Classic pickles for the winter. And "for dessert" is a very interesting recipe

04.08.2019 Dishes for children

My family simply cannot imagine their life without conservation - jar after jar is scattered with potatoes, kebabs, or at gatherings with friends.

I am especially good at pickling cucumbers, so I will share my secrets with you so that the cucumbers are of the highest quality even for the first time.

If you follow all the subtleties and do not deviate from the recipe, then you can boast the title of the best hostess who prepares a delicious and crispy appetizer!

Pickling cucumbers essentially has two radically different recipes, which differ in the way of pickling - hot or cold. I prefer the second option, which I inherited from my grandmother - there is no need to mess with the pickle. What to choose for yourself is a matter of your taste.

Before I found my recipe for pickling cucumbers, I had to try an incredible number of different options. At first I didn’t get anything good. As it turned out, the problem was not the cooking method, but the vegetables themselves. Either I chose the wrong cucumbers, then I prepared them in the wrong way. So I returned to my grandmother's recipes, learning how to select the right ingredients.

Little tricks of salting

Therefore, before you figure out how to salt cucumbers, check out some small (but very important!) Tricks:

  • If you want delicious pickles, the recipe will not be the main one. It is much more important to buy fresh vegetables, preferably only collected from the garden. I am lucky in this regard - all my greenery grows in my small garden.
  • For pickling cucumbers, only pimpled vegetables are suitable. In my experience, the best varieties are Rodnichok and Nezhinsky. Although any will do - most importantly, with pimples.
  • It is imperative that the vegetables are the same size. This is not important, but otherwise the pickling of cucumbers will be uneven.
  • Ideal if you can use spring or well water. In extreme cases, a purchased one is suitable - it must necessarily be non-chlorinated. Therefore, never use tap water.
  • Cut off the butts of the cucumbers and soak them in cold water. In most cases, it is advised for 2 hours, but I leave it on for 6-8 hours. A little trick: water must be replaced with fresh water every hour and a half.
  • To keep the vegetables evenly salted, stack them vertically in the jars. Do not tamp too tightly - the snack will not come out crispy. But this is the most important feature!
  • With the cold method of salting, the jars can simply be washed, but with the hot one you should not forget about steam sterilization.

Cold salted cucumbers

For a three-liter jar, we need:

  • Cucumbers - 2 kg
  • Dill umbrella - 2 pcs.
  • Cherry leaf - 2-3 pcs.
  • Oak leaf - 3-4 pcs.
  • Black currant leaf - 2-3 pcs.
  • Grape leaf - 2 pcs.
  • Garlic - 5 cloves
  • Black peppercorns - 10 pcs.
  • Water - 1.5 l
  • Salt - 80-90 g

Other spices or herbs for inspiration and taste. It can be mint, tarragon, basil, savory. If you like bright green cucumbers, like fresh ones, then additionally add about 50 g of vodka to the jar.


1. At the first stage, I wash vegetables and herbs, cut off the tips of the cucumbers and soak them, as described above.

2. Cooking cold brine

To do this, heat a little water and dissolve salt in it. To make it easier to calculate the required amount of salt for a large amount of conservation, take from the consumption 50-60 g per liter of liquid. When the salt has dissolved, fill it with ice water and filter the resulting brine.

3. Now you need to put the cucumbers. To do this, we divide our herbs and garlic into several parts and alternate with vegetables. At the very top there should be leaves. We fall asleep pepper.

Many people close jars with plastic lids at once. But I advise you to leave the preservation to ferment for a day or two at a temperature of 25-30 degrees, covering the jars with gauze. Then we hide the jars in a cool place with a temperature of no higher than +1 degrees for 10-12 days.

Oxygen access is an important factor in making delicious cucumbers. At the end of the fermentation period, we begin to taste our appetizer. When ready, add the brine (if necessary) to the top and close the jars. I buy special lids for hot, which must first be lowered for thirty seconds into boiling water, and only then closed.

It is necessary to store conservation at temperatures up to +4 degrees, that is, in a cellar or refrigerator.

Hot salted cucumbers with tomatoes

I also have an interesting recipe for pickling cucumbers with tomatoes. I always close them together - it's easier and much tastier. You need the following ingredients for a three-liter can:

  • Cucumbers - 1-1.5 kg
  • Tomatoes - 1 kg
  • Dill umbrella - 3 pcs.
  • Carnation - 5 pcs.
  • Black currant leaf - 5 pcs.
  • Bay leaf - 2-3 pcs.
  • Salt - 4 tablespoons
  • Sugar - 3 tablespoons
  • Black pepper, peas - 10 pcs.
  • Table vinegar (9%) - 3 tbsp.
  • Water - 1-1.5 liters.


1. Sterilize cans with steam

If someone did not do this, then everything is very simple. A large saucepan is placed and water is boiled. Above you need to install some kind of mesh. We take a clean, dry jar, turn it over and place it over boiling water. Remove carefully after about 10 minutes.

2. Prepare cucumbers in the same way as in the previous recipe. Then we lay them in layers one by one: greens, cucumbers, tomatoes. Put peas and bay leaves on top.

3. Now we boil water in an enamel bowl. Pour into jars and leave under a closed lid for 10-15 minutes.

4. Drain the water back into the pot. To prevent the contents of the jar from falling out, it is best to use a special plastic lid with holes.

