Is it possible for pregnant women to have coffee in the first trimester. Coffee during pregnancy: is it possible or not? What kind of coffee can you drink while pregnant? Safe Coffee Recipes

26.04.2019 Vegetable dishes

Coffee is the favorite drink of many ladies. However, the onset of pregnancy makes its own rules in the usual way of life. One of the points of interest to the fair sex is whether it is worth depriving yourself of your favorite drink while in an interesting position? Let's try to answer this question.

Coffee, its beneficial properties

Delicious, invigorating, fragrant, hot coffee is a product that has become the subject of controversy among many world scientists regarding its useful and harmful properties. More recently, the best minds unanimously argued that you should not drink coffee while waiting for the birth of a child. However, today their opinion has changed. It turns out that in reasonable quantities, coffee can bring the body of pregnant women some benefit but only if used correctly.

O useful qualities coffee is known to many:

  1. This drink is especially valued for its tonic effect. Thanks to the content of caffeine, it helps to wake us up, cheer us up, set us up in a productive way. In addition, it increases concentration, performance and physical endurance.
  2. Despite the fact that coffee contributes to the formation of unpleasant plaque on the teeth, it prevents tooth decay.
  3. Due to the antioxidant properties, the miracle drink helps to keep youth longer.
  4. Fresh coffee improves the digestibility of food, has a beneficial effect on the activity of cerebral vessels, and has a diuretic effect.
  5. The drink can increase blood pressure. And, the aroma of coffee boasts an anti-stress and calming effect.

On the manifestation of the listed useful properties can only be calculated if the product is used in reasonable quantities. Serious harm is possible if you do not know the measures.

Coffee is an extremely popular drink. Scientists have conducted research on how coffee and products containing caffeine can affect pregnant women, in particular, the fetus. The conclusions were disappointing.

  1. Overuse such products significantly increases the likelihood of developing acute leukemia in children.
  2. If a pregnant woman abuses coffee, then there is a risk of developmental delay in the child.
  3. During the period of bearing a baby and lactation, an excessive amount of strong drink can provoke iron deficiency anemia.
  4. There is a possibility that the child may be underweight.
  5. Caffeine, which crosses the placenta, adversely affects the fetal heart rate.
  6. Due to the vasoconstrictor effect, caffeine is able to reduce placental blood flow, which is undoubtedly harmful to the child. Thus, he receives less oxygen and nutrients.
  7. Coffee, along with alcohol and nicotine, can be addictive. If you drink this drink for a long time, then it can provoke anxiety, headaches, and insomnia.
  8. Coffee has a diuretic effect. This should be taken into account and compensate for the lost fluid.
  9. Caffeine entering the body of the expectant mother in large quantities, can cause a miscarriage, since the drink has the ability to increase the tone of the uterus.

Particular attention should be paid to the issue of drinking a coffee drink in the first trimester of pregnancy. It is during this period that the future baby is laid all the main organs and systems. The body of the crumbs is so small that it is simply not able to cope with the incoming caffeine and quickly remove it. That's why Negative influence strong drink is currently escalating.

When should pregnant women avoid drinking coffee?

As practice has shown, not everyone can drink a coffee drink during pregnancy. Often, drinking coffee can lead to undesirable consequences. It all depends solely on the individual characteristics of the organism of the future mother.

  1. Women suffering from pre-pregnancy high blood pressure, this strong drink is worth forgetting for now. Pregnancy is often accompanied by an increase in blood pressure, there is no need to aggravate the situation.
  2. The calcium contained in the body of a woman is actively spent on the formation of the skeleton of the unborn baby. Coffee washes away this substance even more.
  3. A strong drink can increase the acidity of gastric juice. Therefore, pregnant women who are prone to gastritis, coffee from the diet will have to be completely excluded.

If a pregnant woman has no health problems, then she can drink coffee. You just need to follow some rules:

  • In no case do not abuse a strong drink.
  • 2 cups of coffee are allowed, no more, only in the morning and not in a row.
  • It is better to add milk or cream to coffee.
  • Drink enough fluids to prevent dehydration.
  • You can not drink coffee on an empty stomach, so as not to increase the acidity of gastric juice.
  • In the early stages, its use should generally be abandoned.

The dose of coffee that can cause undesirable consequences is different for each person and depends on the individual characteristics of the body (general health and the enzymatic system of the liver).

Compliance with these simple rules help to minimize possible harm coffee.

