Ten Milk Myths You Should Know About List of dairy products and their benefits

17.08.2019 Vegetable dishes

Milk is the first product we get to know from the day we are born. We grow on it until we grow up and do not stop loving this drink over the years. Milk is irreplaceable in conditions of hazardous production. And even in old age, contrary to the prevailing stereotype, it is useful for people to eat it.

Milk and dairy products: benefits for the body

Since childhood, everyone is aware of the benefits of milk. Perhaps this is the only product that is as healthy as it is delicious. And how many different products are obtained on the basis of its processing! Not a single child has a desire to skip taking kefir, refuse buns with butter, not put sour cream in the soup, or ignore another piece of cheese. Cottage cheese, which crowns the pinnacle of human taste preferences, stands apart in this milk feast. Dairy products can be listed endlessly, the body is so used to them that sometimes it takes it for granted. If you ask people about the benefits of milk, then everyone will answer with a learned phrase about the invaluable role of calcium in the growth and strengthening of bone tissue.

Useful properties of milk

In fact, the benefits of the drink extend far beyond the phrase learned from childhood. By eating milk and dairy products, we get:

Collagen formation

Let us examine in more detail the question of the contribution of a healing drink to the beauty and youth of the body. It is especially useful to read about this to the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity. It is calcium that is responsible for the natural formation in the body of a substance such as collagen. And the more a person consumes dairy products, the higher the concentration of collagen in the tissues. This ensures excellent elasticity and firmness of the skin, which is extremely important for modern beauties.

Vitamins and minerals

We mentioned collagen and calcium, now is the time to talk about other beneficial substances. A dairy product (milk) contains a sufficient amount of potassium, which allows you to strengthen blood vessels, and also have a positive effect on the heart muscles. Vitamins B1 and B2 are able to raise the general tone of the body, and vitamin D fruitfully "works" in tandem with calcium. Also, the drink contains vitamins of groups A and E, which are indispensable for the normal functioning of all organs of the human body without exception.

Dairy products

Dairy production is booming. With the discovery of beneficial bifidobacteria, more and more useful fermented milk products appear on store shelves. Experts have long been inclined to believe that such products bring even more benefits to the body. By consuming them, a person enriches his body with beneficial bacteria, so necessary in the face of constant stress and snacks on the run. Also, not all people can tolerate dairy products due to individual allergic reactions, increased gas production or poor digestion. In this case, fermented milk products are seen as an excellent alternative, because they retain valuable trace elements in the required amount. Beneficial bacteria have a beneficial effect on the digestive system and can bring the gastrointestinal tract back to normal. For people prone to allergies, there is more good news. Now lactose-free milk has been created and launched into production. Everyone, without exception, can consume such a drink!

Source of natural animal protein

Scientists have found that the animal protein found in milk is much easier for the body to absorb than protein extracted from meat or eggs. Nutritionists do not recommend consuming protein after 18 hours due to its difficult digestibility. However, this peculiar prohibition does not apply to dairy products. In addition, low-fat kefir and cottage cheese appear in many protein diets. Absorb kefir for dinner and do not think about anything, there is no more useful evening product for your body.

Follow the figure

In the distant past, there are natural cow milk and even more fatty goat milk. Now the world is ruled by a low-fat dairy product that has retained all the valuable nutrients, only getting rid of the unnecessary supplement in the form of increased fat content. American nutritionists have long been promoting milk with a fat mass fraction of no more than 1.2%, believing that it is this concentration that can bring the body the maximum amount of benefit. For special diets and fasting days, low-fat foods are offered. Dairy dishes based on low-fat cottage cheese and kefir will charge the body with energy and, at the same time, burn all excess deposits. People who constantly monitor their figure should pay close attention to dairy products such as whey and buttermilk, which contain a reduced amount of fat.

