Preservative natamycin (50%) on lactose. The use of nisin and natamycin in the production of dairy products E 235 food additive is it dangerous or not

02.07.2020 Snacks


Preservatives are substances that can increase the shelf life of food by protecting them from microbiological deterioration.
Preservatives can be roughly divided into preservatives themselves and substances that have a preservative effect (in addition to other useful properties). The action of the former is directed directly to the cells of microorganisms (slowing down of enzymatic processes, protein synthesis, destruction of cell membranes, etc.), the latter negatively affect microbes mainly due to a decrease in the pH of the medium, water activity or oxygen concentration. Accordingly, each preservative exhibits antimicrobial activity only against a portion of food spoilage pathogens. In other words, each preservative has its own spectrum of action.

OOO "Himnord" offers:

- sodium salt of benzoic acid. An odorless white powder or with a slight benzaldehyde odor.
Sodium benzoate has a strong inhibitory effect on yeast and molds, inhibits the activity of enzymes responsible for redox reactions in microbial cells, as well as enzymes that break down fats and starch.
Sodium benzoate is used for canning meat and fish products, margarine, mayonnaise, ketchup, fruit and berry products, drinks, as well as in the cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries.

- 2,4-hexanedienoic acid is a monobasic unsaturated carboxylic acid of the aliphatic series, white granules or powder, poorly soluble in water, well soluble in fats and alcohol.

- white powder or granules, obtained by neutralizing sorbic acid with potassium hydroxide, is widely used as a preservative in food. Unlike sorbic acid, it dissolves well in water.
  • cheeses, incl. solid and processed, dairy and fermented milk products, cottage cheese, sour cream, condensed milk;
  • drinks, fruit juices, wines with residual sugar, beer;
  • confectionery, chocolate and praline fillings, cream, fillings;
  • fish processing, fish products and canned food, caviar;
  • preserves, jams, purees, pickled vegetables, fruit and vegetable products and canned food, frozen fruits and berries, dried fruits;
  • margarine, mayonnaise, ketchup, mustard, pickles and other sauces;
  • bakery;
  • salads (vegetable, fish, meat, etc.);
  • boiled and hard sausages, sausages, small sausages, dumplings, minced meat, cutlets, dumplings, poultry;
  • anti-mold treatment of gelatinous films, meat products, the surface of bread and bakery products, food packaging, etc.
  • widely used in the pharmaceutical, cosmetic, tobacco and rubber industries.

  • actively inhibit yeast, mold fungi, some types of bacteria, as well as the action of enzymes;
  • do not change the organoleptic properties of food products;
  • do not have toxicity;
  • do not show carcinogenic properties;
  • have a beneficial biological effect on the body (increases the immunological reactivity and detoxification capacity of the body);
  • allow you to increase the shelf life of food.

  • Sorbic acid and its salt Potassium sorbate are among the most popular preservatives due to their safety for the human body. The maximum permissible dose of the substance is 0.1–0.2% of the mass of the finished product.

    - natural food preservative, natural antibiotic produced by lactic acid bacteria.
    It protects food from heat-resistant gram-positive bacteria and their spores. Nisin is used to prevent bacterial spoilage, bombing, slow down (stop) the build-up of acidity and, ultimately, to increase the shelf life of food. It is ineffective against yeast, mold, and gram-negative bacteria.
    Nisin is more effective than chemical preservatives, while Nisin is applied in much smaller quantities and does not cause changes in taste, smell, color and nutritional value of the finished product.
    Nizin is used in the production of dairy products, processed cheeses, live fermentation products, sauces, meat products, canned fish and vegetables, as well as caviar and seafood.

    - a natural food preservative, is a fungicidal antifungal agent produced by the bacteria Streptomyces natalensis. This preservative is natural (natural), as this is produced by natural microorganisms.
    Natamycin is an effective drug against yeast and mold, significantly extends the shelf life of the product, while its use does not affect the final taste of the product. Natamycin has no significant effect on bacteria.

