Chocolates as a home business. How to start making handmade chocolates? Profitability Issues: Cost to Market Price Ratio

12.05.2019 Soups

How do you feel about sweets? More specifically, do you like chocolate? If so, then today's article on the production of chocolate should delight you doubly - you will learn how you can make money on the manufacture of your favorite delicacy. At first glance, the production of chocolate is the prerogative of large confectionery factories... But, this is only at first glance. In fact, it is not world-famous brands that are beginning to enjoy much more popularity today, but chocolatiers who produce their products in very limited volumes.

Business brief analysis:
Business setup costs:from 1.5 to 8 million rubles
Relevant for cities with population: without Borders
Industry situation:the sphere of production is developed
Complexity of business organization: 4/5
Payback: 3-4 years

For connoisseurs " sweet life"And the owners of the" sweet "business, a lot of business ideas have been published in the blog: about the production of marshmallows, the production of caramel, about how to open a candy store and a business plan for a cafe-confectionery. Today another "sweet" idea is next in line - the production of chocolate.

The domestic market of chocolate products today is literally "teeming" with manufacturers of various "caliber", but this circumstance is not at all an obstacle for another participant to enter the market. Really find really standing product among the huge variety of products offered, it is quite difficult. To be honest, as a great connoisseur of chocolate, personally in the past who had experience in organizing a small chocolate studio, I single out only a few varieties chocolate products(I will not name it, so as not to make free advertising :)).

Chocolate production is so simple that it can be organized even at home. Although, of course, in order to enter the market with your product, you need to arrange everything as required by the "letter" of the law.

"Secret" ingredients of a sweet product

It's time to get acquainted with the composition of real chocolate, although it should be noted right away that confectionery products made today at various chocolate factories have the most various additives, which distinguish one brand from another, and each of them has its own connoisseurs. But any chocolate, without exception, contains:

  • cocoa powder made from cocoa beans;
  • cocoa butter, also obtained from the processing of cocoa beans;
  • and powdered sugar.

Using only such ingredients, you can get real black (bitter) chocolate. Sweetness is achieved by changing the proportions of sugar (powdered sugar) and cocoa powder.

Likewise, other ingredients are added to make other types of chocolate. For example, in order to get milk chocolate you need to put either powdered milk, or dry cream. For the manufacture of white chocolate exclude cocoa powder from the recipe.

The rest of the ingredients are added exclusively according to the imagination and recipe of a particular manufacturer. The technology for the production of chocolate at many confectionery factories provides for the addition of:

  • cinnamon;
  • pepper;
  • vanilla;
  • milk;
  • and other aromatic spices and seasonings.

How to start a chocolate business?

I must say right away that in order to organize a chocolate factory with a production volume that allows you to enter a wide sales market, it is possible only if you have a solid start-up capital. For aspiring entrepreneurs, on whom, in fact, this article is focused, it is best to start their chocolatier journey with the opening of a small production.

If you want, you can call your business something attractive, even a little poetic - chocolate studio self made, a chocolate making workshop, a chocolate laboratory, or something like that. This publication can help you come up with a name for your business.

At first glance, there is nothing difficult in organizing a business: register an individual entrepreneur or LLC, solve "technical" issues related to production facilities, equipment, and know how to trade.

But behind the "tip of the iceberg" there is always a more massive "underwater part" invisible to the eye. So it is here. Before starting a business, you need to draw up a competent business plan, which, if it does not help to avoid all the mistakes that lie in wait for you on the path of an entrepreneur, but will definitely minimize them.

The first step is to:

  • find channels for purchasing raw materials for production, and points of sale of finished products;
  • conclude preliminary agreements, even if only in words;
  • develop a concept for product promotion;
  • come up with a packaging design, and only after that arrange a business.

Chocolate making process

The process of making chocolate in an industrial setting is significantly different from those recipes for making sweets at home, which can be found on the Internet. Chocolate making technology classic recipe consists of several stages:

For making chocolate, it doesn't matter - handmade or in industrial scale the same equipment is used, the cost of which depends on the possible production volumes. The main equipment for the production of chocolate consists of:

  • Boiler for kindling cocoa butter;
  • Ball mill;
  • Conche machine;
  • Tempering apparatus;
  • Cooling tunnel for cooling the chocolate mass.

