Barley drink: benefits, harms and recipes. Barley drink: benefits and harms

Of course, the taste of coffee made from barley hardly resembles the noble taste and aroma of a drink made from ground coffee beans, but it contains a large amount of useful substances. And the fact that caffeine is completely absent in barley drink makes it attractive to those people for whom this substance is contraindicated. Undoubtedly, this drink can be classified as healthy and environmentally friendly food.

Useful properties of barley coffee

Barley coffee can be used by children, pregnant women and people with a contraindication to caffeine. And this is one of the most beneficial properties of this drink. Thanks to the vitamins (A, B, D, E) and microelements (magnesium, iodine, phosphorus, potassium) contained in barley, regular consumption of barley coffee helps to normalize the nervous system, maintains the balance of hormones in the body, has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, supports healthy water-salt metabolism. The fiber contained in barley grain cleanses the gastrointestinal tract from toxins and keeps it in a healthy tone.

Making barley coffee

The barley drink is called "coffee" due to the similar processing of the beans and the method of preparation. Barley grains are also fried, then ground into powder and boiled with very hot water. In order to make the aroma of the drink more similar to the classic one, chicory is often added to it, the smell of which is quite similar to natural coffee. Barley drink can be boiled in a small saucepan or even in an ordinary one.

Coarse, clean and dry barley is needed for cooking. Measure out the required amount of grains, pour into the pan and fry over medium heat with constant stirring to avoid burnout. You can choose the degree of roast to taste: from light golden to dark brown. In the next step, the roasted beans must be finely ground in and brewed like natural coffee, adding a little chicory. For one serving of the drink you will need:

  • 1 tablespoon of roasted ground barley
  • half a teaspoon of chicory;
  • 200 ml of water;
  • milk to taste;
  • sugar to taste.

Pour barley and chicory into a turkey (or other suitable dish), cover with water and put on fire until boiling. Boil for 2 minutes, remove from heat and let it brew for 2-3 minutes, covered with a lid. After that, pour into a cup, add milk and sugar to taste. Barley coffee is ready.

Anyone drinks coffee or tea, someone prefers drinks that are not directly related to natural coffee. There is a variety of different types of coffee in the world, and everyone can choose the one they like best. Some people like ground natural coffee, some like instant coffee, but some people cannot drink real coffee, as their health does not allow them. This applies to those people who have heart problems or often jump in pressure. Men and women with these conditions are looking for a coffee substitute. Today we'll talk about the benefits of barley coffee and how it affects the body.

Today, very few people consume natural tea, which is much more useful, for example, chamomile tea helps with inflammatory processes; rose hips, its help is noticeable in diseases of the bladder and kidneys; mint, helps with headaches. These are just some natural plants, there are a lot of them and each herb is useful in its own way and also brings its benefits to the body.

Coffee made from barley grains is a healthy food product. It contains useful components that are not found in natural coffee, for example, there is no caffeine in it, which affects internal pressure. The composition of this product can hardly harm health in any way, and it also does not affect the work of the heart system, or the work of other organs. Although this drink is very different from natural coffee, its properties benefit the body many times more than real coffee.

The composition of barley coffee includes: vitamins of group B, B1, B9, B6, B5, B2, B3, beta-carotene, ascorbic acid, vitamin K. Barley grains themselves are useful because they contain many different minerals for example: phosphorus, copper , zinc, iron, sodium, calcium, magnesium. It is rich in vegetable protein, which is well absorbed by the body. Now it is clear that when this drink is brewed, all the nutrients enter the body. But what is the use of this drink? Its use will help in the fight against stomach ulcers and also with gastritis, in general, its properties have a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract, it also helps with constipation and colitis.

The skin will also benefit from this drink, as experts say that these grains are capable of activating the body's natural synthesis to produce collagen, which contributes to the elasticity of the skin and makes it firm and smooth. It includes a regenerating process, the skin slows down the natural aging process, a drink, relieves various diseases of the skin. Puffiness is a problem for many people, especially in the summer, barley coffee will help get rid of this problem, it will saturate the body useful substances and vitamins that will help fight puffiness.

ABOUT the benefits of barley coffee it has been known for a long time - even Russian peasants brewed a drink from barley and drank it with pleasure. Oatmeal and barley jelly were always included in the list traditional dishes Russian cuisine. And we will not talk about barley malt here - this is its own huge topic ...
Barley drinks and in Japan, there they are known as tea " mughi»And is sold in natural food stores.

