Ingredients for the production of confectionery. Confectionery raw materials

A wide range of raw materials for the confectionery industry allows you to create hundreds of finished product names and develop new original recipes.

Often these raw materials are produced for production in the form of semi-finished products, which allow you to quickly prepare delicious baked goods.

Classification of raw materials for confectionery production

You can add additional quality properties or a new unusual taste to the product not only with the help of food additives, but also using the products of the main group. For example, instead of wheat flour, you can use corn, rye, buckwheat flour, starch, or combine different ratios of fats and fillings.

The following main types of products are used most often in the confectionery industry:

  • molasses, glucose,
  • sugar, sugar syrup,
  • flour,
  • blanks for fruit and berry fillings,
  • fats,
  • eggs or egg products (melange),
  • milk and its derivatives,
  • cacao butter,
  • nuts,
  • starch and other raw materials.

Pastry products include various types of cakes, cookies, gingerbread and other pastries.

Accordingly, the main food raw material of the confectionery industry for the first group is sugar. The second group requires high-quality flour.

Sugar raw materials for confectionery production are produced from sugar beets and cane. It is produced in the form of sand, powder, refined sugar (refined raw materials), lump or pressed types of sugar. As a rule, when supplying food raw materials for confectionery production, factories prefer to buy ready-made sugar syrup diluted in a certain concentration from suppliers of confectionery raw materials, since this form is most convenient for preparing products.

For flour confectionery products, confectioners buy mainly wheat (white) flour. In Russia, flour for special confectionery purposes is not produced, therefore, general-purpose flour is used as raw materials for confectionery and bakery production at enterprises.

Food additives in the manufacture of raw materials for confectionery production

The use of auxiliary raw materials for the food industry, including various food ingredients, allows the manufacture of confectionery and bakery products with a new taste, original smell and pleasant color. In addition, auxiliary additives can improve the basic properties of confectionery raw materials, prevent spoilage or make the product attractive to the consumer and more convenient to prepare.

Among the additional raw materials that are intended for the production of confectionery, the following groups of additives are distinguished:

  • leavening agents,
  • antioxidants,
  • preservatives,
  • flavor enhancers,
  • dyes and so on.

Many of the supplements are universal, that is, they can combine several useful properties at the same time. For example, ascorbic acid is a powerful antioxidant, preservative and at the same time improves the color of the product, making the dough lighter. Some supplements work well together, complementing and enhancing their action. For example, a mixture of several preservatives will be much more effective, so it can be added in a smaller volume than a single substance.

Characteristics of food raw materials for confectionery production

Special requirements are imposed on flour, as well as other raw materials for confectionery production, because the quality of baked goods largely depends on its properties.

When purchasing flour, be sure to check for such indicators as:

  • ash content (bran content),
  • gluten content,
  • humidity,
  • taste and aroma, acidity,
  • grinding degree,
  • protein content,
  • fats and carbohydrates,
  • foreign matter.

First of all, a distinction is made between flour made from soft and durum wheat. Flour from soft wheat contains less gluten, that is, a binding agent, but the starch structures in it are larger.

When purchasing flour as a raw material for the food industry, they prefer the highest or first grade, which is distinguished by a finer grind and a lighter color.

In addition to wheat, rye flour is used at the confectionery factory (for example, in the production of gingerbread), as well as flour from oats, buckwheat, soybeans or corn.

For confectionery production, flour should be used of the highest or first grade, with low gluten, since its high content in the flour will cause the dough to thicken.

As a result of the use of low-quality raw materials for the confectionery industry, the finished product will turn out to be poorly baked. The presence of weak gluten in the flour will make the product softer and looser. In some recipes, it is allowed to use the second grade of flour raw materials for food production. For example, for baking some types of gingerbread or cookies. The most acceptable amount of gluten for confectionery production is from 32 to 37 percent.

Milk and its processed products (milk powder, whey and others) are widely used as raw materials in the food industry.

For confectionery production, whole, skimmed or dry milk, as well as condensed milk with sugar, is used. According to the standards, the dry matter in it must be at least 11.5%. Milk is a valuable raw material for the food industry, since it contains all the essential amino acids, as well as a large group of vitamins necessary for the body.

Quite often, a mixture of skim milk and whey is used in raw materials for the confectionery industry, which remains in the factory after the preparation of cheeses or cottage cheese (SMP - dry dairy product, BUK - protein-carbohydrate concentrate).