5. Boil water a second time and pour into a jar. Add vinegar and cover the jar. We quickly turn the jar over, wrap it with a blanket or something warm. After a day, we remove the conservation in a dark and dry place.

In general, all the tricks to make a delicious and crispy snack on your table in winter. I hope my recipe for pickling cucumbers will be useful to you, and you will please your family. Good luck in cooking!

Hello dear readers. The first half of summer has already passed, and as you know, the second half is known for preparations for the winter. Today I will tell you a recipe for delicious, sour-salty, crunchy cucumbers. According to this recipe, our parents salt cucumbers all the time, and I can't even say how many years. As long as I can remember, they have been salting so much. The recipe is universal, you can make your own edits to your taste. Moreover, you can salt in a jar, in a barrel, in a bucket, in general in any container, the main thing is to maintain the proportions. Can be rolled up, left under a plastic lid, or just in the basement (barrel, bucket, etc.).

Today I will tell you on the example of a 3 liter can, and storage in an apartment. But you can also in the basement. And regardless of storage, these cucumbers are crispy and tasty. Today I will try to explain how to make you like this recipe.

Recipe for delicious crispy cucumbers

We'll start with the ingredients we will use for the pickling.

The main ingredients will be horseradish, garlic, dill, salt, and of course water. And I will explain this recipe using the example of salting in a 3 liter jar using the cold bay method.

For this we need the following ingredients:

  • Cucumbers - about 1.5 - 1.8 kilograms
  • Dill - 2 - 3 umbrellas
  • Horseradish root - about 3 centimeters
  • Garlic - 2 - 3 cloves
  • Salt - 80 grams
  • Spring water - 1.5 - 2 liters
  • Black currant leaves - 3 pieces

Put the ingredients in a clean jar, except for salt and water. It will not be a secret for anyone that all this must be prepared. Wash cucumbers and greens, peel horseradish and garlic, and of course go to the spring for fresh cold water.

Those who do not have a spring nearby can use water from under the filter. I do not recommend using water directly from the tap. It contains chlorine, which will make the cucumbers soft and not tasty. It can certainly work if you have a low chlorine content, but we have always made it from a spring. And so our parents have always taught us.

We put cucumbers tightly, but not to fanaticism, we do not press them strongly. All of this should look like this.

It can be a little denser, but this is unnecessary, and soon you will understand why. As you can see, we have horseradish and garlic found between cucumbers, and on top there is also an umbrella of dill, crushed by a few cucumbers. All this is for the uniformity of salting.

After the cucumbers have been prepared, you need to pour them with cold water and salt. You can, of course, pour salt into a jar and fill it with water. But there is one essential point here. If you do this, then perhaps the top cucumbers will be soft. And if the salt is dissolved in water and poured with brine, then all the cucumbers will be evenly salted and hard.

When we have filled in with water, we leave them to ferment. The fermentation time depends on the ambient temperature. I will show an example of fermentation at room temperature around 23 - 24 degrees. In this photo you see in stages: the day of filling, in a day and in two days.

After about 12 hours, the cucumbers begin to ferment. This can be clearly seen in the photo in the middle, the brine and air bubbles at the top of the can begin to cloud. We are waiting for our cucumbers all to darken. Then you can try.

You may have it differently, it depends on the temperature where the cucumbers are. For example, it also happened that on the second day we rolled cucumbers. We do not wait for time, but try. If you pay attention to the photo of the third day, you will see that there are several cucumbers missing. We determined the moment when it was time to roll up.

There is no need to wait for the cucumbers to turn well. As soon as you like the taste, become lightly salted, then immediately drain the brine.

I usually pour cucumbers into a bowl too. I throw out the dill and horseradish leaves, and the rest will still be useful to me.

Now I put everything in small jars. I usually use 0.5 liter cans, but more is possible, even 3 liter. But then you need to ferment more cucumbers. Indeed, with one 3-liter jar, it turns out to decompose the cucumbers into 4 small, 0.5-liter jars, and there will remain a few pieces to eat lightly salted. This is if you haven't already.

Cucumbers can be placed in a jar denser, they no longer break. But do not forget that you still have to get them from there. I put garlic and horseradish root between the cucumbers.

Now we boil the drained brine.

And pour the boiling one into jars of cucumbers. This will stop fermentation and the cucumbers will not be too sour. But don't think that the taste of the cucumber will remain the way you remember it now. It will become sour, but not strongly, but in moderation, just very tasty. Cucumbers will be hard and crunchy when bitten.

If you miss the moment when the cucumbers are lightly salted, then they will be sour. Of course, they will remain normal sour cucumbers, but believe me, when you roll them lightly salted, you will eat one jar at a time.

You can roll up any lid, but preferably a sealed one. Otherwise, fermentation will start again, and the cucumbers will be sour, like cask cucumbers. And that's all we got with one 3-liter can, or more precisely, with 1.6 kilograms of cucumbers.

There are three 0.5 liter cans and one 0.75 liter. I put a plastic bag under the covers. This is to make the caps tighter, we have a twist. And the lids won't smell like that. In the future, these lids can only be used for pickled cucumbers. Even after a year, the lids will not be washed off and will smell.