How to make coffee safe during pregnancy

How harmful coffee will be for pregnant women depends on the caffeine content in a serving of the drink. Expectant mothers are advised to limit the use of this component to 200 mg. per day, and this is taking into account all sources - chocolate, cocoa, cola, tea, etc.

It should be taken into account that the amount of caffeine depends on the type of grains and how much powder went into one serving. Also, its amount depends on the method of preparation.

A simple example. If 210 ml. coffee is brewed in a Turk, the caffeine content in it ranges from 80 to 135 mg. The same volume of brewed drip coffee maker drink contains from 115 to 175 mg. About 100 mg. caffeine contains espresso.

There is an opinion that natural coffee during pregnancy should be replaced with instant coffee, since it contains much less caffeine. However, this belief is completely wrong. caffeine is actually instant product contains less. However, it contains far from harmless chemical additives and preservatives.

If you have to give up coffee, then you need to find a worthy alternative to it. Chicory is a great option. He reminds strong drink not only color but also palatability Moreover, this plant is also useful. Chicory maintains normal sugar levels, cleanses the blood, and helps the liver work. In addition, the unique root contains a large number of calcium and vegetable protein. It is better to drink the drink with milk. It is heated, after which sugar and a spoonful of chicory are added.

Alternatively, coffee can be replaced with cocoa. It also contains caffeine, but in small amounts. A morning cup of hot cocoa can cheer you up and energize you no worse than coffee.

You can also drink herbal teas. You just need to know exactly which of them can be used during pregnancy and which are not. By the way, green and black tea also have caffeine. For cooking herbal drink you can use mint, rose hips, cherries, raspberries, mountain ash, currants, etc.

Important! If, being in an interesting position, a woman is not ready to completely give up coffee, then she can allow her to drink a cup of an invigorating drink in the morning. However, at the same time, only natural and high-quality varieties should be chosen in the store. Particular attention must be paid to ensure that the purchased version does not have fragrances or any other additives.

When drinking coffee, you must adhere to certain measures. This applies not only to pregnant women, but to all fans of an invigorating drink. Under this condition, coffee can wait for the expected effect, and undesirable consequences can be avoided.

Video: is it possible to drink coffee during pregnancy

Pregnancy is not a disease! That is why doctors recommend sticking to your usual habits, only occasionally making adjustments. For example, prohibited! Otherwise, there are almost no food restrictions associated with pregnancy. Coffee is a contentious issue. Some experts recommend it in small quantities, others categorically forbid it. To understand, let's talk in detail about coffee during early pregnancy: after all, it is in the first trimester that the foundation for the health of the unborn baby is laid. Starting from the fourth month, you will be able to relax a little and allow yourself a little more. And now?

Read in this article

To drink or not to drink: who is forbidden from coffee during pregnancy

To decide whether it is right for you to drink coffee in early pregnancy, take a short test by answering the following questions:

  • You have been diagnosed with (hypertension).
  • Your vessels are in a deplorable state: they are narrowed, their patency is reduced.
  • cottage cheese, milk, dairy products rarely appear on your table.
  • You regularly (more than once a year) go to the dentist to treat your teeth.
  • You suffer from headaches, before pregnancy you also suffered from migraines.
  • You have a history of gastritis, pancreatitis, gastroduodenitis, ulcers, regular, other diseases of the stomach and pancreas.
  • You are taking diuretics as prescribed by your doctor.
  • You are very scrupulous, suspicious and afraid of harming the unborn child even with a hint.

If you answered yes to at least 1 question, it is recommended to completely give up coffee in the early stages of pregnancy. Only three months - is this a big sacrifice in the name of a child's health? Starting from the second trimester, you can treat yourself to one cup of natural (preferably ground and diluted with milk) coffee a day.

If you do not suffer from any of the above problems, the consumption will still have to be reduced to 1 cup every 2-3 days.

Reasons why it is better to give up your favorite drink:

  • What you drink and eat affects more than just you. In the first trimester, the skeleton, the internal organs of the baby, is formed. The more nutrients useful substances If the child gets it, the better. It's hard to overdo it here.
  • The fetus is not yet mature enough to remove caffeine on its own. And he's not harmless. In particular, it speeds up the baby's heartbeat. Are you sure you want this? Maybe it's better not to drink coffee during early pregnancy?

In addition to reducing the amount, try to consume only grain, ground, coffee, in the morning, after meals. And always keep your blood pressure under control.