    Natamycin can be used in the food industry in the following areas:

  • surface treatment of cheese by spraying or dipping in suspension;
  • spraying sliced ​​cheese;
  • surface treatment of meat, sausages and fish products;
  • direct addition to yoghurt, sour cream, cream cheese and homemade cheese.
  • The company "Kirsch" LLC begins supplying preservatives to Russia produced by the Turkish company Maysa Gida San. These effective antibacterial agents of natural origin can be successfully used to replace chemical preservatives in the manufacture of a wide range of products in the meat, dairy, confectionery, bakery industry, and especially in cheese making.

    MAYMICIN® NATAMYCIN is a natural antifungal agent produced by the bacteria Streptomyces natalensis. Indispensable in the production of cheese.

    MAYMICIN ® NATAMYCIN is a food supplement E235 Natamycin, a preservative of natural origin, used in the processing of dairy, meat and cheese foods to protect against mold and yeast, prolongs the shelf life of food and reduces transport costs. MAYMICIN ® NATAMYCIN does not affect the taste, aroma and color of food and is safe for the consumer, as well as does not cause allergic reactions.

    MAYMICIN ® NATAMYCIN has antifungal action against most types of mold and yeast. Favorable pH value for the activity of MAYMICIN ® NATAMYCIN from pH 3.0 to 9.0. It will not affect the appearance, taste or texture of food. MAYMICIN ® NATAMYCIN is stable at room temperature. Sunlight, oxidants, heavy metals can affect the activity of MAYMICIN® NATAMYCIN. MAYMICIN ® NATAMYCIN is adapted for use as a food preservative, but cannot inhibit bacterial growth.

    Application of MAYMICIN ® NATAMYCIN
    MAYMICIN ® NATAMYCIN, as an effective natural food preservative, can be used in a number of products with local approval. Some of the uses for MAYMICIN® NATAMYCIN are listed below:

    1 ) MAYMICIN® NATAMYCIN products can inhibit the growth of mold during storage cheese as well as toxins produced by mold. There are three methods that can be used for cheese.

    I... spraying a suspension of MAYMICIN ® NATAMYCIN from 0.5 g / l to 2.8 g / l on the surface of the cheese
    II... Immersion of salted cheese in a suspension of MAYMICIN ® NATAMYCIN from 0.5 g / l to 2.8 g / l for a time from
    2 to 4 minutes.
    III... Mixing with cheese casing 0.1 g / kg MAYMICIN ® NATAMYCIN.
    Used in yoghurts, the addition of 5-10mg / kg MAYMICIN ® NATAMYCIN can effectively extend the shelf life by more than 3 weeks.

    2) Bread and cakes (pastries)

    Spraying with a suspension of MAYMICIN ® NATAMYCIN in a proportion of 0.1 g / kg to 0.5 g / kg on the surface of the cake, pre-fried dough will effectively prevent and suppress the growth of mold and yeast.

    3) Meat products

    Spraying or dipping items into a suspension of MAYMICIN ® NATAMYCIN in a ratio of 0.5 g / l to 2.0 g / l will create a protective film up to 0.004 mg / cm² of the surface. Mold and yeast will
    effectively suppressed. Spraying (or dipping) sausages into a suspension of MAYMICIN ® NATAMYCIN in a ratio of 0.5 g / l to 2.0 g / l will significantly increase the shelf life. MAYMICIN ® NATAMYCIN can also be used for other types of food such as grilled meats, dried fish, etc.

    4) Fruit juice

    Various fruit juices are rich in sugars and organic acids that promote yeast growth. The use of MAYMICIN ® NATAMYCIN will increase the stability of the products during storage.
    · 10 mg / kg MAYMICIN® NATAMYCIN can inhibit yeast growth in concentrated orange
    juice at 10 ° C, but the dosage of MAYMICIN® NATAMYCIN can be increased to 20 mg / kg to inhibit
    yeast growth at room temperature.
    · 30 mg / kg MAYMICIN ® NATAMYCIN can inhibit fermentation for 6 weeks, and the taste and
    the texture of the apple juice will not change.
    · 20 mg / kg MAYMICIN ® NATAMYCIN can inhibit the fermentation of grape juice caused by
    yeast, 100 mg / kg MAYMICIN® NATAMYCIN can completely inhibit fermentation.
    · 70 mg / kg MAYMICIN ® NATAMYCIN can inhibit mold and yeast in tomato juice.