We also tightly close it because they will be stored in the apartment.

According to this recipe, you can not only roll cucumbers into jars, but also salt in a barrel, bucket, makitra. In general, in any container. From my own experience, I can say that they are tastier in earthenware. And not only cucumbers, but also tomatoes.

Our parents have a special two-bucket earthen barrel with a lid, and a homemade ceramic barrel, they are used only for salting.

In order to pickle delicious crispy cucumbers in a barrel, you need to calculate the number of cucumbers and make according to this recipe. With a few clarifications. First, we immediately lower it into the basement. And secondly, be sure to cover the top with a sheet of horseradish.

And thirdly, we press the cucumbers with oppression. There should be water on top, or a horseradish leaf, but not a cucumber. This photo shows this in the example of a 3 liter can. This way they won't get moldy. Horseradish blocks the development of mold, which spoils the taste. Thus, you can salt the cucumbers under a nylon lid.

Secrets of salting delicious crispy cucumbers for the winter

The firstthat I would like to note. If you are storing without seaming, then be sure to there should be a horseradish leaf on top... It will prevent mold and mildew from developing. Both the root and the horseradish leaf must be present. Moreover, the sheet must be constantly on top. Even in winter, when picking cucumbers, place the leaf on top. You can add more horseradish root and garlic, so the cucumbers will be sharper and tastier.

Second, dissolve the salt before pouring into the cucumbers. Do not use iodized salt!This will ensure uniform salting.

You can vary the taste by adding black currant leaves, cherry leaves, and even oak leaves. Some people think that the tannins in oak leaves will make the cucumbers hard. From my own experience, I’ll say you don’t like the taste. Our father decided to try, diversify the taste. As a result, we threw them away.

I consider the most delicious with the addition of black currant leaves. With cherry leaves, the taste will be a little softer, which does not affect the taste of cucumbers very well for my taste.

AND third, be sure to use dill umbrellas or the seeds themselves. And preferably dry umbrellas, they are more fragrant.

Well, if you are already fed up with sour cucumbers, then they can still be made pickled, the resulting cucumbers are also crispy and tasty. You can see the recipe for pickled cucumbers in the article "."

Now you know more than one recipe for pickling cucumbers for the winter, choose to your taste. The former are sour, and the latter are sweet and sour. But both recipes are good in their own way, and they make delicious and crunchy cucumbers.

Good blanks to you! What cucumbers do you prefer?

14 best recipes for cucumbers for the winter - canning, pickling, salt

Cucumbers 600 grams

Canned cucumbers are not only tasty, but also very healthy! It would seem that you can tell about pickling cucumbers? But almost every housewife has her own tricks in order to make the blanks tastier, healthier, easier to store, and longer and longer.
We present to you the most delicious and delicious recipes for pickling cucumbers from the best hostesses!

1. Canned cucumbers with red currants

Cucumbers 600 grams
2 cloves
onion one piece
red currant 1.5 cups
black pepper, three peas
carnation three pieces
water 1 liter
sugar - 1 tbsp. l.
salt 2.5 tbsp. l.

Wash the cucumbers. Put spices at the bottom of the jar. Put the cucumbers vertically in the jars. Peel the currants (0.5 cups) from the twigs, sort out and wash. Distribute the berries between the cucumbers. Fill the cucumbers with hot brine, immediately cover with lids and sterilize for 8-10 minutes. then we will roll up the banks and wrap them up. Brine. Bring the water to a boil, add salt and sugar, add red currant berries (1 glass).

2. Cucumbers in a spicy tomato sauce

Wash the cucumbers and soak for 1-2 hours in cold water.

I have 4.5 kg of cucumbers.
garlic - 180 gr.
tomato paste - 150 gr. (3 tablespoons full)
sunflower oil - 250 ml.
sugar - 150 gr.
salt - 31 tbsp. l. (in the process, the sauce can be added to taste)
vinegar 6% - 150 ml.
hot paprika - 1 tsp.
black pepper pier - 1 tbsp. l.

Cut off the tips of the cucumbers. Cut large cucumbers into 4 pieces lengthwise. Smaller cucumbers - only along. Press the garlic through a press. Add all the ingredients except the vinegar. We put on a moderate heat. After 0.5 hour, the cucumbers will already be floating in the sauce. Let's taste the sauce. It should be spicy, not salty, but not too sweet either. Simmer the cucumbers for another 15 minutes and add the vinegar. The total extinguishing time is 40-45 minutes. Cover the pan with a lid and let it brew for 15 minutes. Put the cucumbers in prepared sterilized 0.5-liter jars. Fill with sauce and sterilize for 25-30 minutes. Close the jars and turn them over until they cool completely.