Myths about drinking coffee during pregnancy:

Myth 1. It is believed that if the drink is diluted with milk, cream, then its "harmfulness" will decrease. In fact, in this way you only compensate for the calcium that coffee "takes" with it. And other properties (for example, as a diuretic, increasing blood pressure, increasing the heart rate in the fetus, irritating the gastric mucosa) will not go anywhere, even if you dilute it with milk in a 3:1 ratio.

Myth 2.
Coffee is the only way to wake up in the morning and feel at ease. This was before your pregnancy, and then only because you did not try other means: herbal tea, gymnastics, cold and hot shower, invigorating music, walks on fresh air, yoga and other ways. Pregnancy is the time for change. Just check with your doctor first.

Myth 3. If you are hypotonic, then caffeine is useful and necessary, you can safely drink coffee in the early stages of pregnancy. Cognac also increases blood pressure, but it doesn’t occur to you to drink a glass every day, does it? Because there is more harm than good. This also applies to coffee. As with waking up early in the morning, there are many other ways to bring your blood pressure down: diet, exercise, vitamin supplements, massages, and physical therapy. The doctor will prescribe the most suitable method for you.

Worthy replacement

Good news for people who are used to drinking coffee and do not want to give up its aroma and taste even during pregnancy and even in the early stages: you can “trick” your body by giving it a similar, but harmless drink. It could be:

  • Chicory. Warm up the milk and dilute a spoonful of chicory in it. If bitter, add sugar. The taste and aroma is very reminiscent of coffee, it also invigorates, gives strength, and side effects does not have.
  • Barley coffee. It does not contain caffeine, but useful substances, on the contrary, are contained in large quantities.
  • Cocoa. Preferably not soluble, but intended for cooking. Dilute with milk or use neat.
  • Herbal tea. Obviously, it doesn't taste like coffee. But take comfort in the fact that by drinking herbal tea (not in bags), you bring tangible benefits to yourself and your child.

Drinking a decaffeinated drink is not an option. Decaffeinated coffee is chemically processed. Why do you need extra chemicals in the body? Such a drink cannot be called healthy, it can provoke the development of cardiovascular diseases.

Watch this video about whether coffee is possible during pregnancy:

Opinions of pregnant women

Alena, 23 years old, Moscow:“I have never been a fan of coffee, but during pregnancy I felt like it, unbearable! I simply could not look at water, juices, teas. As a result, she drank two sips from her husband - she lost her desire. Then the doctor said that when you really, really, really want - you can do a little, slightly brewed, natural ... "

Diana, 30 years old, Rostov-on-Don: “Before pregnancy, I drank 5-6 cups a day, I just could not live without it. The doctor forbade me to drink coffee at an early date. Nothing, survived, whipped glasses of chicory, then found a substitute - barley coffee.

Rita, 32 years old, Kazan: “I limited coffee to a cup a day, but did not cancel it. There must be small joys in life! And doctors always play it safe. She gave birth to a healthy baby, now he is 3 years and 2 months old.

Anastasia, 26 years old, Khimki: “As soon as I read about the effects of coffee on the body of the mother and baby, I immediately quit. Coffee is such a small thing! Why do so many people even ask the question: "To drink or not to drink"? Is your own comfort and whims more expensive than the health of the baby?

The question of the dangers of this drink, beloved by many, still remains unsolved. Experts around the world cannot give a definite answer to the question: is it possible for pregnant women to drink coffee?

They are accustomed to start each morning with a cup of invigorating and fragrant drink? Of course, coffee invigorates, helps to wake up and gives a boost of energy, but during pregnancy it is better to significantly reduce its consumption, and if possible, completely abandon coffee drinking.

How does coffee affect pregnancy?

As you know, this drink excites the nervous system, which can adversely affect the well-being of a pregnant woman and result in insomnia. Coffee speeds up the work of the kidneys, as well as other internal organs and systems. Care should be taken when drinking coffee during pregnancy also because this drink can cause and washes away calcium from the body of the expectant mother, which is so necessary for pregnant women.

The caffeine found in coffee has an impact not only on the condition of the woman, but also on the condition of the fetus, because it quite easily penetrates the placenta. Drinking coffee during pregnancy can affect the weight of the unborn baby: coffee drinkers, as a rule, give birth to children with insufficient weight.