No wonder - barley grains are rich in B vitamins, contain useful fiber and dietary fiber that have a choleretic effect (thus preventing the formation of stones in the gall bladder and kidneys). And drinks made from barley grains cleanse the body of toxins and toxins, remove "bad" cholesterol and stimulate digestion. Therefore, drinking them is especially useful in the morning, you can even before breakfast.

Name " coffee"Has been added to the drink in our time, as barley is processed similar to that which is exposed to coffee beans. And they drink it more often with milk and sugar. Sometimes barley drink is even called "baby coffee" because it is good for breakfast, healthy and does not contain substances that excite the nervous system.

Now instant barley drinks can be bought in stores (they are often placed in sections with diet food), there are also mixtures with the addition of real coffee, rose hips or other useful herbs. But nothing stops me from trying make a barley drink at home yourself. Let's try?

Real high-quality barley in large cities can be bought in departments selling farm products, in online stores specializing in eco-products, in joint shopping stores. If you live in smaller cities, then it can be sold in the markets.

You can brew barley like ordinary tea - grind the grains in a coffee grinder, pour boiling water and let it brew for a couple of minutes.

But barley coffee will be tastier according to a different recipe.
Pour the barley into the frying pan (do not add any oil). And grill over medium heat, stirring or shaking the pan occasionally.
As soon as the shade of the grain turns light brown, pour about half of the grains into a prepared dry plate, and continue to fry the remaining half in the pan until dark brown, almost black. But do not overdo it, not to the coals - do not forget to stir. This mixed roast will make your drink multifaceted, with an interesting shade and pleasant aftertaste.

Mix both parts now and grind in a coffee grinder. You can keep some light and heavily roasted barley grains apart and grind them separately. So you will understand - homemade barley drink from the grains of which roast is closer to your taste.

Brew as instant coffee - 1-2 tablespoons per glass, you can add milk, cream, sugar to taste. It is good both hot and cold.

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Although the variety of drinks in the twenty-first century is wider than ever, quite a few of them have been undeservedly forgotten. This is largely due to the abandonment of traditional diets and changes in food preferences. In some cases, these changes have done more harm than good.

Description of the drink

For a long time, the predominant assessment of barley in general and barley drink in particular was a negative characteristic. It was believed that all other cereals were irrevocably superior to him. Even attempts to discuss such a topic were rejected. The reason is simple - barley has been associated with the nutrition of hungry and lean years. This culture is not capricious and even in the most difficult climatic conditions in Russia, it is grown without problems. In its qualities, it surpasses even rye, and the tea obtained from such grains becomes a full-fledged component of a rational menu.

Do not assume that this is tea, and there are no other options. On the basis of barley, a drink is made that tastes like coffee. In this case, the nervous system is not excited. This property allows you to drink this "imitation" of coffee even late at night. In addition, it is acceptable for use by children.

Coffee made from ground barley grains is either bought in stores or made independently. After grinding, you need to brew the powder in a regular coffee grinder; consumption will be 15 g per 1 standard cup. The result is a product with a bitter taste. According to connoisseurs of culinary art, drinking it is required with the addition of milk (cream) and sugar.

Semi-finished products "Golden Ear" and "Barley Ear" are branded analogues of coffee made from barley. You can buy them in a variety of places, the preparation procedure is not complicated.

The malt variety of the drink is the most valuable, it is very rich in vitamins and even microelements. To prepare the product, the seeds must be germinated from 24 to 48 hours. The duration of the infusion is from 30 to 40 minutes.

Important: the germinated cereal can be kept in reserve and used when the need arises. As for barley jelly, both processed and not threshed grain are used for its preparation.

There are no solid proportions, so everyone can experiment as they see fit. The main thing is to focus on the desired thickness of the finished drink. If the barley has been pre-cleaned, you do not need to filter it. The use of various types of jelly is allowed:

  • on sprouted grain;
  • in sweet and salty form;
  • in combination with vegetable and meat broths;
  • as a base for baby food.


