What food doesn't spoil on the road. What products to take on the road

20.09.2019 Fish dishes

When going on the road, no matter the trip will take several hours or a couple of days, it is important to think in advance about what you will have to eat. Of course, if you are driving, the roadside service can save you, but it may not be available everywhere either. And if you are traveling by train or bus, then on such a trip you should definitely stock up on food or a snack.

What should you take with you on the road? Here are some useful tips on what you can cook or take with you to make your trip as comfortable, safe and healthy as possible (that is, you are not interested in chips, snacks and other belly pleasures).

  • Food shouldn't take up much space. Of course, if you are driving, then you are your own boss and you can take containers or lunch boxes with your favorite food. But in other cases, it's just inconvenient. But disposable vacuum packaging with food cut into them is a great option.
  • Food shouldn't go bad quickly - avoid things that melt, spoil, and crumble quickly, such as dairy products, raw sausages, sandwiches with mayonnaise and various sauces.
  • No strong smells - this item concerns cheeses, sausages and other harsh-smelling food. Believe me, after a couple of hours on a bus or train, the smells of food will fill the air, so be careful when choosing products.

The rules are simple, but knowing them, you can make your life easier while traveling.

Now let's figure out what you can take and what to cook for the trip.

Good to know! If you go on a trip to another country, study what products can be brought into the country so that it does not happen so that a hard-core border guard will force you to throw out all the food.

What can you take with you on the road?

What does not require cooking, just go to the store:

1. Vegetables and fruits. What could be simpler - you don't need to cook, it is tasty and healthy. At this point, the main thing is to take those products that do not spoil.

From fruits: apples, pears, oranges, tangerines, bananas.

From vegetables: cucumbers, carrots, bell peppers, tomatoes (when buying, choose strong and small fruits to eat one at a time).

If the road is long and you take a couple of days with a margin, then it is better to take it entirely. Salads and sliced ​​fruits should be eaten immediately, they quickly lose their "marketable" appearance.

2. Raw smoked sausages, salami and hard cheeses - cutting in vacuum packages is now very convenient. If you plan to take a piece or a stick of sausage, it is better to wrap it in cloth or paper, even in hot weather the sausage will be well preserved.

3. Nuts, dried fruits or muesli in bars. A safe bet on travel of any length. For nuts, it is better to take the unsalted version.

4. Vegetable and fruit chips. These are sold in the store, in fact, they are "dehydrated" pieces of fruits and vegetables without any additives. Or you can just grab dried apples, an excellent travel treat.

5. Children's vegetable or fruit purees. Its assortment is now huge, mashed potatoes are well stored on the road.

6. Drinking yoghurts - quickly deteriorate, but as a variant of one of the first meals on the road, it is fine. The main thing is to eat / drink everything during the first 4-5 hours of the trip.

7. Instant porridge. They are suitable if you have access to boiling water during your trip.

8. Water is not food. Of course, but without it, the road is difficult. Preference should be given to plain water without gases and flavors.

You can find even more helpful tips in the video:

What to cook for the trip?

1. Eggs and meat. How without eggs and a piece of chicken, especially if the trip is expected to be long. Cook the eggs hard-boiled and wrap them in paper, so they last longer. From meat, it is better to give preference to chicken baked in the oven. It is more convenient to wrap a meat dish in foil, its surface reflects the sun's rays and preserves food for a longer period.

2. Frittata - an alternative to boiled eggs and fried chicken 🙂 But it is better not to store this dish for more than 24 hours.

Frittata on the road - a simple recipe with a photo

For 8 pieces you will need:

  • 6 eggs;
  • 100 ml sour cream;
  • grated cheese;
  • you can add salami, tomatoes, spinach, corn or green peas (all additives to your taste)
  • salt pepper

Set the oven to preheat to 180-200 degrees. Drive eggs into a large bowl, add sour cream and stir until smooth. Add the rest of the ingredients and stir. You can either bake it in a large baking dish for 30-40 minutes (then cut the frittata into pieces like a pie) or you can bake it in a muffin pan. In this case, pour 3/4 of the egg mass into each mold and bake in the oven for 20 minutes until tender.

3. Homemade oatmeal cookies - natural and tasty. with photos and step-by-step descriptions will help you get ready for the road without unnecessary problems.