Additionally, you will need to install hoods, a conveyor belt, thermostats, an aeration unit, purchase or make molds for chocolate, a packaging machine, and a bunch of other equipment. As you can see, the amount that needs to be spent on equipment is rather big. Therefore, the most the best option- buy a ready-made production line. It will cost you (depending on the manufacturer and configuration) in the amount of 3.5 to 8 million rubles.

To organize a mini-shop for the production of chocolate, you can get by with less money - 1.5-2 million rubles. Is it expensive? Then you can consider the possibility of purchasing used equipment (in whole or in parts), or self-made all working elements of the production line.

Franchise or your own brand?

For those who prefer not to take the "heights" of success personally, but to use ready-made schemes, there is the option of acquiring a franchise of a well-known chocolate brand... You can learn more about what a franchise business is in this source -

As you know, currently on Russian market confectionery exists enough manufacturers of chocolate (including chocolates, bars, bars, etc.). However, this situation is far from being an obstacle for new manufacturers to enter the market.

Moreover, despite the seeming abundance of confectionery (and in particular, chocolate) products, the emergence of new manufacturers, especially those producing high-quality, etc. "Premium" brands are strongly encouraged.

Many aspiring businessmen are reluctant to start a business with food, and even more confectionery production... Chocolate and other sweets are not considered essential commodities, which can be produced quickly to wrap up the invested capital, and the food and light industries in general are traditionally considered not very profitable.

In addition, many are confused by the need for repeated sanitary and epidemiological checks, both of the products themselves and of production facilities, because the relevant authorities always pay to the manufacturers food products increased attention.

However, having examined the arguments and counterarguments in more detail, it is easy to see that they are untenable.

Chocolate, although formally not a basic commodity, does not significantly lose sales even during the crisis. It is one of the favorite products of the population: it, like any sweetness, is loved by children, and adults, by and large in this regard, are just big children - they very actively consume chocolate, for example, with tea or coffee, instead of a full meal or just for fun.

A box of chocolates is the most common bribe. a thing given in gratitude to petty officials, kindergarten teachers, school teachers and university teachers, doctors and / or nurses in a polyclinic, etc., not to mention chocolates as one of the attributes of a romantic date.

So the fears of a novice entrepreneur about finding a sales market and recoupment are in vain.

As for the increased attention from the authorities that control the quality of products and their compliance with sanitary and epidemiological standards, many people forget that any production (even not only food production) is still considered by them in this regard.

So attention is paid to everyone without exception: manufacturers, for example, of many building materials (paints and varnishes, any products related to woodworking, etc.) are subject to increased fire safety requirements. You should not be afraid of the excessive pickiness of sanitary officials - if everything is really in order with you, no one will do anything to you.

Summing up all of the above, we can safely say that the production of chocolate and chocolate products is one of the most interesting and profitable lines of business.

Description of technology and specifics of chocolate production

By and large, there is nothing complicated in the technology of chocolate production. Yes, raw materials - cocoa beans require a carefully selected warehouse: a well-ventilated but dry room with an artificially maintained temperature of 16 ° C. chocolate production are limited. The rest - the shop, the presence of sanitary books among the personnel, etc. meet normal food processing requirements.

The main stage in the production of chocolate is conching. It is a continuous stirring of the heated chocolate mass until it turns into a homogeneous mass. Conching is done in special conches (or, as they are also called, conches).

Pre-mixed chocolate mass(consisting of cocoa liquor, powdered sugar, cocoa butter and additives), subjected to rolling - preliminary grinding in special mills.

The main secret konchevaniya - duration of mixing. It has been found that continuous mixing significantly improves the quality of the chocolate mass. Therefore, many elite varieties of chocolate are conched for 360 hours, or 5 days.

The norm is the duration of this process about 72 hours (3 days). For cheaper varieties, one day of conching is enough.

The conching itself is carried out in three stages: first, the dry mixture (cocoa powder and powdered sugar) is mixed, in the second, excess moisture is evaporated from the mixture, and in the third, cocoa butter (or its substitute) is added to the dry mixture.

Of course, the taste and quality of chocolate is influenced by various flavors and aromatic additives (flavors, alcohol, wines and the like), and the percentage of content natural ingredients(for example, instead of rather expensive cocoa butter, palm, coconut, peanut, milk fat is often added, or these components are combined with each other; instead of cocoa powder, carob is sometimes used, fruit powder carob). Ultimately, however, the recipe for the resulting chocolate is usually a firm secret.