In Asian countries, the traditions of consuming the cereal drink have been preserved longer than in Russia. In the Japanese, Chinese and Korean culinary schools, one product is widely known, the names of which, respectively, are "mugichya" (in the Land of the Rising Sun), damaycha (on the banks of the Yangtze and the Yellow River) and porichha. In terms of its taste and consumer characteristics, this drink exactly corresponds to the "Summer Mix" sold in Russian stores. The brewing procedure is the same as for coffee. This Asian product should be consumed cold.

A hoppy drink (beer) from barley can also be made. A wide variety of malt types are common, but connoisseurs recommend using the variant with a light color. Regardless of the composition, the basic parameters must be strictly observed when brewing beer. A wide variety of hops can be used, however, in any case, they should contain only a minimum of alpha acids. The preparation of wort from malt should take place in large pans with enamel coating.

To better filter the liquid, it is recommended to put it in the water in a gauze bag. The total cooking time is 2 to 3 hours. Approximately the same amount must be infused with the finished wort so that it ferments. The temperature during fermentation is selected with the expectation of a certain period of time for obtaining the finished drink. For the greatest safety, it is advised to brew home-brewed beer with spring or bottled water, and not with tap water.

Experts believe that to get a drink at home, it is best to use spring barley (two-row).It is these types of cereals that large breweries prefer to order. Quality raw materials are evenly colored in various shades of yellow. It is categorically impossible to use grains with a green tint. They simply have not reached maturity and will not give the desired result.

Returning to Japanese barley tea recipes, it is important to emphasize their variety and flexibility. You will have to fry the grains, but they do it in different ways. Some cooks are trying to create a higher temperature. Then the finished "tea leaves" will acquire an almost black tone. Another part of the island tradition is the use of less heat to preserve the enticing smell.


The influence of barley drinks on the human body is predominantly positive, with the exception of rare cases. Under the influence of such products:

  • the activity of the digestive apparatus is stabilized;
  • the withdrawal of cholesterol is accelerated;
  • the formation of kidney and gallstones is blocked.

Even for children of different ages, as well as for nursing mothers, the use of barley drink will not do any harm. With the addition of milk and honey, lactation even gets better (with breastfeeding).

After all, the level of allergic activity is minimal. Experts note that regular drinking of tea or coffee reduces the risk of intellectual decline in old age. The reason for this effect is the increased concentration of silicic acid. This acid reacts with alumina to convert it into an easily removable species.

The nutritional value of barley coffee is 370 kcal per 100 g (this is 26% of the daily requirement for people not engaged in strenuous physical labor). The same volume of the drink contains:

  • 84 g of carbohydrates;
  • 7 g protein;
  • half a gram of fat.

Doctors note that the systematic consumption of this coffee similarity:

  • promotes calming;
  • improving hormonal levels;
  • strengthening hair and skin elasticity;
  • helps the work of the heart and blood vessels.

Unlike "real" coffee, its imitation barley does not pose any risk; women can drink the drink during pregnancy. It does not lead to spontaneous abortions and early births. Sleep disturbance is also excluded.

Barley drink of any kind poses almost no danger to humans. It is worth remembering two harmful factors that may be associated with its use. Drinking too much tea and other varieties of barley drinks can lead to weight gain. Therefore, those prone to obesity and patients with diabetes can only consume them after talking with doctors. Usually, their recommendations are associated with a reduction in dosages.

The fact is that barley is almost equal in nutritional value to any other cereals. An additional contraindication for its use is celiac disease. The reason is obvious: the grains contain gluten, which just cannot be absorbed. Before use, it is worth checking if there is any personal intolerance to other components or allergies to them. In the absence of such problems, limited quantities of barley and barley drinks are not harmful.

Use for weight loss

You can safely use barley and dishes based on it for weight loss if there are no special health problems. This cereal is slightly less nutritious than wheat, oats or rye. The benefit of the product is also related to the fact that it:

  • rich in fiber (that is, it speeds up the metabolism);
  • saturates the body with useful vitamins;
  • contains the most valuable amino acids;
  • helps stabilize blood sugar levels.

The last point is important because it just affects the accumulation of fat in the body. In addition to insurance against surges in blood sugar levels, weight loss due to the use of barley is accompanied by the stabilization of pressure in the blood vessels. Due to the presence of copper in the cereal, it is also possible to cope with arthritis of various nature. A diet rich in barley is insurance against osteoporosis, as it contains components that often "drop out" when adjusting the calorie intake.

We must not forget that we are still talking about the most complex biological processes - therefore, it is worth consulting a doctor in advance. Each person has his own health.