3. Cucumbers with apples (pickled and lightly salted)

For a 3 liter jar, apples (sour) 1-2 pcs.
garlic 3-4 cloves
dill (umbrellas)
cherry leaf
currants (handful)
allspice peas 12 pcs.
cloves 12 pcs.
bay leaf 4 pcs.
sugar 5 tsp
salt 4 tsp
vinegar essence 2 tsp (nearly)
cucumbers - 1.5 - 2 kg. (depends on the size)

Cut the garlic into slices, wash the herbs. Put washed cucumbers in clean jars, alternating them with spices and apple slices (do not peel the peel). Fill the jar with boiling water, let stand for 20 minutes. and pour into a saucepan. Boil this water again, add sugar and salt to it. Pour the cucumbers with syrup to the top, wait 10 minutes, again pour the brine into the pan. We boil. At this time, pour 2 incomplete teaspoons of vinegar into the jar, fill it with boiling syrup and roll up with boiled lids. We turn the cans over and wrap them until they cool. Cucumbers are stored at room temperature or in a cool place.

Lightly salted cucumbers (hot method):
Put cucumbers with spices and apple slices in a deep container. In hot water (1 liter) we dilute 2 tbsp. l. salt, pour cucumbers, cover with a plate so as not to float. Leave at room temperature until it cools completely, then put it in the refrigerator. The next day, the cucumbers are ready to eat.

4. Pickles for the winter

For a 1 liter can:
cucumbers - how long will it take
dill umbrella - 1 pc.
horseradish leaf - 1 pc.
garlic - 5-6 cloves
hot pepper - 3-4 rings
bell pepper - 2 rings
currant leaves - 2 pcs.
coarse salt - 20 gr.
acetyl (crush) - 1.5 tablets

Pour cucumbers with cold water and leave for 4-6 hours. Prepare jars, pour boiling water over the lids. Peel the garlic, rinse the herbs, chop the pepper. At the bottom of the jar, put a horseradish leaf, a sprig of dill, currant leaves. Fill the jar tightly with cucumbers. Pour in the garlic cloves and add the pepper. Pour boiling water over, cover with lids and let cool just enough to hold it in your hands. Drain the water into a saucepan. Add 100 ml. boiled water. Let it boil. pour salt and crushed acetyl into jars. Pour cucumbers with boiling cucumber water one at a time. To the top. Tighten the jar immediately. (Reduce the heat to a minimum and do not remove the water, it should constantly boil.) Turn the finished cans upside down and put in the previously prepared "heat". Leave the pickled cucumbers for a day.

5. Pickled cucumbers with gooseberries

The recipe has been checked many times. There are never any misfires. For several years I have been closing cucumbers exactly according to this recipe - cans do not explode, do not become cloudy.

For four liter and three 700 gram cans:
small cucumbers - 4 kg.
gooseberries - 0.5 kg.
garlic - 1 head
cherry leaf - 10 pcs.
currant leaf - 5 pcs.
horseradish leaf large - 1 pc.
dill - 1 branch-stem with an umbrella
black pepper - 10 peas
carnation - 10 flowers
horseradish root small - 1 pc.
spring water - 3.5 liters
for the marinade (for 1 liter of water):
salt - 2 tbsp. l.
sugar - 3 tbsp. l.
vinegar 9% - 80 gr.

Wash the cucumbers thoroughly. Pour the cucumbers with cold water for 3-4 hours. Wash the greens and dry them with napkins. Chop finely. Peel the garlic and horseradish root and chop finely too. Put everything in a bowl and mix well. Cut off the "butts" of the cucumbers. Sterilize banks. Put a tablespoon of a mixture of herbs and garlic with horseradish in each jar. Arrange the cucumbers tightly, pour a handful of washed gooseberries on top. Boil water, pour cucumbers, heat for 15 minutes. Repeat again. Then add pepper, cloves, sugar, salt, vinegar to the water drained from the cucumbers. Boil the marinade over low heat for 10-13 minutes. Pour the marinade over the jars to the top, so that it even flows out a little. Boil the lids for 5 minutes. Roll up the jars, put the lids down, wrap them very well. After a couple of days, turn the cucumbers, hold them under a blanket for another two days.

6. Pickled cucumbers, sterilized without vinegar

The recipe for pickles without vinegar allows you to make fragrant and crunchy cucumbers for the winter.

Cucumbers - 1 kg.
horseradish root - 50 gr.
garlic - 1-3 cloves
bay leaf - 1-2 pcs.
oak leaves - 1 pc.
cherry leaves - 1 pc.
black currant leaves - 1 pc.
mustard (grains) - 1-3 pcs.
dill - 30-40 gr.
dill (seeds) - 2-3 pcs.,
for brine:
water - 1 l.
salt - 2 tbsp. l.

Cucumbers are placed in jars, filled with brine, covered with lids and kept for 3-4 days at room temperature (for lactic acid fermentation). Then the brine is drained from the jars and boiled. The cucumbers are thoroughly washed in cold water. Put them back in jars, adding spices and spices for aroma, density and fragility of cucumbers. Pour cucumber jars with boiling brine and sterilize at a temperature of 80-90 ° C: liter jars - 20 minutes, three-liter jars - 40 minutes.

7. Pickling cucumbers in jars - the easiest and most delicious recipe

Water - 1 liter.
salt - 50 gr.
cucumbers - how long will it take
spices to taste

A small amount of cucumbers can be salted without pasteurizing in glass jars. Fresh cucumbers, preferably of the same size, are thoroughly washed, placed in jars, layered with spices and poured with boiling (but it can also be cold - this is a cold way of pickling cucumbers) 5% salt solution (i.e. 50 grams of salt per 1 liter of water The cans are closed with tin can lids, boiled in water, but not rolled up, but placed at room temperature for several days (up to 7-10 days) for fermentation, after which they are topped up with brine and sealed with a seaming machine. This recipe for pickling cucumbers in a jar is good because the cucumbers are of high quality and keep well even at room temperature.