    Natamycin, a natural preservative E - 235, is an alternative to sorbate, the minimum introduction of which can significantly reduce the microbiological spoilage of products - cheese, sausages.

    Natamycin is a polyene macrolide antifungal agent created by Streptomyces natalensis, Streptomyces chatanoogen and some other Streptomyces species, and is also a fungicidal (antimycotinic) drug in which Natamycin is the active ingredient. Its main purpose is to prevent the growth of mold and yeast on food and beverages. Natamycin is the only globally recognized antifungal food bio - preservative, safe for the human body, which is capable of highly effective and broad spectrum suppression of mold and yeast growth even at very low concentrations. The use of Natamycin does not change the nutritional value, appearance, taste and structure of food products, nor does it penetrate into sausages or cheese. Natamycin is currently approved for use as a food preservative in more than 40 countries and is widely used in the production of cheeses, meat products, cakes, fruit juices, sauces, salads and other food products. Natamycin is classified in the European Directive on food additives as a preservative (E - 235) for use in the surface treatment of dry, ripening sausages and hard, semi-hard and semi-soft cheeses. The level of Natamycin on the surface of sausages at the time of sale should not exceed 1 mg per sq. Dm. In addition, Natamycin can penetrate into the product to a depth of no more than 5 mm.

    Natamycin does not show activity against beneficial bacteria, therefore, the natural ripening process of cheeses, including those ripening with the participation of surface microflora, is not disturbed. Natamycin does not inhibit bacteria, which play an important role in the meat and cheese industries as starter cultures.

    Natamycin Litocide produced by Streptomyces natalensis by fermentation of carbohydrate-based media. The Natamycin obtained during this fermentation is concentrated, crystallized, dried and mixed with lactose in a 1: 1 ratio.

    Antifungal mechanism

    Natamycin has antifungal properties against most types of mold and yeast. The activity of Natamycin is 500 times higher than that of sorbic acid. Even a very small amount of Natamycin exhibits antifungal activity. Most molds and yeasts can be suppressed with Natamycin at a concentration of 1 to 6 ppm, and only a few molds can be suppressed at a Natamycin concentration of 10 to 25 ppm. The greatest activity of Natamycin is provided at pH 3-9.

    The antifungal mechanism of Natamycin is as follows: Natamycin is able to bind sterols in the cell membrane and thereby cause the membrane to bend and malfunction, as a result of which important metabolites are leaked and the cell dies. However, Natamycin does not interfere with the growth of bacteria, since sterols are absent in the walls and membranes of bacterial cells.

    Safety and toxicity

    Natamycin is not toxic to the human body and no carcinogens, mutagenesis or allergic reactions have been observed during its use. Natamycin is not absorbed in the digestive tract. Normal resistance of mold and yeast to Natamycin was not observed.


    Natamycin has very low water solubility and slightly higher ethanol solubility. Natamycin can dissolve at low concentrations of HCI, glacial acetic acid and demytylsulfoxide, etc., but is insoluble in most organic solvents. The solubility of Natamycin in water is approximately 30-100 mg / l at room temperature. Solubility increases at pH> 9 or< 3, что приводит к ослаблению противогрибковой активности. Это говорит о том, что более высокие концентрации Натамицина образуют не прозрачный раствор, а белую, мутную суспензию своих кристаллов. При этом необходимо всегда перемешивать суспензию перед использованием.


    TEMPERATURE : Natamycin is stable at room temperature, with resistance increasing at low humidity. Dried Natamycin can withstand temperatures of 100 ° C for a short period of time. But its activity will drop when exposed to temperatures above 50 ° C for more than 24 hours.

    PH VALUE : Natamycin is most active at pH 5-7. Activity will decrease by 8-10% at pH 3-5 and about 30% at pH< 3 или > 9.

    EXPOSURE TO LIGHT : Natamycin in powder or solution is sensitive to ultraviolet or gamma radiation, which causes a decrease in its activity. Therefore, do not expose Natamycin to direct sunlight.

    OXIDANTS : Natamycin is sensitive to oxidants such as peroxide, chlorine dioxide, bleaching powder, etc., which cause the Natamycin to decrease in activity. This negative effect can be prevented by using antioxidants such as vitamin C.