Oil of vegetable or animal origin is used as fats for confectionery production. The most useful is cow - creamy and ghee. Confectionery fat is often used, which is prepared by mixing salomas (hydrogenated liquid fat). This type of confectionery raw material is made from a mixture of vegetable oils and whale oil. To prevent spoilage and improve properties, food additives (phosphatides) are added to it. Coconut or palm kernel oils are also used for the manufacture of confectionery products. Egg products (melange) are a complete substitute for natural eggs and are needed for baking pastry. Instead of eggs, a wide range of approved flour improvers can be added to flour to enhance the binding properties of the dough.

The supplier of raw materials for confectionery production, including natural food additives, is BMC-Food. You can purchase food ingredients from both domestic and foreign manufacturers.

On February 18-20, an exhibition will take place in Moscow, where confectionery raw materials will be presented. According to the monitoring carried out by the management of the Ingredients Russia exhibition, almost 40% of the guests come here. These days, you can master the updated lines for the pastry chef and choose the one that suits you supplier of confectionery raw materials.

Confectionery raw materials

Technologists are always looking for and considering raw materials for bakery production, due to which they can surprise their customers by improving the characteristics of the invented biscuits. The popularity of the master and the demand for his masterpieces will depend on the recipe being created. All those present have a choice from a considerable list, among which you can choose the best variation.

Here you can find the following ingredients for confectionery production:

  • sugar;
  • glucose;
  • molasses;
  • dessert paste;
  • varieties of honey;
  • fats;
  • dairy products and milk;
  • eggs and egg products;
  • cocoa;
  • semi-finished products from fruits and berries;
  • flour;
  • flavoring and aroma additives;
  • food additives for bakery production;
  • chemical leavening agents.

The desired aroma traits can be obtained not only through the inner filling, but also by adding flavors. An impressive catalog of flavoring properties with aromas is able to satisfy the needs of the most sophisticated gourmets. The celebration will feature variations of fruits, berries, milk, chocolate, vanilla and nuts, thanks to which the creations will acquire an unusual flavor. Reliable improves the taste of baked goods and their visual appeal. There will be an opportunity to present languor and an enveloping aftertaste.

Large contractors will gather in Moscow. All guests will have the right to explore new products and choose a partner for their goals. There will be manufacturers of starches and other components, without which the activity of the pastry is not possible.

Confectionery ingredients

The excitement among confectioners is caused by substances that perform the function of decoration. They consist of dried fruits, coconut flakes, nuts, all kinds of spices and puffed rice. We will offer aesthetic dressings that stand out in their taste and appearance.

When you visit, you can familiarize yourself with the assortment in order to order confectionery in bulk in the future, improving your knowledge, attracting new customers with the help of high-quality goods. All the components sold are completely edible, they are easy to use, they are effectively arranged on the dessert and act as an aesthetic part.

Ready-made chocolate or berry coatings, weightless powdered sugar or coconut flakes will add individuality, brightness and appetizing to creations. Thanks to the impressive selection of nuts with dried fruits, seeds, the dough will receive an auxiliary flavoring shade, in which each person will find the optimal one for himself.

You can check the latest novelties at the Ingredients Russia exhibition. Here, each visitor will be able to consult with experts, receive many mutually beneficial proposals for cooperation, take samples of the proposed product. You can become a professional if you are in the market, study all trends and make a rational assessment of your capabilities. A visit to the exhibition will reveal additional steps for financial growth through ingredients for confectionery.

Raw materials for confectionery

The variety in the food industry, the large selection of flavors and aromas, along with attractive décor and shapes, are immediately striking. The consumer's gaze stops at what stands out from the general plan.

They use the demand for things that are based on the efforts of a professional. The work lies in the little things and the choice of worthy ingredients for confectionery and bakery products.

The right ingredients provide positive characteristics that will help you become successful in your segment. While heading to this event, our customers get access to high quality products. According to statistics, many find at our event raw materials for the confectionery factory and achieve success in their business.

Raw materials for confectionery production

Everyone knows that this industry is considered the most "beautiful", as it produces delicious links that allow you to create mouth-watering baked goods. The large-scale assortment is due to the presence of a wide range bakery and confectionery raw materials, among which there are natural products, as well as of artificial origin. They are irreplaceable when working with sweet flour substances.

Such products have an increased concentration of sugar and fat in the base composition. Due to this trait, other elements interact well, revealing improved details in the prepared desserts. The test used will determine how much is required to obtain the planned artwork.