8. Pickled cucumbers and tomatoes (very simple and delicious recipe)

This recipe for delicious pickled cucumbers and tomatoes is really very simple and requires a minimum of time and effort.

For a three-liter can:
cucumbers - how long will it take
tomatoes - how much will it take
citric acid - 0.5 tsp.
salt - 70 g.
sugar - 1.5 tbsp.
bay leaf - to taste
peppercorns - to taste
onions - 2-3 pcs.
garlic - 3-4 cloves
sweet pepper - 2-3 pcs.
cherry, currant, oak leaves - 3-4 pcs.
amaranth (shiritsa) - 1 branch

At the bottom of a dry steamed jar, put dill, horseradish, 3-4 leaves of cherries, currants, oak, a sprig of shiritsa (so that the cucumbers crunch). Put cucumbers (tomatoes) in a jar or make a platter. Add spices, 3 aspirin tablets. Pour boiling water over with boiling water (1.5-2 liters) - carefully so that the jar does not crack. Roll up immediately, turn upside down and wrap until it cools completely.

9. The secret recipe for awesome cucumbers "Lick your fingers"

Cucumbers - 4 kg.
parsley greens - 1 bunch
sunflower oil - 1 cup (200 grams)
table vinegar 9% - 1 glass
salt - 80 grams
sugar - 1 glass
ground black pepper - 1 dessert spoon
garlic - 1 head

4 kg of small cucumbers. Mine. Ponytails and noses can be trimmed slightly. Cut the larger cucumbers lengthwise into 4 parts. The smaller ones are cut in half lengthwise. We put the prepared cucumbers in a saucepan. Finely chop a good bunch of parsley and send it to the cucumbers. Add a glass of sunflower oil, a glass of 9% table vinegar and 80 gr. salt (do not add a 100-gram glass to the top on your finger). Pour a glass of sugar, a dessert spoon of black ground pepper into the resulting pickle marinade. Cut the head of garlic into slices and into a saucepan. We are waiting for 4-6 hours. During this time, the cucumbers will let juice - in this mixture, pickling will take place. We take sterilized 0.5 liters. jars and fill them with pieces of cucumbers: put the cucumbers in the jar vertically. Fill the jars to the top with the marinade remaining in the pan, cover with prepared lids and sterilize for 20-25 minutes. We take it out, roll it up tightly. Put the cans upside down, wrap them in towels until they cool completely.

10. Pickled cucumber salad

For a 0.5 liter can:
onions - 2-3 pcs.
carrots - 1 pc.
garlic - 1 clove
dill seeds (dry) - 1 tsp
bay leaf - 1-2 pcs.
allspice - 2 peas
for marinade (for 8 cans of 0.5 liters):
water - 1.5 liters
salt - 75 grams
sugar - 150 grams
table vinegar - 1 glass

Banks of 0.5 liters. with lids must first be sterilized. Wash the cucumbers. We peel the onions, 2-3 medium onions, 1 carrot are consumed for each jar. Cut the cucumbers across with centimeter washers. We also cut the onion into thin rings, and grate the carrots on a coarse grater. In each prepared jar, put one good garlic clove in slices, 1 tsp. dry dill seeds, 1-2 bay leaves, 2 mountains. allspice. Next, lay out a layer of onion rings (about 1 cm), then the same layer of carrots, followed by a layer of cucumber slices (two centimeters). And so, to the top of the can, alternate layers. Next, we make a marinade for 8 cans: boil one and a half liters of water, dissolve 75 gr in it. salt (about 3/4 100 gram cup), 150 gr. sugar and add a glass of vinegar to the end. Pour the jars with boiling marinade, cover with lids and sterilize for 35 minutes at low boil. We take it out, roll it tightly, you can turn it over, but if you want to maintain a beautiful appearance so that the layers do not mix, it is better not to turn it over. Cover the pickled salad - let it cool until the next day.

11. Lightly salted cucumbers with vodka

horseradish leaves
cherry leaves
currant leaves
Bay leaf
dill umbrellas
black peppercorns
50 ml. vodka
2 tbsp. l. salt

Wash the cucumbers thoroughly and cut off the ends on both sides. Rinse all the greens and put them in a saucepan, add the peppercorns and top with the cucumbers. Prepare brine at the rate of 2 tablespoons of salt and 50 ml. vodka for 1 liter of water. Pour the cucumbers with cold brine, cover the pan with a lid and let stand for a day, after which your crispy cucumbers are ready.

12. Lightly salted cucumbers "Spicy"

1 kg. small cucumbers,
4-5 cloves of garlic
½ hot pepper pod
large bunch of dill
6 tbsp. l. coarse salt

Take young and firm cucumbers, rinse. Cut off the ends from both sides. Wash the peppers and slice them lengthwise, clean out the seeds and cut across into thin strips. Place 2/3 of the total amount of dill and thinly sliced \u200b\u200bgarlic on the bottom of the jar. Then line the cucumbers tightly, sprinkle them with strips of pepper and garlic, lay out the next row of cucumbers, which also sprinkle with pepper, garlic and the remaining dill. Put salt on top of the dill, cover and shake the jar. Boil water and pour over cucumbers. After a few minutes, drain the water, bring to a boil and refill the cucumbers with the resulting saline solution. Cover the jar with a saucer and place a small weight on it, such as a small jar of water. Leave the cucumbers at room temperature for 2 days.