We want to tell you about the undeservedly forgotten, but tasty and healthy barley drinks. We hope that after reading the information we have provided you will agree that barley drinks should take pride of place on the menu of every person trying to take care of their health.

As with any product, drinks made from this cereal have some contraindications. There are very few of them, but still it will not hurt to learn about them.

Long oblivion does not mean the product is bad

For a long time, it was believed that of all agricultural cereals, barley is the least useful and valuable from the point of view of microbiological analysis. At one time, it was even believed that pearl barley, which is made from barley, is an empty and useless product. What can we say about barley drink? The benefits and harms of this product were not even discussed. Most likely, this is due to the fact that its cost is relatively low and in the years of famine it was barley that became a habitual guest on the tables of low-income people. He rescued the poor both during the war years and during the years of poor harvest.

Barley is completely unpretentious in cultivation and grows almost throughout Russia. And what is always at hand, as you know, is usually perceived without special reverence. In addition, the direct dependence of the diet on material well-being is too obvious, and pearl barley is a traditional dish of periods of hard times. But everything flows and everything changes.

In recent years, interest in barley as a “healthy food” food has increased significantly. This trend is encouraging. It touched not only barley, but also other gifts of the land, in particular, quinoa and amaranth, which returned to our tables under exotic, overseas names - quinoa and amaranth. But they are not a curiosity at all for the Russian taste. By the way, both plants are considered weeds, and gardeners fight them mercilessly.

Barley drinks have returned to our diet no longer as cheap substitutes for morning coffee and tea and not as decoctions of medicinal plants to treat or restore an organism weakened by disease, but as full-fledged components of a healthy menu for all family members.

Beneficial features

Barley drinks have unique health benefits. They help to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, cleansing the digestive system of toxins and toxins. Barley promotes the elimination of cholesterol, prevents the formation of kidney and gall bladder stones. It is hypoallergenic, so it can be added to the list of dishes for people prone to somatic reactions to various types of food.

If you include any of the barley drinks in your daily diet, then rest assured that in old age you will not develop senile dementia. The fact is that one of the unique properties of barley is a high content of silicic acid, which destroys aluminum oxide, and aluminum alloys are actively used in the production of food utensils and cutlery. During contact with them, a chemical reaction occurs, as a result of which aluminum in an easily digestible form enters our body and settles in cells. A consequence of the accumulation of harmful metal is Alzheimer's disease.


Barley drinks have practically no contraindications. Two restrictions apply only to the following cases:

Barley coffee

Barley coffee is called a substitute for real coffee. However, the so-called Barley coffee drink only tastes like coffee. Unlike the present, it does not excite the nervous system and is suitable not only for a morning meal, but also for drinking throughout the day. A barley drink, the benefits of which are undeniable, is allowed even for young children.

You can buy ground barley coffee at the store, but it is not difficult to make it yourself. Unpeeled barley must be fried in a dry frying pan until light brown and ground in a coffee grinder. Ground beans are brewed in a coffee grinder at the rate of one spoon per cup of boiling water. It turns out a brown, bitter drink, a bit like coffee. It is customary to drink it with sugar and milk or cream.

Drinks "Barley Ear" and "Golden Ear"

These two barley drinks are analogous to ground coffee. They are sold in regular supermarkets in grocery departments.

"Barley ear" contains roasted ground barley and chicory root. The brewing method is indicated on the package. Typically, one large mug requires one tablespoon of powder. Barley coffee is brewed in the same way as regular coffee, in a Turk or a coffee maker.

"Golden Ear" is a mixture of barley and rye grains. It is prepared in the same way as "Barley Ear" or regular coffee.

Perhaps the time has come to stop treating Barley and Golden Ear as cheap analogs of Brazilian coffee. The Barley Ear drink resembles traditional coffee only in brewing method and color. Its properties and taste are in no way identical to coffee, and the health benefits far exceed the latter. Negative side effects can only be associated with the quality of the barley raw materials and with those additives that will be included in the drink.

Malt drink

Barley malt drink is a real storehouse of vitamins and useful microelements. For him, the grains must be germinated within one or two days. As soon as the white sprouts hatch, the grains should be washed and dried. Grind dry grains and pour boiling water over. Insist in a warm place for 30-40 minutes. For two or three tablespoons of ground barley, one and a half to two glasses of boiling water is enough.