  • Sour cream is served with cottage cheese only to improve the taste. For dinner, it is better to add low-fat yogurt to the cottage cheese.
  • Do not fix your preferences on one type of dairy products, try the entire assortment presented on the store shelf. Diversified consumption is much more beneficial.
  • For those who follow the figure, hard cheese is better seen as a "festive" product.
  • You will never know the true fat content of farmed or homemade cottage cheese. Buy cottage cheese in the store, carefully read the composition indicated on the package. The content of vegetable fats in the product should not catch the eye.
  • Natural crumbly curd. If you wrinkle the curd mass with your hand, it will not look like plasticine.

Milk has many interesting properties. One of them is the fermentation ability. The fact that a fermented milk product is useful can be judged by its prevalence. Each nationality has its own name: fermented baked milk, yogurt, yogurt, koumiss ...

A number of the following factors affect the taste of this product:

  • properties of milk itself;
  • type of leaven;
  • fermentation method.

Usually milk of cows, sheep and mares is used for its production. You should not use healthy milk powder in your own way for such purposes. It has already been noted above that the leaven affects the taste of the fermented milk product. For this you can use lactic acid bacteria. Various cultures of milk yeast can also be added.

Fermented milk products groups

Lactic acid products are divided into two groups. The first group is drinks obtained as a result of normal milk fermentation. This includes acidophilic milk, curdled milk. Such products are known for their special delicate taste. The drinks of this group have a homogeneous and dense clot.

The second group is drinks obtained by mixing conventional lactic acid and alcoholic fermentation products. Kumis and kefir belong to this category. They have a sharp, even pinching taste. It turns out as a result of the presence of carbon dioxide and ethyl alcohol. That is why small bubbles can be seen in the drink.

The benefits of fermented milk products

The name itself speaks of the simplicity of its preparation. It is made from milk and lactic acid yeast. In stores you can buy yogurt, Mechnikovskaya, Ukrainian (fermented baked milk), acidophilic, Varenets, southern (matsun), yogurt, etc. It happens with additives - with honey, sugar, fruit juices. Ordinary yogurt is used in baby and diet food, since it has low acidity. Fermented baked milk and varenets are made from baked milk, yogurt - from ordinary cow's milk with a more complex sourdough. For mass preparation of yoghurt, skim milk powder is used.

The products of this group are acidophilus, acidophilus-yeast milk, acidophilus milk, yogurt and pasta. Their mandatory component is acidophilus bacillus, resistant to antibiotics. Therefore, acidophilic products are useful in antibiotic treatment and in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition to acidophilus bacillus, other lactic acid microorganisms are also used as a starter: milk yeast, lactic acid streptococci, kefir fungi.

Sour cream is a Russian national product, about which abroad learned only after the Second World War. This is a "self-arising" product, collected by our ancestors from sour, settled milk. The sour cream we buy today is made from cream of 32% fat. The finished product has a fat content of 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 36 and 40%. Sour cream is useful, especially for people with poor digestion and poor appetite.

Cottage cheese has been used in food since ancient times. In Russia IX-X centuries it was a daily food product and was called cheese. Curd is a highly nutritious protein product with a protein content of 15 to 20%. It contains amino acids that ensure the normal functioning of the liver, nervous system, prevent the development of atherosclerosis, and ensure the growth of a young organism. The high content of minerals, especially calcium, makes it an indispensable product in medical nutrition.

Kefir is an amazing product, native to the northern slopes Caucasus mountains. The secret of this healing drink, kept by the highlanders for a long time, became known only at the beginning of the twentieth century. At the same time, its mass production was established. For the ferment of kefir, special kefir fungi are used. Kefir is recommended for dietary nutrition.

Kumis drink of nomads, prepared from mare milk. Later, milk from cows and camels was used for its preparation. It has an intoxicating and diuretic effect. When preparing kumiss, complex biochemical processes are used that combine alcoholic and lactic acid fermentation. Kumis is considered a medicinal drink. There were even kumys hospitals specializing in the treatment of kumis.