The second most important stage in the production of chocolate is molding, i.e. giving the chocolate mass an appropriate shape (bars, sweets, bars, etc.) and filling (if, of course, it is provided by the manufacturer) with crushed nuts, candied fruits, waffles, etc.

The prepared chocolate mass with a temperature of +40 to +45 ° С is poured into special forms(molds). Then it is quickly cooled to 33 ° C, and kept at this temperature for 30-40 minutes, is constantly mixed. This allows the cocoa butter to crystallize properly. This process is called tempering.

Equipment cost and profitability of chocolate production

Of course, the list of equipment for the production of chocolate is not limited to a conche machine and a set of molds. A chocolate production line requires a lot more equipment to function properly.

For example, to melt fat (cocoa butter), a special fat melting boiler is required (at a cost of about a third of a million rubles - for a boiler with a capacity, i.e., a working volume of 200 kg of butter); primary mixing of components (rolling) is carried out on ball mills filled with balls of special steel, like bearings, with the help of which the mixing process takes place.

Such a mill costs about one and a half million rubles. It comes with 1 conche, but taking into account the technology - the chocolate mass should be mixed for at least a day - you will have to purchase additional conches (each of which costs about 8000-9000 €) in order not to stop the conveyor.

In addition, you will also need a tempering machine (about 1 million rubles) and a vertical refrigeration tunnel, which produces rapid cooling of molded products, which is required according to the technology. Such a tunnel will cost about 2.5 million rubles.

This is just the basic technique needed to make chocolate. Additional - hoods and thermostats for the finished product warehouse, conveyor belts, aeration plants, special planetary pumps and heated pipelines for moving liquid chocolate mass from unit to unit, molds and a stamping machine for their production, packaging and other machines in total will not be pulled less than 4-5 million rubles.

As you can see, the total costs are not too high - something about 10 million rubles, but they are quite sensitive for a novice businessman.

But these costs pay off very quickly if we consider in more detail the ratio of the cost of chocolate and its selling price, i.e. calculate profitability.

If we consider the usual - bitter - chocolate, without the addition of soy, palm oil and other cheap substitutes (namely, it is the least profitable), then it consists of about 60% (by weight) of cocoa powder (about $ 1870-2010 per 1 ton), and 40% of powdered sugar (about $ 1000 per 1 ton), we get the cost of 1 ton of chocolate (taking into account a small percentage of cocoa butter) at about $ 1500-1600, or $ 15-16 (less than 500 rubles) per 1 kg.

Even considering, for simplicity, 1 kg of dark chocolate equal in cost to 500 rubles. (with labor costs, taxes, depreciation and other costs), and the price of a bar of such chocolate is equal to 100 rubles, we get a minimum profitability of 200%.

This is the lowest limit. Adding various cost-saving additives to a chocolate recipe can literally increase profitability.

Compare: carob, carob powder costs about 50-67 rubles. per 1 kg versus $ 18.7-20.1 (565-608 rubles) of real cocoa powder. Adding even 5% carob can save about 8-10% ($ 120-160) per ton of chocolate.

Video about the production of chocolate

If you want to open your own small business in the future and compete shop candy with preservatives, emulsifiers, flavors and other chemical components of unknown origin, try making natural sweets.

Those who cannot live without chocolate, or simply love it, will be interested in learning the basics of the profession that makes sweets, bars, decor and other miracles from chocolate. Even if you will not make candy for sale, the question is unusual gift handmade for all occasions will be solved for you.
What is the best place to start?

Step 1. Tools

Cooking thermometer.

You will definitely need a tool to work:

  1. It is better to use a plastic bowl in which you will melt the chocolate.
  2. Culinary thermometer with a range of measurements up to 200 degrees Celsius. You do not need to heat chocolate above 45 degrees, but if you are fond of the process, you may want to make caramel and other sweets. Here such a thermometer is irreplaceable and it is better to stock up on it right away. Now on the Internet there are many offers of inexpensive Chinese thermometers, they are quite suitable for a start, although you can use alcohol with the desired measurement range.
  3. A spatula for tempering chocolate (we will talk about this process later). A medium-width stainless steel spatula can be selected at a hardware store.
  4. A microwave oven or a small marble (granite) slab, which will also be needed for tempering.
  5. Parchment, ready-made candies are spread on it until the chocolate is completely solidified and crystallized.
  6. When you gain experience and want to make a variety of candies, you will need chocolate forks, pallets (narrow long spatulas), chocolate molds, disposable pastry bags and many other tools.