4. Various sandwiches, and filled pita / tortillas. This is the most common meal option for any trip. Here your imagination can roam, any fillings: meat, herbs, cheese and various sauces. Whatever your heart desires, the main thing is not to forget the rules of food for the trip, described above. It is better to wrap sandwiches and pita bread in parchment paper.

5. Granola - sweet baked muesli. Allows you to quickly "recharge" on the road. You can buy these bars at the store, but you can also make your own.

For cooking you will need:

  • 1 glass of rolled oats;
  • 3 tbsp oat flour (you can make it yourself, grind oatmeal in a coffee grinder);
  • 1/4 tsp salt;
  • 1/4 tsp soda;
  • 1/2 tsp vanillin;
  • 2 tbsp coconut or sunflower oil;
  • 3 tbsp liquid honey
  • 1 cup of your favorite nuts (peanuts, unsalted unroasted almonds, cashews, etc.)
  • Nuts need to be cut to a size convenient for you. In a separate bowl, combine the nuts, rolled oats, oatmeal, salt, baking soda and vanillin.

Melt honey in a small saucepan, add butter. Everything is done over low heat. Pour the walnut-oat mixture with this mass and mix well.

Spread parchment paper on a baking sheet and put the oatmeal mixture on it, smooth to form an even flat layer.

Put in the oven, preheated to 180 degrees, bake for about 20 minutes. Allow to cool, after which you can cut into small pieces.

You can store granola in a regular container or paper bag.

As you can see, the range of food and products that you can take with you on the road is wide and you definitely won't have to go hungry.

P.S. What do you take with you on the road / train / trip? Share your tips and recipes in the comments to the article

Girls, what time of day do you do this (and how many times a day?). In the first half of the day, you want to sleep wildly after a sleepless night - if Lyalya is asleep, there is a great desire to fall over too and not to drag anywhere with the stroller. In the afternoon, after lunch, somehow, too, has not yet worked out very well. And in the evening, when my husband comes home from work, it’s not very pleasant - half-naked young people with beer - the main one walking around the area))). It's not fatal, of course, but personally I'm not very pleased;))))). From the second not ...


sausages "pivchiki" in vacuum packaging - such as meat, bread, cucumbers, cheese melted in foil

When we go, I make zvertony out of lavash. convenient, satisfying and tasty. most often I do some kind of thread with a bull, for example, with tuna + an egg, herbs, a little mayonnaise. can be made with finely chopped boiled chicken breast and cucumber.
I also make sandwiches with meat, cheese, lettuce, tomato / cucumber. I do all this in portions, wrap it with foil or bags, take it out and eat it. I definitely buy fruits, liquid yoghurts. on the way, when we stop at gas stations, we take freshly brewed coffee in glasses with us in the car and chocolate. still, of course, a lot of water, juice.

08/02/2010 13:36:45, zirkachka

People, share the experience of traveling with your child in a car for long distances. in August 3 years will be. It is the organization of this whole business that interests me. What to take from food on the road, how to sleep on the road. We’ll stay at a motel for the night, but I don’t know how to go with it during the day. We will go to the Abru-Dyurso area in August. There is no going back, but I am starting to tremble. Share your experience, tips, please. Tell me that there is nothing wrong .... Or vice versa?


If a child, in principle, loves to drive a car, then the EU, but it's okay !!! Last year we drove near Tuapse - 1000 km a day, two stops. My daughter was 2.7. I slept in the back seat without any problems - I put on a cotton diaper so that I would not sweat. Is there a condenser in the car? Do not turn it on strongly, so that there is no sharp difference with the street. I sat on the pot in a small way right in the car, then I closed it with a lid and put it under the seat. There must be wet wipes and a garbage bag in the car. In the trunk there is a five-liter water bottle to wash your hands / butt. The baby needs to take a bunch of small toys and give out one at a time. Our daughter happily fiddled with the dishes: she fed all the lyali bears, then put them to bed, then showed them something in the window. From food - a lot of water, juice, fruit. Biscuit buns in the machine are discouraged due to the crumbs. At the stops, they not only ate, but also RUN and played with the ball. Be sure to stop at some clearing. In the cabin I kept 2-3 sets of cotton T-shirts / panties, because it was hot and the daughter was sweating.
Good luck on your way!