Cheese has been known as a food product since time immemorial. Depending on the cooking technology, it can be hard, soft, brine and melted. Mass production of cheese in European countries began only by the middle of the 19th century. France, Holland and Switzerland became major centers of cheese making. Cheese is a high-value product containing easily digestible proteins, mineral salts, milk fat and vitamins.

Milk is called the first product in dietetics, emphasizing its role in nutritional therapy.

Milk - a nutrient fluid produced by the mammary glands of female mammals. The natural purpose of milk is to feed babies that are not yet able to digest other food. Milk is found in many products used by humans, and its production has become a major industry. Natural milk belongs to the irreplaceable human food products, because it contains nutritional and biologically active substances necessary for the body in a balanced state.

Milk- a product that is almost impossible to do without in the kitchen. Despite its apparent simplicity, milk is the main ingredient in many of our favorite dishes. Moreover, this applies both to milk in its original form, and to products that belong to the dairy category: cottage cheese, sour cream, kefir, yogurt, etc. Using these products, you can prepare a lot of dishes.

Remember everyone's favorite pancakes, the recipe for which simply cannot be imagined without the use of milk or butter. Pancakes are a favorite treat for both adults and children. It is very interesting that in the cuisine of any country in the world there are dishes using milk, somewhere it is goat's milk, somewhere it is horse or camel milk. It is interesting that our ancestors made variations of drinks, which were based on this elixir of life. Moreover, among them there are even alcoholic ones, for example, such as Kazakh kumys - a drink based on horse milk.

In terms of chemical and biological value, milk surpasses all other products found in nature. According to modern scientific data, over 200 most valuable components are concentrated in milk: 20 amino acids; more than 40 fatty acids; 25 minerals, milk sugar - lactose; trace elements; all types of vitamins currently known; other substances necessary for the body to maintain normal life.

In Slavic cuisine, there are enough dishes using cow's milk, remember at least cottage cheese pancakes. Thanks to milk, we can experiment, open new frontiers in culinary and enjoy a variety of flavor palette. There are many books devoted to dishes made only from milk or dairy products.

Milk soups have become quite interesting, both salty and sweet soups for children, and quite satisfying. These soups include the classic soup with potatoes and mushrooms, or even everyone's favorite and so different okroshka, which is prepared using yogurt or dough, which are dairy products that give this dish an interesting taste

Milk of various lactating animals, mostly cows and goats, is used in human nutrition. In the countries of the Far North, Transcaucasia, Turkmenistan, Mongolia, and others, milk from buffaloes, mares, camels, deer, female mules, yaks, zebu, and donkeys is consumed. By the nature of proteins, milk of various animals is divided into casein (casein 75% or more) and albumin (casein 50% or less).

In terms of properties, albumin milk is the closest to human milk and is its substitute. Cow's milk as a substitute is not fully consistent. This is due to the fact that when curdling in the stomach of an infant, cow's milk casein forms coarse, large flakes, while albumin turns into small and delicate flakes, fully digestible.

Goat milk- in terms of its chemical composition, it is not inferior to that of a cow's, and in terms of biological value, even higher than it, since goat milk contains more highly dispersed proteins, and when it coagulates, more delicate flakes are formed. It contains more cobalt salts, which is part of vitamin B12. Goat milk contains more vitamins A and B, which the body needs. Despite the fact that goat milk belongs to the casein family and is much fatter than cow's milk, it is easy to digest, does not cause allergic reactions and is recommended for this reason for feeding babies.

Sheep milk one and a half times more nutritious than a cow and contains 2-3 times more vitamins A, B, B2. It is widely used for the preparation of yogurt, kefir, cheese, butter and other products. The fat of sheep's milk contains a lot of caprylic and capric fatty acids, which give milk a specific smell, which limits its consumption in whole form. Cheese is made from it - chanakh, Ossetian, Tushinsky, as well as fermented milk products - yogurt and cottage cheese.