Step 2. Choosing chocolate

The next step is choosing the chocolate for the job. If you want to make exclusive candies, try different types professional Belgian, Italian, French chocolate which are now easy to order online. This chocolate is sold in blocks or small tablets that are easy to work with and may cost more than the bars available in stores. Since you are still a beginner chocolatier and you are afraid to spoil expensive products, try melting a few store-bought tiles first.

Step 3. Making chocolate

Step 3.1. Introduction

Adults and children love chocolate. It's no secret that a bar of chocolate bought in a store contains various additives: preservatives, colorants, hardeners, etc. Favorite delicacy it is possible to cook at home. True, you need to work a little. There are several types of chocolate: milk and bitter. You can add nuts, cookies to it, it all depends on your preference and taste.

The Indians learned about chocolate thousands of years before our era, later the Mayan tribes considered the fruit of cocoa "food of the gods" and drank chocolate when performing various rituals. The first European was Columbus, who tried this drink, and the Spanish monarchs gave him the highest score. Joseph Fry in the XX century prepared the first chocolate bar, which: improved mood, stabilized blood cholesterol, provided positive influence on the skin of the face and body, pancreas, heart muscle, strengthened the immune system. Until now, bitter chocolate clearly fulfills its functions.

Step 3.2. Master class for home

Let's get down to, without further ado, the preparation of chocolate, for which it is necessary: butter, honey or sugar and of course cocoa. To make chocolate, you should not skimp, buy quality products, and the result will please. We decided on the products, the chocolate mold can be silicone (for sweets and marmalade) or you can pour it into an ice mold. Now about the proportions. Have to take:

  • cocoa-100 g or cocoa butter (if you find it!);
  • butter-50 g.
  • three tablespoons of sugar;
  • 5 tablespoons of water;
  • 15 g vanillin;
  • two tablespoons of any liquor (optional).

  1. water is mixed with cocoa and sugar;
  2. then we put it on a small fire;
  3. stir this mixture all the time until it boils;
  4. add butter, stir, bring to the state of thick sour cream;
  5. cook for another 1-2 minutes;
  6. pour out ready mix in prepared molds, greased with butter;

  1. then put it in the refrigerator until it cools completely. If you want to add nuts, raisins, cookies, lemon or orange zest, liqueur, cognac, then add this at the stage of pouring into the mold. Top, sprinkle with any chopped nuts.
  2. Place the chocolate poured into the mold in the freezer, when frozen it will be hard, and if you just put it in the refrigerator, it will be soft.

It will not be possible to make real dark chocolate at home, due to the lack of cocoa butter or grated cocoa... But it doesn't matter, in any case, we have got a delicious and healthy dessert.

Step 4. Glazing of fresh fruits, nuts

You have prepared the chocolate for work, what to do with it next. Try icing in chocolate first. fresh fruits, candied fruits, nuts, apple chips... To do this, you can simply dip them into the chocolate with a fork, let the rest of the chocolate drain and put on parchment. Candied fruits look beautiful, partially dipped in chocolate, when their tip is visible (in this case, forks are not needed). French chocolates - mediants also look spectacular. To prepare them, you need to pour a small amount of chocolate (a teaspoon or dessert spoon) onto parchment and decorate with nuts, candied fruit pieces, raisins, let it freeze and start tasting. All together this is very effective, delicious in taste and makes it possible to create chocolate delights.

Now you are no longer afraid to work with chocolate, you want to master new types of sweets, do not be afraid, experiment, look for new information, purchase literature, come up with your own recipes.

Chocolate is perhaps the most delicious treat from all confectionery. Regardless of the time of the year, the economic condition in the country and other factors, people regularly use it. And even those who adhere proper nutrition or is on a diet, do not give up a couple of slices of dark or diet chocolate. Therefore, a business idea for the production of chocolate looks very tempting. The main thing is to know some of the nuances, as well as to study the technology.