    HEAVY METALS : Heavy metals such as lead, mercury, iron, nickel, etc. can have a negative effect on the stability of Natamycin. Therefore, Natamycin and its solutions should be stored in glass, plastic or stainless steel containers. Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) can also be added to prevent a decrease in activity.

    Application area:

    Natamycin can be used in a variety of areas, including the following:

    · Surface treatment of cheese, including coatings and slurries.

    ● Sprinkle on sliced ​​cheese.

    ● Surface treatment of meat products and fish.

    ● Direct addition to yoghurt, sour cream, cream cheese and cottage cheese.

    ● Direct application to fruit juices and fruit pulp.

    ● Canned dairy products.

    ● Quick-frozen lobsters, fish pastes, fish raw materials and caviar.

    Natamycin is a white to creamy powder with a mild organic odor, tasteless, which does not alter the nutritional value, appearance, taste or texture of foods. It is based on Natamycin (50% or 95% by weight) and lactose. Lactose is an inert carrier.

    Natamycin meets the following specification:

    Natamycin 50 -52% min

    Lactose 50% max

    pH!% suspension 5.5 to 7.5

    Arsenic<1 ppm

    Lead<5 ppm

    Mercury<1 ppm

    Heavy metals (Lead)<10 ppm

    Total microbial count 100 CFU \ g max

    Coliforms 10 \ g max

    Salmonella Absent

    It is very suitable for use as a food preservative. But it should be noted that Natamycin does not inhibit bacterial growth.

    The main application of Natamycin is in the external processing of foods.

    The method of adding Natamycin depends on the type of application. For example, when used in juices and yoghurts, direct application is used. For blocks of cheese, the product is immersed in a solution or in an emulsion that covers the cheese. Blocks of cheese can be sprayed with a Natamycin slurry as well as sliced ​​cheese. Meat products and sausages can be sprayed or dipped in the Natamycin suspension.

    Examples of using



    Natamycin can be used to inhibit the formation of mold, and therefore toxins, in mature cheeses. Natamycin can only be applied to the surface of cheeses. Its advantage is that it inhibits the formation of mold on the surface and does not interfere with the ripening process of the cheese. There are three methods of using Natamycin:

    1.spraying a suspension of Natamycin at a concentration of 0.05% --- 0.28% over the surface of the cheese.

    2. immersion of salted cheese in a suspension of Natamycin at a concentration of 0.05 - 0.28% for 2 - 4 minutes.

    3. Adding 0.05% Natamycin to the cheese shell.

    The use of anti-mold preparation Natamycin allows to increase the cheese yield by at least 20%, to reduce labor costs at the ripening stage by 20-30%, to save packaging material and, which is especially important in conditions of market competition, to improve the presentation and quality of the product.


    The drug Natamycin is added to the brine as follows:

    Before making for 2-3 days, turn off microfiltration (if any), leaving only circulation. This is necessary for the complete dissolution of the drug in cold brine.

    The drug is applied at the rate of 30-50 g. for 1 ton of brine (I recommend that you start with a minimum dosage of 30 g / ton of brine). This dosage provides suppression of yeast and mold growth and complies with European legislation on the use of natamycin in food.

    Before adding the preparation is dissolved in a small amount of brine, stirring thoroughly for 15-30 minutes.

    Further, to maintain the concentration of natamycin, 1 kg of Natamycin is added every two weeks for every 100 tons of brine. After application, it is also necessary to turn off microfiltration for 2 days, leaving only circulation.


    To prevent the development of mold fungi on the surface of the cheese, it is necessary to treat the entire surface of the head with a preparation based on Natamycin. To do this, dissolve 2.5-4 g of the drug in 1 liter of cold water (up to 15 ° C). After the brine, dip the head of cheese completely into the resulting solution, leave to dry, roll up in a package.

    If the solution is used for more than 1 day, to prevent the development of extraneous microflora, add 8-10% sodium chloride to the solution.

    In modern conditions, brine cheeses, in particular Suluguni, come into contact with brine only in the pool during salting for no more than one day. Then the heads are removed from the brine, dried and packed in a plastic film. In order to increase the shelf life of products, it is advisable to treat each head with an aqueous solution of Natamycin, an inhibitor of the development of surface microflora, especially molds. Its use made it possible to completely exclude the growth of mold and other aerobic microflora on the surface of the heads, which was an effective factor in increasing the shelf life of finished products. This preparation can also be applied directly to the salt pool at the rate of 300 g per 10 tons of brine. This significantly lengthens the life of the brine itself.