To get the delight of fresh buns or dessert, you first need to pay attention to the manufacturer. The event is attended by representatives of only a high-quality line, with whom you can conclude a contract for the purchase of ingredients for confectionery in bulk.

Every year, respectable companies come to our expositions, which constantly follow the invention of improved business components that affect certain mechanical or chemical processes in baking.

Our confectionery ingredient suppliers always work to improve their skills and offer the best ideas. A visit to this event will allow you to be the first to know about all the changes in the selected area and take the leading place.

Currently, there is a violation of clear boundaries between ingredients for bakery and confectionery. This is due to the fact that nuts are used not only in the creation of pastries and cakes, but also in baking bread. Cereal mixes have long been used in pastry shops.

By visiting our exhibition, you will be able to see, among which there are numerous positions of yeast, bran, herbs, spices, food additives and mixtures. The proposed options are aimed at improving the taste of bread and increasing the demand for the product. Responsible contractor selection increases the chances of success, adds avenues for individuality. Confectionery ingredients, which will be exhibited here, will allow us to create unique notes in cookies and make them special not only in the aesthetic part, but also in the filling.

To familiarize yourself with the exhibitors-companies who will visit the exhibition, visit the exhibitor directory\u003e

The page contains a complete list of participants. They are ready to offer favorable conditions for cooperation and purchase of not only bakery, but also confectionery raw materials in bulk. You can clarify the route with the designation of the venue by

Raw materials used in the production of confectionery can be divided into primary and secondary. The main raw material forms a specific structure of confectionery products with the necessary mechanical and rheological properties. The main raw materials are sugar, molasses, cocoa beans, nuts, fruit and berry semi-finished products, wheat flour, starch, fats, which account for 90% of all raw materials used. Additional raw materials, without changing their rheological properties, give confectionery products a spice, aesthetic appearance, improve the structure, and lengthen the shelf life. Additional raw materials include gelling agents, food acids and dyes, flavorings, emulsifiers, foaming agents, water-retaining additives, and others.

Consider the main types of raw materials used in the manufacture of biscuit cakes.

Wheat flour - the main type of raw material in the production of flour confectionery (cookies, waffles, cakes, pastries, etc.).

Wheat flour is produced in the following grades: gritty flour, of the highest, 1st and 2nd grades, wallpaper. There is no specialized flour for the production of flour confectionery products in our country, therefore, wheat flour is used for their production.

For the production of flour confectionery products, flour of the highest and 1st grades is used. Flour of the 2nd grade is used for the manufacture of certain varieties of cookies, gingerbread, biscuits.

Wheat flour is obtained by grinding wheat grains into a powdery product.

The chemical composition of wheat flour depends on the composition of the grain for its preparation and the variety. The different parts of the grain differ from each other in chemical composition. Therefore, different types of flour are produced.

The higher the grade of flour, the less fiber, ash, protein, fat it contains, i.e. substances that are rich in the shell, embryo, aleurone layer. The lower the grade of flour, the closer the flour approaches in chemical composition to the grain. Wallpaper flour mainly consists of crushed grains without removing the shells, aleurone layer and germ.

Flour is characterized by smell, crunch, taste, color, coarseness of grinding, moisture, content of protein substances, carbohydrates, ash, minerals, vitamins, enzymes.

Depending on the type of flour confectionery and the requirements for the dough, baking flour with different protein content and gluten quality is used.

Humidity bflour should be 14 ... 15%. In recipes for confectionery products, the calculated moisture content is 14.5%. If the moisture content is different, then the flow rate is corrected in terms of flour dry matter.

Flour is supplied to enterprises in bags weighing 50 and 70 kg or by bulk (flour trucks).

Sugar is a white crystalline powder derived from sugar cane and sugar beet. It is a disaccharide, sucrose, which contains 98% sugar and 2% moisture. Sugar is very hydroscopic (absorbs moisture well) and is highly soluble in water. Sift the sugar before use. Store in a dry ventilated room with a relative humidity of no more than 70%, otherwise it damp, becomes sticky and forms lumps, at t 18 C.

Starch - a food product belonging to the group of high molecular weight carbohydrates, polysaccharides. Starch is deposited in bulbs, tubers, fruits, berries, as well as in leaves and stems.

Starch makes up the bulk of the most important food products: flour - 75-80%, potatoes - 25%. It is also contained in rice, sago, etc. It is easily digested in the gastrointestinal tract. Once in the body, starch is hydrolyzed to glucose, which is used as an energy material.