Mare's milk- white, with a bluish tinge, sweet and slightly tart taste. It contains 2 times less fat than cow. It belongs to the series of albumin. The high content of lactose, albumin, globulin, vitamin C (6 times more than in cow), finely dispersed fat globules give it a special therapeutic and dietary value after fermentation into kumis. In terms of the ratio of protein fractions and the content of lactose, mare's milk is close to that of a woman's, so it, like goat's, is useful for feeding infants.

Buffalo milkis a white viscous liquid of pleasant taste and odorless. Its biological and nutritional value is very high. It contains more fat, protein, calcium, phosphorus, vitamins A, C and group B than cow's milk. Buffalo milk is used whole, as well as with coffee, cocoa. High-quality fermented milk products, the famous mozzarella and parmesan cheese are made from it.

Camel milk it has a specific taste. It contains a lot of fat, phosphorus and calcium salts. In desert and semi-desert zones, the population consumes fresh camel milk, and also prepares from it a nutritious refreshing fermented milk product shubat and other fermented milk products. Its consistency is thicker than that of a cow.

Yak female milk - contains more fat, protein, and sugar than cow's milk. Zebu's milk is similar in composition to cow's milk, but contains slightly more fat, protein and minerals and slightly less lactose. Milk has a specific smell. It is used to prepare butter and national fermented milk products.

Reindeer milk- 4 times more calories than cow, contains 3 times more protein and 5 times more fat. When using whole reindeer milk for drinking, it is recommended to dilute it with water, since it has such a high fat content that not every person's stomach is able to digest it. Such milk is not suitable for baby food.

The population of large cities in the country still consume cow's milk processed at state dairy factories. Milk processing in dairies ensures that this product is of high quality for mass consumption. For direct consumption, pasteurized or sterilized milk is used.

Pasteurized milk is produced in the following assortment:

INTEGRAL called standardized or reconstituted milk with a certain fat content - 3.2% and 2.5%

RESTOREDcalled milk prepared in whole or in part from canned milk. To obtain reconstituted milk, whole milk powder is dissolved in warm water and kept for at least 3-4 hours to maximize protein swelling, eliminate watery taste, and also to achieve normal density and viscosity. The mixture is then purified, homogenized, pasteurized, cooled and poured.

HIGH FAT MILK prepared from normalized milk with a 6% fat content, homogenized.

HEATED is called milk with a 6% fat content, subjected to homogenization, pasteurization at a temperature not lower than 95 degrees and aging for 3-4 hours.

PROTEIN MILK contains an increased amount of dry fat-free substances. It is produced from milk, normalized in terms of fat content, with the addition of powdered or condensed milk.

VITAMINIZED MILK prepared from whole or low-fat milk enriched with vitamins A, C, D2.

LOW FAT MILK - is a pasteurized part of milk obtained by separation and containing no more than 0.05% fat.

STERILIZED MILK... In taste, smell and color (specific taste of brown color) it is similar to ghee. It is produced in bottles with a fat content of 3.2% and in bags with a fat content of 2.5; 3.5%.

Cream - This is the fatty part of the milk, obtained by separation. It differs from milk in its high fat content, due to which it has a high nutritional value. For direct consumption, pasteurized cream is used, which is made from fresh milk. Cream is obtained on cream separators

Milk is cleaned from mechanical impurities, heated up to 35-40 degrees and sent to the cream separator.

The resulting cream is normalized depending on their type and sent to pasteurization. The cream is pasteurized at a high temperature to give it a more pronounced aroma and a greater guarantee of its bacterial purity. high fat content reduces heat treatment efficiency.

Dairy products Are products produced by fermenting milk or cream with pure cultures of lactic acid bacteria with or without the addition of yeast or acetic acid bacteria. Some fermented milk products are obtained as a result of lactic acid fermentation only; at the same time, a rather dense, homogeneous clot with a pronounced fermented milk taste is formed.

Other products are obtained as a result of mixed fermentation - lactic acid and alcohol.

Fermented milk products are of great importance in human nutrition due to their medicinal and dietary properties, pleasant taste, and easy digestibility.

These products are produced by a thermostatic or reservoir method.The milk is preliminarily pasteurized, homogenized and fermented.

