Iris tiled candy. Iris sweets

There is a huge selection of sweets in stores now, but many are nostalgic for the sweets that were sold in Soviet times. And the impressive list of E-supplements is alarming, so some mothers try to make sweets at home in order to pamper babies with healthy sweets, and not with the products of chemical laboratories. The favorite dessert of the Soviet era - toffee sweets - acquired a different taste, and sometimes you really want to treat children to real toffee according to the classic recipe. In fact, cooking toffee is not as difficult as it seems, and even those with a sweet tooth will appreciate the results of your culinary experiments with pleasure. So, let's try to make homemade toffee sweets according to different recipes - it's so delicious!
The subtleties of making candies butterscotch

All recipes for cooking toffee are reduced to one thing - milk, cream or sour cream are boiled with sugar, and then mixed with butter and vanilla. Sometimes butter is added to milk before cooking, sometimes after - depending on the recipe. Next, the mass is laid out in a mold, cooled and effectively cut. In general, toffee is a milk fudge that, depending on the amount of ingredients, cooking time and temperature, takes on a different texture and taste.

Iris can be soft, stringy, hard or semi-hard. Sometimes flour, chopped nuts and sesame seeds are added to it to make the mass thicker. Chocolate and vanilla sweets, glazed or fruit toffee, sweets with caramel filling are very tasty. For a change, you can flavor this dessert with any spices and additives.

In the process of preparing milk fudge, you need to constantly stir the mass, otherwise it will stick to the walls of the dishes and burn. For this reason, it should be cooked on a minimum heat, and the readiness to be checked by dropping the mass into a glass of cold water. If the drop has turned into a ball, the toffee is ready. It is better to pour the mass onto a glass, metal or ceramic surface, since it hardly lags behind wood.

The easiest toffee recipe at home

Homemade toffee, sweet, soft, with a pleasant creamy taste, are not inferior to store-bought sweets.

To prepare them, you need only three products - sour cream, sugar and vegetable oil. We mix in a saucepan 20 tbsp. l. granulated sugar, 10 tbsp. l. sour cream of 20% fat and 5 drops of vegetable oil. We heat the mass over medium heat, stirring constantly, until it acquires the color of boiled condensed milk. Grease a baking sheet, silicone mold or cutting board with butter, pour out the liquid toffee, let the cake harden slightly and cut out small candies with molds. The taste of the resulting toffee resembles the candies that were sold in the USSR. Try it - you'll love it!
Homemade toffee "Kis-kis": simple, tasty, beautiful

It turns out that you can make very tasty, viscous and delicate candies with your own hands, and it will turn out no worse than in a store. In a saucepan with a thick bottom, mix 200 g of sugar, 2 tbsp. l. honey, 30 g butter, a pinch of vanillin and pour all 200 ml of baked milk. Cook over low heat, stirring constantly, for half an hour, until the toffee turns light brown like caramel. Lubricate the ice cube trays with odorless vegetable oil, put the candy mass in them and put them in the freezer for 30 minutes. Butterscotch "Kis-kis" looks very impressive and beautiful, they can be served on a table for tea drinking, sticking skewers or toothpicks into the candies.

Creamy toffee: a delicate gourmet dessert

Butter toffee sweets are made at home not only from cream, but also from milk to reduce the calorie content of the finished dish. But the creamy toffee is, of course, tastier.

To make sweets, dissolve 500 g of sugar in 250 ml of cream or milk and put a saucepan over medium heat. As usual, the mass will have to be stirred during the cooking process, and soon it will begin to thicken and darken. As soon as the milk caramel turns the color of coffee with milk, it can be considered ready. Remove the iris from the heat, rub with 100 g of butter and flavor with a few drops of vanilla extract. We spread the iris on an oiled surface, level it and let it harden, then cut it beautifully and serve it to the table.
Iris from condensed milk: tenderness and sweetness

These delicate sweets melt in your mouth and leave no choice for those with a sweet tooth - you want to eat them endlessly!

Melt 100 g of butter over low heat, then saute 40 g of wheat flour in it until beige. Pour 300 g of condensed milk into the pan and cook, stirring occasionally, for 10 minutes. Next, add 200 ml of warm milk to the pan, mix thoroughly and cook until the mass thickens and turns golden. We spread the fondant on a flat surface, let it cool and cut out beautiful candies with molds. You can simply cut the layer with a knife or break it with your hands.
English toffee for tea

It turns out that the British also love iris, only they cook it in their own way. How to make English style toffee candy? To do this, we need butter, sugar, corn syrup, and almonds. Corn syrup is sold at specialty stores for pastry chefs. It is added to baked goods so that it does not stale, and fondant is prepared with it so that it does not become sugared.

We mix 250 g of sugar with 1 tsp. corn syrup, 230 g butter and salt on the tip of a knife. Cook for 5 minutes over low heat, add 90 g of ground roasted almonds and continue to keep the mass on the fire until it boils down and turns light brown. Pour the fondant into an oiled mold, let it set and cut into pieces. The British serve this dessert with the traditional "five-o-clock" along with biscuits and jam.
Chocolate toffee

This original dessert will appeal to all chocolate lovers - with morning coffee, it cheers up and makes life sweeter.