We went to both 3 and 2 years old sons. We really liked it, we didn’t stay anywhere for the night, we drove the car with my husband in turns, I liked the ride even more at night - there were not many trucks, it was not hot. At the age of 2, they took him Semper's cans, bagels, cookies, fruits, yogurt (we put perishable food in a bag - like a refrigerator), for breakfast I took Max's porridge in a jar. But it is better to buy a boiler or a car kettle, and make this porridge right in the car. Themselves ate in a cafe - barbecue, potatoes, vegetable salads. Max rode in his chair, strapped in, stopped at a pis-stop and mostly didn’t make long stops to eat. So go and don't be afraid of anything! If you have any questions, you can write to the mail.

What to eat while driving ?. Blog of the user kotashka on 7ya.ru

Even though I don't spend whole days in the car, I found these tips very useful. I have a cooler bag, and there is always water in the car. I think these tips will be useful to someone. Most of us have long been behind the wheel, sometimes we have to spend several hours a day in the driver's seat, and in the evening we already feel a strong stomach, headache, irritation, and after a while stomach problems and constipation begin. We rarely think about what it is ...

I wrote here to my friend a list of what to take with me on the road (they travel for 2500 km by car to have a rest). I decided to keep it here, maybe it will be useful to someone. Long road by car 1. First aid kit is quite detailed, think for yourself. Automotive is not necessarily enough antihistamine from temperature diarrhea poisoning. and the car also has a detailed first aid kit, it is better to buy a fresh one. God protects those who are careful ------ but why do we need from allergies? because you have no idea what will come in handy on the road. bite in the ass ...

Before a long journey, the question arises "what to take with you from food?" To avoid discomfort and unforeseen situations, you should think about this in advance, and having decided to write a list so as not to forget anything.

Travel food if traveling by train

On a long journey by train, car and bus, you need to take fresh products that are not perishable, you need to be especially careful not only in summer. Indeed, in winter it is often hotter on the train than in summer.

Store all items separately and pack well.

List of such products:

  • Smoked sausage;
  • Vegetables;
  • Bread;
  • Boiled eggs;
  • Biscuits;
  • Fruits;
  • Vacuum packed food.
  • Salt, sugar.

(do not consider "liquid dishes": soups, stews, mashed potatoes).

You can take bread with you (having cut it in advance, it is inconvenient to do this on the train and your neighbors are unlikely to like crumbs everywhere), smoked sausage - a favorite product of most travels (also pre-prepared for use) or ham in a vacuum, potatoes (baked in a peel - it does not deteriorate for a long time).

Potato recipe:

Thoroughly wash the potatoes (medium size), cut into 4 longitudinal parts, why put on a baking sheet (after laying the baking paper), salt and sprinkle with Provencal herbs (or other spices of your choice), add a tablespoon of sunflower oil. Then mix everything well and put in the oven.

In summer, everything disposes to give preference to vegetables and fruits and it is better to wash and dry them in advance, and put them in separate bags.

Do not take with you on a train trip:

  • Sweet soda water;
  • Juices;
  • Bananas;
  • Cheese (even if it does not deteriorate, it will become soft and unpleasant in taste);

Why not take sweet water? She does not quench her thirst, and the opportunity to get to the restroom is not always there. You can't go wrong with plain water and tea.

Do not take salads and dishes dressed with mayonnaise, this is a perishable product.

What food to take on the road by car

On the one hand, it may seem that it is more comfortable to eat in the car, there are no prying eyes, neighbors who sometimes embarrass you, but on the other hand, there is no place for eating in the car.

It is more convenient and safer to travel by car with a thermal bag (or travel refrigerator) - it maintains the temperature of the food, but does not cool it down. In summer, it is possible to cool the water in advance and it will remain cool in the travel refrigerator.

Take with you on your trip by car:

  • Flour, including sausages in dough (find the recipe below);
  • Fruit (pre-washed);
  • Potato;
  • Cereals;
  • Smoked sausages;
  • Sliced ​​bread;
  • Water;
  • Tea and coffee in a thermo mug;
  • It is also possible to grab the soup in a thermos;
  • Vegetables.

Sausage dough recipe

There is an extremely simple and quick recipe for this delicacy, which will appeal to even those who are not friendly with cooking. They are perfect for travel in summer and winter - in any season, and for two-day trips.

Buy ready-made dough - yeast puff pastry (it is in the form of square plates) and sausages.