By the way, scientists have long proved that coffee can have influence on the process of conception, studies have confirmed that to conceive a baby to people, constantly drinking coffee, more difficult than for those who do not drink this drink at all. Therefore, it is better to exclude coffee from your diet. usual day not only for pregnant women, but also for women who have just started planning a pregnancy.

Is it necessary to completely give up coffee during pregnancy?

Of course, small doses of coffee can even be beneficial, but don't get carried away. If you can’t stop drinking the drink completely, then limit yourself. You can allow one small cup of coffee a day, but if you suddenly feel that after drinking an invigorating drink, your health has worsened, then feel free to take the rest and pour it into the sink. Do not risk your health and the health of your baby.

What can replace coffee during pregnancy?

Having learned about the dangers of coffee for the body of pregnant women, many women immediately begin to be interested in another question: how to replace their favorite drink?

Tea helps to cheer up and increases efficiency, but it also contains caffeine, which is why you should not replace coffee with tea. Many pregnant women prefer green tea, which is extremely wrong, this drink contains even more caffeine than coffee!

You should not replace natural coffee with instant coffee during pregnancy, this product will definitely not bring benefits. The safest and most the best option during pregnancy is coffee with milk loosely brewed. Great option to replace coffee - chicory. Its decoction has a tonic and invigorating effect and it is much safer than coffee during pregnancy, however, chicory also has contraindications that should be considered.

If you want to endure and give birth to a healthy and strong baby, give up harmful, albeit very beloved drinks. Start your morning with a glass of freshly squeezed juice!

If a woman finds out that she is pregnant based on the results of an ultrasound or a pregnancy test, she immediately reconsiders her diet, as well as her lifestyle. Carrying a future human under her heart, she realizes that she will have to sacrifice a lot, including her favorite foods and drinks. It is from the new menu of the temporary diet during pregnancy that not only depends condition of the pregnant woman, but also child health developing within it.

The expectant mother will have to exclude all products that contain synthetic components, artificial colors and flavors. But not only these substances can be dangerous. Some natural products can harm the health of a pregnant woman, for example, coffee. Not only men, but also women love natural drink that captures any heart with its unique aroma and taste. Therefore, many women, having learned that they are expecting a child, wonder can i drink coffee while pregnant.

Inveterate coffee addicts hardly part for for a long time with your favorite drink. Many want to know exactly Is coffee really dangerous during pregnancy? and whether there is an opportunity to treat yourself to a cup of coffee sometimes. Let's consider these questions in more detail.

As is known, energy drink contains caffeine, which may adversely affect general condition person. At the same time, it has a positive effect on the state of hypotensive patients, increasing the pressure to the required norm. Everyone knows that coffee is an invigorating drink that energizes you for the whole day. With the fast pace of life, many people treat themselves to more than one cup of coffee a day. Can pregnant women use this product?

Usually future moms who are coffee drinkers hope to hear from the doctor that they do not have to completely give up a delicious drink.

Opinions of modern scientists often differ. Some believe that the coffee product is strictly prohibited for pregnant women for the following reasons:

  • Women with high blood pressure should not take coffee, even without being in position.
  • Caffeine renders diuretic effect, and pregnant women already often suffer from the urge to go to the toilet.
  • The fetus developing in the womb receives the necessary substances from the mother's body. calcium that forms bone tissue the unborn child is washed out of the body by this drink, which negatively affects the development of the baby.
  • Coffee is not recommended to drink during toxicosis, vomiting, headaches.
  • Large doses caffeine can lead to heart rhythm disturbances, nervous system and development of the skeleton in the child. The component can provoke a miscarriage or premature birth.

From what has been said, it follows that a coffee drink can do more harm than good. expectant mother.

Other experts believe that In certain doses, coffee is completely safe for pregnant women. and can be used without fear of harming the baby. If, according to the doctors, the woman is healthy and everything is in order with the developing fetus inside her, coffee during pregnancy may be allowed. However, you must follow the rules for drinking coffee during this position:

  • A woman during pregnancy can drink no more than one cup per day;
  • A coffee drink must be diluted with milk or cream, which compensate for the calcium that has left the body;
  • Due to the diuretic effect on the body from coffee, a pregnant woman should drink plenty of water so that she does not become dehydrated.

In the first trimester (12 weeks), all organs and systems of the unborn baby are formed.

Excessive coffee consumption during pregnancy can disrupt their development. Therefore, doctors often advise women to give up the drink in the early stages of pregnancy.

