powdered sugar, warm milk into the mass and mix everything again. When the mixture is smooth, add vanilla essence to it and salt a little.

Glaze technique

Place the cake on the turntable and use a professional icing spatula. Alternatively, use a wide knife. Use it to put some of the icing on the cake, unwind and pour the icing while moving over its surface.

You need to hold a knife or spatula strictly at an acute angle towards the surface. In this case, the thickness of the glaze is adjusted by strengthening or weakening the pressing of the tool and changing the angle of inclination.

We make the coating even

Remove the cake from the stand and line the frosting in one continuous, straight motion. Repeat the procedure if it did not work the first time. Remove the remaining decoration from the edges of the cake and set it to dry for 2-3 hours. After the time has passed, apply the icing to the sides of the cake as well.

Chocolate shavings are a worthy alternative for the main dessert

This is the easiest and most affordable way to make a beautiful quick baby cake. Moreover, there is chocolate or candy in almost every home.

How to do it?

Grate the chocolate or just put it in a warm place for a while, and then cut off small chips from it with a knife: they will be wrapped under his pressure.

We decorate a baby treat

Now arrange the curls with your own hands on a flat plate and refrigerate. Sprinkle them over the cake as soon as they are well set.

Summing up

For most children, the appearance of the cake is much more important than how the treat tastes. Therefore, so that your child remains satisfied with the result, try to decorate the cake, taking into account his interests.