With THERMOSTATmethod of fermentation of milk and maturation of the product is carried out in bottles in thermostatic and refrigerated chambers. Milk is fermented, mixed, poured into bottles, sealed and immediately sent to a thermostat until a sufficiently strong clot forms in the bottles. After the end of fermentation, the product is sent to the refrigerating chamber for cooling and ripening.

WITH RESERVOIR method, fermentation of milk and ripening of the product are carried out in one container. During the fermentation process, the milk is continuously stirred to break up the curd. The product is then cooled and left to ripen, after which it is mixed again and poured into glass bottles or paper bags.

SIMPLE MEAT Is a fermented milk product with an intact clot. It is produced from milk with or without added flavors and aromas. Sugar, honey, vanillin, cinnamon, fruit and berry creams or jam are used as flavoring and aromatic substances.

KEFIR is a fermented milk drink of mixed fermentation (lactic acid and alcoholic) produced by fermenting milk with kefir fungi. Kefir is in the greatest demand of the population, as it has not only dietary but also medicinal properties.

SOUR CREAM - it is made by fermenting normalized cream. Sour cream differs from other fermented milk products by its high fat content. Normalized, pasteurized and homogenized cream is cooled to fermentation temperature. Then the cream and sourdough are mixed and sauteed for fermentation. The end of fermentation is determined by the moment when the curd has optimal acidity and strength. Duration of fermentation is 13-16 hours.

Cottage cheese - a protein fermented milk product produced by coloring milk with the use of rennet or with the removal of part of the whey. The cottage cheese contains 14-17% proteins, up to 18% fat, 2.4-2.8% milk sugar. It is rich in calcium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium - substances necessary for the growth and proper development of a young body.

Curd is made from raw and pasteurized milk. For direct consumption, cottage cheese is prepared from whole normalized or skim pasteurized milk. Get cottage cheese by acid-rennet and acidic methods.

Dairy products are very important for catering establishments. No such establishment can do without their use.

Sour cream is added to ready-made meals and is used to make sauces. Cottage cheese is used to prepare cheese cakes, curds, casseroles and other dishes. Butter, cream, milk, cheese and condensed milk are also used in cooking. And, of course, one cannot fail to mention such a favorite dessert as.

Milk classification

Milk is a product produced by farm animals during lactation, without adding or separating any substances from it.

By origin, milk is divided into cow, sheep, goat, mare and camel milk, etc. In Russia, cow's milk is most often eaten and used for preparing other food products.

Milk can be:

  1. Natural. This is unfatted milk without impurities, it may differ in the content of fat and other nutrients. Other types of milk are produced from natural milk, as well as dairy products.
  2. Normalized milk has a fat content of 2.5-3.2%. It is normalized by adding it to natural skim milk or cream, depending on the percentage of fat. Then the milk is homogenized, pasteurized and cooled.
  3. Reconstituted milk is obtained from powdered or condensed and skim milk.
  4. High fat milk, brought to 6% fat by adding cream and homogenized.
  5. Baked milk is milk of high fat content, subjected to long-term high temperature processing.
  6. Skim milk is obtained by separating whole milk.
  7. Fortified - pasteurized milk (whole or skimmed) with the addition of vitamin C.

Types of dairy products

A dairy product is produced from milk and / or its constituents without added fat or non-dairy protein. The product may contain components required for milk processing. The following types of dairy products are distinguished.

Milk separation products

These include cream, butter, and whey. Cream is milk fat separated from the bulk of milk. Butter - is obtained by whipping cream, therefore, it does not differ in composition from them. are fat dissolved in a liquid, and oil, on the contrary, is a liquid in fat. Therefore, the oil has a harder and denser consistency.

Whey is a product that remains after the processes of curdling and filtering milk. It is used for making cheeses and in some dishes.

The main feature of these products is that no chemical reactions occur during their preparation. Therefore, they retain the properties of milk.