13. Summer salad for the winter

In a sterile jar (I have 1 liter), put 3-4 branches of dill and parsley (green) on the bottom, cut 1 clove of garlic, if you wish, you can put a ring of hot pepper, 1 medium-sized onion, cut into rings, 1 sweet pepper cut into strips ( I always take either yellow or orange pepper for a variety of colors), then cut the cucumbers, but not thinly, and the tomatoes (it is advisable to take the tomatoes strong, fleshy, well-brown so that they do not turn sour and turn into porridge). Tamp the vegetables a little when laying. Then put 4-5 pieces on top. allspice, 2 cloves, 2-3 bay leaves. Cooking the brine: for 2 liters of water 0.5 cups (250 g) of sugar, 3 tablespoons of salt without top, when it boils, pour 150 g. vinegar 9% and immediately pour the brine into the jars (this brine is enough for 4-5 liter jars). Then sterilize the cans for 7-8 minutes from the moment of boiling and immediately roll up.
In winter, when serving, pour the brine into a separate bowl, put the vegetables (without spices) in a salad bowl and pour over with vegetable oil to taste.

14. Assorted marinated granny Sonya
for 3 liters. bank
2 tablespoons salt
6 tablespoons sugar
100 g vinegar 9%

At the bottom of the jar we put a leaf of grapes, 1 sheet of cr. currants, 1 sheet black. currants, a bunch of dill with an inflorescence, 2 laurels. leaf, horseradish root (the size of an index finger), 1 pod of hot pepper, 10 black peas. pepper, 2 cloves of garlic. We put vegetables in a jar (anything - cucumbers, tomatoes, onions, sweet peppers, cauliflower, white cabbage).
Pour 1150 ml into each jar. boiling water (1 liter 150 ml.). Let them stand for half an hour. Then pour all the water from the cans into a large saucepan (or two), add salt, sugar, vinegar, boil for 2-3 minutes. Now pour the marinade back into the jars, close the lids, turn it upside down and wrap it in a warm blanket.

Enjoy your meal!

Homemade salting of various vegetables for the winter is a small, but very responsible duty of every housewife. Indeed, in any family in the winter, when there is so little fresh vegetables, they love to feast on tomatoes and cucumbers. And this is possible only on one condition: that in the pantry or in the cellar there are jars with canned vegetables. That is why in the fall, in the kitchens, work on harvesting vegetables is in full swing, the most interesting and delicious recipes for an individual look are and are selected. But why shovel mountains of literature in search of the right recipe, when all the most popular of them are collected on our website in the "Salting" section.

Salting is one of the ways to preserve and preserve vegetables using ordinary table salt. Thanks to it, harmful bacteria that cause the appearance of mold are destroyed, due to which home salting deteriorates. In addition to this important factor, salt has a positive effect on the taste of vegetables; with it, salting at home acquires a pleasant, specific taste.

Salting cucumbers, tomatoes and other vegetables is considered the easiest and most reliable way to store them for a long time. Salt and lactic acid act as preservatives, which prevent vegetables from spoiling.

We have a wide assortment of tomato pickling: hot and cold pickling, pickling green tomatoes, assorted pickling with cucumbers, pickling stuffed tomatoes, cooking lightly salted tomatoes and pickling tomatoes with apples. The site presents the methods "How to correctly salted mushrooms" - black mushrooms, black mushrooms, mushrooms, honey agarics and, of course, salting of mushrooms. Indeed, without jars in which the pickling of mushrooms for the winter is closed, your pantry with winter supplies will be incomplete.

Pickled cucumber recipes represent the largest spectrum in the pickling section. And not in vain! After all, pickling cucumbers is the most popular and in demand. Only pickling tomatoes for the winter can compete with it. Among the diverse recipes for harvesting cucumbers, you can find both traditional methods of their preparation (cold pickling or hot pickling, harvesting according to village recipes, harvesting lightly salted cucumbers, pickling in mustard, etc.), and rather unusual (for example, pickling in a bag).

In addition, we will tell you how to pickle dill for the winter and how to ferment cabbage, watermelons. Using our recipes, you are unlikely to make mistakes in salting or fail. This can occur only if they are stored improperly (the optimal storage temperature for pickles is slightly above 00C) or due to fermentation.

Salting vegetables for the winter is a whole art that combines vegetables, herbs, seasonings and spices. We will notice that everyone, regardless of age or gender, can "command" salty vegetables, especially according to our recipes. After all, there are materials for salting in any kitchen. Well, patience and desire will arise by itself, as soon as you remember how pleasant it is in winter to open a jar of pickles and proudly put it on the table.

Agree, it is convenient if such a necessary product is always at your fingertips. You don't need to buy barrel cucumbers from grandmothers, and you don't need to salt in barrels yourself. The cucumbers that you get will be no worse. Especially cold cooked. Let's start with him.