Pros and cons of a chocolate business plan

Chocolate production provides the following benefits:

  • High demand for products
  • Small investment if you plan to organize home business or mini workshop
  • High income, profit 200% or more
  • Simple and straightforward production technology.

But there are also disadvantages:

  • Difficult to compete with large manufacturers
  • High investment for a full-fledged factory
  • The need to create an exclusive product or original packaging in order to win over the target audience.

If you want to get the expected profit, you need to work on the assortment. The stores offer a wide selection of chocolate: milk, bitter, white, with additives and fillings.

Equipment and technology for the production of bitter and white chocolate are not much different. So, don't be limited to one type of product!

Legal aspects

It is worth starting the implementation of a business plan for the production of chocolate with the registration of activities. This stage is not quite as easy as it seems. After you have opened an individual entrepreneur or registered an LLC, you will need to receive several cherished "pieces of paper", without which the implementation of such an idea is impossible.

One of them is a certificate for issue food products, which is issued by Rospotrebnadzor. To obtain it, it is necessary to draw up a project plan for the workshop and indicate sanitary standards. This document also contains all the methods for the production of chocolate with technological maps.

If you are not well versed in this area, it is better to compose required documents contact experienced professionals. Otherwise, there will be many problems in the way of obtaining permits.

Raw materials for the production of chocolate

Each plant has its own recipe, but the main set of raw materials remains unchanged:

  • Cocoa powder
  • Powdered sugar
  • Cocoa butter.

Modern production uses various substitutes to reduce the cost of production. So, for the manufacture of dark chocolate, palm oil is added instead of cocoa butter - a cheap analogue. Also in use are various aromatic and flavoring additives.

The more natural raw materials in chocolate, the tastier it is!

It is necessary to purchase raw materials only after the technologist has worked on the recipe for the products.

Step-by-step technology for making chocolate

The production process in a factory on a special line is different from recipes at home. The technology includes the following stages:

  1. Roasting cocoa beans. Available for purchase already ready-made ingredients but to create really quality product it is better to carry out a full production cycle.
  2. Processing cocoa beans using a beater. At this stage, the beans are peeled, refined and crushed into cereals.
  3. Getting cocoa butter. For this, the powder prepared at the last stage is heated to 95-105C and pressed. Then cocoa powder, butter and powdered sugar are mixed, and then ground again.
  4. Conching. This is the process of mixing mass under the influence high temperature... During this stage, various flavors and flavorings are mixed in. The longer the mixing takes place, the richer and brighter taste... So, conching the mass for elite varieties chocolate is carried out within 3-5 days without stopping!
  5. Tempering. This process gives the chocolate a beautiful shine and presentation. This is done by cooling the product to 28C, after which it is heated to 32C.

Each point must be strictly followed. Temperature differences and heating and cooling times are not allowed.

The last stage - chocolate is poured into molds, raisins, nuts, etc. are added. according to the recipe. At the end finished products kept in the refrigerator, after which it is packed.


The line for the production of chocolate consists of the following units:

  • Cocoa butter melter
  • Conche machine
  • Ball mill
  • Tempering unit
  • Refrigeration unit for cooling the mass.

Additionally, you will need a conveyor belt, a refrigeration tunnel, an aeration unit, chocolate molds, thermostats, and a packaging machine.

All of the above equipment will require a considerable amount. The new line will cost 3.5-8 million rubles. But you can reduce the cost by abandoning the automated line in favor of a cheaper analogue with less power. Such an installation will cost 1.5-2 million rubles.

The high cost of equipment is the only negative

Business profitability assessment

Even taking into account the high costs of purchasing equipment and organizing production, the profitability in such a business is high. The investment will pay off quickly enough.

Example: the cost of dark chocolate is 600 rubles per 1 kilogram. In stores, 100 grams of the same chocolate costs a maximum of 100 rubles.

But in order to reach a regular profit, you will need to find regular wholesale customers.

Other ways to make money on chocolate

If it is not possible to organize the production of chocolate, but the "sweet" business is still interested, you can consider other options.

For example, purchase a franchise famous brand... The sale of franchises is carried out on specialized sites. As a result, the franchisor will help you at all stages of the business, advise and, if necessary, train. Plus buying a franchise - you get a completely finished idea and a promoted product that does not need advertising.

You can also open a small chocolate shop own production or make fruit in chocolate, chocolate fountains etc.