Dairy products

Fermented milk products are obtained by processing milk sugar by various lactic acid bacteria. These foods are easier for many people to digest than whole milk. Fermented milk products include kefir, yogurt, fermented baked milk, yogurt, ayran, kumis, cottage cheese, cheese, sour cream.

Products obtained by heat treatment of milk

These are ice cream, pasteurized and baked milk.

Milk concentration products obtained by separating water from it

This is condensed and powdered milk.

Cheeses, in turn, are divided into:

  • solid;
  • soft, characterized by a delicate texture and oily;
  • brine, with a specific salty taste;
  • processed, obtained by processing natural cheeses.

Dairy products for catering establishments

Dairy products are included in the daily diet of most catering establishments. Which suppliers of these products are the most famous in the domestic market

Leading dairy suppliers

A reliable and proven food supplier is very important when starting a new or expanding an existing food service business. The success and popularity of the establishment is impossible without fresh and high quality products.

Today in Russia there are many producers of milk and dairy products. Dairy factories and farms produce about 30 million liters of milk.

The largest producers are Ostankino Dairy Plant OJSC, Ruzskoe Milk OJSC, Barnaul Milk Plant CJSC, Boris and Pavel Trade House, Bely Ostrov, Trade and Production Group.

Belarusian companies also supply dairy products to the Russian market. Among them, the most famous are OJSC Glubokoye Milk Canning Plant, OJSC Rogachev Milk Canning Plant, OJSC Polotsk Dairy Plant.

Milk from Finland is supplied by Valio St. Petersburg, a subsidiary of Valio. You can find out more information about manufacturers at specialized exhibitions.

How to choose quality dairy products

When buying milk or dairy products from the manufacturer, it is necessary to check the availability of certification and a declaration of compliance with international or national standards.

In order to be completely confident in the quality of milk, you can use a special analyzer.

When analyzing milk, the following characteristics are determined:

  • the percentage of proteins, fats and lactose;
  • presence or absence of bacteria;
  • the number of somatic cells;
  • acidity of milk;
  • heat resistance and freezing point.

Milk analyzers allow you to quickly determine these indicators without the use of chemical compositions. There are the following types:

  • Ultrasonic vibrations are passed through milk, then the computer to which the device is connected compares the received data with standard ones.
  • Infrared is based on the spectral analysis of the infrared region of milk radiation.

To work with an infrared analyzer, special knowledge is required, therefore, ultrasonic is more convenient for use in catering establishments.

A total of 257 samples of dairy products were tested.

Main remarks and violations

Samples with violations:

  • butter - 16;
  • cheeses - 15;
  • ice cream - 7;
  • glazed curds - 5;
  • processed cheeses - 2;
  • milk - 2;
  • kefir - 1;
  • cottage cheese - 1

An unscrupulous manufacturer uses milk fat substitutes to reduce the cost of production, “forgetting” to inform about this on the label and mention that butter is now not butter at all, but a spread, and cheese is not cheese, but a cheese product.

Does this pose some kind of danger to the buyer? Not. Whether it is consumer fraud - yes. After all, a cheap surrogate is sold at the price of a quality, natural product. And the quality of the vegetable fats themselves sometimes leaves much to be desired.

Most of all counterfeit products are found in cheeses and butter.

Vegetable fats not specified in the composition are contained in 40% of butter samples tested by Roskontrol and 33% of cheese samples.

Samples with violations:

  • sour cream - 8;
  • kefir - 5;
  • glazed curds - 5;
  • processed cheeses - 4;
  • cottage cheese, including grained - 4

Falsification was found in 26 out of 257 samples.

Starch and / or stabilizers are added in order to thicken the product.

The need to use a stabilizer to give the desired consistency indicates a violation of the production technology and poor quality raw materials.

Samples with violations:

  • butter - 12;
  • processed cheeses - 5;
  • cottage cheese - 3;
  • granulated cottage cheese - 2;
  • condensed milk - 2;
  • ice cream - 1

Nutritional miscalculation is one of the most common irregularities in all food categories. At the same time, it is difficult to say in which situation the deception is deliberate, and in which it is the result of ordinary negligence.