How to salt cucumbers for the winter in jars: a cold way

I admit honestly: I only recently learned how to salt cucumbers in jars for the winter in a simple cold way. And I was amazed at the ease of the recipe. Anyone can handle it, even children will willingly help you pickle cucumbers. What I especially like: such preservation is prepared without sterilization. There is no risk of scalding yourself with boiling water or getting injured. You just need to wash and dry the jars well.

Consider a simple recipe for how to easily and correctly salt cucumbers for the winter in 3 liter jars.

Ingredients for 1 can:

  • 2 kg of cucumbers;
  • 3 large cloves of garlic;
  • 5-6 pcs. black currant leaves;
  • 5-6 pcs. oak leaves;
  • 5-6 pcs. cherry leaves;
  • 4 dill umbrellas;
  • 4 medium horseradish leaves;
  • 6 peas of black pepper;
  • 2 bay leaves;
  • 3 tbsp. tablespoons of coarse table salt.

Choosing cucumbers

First of all, you need to choose the "right" cucumbers: not smooth salad cucumbers, but pimply, slightly prickly, with plump skin. It is desirable that all root vegetables are approximately the same size - no more than 15 cm. Young cucumbers are usually sweet and dense, they do not contain voids, which means they will turn out to be crispy. Harvest them on the day of collection (or purchase).

Important! Salting water plays an important role. Ideal - spring, but you can use bottled or filtered. Vegetables salted in clean water are not only elastic, they taste amazing! You can also infuse filtered water on copper or silver.

Soak in water

Before pickling, be sure to soak the cucumbers for two to three hours in cold water. And if there is time, then half a day. Then they will become stronger and denser. In addition, in this way, you will rid vegetables of excess nitrates. Of course, the water after soaking will need to be mercilessly poured out.

Pay attention to the salt - it is best to take a large stone one. Fine salt can give cucumbers the softness we don't need. Iodized is also not suitable.

Advice! As for spices and additional ingredients (leaves of fruit trees, oak bark, etc.), the main thing here is not to overdo it. Excess additives can lead to preservation fermentation. But you shouldn't completely ignore them if we want to get delicious and crispy cucumbers.

Now that you are already well grounded in theory, let's move on to practice.

Sequence of cold pickling of cucumbers in 3 liter jars

  • I hope you have already sorted out the cucumbers, selected the strongest and most beautiful ones, washed them, soaked them in cool water for several hours. Until then, get busy with cans and lids. Wash them thoroughly with baking soda and dry. Conventional plastic covers will do. You can scald them with boiling water for reliability.
  • At the bottom of each jar, lay oak, cherry and currant leaves, two leaves of horseradish, bay leaf, peppercorns, dill umbrellas. Cut the peeled and washed garlic cloves in half and send them to the jar too.
  • Now we take clean cucumbers, leave the ends not cut off. We lay the first row vertically from cucumbers of the same size. If your vegetables are still of different sizes, then select larger fruits for the first row. We put cucumbers very tightly. The second row - how it goes: both obliquely and horizontally, so that as many cucumbers as possible fit in the jar.

Why do you need to stack root crops tightly? In the process of salting, they will decrease, the jar will become incomplete, and microbes can penetrate into the formed empty places. Therefore, the tighter we tamp the cucumbers, the better for their taste and shelf life.

  • Pour 3 tbsp into a separate bowl. l. salt, pour a glass of cold water, stir with a spoon. Pour into a jar. If salt remains at the bottom of the container, add water. Stir, pour again into the jar. Next, add everything with cool clean water so that it covers the cucumbers. We take the jar with both hands and shake it a little so that the water is evenly distributed.
  • We put two sheets of horseradish on top of the cucumbers so that mold does not form. You can fold them in half or in thirds to fit. Pour in some more water. Twirl the jar lightly on the table, gently holding it on top. In total, about 1.5 liters of water goes to the can.
  • We put the jar in a large plate, cover with a lid on top (do not close tightly!). Gradually, the fermentation process will take place in the jar, and some of the liquid will pour out of it into the plate. We leave this way for about three days, until the fermentation process stops. After 3 days, add salt water from the plate to the jar, close it with a lid. Store pickled cucumbers in a cool, dark place.

Cucumbers are aromatic and stored until the next harvest (about a year). If you want to make Olivier or other salads, soak the cucumbers for several hours. Such cucumbers are great for making pickle. Of course, then you no longer need to salt the soup.

To get acquainted in detail with the process of how to salt cucumbers for the winter so that they are crispy, this video will help you. Everything is very accessible and clear.

If you want to make seaming for future use, then the hot method of salting is more suitable for you. Here you will already need metal covers and a seaming key.

How to salt cucumbers for the winter in a hot way according to a simple recipe

Ingredients for a 3 liter jar:

  • 1.7-2 kg of cucumbers;
  • 2 pcs. bay leaf;
  • 2 dill umbrellas;
  • 2-3 pcs. cherry leaves;
  • 2-3 pcs. black currant leaves;
  • 2-3 pcs. oak leaves;
  • 1 grape leaf (optional);
  • 10 black peppercorns;
  • Horseradish root - 6 cm;
  • 5-6 cloves of garlic;
  • 0.5 pcs. hot pepper (optional);
  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons of salt;
  • 3-4 tbsp. tablespoons of sugar;
  • 0.5 tsp citric acid.