Such dough, as a rule, is frozen, you need to leave it for 15 minutes, then roll it out with a rolling pin (layer height 0.5-1 cm) and cut into rectangles. Then just wrap a sausage in it, put it on a baking sheet and grease with yolk.

Place in the oven for 15 to 20 minutes.

Such sausages in the dough remain tasty even when cold.

Before the trip, be sure to cool the product, wrap it in foil and can be folded into a thermo bag.

It is better to wash vegetables and fruits before traveling (chop if necessary).

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Taking food on a bus trip

What food is not suitable for long distance bus travel? You should not take fatty food, buns on the road (they crumble a lot - this is inconvenient and do not forget about the presence of neighbors who will also not be happy with excess garbage). Do not take salty, spicy and sweet foods, such foods make you thirsty, and on a bus trip they are unnecessary inconveniences.

Take with you on your bus trip:

  • Fresh vegetables, pre-cut;
  • Bread;
  • Not a sweet cookie;
  • Fruits;
  • Water.

In the summer, you can make a fresh vegetable salad by putting it in a disposable container, it will not spoil and will satisfy your hunger.

What food to prepare for the trip for the child?

If you are traveling by train

The question of what to take with you from food becomes more serious if children are traveling with you. In this case, it is worthwhile to think over the diet more carefully.

In no case do not take on the road for a child:

  • Porridge with milk - if this dish is fundamentally important, take instant porridge. Better than poisoning;
  • Cottage cheese;
  • Boiled meat.

What to take?

  • Boiled or baked potatoes (not mashed)
  • Vegetables;
  • Dried fruits;
  • Apples;
  • Biscuits;
  • Water;
  • Juice (better store-bought - it is stored longer).

If your child loves meat and cannot live without it, prepare 1-2 grilled patties, for example, so that he can eat it in one (next) meal.

If you are driving

What about food if children are traveling with you?

If you have a "travel refrigerator" at your disposal, you can take the child's usual diet; on the way, you can always stop by a roadside cafe and ask to warm up the food in the microwave.

Do not forget! Chill or freeze all food before traveling to prevent spoilage.

Traveling by car is easier than traveling by train when it comes to shopping. There are many shops and gas stations along the road. But carefully monitor the shelf life of the goods.

Proper nutrition on a long journey

For those who monitor their figure and health, it is important to adhere to a specific menu.

An important question arises - what to prepare for the journey:

Salad recipe

It is very simple, and you need to try to spoil it on the way.

Tear lettuce leaves (amount per eye, but do not regret) tear your hands into a container, chop a lot of greens (whatever you like), then cut the cucumber into quarters and radishes. Sprinkle everything with sesame seeds and season with a teaspoon of olive oil. Salad ready!

Chop a fresh cucumber separately, it can be eaten with chicken for dinner.

Possible breakfast option: a slice of whole grain bread with fresh vegetables or cheese.

It is important to store all products separately.

Food that should not be taken on the road in any case

What food is contraindicated on the road? Everything is obvious:

  • Forget everything related to fish at home, because even if the temperature standards are observed, the "life" of this product is not long;
  • Milk (and it is better to protect yourself from fermented milk products) - the reason is the same, not a long shelf life and the consequences of poisoning with milk or cottage cheese are severe.
  • Hamburgers, cheeseburgers, French fries and other similar dishes are very fatty and hard to digest, which definitely causes discomfort.
  • Snacks and instant noodles. Regular nuts don't count.

What medicines to take with you on a trip

There is always the possibility that the digestive system will fail at the most inopportune moment, even if you only ate fresh food.

In such a case, it is worth putting "saving means" in your bag, such as:

  • And activated charcoal (beloved and reliable by all);
  • Smecta;
  • Polysorb;
  • Enterofuril (with frequent stools);
  • Loperamide (for loose stools);
  • Rehydron (with dehydration);
  • No-shpa;
  • Mezim.

In the summer, be sure to take alcohol wipes on a long journey, they will come in handy on a trip by train, car and bus.

Undoubtedly, eating on the road is a kind of stress, but it is possible to make this process safer and more comfortable. Approach the preparation of your diet for the road with special trepidation and adherence to all the rules, then, most likely, the journey will go smoothly. The products should be fresh and it is better not to take semi-finished products with you, but to cook everything yourself. And in case of an emergency, do not forget to take medicines with you on a long journey.

Happy road!