White starch powder is tasteless. It has excellent water solubility. Usually use cold, since lumps are formed in hot, which are difficult to grind. When heated, it takes the form of a paste, therefore it is widely used in cooking for the preparation of dough put on milk, fruit and berry jelly with subsequent sweetening and acidification, sweet sauces, blamange, etc.

For the sake of fairness, it should be noted that starch obtained from different natural sources differs in its properties. The densest mass is obtained from rice starch, the most delicate from corn starch.

Melange - is a mixture of proteins and yolks (either some yolks, or some proteins), frozen in cans at temperatures from -18 0 to -25 0 C. The melange is thawed immediately before use, the jar is pre-disinfected. Banks with melange are kept for 2.5 - 3 hours at 40-50 0 С for settling. The prepared melange is filtered through a sieve and immediately used as it quickly deteriorates during storage. The shelf life of thawed melange is 3-4 hours.

Storage and preparation of raw materials for production

Flour powdery product, very soft, finely ground, white with a slight creamy shade, sweetish taste. The moisture content of flour according to the standard is 14.5% and should not exceed 15%. We take flour with gluten - 28-36%

When sifting the flour, foreign impurities are removed, it is enriched with air oxygen, which contributes to a better rise of the dough. If the confectionery is made from flour with the addition of starch, then mix the flour simultaneously with sifting it.

Starch. The flour contains up to 70% starch. When kneading the dough, the starch swells, and during baking it gelatinizes. Common starch of potato and corn, it gives the dough (sandy, biscuit) crumbly. It is white with a crystalline sheen. It does not dissolve in cold water, at 65-70 C it forms a paste. Moisture content of potato starch - 20%, corn -13%. The starch is stored in dry rooms. When damp, it acquires a bitter taste and becomes unusable.

Granulated sugar contains 99.7% sucrose and 0.14% moisture, completely dissolves in water, has no foreign taste and smell, tastes sweet, dry to the touch. It is stored in a dry ventilated room with an air humidity of no more than 70%, otherwise it damp, becomes sticky, and lumps form.

Powdered sugar it should be finely ground and sieved through a sieve before use to remove larger particles.

Egg white possesses binding properties, is a good foaming agent, retains sugar. The volume of protein during whipping increases by 7 times, with the addition of sugar, the volume decreases by 1.5 times. Eggs are stored in a clean and cool room with a relative humidity of 80% for no more than 6 days.

Melange is a mixture of whites and yolks (or some yolks or whites), frozen in tin cans at temperatures from -18 to -25 ° C. Defrost the melange before use, the jar is pre-disinfected. Banks with melange are kept for 2.5-3 hours. On a bain-marie at 40-50? C for thawing. The prepared melange is filtered through a sieve and immediately used, since it quickly deteriorates during storage. The shelf life of thawed melange is 3-4 hours.

Butter provided in the formulations of creams, cakes, pastries, muffins, some baked semi-finished products and butter biscuits.

It is produced in two ways:

  • 1) whipping from pre-prepared cream;
  • 2) separation based on the conversion of high-fat cream into butter on flow-mechanized lines.

Cream made from sandwich or hydrated oil is fluid and does not retain the pattern when finishing products. Therefore, it is advisable to use it for finishing the side and glazing of the top surfaces of cakes, as well as for interlayers. The cream used for artistic decoration should be prepared from butter obtained by whipping cream. It contains up to 82.5% fat, vitamins A, D, E. Before use, butter is thoroughly cleaned, cut into pieces, shavings or softened to a plastic state by vigorous stirring or tempering. Butter can be salty and ghee, it must be free of foreign odors and tastes, evenly colored (from white to cream). Before use, the butter is sometimes melted, filtered through a sieve and added to the dough. Butter increases the calorie content of products, improves their taste. In the manufacture of all confectionery products (except for puff, butter biscuit and cream), butter can be replaced with ghee (1 kg of butter corresponds to 840 g of ghee). It is recommended to store the oil at a temperature of 2-4 ° C in a dark room in a carefully sealed container - light and oxygen in the air spoil the oil.

Margarineis an artificially prepared food product similar to butter in taste, color, aroma and consistency. Margarine is obtained from animal and vegetable fats, cream, milk or water. It is a water-in-fat or fat-in-water emulsion, or a mixed emulsion. It is produced in three types: milk, creamy and dairy-free. It is mainly used for periodic kneading of dough for making cookies and gingerbread, since this method does not require preliminary melting of fats. Margarine must correspond to the following main indicators: fat content - not less than 82%, moisture content - not more than 17%, the presence of extraneous odors and tastes is not allowed.