If you are afraid of such a number of components, I can calm you down: for the first time, it is enough to put dill, bay leaf, garlic, peppercorns. The remaining spices and leaves on the list are desirable but not required. Cucumbers will still come out crispy and fragrant.

But if you try and put in all of the above, then the taste will surpass your wildest expectations! All friends will eat and praise, and then ask for the recipe.


  1. Preparation of cucumbers is no different from cold pickling. We select, wash, soak.
  2. We process jars and lids: wash them well, scald them with boiling water. The lids can be sterilized with boiling water for about five minutes.
  3. Place the peppercorns, dill umbrellas, leaves (whatever), chopped garlic cloves on the bottom of the jar.
  4. Then place the cucumbers very tightly. It is better to place the bottom layer vertically, then tamp the cucumbers horizontally and obliquely. With hot pickling, vegetables can shrink even further, so density matters a lot.
  5. Pour cucumbers with water brought to a boil (1.5 liters per 3 liter jar), cover with treated lids.
  6. Wrap to keep warm (with a towel or blanket). Soak for three minutes.
  7. Then we drain the water.
  8. We repeat the operation, but now we keep the cucumbers in boiling water for about five minutes. To do this, heat up a new portion of water, pour out the first portion.
  9. Pour water from a jar into a saucepan, prepare the brine. For one and a half liters of water, take 2 tbsp. tablespoons of table salt and 3-4 tbsp. tablespoons of sugar. It retains the color and firmness of the cucumbers, but will not be felt at all in the brine.
  10. Pour citric acid (0.5 teaspoon) into a jar, pour in boiling brine. In this recipe, as in the previous one, cucumbers are prepared without vinegar. And citric acid contributes to the excellent storage of your preserves.
  11. We roll up the cans with lids, turn them over, wrap them with a warm blanket. Now let it cool down slowly (about a day or two). Then the cucumbers are even tastier.

You can store jars of cucumbers prepared in this way in your home pantry.

Salt cucumbers in a mixed way in 2 liter jars

Yes, you can pickle cucumbers both cold and hot at the same time. What is nice: such rolls are stored for a long time, and the cucumbers taste very much like grandmother's barrels. This time I give the proportions of 2 liters. For our small family, this is the optimal format. I'm sure you will like it too.


  • 1.1-1.3 kg of cucumbers;
  • 10-12 pcs. black peppercorns;
  • 2 tbsp. l. top salt (per 1 liter of water);
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 2 pcs. dill umbrella;
  • 1 branch of tarragon;
  • 1 horseradish leaf.


  1. Wash fresh and strong cucumbers, soak for several hours.
  2. Wash the cans with soda (you can - with laundry soap), pour boiling water.
  3. Salt water after 5 minutes. You can also sterilize them in the oven for about ten minutes. Then place them upside down on a towel, let them stand for now.
  4. The caps also need to be sterilized. Boil the metallic ones for about 15 minutes. Wash the plastic ones well with soap, then scald with boiling water.
  5. Cooking the brine. A 2 liter jar will take about a liter of water, but it is better to make a brine with a margin (not 1 liter, but one and a half). During fermentation, some of the liquid may spill out, and you will need additional brine to top up the jars.
  6. Put two tablespoons (top) of common coarse salt in 1 liter of water. Boil for three minutes, cool to room temperature.
  7. Wash the cucumbers again, cut off the ends, dry them.
  8. At the bottom of each jar we put an umbrella of dill, chopped garlic, tarragon.
  9. Then we tamp the cucumbers very tightly. Put the second umbrella of dill on top, cover it with a sheet of horseradish folded in two or three layers. Of course, all spices must be clean - washed and dried.
  10. Pour cold brine over vegetables in a jar. Cover with a lid, place the jar in a large plate.
  11. We leave for two days for fermentation.
  12. In the additional pickle (remember, we made it with a margin) add reserve cucumbers, some spices, leave in another bowl. Let them also prepare on the sly.
  13. Then pour the brine from the jar into the pan, add additional brine. Heat and boil it for about five minutes.
  14. Rinse cucumbers directly in jars with cool boiled water to remove plaque.
  15. If there is still space in the jar, fill it tightly with reserve cucumbers. Add the peppercorns.
  16. Pour the hot brine over the hangers in the jar.
  17. Then cover with sterilized lids, roll up.
  18. Turn over, wrap, leave for a day. Store in a cool place - cellar or closet.

As you can see, there are fewer ingredients, but this does not affect the taste. Cucumbers are amazingly tasty, crispy, and have a long shelf life.

After opening the jar, put them in the refrigerator, where they can also be stored for about a week. Perhaps longer, but here they flew away quickly. I think that you will not be stagnant either.

That's all the culinary subtleties and secrets. Now you know interesting and simple recipes on how to properly salt cucumbers in jars. Try different ways and find out which one you like best. Personally, I often salt cucumbers in a cold way, because I do not like to mess with boiling water. But this is already a matter of taste. For a large family, it makes sense to stock up on pickles for future use, and here the hot method is already irreplaceable. In short, choose, experiment. I wish you good luck and new culinary achievements!