    The processing of dry, ripening sausages with Natamycin at a concentration of up to 4 mg / cm3 is used for spraying or immersing meat products in it, which effectively suppresses the formation of mold and the growth of yeast. Suspension of Natamycin at a concentration of 0.05 - 0.2% (in terms of weight to volume) can be used for spraying or immersing sausages on the surface, which effectively extends the shelf life. Natamycin can also be used to process other meat products such as grilled meat, roast duck, dried fish, etc.

    Shell processing

    Typically, the casings are soaked in a fresh Natamycin suspension. When the latter comes into contact with the casing, Natamycin is deposited on it, preventing the development of mold on the surface of the sausage in this casing. For different types of sausage casings, different steeping conditions are recommended:

    The natural casing is soaked for about 2 hours in a suspension containing 1 g of Delvocid Instant in 1 liter of water. It is recommended to add sodium chloride (8-10% by weight) to it to improve the bacteriostatic effect and increase the elasticity of the membranes.

    The casings made of protein fibers, cellulose and textile materials are soaked for 20-60 minutes. In a suspension containing 1-2 g of Delvocid Instant in 1 liter of water. The addition of sodium chloride to the suspension is also recommended.

    In all cases, the suspension in the soaking bath must be agitated before loading the casings. Care should be taken to ensure that the soaked casing is completely immersed in the slurry. It is desirable that a fresh slurry be prepared for each batch of casings processed. If the suspension is used for several days, its content in the bath should be brought to the initial volume and the required concentration of Natamycin and salt before starting each cycle of use. The suspension should be stored in a cool and dark place. In addition, every 2-3 days, the suspension should be heated to 64 ° C, kept at this temperature for 10 minutes and then cooled. Excessive heat treatment should be avoided. this can cause inactivation of some of the dissolved Natamycin.

    Sausage processing

    Dipping method

    Freshly made sausages are immersed in a suspension containing 1 - 2 g of natamycin per 1 liter of water with sodium chloride (8 - 10% by weight). The slurry in the dipping bath must be agitated prior to use. The temperature at which sausages are processed is selected in the range of 20 - 30 ° С. If the bath with the suspension is used for several days, then the measures indicated above for the casings must be observed.

    Spraying method

    Sausages are sprayed with a freshly prepared and mixed suspension consisting of 3-4 g of Natamycin in 1 liter of water with the addition of 8-10% by weight of sodium chloride. For a system that sprays a suspension in the form of a fine mist, it is important to ensure that the entire surface of the sausage is treated, excluding excessive formation of drops on it, since in this case the suspension with Natamycin will quickly drain from the sausages, as a result of which the protective effect of the casing is reduced.

    Spraying can be done with any system, but after the spray cycle, the spray nozzle should be thoroughly rinsed with tap water (until particles with natamycin crystals do not dry out).

    • SALAD dressing

    This food is rich in fats and can easily develop mold in summer. The addition of Natamycin at a concentration of 10 ppm will inhibit the growth of the microorganisms concerned.


    The addition of Natamycin at a concentration of 15 ppm helps to suppress the formation of mold.


    A suspension of Natamycin at a concentration of 100-500 ppm is applied to the surface of tortillas, volovan or pre-fried doughs to effectively prevent mold and yeast growth.



    Fruit juices contain a large amount of sugar and organic acids, which greatly contributes to the growth of yeast. The use of Natamycin makes it possible to increase the stability of these products during storage.

    GRAPE JUICE: Natamycin at 20 ppm inhibits yeast-induced fermentation, while 100 ppm eliminates fermentation.

    ORANGE JUICE: In its natural state, this juice deteriorates in one week. The addition of Natamycin at a concentration of up to 1.25 ppm allows for an extended shelf life without compromising on quality up to 8 weeks at 2 - 4 ° C. The addition of Natamycin at a concentration of 10 ppm allows the suppression of yeast growth in concentrated orange juice at 10 ° C, and a concentration of 20 ppm allows the suppression of yeast growth at room temperature.