Melt 125 g of dark chocolate in a water bath, separately mix 150 g of cream of 35% fat, 3 tbsp. l. honey, 1 tbsp. l. sugar and add chocolate to the mass. Cook the toffee over very low heat, stirring continuously, for about 12 minutes. Pour the fondant onto baking paper, let it cool, put it in the refrigerator, and then break it into pieces. Chilled sweets are easily separated from the paper, they are soft, stringy and tender in consistency. By the way, you can use a box of ordinary chocolates with grooves as toffee molds.
Lemon toffee: culinary creativity

This unusual dessert will appeal even to those who do not like citrus fruits. The fact is that in such toffee there is absolutely no sourness, but there is a scent of fresh lemon. These sweets can be called dietary due to the lack of dairy products and oil, so for those who are on a diet, they can be a real salvation.

Dissolve 400 g of sugar in 120 ml of water and bring the water to a boil, not forgetting to stir so that the syrup does not burn. Dilute 100 g of gelatin separately in water in accordance with the instructions on the package. When the gelatin dissolves, mix it with the sugar syrup and cook for 10 minutes. Add 2 tbsp. l. lemon juice. Pour the syrup into a mold; when it hardens, carefully cut it into squares and taste. Of course, these gummies are not classic toffee gummies, but they are delicious and savory.

Enjoy your tea!

There is a huge selection of sweets in stores now, but many are nostalgic for the sweets that were sold in Soviet times. And the impressive list of E-supplements is alarming, so some mothers try to make sweets at home in order to pamper babies with healthy sweets, and not with the products of chemical laboratories. The favorite dessert of the Soviet era - toffee sweets - acquired a different taste, and sometimes you really want to treat children to real toffee according to the classic recipe. In fact, cooking toffee is not as difficult as it seems, and even those with a sweet tooth will appreciate the results of your culinary experiments with pleasure. So, let's try to make homemade toffee sweets according to different recipes - it's so delicious!

The subtleties of making candies butterscotch

Now you know how to make toffee candies - as you can see, it's not difficult at all. When the classic toffee becomes boring, you can come up with your own chocolates. Try adding fried seeds and nuts to toffee, dried apricots and prunes, poppy seeds, coconut, or sweet spices like cinnamon, cardamom, and nutmeg. Butterscotch can be made into a healthy treat by cooking it with honey or cane sugar and a minimum of oil. If you come up with your own recipe for this dessert - send it to the Eat at Home! Let our life be even tastier! Such a dessert will come in handy for any, even a festive tea party. And with the branded tea, such a holiday will be even more remembered by your guests. Leaf tea has a delicate excellent taste and fresh aroma, it gives strength and gives you a great mood! Teas do not contain artificial flavors or additives. Enjoy your tea!

Good day, dear readers of the culinary blog! Today I want to please the sweet tooth with a new dessert and tell you a very interesting recipe for toffee at home with milk.

A great addition to tea is sweets, which can replace sugar, and are useful in small quantities. Making them at home is not only cheaper, but also safer because you use quality ingredients.


1. Baked cow's milk - 200 ml.

2. Granulated sugar - 200 gr.

3. Vanilla sugar - 1 pack

4. Honey - 2 tbsp. spoons

5. Butter - 30 gr.

How to cook:

1. Butterscotch is cooked in milk, so I pour it into a thick-walled saucepan or stewpan.

2. I add regular and vanilla sugar to it,

3. I also add honey. I have natural milk and honey, rustic, without preservatives and unnecessary impurities. With them, sweets will turn out to be richer, creamier and tastier.

Now there are shops offering products from local farmers and it is not difficult to buy high-quality, real ingredients, although it is somewhat more expensive. Where do you prefer to buy products?

4. I mix everything thoroughly and melt. Next, I boil the mixture over medium heat for 30 minutes. After this time, a viscous liquid of caramel, beautiful color is obtained.

5. I use a silicone ice mold to make the candy. It is easy to remove ready-made toffee and is heat resistant. If you have a plastic mold, it is better to grease it with a small amount of refined sunflower oil. I pour the caramel into a mold using a tablespoon.

6. Then I let the liquid cool down and put the mold in the freezer for 30 minutes. The result is delicious milk toffee, they have a soft texture and a pleasant creamy taste. They can be served with guests for tea or always on the table. Enjoy your meal!

Now you know how to make regular homemade candy. The same recipe can be made. To do this, add cocoa powder or regular dark chocolate to the mixture. The end result is an excellent result with a rich, rich chocolate flavor.

Such sweets received the name "toffee" at the beginning of the 20th century, thanks to the French pastry chef working in St. Petersburg Mornas. He drew attention to the similarity of the shape of the candies with the petals of the flower of the same name.

- There are several types of toffee, which differ in consistency: semi-solid, viscous, soft, replicated, cast semi-solid.

- In America, sweets with the addition of sea salt are popular, which emphasizes the caramel taste.
- In many countries, chocolate and vanilla toffee is called fudge.