Sprouted grains can be prepared for future use and used as needed. They are stored both whole and ground.


Barley jelly is made both from refined grains, that is, from pearl barley, and from unmilled grains. The proportions look rather arbitrary: one liter of water requires at least 50 g of barley. If you like thick jelly, put more.

The barley is poured with water and put on fire. After boiling, cook for another 20 minutes. Then it insists and cools. Only a drink made from unpeeled barley is filtered.

Barley jelly for Russia is a traditional dish. Previously, it was cooked thick and eaten with butter, seasoned with a pinch of salt. Sweet jelly with honey or berries was prepared for children.

Barley jelly is by no means a primitive dish with a couple of options. You can compose a whole book about the methods of making barley jelly, because this drink can be cooked from fresh unmilled grains, and from dry peeled, and from germinated. It is made in different thicknesses, eaten sweet and salty, diluted with milk, vegetable oil, meat and vegetable broths.

Barley jelly has a fairly neutral taste, therefore it is combined with a variety of products.

On its basis, mixtures are prepared for feeding babies if the mother has little of her own milk.

Mugitya, damaycha and porichkha

Mugitya, damaycha and porichha are three names for the same barley drink, which is very popular in Japan, China and Korea. It is similar to the Russian one, which is sold in our stores under the name "Summer".

This is barley coffee made from whole, unmilled, roasted and ground beans without any additives such as milk powder, sugar or preservatives. It is brewed like regular coffee, but it is customary to drink it cold, putting a slice of lemon and ice in a cup. This drink is also produced in the form of an instant concentrated powder.

We hope you find the article interesting. In it, we examined the barley drink, the harm and benefits that it brings to the body.

In some cases, for health reasons, people should not drink coffee. Then barley coffee will be an excellent substitute. It has a pronounced aroma, is useful, and at the same time does not increase blood pressure. Below we will consider all the information about this drink, about what benefits and harm it carries in itself, as well as recipes for making barley coffee.

What is barley coffee: general information

This drink has been known to mankind for over 4 thousand years. The composition is quite rich: it contains useful fiber, protein, vitamins and a large amount of trace elements. Regular consumption of coffee made from barley helps to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, reduce blood sugar levels, and remove toxins.

Barley coffee slows down the aging process - due to the fact that the active ingredients promote the release of free radicals. The composition contains beta-glucans - these are vegetable carbohydrates that are found in the shell of barley, oats, as well as in mushrooms and other plants. The main task of this substance is to cleanse the body of harmful substances, as well as replenish the useful elements that are necessary for the normal functioning of the body.

Barley coffee is a drink made from roasted, finely ground and boiled barley grains. As soon as the grains are ripe, they are harvested, then sorted, and then thoroughly washed. Next, experts start roasting the beans, they are crushed, and then they can be brewed.

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What are the benefits of barley coffee?

It should be noted right away that barley coffee is much more useful than ordinary natural coffee due to the fact that it does not affect blood pressure in any way - often hypertensive patients are prohibited from drinking it due to the fact that the likelihood of a stroke increases. It is also undesirable to use natural coffee for people who have gastrointestinal diseases in the acute stage due to the fact that it increases the acidity of gastric juice.

As for the decoction of cereals, the opposite is true. Barley coffee calms the nervous system, it can be drunk with stress, depression and even insomnia.

So, let's take a look at the beneficial properties of barley-based coffee:

  1. Restores the work of the digestive tract due to the fact that it contains fiber. Helps cleanse the body of toxins, stimulates digestion. If you suffer from constipation, the drink will be a real salvation, as it has a mild laxative effect.
  2. It has a positive effect on the endocrine system. With regular use, it evens out the hormonal background, stabilizes the mood, and in some cases even helps to lose weight - if a person has problems with being overweight against a background of hormonal imbalance.
  3. Promotes metabolism activation. In addition, it has a general tonic effect - barley coffee contains vitamins B, A, D, E. It also has a high content of minerals - phosphorus, potassium, iodine, etc.
  4. It has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system. If a person has problems with the processes of hematopoiesis, then he definitely needs to include coffee from barley in his daily diet.
  5. It stabilizes the water-salt balance - if there is excess fluid in the body, then a cup of a fragrant drink will relieve this problem. For the same reason, coffee has a positive effect on the kidneys and urinary system.
  6. Normalizes blood sugar levels. Due to the fiber content, the product helps to slow down the absorption of carbohydrates, and it is this factor that helps to normalize the glucose level.
  7. Eliminates inflammatory processes. People who regularly consume barley coffee are much less likely to get flu, sore throat, ARVI. Helps relieve pain from ailments such as arthritis and rheumatism.
  8. Improves the condition of skin and hair, as well as nails. This effect is achieved due to the high content of silicon and lysine in the drink, and these substances are responsible for the production of collagen by the body. It is necessary for the skin and hair to remain healthy and elastic. Collagen also strengthens bones.
  9. The broth has a tonic effect. It is recommended if you need to recover from injuries, operations or general fatigue. It is good to drink barley coffee to recover from stress.