    APPLE JUICE: Natamycin at a concentration of 30 ppm is able to inhibit fermentation for 6 weeks without altering the flavor or texture of the juice.

    TOMATO JUICE : Natamycin at 70 ppm is effective in suppressing mold and yeast growth.


    The use of Natamycin for the processing of steamed bread, as well as vinegar, beer and wine used for dressing, can effectively suppress the formation of mold and the growth of yeast. The addition of Natamycin at a concentration of 5-10 ppm to acidophilic milk extends the shelf life to more than four weeks.

    Potential Benefits:

    • Extends shelf life by controlling spoilage due to yeast and mold.
    • Reduces product returns due to spoilage, protecting the manufacturer's reputation and saving significant costs.
    • Meets the requirements of consumers for natural products.
    • Does not affect the final taste of the product, unlike sorbates, which often impart a bitter taste.
    • It effectively kills yeast and mold, unlike sorbates, which only slow down their growth.

    Applications and dosage levels

    Usually applied at a dosage of 5-50 ppm. (5-50 grams per ton).

    The exact dosage level will depend on the nature of the food product, processing conditions, initial contamination and storage time required.

    Natamycin is used as an aqueous solution for dipping or spraying food

    • 50% Natamycin on sodium chloride is used in the meat-processing industry, in the production of sausages (for casings). Dosage: dissolve 25-50 g / 200 l of water at 40 ° C. The casing (such as "Fibrose", proteinaceous), soak for 7 minutes in the prepared solution. Consumption of 200 liters of solution / 6 tons of sausages.
    • 50% Natamycin on lactose is intended for use in dairy products: cheeses, yoghurts, natural milk. Dose: 1-15 g / t.
    • 50% Natamycin on dextrose is used for preserving beverages and fruits such as oranges, pears, apples, strawberries; as well as for fruit juices and green tea drinks. Dosage: for grape juice 10 g / t, for apple juice 30 g / t, for orange juice 1.25 ppm.

    Delivery of Natamycin with different carrier media is possible.




    Solid or

    semi-hard cheese

    Surface treatment

    Direct injection into emulsion

    Meat products: dry sausages

    Surface treatment

    Yogurt, milk, cream

    10 - 20 mg / kg

    Direct application to the mix

    Surface treatment

    Tomato paste / puree

    Direct application by mixing

    Fruit juice

    Direct deposit

    Direct application to stop fermentation

    Addition after bottling to prevent yeast and mold growth

    The ratio of Natamycin concentration and dosage:

    Storage: The minimum shelf life is 24 months. Store in a ventilated dry place with an air temperature not exceeding 18С and an air humidity not exceeding 70%. Protect from moisture.

    Packing: Natamycin is supplied in 500 g polyethylene bottles.

    The drug Nizin is included in the list of food additives approved for use in the food industry in the Russian Federation, approved on August 14, 1994 by the Deputy Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the RUSSIAN Federation A.A. Monisov (+ 01-19 / 42-11, code E 234) ...

    Basic antimicrobial properties of lowland.

    Lowland has an inhibitory effect on certain types and genera of gram-positive bacteria. In particular, nisin inhibits the development of such microorganisms: pneumococci, a group of streptococci, various species of Bacillus, Clostridium, Mycobacterum tuberculosis, Laktobacillus, Corynebakterium, not many species of Streptomyces, Micrococcus pyogenes. It does not affect true gram-negative bacteria and does not affect cells. mold fungi.

    Vegetative cells of some gram-positive bacteria are known to have variable sensitivity to nisin. These include Bacilli, Clostridia, Propionibakteria, Micrococci, Streptococci. Some types of bacteria have a pronounced sensitivity to low-lying. These include Laktobacilli, Streptococci, Micrococci. This also includes the spore-forming species Bacilli and Clostridia, which play a decisive role in determining the shelf life of cooked foods.

    The preservative properties of lowland

    Nisin can inhibit the overgrowth of all bacterial spores that cause spoilage in cooked foods. This is especially true for the most heat-resistant types of bacterial spores, which can cause spoilage of foods that have been cooked at high temperatures and subsequently stored in rooms with high temperatures. Bacterial spores exposed to heat are more sensitive to low-lying, so the effectiveness of the preservative is increased in combination with moderate heat pasteurization.