Caffeine, even in small quantities, once in female body, contributes to an increase in the frequency of contractions of the child's heart, disruption of brain activity, the nervous system and the formation of the child's skeleton. A diuretic effect, which will be exerted on the mother's body in the form of dehydration, can negatively affect the blood flow to the placenta.

Of course, all this applies to the next trimesters, but in the first stage of pregnancy, you should take the use of a coffee drink seriously.

If a pregnant woman feels that her condition is getting worse, then she needs to completely stop using the caffeinated product.

Although many doctors oppose expectant mothers drinking coffee at the beginning of pregnancy, today all experts agree that in the second and third trimester the drink can be consumed in small doses healthy expectant mothers. one cup fragrant coffee per day can even be useful for a pregnant woman if she does not have the following health problems:

  • Hypertensive patients and women who are at risk of preeclampsia should refrain from drinking a coffee drink that dilates blood vessels and increases blood pressure.
  • Women suffering from a lack of calcium in the body should also not drink coffee during pregnancy, otherwise, due to the washing out of this element, the fetus will not be able to develop a skeleton.
  • For diseases gastrointestinal tract It is advisable for expectant mothers to exclude caffeine from their menu.

If the above contraindication factors are absent, then women can treat themselves to a cup of aromatic drink on later dates pregnancy. But we must not forget that you need to dilute coffee with milk or cream. invigorating drink help deal with reduced pressure and severe swelling.

Most caffeine is found in the black variety of the drink, so women are not recommended to drink black coffee during pregnancy.

Gentle analogues of black coffee will be:

  • green coffee. This drink has become very popular in recent years. Many girls and women use this remedy to lose weight and cleanse the body of harmful elements. Coffee beans do not pass heat treatment due to which they retain a large number of useful substances. And with the possibility of self-regulation of the level of roasting of grains and a reduction in the time of heat treatment, it is possible to reduce the amount of caffeine dangerous for a pregnant woman.
  • instant drink. Instant coffee has the least amount of caffeine. Therefore, it is recommended to coffee lovers who are not ready to give up a fragrant drink. But even with a soluble variety, you should be careful. The modern market offers many types of instant coffee, which can be produced with the addition of chemicals. A soluble analogue in granules can harm not only the expectant mother, but also the baby in the womb, which may experience allergic reactions. Moreover, the preservatives used in the soluble mixture provoke the appearance of cellulite, which will not please the woman.

The best solution for a pregnant woman is a small amount of espresso with a large amount of cream or milk. This combination will help prevent Negative consequences from caffeine and replenish the necessary level of calcium in the mother's body. True, women should take into account the fact that the calorie content of a drink with a dairy product will increase.

Expectant mothers should not even pay attention to decaffeinated coffee. Coffee beans undergo many chemical treatments, so even in the absence of caffeine, such a remedy will adversely affect the condition of a pregnant woman.

Coffee analogues

Since there is no decaffeinated coffee for pregnant women, women who decide to give up natural composition, still want to find a product similar to coffee, which will not harm her health and the health of the unborn child. Some types of drinks may even be beneficial for the body of the mother and the developing baby. Coffee substitutes usually have a similar taste and aroma or have the desired invigorating effect. Among the analogues of a coffee drink, many women during pregnancy choose:

  • Chicory. This analogue is often used by people suffering from high blood pressure, but loving the taste and the smell of real coffee. Chicory has less pronounced qualities, but it is more useful. The instant mixture made from the dried plant is quick and easy to brew and ready drink can lower cholesterol levels in the body, eliminate heartburn and normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Spotted it positive influence on the cardiovascular system.
  • Weak tea. Pregnant women should prefer loose leaf teas, as well as herbal mixtures that make up for the lack of energy. For better assimilation lemon or milk is added to drinks. white look tea does not contain this substance and can be used without fear, only this variety is quite difficult to find in Russia. Green tea should be immediately excluded from the menu, since the caffeine contained in it exceeds the proportion of the component in coffee.
  • An invigorating effect has the usual cool water and fruits with berries.

Some people think that cocoa is safe drink for women in position. However, the tonic can also cause some negative effects. Therefore, cocoa should be drunk in moderate doses like coffee. A small amount of chocolate drink resists the appearance of stretch marks and helps with hypotension. Better effect without side effects can be achieved by diluting cocoa with milk.