Because coffee is caffeine-free, you can drink it anytime - whenever you want. Even at night, you can drink a cup of hot and delicious drink - after which you will be provided with a restful and sound sleep.

What harm?

It should be noted right away that scientists to this day have not been able to establish what harm this drink can cause to the human body if it does not have an individual intolerance to this product. Barley coffee does not disrupt the activity of the cardiovascular system, on the contrary, it improves the functioning of the heart, stabilizes the hormonal background and the nervous system, and improves the activity of the stomach. Therefore, there can be no question of harm. The most important thing is to make sure that you do not have an individual intolerance to the components of this product.

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What taste?

The taste of this drink is very mild, it is not as pronounced as that of natural coffee, and there is no bitterness. There are light notes of bread aroma - and during cooking, you can observe a high, dense foam. If you add milk to barley coffee, its taste will very much resemble cappuccino. And if you need to get a coffee flavor - stock up on chicory, thanks to which the aroma of the coffee will be more pronounced.

A drink brewed with barley grains makes an excellent, harmless alternative to coffee. In the end, you enjoy the unforgettable taste of the resulting broth, and strengthen all the systems of your body, plus you lose weight.

Making barley coffee

You can effortlessly make a barley drink at home, and you can drink it for both adults and young children. Consider the options for preparing a drink.

Barley coffee with rye. This recipe is popular - the benefits of the broth increase, just like the nutritional properties. The recipe is as follows:

  1. Take three tablespoons. rye and the same amount of barley.
  2. Rinse all ingredients well under running water - it is best to do this several times.
  3. Next, pour the rye and barley with water, then leave to infuse for about a day, but it can be longer.
  4. As soon as the specified time has passed, it will be necessary to drain the liquid in which the raw materials were infused and fill it with ordinary filtered water.
  5. We send all this to low heat and bring the mass to a boil.
  6. As soon as the grains begin to burst, the container must be removed from the stove, pour the water in which they were boiled.
  7. We wash the cereals, dry them.
  8. Fry the grains, quite a bit on the hot, dry side.

Only after completing all of the above, you receive the components from which you can subsequently make coffee. Naturally, they will need to be ground in a coffee grinder before cooking.

We brew the resulting powder like regular coffee, if desired, sugar or milk can be added to the finished product. If you want to always remain healthy and beautiful, to establish sleep - in this case, it is worth replacing regular coffee with barley coffee, believe me, the whole family will enjoy the aromatic drink with pleasure.

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Video: the benefits of barley drink

Barley drink has been known since ancient times - even our wise ancestors knew about the healing properties of the cereal and used it for healing and restoring strength. Now more and more people are trying to lead a healthy lifestyle - a cereal coffee drink, undeservedly forgotten, is returning to the daily diet of a person.

The old mill is a great substitute for coffee

Barley coffee is a drink made from roasted and ground barley grains, which must be brewed to be consumed. In industrial production, it is also made instant. The "Old Mill" is very popular among them. Produced by Russian Product according to several recipes, including with rye and chicory. The beneficial qualities of these plants are widely known, and they also make the taste of coffee richer and more piquant.

The product "Old Mill" is sold in the form of a powder, in a cardboard box of 100 g, the average price is 30 - 35 rubles. Caloric content is 368 kcal, proteins - 12, 3 g, fats - 2, 1 g, carbohydrates - 75, 0 g per 100 product. Expiration date 12 months.

An instant drink is easy to prepare: 2 - 3 full teaspoons of powder are placed in a cup, poured in hot water by a third, stir well, add water or milk (cream) to taste. Lovers drink with lemon, cinnamon, honey.