    The use of nisin in canning makes it possible to reduce the temperature and / or time of heat treatment, thereby preserving vitamins, biologically active substances and nutritional value of the product, namely, it reduces the loss of vitamin C by 30-35% and completely preserves beta-carotene. The stability of nisin in an acidic environment allows heat treatment of products without significant loss of preservative activity.

    Moreover, from the point of view of consumer qualities, the preservation of the natural appearance and taste of the product makes the use of nisin indispensable for canning.


    Nizin is effective: in cheese making; in canning (meat, fish, vegetables); in the production of butter, condensed and dry dairy products; transportation of milk and meat; introduction to casings of cheeses and sausages, in the production of drinks, in brewing and wine production.

    The use of nisin is effective in preserving the following products:

    * processed cheese and processed cheese products. Adding the drug in an amount of 100-250mg / kg increases the shelf life of the cheese up to 6 months;

    * milk, flavored milk drinks. Adding the drug in an amount of 50-150 mg / kg before pasteurization increases the shelf life at room temperature from 2 to 6 days;

    * condensed milk (no sugar). The addition of the preparation in the amount of 80-100 mg / kg of condensed milk completely prevents the growth of typical spore-forming bacteria and reduces the processing time by about 10 minutes;

    * when adding nisin to drinks, it is possible to suppress acids, heat-resistant bacteria (Bacillus, for example, acidic soils) growth and reproduction, to prevent rancidity of drinks, extend the shelf life. Currently, fruit juice drinks, drinks with aloe vera, milk drinks, health drinks (such as ginseng drinks, wolfberry chrysanthemum drink) and so on are used in the production of beverages.

    * canned peas, beans, potatoes. Nisin addition in the amount of 100-150 mg / kg

    increases the shelf life to at least two years in hot climates and allows for mild heat treatment, preserving the taste and integrity of the product;

    * Fish products.

    The addition of low-oil in the amount of 0.2 g / kg in the production of sturgeon caviar allows to shorten the duration of the pasteurization process by 2 times.

    The stage of introducing the preservative into the product is determined by the technology of its production. The time of application is considered optimal immediately after pasteurization or sterilization, when, as a result of heat treatment, the level of contamination by microorganisms decreases, and the addition of a preservative allows it to be preserved for a long time.


    Nisin retains its activity for 2 years when stored in a dry room, at temperatures from 4 ° C to 25 ° C, in conditions excluding direct rays.

    MINSK, 3 Mar - Sputnik. The Rosselkhoznadzor may impose a ban on the import of cheeses from two Belarusian dairy processing enterprises, the Izvestia newspaper reports, citing the ministry's press service.

    Earlier, the Rosselkhoznadzor introduced a regime of enhanced control over nine Belarusian enterprises of both meat and dairy products. In particular, dairy processing enterprises were accused of using an unspecified preservative natamycin in the production of cheeses. In some products where this preservative was declared, its concentration exceeded the permitted parameters.

    According to the press secretary of the Rosselkhoznadzor Yulia Melano, the Belarusian Oshmyany cheese-making plant OJSC (a branch of the Lida Milk-Canning Plant OJSC) and the cheese production branch of the Rogachev MKK OJSC are a step away from the ban on the import of products.

    “If violations are discovered at least once in the regime of enhanced control, we will raise the issue of banning supplies from these enterprises. Or ask the Belarusian side to impose self-restraint,” Melano said.

    What violations are we talking about?

    In February, the Rosselkhoznadzor took control over nine Belarusian enterprises. Of the "milkmen", four factories came under strict supervision:

    • Molodechno Dairy Plant, Volozhin Branch (undeclared preservative natamycin in cheese)
    • Lida Milk Factory (undeclared preservative natamycin in cheese, three cases)
    • Rogachev MKK, branch for the production of cheese (excess of the amount of preservative natamycin in cheese, three cases)
    • JSC "Babushkina Krynka" (excess of the amount of preservative natamycin in cheese).

    The Rosselkhoznadzor has previously made claims to Belarusian meat and milk, but Minsk always replied that it was about counterfeit products manufactured in the Russian Federation or in other countries and imported into Russia under the guise of Belarusian.