AT modern world It is difficult to imagine a person without a cup of morning coffee in their hands. This drink makes you wake up and start your day cheerfully. But one day the moment comes when a healthy pregnancy is put on the scales as opposed to one's own comfort. Bearing a child is a joy and a huge responsibility at the same time, so coffee fans often wonder if coffee can be taken by pregnant women in the early stages.

General information

It is difficult to call this drink harmful. This is especially true for hypotensive women who cannot imagine a day without a cup of coffee. If in such a case, at least for a day, refuse the product, the pressure drops sharply, drowsiness and apathy appear. Many attribute this to addiction, but in fact it is a specific feature of the body.

By itself, this product improves blood circulation and dilates blood vessels. Everything seems to be quite safe, but the rush of blood to the uterus leads to irreversible consequences - a miscarriage.

It is impossible to constantly drink coffee during early pregnancy. At daily use drink, the risk of fetal rejection rises to 65%.

Abuse of drink early pregnancy violates the water-salt balance, which impairs the penetration of oxygen through the placenta and nutrients aggravating vascular patency. As a result, the child does not receive enough oxygen and nutrition, which causes hypoxia, developmental inhibition and fetal fading.

Caffeine, or rather its excess, aggravates the development of the cardiovascular and nervous system of the child. For the same reason, the baby increases the chances of getting sick in the future. diabetes. Excessive consumption adversely affects the development of teeth, bone skeleton and cartilage scan of the fetus.


Is it possible to drink coffee for pregnant women at an early stage? Reviews of experts on this issue are not uniform. If you do not abuse the drink, then coffee in the early stages of pregnancy can be considered quite harmless. The product is especially useful for those women who have been drinking it for many years. Such a sharp refusal provokes headaches and depression.

Provided that the body does not require a drink, it is better to completely refuse coffee at the beginning of pregnancy. If the task is impossible, you should limit yourself to one small cup of natural ground coffee per day. A weak product diluted with cream or milk will be the perfect start to a new day. A drink prepared in this way is not only tasty, but also healthy.

To cope with depression and apathy, which torment many pregnant women, coffee will also help. The product facilitates the course of hormonal surges in the body. Natural coffe increases efficiency, mood and improves well-being.

The limit of coffee in the early stages of pregnancy is 1 cup per day. Women for whom 4-5 cups of drink a day have become a habit should certainly reduce its use for the benefit of the crumbs. Even 2-3 doses are already being applied future mother to the risk group.


Despite the fact that the drink has a completely satisfactory effect on the body of a woman in position, there are cases when it cannot be drunk.

Why not coffee in early pregnancy:

  • due to the problem of calcium leaching from the body, drinking coffee during early pregnancy often harms the body;
  • just a couple of cups of drink a day can disrupt the brain activity of a little man;
  • caffeine can irritate the stomach lining and cause heartburn;
  • a strong product increases the tone of the uterus;
  • the drink often causes nervous overexcitation and bouts of excitement;
  • caffeine negatively affects the already formed cardiovascular system of the mother and the baby’s heart that is just beginning to form.

The main reason for refusing this product should be concern for the well-being of the future newborn. Therefore, no matter how great the desire to feast on, for the sake of your own whim, it’s not worth the risk. A doctor's consultation will also not give an unambiguous answer, since all doctors contradict each other on this issue. According to mothers, 100-150 ml of coffee in the morning will not do any harm, but it will give a boost of energy for the whole day.


If you can’t adequately survive pregnancy without coffee, and the doctor insists on refusing it for a number of quite weighty reasons, you will have to be content with just the aroma of your favorite drink. The good news is that manufacturers are now offering great amount coffee drinks, practically indistinguishable from original product to taste, but less harmful, and often even beneficial.

Instant coffee can be replaced with chicory, it is just as invigorating, fragrant and tasty. If instead of the main drink to drink barley drink, it will energize and add tone to the body. But it also needs to be used with caution, as the product has its own contraindications. Ideal replacement coffee will become cocoa, especially if mixed with milk or cream. It is important to remember that even with all the safety of products, you need to know the measure in their use.

You can always soften the unpleasant bitterness of the drink with cream or condensed milk. At the same time, it is recommended to take low-fat ingredients so as not to provoke an increase in cholesterol in the blood and not to give the drink a higher calorie content.

All advice to future mothers comes down to one thing: you can eat everything, but in moderation. From a small cup of coffee with milk, brought by a caring husband to bed with breakfast, the maximum that can happen is an attack of vivacity and good mood.