Often, the nutritional value is literally "by eye" based on reference data. Although a serious lack of fat or protein may indicate that low-quality raw materials are used.

Samples with violations:

  • cottage cheese - 10;
  • glazed curds - 8;
  • butter - 4;
  • kefir - 3;
  • milk - 2;
  • sour cream - 2;
  • yogurt - 1;
  • granulated cottage cheese - 1;
  • fermented baked milk - 1

Violation of safety requirements for microbiological indicators - the presence in the product of an unacceptable amount of microorganisms, such as mold, yeast, bacteria of the Escherichia coli group, Salmonella, Listeria and others.

Here we are already talking about a direct threat to health. Such a product can cause severe food poisoning, especially when it comes to children and the elderly.

And, of course, such violations indicate that sanitary rules and norms are not observed in production.

Samples with violations:

  • yoghurts - 4;
  • cottage cheese - 3;
  • kefir - 2;
  • fermented baked milk - 1

Lactic acid microorganisms are a type of bacteria that are beneficial to the human body. Thanks to them, kefir, yoghurts, fermented baked milk and other dairy products are so useful for the human body.

The absence or insufficient number of lactic acid microorganisms may indicate a violation of the production technology.

Samples with violations:

  • milk - 7;
  • condensed milk - 7;
  • processed cheeses - 6;
  • glazed curds - 3;
  • sour cream - 3;
  • cottage cheese - 1;
  • yoghurts - 1;
  • ice cream - 1

Phosphates are added to many foods. Meanwhile, they cannot be consumed uncontrollably - it is important for a person that phosphorus enters the body in a one-to-one ratio with calcium. When the balance is imbalanced, the process of leaching calcium from the bones begins, which can lead to serious health problems. The amount of phosphate added to foods and their total content is strictly regulated.

In principle, there should not be antibiotics in dairy products.

As for preservatives, their presence is allowed in a number of dairy products, but the manufacturer is obliged to inform about this in the labeling. And this rule is not always observed.

Samples with violations:

  • glazed curds - 8;
  • condensed milk - 4;
  • cottage cheese products - 3;
  • cheeses - 2;
  • kefir - 1;
  • processed cheeses - 1

The picture on the packaging of the products and the invented name give the false impression that this is a specialized product for feeding children, but it is not.

These products often contain preservatives, dyes and other additives that are prohibited for use in baby food products.

Alekseenko Alexey Nikolaevich, assistant to the head of the Rosselkhoznadzor:

- In general, the presented statistics correspond to the situation on the dairy market. As the Minister of Industry and Trade of Russia Denis Manturov said recently in the Federation Council, "in the food industry, counterfeit dairy products are estimated at 20 percent." The data differ for different regions, but the order of the numbers remains.

The reasons for such an abundance of counterfeit products are the absence of an end-to-end control system based on the principle “from field to counter” - and, accordingly, the impunity of “chemists”.

The situation can only be influenced by the system of transparent and strict certification of food raw materials for safety and quality. Such a system should ensure the traceability of each consignment. It must completely exclude the entry of dangerous and substandard products into circulation.

- Monitoring of the quality of food products, conducted by Roskontrol over the past three years, shows the lack of stability even among large producers. The ways of falsification of goods are changing, taking into account the latest achievements of science, the activity of regulatory bodies and the dynamics of prices for raw materials, but the total share of falsified goods remains practically unchanged.

This indicates the need for a serious change in the approach to control, both at the pre-market stage and during the circulation of products on the market.

This is what was created for this , which implies regular checks of samples of goods from store shelves - for food products from 4 to 12 times a year.

Together with the developed product traceability system "from field to counter", our system will be able to minimize the share of counterfeit and low-quality products. This approach will allow consumers to navigate in the variety of products presented in the trade, focusing on labeling Roskontrol sign , and make an informed choice. And for conscientious manufacturers, it is an effective tool for increasing sales and production development.