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The popularity of bus transportation has been steadily growing in recent years.
Bus routes compete with rail transport on intercity and international routes.

For example, a bus tour is very popular among those wishing to see Europe. With it, you have the opportunity to visit several countries in a limited period of time and at an affordable price.

A traveler can spend more than one day on the road. Although there are stops on any route, most of the journey is on the move.

When going on a trip, it is very important to take with you items and gadgets that can brighten up your travel leisure.

Another important question is what to take with you on a trip from food to the bus.

It is assumed that hot full-fledged food is accepted by bus tourists during stops. The purpose of the food taken with you is to satisfy the feeling of hunger between stops or simply organize a snack for pleasure.

  1. Products should not be perishable. All products taken with you must be transported in the cabin. The temperature regime does not allow having products that are demanding on storage conditions.
  2. The food taken should not give off a strong odor. The bus is a public transport, each passenger has the right to certain comfort. Acrid odors not only cause discomfort among others, but can also cause suffocation for allergy sufferers.
  3. It is worth choosing products that leave as little waste (crumbs, cleaning) as possible.

The number of products taken on the bus

How much to take this or that product, each person determines independently, based on their appetite.

General rule: Take into account the time for which the bus trip is planned.
If you have to spend the day on the road, then the amount of food will be more than during the night flight.

What's on the road?

1. Nuts. Any pre-peeled nuts or pumpkin seeds are suitable for the road.
2. Dried fruits. Choose options that do not cause excess gas in the intestines. Raisins or dates are good. You should be more careful with dried apricots and prunes.
3. Galette cookies. Unsweetened and slightly crumbly biscuits are ideal travel options.
4. Processed cheese is a great addition to cookies.
5. Fruit or cereal bars.
6. Pre-sliced ​​bread. Can be used for making sandwiches.
7. Sausage - This product is controversial due to its characteristic odor. But if a sandwich without sausage is unacceptable for you, then you should take dry, uncooked smoked varieties with you.

8. Fruits and vegetables. These healthy products need to be washed first. It is not known whether such an opportunity will be on the bus. Suitable option: citrus fruits, apples, bananas.

By the way, it is better to choose apples with green peel, they are less capable of causing gas formation in the intestines.

Of the vegetables, you should give preference to cucumbers and carrots. In addition to saturating the body, they are a source of water.

About liquid

It is difficult to overestimate the benefits of water for the human body.
Going on a bus trip, you should bring some plain water with you.
Juices, sugary carbonated drinks will certainly quench your thirst at the moment you drink them. However, after a while, the thirst will feel even stronger.

An additional disadvantage of carbonated drinks is the ability to cause stomach discomfort.

About hot drinks

It is not safe to drink hot drinks while the bus is in motion.
Wait until it stops or use special glasses to prevent spills.

Before the trip, it is necessary to clarify whether the bus is equipped with water heating equipment. This is usually the case on international routes.

If the bus has water for boiling and heating devices, then the tourist will have to grab tea leaves, coffee, sugar and a glass.

Otherwise, you can take with you a thermos with hot water or ready-made tea.

Special attention

If a person with health problems or a passenger with a small child is going on a bus tour, then to the main products it is necessary to add baby food, suitable for road conditions, or special food.

HURRAH! Summer is just around the corner - it's time to get ready for the road! Warm beaches, new cities, forests, lakes, mountains and rivers await us. All winter we carefully and lovingly made plans for the summer, very soon we will begin to implement them!

To make the trip as comfortable and easy as possible, when getting ready for the journey, think over everything to the smallest detail. Make a list of things - clothes, shoes, medicine. And if you have a long train ride, be sure to decide in advance what kind of food you will take with you on the road.

Let's go!

General principles

Add to this the traditional feminine fears of "husband and child go hungry," and you have a complete mess. Nevertheless, it is better to travel light, and the extra food in this case is equal to the extra pounds in the literal and not figurative sense.

Therefore, the first rule is this - it is better to take less than more. As a last resort, food can always be bought on the train or at bus stops. You will not stay hungry, and you will not have to carry extra bags.

So, let's first define the general principles, and then make a specific list of products.

What food do we take on the road?

- which can be stored for a long time without a refrigerator;
- does not melt in the sun;
- does not get dirty, does not crumble;
- not heavy in weight;
- does not have a pungent smell;
- does not leave a lot of cleanings and other debris;
- easy to prepare (ideally, does not require additional preparation);
- does not require cutting.