The absence of caffeine makes it possible to consume barley coffee even late in the evening, as it has a positive effect on the nervous system, guaranteeing a restful and sound sleep.

In the chemical composition of cereals: proteins, carbohydrates, lysine, silicon, fiber, a complex of vitamins, microelements and macroelements. Chicory contains pectin, inulin, vitamins, macro and microelements.

The benefits and harms of barley drink

Due to the high content of vitamins and microelements, "Staraya Mill" has medicinal properties:

  1. Helps fight diabetes - the drink contains fiber, so the absorption of carbohydrates occurs gradually, without causing a sharp increase in glucose.
  2. It has a beneficial effect on the work of the cardiovascular system due to the high content of potassium and magnesium in cereals.
  3. The bactericidal properties of barley and rye help to quickly cope with inflammatory processes in the respiratory tract.
  4. It has a good effect on the general condition of a person, strengthens and restores strength after injuries and operations.
  5. Normalizes the nervous system.
  6. Eliminates hormonal disruptions.
  7. Contains silicon and lysine, they contribute to the production of collagen, which rejuvenates the skin, strengthens cartilage, hair, nails.
  8. Blood pressure is normalized with regular coffee consumption.
  9. Improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, has a choleretic effect, cleanses the intestines. Perfectly acts as an adjuvant for gastritis, ulcers, dysbiosis.
  10. Normalizes cholesterol levels.
  11. Eliminates inflammation of the mammary glands.
  12. Normalizes weight - with the help of a drink, glucose is better processed and adipose tissue is deposited more slowly

Coffee does not have a harmful effect, provided that it is prepared and consumed correctly - no more than 5 cups a day.

Who is barley coffee harmful to?

With obesity - coffee is a high-calorie product, if you are overweight, use no more than two cups a day. Contains protein - in case of kidney disease, it is recommended to consult a doctor, contraindications are possible.

Cooking at home

Stores have a wide selection of decaf healthy drinks. If you want to cook it yourself at home, this is done quite simply and quickly.

  • Step 1 - purchase barley grains, sort them, wash well and dry.
  • Step 2 - fry the grains, stir them periodically so that they do not burn. Finished beans are golden brown, without black spots, otherwise the coffee will taste bitter.
  • Step 3 - Place the beans in the grinder and grind.

How to cook?

  • Recipe 1:

Take 3 teaspoons of barley powder in a glass of water. Place in a pot or small saucepan, pour boiling water over. Boil for 12 minutes, turn off the heat and let it brew.

  • Recipe 2:

Prepare barley powder according to recipe No. 1. Place 250 g of milk and 150 g of water in a container, add 5 tablespoons of ground grains. Boil the mixture for 7 minutes, then add sugar, honey or ice cream to taste.

Helpful advice:

When roasting grains, it is possible to fantasize and make a blend - fry one part lightly, the other more.

The drink is called "coffee" - it really resembles the real one, but the taste is much softer, with a bready aftertaste. With the addition of whipped cream, it replaces the popular and beloved cappuccino. Even children (after three years) can drink it - it has practically no contraindications.

The old mill has medicinal properties, tastes good and has practically no contraindications. If you have health problems or for preventive purposes, you should try this tasty and healthy product.

Due to high blood pressure or for a number of other reasons, some people are forced to give up traditional coffee. A worthy substitute for it can be a coffee drink made from rye and barley, the benefits and harms of which have long been studied by nutritionists.

Despite all the benefits and clear benefits, cereal coffee has long been undervalued. Today, thanks to the fashion for a healthy lifestyle, the drink is confidently gaining ground. Properly prepared, coffee made from rye and barley will not only delight you with its taste, but will also help to strengthen your health.

Useful properties of the drink

Studies have shown that drinks made from barley have a strong strengthening effect. They are indispensable for people whose life is associated with constant stress, physical or emotional overload. Barley coffee is even included in some wellness nutrition systems. And if barley is supplemented with rye, the benefits and nutritional value of the drink increase even more.