- The famous "Korovka" is made on the basis of milk toffee and comes from Poland.

If you liked the recipe, subscribe to the news and share the results in the comments below the article.

See new ways of cooking and please yourself and your loved ones with "goodies". always tastier than a store or restaurant, as it is prepared with soul and care. See you!

Taffy-like sweets have been known in France as taffy since the 15th century. But when in 1902 the French confectioner Josue de Mornas tried their recipe in St. Petersburg, he decided that he had to come up with a different name for these sweets - one that the Russians would definitely remember. And not only will it be remembered, but will be associated with something especially gentle. It was then that the French pastry chef thought that this delicacy reminds him of delicate flowers -. This is how the name of the sweets appeared, which I will talk about today.

How is toffee made?

A mixture of molasses, vegetable and butter, sugar and condensed milk - that's what toffee is! All components are combined, then slowly heated and boiled. The resulting mass is cooled, it becomes viscous and thick. And after that, using a special machine, long bundles are made from the iris mass, which are cut into pieces and wrapped in packaging.

What is iris?

According to the manufacturing method, iris is divided into cast and replicated... If you don't like it when candy sticks to your teeth, and instead prefer toffee, which crumble and melt in your mouth, choose a replicated toffee. In the process of its manufacture, the viscous mass is mixed with crumbs of ready-made toffee. This is how a semi-solid consistency is achieved.

By the way, oh consistency... Iris happens:

  • soft;
  • stringy;
  • semi-solid.

For example, "Golden Key" is a cast semi-solid iris, and "Kis-kis" is viscous.

Foreign relatives of iris

On the packaging of many sweets, you might have noticed the words "Toffee" or "Fudge"... In fact, these are also toffee, but they taste a little different from their counterparts with Soviet history.

In English-speaking countries, there are:

  • toffee ( toffee) - iris without milk added;
  • fudge ( fudge) - toffee with milk.

By the way, fruit-based fudge with the addition of nuts in the countries of the former USSR is often called sorbet.

Now, after you have learned so many useful facts about iris, it will be much easier for you to choose the type that you like the most on the store shelves. Enjoy your meal!

Step 1: preparing the ingredients.

About in 20 - 30 minutes before cooking, put butter on the kitchen table, remove the packaging from it and cut it into layers or cubes up to 2 centimeters thick. We transfer the sour cream (cream) to a small saucepan and put on the kitchen table the rest of the products that will be needed to make the sweets.

Step 2: prepare candy.

When the oil has softened, you can start cooking the toffee. We take a small non-stick saucepan or an aluminum cauldron. We put the right amount of sugar and honey in it.
Stir them thoroughly with a wooden kitchen spatula until smooth, put on medium heat and allow to boil.

After boiling, reduce the temperature of the fire to a level between the smallest and medium. Cook the resulting mixture, stirring intensively, for 10 minutesuntil it acquires a thick amber color. During this time, the sugar grains will completely dissolve, and a pleasant honey aroma will spread through the kitchen.

After 10 minutes we begin to add pieces of butter to the cauldron, mixing it with the honey-sugar mixture with a spatula. At the same time, we heat sour cream (cream) on a neighboring burner, this product should be hot, if you add it cold, the boiling candy mixture will start splashing, which is fraught with a burn!

As soon as the sour cream (cream) heats up to the desired temperature, pour it into the cauldron with still liquid candy mass and continue to cook for 15 - 20 minuteswhile stirring.

We check the viscosity of the toffee mixture in the usual way, with the help of a tablespoon we drop a few drops onto a plate, let them cool down, after that we try and decide whether the consistency of the finished candies suits. If so, remove the cauldron from the stove and slightly cool its contents.

Step 3: we bring the dish to full readiness.

In the meantime, we choose the dishes in which we will form the sweets, in my case this is a regular rectangular baking dish. We cover it with plastic cling film and lubricate it with a thin layer of refined vegetable oil.
After the candy mixture has cooled down a little, pour it into the prepared form, level it with a metal kitchen spatula and leave it at room temperature until it is completely cooled.

After some time, we divide the plastic, uncured iris into portions, drawing them with a knife in the form of triangles, squares, rectangles or cubes.

We wrap each soft candy in parchment paper or foil and put them in the refrigerator on 1 - 1.5 hours until completely solidified.

Step 4: serve toffee at home.

Toffee is served chilled at home. They are laid out in dessert vases and served with other equally appetizing sweets. Such homemade sweets are much healthier and tastier than store sweets, they can be taken on a long trip, on a picnic, for a walk, or given to children to school. Enjoy!
Enjoy your meal!

Instead of plastic cling film, you can use parchment or baking paper, but before that it should be soaked in butter or vegetable oil;

If desired, during cooking, vanilla sugar and cinnamon can be added to the toffee mixture, and chopped nuts and dried fruits can be added to the finished cooling mixture;

To form butterscotch, you can use any molds, for example, for ice or candy boxes;

Very often, instead of sugar, powdered sugar is used, for the above mass of products - 250 grams.