Grocery list:

  • Instant porridge. It is better to take the one that is already sold in disposable glasses. In this case, you don't even have to wash the cup.
  • Processed cheese. In triangles or individually wrapped plates. Ordinary cheese in the heat rather quickly loses, if not its taste, then its appearance.
  • Pate in small portions tin cans... Opened it, ate it, threw it away. Almost like “I came, I saw, I won”!
  • Cucumbers, peeled carrot slices(we do not recommend taking tomatoes and other juicy vegetables - tomato juice looks very impressive in a glass and much less appetizing on clothes).
  • It is better not to take fruit at all - they are heavy, but you will have to carry it on yourself. Instead, you can take a few sachets of baby fruit puree.
  • Muffins or muffins, pies with jam and other sweet filling.
  • Sliced ​​bread or small buns, thin pita bread... (To be lazy - so in full! We won't even cut bread on the way).
  • Instant noodles and mashed potatoes(also in glasses, not bags). It may not be the healthiest food in the world, but you can afford it 1-2 times a year.
  • You should not take potatoes in uniforms and boiled eggs on the road - your hands will inevitably get dirty, and a potential source of garbage will appear - cleaning. In addition, the smell of boiled eggs is quite specific.
  • We also do not recommend chocolate - it can melt in the heat. If without chocolate and the road is not a joy, take one that (as they say in a memorized advertisement) melts in your mouth, not in your hands.
  • For snacks you can take nuts and dried fruits, marshmallows, marshmallow... Don't take cookies and crackers. No matter how you try to eat it neatly, crumbs are inevitable.
  • Yoghurts. When buying, carefully study the storage conditions - we need those that are stored at temperatures up to +25 degrees.
  • Still water(soda fizzles out quickly) or juice in plastic bottles with screw caps.
  • Jam in small portions.
  • Favorite tea bags, sugar in portions, instant coffee.
  • And also be sure to take with you on the train disposable dishes, wet and regular wipes, paper towels, bags.

Sample menu

Travel time is two nights and a day.

At home, have a hearty dinner before the trip, and on the train before bedtime, have a tasty snack. For this first dinner, you can take almost any food - it will not have time to deteriorate.

Tea / juice
Muffins, muffins, pies

Tea coffee
Instant porridge
Cream cheese sandwiches with jam


Nuts, marshmallow, marshmallow, fruit puree

Paste sandwiches with melted cheese
Cucumbers and carrot slices
Muffins, muffins, pies


Nuts, candy, marshmallows, fruit puree.
And buy ice cream during your stop - you should not deny yourself small pleasures.

Soup, noodles, instant puree
or instant porridge
pâté sandwiches with melted cheese

We eat up all that is left. :-)

What to do on the train

With bread sorted out, let's think about the spectacles.

What to do on the train all day long?

Board games

How long have you played in the "throw-in fool"? And what about chess? It's time to dust them off. In addition, now on sale you can find a huge number of interesting board games, many of which are quite compact.


Books and audiobooks, music, movies, games - almost any modern gadget offers a lot of possibilities for entertainment.


Take a small notebook and pen with you and start writing travel notes on the train. Describe your thoughts, plans, dreams, and memories. Write a short essay on "What do I know about the place I'm going to?" or "10 joys that await me." A train journey is a 24-hour respite. It's time to listen to your thoughts and write down some of them. If you can draw, try creating a comic strip based on your travels.

Games with children

"To the cities"

Improve the well-known city game. To do this, name words from a specific narrow category. For example, remember the names of cartoons, the names of the heroes of fairy tales, etc.


The host makes a guess of a famous character, and the players must guess his name by asking leading questions. The presenter can only answer "yes" or "no". After you go through several rounds of the game and everyone is already a little bored, guess the person who is currently playing. Let him try to guess himself!

Counting crows

Better, of course, not a crow, but a cow. Or horses. Or at home. Depending on what you are passing by at the moment.


And the last tip :-)
Remember to warm up. Especially if you are traveling with children. Get off at all stations where possible. Move slightly away from smokers and do a couple of squats, bends, kicks. Running, of course, is not worth it. But jumping on the spot is a must!

Enjoy your trip!

P.S. Let's share our secrets of successful travel. What is your favorite food on the road? How are you having fun? Where are you going?