Barley rye coffee contributes to:

  1. Improving the condition of the gastrointestinal tract. The substances that make up cereals have a choleretic effect. They cleanse, tone and stimulate the epithelium lining the intestines. As a result, it is restored, a favorable nutrient medium is created, optimal for the active reproduction of bacteria. Barley and rye coffee is indicated for gastritis, ulcers, dysbiosis, dyskinesia and other common gastrointestinal diseases.
  2. Prevention of diabetes mellitus. The high fiber content of the drink slows down the absorption of carbohydrates. Accordingly, the glucose indicator does not make sharp jumps, it remains stable.
  3. Weight normalization. Drinking barley coffee relieves stress on the pancreas. Thanks to this, glucose is completely processed, and not deposited in the form of adipose tissue.
  4. Restoration of the work of the heart and blood vessels. Cereals, especially barley, contain a lot of magnesium and potassium. They are useful for the heart muscle, especially when supported by the influence of vitamins D and E. Drinking coffee from rye and barley helps to normalize blood pressure, if it is increased, and strengthen the walls of blood vessels.
  5. Treatment and prevention of inflammation. The bactericidal properties of rye and barley grains protect the body from infectious diseases. Inflammation of the respiratory tract that accompanies colds goes away faster with the use of the drink. Cereal coffee Cereal coffee helps even with some skin diseases.
  6. General strengthening of the body. The optimal ratio of protein and carbohydrates recuperates quickly. For this reason, barley coffee with rye is prescribed for people who have suffered injuries, operations, and long-term illnesses.

It is better to use ready-made blends for making coffee. Buying ingredients separately makes it easier to run into counterfeit products and, moreover, you can be mistaken in proportions. Products such as "Staraya Mill" are prepared from high-quality and properly processed raw materials.

Among other beneficial elements, coffee made from barley and rye contains silicon and lysine. They promote the synthesis of collagen, which, in turn, has a positive effect on the skin, rejuvenates it and improves its tone.

The harm of barley coffee

Barley coffee can have a negative effect if it is improperly prepared or the drink is overused. Experts recommend drinking no more than 4-5 cups of barley coffee a day. In this case, the drink will be extremely beneficial.

There are no contraindications to the use of barley coffee, but there are several nuances that should be kept in mind. Considering the carbohydrate content and calorie content of the drink, you should not drink it in large quantities if you are overweight. In small amounts, barley coffee can help you lose weight, but in large amounts it can have the opposite effect. In addition, barley and rye contain protein, which should be taken into account by people with kidney pathologies.

How to make barley coffee with rye correctly

There are several options for making barley coffee. If you plan to cook it with rye, you can use this recipe:

  • We take the same amount of rye for 3 tablespoons of barley. We wash the ingredients several times to clean water. Then fill it with water again and insist for at least a day.
  • After the specified time, we drain the liquid, and fill the grains with filtered or drinking water. We put all this mass on fire and bring to a boil. As soon as the grains begin to burst, you need to remove the container from the stove, drain the water and rinse the cereals again.
  • Now it remains to dry the mixture and you can proceed directly to the preparation of coffee. To do this, fry the grains for a few minutes in a dry frying pan. We make sure that the mass does not burn. We grind the dried products in a coffee grinder and use them like regular ground coffee.
  • As a rule, the stores sell pre-blended, washed and roasted coffee made from barley and rye. In this case, all previous steps are skipped.
  • The optimal ratio is the ratio of a tablespoon (with a slide) of the mixture and 150 ml of water. We boil the mass for 2 minutes and insist the same amount under the lid.
  • During the preparation of coffee, you can add half a teaspoon of chicory to barley and rye. It will give the drink a unique aroma, and make the color more intense.

True connoisseurs of barley coffee make it with milk. In this case, a third of the water is replaced with milk during the cooking process. If desired, the taste of the coffee can be softened with cane sugar or honey.

Famous brands offering barley coffee

If you don't want to go into all the intricacies of making coffee from barley and rye, you can purchase a ready-made mixture. On the market for such goods, the following brands are most in demand:

  • The old mill. A ready-made mixture of barley and rye, which should be brewed according to the attached instructions.
  • An ear of barley from the Around the World Coffee Company. In the products of this brand, barley acts as the main component, and it is complemented by rye, chicory, ground acorns and other equally useful products.
  • Ear of barley from Stoletov. Another brand that has proven itself on the positive side due to the availability and quality of products.

Barley coffee tastes like cappuccino, especially if milk was used in its brewing. The presence of rye does not spoil anything, it even adds unusual but pleasant notes. To obtain the desired result, you need to choose your proportions of the components, decide on the cooking time and additional ingredients of the drink.