    Meanwhile, at the end of February, answering a question from the Russian media about the reasons for the introduction of strict supervision, the head of the Rosselkhoznadzor, Sergei Dankvert, emphasized that all identified pathogenic microorganisms and bacteria, as well as non-declared antibiotics and preservatives were found in Belarusian products, we are talking about counterfeit here does not go. Dankvert explained that the samples were taken from the products that were transported in trucks with Belarusian numbers, directly at the border, so the department did not doubt its origin.

    What is natamycin?

    Natamycin is a food preservative and is referred to as E235. Its beneficial properties, as well as harm, have been scientifically proven and substantiated as a result of a number of studies, experiments and laboratory experiments. For this reason, the food preservative E235 Natamycin (pimaricin) was assigned the status of a "dangerous" food additive (in large quantities) for human life and health. However, at present, the food preservative E235 Natamycin (pimaricin) continues to be used in the process of making food in the countries of the European Union, the USA, Japan, Canada, Asia, as well as in the Russian Federation and neighboring countries.

    Taking into account the possible negative consequences of the use of natamycin, physicians have established its maximum permissible content in food. It is believed that the body of an adult and a healthy person can safely transfer up to 0.3 mg / kg of body weight.

    Unlike many other food preservatives E235 Natamycin (pimaricin) has no toxic or carcinogenic effect. However, the biologically active substance natamycin or pimaricin, which is included in the chemical composition of the food preservative E235 Natamycin (pimaricin), has such powerful antibacterial properties that it destroys not only pathogens, but also beneficial bacteria and microorganisms.

    Most often, the food preservative E235 Natamycin (pimaricin) is used in the manufacture of meat products and semi-finished products, dairy products, as well as sweets and confectionery products.

    In the food industry, including in the production of cheeses, it is used in order to prevent mold from appearing on the surface of cheese due to improper storage conditions.

    Meanwhile, doctors note that natamycin is also an antibiotic. In their opinion, the unreasonable use of natamycin can provoke the emergence of resistance to this antibiotic in a person, and in the future, if a person develops a disease that requires treatment with antibacterial drugs, other, more "heavy" drugs will have to be selected.

    In nature, substances are quite often found - natural antibiotics; many of them are successfully used in the pharmaceutical, cosmetic and, of course, the food industry. One of the striking examples is the preservative natamycin, which is produced by the microorganisms Streptomyces natalensis. It is more accurate to call this substance an antimycotic, since natamycin is effective against mold and fungi, but does not have a depressing effect on bacteria. The index of the food additive in the international register is E235.

    Food Ingredients offers customers a wide range of food additives with preservative and antioxidant effects, including natamycin. Leading factories in Russia and abroad are engaged in the production of products, with which we cooperate on the principle of direct deliveries.

    The use of the preservative natamycin

    Due to its high inhibitory ability against all types of mold and yeast fungi that often attack food, E235 additive is used in various areas of the food industry:

    • For processing finished sausages, meat and fish products. The ingredient perfectly protects dry sausages from mold, and when used in the process of making ham products, sausages, etc. does not interfere with the natural maturation process.
    • To preserve freshness and extend the shelf life of fermented milk products. Whole loaves of cheese are immersed in a solution of natamycin, cheese slices are processed by spraying, the ingredient is directly added to sour cream, yoghurts and other products of a similar consistency.
    • To suppress the development of yeast and fungal microorganisms in beverages. The preservative natamycin is used in the production of fruit juices, including those with pulp, many types of wines (introduced at the filtration stage), canned fruit and vegetables, and semi-finished products.
    • For protection against spoilage of other food products. Natamycin is allowed to process confectionery; it is present in some seasonings, sauces, and instant dishes.

    During surface treatment, natamycin does not penetrate into the depth of the product, therefore, does not change the quality, taste and visual properties. The additive is harmless in the prescribed dosage, and is officially approved for use in Russia.

    Natamycin preservative - always on sale

    You can make an order for wholesale supplies of natamycin at any time in the Food Ingredients company. Contact our specialists in a convenient way for you (by phone, e-mail), and save money thanks to the lowest prices and the efficiency of order execution.