Milk and cream margarine is used in the confectionery industry. Store it under the same conditions as the oil.

Fruit washed before use, removed bones cut into several parts. Used for decoration or filling, make preserves, jams, marmalades.

Vanilla powder. Vanillin is a synthetic white crystalline powder with a very strong aroma. The aroma is so strong that very little of it needs to be put into the product. Therefore, vanilla powder should be used to ensure the correct dosage. To prepare vanilla powder (1000 g), vanillin (40 g) is mixed with ethyl alcohol (40 g); the mixture is heated until the vanillin dissolves. After that, the solution is mixed with 1000 g of powdered sugar, dried and sieved. The amount of vanillin in confectionery products should not exceed 0.5%.

Dessert wines and cognac used to flavor creams, jellies and blots. Wines should have their characteristic aroma, taste and color, no sediment or turbidity, foreign taste and smell are allowed.

Food essences - have a strong aroma. They are stored in glass bottles with ground-in corks in baskets or boxes with sawdust in a cool dark room. When using a more concentrated essence, the rate must be reduced by 2 or 4 times. If a certain essence is indicated in the recipe, then it cannot be replaced. Essences are added to creams, dough and syrups only chilled, since the aroma changes when heated.

Food colorings... They are used for tinting confectionery.

Natural dyes - coffee, cocoa, chocolate, juices, roast and animal and vegetable dyes.

Synthetic - harmless confectionery paints approved for use by the Ministry of Health, such as tartrazine and indigo carmine.

Tartrazine - a powdery dye of orange-yellow color, well soluble in water, slightly - in alcohol and insoluble in fats. To obtain a solution, take distilled water, add a dye and boil for 10-15 minutes until the paint is completely dissolved. The resulting solution is filtered through 2 layers of gauze or through a sieve with cells with a diameter of 0.5 mm.

Indigocarmine - a bluish-black paste. Gives blue color. The paste is diluted in hot water at a temperature of 70-80 ° C (5% solution) and filtered as described above.

Carmine - red paint. Obtained from insects living in the tropics. Soluble in water, alkali and alcohol. 10 g of paint is combined with 20 g of ammonia, after 1 hour 200 g of water are added and boiled until the smell of ammonia disappears, and then filtered. Carmine produces a red or pink coloration. On contact with metal, the paint turns purple.

Safflowerobtained from flower petals. Contains two dyes: yellow and red. Yellow is obtained by boiling safflower in water or fats, and red in alcohol or alkali. Paints deteriorate quickly under the influence of light, air and moisture, therefore they should be diluted in small quantities and stored in a dark container in a cool dry place until use.

Burnt sugar (burnt)- product of sucrose caramelization. It stains creams and biscuits brown. Burning overdose can impart a bitter taste to products.

Beet dye. To prepare it, the layers are cut off from the beets from the side of the rhizome and tops, washed thoroughly, peeled off to a depth of 3 mm and cut into 6-8 parts. Place the beets and peels in a stainless steel dish, pour cold water so that the water only covers them on top, add citric acid, bring to a boil and boil for 2-3 minutes with low heat. Filter the juice, add sugar, bring to a boil and boil for 1-2 minutes. Cool and use the resulting dye. It can be stored for up to two months in the refrigerator. Beets - 700 g, citric acid - 0.5, sugar - 1200 g. Output - 1000 g.

Russian manufacturers of food ingredients and additives - 130 factories. Large and new factories of flavoring additives, ingredients for food production. Catalog 2019: official sites, addresses, contacts and prices of manufacturers. Become a dealer, order a wholesale price list!

Russian manufacturers of food additives comply with international standards adopted by the Joint Committee of Experts of the International Agricultural Organization (JECFA), the Codex Alimentarius, which is mandatory for WTO member countries. The production of food additives in Russia is controlled by Rospotrebnadzor, the sanitary rules of the Ministry of Health.

The factories presented at the online exhibition produce and offer to buy in bulk:

  • sugar-free juice concentrates;
  • non-melting icing sugar;
  • dry egg melange;
  • antiseptic and fungicide "Septocil", etc.

Prices according to the manufacturer's price list are lower than the proposals of import competitors and intermediaries. Contacts of factories, addresses and official websites will help you avoid extra charges and conduct direct cooperation, become a dealer in the region.

Suppliers of additives and ingredients of our own production are reliable partners. Delivery to the regions of the Russian Federation, the vehicle, foreign countries. Certificates are provided for shipment to the countries of the Customs Union.